How to introduce a dog to a dog: where to start, an adult with a puppy, two adults with each other

The decision to get a second dog is an important and responsible step. By bringing another pet into your home, you may encounter problems such as jealousy, disobedience, and aggression. In order to avoid this kind of trouble, you must know how to make friends between dogs and dogs and make their coexistence as comfortable as possible for each other and for you as well. All dogs, without exception, even puppies, need socialization.

Socialization - where to start

All skills and habits develop in a dog in early childhood. They, just like people, need society, companions for games, communication with relatives. At the moment of the first acquaintance with one's own kind, a model of behavior in the future is laid. This is why early socialization is of great importance. It is easier to train a puppy than to train an adult dog.

You can start getting acquainted with other dogs immediately after the end of quarantine for vaccinations. A walk is a time not only to relieve natural needs, but also for communication and games. Find a place in your area where dog lovers and their pets gather, and find the right company for your baby. Try to spend as much time as possible with them, arranging in advance to meet and go out together.

While playing and interacting with dogs, the puppy acquires the necessary skills, learns to interact with others, and feels confident around other animals. At the same time, exclude any reasons for rivalry - toys or your increased attention to someone else’s dog can become a reason for sorting out the relationship between the pets.

During active play, the pet may show aggression or attempts to dominate other participants. They must be strictly suppressed. A demonstration of strength on the part of a pet is not a positive moment of self-affirmation, as many owners mistakenly believe. By leaving this behavior unaddressed, you make the dog feel that you are right. In the future, this may develop into conflict behavior, which will greatly complicate her communication with other animals and walking together.

How true is the belief that dogs have more fun together?

If the dogs’ adaptation was successful, then, of course, they are not so bored when they are alone at home. But again, it all depends on the breed. There are breeds that do not really like communicating with their own kind.

And in order for pets to be friends, it is desirable that they be approximately the same size

. For example, my Foxes find a common language with each other remarkably well. And the Chinese woman is friends with Toy. They usually play 2x2. Although there are exceptions here too. Large and calm dogs often get along well with their smaller counterparts. Everything is very individual.

And they help each other raise puppies. Right now we have children from the tough Foxy Homsy. The birth was difficult, I had to have a caesarean section. While mom was under anesthesia, Rebecca licked the puppies. And I didn't have to massage them, Rebecca did everything for her friend.

How to introduce an adult dog to a puppy

The best option to get a second pet is to adopt a puppy. It is in the nature of dogs that adults have a friendly and condescending attitude towards children. If your older pet has been socialized, there should be no problems. But still, you shouldn’t let the process of getting to know each other and getting used to it take its course.

You can introduce an adult dog to a puppy at home, in the conditions familiar to the pet. It is important to monitor the reaction of the older dog and try to avoid too active actions or demonstrations of superiority on its part that could frighten the baby.

  • Release the puppy, allowing the adult dog to sniff him thoroughly. Suppress any unwanted actions on her part with a strict ban.
  • Watch your baby's behavior - he should not flirt or become too intrusive, so as not to irritate the older pet. If the puppy is too active, take him to another room for a while, giving him time to calm down.
  • Give equal attention to both pets. Too obvious displays of feelings for the puppy can cause an attack of jealousy in the first dog and aggression towards the new neighbor. The puppy should not be competitive or be perceived as a competitor.
  • For the same reason, at first it is better to feed the dogs separately. Even exactly the same pieces in someone else's bowl can look more attractive and lead to a quarrel.
  • Walking together is a very important moment. If your first dog is well-trained, obeys unquestioningly and follows commands, this is a huge plus. The baby begins to actively copy the behavior of the older pet. The process of raising and socializing a puppy is greatly facilitated and accelerated.
  • Remember that the last word is always yours. You are the owner and educator. In any dispute or quarrel between them, your behavior is decisive. Commands concerning both dogs are given clearly and must be followed unquestioningly.

When choosing a puppy of a different breed as a second pet, be sure to take into account the difference in size, temperament, and character of the dogs. It will be difficult for pets that are too different to live in the same home.

