Grinder for dogs - what is it and how to use it

Grinder for dogs is a modern alternative to mechanical nail clippers. Often, trimming nails turns into a challenge for the animal owner. Dogs sabotage this process in every possible way. An electric dog nail clipper will save you money on groomers if you're nervous about cutting your dog's nails yourself. Petstory editors figured out which dog grinder is best to choose, how to use them, and compiled a rating of the most reliable models.

  • How to choose a grinder for dogs?
  • How to use the grinder?
      Precautionary measures
  • Rating of grinders for dogs
      1st place — Grinder Tenberg Stim Pro
  • 2nd place — Grinder Tenberg Vortex Black
  • 3rd place – Grinder PetGrind
  • 4th place – Grinder Andis
  • 5th place – Grinder Codos CP-3300
  • 6th place – Grinder Happy Tail
  • 7th place - Grinder Moser 2302-0050
  • 8th place — Grinder Ziver-219
  • What is a grinder

    The English name grinder comes from the root verb grind, that is, “to sharpen.” This word is perfectly suited for the electric scratching post for dogs, which replaced the classic nail clipper.


    After trimming their claws, four-legged visitors to the salon are advised to take a walk on the asphalt in the old fashioned way. Its hard surface really helps to remove excess and polish the nail, but it can cause infection.

    Unlike the dusty road, the grinder is easy to sterilize. It performs 2 functions at once: it cuts and polishes the claws, giving them a neat appearance immediately after the procedure.

    Appearance and design

    The device consists of a cylindrical body with several attachments-rollers for grinding. The claws themselves are placed in a protective cap placed on top. It prevents damage and retains dust generated during grinding.

    How to choose an electric scratching post: main parameters and characteristics

    The claws of representatives of the canine family grow quite quickly. They wear them off partially while walking on the asphalt, but this is not enough. You need to use a nail clipper and trim them. However, in advanced cases, this procedure can cause discomfort in the pet and cause injury.

    Even when walking, animals may experience pain if the overgrown part is not cut off in time.
    An electric dog scratching post is used for these purposes. While the tool is in operation, the head with an abrasive coating rotates, grinding down the claw plate at the level of the nail file. Note! When using at home, you need to act carefully so as not to touch the living part of your pet’s nail and cause injury.
    When choosing a grinder, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

    • speed;
    • volume;
    • nutrition;
    • duration;
    • ergonomics;
    • stone.

    You should also pay attention to the removable cap. It not only protects the device from dust getting on the sharpening stone. The cap has 1 or 2 holes for different thicknesses of your pet's claw.

    Attention! Without a cap, it is recommended to shorten the claws of cats only.

    Advantages of an electric scratching post

    Unlike mechanical tools, electric ones have a number of advantages. These include:

    1. Safety

      . Thanks to the protective cap, there is absolutely no risk of damage to the sensitive part (pulp). There is no discomfort-inducing squeezing characteristic of a nail clipper.

    2. No
      or other irregularities after processing. Grinding eliminates splitting of the nail plate, giving the claws a natural look without additional manipulation.
    3. Multifunctionality

      . Some models are suitable for both dogs and cats, so just one device is enough for several pets.

    Grinders are easy to use and do not require any special skills from the user. They are ergonomic and compact, so they are convenient to take with you on trips or to dog shows.

    Problems that arise when sharpening claws

    Learning how to properly use an electric nail clipper can be more difficult than it seems at first glance. This will take some time and patience. It is also necessary to teach the dog to use it, since some dogs may be afraid of:

    • Sound. In this case, you need to give your pet a treat when you turn on the device, so that the animal has pleasant associations with this sound.
    • Warmth. During nail grinding, the dog will invariably feel warm, and therefore it is necessary to take short breaks between grinding so that the pet can rest. You can also deal with each claw separately, thereby reducing the degree of heating.

    Note! Electric nail clippers can come with different grinding attachments and caps, and therefore you need to adapt and choose the right combination in which the procedure will be convenient.

