What do you call a toy terrier? Options for interesting nicknames for girls and boys of the breed

Toy terriers are one of the smallest representatives of the canine world. These tiny cute creatures, affectionate and cheerful, are able to sensitively capture the mood of their owners. They are affectionate and know how to be truly devoted to their owners, becoming their best friends. You want to give such a baby the sweetest, most affectionate and at the same time beautiful name. In our list you will find hundreds of options for names for these “toy dogs” and you will be able to choose the one that is ideal for your unique pet.

Full of amazement Kyle

Top 100 most beautiful and sonorous nicknames

Small “pocket” dogs do not leave anyone indifferent. Their “compactness” is combined with friendliness, playfulness and a cheerful disposition. These animals get along well with people and are friendly with everyone around them, even with strangers. The cute appearance and “positive” character simply oblige you to choose sonorous and beautiful names for such creatures. Here is a list of the most common nicknames for toy terrier boys:

  • Alonso;
  • Archie;
  • Alex;
  • Alfie;
  • Athos;
  • Buggy;
  • Brix;
  • Billy;
  • Bundy;
  • Baxi;
  • Bowie;
  • Bertie;
  • Vince;
  • Jack;
  • Willie;
  • Veron;
  • Helios;
  • Green;
  • Gail;
  • Guy;
  • Homer;
  • Gucci;
  • Guido;
  • Harry;
  • Darcy;
  • Dixie;
  • Dexter;
  • Dredd;
  • Dobby;
  • Georgie;
  • Jake;
  • Just;
  • Jorge;
  • Zach;
  • Zenny;
  • Zeron;
  • Ilan;
  • Icarus;
  • Cody;
  • Carat;
  • Kyle;
  • Quent;
  • Catullus;
  • Conti;
  • Levi;
  • Larry;
  • Lexter;
  • Marvin;
  • Marlin;
  • Mickey;
  • Mance;
  • Niko;
  • Neo;
  • Naur;
  • Nick;
  • Neil;
  • Nate;
  • Orland;
  • Orestes;
  • Orpheus;
  • Orsen;
  • Ozzy;
  • Plato;
  • Porky;
  • Puggy;
  • Pascal;
  • Rem;
  • Riddick;
  • Ringo;
  • Roger;
  • Rudy;
  • Romulus;
  • Simon;
  • Salyer;
  • Thor;
  • Turner;
  • Taylor;
  • Timmy;
  • Theo;
  • Humbert;
  • Hugo;
  • Fixie;
  • Frank;
  • Luck;
  • Fail;
  • Phoebus;
  • Hans;
  • Hugo;
  • Harwin;
  • Tsey;
  • Charlie;
  • Chuck;
  • Chase;
  • Chance;
  • Emmett;
  • Elton;
  • Edgar;
  • Eugene;
  • Yardley;
  • Yiannis.

