Furminator for dogs - what is it and how to use it

Furminator for dogs - what is it and how does it work

The Furminator is an improved comb for removing undercoat on dogs, cats, rabbits, and horses. The tool was invented by American groomers Angie and David Porter. In 2000, they patented the FURminator deShedding trademark and launched production in China.

Now other companies are creating furminator combs. The FURminator brand name has evolved into the name of a tool for manually removing loose hair from pets.

Externally, the furminator resembles a razor, but instead of blades, a comb is attached to the handle. The teeth along their length are covered with excisions invisible to the eye, and are rounded at the tips. The distance between them is strictly adjusted so that the guard hair can pass freely.

When combing, the comb catches dead hair and lifts it to the surface without cutting or tugging. “Living” guard and integumentary hair slips between the teeth and remains intact.

Rules for use and care of the instrument

When you first meet it, it becomes obvious that a furminator for cats is a device that combines different materials. But avoiding this does not become difficult. The simplest rules:

  1. There should be no foreign objects in the cat's fur - specks and tangles; they must be removed first.
  2. The device is used only on clean fur, so if the cat gets dirty, it should be washed and dried first.
  3. After combing is completed, the furminator should be cleaned of hair and the blades should be covered with a protective cap.

With proper use and care, the tool will last for many years (from 5 to 10 years). The main thing is to strictly follow the rules of use.

Advantages and disadvantages

With a regular comb it is difficult to reach the undercoat and remove it completely; the slicker scratches the skin and tears the living hair. The Furminator clearly wins over traditional instruments:

  • Removes lifeless fur faster.
  • Captures the undercoat deeper and completely removes already fallen hair.
  • Reduces seasonal molting time by 2 times.
  • Does not cause pain, does not leave scratches.
  • Massages the skin.
  • It does not tear the guard hair, and after treatment the coat looks healthy and neat.
  • Evenly distributes fatty lubricant, which moisturizes the skin and forms a protective film on the surface.
  • Prevents tangles from forming.
  • During shedding, the house looks cleaner and tidier.

Furminators have only 2 drawbacks. They cost more than regular combs and brushes and are not suitable for all coat types. The price of furminators is from 900 to 3000 rubles.

Benefits of the new tool

Perhaps the most important advantage of the furminator is its durability. The blades are made of durable steel that does not become dull over time. Conventional combs will have to be changed at least once a year. Therefore, it is better to spend a little money initially, but buy a reliable tool.

The Furminator helps make the combing process easier and faster:

  • The device removes about 90% of dead hair in one session.

    It’s amazing how much dead undercoat the Furminator removes in one session

  • You constantly need to remove the wool from the comb with your hands, but with a furminator you won’t have to do this.
  • The Furminator is safer to use than a comb. It removes only dead undercoat without harming the main hairs. An ordinary powder brush can also catch living hairs.
  • The sharp tips of the comb can scratch the animal, and in cheap options, the wire teeth can come off and remain in the cat's fur. This cannot happen with a furminator.
  • The special structure of the teeth allows the Furminator to penetrate deep into the fur without causing any impact on the skin.

For my ordinary non-pedigreed cat, I used to use a simple slicker brush. The undercoat was combed out, but there was no less hair flying around the house. It got to the point that she combed the poor animal almost twice a day. Then a friend told me about the furminator, praising its effect. I hesitated to buy for a long time, but still bought it. She sighed calmly, in just a few times the fur practically disappeared. Nothing flew or accumulated in the corners, the carpet and clothes were clean. Combing now occurs 1-2 times a week.

How to choose a Furminator for a dog

Before purchasing, consider the details of the tool:

  • The size of the teeth, the distance between them. The Furminator will comb out the undercoat well if the length and frequency of the teeth correspond to the animal’s coat. Too many short teeth will not reach the undercoat of long-haired, fluffy dogs. Rare long ones will not capture dead hair in short-haired animals.

  • Quality of the working surface. In good quality instruments, the comb is made of durable stainless alloy. Upon examination, the teeth are even, shiny, smooth, without scratches, gaps or irregularities. To check, run the comb over your head. A good comb allows the hair to slide freely, leaving only traces of dust on the teeth.
  • Ridge width. Estimate the size of the dog, weigh the pet. Mentally imagine which comb will remove the undercoat faster and more thoroughly. A miniature comb 3.5 cm wide will take more than an hour to treat a large dog. Wide combs 10–12 cm are inconvenient for combing small animals. For giant and large dogs, it is better to use two combs: a wide one for processing the body, a medium one for bends, paws, and head.

  • Ergonomic handle. The comb with a textured rubber insert and a convex end on the handle does not slip out of the palm. For the rest, look at how you feel: how comfortable the instrument fits in your palm. The hand will quickly get tired if the length or width is not suitable, the tool is too heavy or constantly pops out.
  • Fur reset button. This addition speeds up combing, but weakens the structure. Simple models are more durable, and hair is not difficult to remove with your hands.
  • Additional functions. Manufacturers are constantly improving tools. They produce models with removable combs and sets of attachments of different widths, lengths and frequencies of teeth. Such tools are convenient to use when there are several animals of different sizes in the house. However, classic monolithic combs with bolted combs work longer.

