How to properly care for a French bulldog: basic rules for caring for a puppy and an adult dog

French bulldogs are called companion dogs. These are incredibly friendly and peaceful animals, get along well with children, and are unpretentious in keeping.

These qualities have earned them a reputation as the best dogs for families.

Dogs of this breed are small in size and ideal for keeping in an apartment.

Their fur is short and does not require frequent brushing, which is convenient for both the dog and its owner.

Due to the structure of their nose, bulldogs may make sounds similar to grunting or snore while sleeping.

They are distinguished by bulging eyes and large erect ears, similar to the ears of bats.

How to care for a French bulldog puppy

From the first days a puppy appears in the house, it must be taught to be neat . After eating, sleeping or noisy play, the baby needs to be taken outside so that he gets used to asking for himself when he needs to.


Under no circumstances should you walk outside with an unvaccinated puppy. He can easily get sick.

It is also important to avoid contact with other animals during this period.

French Bulldog puppies need to be fed up to 6 times a day. They are actively growing and have a good appetite.

Read about how to properly feed French Bulldog puppies here.

To avoid eye diseases, your pet needs to periodically wipe their eyelids with a cotton swab dipped in strong tea leaves..

Every evening, babies need to wipe the folds on their faces; food particles get stuck in them, dirt accumulates, which can lead to inflammation. This must be done very carefully so as not to hurt the dog.

Special wet wipes for animals are suitable for these purposes.

Due to their structure, the ears of French bulldogs quickly accumulate dirt and wax. They should be cleaned regularly with a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide or boric alcohol.

Starting from six months, the puppy needs to be walked several times a day . It is important that part of the route runs on an asphalt surface. This way the baby’s claws will naturally sharpen and a correct gait will form.

The baby should have enough toys, especially during teething. Otherwise, he will gnaw on the first thing that comes his way.

A French Bulldog puppy learns new things very easily and develops his own habits, both good and bad. The owner must have a reaction to all actions of the pet. It is absolutely impossible to ignore the actions and actions of a puppy.


You need to know in advance how and what to feed your French Bulldog.

Firstly, this is necessary for the pet to develop properly.

Secondly, to prevent obesity, an allergic reaction or bad habits in the animal.

You will find all the basic recommendations for creating a diet and food intake, as well as other useful information about this, in our article - How to feed a French bulldog and what to feed it correctly.

Basic rules for caring for an adult dog

The French bulldog does not require complex care. It is enough to comb the dog's fur with a massage brush 2-3 times a week.

After a walk, be sure to clean your paws . You need to wash your dog no more than once every 2-3 months using special shampoos.

A mandatory procedure is cleaning the folds on the face. They need to be wiped regularly.

It is important to monitor the health of your eyes and ears . To prevent tartar, give hard vegetables, fruits or bones from the veins to chew.

Once every 3-4 weeks, the dog needs to have its nails trimmed . The very ends are cut off so as not to damage the blood vessels.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

French bulldogs are big clean people; they can only come back grimy from a walk, after which they need to wash their paws and belly. It is not difficult to care for the coat; wash it when it gets dirty. You may have to clean the apartment more thoroughly during the molting period, but you can forget about haircuts and combing out tangles. An important point in caring for French bulldogs is cleaning the folds.

What you need for care

If possible, learn in advance from the breeder how to care for a French bulldog. Before the puppy arrives, the house purchases the equipment that the pet will need.


The place for the dog is located in a cozy corner, from where the dog can watch the owners. It cannot be equipped:

  • near radiators - they dry the skin and cause overheating;
  • in a draft - due to the risk of colds;
  • near doorways, near balconies and windows, under air conditioners and fans;
  • each time in new places - this will confuse the dog.

You cannot scold or touch the dog when he is in place. It is his fortress and refuge.

A dog bed should be comfortable and made of durable fabric. She is taken for growth - puppies quickly become adult dogs. If space allows, purchase a sofa or house. Caring for them is simple: the bedding is periodically cleaned with a wet brush.

For long trips you will need a crate for your French Bulldog. It allows your dog to travel by train, car or plane, and makes caring for him easier. The size of the container should be such that the pet can stand, sit and lie freely.


To care for and feed your dog, you will need at least 3 containers - for water, dry and wet food.

Bowls are chosen with low sides and wide - due to the brachycephalic structure of the skull, it is difficult for dogs to eat from deep dishes. Ideally, use metal containers on a stand.