Archie in the company of his favorite toys

Sounding names for a boy

  • A - Archie, Axel, Alex, Cupid, Atas, Amigo, Athos, Aramis, Aragon, Arnold, Achilles, Apollo, Atlas.
  • B - Baron, Bruce, Billy, Bonya, Black Jack, Basti, Bim, Bart, Bob, Batman.
  • B - Willy, Volt, Walter, Venya, Wolf, Vulcan, Vegas, Watson, Weiss, Willy, Vinny, Valli, Winchester, White, Wolf, Vayk, Viking, Volchok.
  • G - Count, Thunder, Gerry, Grim, Hero, Duke, Harry, Gangster, Gary, Grizzly, Greg, Gordon.
  • D - Jack, Dick, Derek, Jordan, Jak, Jacob, Darwin, Jimbo, Gene, Jeffrey, Donald, Drago, David, Derry, Davvy, Jive, Jeremy.
  • E - Erokha, Enson, Euro.
  • F - Zhivchik, Rogue, Jacques, Julien, Zhey.
  • Z - Zeus, Zephyr, Zach, Zorro, Beast, Zolotko, Zubastic, Zaur, Zane, Snake.
  • And - Impulse, Ingard, Imbo, Ilya Muromets, Emperor.
  • K - Cody, Cosmos, Casper, Cosmos, Kurt, Prince, Kubik, Cooper, Cap, Cody, Krosh, Clyde.
  • L - Louis, Luntik, Lord, Leo, Larry, Locky, Lucifer, Luke, Buttercup, Laurel, Lelik, Lector.
  • M - Mike, Max, Milo, Marcel, Baby, Martin, Mickey, Mars, Mukhtar, Motya, Marty, Michael, Mustang, Monty, Macho, Manny, Morgan.
  • N - Nicholas, Nike, Nick, Knight, Nigel, Nathanya, Norman, Nilson, Noah, Nico, Neo, Noise, Newton, Nemo, Norris, Nesquik, Nigil, Nikes, Niall, Knox.
  • O - Oscar, Oddie, Odysseus, Oreshek, Orlando.
  • P - Plato, Pupsik, Peach, Fluff, Pirate, Pokemon, Pumbaa, Percy, Prince, Pepper, Pinky, Pappy, Pluto, Pikey, Patrick, Pie.
  • R - Rex, Raphael, Ralph, Rudolph, Ruby, Rublik, Reddy, Ren, Remmy, Ride, Richard, Ricky, Ron, Rudy, Roy, Ram.
  • S - Steve, Stan, Spikey, Sam, Stitch, Skye, Scooby, Sleigh, Snickers, Syoma, Stanley, Superman, Stark, Styopa, Simon, Sparky.
  • T - Tim, Timosha, Theodore, Dancer, Thor, Teddy, Theo, Troy, Tyler, Ted, Tommy, Tom, Toddy, Terry, Timurka.
  • U - Umka, Uranus, Ugolek, Walter, Success, Smart Guy, Uno, Udzher, Unicum, Hurricane.
  • F - Funtik, Fixik, Faxie, Filya, Fox, Fin, Freddy, Felix, Phil, Flash.
  • X - Hulk, Hent, Hachiko, Hugo, Harvey, Hardy, Hank.
  • C - Caesar, Tsar, Tsedric, Tsukat.
  • Ch - Champion, Charlie, Chucky, Weird, Chernysh, Genghis Khan, Chandler.
  • Sh - Shrek, Shaman, Sherlock, Sheldon, Sharik.
  • E - Edwin, Eric, Ernie, Ern, Ed.
  • Yu - Yulik, Yoongi, Yuchi, Yurka, Yuliy, Yunik.
  • I am Jacob, Yangi, Yashka, Yarik.

Popular nicknames of Russian toy terriers

Russian toy terriers, which won the love of Russians, were bred by Soviet dog handlers in the middle of the last century. The owners of these miniature creatures most often give their pets the following nicknames:

  • Antinko;
  • Agr;
  • Anastas;
  • Andre;
  • Akim;
  • Adric;
  • Arman;
  • Antip;
  • Barry;
  • Burian;
  • Greg;
  • Duke;
  • Danik;
  • Davi;
  • Luke;
  • Leo;
  • Marik;
  • Nathan;
  • Tikhon;
  • Fabio;
  • Fredek;
  • Theodore;
  • Khan;
  • Evan;
  • Ed.

Homebody Theodore

Tips for choosing a cool nickname

When choosing a nickname for your pet, remember that you will have to use it not only at home, but also on the street. Cut off all names that are difficult to pronounce, as well as those that offend the ears of other people.

Many dog ​​handlers confirm that a dog’s name affects its character.

Apply selection rules:

  1. All dogs perceive one-syllable and two-syllable names better. The shorter the nickname, the faster the pet will remember it.
  2. The nickname should not repeat commands. For example, the nickname Fars is consonant with the command “Fas!” It will be difficult for the puppy to distinguish one from the other.
  3. The name should be euphonious and uncommon.

Many dog ​​handlers confirm that a dog’s name affects its character. Shredder is a cool nickname for a dog. But it’s unlikely to seem funny after the dog shreds the shoes.

Check out other interesting options for pet names:

  1. Russian nicknames for dogs with meaning.
  2. English name for a pet with translation.
  3. Choosing a nickname for a puppy: rules and recommendations.

