Tray for small breed dogs - types and design, review of models from the best manufacturers with photos and prices

Dogs, as a rule, fulfill their natural needs outside. But there are situations when it is not possible to go for a walk (illness, period after vaccination, feeding puppies, small breed). In such cases, a toilet tray becomes a necessity. An ordinary plastic basin with sand as a dog toilet is not the best solution. It is difficult for a dog to climb into it, and when scooping up sand, the dog will scatter it throughout the room, and besides, the aroma from such a toilet will not be the most pleasant. Inexpensive trays with double bottoms are also not the best solution. They are usually made from cheap plastics that absorb odors well. After a couple of days of using such an item, it may no longer be possible to wash it to perfect condition. Such options are suitable as temporary, but not permanent. When choosing the optimal model for your pet, you must take into account the size of the dog. If the dog is cramped in the tray, he will find a more suitable place.

Today we want to provide an overview of the TOP 10 best and most versatile litter boxes for your pets' needs.



1. Toilet for dogs ZooOne Japanese style small 48x35x6 cm

2. PetyPot automatic toilet for cats and dogs

3. Toilet for dogs Triol P652 52x40x15 cm

4. Toilet for dogs Homepet 3511802 60x40 cm

5. Toilet for dogs Stefanplast Puppy Training Set Pro, size 60x40x4cm.

6. Puppy Potty Pad

7. Georplast Toilet corner shuttle with side 49x40x17.5cm green

8. Toilet for dogs Shurum-burum 2KUT00002 48x34x14.5 cm

9. Homepet dog toilet with post (turquoise mother of pearl), 50x40 cm

10. Tray for dogs Dogman, size 70x50x4cm.

Toilet for dogs ZooOne Japanese style small 48x35x6 cm


The VIPet dog toilet is made of safe, non-toxic plastic. It is easy to wash under running water. A diaper is placed under the grill and securely pressed with side clamps. The animal's paws always remain clean. The tray is available in 6 colors - you can choose the appropriate option for your home interior. There are two litter sizes in the line: 48x35 cm for small pets or puppies and 63x49 cm for larger dogs. Rubberized feet provide stability to the structure and prevent it from slipping on tiles or laminate.

Toilet for dogs ZooOne Japanese style small 48x35x6 cm


  • several colors
  • 2 sizes
  • easy to wash
  • reliable fixation of the diaper
  • legs with rubber pads


  • low sides

PetyPot automatic toilet for cats and dogs


The PetyPot automatic toilet for cats and dogs eliminates the need for daily cleaning and even allows you to leave your pet alone for several days. The manufacturer promises complete protection of the room from unpleasant odors. The size of the toilet is 64x57.5x20 cm. It will not take up much space in the room, but is only suitable for small dogs weighing up to 11 kg. Special diapers with a polyethylene layer tightly envelop the waste. The roll of excrement is then placed in a sealed box. Cleaning occurs automatically. You can select its frequency in advance: every 30 minutes, hour or 2 hours. There is also a manual mode - to replace the bedding, just press a button. The diapers are pulled tight. Dogs can dig through them, but the material does not tear and the roll does not unwind. High sides protect the room from excrement thrown out by paws.

Toilet tray for dogs


  • blocks odors
  • does not require cleaning or washing
  • compact design
  • high sides
  • Manufacturer's warranty – 1 year


  • very high price
  • Requires connection to an outlet
  • Suitable for small dogs only

How to wean a puppy off the diaper and litter box?

Using a crate or absorbent diaper as a litter box is considered a temporary solution until the puppy is taken outside. Until the age of five months, it is difficult for dachshunds to endure for a long time, and walking every 2-3 hours is not entirely convenient for the owner. In addition, as the pet grows, the amount of discharge increases. Sometimes even the largest diaper is not enough for absorption. There may be an unpleasant odor in the room and constant cleaning is required, which makes life difficult for the dog owner.

To discourage the puppy from the tray and napkin, you need to train it to go for a walk. The physiological characteristics of the dachshund are used. As soon as she wakes up, she needs to go to the toilet. You need to take advantage of this, quickly pick up the puppy and take it outside. When he relieves himself, he is praised and given a treat.

You can use another trick for training. The baby dachshund will want to pee 40 minutes after drinking water, so you can give him a drink and take him for a walk, where he will feel the urge to pee. The puppy will want to go to the toilet after active physical activity and play. He may wet himself with joy at the sight of his owner. Having competently played on the physiology of the dogs, they are taught to ask to go outside, and gradually the tray and diaper will become unnecessary.

Toilet for dogs Triol P652 52x40x15 cm


The Triol toilet is available in one size – 40x40 cm and is suitable only for small pets. The height of the sides is 15.5 cm. They reliably protect the walls from excrement and splashes. The tray is made of durable plastic with an antibacterial coating. The mesh is located above the bottom and allows you to use the toilet with a diaper or litter. The smooth coating is easy to clean. The grille is pressed tightly with clamps - it does not fall out, even if the dog is actively spinning before defecating. Rubberized feet keep the toilet in one place.

