12 best dog breeds with red coat color: Review + Video

Owners usually associate dogs with red coloring with the sun and warmth. Indeed, when exposed to sunlight, their fur emits light and shimmers with all sorts of reddish colors. Because of their cheerful coloring, they seem mischievous and playful. Therefore, many people choose a pet of this particular color.

In our material, we have prepared a description of the appearance and color features of the 20 most popular breeds of saffron dogs. We hope that the prepared article will help you choose a pet that will delight you for a long time.

American Staffordshire Terrier

These representatives of the canine world are considered a “thunderstorm” to strangers; they have a massive front part with a large head, a wide muzzle and a powerful jaw. There is a slight stiffness in movements due to the elongated hind legs, the front legs are spaced quite widely.

Cynologists allow almost all shades of “red” - from bright red to cream. Spotted dogs often have a combination of white and orange tones. Moreover, white spots should cover no more than 20% of the body. The fur is distinguished by its unique shine and thickness. It is hard to the touch and fits tightly to the body. Pets of a brick or black-and-red hue are considered a waste.

Pomeranian Spitz

The red color of this breed is widespread in Russia. Fluffy fur is characterized by both rich fox and light orange colors. Usually puppies are born lighter in color, and after a few months their little “fur coat” darkens.

The standard assumes the presence of fur of varying intensity on individual parts of the body: chest, muzzle, paws. If you want to buy a red pet, thoroughly check the pedigree and pay attention to the ears. They will remain the same after molting.

Noble and aristocratic nicknames

Redheads have a peculiarity: sometimes they are slightly arrogant. Even mongrels. There is a special section for names for such people. For boys:

  • Augustine
  • Arden
  • Admin
  • Assian
  • Baron
  • Baronet
  • Bernard
  • Basai
  • Boss
  • Brett Garth
  • Brighella
  • Gediminas
  • Hercules
  • Duke
  • Golitsyn
  • Damian
  • De Treville
  • Joker
  • Dean
  • Doge
  • Dauphin
  • Kaiser
  • King
  • Prince
  • Kronberg
  • Lance
  • Battleship
  • Lear
  • Maximilian
  • Mikado
  • Naples
  • One
  • O'Brien
  • Prince
  • Ronald
  • Rousseau
  • Samson
  • Silver
  • Sultan
  • Tiberius
  • Tito
  • Pharaoh
  • Flash
  • Khan
  • Sherman
  • Chief
  • Edward
  • Emir
  • Earl
  • Eugene

O'Brien is on the hunt.
An Irish Setter has an Irish name! For girls:

  • L'Aquila
  • Amina
  • Anna Maria
  • Arizona
  • Artemis
  • Athena
  • Beatrice
  • Belissima
  • Branimir
  • Visa
  • Griselda
  • Dinara
  • Juliet
  • Dryad
  • Josephine
  • Camilla
  • Carmen
  • Krimgilda
  • Cleopatra
  • Bark
  • Cordelia
  • Lady
  • Lei
  • Lucia
  • Malika
  • Manticore
  • Mantle
  • Marquise
  • Matilda
  • Maharishi
  • Marilyn
  • Octavia
  • Olympia
  • Panna
  • Penelope
  • Princess
  • Raina
  • Rani
  • Regina
  • Rioga
  • Sophie
  • Stella
  • Thea
  • Fiona
  • Fleur
  • Flora
  • Khanum
  • Hara
  • Holly
  • Eleanor
  • Eloise
  • Elsa
  • Esme

Akita Inu Amina. That magic word is “swim!”

Akita Inu

It was the red-fawn dog that became popular all over the world thanks to the legendary film “Hachiko”. The canine community has recognized the red shade as the most common color for representatives of this breed.

The fur can be of any shade: from red-fiery to light beige. However, the shirt front, cheeks, bottom of the muzzle, belly, and inner parts of the legs must remain white. There may be light markings on the neck. Initially, the color of puppies is gray or black, and with age it becomes “red.”

Chow chow

The breed has an unusual appearance: a large collar of soft wool, a massive head with wrinkles, and a somewhat sad expression on the face.