Cool nicknames for girls dogs

The female half of the dogs has an affectionate character. Girls are playful and friendly. They love to take care of children. Funny, touching names suit them.

Cool nicknames for girls of small breeds of dogs often emphasize the miniature size and the charm of the baby:

A funny small breed dog can be called Businka, Waffle or Chip.

  • Baby;
  • Bead;
  • Wafer;
  • Viagra;
  • King;
  • Dolcea;
  • Dosya;
  • Toffee;
  • Cola;
  • Simka;
  • Tootsie;
  • Fanny;
  • Flash drive;
  • Chip;
  • Chacha.

Funny names for mongrel girls are simple:

  • Aqua;
  • Squirrel;
  • Jackdaw;
  • Zhulka;
  • Fun;
  • Bully;
  • A drop;
  • Blot;
  • Button;
  • Doll;
  • Mouse;
  • Pill;
  • Bun;
  • Fanta;
  • Persimmon.

Cool nicknames for dogs for boys

Males tend to show their temper. They can be persistent and stubborn. Adjust your behavior with a nickname or emphasize your character traits. Funny dog ​​names for small breed dogs sometimes deliberately exaggerate or understate the size of the dog.

Repeat the names of brands and currencies:

The following names are suitable for a small but brave dog: Hercules, Zeus, Rocky.

  • iPhone;
  • Boomer;
  • Hercules;
  • Dwarf;
  • Google;
  • Decl;
  • Dodik;
  • Eurek;
  • Zeus;
  • Cake;
  • Bug;
  • Rocky;
  • Troll;
  • Candy wrapper;
  • Shpuntik.

Funny nicknames for mongrels are often chosen by owners of private houses:

  • Borsch;
  • Butuz;
  • Rogue;
  • Korzhik;
  • Kutsyi;
  • Goblin;
  • Moor;
  • Mamai;
  • Pirate;
  • Slick;
  • Punch;
  • Jerboa;
  • Cheburek;
  • Schnapps;
  • Sharpie.

Attention. For guard mongrels at sites, reliable nicknames such as Baron, Polkan, Mukhtar are more suitable.

Elegant, original and rare English names

“Toy dogs”, popular in Russia, were bred “on the basis” of English dwarf terriers. You can emphasize the nobility that the “Russians” inherited from their British relatives with the help of an elegant nickname of English-speaking origin. An original idea is to name a pet after a famous person. The names of famous places or just beautiful English male names would also work well.

Nicknames for noble boys:

  • Arthur;
  • Archibald;
  • Benjamin;
  • Byron;
  • William;
  • Vincent;
  • Harold;
  • Gregory;
  • Harvard;
  • Gerald;
  • Jared;
  • Dickens;
  • George;
  • Jason;
  • Jacob;
  • Ethan;
  • Quentin;
  • Conrad;
  • Connor;
  • Cromwell;
  • Carmichael;
  • Carroll;
  • Liam;
  • Mycroft;
  • Mason;
  • Noah;
  • Nelson;
  • Oswald;
  • Oliver;
  • Oscar;
  • Roger;
  • Richard;
  • Robert;
  • Stanford;
  • Soames;
  • Simon;
  • Somerset;
  • Theodore;
  • Wells;
  • Phillip;
  • Henge;
  • Chester;
  • Churchill;
  • Charles;
  • Sheldon;
  • Edward;
  • Egbert.

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Noble Oswald

Did you know?

Robert is one of the most popular names in the English language and has a colorful meaning - "bright glory". Not only is it a common “human” name, it is also popular among pet owners. If you name your pet this way, he is guaranteed an aura of nobility, grandeur and splendor!

Names of your favorite characters

Literary characters, heroes of famous feature films or animated films will be good helpers in choosing a nickname for your beloved pet. The main thing here is to make the association correctly:

  • Loki is a Scandinavian god who loved to play pranks;
  • Nils is the one who traveled with the geese;
  • Tom or Huck are Twain’s famous heroes, and therefore these names can be used to call mischievous and restless toy terriers.

