Why does a dog pee on the bed - reasons and ways to wean it off

Why does a dog pee right on the bed? Having encountered such problems, pet owners are perplexed. Especially if the conversation is not about a small puppy, but about an adult dog, for whom such behavior is unusual. Before you start scolding your pet, you should understand the situation, understand why it happened and how you can solve the problem.

Why does a dog pee on the bed?


The reasons why a dog pees on the bed can be very different. The main point that any owner should remember is that the dog will not mark in the wrong place simply because of its harmful nature.

There is no need to just swear at your pet’s behavior.
The puppy, of course, will look ashamed, but not because he relieved himself in a completely inappropriate place, but because his beloved owner is angry. Note! Before punishing the beast, it is necessary to understand the root causes. For animals, relieving themselves is not only a natural process, but also a way of transmitting information. Animals do not see anything shameful, shameful or disgusting in this, so you can encounter eating feces, licking other people's marks, and so on.


One of the reasons why a dog pees on the bed is explained by physiology. This is especially true for the behavior of puppies, who simply have not yet learned to endure before going for a walk. Here puddles can occur not only on the bed, but also on the carpet or in any other places.

In addition, physiological reasons include the following:

  • This is how the animal marks its territory. Such a miss may be associated with the sudden appearance of a new smell, for example from another pet. In addition, the dog may want to mark new furniture.
  • Puberty, hormones - all this also leads to uncontrolled marking of territory. Including a dog pooping or peeing on the bed when it feels its own status in the family is underestimated. This can happen at the birth of a child, or if a new animal appears in the house.
  • Residual effect from the mother. Dogs up to 2 weeks old stimulate urination by licking. This habit can become attached to the puppy at a reflex level for some time and is stimulated, for example, while scratching the tummy.

Animal physiology


If a dog suddenly pees on the bed, the reasons may also lie in the psychological state of the animal. Before swearing at your pet, it’s worth remembering well whether there have been any stressful situations recently. These include:

  • Lack of attention from a person. In this case, the pet may become worried and think that the owner no longer loves him. With such small dirty tricks, the dog simply attracts attention to himself.
  • The psychological state and poor social adaptation can lead to the fact that going outside becomes a real stress for the dog. As a result, the pet simply refuses to relieve itself on the lawn, but does it at home. This behavior is typical of small breeds such as Chihuahuas or Toy Terriers.
  • Manifestation of fear of loneliness. This happens in pets who are often left alone at home for a long time.

Important! Anything can trigger a stressful situation. Even a simple move or going to the doctor can lead to unpleasant situations.


When a dog shits on the bed, the question arises what to do. The reason for this and the solution to the problem sometimes needs to be sought from a veterinarian. Especially if the conversation is about the behavior of an adult dog. Uncontrolled urination or bowel movements are symptoms of ailments such as:

  • cystitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • incontinence;
  • intestinal dysfunction;
  • colitis;
  • overeating or poor diet.

Important! To avoid unexpected illnesses, it is recommended to undergo regular examination by a specialist. Also, do not forget about routine vaccination.

Health problems

Psychological abnormalities

Particularly sensitive dogs may poop and pee in response to some kind of intra-family conflict. Any uncomfortable situation can cause stress for them, including:

  • lack of master's attention (left alone locked up);
  • change of scenery (we moved the dog to relatives, to a dog hotel, went to an exhibition);
  • the master's anger, which caused the animal's fear;
  • severe fear provoked by various external factors.

It is very difficult to understand the psyche of adult dogs taken from another owner (from a shelter) or from the street. They may have a bunch of phobias, the roots of which you will never know. You will have to act at random, armed with compassion, patience and affection.

How to stop a dog from shitting on a bed or sofa

If we are talking about a puppy, then you just need to start raising and training the baby. If you approach the issue correctly, then there will be no big problems with this. To do this, use the commands “Ugh!”, “No!”, “Place!” and so on.

Should I be strict?

Of course, you need to be firm. However, in education it is necessary to maintain a balance; accordingly, the dog should be scolded for misconduct, and the dog should be rewarded for good behavior. This type of behavior applies not only to puppies, but also to adult dogs. There should be no concessions; with adult animals this is generally fraught with consequences. If a pet senses weakness in a person’s behavior, he will associate himself with the leader of the pack, and therefore his behavior will change.