As for the color, the red color with red tints is considered classic for the Chow Chow. Coat color varies from deep orange to light apricot. Moreover, the mane, part of the tail and fur in the area of ​​the lower jaw should be much lighter than the rest of the body. Dark eyes, a large nose and a bluish tongue are the calling card of this dog. Initially red puppies are born brown and later become fiery red.

Croatian Shepherd

In past times, the Croatian Shepherd was born with a long and curly tail, which was docked after birth. However, with the introduction of an official ban on this operation in the country, breeders have only one option left to have a tailless representative of the breed - through selection.

Nowadays, most puppies are born with a very small, moderately high tail covered with thick hair, or no tail at all. In some countries, this part of the body can be docked by 2.5 cm. Cupping, for example, is recognized as a legal procedure in the USA.

When at rest, the Croatian Shepherd's tail is lowered, and when alert, it is raised above the back.

The Croatian Shepherd belongs to the group of herding dogs. She was bred and used for the purpose of looking after sheep and cattle in Slavonia (historical region of Croatia). The appearance of the breed dates back to 1374.

These dogs are medium in size with a rectangular body, and their head and paws are covered with short hair.

Red Breton Griffon

An ancient hunting dog with a strong body and a large head. Representatives of this breed have a predominant orange color. All its varieties are considered the most preferable: from brick to wheat-golden. The presence of a light, uneven mark on the chest is relevant. There are small patches of black hair on the mask, in the area of ​​the mustache, sideburns and beard. The mask of griffons can become almost invisible or simply more intensely red or red.

Read Dogs with brown coloring - 20 current breeds

Hungarian Vizsla

The name of this breed is translated from Hungarian as “to search”, so it is not difficult to guess about its hunting purpose. The European standard notes a fiery red shade of the coat. A white spot on the chest may be present. There is no undercoat. The dog has a harmonious build: an elongated muzzle, a moderate chest and long, strong legs. The nose is several tones darker than the main coat (a black nose is considered a defect). The eyelids, nose area and paw pads should be close to the shade of the entire body.

Red-haired heroes of movies and TV series

Redheads are endowed with special charisma, which is why they often become heroes of films. A treasure trove of raw materials for nicknames!

  • Aslan
  • Big G
  • Bree Van de Kamp
  • Vivien
  • Hermione
  • Graham Wyllie
  • Dana Scully
  • Deniska
  • Junior (amazingly nasty character)
  • Dylan Sanders
  • Elizabeth
  • Curly Sue (well, a poodle...)
  • Cady
  • Katie Whitaker
  • Lilu Dulles
  • Fox Alice
  • Lola
  • Lola Quincy
  • Ludwig
  • Miranda
  • Michelle
  • Olive
  • Penny Lane
  • Rose
  • Ron
  • Red Sonja
  • Satin
  • Syroezhkin
  • Tintin
  • Weasley
  • Fox
  • Elektronik

Poodle Ron is as charming as all the Weasleys

Karelo-Finnish Laika

Externally, the dog has some similarities with a fox, thanks to the rich orange color of its coat, pointed triangular ears, an oval skull and slightly convex on the sides, as well as an angular nose. The body of the Karelian is square in shape with a straight back, the limbs are parallel, the front legs are especially developed. Representatives of the breed have deep-set, almond-shaped eyes.

The color is dominated by red or golden-red tones. On the back and head the color is deeper, while the underbelly and paws, the inside of the ears, and cheekbones are lighter. A white blaze on the chest and small white markings on the paws are considered normal. Laikas have dense fur with a thick undercoat. One of the main differences of this dog is its fluffy, curled tail.

Dog breeds that look like foxes

There are several breeds that are most similar to foxes. These are mainly animals with long muzzles, protruding ears and reddish-colored fur.

Samoyed Spitz

Samoyeds really resemble foxes, despite the fact that their colors come in different shades.
These animals grow up to 55 cm at the withers and are distinguished by long fluffy hair. On average they weigh approximately 30 kg. The breed has been known for a long time; the dogs are popular in the northern regions and are used to help with hunting and for sledding. On a note! Samoyeds not only have an elongated body, but also a rather sharp muzzle. The ears are triangular and the eyes are almond-shaped.

Samoyed Spitz is a very beautiful and original dog

Shiba Inu

Shiba Inu (Shiba Inu) is a medium-sized dog, it grows up to 42 cm. People first started talking about the animal 2.5 thousand years ago.