    Varieties: where to choose

    Electric scratching posts are divided into several types based on the type of power supply and grinding surface. Before making a choice, you need to carefully study the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

    Differences by food type

    In the store you can find network and wireless devices. The first ones work from a cable, so without access to an outlet they are useless. A dangling wire limits freedom of movement during the procedure, so you need to get used to it. But there is also a plus - a long operating time.

    For trimming nails outside the home, a cordless option is suitable. It runs on rechargeable batteries or batteries that need to be periodically charged or replaced with new ones.

    Differences in grinding surface

    The grinding attachment is made from a sanding belt or diamond-coated stone. The first version is an outdated version, inferior in terms of wear resistance and efficiency. It will cost less, but such savings are completely unjustified. For this reason, it is better to choose a more modern work surface without hesitation.

    How to use the grinder

    The usage procedure is very simple. Once you are sure that your pet is accustomed to the new device, simply follow this algorithm


    1. Take your dog's paw and hold it securely. Try to win the favor of the four-legged one and do not rush things if he resists.
    2. Select one of the claws and insert it into the cap.
    3. Gently apply the grinder to the bottom of the claw and slowly lift it to the top. Then return to the starting position.
    4. Repeat the previous step until the sharp edge disappears completely.
    5. Having dealt with the excess length, carefully polish the nail plate using circular movements.
    6. Finish working with the remaining claws in the same way as the previous steps.

    Upon completion of the procedure, shake out the accumulated dust from the cap and rinse it under running water. Then wipe thoroughly with a napkin and put on the attachment.

    Benefits of using a grinder

    There are several advantages of carrying out the procedure of grinding down your pet’s claws using a grinder:

    • Grinding occurs painlessly for the animal if the owner follows the rules of use. The pet will have to get used to the vibration of the head, but modern models have reduced noise and vibration.
    • After using a regular nail clipper, your pet's claws will have jagged edges, and using a grinder will ensure a smooth and beautiful claw.
    • The ability to cut off a claw before bleeding appears is reduced to a minimum.

    The first time, you need to act carefully to give your pet the opportunity to get used to the new sensations. You can take your dog to a groomer several times, who will carry out the procedure professionally, without discomfort for the animal.

    Precautions and safety

    Despite the safer way of working compared to a nail clipper, when using an electric scratching post you must follow the following precautions:

    1. Avoid getting wool on the work surface. Be sure to cut long hairs to prevent them from getting caught in the rotating mechanism.
    2. Wash your paws before each procedure. This will prevent dirt from entering.
    3. Do not start sharpening the claws without securing the paw. Otherwise, the animal will be injured.
    4. Cut no more than 1-2 mm in length to avoid damaging the pulp.

    And most importantly, stay calm. Dogs are good at picking up on the emotions of their owners, so the absence of anxiety will only make your job easier.

    Why grind claws

    Dogs are afraid to wear down their claws - this is a problem that occurs to a large number of owners. Fear varies from simple hostility to horror, depending on the individual characteristics of the pet. Some owners find it inconvenient to do this at home, and therefore the only option is to go to a groomer.

    Many people don’t think about the fact that animals need their nails trimmed. This leads to health problems for the pet. Long claws affect the animal's posture. Prolonged stay in this condition leads to arthritis and other joint problems.

    The claws become brittle and begin to peel off. Dogs begin to damage furniture, wallpaper and other objects that they try to wear off their nails on themselves. When playing with people, pets often hurt their skin.

    The animal's overgrown claws cause him anxiety.

    Possible problems and difficulties

    Getting used to the grinder takes time. The dog may be frightened by unusual noise or heat, so do not force things. Increase the operating time of the device gradually, based on your pet’s reaction.

    Another possible problem is that the procedure takes too long due to the slow rotation of the head. High-quality batteries or removing the protective cap will help you deal with it. Thanks to more power and an increase in the working surface, processing will be much faster.

    Advantages and disadvantages of grinders

    If you are afraid to trim your pet's nails yourself, then a grinder will be a good solution for you. However, the animal may be frightened by the sound of the device. Therefore, before purchasing, we recommend taking your dog for a paid procedure using a grinder or borrowing a device from familiar dog lovers. This way you can check how the dog reacts to the sound of the grinder.