You can also dwell on the names of movie characters or the actors who played them: Gavroche, Bruce (Lee), Duane, Nelson. This choice will be completely justified, because among toy terriers there are actually a lot of brave kids.

Funny nicknames

For a small, toy-like dog, affectionate and friendly or funny and amusing nicknames are perfect. The source of inspiration here can be your favorite dishes and drinks, gastronomic preferences, as well as images of fairy-tale characters or cartoon characters. You can also use diminutive names of animals or even come up with some funny word that does not exist in the language.

Interesting ideas:

  • Alf;
  • Akela;
  • Ambros;
  • Bino;
  • Bunny;
  • Bastain;
  • Baumik;
  • Bigner;
  • Boss;
  • Vinnie;
  • Gadget;
  • Godzi;
  • Dragon;
  • Dumbo;
  • Zhelik;
  • Crab;
  • Manatee;
  • Mocha;
  • Mango;
  • Donut;
  • Ottoman;
  • Rally;
  • Regin;
  • Sandy;
  • Swag;
  • Soil;
  • Sunny;
  • Sunset;
  • Twist;
  • Terik;
  • Twix;
  • Urfin;
  • Flint;
  • Filya;
  • Dandy;
  • Flirrep;
  • Fox;
  • Hulk;
  • Hagrid;
  • Human;
  • Hold;
  • Chile;
  • Shoko;
  • Schrek;
  • Shine;
  • Alvin;
  • Edwin.

Playful Vinny

Recommendations for choosing a nickname for a miniature pinscher

The nickname of a miniature pinscher, a boy or a girl, is an individual matter. No one can force you or influence your choice, with the exception of family members. There are a number of points on which you should choose miniature pinscher names:

  • pay attention to the appearance of the animal. Perhaps it has features or remarkable features that will guide you in your choice.
  • Observe the character and behavior of the animal. Often it is the pet’s habits that contribute to a quick and accurate choice.
  • Choose nicknames that are light, simple in sound and perception. A huge number of consonants and hissing sounds will be quite difficult for an animal to remember.
  • Avoid names that are too fancy. Often they “look” awkward and bring a slight smile to the face of strangers.
  • The name must match the animal. If this is a decorative dog of small breeds, then you should not call it something that is associated with big, menacing and powerful. The same can be said about large dogs. The Doberman, nicknamed Pusya, can hardly claim to be perceived as a frightening dog. Although, you understand, this is all individual.

Of course, recommendations are good, but when nothing comes to mind, it’s even more difficult to decide. Now we’ll tell you how to name a girl miniature pinscher and what dog names exist for miniature pinscher boys.

The most “miniature” nicknames

Toy terriers belong to the category of decorative dogs, their height is on average 20-30 cm. It is generally accepted that girls are smaller than boys, but males can also be “super-compact”. Such kids need the cutest and most touching nicknames, which can also be funny at the same time. Here are some ideas:

  • Atom;
  • Amurchik;
  • Bambi;
  • Bon;
  • Whisper;
  • Glitter;
  • Dwarf;
  • And he;
  • Carlitos;
  • Code;
  • Cube;
  • Coldy;
  • Colt;
  • Krosh;
  • Logan;
  • Lapik;
  • Match;
  • Masik;
  • Micron;
  • Minik;
  • Baby;
  • Nan;
  • Pippin;
  • Pico;
  • Pixel;
  • Pygmy;
  • Prince;
  • Perry;
  • Petal;
  • Pinch;
  • Pint;
  • Robbie;
  • Rubik;
  • Sweet;
  • Scamp;
  • Small;
  • Smurf;
  • Savage;
  • Swift;
  • Teddy;
  • Faun;
  • Elf.

Little Robbie
Toy terriers become very attached to their owners and are always ready to follow them. This does not tire the mini-dogs at all, but, on the contrary, gives them real pleasure. A striking example of this is a baby named Styopa, or, as he is affectionately called “in the family,” Stepashka. He loves to take city walks with his owner, relax in nature and even sunbathe on the beach. He also enjoys spending time at home with his friend, the cat Harry.