Toilet for dogs Triol P652 52x40x15 cm


  • high sides
  • can be used with a diaper or filler
  • high quality antibacterial plastic
  • reliable grille fastening
  • rubberized feet


  • small size
  • overcharge

Toilet for dogs Homepet 3511802 60x40 cm


The folding toilet is available in several colors and sizes. There are trays 60x40 cm and 30x40 for dwarf dogs. For larger pets, Show-Pets 40x50 is suitable. The 11 cm high sides reliably protect the surrounding space from traces of your pet’s activity. The model is equipped with a zippered lid. It prevents the filler granules from falling out and isolates the smell. The toilet can be put in the washing machine, and it dries quickly. The inside of the tray is lined with durable laminated nylon, which is not scratched by animals when digging. When folded, the structure is secured with a strap and a button and takes up minimal space.

Toilet for dogs Homepet 3511802 60x40 cm


  • easy to fold
  • high sides and lid
  • several sizes and colors
  • durable materials
  • machine washable


  • no option for very large dogs

Failed designs

Among the unsuccessful toilets are the following:

  • container with river sand;
  • container with double bottom.

Due to their characteristics, dogs do not like to bury waste. Therefore, a basin in which several kilograms of ordinary sand is placed is considered a bad option. After visiting such a makeshift latrine, the dog will get dirty and drag sand across the floor.

A container with a double bottom is usually purchased for cats. This option is affordable, its cost is about 150 rubles. However, it is too small in size and it will be uncomfortable for the dog.

Toilet for dogs Stefanplast Puppy Training Set Pro, size 60x40x4cm.


The Italian Stefanplast Puppy litter box is suitable for toilet training dogs and puppies. Soft grass imitates a real lawn, so your pet does not have problems with bowel movements outside. In addition, innate instinct tells animals to relieve themselves on a fleecy surface. The mat has small holes for liquid to pass through. The material does not absorb odors. To make toilet cleaning easier, disposable or reusable diapers are placed in the tray. They are pressed against the locking frame and do not move around the tray. Thanks to rubber feet, the structure does not slip on the floor. The set includes a post for males.

Toilet for dogs Stefanplast Puppy Training Set Pro, size 60x40x4cm.


  • replaceable grass mat with holes
  • complete post
  • Suitable for toilet training puppies
  • holds the diaper well


  • inconvenient to use without a diaper

How to toilet train outdoors?

After the quarantine period has passed (2-3 weeks after vaccinations ), you can begin to accustom your pet to the street . Start toilet training right away.

The child should learn as early as possible that he should go to the toilet outside.

To make this process painless, follow a few simple rules:

  1. Watch your puppy carefully and try to take him outside before he does his business. This usually occurs after sleep or after eating.
  2. Take your puppy outside every time he starts actively searching for something or whining.
  3. Try to go for walks at the same time every day.
  4. Walks should be regular and daily.
  5. Be sure to walk your puppy in the morning, this will make it easier to train him to use the toilet outside.
  6. If the dog has not yet understood what is required of it, stay outside until it goes to the toilet on its own, and then praise it and give it a treat.
  7. Try to find a walking buddy for the puppy, maybe a clear example will help him.

Puppy Potty Pad


Puppy Potty Patch is a litter box for dogs with a mat that imitates grass. The toilet's proprietary design blocks unpleasant odors for up to 7 days, and the coating itself does not absorb them. This allows you to use the tray without diapers or litter. The tray size is 50x35 cm. The toilet holds up to 3 liters of liquid and does not require daily cleaning. No special cleaning agents are needed for washing. Simply wash the parts with soap and water. The tray is made of environmentally friendly materials. They have antimicrobial treatment and are absolutely safe for animals.

Puppy Potty Pad


  • does not require diapers or filler
  • blocks odors for a week
  • no need to wash every day
  • safe materials with antimicrobial coating


  • low sides

Tips for choosing

When choosing a dry closet, several parameters should be taken into account.

  1. The most important selection criterion is the size of the animal. The toilet should not embarrass your pet. You should not buy small devices for kittens, because time will pass and they will grow.
  2. If the model is open, then you should choose an option with high sides so that the cat does not scatter the filler.
  3. In closed structures, you should check the functionality of the door and make sure that there is a small gap when closing. It is necessary to prevent the animal from pinching its tail.
  4. Before purchasing, you need to clarify the cost of consumables, the possibility of using alternative options and the availability of cartridges and filters on the market. It will be unpleasant if the device has to be replaced after a year, since the filters are no longer sold.
  5. Fully automated models must be silent. You should ask the seller to demonstrate how quietly it works, otherwise the animal may get scared and refuse to go to the tray.
  6. If the model has retractable parts, then it would not be superfluous to check the ease of their removal and the reliability of the mechanisms.
  7. Some manufacturers include a scoop with the kit. You should make sure that the holes in it are not too large and that it itself is strong enough.
  8. Toilets that require replaceable cartridges and napkins should not have a strong chemical smell. When trying to get rid of the smell of cat urine or feces, replacing it with chemicals is not a good idea. In addition, such a smell may indicate that the filler is not the safest. You should avoid purchasing such a toilet.