New models have a vibration massage system built into them and are battery-powered. The animal may not like this at all. The moving and buzzing sounds are frightening and unnerving. The recommendations listed will be useful in a regular pet store, when you can pick up the comb and examine it. Order online from websites with a detailed description of what size and coat length dogs the furminator comb is suitable for. Read reviews on forums.

Where to buy a furminator

Having learned about such a miracle device, a cat owner will immediately have a question about where to purchase it. Here are some options:

  1. In a retail specialty store or veterinary pharmacy.

Here you will find a quality furminator. The seller will tell you about the features of use and tell you which model to choose for your pet. Another advantage of such a purchase will be the warranty on the tool. The only drawback may be the price. In such stores it is usually overpriced.

  1. In the online store.

On the Internet you will see a large assortment of furminators of various brands and manufacturers, with a wide range in price. On store websites you will find photos and videos of the instrument, as well as a detailed description of the product. Buying online can be very profitable, because the seller often offers discounts on goods, and can also deliver the purchase directly to your home.

  1. In city hypermarkets.

This method of purchasing is convenient and simple. The only negative is the limited selection of furminator models.

How to use a furminator

Before treatment, inspect your dog's skin. The procedure will have to be postponed if you see inflammation or rashes. For single scratches and small wounds, you can comb out, but do not touch the damaged areas.

After examination, treat your pet in order:

  1. Straighten tangled hair with a regular comb. For long-haired animals, separate the tangles with your hands or remove them with a tangle cutter. The Furminator can't handle them.
  2. Bathe your dog with pet shampoo and dry thoroughly. The comb tears the wet hair. Do not treat unwashed wool either; particles of dirt and dust clog the notches on the teeth, making them dull faster.
  3. Sit, stand or lay the dog down, as the animal prefers. Move during processing.
  4. Brush only according to the growth of the fur with confident movements without pressure. Go through one place no more than 2 - 3 times, every 40 - 60 seconds remove the hair from the teeth.
  5. For dogs with short to medium hair, first go along the back from head to tail, then move to the sides, moving from the spine to the paws.
  6. Treat long-haired dogs in sections. First, lift the fur from one side and comb out the undercoat below the belly. Then release some of the hair and repeat the treatment on the area above. Gradually work your way up to your back, finally walking along the spine from neck to tail. After processing one side, move on to the other.
  7. Gently brush areas that dogs don't like to touch: areas on the head, belly, tail, paws, back of the thighs.
  8. After treatment, rinse the instrument with warm soapy water and dry. Do not wipe the comb with napkins, so as not to disturb the sharpening. Combing takes from 15 minutes to 1 hour depending on the size of the dog and the thickness of the undercoat.

During shedding, the old undercoat is usually removed after 4 to 5 treatments. The rest of the time, comb long-haired dogs once every 10-14 days, remove excess hair at the beginning of summer so that the animal does not suffer from the heat. Treat short-haired dogs once a month. “Apartment” dogs often shed all year round and are brushed every week.

Who is the Furminator contraindicated for?

Despite its versatility, this device can be not only beneficial, but also harmful, so it is contraindicated for some breeds.

For example, these are “hairless” cats: sphinx, peterbald, elf and others.

Breeds without undercoat also do not need a furminator: Angora, Oriental, Laperm, Burmese, etc.

Important: A serious contraindication to the use of the device is the presence of dermatitis on the animal’s skin, if it is affected by mites or fungi. In this case, you should first cure your pet and only then start getting rid of excess hair.

What breeds of dogs need a Furminator and 4 types of fur that it will harm?

The Furminator is approved for dogs with long, moderate, short hair of medium hardness and thick undercoat:

  • German, Belgian shepherds;
  • labradors;
  • husky;
  • Rottweilers;
  • pugs;
  • dachshunds;
  • likes;
  • Newfoundland;
  • beagles;
  • spaniels;
  • malamute;
  • Spitz;
  • chow-chow;
  • setters;
  • griffins;
  • fox terriers;
  • pinschers;
  • St. Bernards;
  • bobtails;
  • collie;
  • alabayam;
  • English and French bulldogs.

The list goes on. The furminator harms certain types of wool:

  • Long silky without undercoat - Maltese, Yorkshire terriers, Shih Tzu, Papillons, Phalenes, Lhasa Apso.
  • Hard, dense, wavy: Irish and American water spaniel, schnauzers, terriers. The teeth trim the hard guard hair.
  • Soft: Bichon Frize, Poodles, Bedlington Terrier, Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier. The comb combs out the guard hair that is too thin along with the undercoat.
  • Twisted into dreadlocks: bullets, commander, Spanish water dog, havanese.

A furminator is not required for hairless dogs or dogs with short, fine hair: Peruvian and Mexican Hairless, Chinese Crested, Pharaoh, Italian Greyhounds, and American Hairless Terriers.

Where to place the comb

The brush should be placed in those places where the cat most often rubs its back or whiskers: corners, door frames, table legs. Observe your cat and place the device exactly in the place chosen by the cat. Don't forget to attach it at the level of your pet's neck so that he can reach the scratcher with both his back and muzzle.