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Publication from Toy terrier Styopa and cat Harry (@toi_stepashka)

Names that reflect character

Such nicknames turn out to be successful if they fully reflect the character of the pet. But this does not always happen. Sometimes the baby is given a name immediately after his birth. It is clear that at this moment it is still impossible to determine the characteristics of the animal’s behavior.

In this regard, you need to take this point into account: such nicknames can only be given to those puppies whose character has already been determined. Examples of names:

  • Amur;
  • Becky, Bolly, Bonopart;
  • Volcano;
  • Jesse;
  • Zinger;
  • Zaya;
  • Messi, Marquis, Mickey;
  • Pele;
  • Rina, Riki-Tiki-Tavi;
  • Sonya;
  • Charlie.

Thus, when choosing a nickname for your pet, you need to adhere to the rules: it is easy to pronounce and remember, reflects the individual characteristics of the toy terrier and is unique.

"Musical" nicknames

A loud, ringing voice is considered one of the characteristics of dwarf dogs. It is heard every time the baby greets others and, of course, expresses his emotions. For such vocal creatures, nicknames that are consonant with the names of musical terms, as well as the names of famous composers and musicians, are suitable.

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"Voice" names:

  • Alto;
  • Demol;
  • Dylan;
  • Wagner;
  • Vocals;
  • Domingo;
  • Duet;
  • Mercury;
  • Marley;
  • Minor;

Brilliant Domingo

  • Morrison;
  • Sinatra;
  • Falsetto;
  • Fis;
  • Hendrix;
  • Strauss;
  • Schubert.

Breed Features

It’s not without reason that we started from this point, so don’t rush to scroll down. After all, the choice of a nickname for a miniature pinscher, and indeed, like any other dog or cat, should be based on the psychology and characteristics of the breed and the animal itself. Agree, it’s funny to see a mini Doberman nicknamed Tuzik or Baksik. Although, this is a purely individual matter.

But dogs of the miniature pinscher breed have a history of more than three centuries, and it is wrong to call them nicknames that are typical for yard dogs. Miniature pinschers are aristocratic animals. Their royal habits and appearance made them favorites of kings and other nobility. Intellectual abilities, dexterity, obedience and speed of reaction are irreplaceable companions of people. Previously, it was considered the height of luxury and prosperity if the ringing bark of these pets was heard in the house or when accompanied by a carriage.

These animals are quite smart, but capricious. But this problem can be easily dealt with if you educate and train them.

Miniature Pinschers are agile and active, they simply love walks and energetic games in the fresh air. But most of all, they depend on their owners. These dogs are very devoted and faithful, so it is often recommended that when going on vacation, you take them with you, as the animal will be very bored and sad. There were cases when, due to the departure of the dog’s owner, they staged hunger strikes and could hold out in this situation for several days.

To summarize the above, I would like to note that choosing a nickname for a dog should be done responsibly. It is necessary to understand that the animal will live with this name all its life. And, as they say, whatever you name the ship, that’s how it will sail. Of course, no one forbids you to change the nicknames of your miniature pinscher at least every week, but what’s the point then? The dog will never get used to its fickle nickname and will not respond to it, which is fraught with problems both at home and when walking.

Unique names with meaning

A nickname with meaning often becomes a real calling card of a four-legged animal. Such a name may indicate external features, character type, or habits. And sometimes it just sounds beautiful, contains a poetic or philosophical meaning that the owner of the animal likes.

Popular “male” names:

  • Ike (brave);
  • Barry (savvy);
  • Bark (flash of lightning);
  • Butch (causing fuss);
  • Buddy (buddy);
  • Vermin (naughty);
  • Gizmo (fun guy);
  • Doi (joy);
  • Joker (jester);
  • Dani (native);
  • Zani (smart);
  • Catiline (pure);
  • Kiddy (baby);
  • Cooper (busy, businesslike);
  • Casey (energetic);
  • Lyme (active);
  • Morgan (enlightenment);
  • Marty (powerful);
  • Pal (buddy);
  • Raja (waiting);
  • Ronnie (ally);
  • Sleder (slender);
  • Taf (severe);
  • Wally (stranger);
  • Felix (happy);
  • Schnell (swift);
  • Shine (shine).