The pet has a rather bright appearance, thanks to which it becomes recognizable in any society. The dog's coat is fluffy and has three layers. The dog itself is well developed and has strong muscles. A distinctive feature of the pet is the presence of dense plush ears.

Dogs come in a variety of colors, from pale beige to black. However, the most popular and famous are the Shiba Inus with bright red fur.

Note! The dogs have slanted eyes and a sharp muzzle, which only adds to their resemblance to foxes.

Sheltie and collie

The Shetland Sheepdog is small in size, its height reaches 37 cm, and the weight of such dogs does not exceed 7 kg. The breed was originally bred in England. The plan was to get a miniature collie, but the result was a new breed.

These animals are very aristocratic. They have a developed body, almond-shaped eyes that are slightly slanted. The Sheltie's coat is most often black and red. The muzzle is pointed, the ears are triangular and also sharp, so the pets often resemble forest red beauties.

On a note! Collies originated in Scotland and were originally royal dogs. Queen Victoria brought several animals to England, causing them to spread throughout the world.

Most often, the collie has a red color, complemented by white and black spots. However, you can also find dogs with a merle color - the chest and head are light gray, with few white spots. There are also individuals with predominantly black fur with red and white spots.

Collies are very similar to foxes due to their sharp muzzle and almond-shaped eyes. They need the care of their owners, have excellent intelligence, and become excellent companions.

Collies are real aristocrats

Pomeranian Spitz

Pomeranians are small dogs with long, fluffy hair and a sly face. Kids are very active and cheerful, they love long walks and various games.

The coat of these animals requires special care. A dog like a fox has a wayward character, so it is better to buy it for people with experience. Otherwise, you may end up with a harmful animal.

Additional Information. Pomeranians have small pointed ears, dark eyes and an elongated muzzle, making them very reminiscent of small foxes.

Pomeranians often resemble a ball on legs

American Eskimo dog

This breed belongs to the Spitz breed. Its second name is eski. These pets are medium-sized, growing up to a maximum of 44 cm.

These animals have rather thick hair with a good undercoat, and a rather fluffy collar forms on the neck. The most common colors are white, cream and light brown. Pets have a strong build.

The eski has a pointed muzzle, almond-shaped eyes, most often black or brown. It is very rare to find an animal with blue eyes. The ears are plush to the touch, slightly rounded at the tips.

Finnish Spitz

The main characteristic of the Finnish Spitz is its voice and desire to bark. These are medium-sized animals that can grow up to 41 cm at the withers. The dogs' homeland is Finland.

Note! The length and height of the animal are the same.

These dogs are very reminiscent of foxes also because of their coloring - it can be from dark beige to coffee. However, you can often find pets with golden fur and reddish tints. The pet's tail is gathered into a loop.

Finnish Spitz

Finnish Spitz puppies are very similar to fox cubs - both in color and appearance. Gradually they change their color a little.

Welsh Corgi

Welsh Corgis evoke positive emotions in many people. These dogs appeared in Wales and were first used as shepherds. However, the breed gradually spread throughout the world, and is currently particularly popular.

There are two main varieties - Pembroke and cardigan. The former are distinguished by red, golden or mixed hair and short legs. The second ones have longer legs, and the color can be anything except white. The corgi has an elongated head, which in appearance is very reminiscent of a fox, triangular ears, and short legs. The sharp muzzle and black eyes make Corgi babies look like foxes.

These are very cute and cheerful dogs, like foxes, they love long walks and active games.

Note! Due to their short legs, representatives of the breed often have problems with the spine.

Corgis are cute and funny dogs with short legs and a long body.

Norwegian Elkhound

This is a large breed of dog with a fox face. Such pets are also called moose huskies, Viking dogs. The largest representative of the Elkhound grows up to 52 cm, its average weight is approximately 25 kg.

These fox dogs first appeared on the Scandinavian Peninsula more than 6 thousand years ago. They were mainly used as gun dogs.

The animal has a gray or black coat, the undercoat is thick and soft. Thanks to this coloring, pets often resemble a black and brown fox. They also have an elongated and pointed muzzle and triangular-shaped ears.

Akita Inu

The Akita Inu was developed in Japan and is considered a large Japanese Spitz. The dog is quite calm, but in some cases it can show temperament and character. For training, it is recommended to be patient.