As the puppy gets older, new bowls are purchased. It is inconvenient for kids to eat from large dishes, but an adult dog can carry containers in his teeth.

The dining room is located in a secluded corner where no one will disturb the dog. Place a rubberized mat under the bowls - this way they will not slip and the floor will remain clean.


The Frenchman is not a fan of long walks. Its maintenance and care include learning to go to the toilet in diapers or in a litter tray.

Children are not taken outside until the end of the vaccination quarantine, which lasts up to 3 months. Therefore, moisture-wicking diapers are a must for caring for puppies. Subsequently, a home toilet will be needed until the baby learns to go outside to relieve himself, if the owner has no time to walk the pet or the weather is not suitable for walking.


Purchasing balls, squeakers, and chewing bones is one of the components of caring for your pet. Toys are used for entertainment and when teething, so that the dog does not “scratch” its fangs on furniture and shoes.

When choosing accessories, take into account the characteristics of the dog. Everyone likes their own. They prefer simple rubber objects without complex structures.

Pay attention to the label. The best toy is one made from hypoallergenic materials. It should not contain elements that a puppy can easily chew off and swallow.

Care items

The French Bulldog is unpretentious in keeping. But he, like any dog, needs an arsenal of care products:

  • massage mitten or short-toothed combing brush;
  • furminator for removing dead hair;
  • nail clipper to trim nails;
  • hypoallergenic shampoos for short-haired breeds with herbal extracts;
  • dog brushes and toothpastes to remove plaque from teeth;
  • cleansing lotions for eyes and ears.

These items allow you to carefully and properly care for your pet at home.

Walking equipment

When keeping and caring for a French bulldog you will also need for walking:

  • collar – puppies need a smaller size, adult dogs will need more equipment;
  • leash - you need a “harness” type, in which the fastening is on the back or on the chest: frequent and strong pressure on the neck provokes diseases of the spine and injures the trachea;
  • muzzle – the breed is not aggressive, but a muzzle is needed at exhibitions, for trips to the veterinarian, trips, visits to public places;
  • clothing: in summer you need Panama hats and light capes that will protect the dog from the sun's rays, in winter you need warm, windproof and water-repellent overalls;
  • shoes - boots are worn in slush and frost to avoid frostbite and injury.

They are taught to wear equipment for walking in advance. At what age is determined by the owner. But it’s better to do this before going outside for the first time - this way the puppy will get used to things and won’t be distracted while walking.

Walking equipment also needs care. It is wiped once every 1 - 2 months with antiseptic solutions.

Where is the dog's private place in the house?

When choosing a place for your pet, you need to approach it with special responsibility and arrange it even before it arrives at home.

As soon as the dog crosses the threshold, he needs to be introduced to his new home and shown his corner in which he will feel confident and completely safe..

Under no circumstances should you punish or scold a dog if it is in its place, no matter what offense it has committed. This space in the house should belong only to her.

It is better to arrange a place for a French bulldog in a quiet corner of the house, so as not to disturb the pet while sleeping . Bulldogs do not tolerate temperature changes well, so a place near the balcony door and radiator is not suitable. On a tiled floor, a dog can get colds in its internal organs.


An ideal place for a French Bulldog is a sofa, pouf, rug, flat pillow with a removable cover that can be washed, as well as straw or rag mattresses.

A soft mattress made of cotton wool or foam rubber is not the best option; the dog can chew it and swallow the contents.

Bedding made from knitted fabrics is also not suitable . The threads from them are easily pulled out, cling to the claws, and the dog can get entangled in them.


It is necessary to equip the puppy with a private place where he can sleep, relax and simply hide from prying eyes. The ideal place for a pet would be a spacious, moderately bright corner in a closed room, where there is not a lot of furniture and small interior items. You should not place the dog near the balcony door, on a cold tiled floor, in a draft, or in places where there is a constant flow of cold air from an air conditioner or fan - this can cause colds. You should also avoid places near radiators and other heating devices - due to constant stay in excessively warm places, the dog becomes susceptible to cold, which reduces the resistance of its body.

Main rules of nutrition

French Bulldog dogs are prone to allergies, so their diet must be carefully thought out.

If it is dry food, then only “premium” or “super premium” class. If it’s natural food, then it’s well-balanced.