Toy terrier named Morgan

How to choose a name for a boy?


It is a fairly common practice for owners to name dogs based on their character traits. But you need to be sure that the dog will remain that way, for example, active or playful, and will not turn into a lazy bumpkin over time. Therefore, you should be extremely careful if you want to be guided by such tactics.

Nicknames for active males: Impulse, Leader, Mix, Mitch, Veterok, Nice, Oz, Otis, Pikachu, Stealth, Timon, Teach, Walter, Fox, Khaki, Chester, Charlie, Lace, Sheldon, Alvin, Yutos, Yanis, Young , Alex, Athos, Bike, Westie, Wally, Hex, Dobby, Dolph, Jean, Jacques, Zach, Yorick, Godson, Chappie.

Nicknames for good boys: Cupid, Amigo, Buddy, Bim, Bonya, Barney, Teddy, Jimmy, Jackie, Dusty, Denny, Cupcake, Kuzya, Live, Love, Mickey, Milo, Max, Mennie, Muffin, Nikki, Nix, Nico , Oddie, Ollie, Pappy, Rudy, Remy, Spikey, Tati, Tim, Wally, Heidi, Happy, Chucky, Chessie.

Cheerful and funny nicknames for a boy: Smurf, Simba, Pumbaa, Loki, Thor, Yoda, Sherlock, Yandex, Chizhik, Hachiko, Funtik, Frodo, Bilbo, Albus, Fidel, Shakespeare, Shpuntik, Vintik, Tyson, Sauron, Santa, Stark , Satyr, Ringo, Ralph, Roger, Pooh, Plush, Poof, Picasso, Gauguin, Perry, Sirius, Lupine, Newton, Megatron.

Noble nicknames: Butch, Samuel, Archibald, Ray, Gray, Mister Darcy, Marcel, Simon, Lord, Balto, Leo, Fox, Faust, Arnie, Steve, Felix, Wolf, Hertz, Herman, Richard, Rich, Ice, Lex, Caius, Kant, Mason, Ferdinan, Gallardo, Vincent, Harold, Hector, Churchill, Bruno, Capone.

Popular nicknames with meaning:

  • Kiddy - “baby”;
  • Bit – “crumb”;
  • Smalley – “small”;
  • Punch-quick - “nimble”;
  • Preti-boy - “handsome”;
  • Favorite - “favorite”;
  • Slender – “slender”;
  • Fanny – “funny”;
  • Vermin - “naughty girl”.

Depending on the color of the boy, he can be called:

  • White – “white”;
  • Black – “black”;
  • Gray – “gray”;
  • Brown - “brown”;
  • Red – “red-haired”.

Serious nicknames: Aaron, Sting, Henk, Jane, Rob, Cassady, Claude, Jer, Kane, Kay, Nero, Nick, Martin, Adam, Gerald, Rhett, Steve, Chris, Jim, Hugo, Bryce, Joe, Azor, Noor , Bruce, Daniel, Dick, Bruno, Connor, Edward, Ryan, Peter, Bart, Tim, Thomas, Troy, Parker.

Names for small toy terriers : Krosh, Malysh, Nolik, Dodik, Krokha, Smiley, Baby, Be-Bip, Raisin, Lollipop, Ranet, Shket, Lolik, Masyanya, Kruglik.

You can name your dog after a celebrity : Brad, Johnny, Dwayne, Cole, Keanu, Dylan, Finn, Bill, Theo, Gary, Jamie, Jacob, Will, Dominic, Zach, Hugh, Cameron, Tyler, Sylvester, Ansel , Douglas, Fredie, Jean-Claude, Andrew, Channing, Luke, Ezra, Cody, Evan, Jared, Keith.

Nicknames for the brave and active

Despite their affectionate and friendly nature, miniature toy terriers will never allow themselves to be offended. If necessary, they are ready to defend their rights, boldly challenging the offender with a ringing bark. Such determination deserves to be emphasized in the nickname.