Akita Inu - loyal and brave dogs

Akita is a very loyal dog that has excellent watchdog and hunting qualities. The animal requires frequent walks and active games. The pets have red fur, with white spots and a mask on the face. Slanting dark eyes, a sharp muzzle and triangular ears make the dog look like a fox.


This small animal is one of the varieties of Spitz. The second name is Wolfspitz. These dogs are of average height and rarely grow large.

This breed of dog, similar to a fox, has been known for quite a long time. The pet becomes an excellent companion and lends itself well to education and training. He accepts other pets normally and even gets along with cats. Keeshonds love children and their owners.

Wolfspitz or Keeshond

The Wolfspitz has a thick coat. His ears are small, triangular in shape, and his eyes are slanted. The head is wedge-shaped, which gives it more of a fox-like appearance. Pets are very cheerful and active, always ready for games and walks.

Irish Red Setter

The main feature of these “tailed cats” is the rich, monochromatic coat color. The Irishman is a large dog that does not have pronounced muscles. They have a symmetrical narrow muzzle, smooth long neck and hanging ears. Thick, elongated dog hair predominates on the tail and belly, and on the front side of the legs and head there is short fur that fits tightly to the skin.

Dogs can have a red or red-chestnut undertone, reminiscent of brown, without a hint of black. Small white marks on the throat, chest and forehead, and white marks on the muzzle are allowed. An interesting fact is that marketers love to use this breed in their commercials (for example, the Chappie brand), since setters are an example of intelligence and charm for viewers.

Why are some dogs born without a tail?

Some pet owners like tailless pets. Such preferences have led breeders to adapt to genetic mutations. In the context of the topic raised, it is necessary to touch upon the term tail docking, as well as understand how this process occurs.

Removing part or all of the tail is a long-standing practice used by dog ​​breeders. When the procedure is performed after the animal is born, it is called tail docking, and the dogs undergoing it are classified as docked breeds.

The process is carried out surgically using scissors and is performed when the puppies reach the age of six months or more. Mostly, docking is amputation.

Docked dogs should not be confused with bobtails; in the latter, taillessness is natural.

Below are the breeds whose representatives are born without a tail.


A distinctive feature of collies is, of course, their luxurious long hair, which arouses admiration among others. After the release of one popular film, every Russian child dreamed of Lassie.

According to the standard, sable predominates in color, that is, any shade from light gold to rich mahogany, shaded with sable. Moreover, wheat or light cream tones are prohibited. Each color should have the typical collie white markings of varying sizes. The presence of white on the collar, tail, chest and paws is welcome. There is sometimes an asterisk or arrow on the forehead.

This is a medium proportioned breed with a pointed muzzle, slanted eyes and triangular ears. It has a strong build, medium limbs and a rounded chest. The fur resembles a thick, smooth mane.

What affects the color of an animal

First of all, of course, it is genetics. The color of a companion depends on combinations of many genes. Some are responsible for the distribution of pigment throughout the hair, others for the saturation of dark shades, and others for the presence of color in general. Moreover, it should be taken into account that some genes may be in a suppressed state. For example, when mating two dogs with a light color, you can get a whole variety of shades, since a gene that was received from grandparents, but did not manifest itself, may come to the fore.

With the red color, everything is simpler: the gene that sets it is always dominant, therefore, when crossing two red dogs (even with admixtures of other genes), red puppies are always born. Due to this, there are many dog ​​breeds for which red-colored coats are the only acceptable ones according to the standard.

Also, the color of the coat depends on the care and living conditions of the animal. For example, black dogs may develop a reddish tint when exposed to sunlight for a long time. In white pets, the appearance of red coloring is usually associated with diet. Carrots and beets can give this effect. Incorrect use of tinted shampoos can lead to color changes.

Golden retriever

Representatives of these “tailed animals” have a well-built torso with prominent muscles, massive shoulders and large limbs. They are distinguished by round eyes and a large black nose. The breed is famous for its standard silky coat, which lies close to the body, and its abundant undercoat, which has water-repellent properties. There may be slight waviness in the dog's coat.

The Canine Association defines the golden color standard as all shades, from rich golden to creamy snow-white and creamy. Setter and mahogany colors are not allowed. A small white spot is allowed on the dog's chest. It is noted that with age, puppies darken and acquire an orange tone.

