Life expectancy of Jack Russell terriers: how many years do they live and what does it depend on + caring for an elderly dog

Jack Russell Terriers are active and energetic dogs that love active games.

This is one of the healthiest breeds - they rarely get sick and until old age they remain as vigorous and active as in their youth.

But time takes its toll and so, the owner of an elderly Jack Russell notices changes in the behavior and character of his pet and increasingly begins to think about the inevitable separation from him.

So how many years do Jack Russell Terriers live and is it possible to extend the life of an older dog?

How long do they live?

The average lifespan of a Jack Russell is 13-16 years. But it is believed that boys of this breed live longer than girls.

Indeed, the life expectancy of a bitch can be greatly reduced due to the development of a disease of the reproductive system. You can reduce the risk of their occurrence by sterilizing your pet.

If the bitch is not suitable for breeding, then it is better to perform this operation before she is one year old. A show dog can be sterilized after completing breeding activities. But before deciding to take this step, you need to conduct a full examination of the animal and calculate all the possible risks associated with the operation.

However, male dogs can also suffer from serious diseases of the genitourinary system, which is why their life expectancy can be significantly reduced, and castration cannot always help in this case.

How long a dog will live depends not on its gender, but on factors such as living conditions , feeding and heredity.

Expert opinion

Tolkachev Andrey Mikhailovich


How long a Jack Russell will live depends on many reasons, including heredity, living conditions and feeding. Much also depends on how well the dog is raised. A dog that has not been trained in obedience has a higher risk of ending its life under the wheels of a car or dying from poisoning. Another important factor is the psychological situation in the house. Dogs that are constantly stressed live shorter lives.

Interesting Facts

An actor of this breed starred in the famous film “The Mask” with Jim Carrey. There he showed remarkable dexterity, intelligence and devotion, for which he fell in love with all spectators.

Now many people dream of having the same friend. Prince Charles, King Edward the Seventh, as well as Audrey Hepburn and Michael Douglas had a similar handsome man.

Interestingly, the genes do not go to sleep in these excellent hunters, and they constantly catch someone. But the Vampire, who lived in 1977, surpassed everyone - he managed to destroy about a ton of rats in Great Britain.

What affects life expectancy?

The conditions in which your pet is kept greatly affects the length and quality of its life.

Too low or too high a room temperature worsens the dog’s general well-being and can cause serious illness, for example, provoke a heart attack in an already middle-aged dog.

Movement prolongs the life of dogs and exercises their body and mind. Jack Russells that remain active into old age tend to live several years longer than their cousins ​​who are used to spending their time on the couch.

Nutrition is also very important - it is with food that the dog receives the substances necessary for its body. If the dog is fed incorrectly, it may develop health problems, for example, obesity.


The main secret of pets' longevity is the love and care of their owners.

If the owner devotes time to raising the dog and walking with it, if he is attentive to the health of the pet and gives it vaccinations on time, if he feeds, maintains and wisely approaches the breeding use of the Jack Russell, in this case the dog has a good chance of living to an old age. age _

Description of the Jack Russell Terrier breed

Popularity 140th place among 263 dog breeds


13-15 years old


25-30 cm

Country of origin:

Great Britain

Average price:

15-25 thousand rubles


5-7 kg
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Main causes of premature death

Jack Russells are healthy and strong dogs. They rarely get sick, and therefore rarely die from disease.

But due to the fact that they are incredibly active, accidents are not that uncommon among them. Jack Russells love to chase moving objects and sometimes, carried away by the hunt, get hit by cars.

It also happens that a dog eats a poisoned rodent or picks up poison from the ground.


To reduce the likelihood of accidents, the dog should be properly raised and trained, and safety precautions should be taken during walks.

Infections are the next leading cause of premature death in dogs. Vaccinations help to significantly reduce the risk of their occurrence, and if a vaccinated Jack Russell does catch an infectious disease, he will suffer from it in a milder form.

Advantages and disadvantages

These animals have many advantages, but there are also negative aspects. To be prepared for whatever you encounter, it's best to familiarize yourself with these lists in advance. So, the pros:

  • Cheerfulness. But this positive trait easily turns into a negative, since gullibility encourages dogs not to be afraid of strangers and malicious people. They could steal him and he wouldn't even think about resisting,
  • Mind. Thanks to their intelligence, they easily learn, find a common language with people, are trained,
  • Compatible with children. Every child will be happy to have such a friend. They will actively play and communicate,
  • Positive impact on the psyche. Terriers often help get out of depression, and they also become good companions for people with cerebral palsy, autism and similar diseases, especially children.


  • Ability to manipulate. High intelligence allows them to invent various tricks to achieve their goals,
  • Need for attention. They cannot be left alone for a long time, this leads to nervous breakdowns and melancholy. Because of this, they become aggressive and tear things.

If you raise your pet correctly, it will delight you, and all shortcomings will be reduced to a minimum. The main thing is to love him, take care of him and devote enough time to him.

How to extend the life of a pet?

Proper care of your pet should begin from the first day it arrives in the house. After all, it is during puppyhood that the foundation of health is laid, and illnesses suffered by a Jack Russell puppy can significantly affect the quality and duration of his life in the future.

It is very important to raise and train your dog correctly - this will help reduce the risk of accidents. For example, the dog must understand that it is forbidden to run after cars and bicycles. And for those who like to pick up all sorts of nasty things from the ground, you should purchase a special muzzle.