It is important not to overfeed your pet; Frenchies often suffer from obesity:

  • The majority of your dog's diet should be meat. Lean beef, veal, rabbit, and lamb are suitable. You need to cook it without salt. You can also give it raw, after defrosting it. From time to time, meat can be replaced with offal.
  • Fish should appear in a Frenchman’s diet no more than twice a week. River fish must be boiled; sea fish can be given raw, after removing the bones.
  • Suitable cereals and vegetables include oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, and barley. Porridge is cooked in water without salt. Boiled vegetables can be anything except potatoes and legumes.
  • Sometimes you can treat your bulldog to fruit if he likes it.
  • Fermented milk products should also be present in the bulldog's menu. Don't just give milk.
  • If your pet eats eggs, you can give them raw or boiled several times a week.
  • When cooking porridges and vegetable mixtures, you can add a little vegetable oil.
  • Small puppies are fed 6 times a day. After two months - 5 times. From 3 to 6 months the dog eats 4 times a day. From six months to a year – 3 times. An adult dog needs to be fed twice a day - morning and evening.

Bathing and litter box

Short-haired French bulldogs do not need to be bathed often ; just wipe them with a damp cloth. Full bath procedures are carried out once every ten days using special shampoos. From an early age, the puppy is taught to be neat, so that he goes to a special tray and does not make puddles on the floor.

Typically, small puppies go to the toilet after sleeping, feeding or playing. At the first sign of concern, pick up your pet and take it to a place specially prepared for the toilet. Don't forget to praise him when he makes a puddle in the tray.

Patience and affection on your part will help achieve the desired result.

What vaccinations are needed and when to do them?

Adult French Bulldog dogs are vaccinated every year against the most basic diseases.

Puppies receive their first vaccination at the age of two months, the second at 6-7 months, and the third at 12 months..

They are vaccinated against parvovirus enteritis, infectious hepatitis, plague, leptospirosis and, without fail, rabies.

Reproduction and lifespan

Breeding French bulldogs is a difficult task due to the low productivity of natural mating and complex births of females. The gestation period for puppies is 63 days.

Bulldogs undergo caesarean sections due to the puppies' very large heads. Without the help of a veterinarian, she may die. You should take care of a preliminary ultrasound to know how many newborns to expect. There were cases of difficult births when puppies remained in the uterus and died.

It is advisable for owners of French bulldogs to decide in advance whether they will deal with the issue of their pet’s offspring. Please note that during puberty, puppies become more irritable. Sterilization of animals restores peace and balance. The life expectancy of dogs is 10-12 years, if you take care of your pet's health and provide proper care.

Walking rules

French bulldogs need to be walked in any weather 2-3 times a day..

The duration of walks depends on the age of the dog. It is better not to walk with small puppies for more than 15 minutes; with an adult dog you can walk for several hours.

You can let your dog off the leash only in places where there is no danger to its life.

While walking, it is worth remembering some rules:

  • Give the dog a good run so that it can throw out all its energy, otherwise the bulldog will do it at home.
  • If danger arises and large dogs appear, take your pet on a leash
  • Avoid hypothermia
  • Avoid impurities

Development and training

As soon as the French bulldog crosses the threshold of the apartment, let him know who is the alpha male in the house and whose orders he will now obey. For the interpretation of your actions to be correct, the interval between them and the puppy’s offense should be 10–15 seconds. If you are late to react, awareness of the offense will not follow.

For good behavior the puppy is praised and treated, for bad behavior they are punished by raising their voice, and the tailed student is praised 5 times more often than he is scolded. In punishment, it is important to maintain a balance: it should not be too soft (“the French” will not understand anything) or, conversely, harsh. A frightened dog will begin to damage things, bite and scratch.

When raising a dog, do not spank or hit it, but correct it with your voice: it is enough to scold it sharply so that it understands that it has done something wrong. Remember that even the smartest bulldog will not remember the command the first time . To consolidate the lesson you will need patience and time.

Important! The most effective way of training, according to most dog handlers, is encouragement (praise or treats). The second, by the way, must change, since a monotonous reward loses its attractiveness.

They praise the bulldog in a gentle, calm voice, stroking the back (you can supplement this action with a treat by giving a cracker or a slice of cheese).

Training begins when the puppy is 4 months old: at this age, he happily absorbs all your instructions. The later you start raising a French bulldog, the more difficult it will be for you to break his breed's willfulness and eradicate bad habits.