Read Top 20 largest dogs in the world - large breeds

“Sunny” and “warm” nicknames

You can give your dog a nickname that is associated with the sun, light, and warmth.

For boys:

  • August
  • Agni
  • Aden
  • Brand
  • Volcano
  • Helios
  • Dodola
  • Dodon
  • Indra
  • July
  • June
  • Kagutsuchi
  • Kenneth
  • Bonfire
  • Ogonyok
  • Ra
  • Rarog
  • Svetik
  • Solar
  • Solgerd
  • Tabiti
  • Fire
  • Fireworks
  • Phoenix
  • Finist
  • Horse
  • Yarilo

Labrador July: “...and – yes, I eat in bed!”
For girls:

  • Adele
  • Adena
  • Anariel
  • Anfisa
  • Gabia
  • Gella
  • Gintare
  • Darinka
  • Juna
  • Eulampia
  • Lighter
  • Zara
  • Ilona
  • Spark
  • Yoko
  • Keche
  • Lesma
  • Letka
  • Lisette
  • Mayan
  • Miami
  • Ognevushka
  • Ramina
  • Saule
  • Seraphim
  • Sola
  • Soleia
  • Sonechko
  • Halianta
  • Shamsi
  • Eliana

Border collie Ramina. Fire and Snow

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Experts note several colors of this pet. The shade of the coat varies within several limits: from honey, wheat to bright burgundy. The Ridgeback is only black when it is a puppy. Gradually its color changes and becomes close to red. A dark mask on the face and ears is allowed. They have short, shiny fur that lies close to the body.

A characteristic feature of the breed is the “ridge” (from which the dog is named) on the back, formed by hair growing in the direction opposite to the rest of the dog’s coat. The dog's build is muscular, with a strong back and neck with a slightly curved loin. Long front legs allow it to rush quickly and push off the ground powerfully.

Austrian Pinscher

The Austrian Pinscher was used primarily for hunting, but in the 1970s. The breed practically ceased to exist. In order to revive it, pets with high performance were selected and crossed with outbred Landrace dogs. Breeders emphasized traits such as protective instincts and affection for the puppies.

The result is a pet whose appearance is characterized by variability, unlike other breeds belonging to the same region. In this regard, it is almost impossible to determine which traits of the Austrian Pinscher were inherited from which dog.

The tail of a representative of this breed is relatively short (the length may vary from individual to individual) and curls towards the back. If docked, it is set high and has a length of 2.5-5 cm. However, in most European countries, the docking procedure is considered illegal.

Some Austrian Pinschers have a tightly curled tail, while others may have a straight tail. There are differences in the shape of the body, ears, muzzle, as well as coat color.

Shiba Inu

Another dog vaguely reminiscent of a fox: a strong, proportional body, a small head and an elongated muzzle with sparkling dark eyes. The most common is a rich red or bright red tone. According to the canine community, a rich color is considered preferable, but without turning into brick. A light red undertone with small patches of black hairs is possible. This color is also called sesame. This dog has a very thick, dense coat of equal length, with a highly developed undercoat.

Other breeds similar to foxes

Foxes in nature are not only red in color. Therefore, you can add several more varieties to the list of dog breeds, like the fox:

  • Maya is a Spitz-Husky mix. It has thick hair, but its muzzle is slightly shorter than that of the Spitz.
  • Schipperke (Schipperke) is a small dog with black fur that loves to chase small animals.
  • Alaskan Klee Kai - bred as a smaller copy of a husky, loves to play, has good intelligence.
  • Pulin - bred in Serbia, very similar to the black fox. Differs in devotion, demands serious physical activity.

Red Coonhound

The breed got its name due to its short, shiny coat of a rich red hue. The Red Coonhound has a beautiful appearance. He will definitely not go unnoticed and will receive compliments from passers-by. The pet has a strong build, a deep chest, straight long legs and a high head.

A pronounced feature of its appearance is its wide drooping ears, reaching to the nose. Eyes are dark in color. The most common coat color is reddish-burgundy or dark red. The standard states that light spots may be present on the surface of the wool. This dog is characterized by folds on its neck and webbed paws that help the pet swim.