Is it always better to get a second dog of the same breed as the first?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. For example, I currently have four dogs - all of different breeds. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the breeds


Soon I got Rebecca, a smooth fox terrier. I took her when she was very young – a month-old puppy. She immediately settled into the new place and began to establish her own order. When I saw the Chinese woman, the first thing I did was grab onto her forelock. Naturally, Her Chinese Majesty was horrified. Before this, she considered herself inviolable, almost a sacred animal. And then some little thing allows itself to do who knows what. And she began to express her dissatisfaction. Their conflicts continued for quite a long time. A particularly difficult period was adolescence: Rebecca grew up, and Asya became less tolerant of aggression. She constantly provoked fights. Each of them was looking for its place in the sun. Surprisingly, Rebecca, despite her temper, was always very delicate. Not once after the fights did the Chinese woman have any serious injuries, at most - scratches. Maybe because Rebecca came to us so little, or maybe this is her individual characteristic, but she is very soft for all her sharpness and playfulness.

Rebecca is also very caring. He worries when one of the dogs is sick. Tries not to make noise, not to disturb, walks on tiptoes. I’m surprised myself, where does this come from? From afar, she will sniff her sick friend, lick her, and move aside so as not to disturb her.

The third we got was Bir-Byr, a Russian toy, and the fourth was Khomsa, a wire-haired fox terrier. The adaptation of these dogs was easy. It was difficult for Asya to accept only Rebecca and stop being the only spoiled darling. Sometimes she, of course, restores order. But this is not direct aggression. And so that the younger ones don’t forget who’s boss in the house. In general, Rebecca is the leader in the pack. She keeps order.

How to make adult dogs friends with each other

Making adult dogs friends with each other is, in most cases, not an easy task. Of course, if both dogs have successfully completed the socialization stage and have no problems with training and obedience, the adaptation process will go without problems. But, as practice shows, there are very few such cases. So, how to make dog-dog friends:

  • The first acquaintance should be “as equals”. Meeting in an apartment gives the first dog a territorial advantage, therefore, it is better to introduce pets outside.
  • By the time of introduction, the dogs should be calm, walked, and slightly tired. It's best not to let them off the leash. Don't pull or pull, but control the situation so you can intervene if necessary.
  • One meeting may not be enough. Take a few walks together to see how the dogs interact with each other and whether there are any obvious signs of aggression on either side.
  • Give the dogs an equal amount of attention, avoiding jealousy in one of the pets, but strictly suppress attempts at dominance. Protect the weaker side and punish the culprit of the quarrel.
  • You cannot violate the “personal space” of the first pet - rearrange its bed and bowl, or place the new arrival’s bed or bowl next to or in its place. This may provoke the old-timer to defend his territory.
  • The best option is to place the pets in different rooms or at least feed them in separate rooms.
  • For the first time, it is worth removing all “apples of discord” - toys or objects that the first dog may consider his property, which can provoke a conflict between animals.
  • Well, the easiest option is to contact the kennel club. There the pets will play and get used to each other under the supervision of experienced dog specialists and trainers.

The most difficult period in the process of getting to know and getting used to is the first week. How to make friends with dogs in such a short time? Spend as much time as possible with your pets. It is optimal to start living together on Friday, then you will have two full days to be close to the dogs and control the situation. If this is not possible, and you are forced to leave your pets alone in the apartment, separate them into different rooms. Limit free communication within the same room. You can use a net, cage, or playpen as a partition. This way the dogs will be able to see each other, but even with a strong desire they will not be able to harm.

Do you want to know how to make dog-dog friends using canine tricks? You only need two pieces of soft, damp cloth. Wipe one and the other pet with a piece of cloth and, having separated them into different rooms, leave the cloth with the smell of the other dog. This will allow the dogs to get used to each other faster.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely avoid disputes between pets. But the main word is always yours. Put a muzzle on the offender and remove it only at the time of feeding. A few days of such punishment will give the dog a clear understanding that this behavior is not allowed. Be sure to reward both pets for good behavior.

Two dogs in one house

Quite often, owners want to get a second dog. The reasons may be different: to protect a large territory, like another breed, the first dog began to grow old, for breeding, a friend for the first dog, etc. But a logical question arises: will two dogs get along together, how will the first dog perceive the newcomer, will she feel offended, will there be a struggle for leadership and fights. How can the owner build relationships, distribute attention, how to walk, feed, play: together or separately?