    1. Safety. The grinder does not injure the claw, which means that the possibility of inflammation is excluded.
    2. Easy to use. To work with the grinder you do not need additional training.
    3. Multifunctionality. Some models can be used for both dogs and cats. The grinder can also have additional attachments - for example, a trimmer.
    4. No uneven claws. Regular nail trimming may leave burrs or sharp corners. Grinder makes nails smooth.


    1. Price. The grinder is more expensive than regular nail clippers.
    2. Preparing the animal. It may take time to get your dog accustomed to the sound of the device.
    3. Duration of the procedure. Polishing nails can take longer than regular trimming. But if you choose a powerful device, this drawback is eliminated.

    Is the purchase worth the money?

    Everything here is very individual. You will never know the answer without trying. Working with a mechanical nail clipper is more familiar and faster, but its disadvantages outweigh its advantages. Therefore, many livestock breeders like the grinder much more. If you doubt the advisability of a purchase, sign up your pet at a grooming salon and watch how the treatment process takes place.

    Popular and high-quality grinders

    In addition to the type of power and the grinding surface, several more parameters need to be taken into account:

    • maximum rotation speed;
    • noisiness;
    • the presence of removable nozzles.

    The most popular are the fast but quiet models, suitable for treating the claws of dogs of different sizes.

    CODOS CP-3300

    Made in China. Withstands 3 hours of continuous operation, does not make much noise, and is suitable for processing small and large breeds. The disadvantages include single-speed operation, an outdated battery and an inconvenient rectangular body shape.

    Oster Nail Grinder li-Ion

    The most expensive model from the entire selection from the American brand. Has 3 nozzles and 2 operating speeds. The power output is not suitable for large dogs, and considering the price, having a cheaper sanding belt instead of a stone raises a lot of questions.

    Tenberg Vortex Black

    Another device from China with 2 speeds, removable processing caps and a sharpening stone. Works for 6 hours without recharging and boasts very low noise levels. It is a market leader and is therefore often out of stock.


    Attracts with German quality, reverse rotation in different directions and the presence of backlight. It has 2 speed modes and as many as 4 grinding rings included. Large because of the flashlight. It runs on batteries and contains a sanding belt, which makes the device less safe.


    The most budget option, suitable for puppies and small breeds. It has only one speed and low power. Made in China.


    Don't rush to get rid of the nail clipper ahead of time. Many owners use both devices at once, thereby compensating for their shortcomings. Don’t skimp on the quality of the device – and the result will please you after the first use.

    The article is a recommendation!

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    How to choose a grinder for dogs?

    The choice depends on your needs. First of all, it should fit comfortably in your hand and not make much noise so as not to frighten your pet. Therefore, before buying online, we advise you to go to a pet store and get acquainted with the models. Let's take a closer look at what you need to pay attention to before purchasing:

    Speed ​​mode. Choose a grinder with several speeds. A grinder with a low operating speed is not suitable for large breeds. The duration of the procedure also depends on the speed. Carry out the main cutting at high speed. Finish edges and sand burrs on low. 5400 rpm is low speed and 9000 is high speed.

    Noise. If the device makes a lot of noise and vibrates, the dog may become scared. In the store, compare several models and choose the least noisy one. The characteristics indicate the noise in decibels. The sound of a quiet room reaches 40 dB, and a noisy street - 70 dB. Focus on these parameters when purchasing.

    Functionality. If you have several dogs, choose a grinder with removable attachments of different sizes. Large attachments are not suitable for small dogs. The grinder kit may also include a trimmer attachment. Pay attention to this if you want to combine two devices in one.

    Nozzle type. It is better to choose a stone nozzle. It will last longer. Choose a stone with a neat, fine finish. The cap must be removed from the nozzle. You may find it more convenient to work without a cap. See how much the components for the selected model cost. Sometimes the nozzle stands as a full-fledged device.

    Battery performance. Some models work 4 hours without recharging, more expensive devices - 10 hours. If you have several dogs and plan to use the device frequently, choose a model with a powerful battery.

    Convenience. Choose a grinder that fits your hand size. Turn it with your hand, it should be comfortable for you to operate the device. The optimal weight is 160 g. If the device is too heavy, your hand will get tired.

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