Australian short-tailed cattle dog

Heeler (the second name of the breed) is of medium size. It is a naturally tailless working dog and differs from the Australian Cattle Dog, which has a docked tail. However, both of these breeds are bred in Australia for herding.

Heelers are energetic animals that are characterized by attentiveness and obedience. They are loyal to their owners and reserved with strangers. Representatives of the breed are able to withstand harsh weather conditions, which is necessary for a herding dog.

The natural taillessness of heelers (or the presence of a short tail) is the result of the work of breeders. The current standard requires that this body part be no longer than 10.2 cm.

Due to the fact that Australian short-tailed cattle dogs are bred only in Australia and Canada, they are considered quite rare.


This breed can be considered one of the unique ones, since it cannot bark, expressing its emotions by purring and howling. The standard determined the presence of mandatory white elements in certain areas of the body. White spotting on the pet's paws, tail and chest is allowed. The presence of grooves between the eyes, neck and limbs is allowed by the canine association.

One of the most common colors is deep red and white. Individuals with a base cream color are considered defective and are excluded from the breeding process. The characteristic features of the Basenji are a wrinkled forehead with numerous wrinkles and a curled tail.

English cocker spaniel

The dogs have a strong body of compact size and a straight back, without overly elongated legs. The pet has a moderately elongated muzzle with long, hairy ears. The presence of a massive nose with open nostrils provides this dog with an impeccable sense of smell.

The canine examination standard grants this breed the right to one-color, two-color and three-color colors. The red color can include both straw-wheat and nut, chestnut with a slight “red.”

Gastronomic nicknames

You can, for example, look around the kitchen. An undeniable source of inspiration!

For boys:

  • Banana
  • Damn Chick
  • Mulled wine
  • Yolk
  • Kishmish
  • Kompotic
  • Cram
  • Kumquat
  • Sesame
  • Lemonade
  • Maize
  • Mandarin
  • Muffin
  • Honey cake
  • Nectar
  • Melange
  • Almond
  • Myrtle
  • Muscat
  • Donut
  • Gingerbread
  • Ratatouille
  • Salad
  • Smoothie
  • Sauce
  • Tomato
  • Fresh
  • Candied fruit
  • Saffron
  • Szczec
  • Egbert
  • Eclair

Who is this delicious one?
Of course, Pomeranian Smoothie! For girls:

  • Apricot
  • Orange
  • Mustard
  • Ginger
  • Ikrinka
  • Toffee
  • Caramel
  • Cinnamon
  • corn
  • Dried apricots
  • Turmeric
  • Mango
  • Mandarin duck
  • Mead
  • Lungwort
  • Carrot
  • Muesla
  • Sea ​​buckthorn
  • Ola Dushka
  • Papaya
  • Paprika
  • Pomi Dorra
  • Pshenka
  • Soybeans
  • Spice
  • Tira Misyus
  • Pumpkin
  • Persimmon

The butt is heavy, the stairs are high, but the little corgi Tira Misyus doesn’t give up so easily

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Representatives of this breed have a funny appearance: large, erect ears and short legs. They have two types of main colors - red and white and multicolor. The first assumes that the main color tone of the body will have a fawn or deep red tint with white spots located in different parts of the body.

You need to know that the standard allows white markings of any size, provided that they are on the face, head, paws and neck. The ears must have a rich red tint. White spotting on the body is not desirable. The second color is possible with a combination of black, orange and white. Moreover, red-and-white puppies are not born fiery red immediately, but go through a stage of recoloring. Tricolor puppies lose their rich coat color as they age.

Read TOP hairless and hairless dogs - 9 breeds with names

Funny and funny nicknames

Dogs never think about what they look like. This allows them to be natural and not be offended if their appearance makes you smile.