The use of physical violence is prohibited. Proper upbringing is not built on this. Most experts recommend using a different method of superiority during the training process. To determine who is in charge, all a person needs to do is grab the dog by the withers and firmly press its muzzle to the floor for a few seconds.

Should you scold an animal?

Another way to punish for wrongdoing is to take away your favorite toy. Next time, if the dog decides to shit in the wrong place, he will think ten times about the consequences. Another way to correct it is to take the animal by surprise and, at the moment of committing the “crime,” clap your hands loudly or shout.

Traditional methods

There are several examples of folk methods that help in weaning your pet from defecating in the wrong place:

  • Rub the furniture with citric acid, vinegar or mint.
  • Spray the crime scene with eucalyptus oil or water with added cinnamon.

Important! Such strong odors should repel the animal, but it is difficult to say how effective the methods are.

Help of chemicals

There are special chemicals that are designed to scare the pet away from the place chosen as the toilet. You can buy them at a regular pet store. You should carefully read the instructions for use, since often other chemicals cannot be used with the substance.

How to encourage

Good behavior of a pet must be praised and encouraged. Verbal praise in this regard is not enough. You need to pet your pet and treat him with something tasty.

Advice! If you decide to wean your puppy from peeing at home, then you need to start gradually. First of all, the dog is taught to wear a diaper at home, then to relieve its natural needs on the street. After the pet learns to do “its business” in the yard, the diaper will definitely need to be removed. Its absence will serve as a signal that there are no more places for a toilet in the house.

Pet personal hygiene

Owners who still allow their dog to sleep with them must follow the following hygiene rules regarding their pet:

  1. After each walk, be sure to wash the animal’s paws, as well as its butt and belly. Use special shampoos for this. In addition, you can comb the animal's fur to remove lumps of dirt or stuck burrs.
  2. Don't ignore trimming your pet's nails, clean his ears and dry his eyes.
  3. Periodically treat your pet against parasites - ticks, fleas and worms. Also vaccinate your four-legged friend according to the schedule recommended by your personal veterinarian.
  4. During shedding, comb the animal thoroughly, and for females during estrus, wear special diapers for dogs.

Finally, I would like to say that each owner himself determines whether his pet should sleep next to him or whether it is better when he rests on his bed. You need to accustom your furry pet to its place from childhood, because retraining it in adulthood is quite problematic. But it is possible, the main thing is firmness and determination.

Should I punish

If the dog starts peeing in the wrong places, it is, of course, necessary to punish him, but only correctly. Methods can be as follows:

  • Lightly tap the twig on the withers to show the pet the owner's displeasure.
  • Take him by the withers and poke him a little at the “crime scene” with the words “ugh!” or “you can’t!”
  • Borrow your favorite toy.
  • Point to a special place for drainage.

Punishment for misconduct

Should I be strict?

If the dog starts peeing on the bed, then a reasonable question arises: will excessive severity be beneficial? Of course, raising your pet and not allowing it to do certain things is necessary from a very early age. But the problem is that troubles sometimes happen, and dog handlers do not advise punishing them too much. At the same time, it is especially useful to reward the dog for its obedience and neatness. If the puppy never hears praise, but only screams and threats, then he will be afraid of the owner, and urinating in the bed will become a kind of revenge. It often happens that out of fear the dog cannot restrain the urge and does “wet” things in the wrong place. Due to the fact that puddles on the floor are especially noticeable, a more comfortable place is chosen - the bed.

What not to do

Many people react completely inappropriately and incorrectly to the misdeeds of their pets. Even if the pet has been very guilty, it is prohibited:

  • scream or beat the animal;
  • punish the pet if he was not caught at the scene of a crime (otherwise he simply will not understand why);
  • do not feed or deprive of walks (any violation of the regime has a negative impact);
  • deny the pet games or attention, ignore the animal;
  • refuse to think about a possible disease, do not take your pet to the veterinarian;
  • abandon training and education.

About punishing a dog

Many owners simply cannot tolerate such antics from their charges; they get angry and beat them. Experienced dog breeders are not against punishments if they are correct. The point is that the dog understands exactly what he did wrong. And for this, it is recommended to hit the dog lightly on the croup, catching him at the “scene of the crime,” or poke his nose into the excrement, letting him know that you are upset and dissatisfied. The owner's stern tone is more effective than kicks.