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Clothes and muzzle

Bulldogs are short-haired dogs with no undercoat. These animals do not tolerate temperature changes well and clothing for them can be a salvation from frost or heat.

In the summer, you can choose light capes made from natural fabrics for your pet . They will cool the dog, protect it from direct sunlight and prevent the fur from fading.

During the cold season, a jumpsuit will be indispensable to protect your dog from freezing. It is better to choose a windproof overalls made of moisture-repellent fabric. The bulldog will feel comfortable in it both in the rain and in strong winds.

You can also purchase boots for your pet that will protect their paws from various injuries, cuts, and in winter from hypothermia. In addition, roads are often sprinkled with reagents that can cause irritation.

A mandatory attribute when walking with a French bulldog is a muzzle. His choice should be approached very responsibly. The muzzle should not cause discomfort to the dog, press, squeeze, or rub.

In it, the animal should breathe calmly, yawn and stick out its tongue.


The muzzle will not allow the dog to pick up and eat something from the ground, because it could be a “treat” with poison, which was specially scattered for baiting stray animals.

Even though French Bulldogs are incredibly friendly animals, they can easily get into a fight if their owner is in danger.

Do not forget that the ancestors of the bulldog are fighting dogs . A muzzle can pacify the animal.

Description of the breed

This is a small pet, but with a strong and muscular physique, which is distinguished by a lively, courageous character. The main advantages of the breed are that they are easy to train, calm and friendly, making them ideal for living in an apartment.

External description:

  • large but short muzzle;
  • flat forked nose;
  • stocky and compact body.

A purebred puppy should have a brindle or spotted color, white fur is acceptable, but then there should be no depigmentation on the face. Any shades of blue and chocolate are considered defective.

How to trim claws correctly and when?

A French Bulldog's nails need to be trimmed every 3-4 weeks. The first time this is done is three weeks after the puppy is born.

The dog's nails should not be too long, otherwise they will interfere with the animal when walking, which can lead to deformation of the paw.

Bulldogs have non-retractable claws; they are cut to a length at which the dog does not touch the floor with its claw when walking. This is done with a nail clipper, nippers, trimmer - special devices purchased at a pet store.

Human instruments are not suitable for this procedure..

When processing claws, you should be extremely careful and careful, trying not to damage living tissue - the nail bed.

This will cause your pet severe pain, bleeding and fear. To avoid this, you need to take your pet's paw and press down on the pads, thereby lengthening the claws.

Trim 1 mm of the claw at an angle of 45 degrees . After this, file the nails with a dog file.

If the claw bleeds, it should be treated with hydrogen peroxide or a cotton swab moistened with any antiseptic and applied to the wound.


The breed standard suggests that French bulldogs have a short tail, but some individuals are born with a long tail. This is not considered a defect due to which the dog will be disqualified from participating in the exhibition, but such animals cannot be used for breeding. Mandatory docking in EU member states was abolished in 1992, after the adoption of the Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals. However, in Russia, some breeders still perform this procedure, even if there is no medical indication for it.

The tail can be docked no later than 3 days after the puppy is born by squeezing or cutting off. In the first case, the tail must be tied with a tourniquet along the docking line to cut off blood circulation for 2 to 7 days, after which part of the tail dies and falls off. In the second case, you need to trim the tip of the tail with special surgical scissors or a scalpel.

Is it necessary to dock the tail?

Most French Bulldog puppies are born with short tails. The gene responsible for this is inherited. Dogs of this breed do not need to have their tails docked.

According to the standard,
the French Bulldog's tail should be short and low set, thick at the base and tapering towards the end .
Sometimes puppies are born with a long tail. This is not considered a serious drawback if the dog's owners do not plan to participate in exhibitions with it.

In ordinary life, a long tail will not cause any inconvenience to a bulldog and, perhaps, will even become a highlight and a distinctive feature.

How to properly clean your ears?

French Bulldogs have ears that stand upright, with the insides facing forward rather than out to the sides.

Because of this, they are often compared to the ears of bats. Due to their unusual structure, dirt and wax accumulate in the ears, which can lead to various inflammations.

French Bulldogs' ears need to be cleaned at least twice a month..

The inside of the ear is thoroughly wiped with a cotton swab, which can be soaked in hydrogen peroxide or boric alcohol.