Nicknames for the brave:

  • Azor;
  • Ares;
  • Abay;
  • Boynak;
  • Brave;
  • Batman;
  • Fighter;
  • Bond;
  • Boreas;
  • Varangian;
  • Viking;
  • Thunder;
  • Leader;
  • Hector;
  • Hercules;
  • Cowboy;
  • Conan;
  • Condor;
  • Mess;
  • Mars;
  • Olaf;
  • Rambo;
  • Daredevil;
  • Walker;
  • Brave;
  • Yarilo;
  • Hawk.

Brave Conan on vacation

Common mistakes

It has been proven that the names Harold and Harry are perceived differently by puppies. Using several diminutive nicknames in speech can confuse the dog.

It is necessary to remember that what you name a dog is how it will behave in the future. For example, a female named Besya will constantly create problems for the owner with cleaning the apartment, and a dog named Kuzya will become an affectionate and devoted friend for all household members.

"Smooth-haired" nicknames

Toy terriers are mini dogs with a short six. This exterior feature can be emphasized with an appropriate nickname. Here are interesting options often used by owners of smooth-haired dwarf quadrupeds:

  • Angers;
  • Artik;
  • Astan;
  • Bruce;
  • Vand;
  • Gaspard;
  • Proud;
  • Gilmore;
  • Grinch;
  • Glade;
  • Dart;
  • Dante;
  • Jker;
  • Cadet;
  • Calv;
  • Murphy;
  • Nike;
  • Osman;
  • Pike;
  • Plain;
  • Pele;
  • Drank;
  • Poulion;
  • Stark;
  • Spike;
  • Tobios;
  • Walt;
  • Haik;
  • Cesey;
  • Chaplin;
  • Hernan.

Handsome Nike

Dog names of famous show business stars

Many celebrities have pets. Here are the names the stars give to tiny toy terriers:

Dog's nameOwner
Bartolomeo (Bartik)Diana Gurtskaya
BizyaSergey Lazarev
MasyaGarik Kharlamov
PuppySandra Bullock
TequilaPatricia Casas
ChloeLindsay Lohan, Hillary Duff

Perhaps someone would like to name their dog the same as the idol of millions.

"Long-haired" nicknames

All representatives of the breed are characterized by the presence of a short, smooth “fur coat”. However, among them there is the owner of long hair on the ears and tail. Such boys need special names that distinguish them from the crowd of short-haired brothers.

Nicknames for “long-haired”:

  • Arabesque;
  • Booster;
  • Bruns;
  • Pile;
  • Vinci;
  • Griffin;
  • Div;
  • Gin;
  • Casper;
  • Curly;
  • Lalen;
  • Long;
  • Lyon;
  • Manson;
  • Pooh;
  • Puffy;
  • Pyle;
  • Samson;
  • Silver;
  • Scythian;
  • Flex;
  • Flake;
  • Fluff;
  • Hayer;
  • Chaming;
  • Chubchik.

Nature lover Arabesque
Beautiful and sonorous, elegant and aristocratic, funny and friendly - there are countless options for nicknames for toy terriers. Each owner chooses a name to their liking, emphasizing the origin, appearance, character of the pet, or simply trying to demonstrate their love and affection. What nickname would you choose for such a miniature boy?

What should you not call your dog?

Among several hundred dog names, you can find the nickname that will satisfy your request. Despite this, on the streets you can meet a lot of dogs with names that cause laughter, surprise, and sometimes even indignation. Therefore, it is important to figure out which name is still suitable for a pet, and which one should be avoided when choosing.

Here are some recommendations:

  • As already mentioned, there is no need to choose names that are too funny. This will make it difficult for you to communicate with your dog, because he will not understand what exactly causes laughter;
  • Calling your pet a swear word is also strictly prohibited. He will feel negativity from you when you call him. You yourself will also develop a bad attitude towards the dog. And in general, friends are not called bad words, and a dog is, first of all, your friend and favorite;
  • It has already been mentioned that you should not use human names that are common in the country in which you are located.
  • Be careful when choosing a name that is too common.


The most important advice to follow is that the name should be concise and moderately rare. The dog should have no doubt that you are calling it.

How to give your pet his name

After the owner has decided on a name, the stage begins for the pet to get to know it. The recommendations are as follows:

  • In order for the dog to quickly get used to the chosen word, it must be constantly called;
  • The best time to use the name is when the dog is called to eat or go for a walk.