My cat was constantly rubbing her face on the legs of the kitchen table. Perhaps in this way she was simply begging for a tidbit. But we decided to hang a comb in these places. The cat really liked this thing, and sometimes she rubbed against it even in our absence, as the tufts of fur remaining on the device told us about.

To summarize, I would like to say that when choosing a comb or brush, you should first of all rely on the preferences of the cat and its characteristics: length of hair and type of undercoat

And only after that pay attention to the price of the device and its convenience for the owner

Original FURminator

The company produces furminators from durable stainless alloy, so the combs have been used for years. The handles do not deform, do not break, the teeth do not bend, the sharpness remains sharp for a long time, and the comb does not fall off. Manufacturers provide a 10-year warranty.

There is the right size for an animal of any size:

SizeRidge width, cmDog weight, kg
X-Small3up to 4
Small44 – 9
Medium7 9 – 23
Large10 23 – 40
X-Large13 40+

Combs marked Short hair are used for short-haired dogs with hair length less than 5 cm, and those marked Long hair are used for long-haired animals. In the first version, the teeth are slightly shorter. All FURminator models have a button to reset the combed hair.

Classic instruments with manual hair removal are no longer produced. In the new models, only the design has changed: the body has become more streamlined, the working surface remains the same.

How not to buy a fake

The Furminator costs several times more than regular combs, which makes counterfeiting it extremely attractive to scammers. This is why you should be on alert when choosing and purchasing a Furminator for your cat:

It makes sense to immediately focus on choosing the original furminator, which is produced by a company with the same name, and not try to choose from its cheaper analogues.

The reduction in cost of the cat trimmer model is primarily due to the use of low quality metal for the comb itself. A low-quality blade will injure your pet’s skin, so it’s better to spend money right away and buy an original furminator.

  • To purchase a furminator, you should contact a trusted seller, for example, a large retail chain of pet stores. The smaller and more unpresentable the store, the easier it is, naturally, to stumble upon a fake.
  • When purchasing, study the packaging and the furminator itself.

The most important difference between the original and the fake is the markings on the blade on both sides (company name and serial number). In addition, the high-quality steel blade has a matte color and is free from any damage or unevenness.

And the last and most reliable test of the quality of a Furminator, however, after purchase is the behavior of your pet.

Over time, if not immediately, cats begin to like being “combed” with a furminator. First of all, this happens because the process itself does not cause unpleasant or even painful sensations, and secondly, after such a weekly procedure, the cat does not need to lick and choke on its own fur, which also cannot but please the pet.

Rating of furminators of other brands

Dog owners often buy original FURminator combs, but other manufacturers also create good tools. Here are examples in descending order of popularity:

Trixie brush for dogs

Trixie. A German company produces comb-trimmers similar to furminators. Models differ in the width of the working surface: 3.5 cm, 6, 7, 8 and 11 cm. Steel ridges are removed at the touch of a button. Plastic handles are covered with anti-slip inserts. The mounts are the same for all models. One handle fits combs of any width. The total length of the handle with comb is 14 or 15 cm.

Hello Pet. The Taiwanese company creates furminators with a steel comb and a plastic body. On sale there are simple classic models with a wool cleansing button and double-sided models with a two-row comb and a comb for removing undercoat. The Hello Pet company produces 4 sizes - small, medium, large, super large. The combs differ in frequency, length, and number of teeth: from 25 to 97.

Hello Pet double-sided furminator for dogs.

Foolee. The French company produces combs in two categories: One and Easee. They work the same way, but Foolee Easee has additional features. The wool is shed by pressing a button, the switch adjusts the height of the teeth to the length of the wool. The set includes 2 combs: black for intensive combing, white for gentle care.

Furminators FoOlee.

The company produces combs in 10 shades, 5 sizes:

SizeRidge width, cmDog weight, kg
XS3,1Up to 5
S4,55 – 10
M6,5 10 – 25
L10 25 – 40
XL13 40+

Vivog. The French company produces classic furminators and rotary ones with two working surfaces. In the second option, one wide-toothed comb straightens tangled hair and removes small tangles. Another working surface with fine teeth is used directly for combing out the undercoat.

Furminator Vivog.

Kudi. Furminators from Chinese manufacturers are cheaper than others, but are not much inferior in quality. In classic models, the comb is screwed on, the handles are covered with rubber grooved inserts. 2 in 1 combs are available with two working surfaces: one with sparse teeth, the other with frequent teeth. They change by turning the roller.

Furminator Kudi with two working surfaces.

The most popular furminator models

The sales leaders are rightfully considered:

  1. FURminator deShedding. One of the most expensive and high-quality manufacturers. The tool is made of high quality steel and eco-rubber.
  2. TRIXIE. Excellent value for money trimmer comb. The comfortable handle, lightness of the device and small dimensions will make it an excellent purchase.
  3. HelloPet. The handle and blade of this sample are made of impact-resistant materials. The cost depends on the size and frequency of the teeth.
  4. Dele. This model is the cheapest of those presented; it can be purchased on Aliexpress or in similar online stores. Of course, this model will last less than the original furminators, but its advantage is ease of use and price.
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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