This must be done very carefully, making sure that drops from the tampon do not flow into the ear, otherwise the dog may develop otitis media.

Cleaning the ear canals requires great care. This is done with a thin stick, on one end of which cotton wool soaked in boric alcohol is wound.

Under no circumstances should you push the sticks too deep ! This can damage the eardrum and cause the dog to partially lose hearing.

How often should you bathe?

Buying Frenchies is often not recommended.

Dogs have special glands that help their fur and skin clean themselves . Frequent washing can negatively affect this ability.

The optimal option for bathing is once every 2-3 months . However, if the dog gets very dirty during a walk, it is still worth washing it. It is also recommended to wash your French Bulldog during shedding.

This will help your dog get rid of excess hair and prevent skin irritation.


You need to carefully prepare for the arrival of a new tenant and purchase everything necessary to make your pet comfortable in the new home.

  1. A lounger where you can comfortably rest and sleep. This could be a small warm rug, a low wooden box with soft bedding, or a basket with low sides.
  2. Two bowls: for food and water. They can be made of different materials, but they must be wide and low so that the bulldog can eat comfortably.
  3. A collar with a sign indicating the dog's name and owner's address.
  4. Leash.
  5. A muzzle made of soft leather, which is necessary when traveling on public transport, while walking in crowded places or when visiting a veterinary clinic.
  6. French bulldogs do not tolerate cold well, so for walks in the cold season it is advisable for puppies to purchase clothes (overalls, jacket, hat).
  7. Active bulldogs need toys so they can play and frolic. Balls, boomerangs, rubber bones should not be small so that the puppy cannot swallow them.

Toys and other entertainment

Despite their apparent laziness and clumsiness, French bulldogs are incredibly active and playful animals. They take great pleasure in playing with their owner.

Toys for bulldogs should be chosen depending on the character and preferences of the animal..

Some, for example, love to chase a ball. But here you should take into account the small size of French bulldogs and not choose large balls.

All kinds of strings and ropes, toys for tugging and holding with teeth are also very popular among the French.

It is better not to use improvised toys made from improvised materials when playing with a dog..

The animal may be injured or swallow some parts. Toys purchased in special stores will definitely not harm your pet.

The attention of many dogs, including French bulldogs, is attracted by various toys with squeakers. Animals like to squeeze them with their teeth until they make a characteristic sound.

However, we must not forget that no toys can replace a bulldog’s owner’s attention and they will happily play with him..

For example, you can hide your pet’s favorite toy and then look for it together. French bulldogs are very smart and attentive, this game will give them great pleasure. You can also play tug of war with your pet. However, under no circumstances should you suddenly pull the toy out of the animal’s mouth; you can damage its teeth.

Preparing a room for a new family member

The French Bulldog is kept only at home. The dog is a decorative breed for an apartment and is not suitable for living in an enclosure. On the street she freezes, overheats, catches colds and catches infectious diseases.

Where does your French Bulldog sleep?

On your own sun lounger


Together with family members on the bed


Preparations are made in advance for the arrival of the puppy to its new home and its care. Need to:

  • close all cracks and openings - the baby can get stuck between the sofa and the floor, behind the closet and damage his back or joints;
  • put metal bars on the windows - the dog can jump out of the balcony, mosquito nets will not hold him in;
  • lift the wires from the floor and secure them higher, or hide them in cable channels;
  • remove household chemicals, cosmetics, and waste bins from access - the bulldog will not fail to try a “delicious” bottle of shampoo or scraps from the trash, which can lead to poisoning;
  • hide valuables - from favorite shoes to expensive cream and memorable figurines: all puppies are naughty, their teeth will definitely end up with objects dear to the owner’s heart.

Keeping and caring for a French bulldog places special demands on the premises. Dogs are sensitive to temperature changes and are prone to dust allergies. Therefore, the apartment should be clean, bright, warm, without drafts.

It's easier with the dimensions of the area. Bulldogs are compact, not active, and do not need much space. A one-room apartment would also be suitable.

The first days are difficult for a puppy. Care at this time is an aid in adaptation. The baby is shown rooms, introduced to family members and other pets, and helped to get used to objects that are unusual and scary for the dog. It is important to explain the rules of behavior to your pet before 4 months - this is the basis of raising a Frenchie.

To help the kitten quickly get used to its new home, take a toy, bedding or bowl from the nursery. Bulldogs are sentimental and get attached to things.

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