For boys:

  • Barclay
  • Barmaleikin
  • Ai Wai
  • Tramp
  • Boomerang
  • Vaygach
  • Gas Meat
  • Gordon
  • Gregory
  • Bolt
  • Deputy
  • Drone
  • Painter
  • Chew
  • Umbrella
  • Idol
  • Pencil
  • Mosquito
  • Compass
  • Somersault
  • Vitriol
  • Cap
  • Manatee
  • Ombre
  • Loser
  • Lux
  • Backlash
  • McGuire
  • Massaraksh
  • Minimum
  • Mosquito
  • Mulya
  • Naglyush
  • Nysh
  • Off
  • Parmesan
  • Passage
  • Passat;
  • Squash
  • kid
  • Sandblasting
  • Potz
  • Prank
  • Puzik
  • Puzila
  • Samhain
  • Semyon
  • Swan
  • Snooker
  • Tights
  • Trix
  • Upendra
  • Fileshka
  • Scandal
  • Shket
  • Shmyak
  • Shuler

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Shar Pei Upendra in the sun

For girls:

  • Watercolor
  • Antinous
  • Flea
  • Bun
  • Busyga
  • Vaenga
  • Rein
  • Grunya
  • Dracolli
  • Dulka
  • Zhivaska
  • Zhmerinka
  • Priestess
  • Zhuleyka
  • Campania
  • Klyopa
  • Flowerbed
  • Klyazma
  • Kolyma
  • Kulebyaka
  • Kuma
  • Kusandra
  • Paw
  • Lomaka
  • Blade
  • Poppy
  • Morgana
  • Muchacha
  • Fly
  • Mint
  • Tow
  • Palette
  • Pandora
  • Passimba
  • Pitsunda
  • Plyatska
  • Bullet
  • Putka
  • Fifteen
  • Snulya;
  • Owl
  • Hassle
  • Change
  • Tuchka
  • Phase
  • Futurama;
  • Tsilya
  • Chacha
  • Tap dance
  • Chenchila
  • Chucha
  • hat
  • spanking
  • Shapoklyak
  • little thing
  • Noisemaker

The muzzle is crumpled - here comes Mint..

African Boerboel

Basically, Boerboels are very massive and athletic dogs, most of them are muscular. This is a serious dog with refined movements and incredible agility, despite its size. They have a large head with a relatively short, wrinkled snout. However, the skin on the body itself is shiny and smooth, without pronounced wrinkled depressions. Dogs' tails are usually docked. The coat is short, smooth and of moderate density.

The most common pets are brindle, red and fawn. Brindle represents the presence of asymmetrical lines on a red background. The standard has 3-4 uniform brown or red tones, does not include white spots on the sternum and paws. Therefore, the same litter will most often be similar to each other. The Boerboel must have a dark mask. Any deviations in the pet’s appearance from the standards suggest that this is not a purebred dog with an admixture of other blood.

Miniature Schnauzer (Miniature Schnauzer)

These dogs are not only friendly and caring, they are very attentive and have watchdog abilities. Most Miniature Schnauzers are born with a tail, but some are naturally tailless.

The natural absence of an important part of the body is caused by a mutation, which, in turn, can be fatal, because. causes deformities in puppies. However, not all tailless miniature schnauzers are carriers of an undesirable gene responsible for such serious consequences.

These dogs are smart and obedient. They tend to want to please their master, so they are easy to train. Miniature Schnauzers are active and require regular exercise, but they can live both in an apartment and in a country house.

Most representatives of the breed are born without a tail. The docked animals belong to the American Kennel Club.


This dog has an inconspicuous appearance, in which only long ears and a thin tail stand out. The red tone is quite common in this breed. Along with the classic option - black or brown with small tan marks. However, the appearance of a dachshund can be either golden-red or almost brown, golden with a reddish tint. A light fawn or cream tone is considered rare. Uniform and bright color is highly valued. The breed standard assumes an orange color with the presence of black hairs that are located throughout the body.

Popular names

There is a selection of nicknames that are traditionally called for red dogs; it is quite extensive and varied. Moreover, you can create a lot of your own variations for each name.

For boys:

  • Admin
  • Alan
  • Apricot
  • Alex
  • Big Red
  • Brick
  • Valentine
  • Gator
  • George
  • Gong
  • Julius
  • Dior
  • Dorito
  • Iron
  • Cardinal
  • Carmine
  • Carnelian
  • Carrot
  • Quartz
  • Ketchup
  • Kidney
  • Copper
  • Copper
  • Kremlin
  • Crimson
  • Kurri
  • Lyon
  • Lobster
  • Maroon
  • Merlos
  • Nachos
  • Nik-Nak
  • October
  • Orville
  • Pumpkin
  • Pepperoni
  • Peach
  • Pikachu
  • Pyro
  • Peachy
  • Russet
  • Grow
  • Rugby
  • Redding
  • Robin
  • Rojo
  • Ronin
  • Rory
  • Reddy
  • Radford
  • Sullivan
  • Sunrise
  • Sunset
  • Saffron
  • Cinnamon
  • Smokey
  • Tiger
  • Firefox
  • Foxy;
  • Freyherr
  • Faeries
  • Heinz
  • Hazel
  • Cheddar
  • Chester
  • Chitan
  • Cheeto
  • Eclipse