Elderly Jack Russells need special care - even if an aged dog is completely healthy, he still needs special care, as well as an additional portion of affection and attention.


It is better to buy a puppy from a kennel known for its longevity. But lines whose representatives do not live long should be avoided.

Proper nutrition

The Jack Russell Terrier needs to eat well.

If the dog eats ready-made food, then it must be selected in accordance with the size of the pet, its age and physical condition.

Young terriers are best fed food for active adult dogs. With age, when the animal's needs change and it becomes less mobile, it is better to switch to food for older dogs.

If the dog suffers from any chronic or age-related disease, then it is recommended to feed it with special dietary food.

Natural feeding should also be of high quality and complete. It is unacceptable to feed your dog food that is too hot or too cold, as this can cause serious digestive problems and even cause a chronic disease such as gastritis.


You cannot feed your Jack Russell food from your table - it may contain spices that are harmful to animals. In addition, such food may be too fatty for the dog. And, of course, you should not give your pet sugar, sweets, cookies and baked goods, as all this is very harmful for dogs.

What to feed your dog?

The dog is fed twice a day. The diet may consist of professional dry food or natural food - it is up to the owner to decide. The main thing is a balanced diet.

Suitable natural products:

  • lean meat;
  • sea ​​fish without bones;
  • rice and buckwheat;
  • chicken and quail eggs (give once a week);
  • low-fat cottage cheese and kefir;
  • vegetables (except legumes).

Feeding restrictions:

  • pork and lamb (strictly prohibited);
  • fatty and sweet foods.

Maintenance and care

It is best to keep a Jack Russell in a house or apartment. Moreover, walks with him should be long, since these dogs need increased physical activity.

The Jack Russell is not a very difficult breed to care for. But the wire-haired and transitional varieties require timely trimming, and the smooth-haired variety requires daily brushing and combing with a special mitten during the molting period.

Your pet's ears, eyes, and teeth should be examined daily and cleaned as needed. As a rule, the pet cleans its teeth itself when it gnaws on cartilage or special toys to remove plaque.

If the Jack Russell walks on the asphalt enough, its claws will grind down on their own, but if this does not happen, then they need to be trimmed using a nail clipper.

Because the Jack Russell's coat is self-cleaning, they should only be washed when necessary.


These creatures were originally bred to hunt foxes and rats. The qualities characteristic of a hunter were carefully nurtured and developed in them, but there were no exhibition specimens. But then everything changed - the furry comrades had a cheerful disposition, and people appreciated it. But this species came to Russia only in the nineties, and the National Club was organized in two thousand and three.

That is why their price is quite high. Although this does not prevent real fans from making a purchase, because the little animal is very cheerful, joyful and feels good in the apartment due to its miniature size.

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Russells love games, they will need a lot of toys, otherwise they will use any household items as them. Individuals are jumping, get ready for them to wake you up in the morning by jumping and licking. They have a restless character, they cannot live without communication and love to take long walks and run. They easily find a common language with children, entertain them and keep them company. But if the children are very young, your four-legged friend will need to be raised so that he does not become violent if he is hugged too tightly or his fur is pulled.

It is important that he does not wake the child during sleep, understanding that this should not be done. They are smart, they can be taught anything without even resorting to the services of a trainer. They love to go through obstacles, do tricks, and so on.

How to care for an older dog?

Older dogs often experience personality changes, and they may also become less active and less playful.

Such a dog still shows an interest in life and is not averse to running and playing. But he already gets tired quickly, and therefore excessive loads are contraindicated for older Jack Russells. When playing and walking with an aging dog, you need to carefully monitor its well-being.

It is best for older Jack Russells to walk without a leash in a closed area, since due to deteriorating hearing or vision, the dog may not notice an approaching car or a hostile foreign dog.

It is best to feed your senior Jack Russell according to his needs. If the dog has become less mobile and active, then it can be switched to food for older dogs, but if the pet runs and plays like in its younger years, then there is no need to change the diet.

You need to care for an aging dog in the same way as before - clean the ears, eyes and teeth in a timely manner, and also trim the claws.


If an elderly Jack Russell Terrier has health problems, it is necessary to conduct a full examination at the clinic to determine their causes and begin timely treatment.

The main thing that the owner of an elderly dog ​​should remember is that the pet’s life expectancy depends not only on how well it eats and in what conditions it is kept. The love and attention of the owner is an equally important condition for a long dog’s life.

An elderly Jack Russell, who feels that he is still dear and needed by his owner, will live much longer than a dog to whom his owners have ceased to pay as much attention as in his youth. After all, only the love and care of the owner can prolong the life of an elderly dog ​​and fill it with joy.

Description and features

Russell dogs are small, perky and cheerful . Many people, when they see it for the first time, think that it is decorative. The breed is intended, of course, for hunting, but in appearance the dog turned out to be quite cute, attractive and photogenic.

She gained great fame thanks to the film “The Mask”. But, according to dog experts, the dogs’ character is far from the same as in the film.

Russell Terriers are distinguished by their particular flexibility and agility , they usually have a long body, a small flat head, rather powerful and impressive jaws and mobile, slightly raised ears.

The dog's coat is smooth and hard, usually white with red spots.

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