Sometimes people want to get a second dog because the first one is destructive when alone: ​​howling, chewing furniture, peeing, etc. It should be noted that such behavior, as a rule, is a reaction to the absence of people (either all family members or just one person); getting a second dog will not help solve the problem. But it is very likely that the puppy will imitate the behavior of an adult dog. Getting a second adult dog will be an additional stress factor for the pet. The likelihood that behavior will change slightly over time depends on the age of the dog, the duration of the problem period, the degree of manifestation of the fear of loneliness, the extent to which the second dog will become a leader in the relationship and will be able to influence the behavior of the younger member of the pack.

Since dogs are pack animals, for centuries they have lived and been used by humans in groups of several individuals for hunting, herding, and protection, problems, as a rule, do not arise.

To avoid conflicts, you need to follow a number of rules.

If an owner brings an adult dog into the home of their adult dog, they should be introduced on neutral territory. If possible, it is better to meet for a walk several times so that the dogs can establish friendly relationships with each other, resolve issues with each other’s hierarchical status, and then take them home at the same time. If one of the dogs has a pronounced territorial instinct, then it is better to take it to a place unfamiliar to it, where it will feel less confident and, accordingly, the likelihood of establishing normal relationships increases.

But dogs of the same sex usually form a domestic pack. To successfully introduce a newcomer into the house, it is necessary that the owner can completely control the situation, that both dogs obey him unquestioningly, his word is law, a possible conflict can be stopped by voice at the maturation stage. Those. the person must be the unconditional leader, if this is not the case, then the older dog can make his own decision on the issue of who lives in this house, who the pack is friends with, who is declared an enemy, etc.

The nature of the relationship during raising puppies depends on the individual characteristics of the mother. There are dogs that do not let anyone near their puppies, but there are also, on the contrary, those that are happy to use the help of a “nanny”.

Coat color

For the interpretation of a dream, the color of the fur of the dreamed animals has a tangible significance. Why do you dream of two black dogs? Black color signals the likelihood of a collision with an enemy. It is possible that he will be a long-known person with malicious intent.

Sometimes two black dogs can mean that the sleeper is distrustful of loved ones or has lost faith in them. To overcome doubts, you need to talk frankly with people dear to your heart.

The red fur of dreamed animals is a warning about the hidden treachery of people pretending to be allies. They are preparing a real conspiracy or acting dishonestly behind the dreamer’s back.

Why do you dream of two white dogs? Soon a person will meet with an old friend. The once lost connection will be restored and stronger relationships will be created. Sometimes white animals portend positive changes in life.

Dogs with gray fur are considered a warning symbol. The sleeper will find himself in a difficult life situation, and close people will turn away from him. It is also possible that a conflict will arise in which a once faithful comrade will switch sides.

Interpretation of sleep for women

Receiving animals as a gift means that in reality the dreamer is greatly distracted from solving pressing problems.

Why do women dream of two dogs? If they do not attack the girl, but behave aggressively and bark loudly, in reality the dreamer is greatly influenced by others. Her balance is greatly affected by the opinions of people close to her. The dream indicates the need to make independent decisions. A lady should be less influenced by others.

A warning sign is a dream in which a woman is bitten by angry dogs. This plot symbolizes hidden hostility.

If you dreamed of two small dogs, then in real life the girl may be surrounded by gossips and envious people. But the size of the dogs she sees tells her that she has nothing to fear. These people are not dangerous and cannot harm a woman.

The dreamer's actions

The image of fighting rabid dogs has a negative connotation. He points to a major quarrel, as a result of which an old friend could turn into a bitter enemy.

Sometimes you may have a dream in which the sleeper feels the desire to take stray dogs home. This image predicts a new acquaintance, thanks to which he will be able to make several good friends.

You should be careful if you dreamed of a scene in which a person is being disturbed by a pair of dogs underfoot. Most likely, in real life he has several unresolved issues that need to be resolved as soon as possible.