Airedale Terrier Alex the Magnificent
For girls:

  • Azalea
  • Berry
  • Brandy
  • Brick
  • Burgundy
  • Vinny
  • Gilda
  • Jinji
  • Kamala
  • Clementine
  • Coral
  • Cressida
  • Lava
  • Marcia
  • Maruna
  • Mabel
  • Ora
  • Oriana
  • a penny
  • Peoni
  • Poppy
  • Risi
  • Ruby
  • Ruzha
  • Ruta
  • Radina
  • Savannah
  • Salsa
  • Sangria
  • Sunny
  • Sequoia
  • Sandy
  • Sienna
  • Siesta
  • Scarlet
  • Solomiya
  • Tawnee
  • Fiesta
  • Henna
  • Cherry
  • Chile
  • Edana
  • Amber
  • Apple
  • Yami

Dogs have a very developed desire to patronize and nurse. The story of the golden retriever Samson and the kitten Cleo is an example of this.


Representatives of this breed are muscular, strong dogs that demonstrate their athleticism and strength. They have a square, medium-sized head compared to the body. The muzzle has pronounced wrinkles and the front jaw is clearly defined. The eyes are of standard size, not protruding, thanks to which the dog has a firm, persistent look. Boxers are usually short-haired, with a smooth and glossy coat.

The standard assumes two types of color: pure red and fawn. The orange undertone can range from light brown to redwood. There is usually a black mask on the face, and many have black markings on the ears. White spots are allowed within 30% of the pet's entire body.

Australian Kelpie and man

Kelpie is a shepherd, guard and even hunter. He swims well, runs briskly, even climbs trees, and is able to remain for a long time without food and water while working in the pasture. This is a universal dog, and for him work is happiness . For Kelpies, the more work the better.

He equates lying on the couch with death. Therefore, the Kelpie is not the best option for a pet in an apartment ; he feels bad in it and, out of boredom, destroys everything from slippers to opening the linoleum. A dog can live in the city, but only under the condition of high physical and mental stress.

The ideal habitat for such a dog is a country house, a farm , and always with a lot of work - guarding livestock, herding, learning new tricks, and constant training.

The Australian Kelpie is good-natured and gets along with children , does not offend children, and gets along with other pets. Due to its “specialization,” the kelpie begins to herd small children and other animals.

Jack Russell Terrier

The breed is popular among breeders thanks to its debut in the film “The Mask” with Jim Carrey. And now it has not lost its popularity to this day. The generally accepted standard highlights the following features of appearance: a flat back, a straight, slightly elongated body, they have a strong, strong neck, and a medium-sized sternum. The dog's muzzle has developed muscles, the shape of the head is similar to a blunt wedge, with wide, non-protruding cheekbones.

One of the characteristic features that distinguishes this dog from others is its drooping ears, which are capable of rotating 60-80 degrees. As a rule, orange color can be of various tones.

The classic coat color characteristic of the Jack Russell is a combination of red spots and snow-white fur covering most of the body. The spots must be located on the ears, back or tail, and not on the abdomen. There are all varieties of red tones: from milky to dark amber. The animal's fur coat can be different: in addition to short, there is a medium-long one, forming a beard and eyebrows.

Red-haired cartoon characters

You can name your dog after a cartoon character - there are also many red ones among them.

  • Alenka
  • Antoshka
  • Ariel
  • Squirrel
  • Bobik
  • Valli
  • Wendy
  • Garfield
  • Jenny
  • Uncle Fedor
  • Carlson
  • Kim
  • Lorax
  • Marlin
  • Merida
  • Nigel
  • Nemo
  • I don't want to
  • Simba
  • Stoic
  • Chucky

Chihuahua Ariel is ready to love everyone

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