Dog walking in nature
Hidden manifestations of lupus in dogs
Among the pathologies of the immune system in domestic animals, systemic lupus erythematosus is quite common in
White feces in a dog
Why does the dog’s stool turn white: a list of possible problems
Owners can easily notice some pathological changes in a pet’s body on their own – by looking at excrement.
Eye discharge in dogs
The dog's eye is red and festering: reasons and treatment
Every dog ​​breeder sooner or later faces the problem of purulent discharge from the eyes of a dog.
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All the pros and cons in the question of whether it is possible to give a dog valerian
Sometimes dog owners want to somehow calm the animal down before a trip, a visit, or a visit to the veterinarian.
How and with what to wash the eyes of a kitten or adult cat
Maria Aleksandrovna Sazhko veterinary therapist Veterinarians are often asked to tell us how to wash the eyes of kittens and
Sarcoptic mange in dogs: treatment, symptoms, photos, review of drugs
A veterinarian talks about the disease. Fact 1: Pruritic scabies, as they also say when they have
A dog lies on the ground under a tree
Calluses on elbows in dogs. How to avoid occurrence and treatment methods.
Mostly, calluses develop in the elbow and hock joints (back legs). These calluses
Wear and tear on a joint can cause arthritis
Arthritis in dogs: symptoms and treatment, difference from other joint diseases
Problems with the joints impose a serious limitation on activity, which is very difficult for mobile and
The dog doesn’t poop: what to do if it hasn’t gone to the toilet for a day
When your dog can't poop, it worries everyone. Whatever the source
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All the information you need to know about whether dogs can have chicken feet.
Sometimes we care about our pets more than ourselves. Trying to control everything -
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