One of the criteria that may be important to buyers is the design of the model. Of course, everyone wants to achieve aesthetics in the interior. This is a point worth considering.

Important! Often the dry closet is made in the form of a portable toilet. In this case, you should look for the lightest option, because the toilet with the filler and the cat can weigh a lot and may not be the most convenient to carry.

Georplast Toilet corner shuttle with side 49x40x17.5cm green


The corner toilet with a post is suitable for small dogs. The size of the tray is 50x43 cm, the tray is covered with artificial grass, which helps accustom the puppy to the street. The design is made of durable, smooth plastic and is easy to clean. The short pile of the lawn does not absorb odors and does not bother the dog. High walls near the post protect the room from the pet's jet.

Georplast Toilet corner shuttle with side 49x40x17.5cm green


  • there is a post for males
  • suitable for training puppies
  • easy to wash
  • corner location
  • high walls


  • overcharge
  • hard to find on sale

"Toilet" nuances

The fact that a miniature breed dog visits the house toilet does not relieve its owner from the need to walk it. However, in this case, the walks are of a completely different nature. The animal gets to know the world around it, runs and plays.

If it is very cold, raining, or slushy outside, the walk can be cancelled. This is an advantage of the owner of a baby over the owner of a medium or large dog.

Important subtleties:

  • Not all fillers can be flushed down the toilet. You should first read the information on the packaging.
  • If necessary, you can use a cat litter box.
  • It is not easy to potty train an adult pet, so it is better to start from puppyhood.

Choosing a tray wisely is the key to ensuring that your pet will enjoy using it.

These are the main features of choosing a tray for small dogs. You can even make the design yourself, but it is much easier to buy a finished product from a reliable manufacturer.

*Price data is presented for January 2022.

Toilet for dogs Shurum-burum 2KUT00002 48x34x14.5 cm


The corner tray with a post, with its dimensions of 48x34 cm, is suitable for small dogs. The 14cm walls protect the walls from splashes and faeces. The removable post can be installed anywhere in the tray. Durable plastic is easy to clean under running water. Also, for ease of cleaning, you can put a diaper in the tray and secure it with frames.

Toilet for dogs Shurum-burum 2KUT00002 48x34x14.5 cm


  • high sides
  • big size
  • easy to wash
  • the column can be rearranged


  • the manufacturer does not monitor the packaging

Recommendations from experts

Experienced people unanimously say that the dog should still be walked. If you want to have a large or medium-sized pet, but don’t have time to walk it, then you should abandon the idea until more appropriate times.

The tray is suitable for permanent use only for small dogs; for other breeds this is a necessary measure. Moreover, large pets can get used to the comforts of home, and then they will have to clean up large mountains of feces every day.

Veterinarians warn against cleaning litter boxes with products containing chlorine. The dog may refuse to use the toilet or even lose its sense of smell.

To accustom your pet to the tray, you will need a lot of patience and endurance. The use of force in punishment is not acceptable!

Homepet dog toilet with post (turquoise mother of pearl), 50x40 cm


HomePet is a plastic toilet for dogs with a pole. The size of the tray is quite large (50x40 cm), and three high walls protect the room from excrement. The grille is easy to remove and clean. You can put a diaper under it in one or two layers. The plastic is durable, easy to clean, and does not absorb odors. The column can be installed in any convenient place in the toilet. The manufacturer offers 4 solid colors of the model with a pearlescent sheen.

Homepet dog toilet with post (turquoise mother of pearl), 50x40 cm


  • large pallet
  • 3 high walls
  • durable, easy to clean plastic
  • several colors to choose from


  • unstable

Tray for dogs Dogman, size 70x50x4cm.


Daily walking of pets several times a day is a controversial pleasure even for avid pet breeders. The DOGMAN home toilet for dogs will free the owner from usual responsibilities, and the beloved dog from unnecessary dangers and diseases that lurk at every step. A high-quality product made of reliable material will make you forget about dirty street tracks after walks and will not give you unnecessary reasons to worry about your pet’s health. This toilet model fits a standard diaper measuring 60x40, 60x45, 50x60 or 60x60 cm.

Tray for dogs Dogman, size 70x50x4cm.


  • Beautiful design
  • durability
  • animals like it
  • comfortable


  • bad fastening

Enjoy the shopping!

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