Your wish

It is worth immediately reminding that you are dealing with an animal, not a person. Therefore, looking for friends and companions for him is the last thing you need to think about. Your pet perceives you and your household members as a pack (and most importantly, as a leader). There is no need to take care that he is not bored. If you just want to adopt a second dog and are aware of this (it requires additional care), there are no obstacles to this. Start with the fact that this is your desire and pleasure, and not care and indulgence for the pet that already lives with you.

Opinion of popular interpreters

The famous fortuneteller Vanga believed that two hungry and shabby dogs dreamed of failure and illness in the near future. Seeing attacking animals means trouble in reality. If you happen to feed dogs in a dream, then in real life the dreamer is a reliable person you can rely on.

Why do you dream of two dogs according to Freud? The famous Austrian psychologist argued that the dog symbolizes the child. Therefore, the two animals are the dreamer and his child. And the behavior of dogs in a dream indicates possible problems in relationships.

According to Miller, kind and affectionate dogs in dreams are messengers of good news. Two aggressive dogs are a negative sign, warning of the evil intentions of ill-wishers.

In the Muslim dream book, the image of dogs is associated with remorse. In reality, the sleeper is tormented by internal contradictions.

Why do you dream of two big dogs according to Tsvetkov’s interpreter? This image speaks of patronage and protection from faithful and devoted comrades. Two fighting dogs signal a difficult relationship with a loved one and a possible quarrel with him.

In Loff's dream book, a pair of animals is considered a favorable symbol. If their mouths are smeared with blood, then the dreamer has a reliable friend. A dream about sleeping dogs has a negative meaning. He warns that the enemies are planning some kind of meanness.

A 21st century interpreter deciphers a dream involving two dogs as a warning. A person should be more attentive to the people he trusts. Someone close to him is trying to harm him.

Why do you dream of two black dogs? According to Longo's dream book, this dream warns of failure. For a girl to see a pair of well-groomed and affectionate dogs - to a rich admirer.

In the Modern Interpreter, the image of a dog means a meeting with a good friend. But two animals are a warning symbol, promising trouble.

Sizes of dreamed animals

According to most dream books, two small dogs indicate to a person the need to understand his own thoughts and desires. It is possible that the sleeper is too fixated on his own benefit in a situation in which several other parties are involved in addition to him.

A couple of small dogs also promise small but pleasant chores related to home and family. The dreamer will probably have to organize a festive event or choose gifts. Also, two small animals can be the personification of younger relatives in need of help or protection.

A huge dog is an indicator of strong friendships based on mutual trust. But a dream in which two large dogs appeared, instilling genuine horror in the sleeper, indicates the presence of real fear of comrades in reality. The dreamer cannot fully open up to his friends and trust them.


There are many examples of how the second dog has become a real problem for the first, as well as for all household members. Seeing how your animal suffers, there can be no talk of any joy. There is only regret about making the wrong decision. And then there are two options: continue to endure or give a new pet to friends or relatives. Therefore, think very carefully about whether it is worth getting a second dog. However, if this is your desire, pay attention to important points.

Are the owners ready?

Before deciding to take the important step of getting a second pet, owners need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons of the decision they are making. Another favorite in the house is, of course, a joy for every family member. But at the same time there is additional responsibility.

Purchasing and preparing food, walks, labor costs for care and haircuts, veterinary services - expenses, both financial and time, double.

Additionally, you need to take into account that if one dog behaves calmly in the house, then the behavior of the pair can be strikingly different. Animals can jump more, frolic, play with each other, and bark. It is advisable to take this factor into account when getting a second dog.

Place and territory

Large numbers of dogs living together require more space. Each pet should have its own separate place where it can be alone, lie down, rest and recover.

In a small, cramped apartment, two animals can simply become cramped and uncomfortable. This negatively affects the emotional and physical state of the animal. The dog may develop medical conditions and may also experience behavioral problems such as barking, anxiety, or aggression.

Sociable dog

Your dog's temperament is a very important factor, so pay special attention to it. How does your pet behave during a walk? Does he enjoy interacting with his fellow humans and does this all the time? This means you can get a second dog with the same character. Record the time how long your dog can communicate with friends, how quickly he gets tired. Do not doubt the correctness of your intention to buy another dog if he keeps turning his head and trying to find someone like him. An indicator can also be a lack of aggressiveness and control over one's territory (for example, a house or a bowl of food).

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