Yes, the behavior of a pet is simply unforgivable, and the owner perceives defecation on the bed as mistakes in upbringing, disrespect for himself, and the collapse of relationships. But this absolutely does not give the right to beat and insult one’s pupil, thus demonstrating one’s own dominance. Physical punishment, as practice shows, leads to a loss of trust in the owner and the dog’s self-confidence. The dog becomes cowardly. His activity and cheerfulness are lost. Is this what a wise owner wants? He must find the reason why the dog defecates on the bed and eliminate it patiently and calmly. Then everything will return to normal, you just need patience.

If a puppy misbehaves

Puppies do not mischief out of malicious intent, and most often not because of illness or a stressful situation, everything is much simpler. The kid simply doesn’t know what and how he should do. The responsibility for raising a pet lies entirely with the owner.

Also, a person should not forget that in front of him is a small child. Up to 4 months, puppies are not able to control their urges, so numerous puddles appear at home in the most inappropriate places. The dog will grow up and learn everything, you just have to be patient.

However, this doesn't mean you just have to wait. Education is not a quick process. What to do:

  • Limit your pet's access to places where it is forbidden to go to the toilet. In particular, you should not leave it on the bed or sofa.
  • Go for walks with him as often as possible. The minimum number of times is 2, in the morning and before bed, always after feeding.
  • Try to go for walks and feed at the same time. Cynologists claim that the regime allows the pet to quickly learn everything necessary.

A puppy needs to be educated and toilet trained
Keeping a dog at home is not an easy task; a person should think about this even before adopting an animal. In any case, a pet requires not only attention and care, but also proper upbringing. Otherwise, the owner will never be able to wean him from bad habits, which means there will be soiled and chewed furniture, unearthed flowers and much more.

Methods for breaking an established habit

It also happens that the favorable moment in developing correct behavior is lost, and the dog is already accustomed to sleeping with its owners. The following tips from animal psychologists will help you figure out how to wean your dog from jumping on upholstered furniture:

  1. Lay newspapers or film on the sofa. When jumping, your pet will create unpleasant sounds that will soon irritate him. Even if this doesn't work, the dog owner can keep the surface of the bed free of dirt and fur.
  2. Scat mat. An excellent tool for those owners who love innovation. A special mat will generate minor discharges of electricity, which will quickly wean the animal from unwanted behavior.
  3. A closed door is also an effective remedy against unwanted intruders on sofas. Although this practice only relieves the symptoms, it does not eliminate the causes. All you have to do is not close the door, and the dog will happily climb onto the bed.
  4. An alternative solution may be to use furniture covers. They will protect sofas and beds from the pet’s claws and ubiquitous hair, while at the same time he will be able to sleep peacefully in his favorite place.
  5. For a timid dog that has just begun to practice jumping on the bed, sometimes a loud, stern shout or a light slap on the “butt” is enough to make it stop trying to lie down where its owners sleep.

Security measures

It is important to remember that home cleaning products must be chosen based on the upholstery material.

To prevent deformation of the sofa structure and to avoid irreparably damaging the fabric of the furniture, observe the following rules:

  • There is no need to scrub the stain vigorously with a sponge, rag or brush, this will make the situation worse and the urine will penetrate deep into the fabric. It is important to get wet to absorb as much moisture as possible;
  • Do not overfill the stain. The affected area will be difficult to dry, leading to mold and a musty odor;
  • The effects of household chemicals are checked in advance on the internal areas of the sofa before use;
  • When using any chemical, you must strictly follow the instructions;
  • You should not try to clean delicate fabrics and lint yourself. It is better to immediately contact the dry cleaner;
  • After treatment, it is necessary to ventilate the room as much as possible.


Special preparations have been developed to stop dogs from fouling in the house. For example, a behavior correction spray. The product absorbs organic compounds left by the animal and causes lasting disgust in the pet. At the same time, people do not smell the unpleasant odor.

However, this method has a significant drawback - often dog breeders complain that they do not get the expected effect, and they cannot wean their dog off from peeing in the house. It is difficult to say what the result will be in a particular case.

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