For your information! As practice shows, it only takes a few weeks to get used to it. The main thing is not to often use other words when addressing.

The toy terrier quickly gets used to his name

Most popular options

How to name an Alabai boy and girl: interesting names

The name that the breeder gave the puppy may not be beautiful. Therefore, you have to choose something sonorous and interesting from the lists provided. They include a huge number of words, there is plenty to choose from.

Important! The person who spends the most time with the dog should choose or come up with a name. The voices of other family members should be taken into account, but not be decisive.

A nickname for a small toy terrier is chosen within 2-3 days. Often it is individual traits that indicate which name is most suitable.

It is also not recommended to succumb to stereotypes. People often choose English nicknames, for example, Dolly or Charlie. But some are not suitable for this breed, for example, Mukhtar will sound somehow strange.

There are three possible sources of inspiration that will help you choose a unique name:

  • The titles of various books and films are almost ideal for developing your imagination. If you wish, you can use the name of your favorite character, which is small in size. It is not recommended to use popular nicknames, as almost everyone will hear them;
  • myths and legends of different nations are often used. You can name the puppy Arthur, Hero or Mars. A mythical name will not suit very small dogs;
  • favorite thing or hobby. An interesting fact is that two of Chekhov’s dachshunds had medical nicknames. The Latin alphabet was used to create various medical names. You can look for a beautiful word in your field of activity; it will sound very interesting.

Toy boy can be called differently. The most popular nicknames are the following:

  • Ike is considered a brave and strong dog that can be trained;
  • Gideon is suitable for pets with a bold character;
  • The bar is also suitable for serious pets who have the required persistence;
  • Dick becomes strong and smart. He loves to accompany his owner on walks;
  • Quint is considered a nickname that is often given to purebred puppies. They are trainable and have a gentle character;
  • Charlik means small size, suitable for pocket dogs. Such a pet almost always greets people with joy.

It may take 2-3 weeks to find a suitable nickname

There are good names for girls too:

  • Addie has a complex character; such a puppy almost immediately begins to grab everyone’s hands. Character can be determined by the eyes. A distinctive feature is its cleanliness; with the right approach, it lends itself well to training. This nickname for the breed in question is used quite rarely;
  • Aza. The morality in this case is not simple. The characteristic character is restless and nervous. Aza is often an indoor and calm dog that should not be allowed out for a walk without a leash;
  • Adela treats her owner very well. However, such a pet must be treated strictly. Difficulties arise with learning;
  • Alva has a restless disposition. This dog is very nervous, but at the same time shows kindness to others. She is trainable. Alva is suitable for small purebred dogs;
  • Betty is very kind and calm, often beautiful and smart. This name suits almost all purebred puppies;
  • Greta becomes strict, but such a dog is often pampered. A similar nickname is given to various dogs that have a kind and affectionate disposition;
  • Eve. This nickname is a female name and characterizes it as a suspicious and jealous dog;
  • Irma is difficult to train. It is not recommended to go for a walk with such a dog without a leash. Irma respects her owner, but is suitable for pets with a serious disposition;
  • Tina is considered a sensitive pet. She is often kind and affectionate and treats all family members well;
  • Flora. This word was taken from ancient mythology. Suitable for small dogs. Their character is kind, they often give peace and joy.

Note! The chosen word should be easy to pronounce. The easiest way is to choose from a ready-made list; searching can take a lot of time.

How to get used to a name

There are many different methods that are used to teach a dog a name:

  • words should be positively reinforced. To do this, you can use a treat or affectionate words;
  • As soon as the puppy shows a reaction to his name, you need to praise him or give him a treat. Likewise he will know that it is a conversion;
  • if the puppy does not show a reaction, you should repeat the chosen word constantly before feeding;
  • Before each command, the puppy should be called.

Important! It is forbidden to use affectionate words at first, which can also be perceived as address.

Thus, there are no difficulties in choosing a nickname for your pet. The main thing is to approach this responsibly, so as not to regret the choice you made later.

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