What does a cross between a husky and a husky look like: description of the breed and features of keeping

Mixed breeds of huskies and huskies are often bred specifically to improve certain qualities of the two original breeds.

Huskies are considered excellent sled dogs, but are not at all suitable as watchdogs or hunters, while many people would like their pet to be more versatile in its purpose.

For hunters, the endurance and frost resistance inherent in huskies are of great importance.

However, one should not think that crossbreeds of these two breeds will exactly meet all the expectations of their breeders and owners, since it is not always possible to obtain exactly the offspring as expected as a result of interbreeding.

Description of the breed

The breed has not received an official name, but the owners of such pets themselves often call them Hasko-Laikas.

The appearance of mestizos and their character largely depend on which breed was used in their breeding. After all, huskies differ not only in the degree of fluffiness, color and physique, but also in purpose.

Most of them are hunting dogs, however, some of these breeds can also serve as herding or sled dogs.

Their offspring, born from a husky, can also inherit these instincts, however, as in the case of mixed breeds of other breeds, everything depends on the genetic characteristics of each of these dogs.

Husky and husky mixes are also popular as pets, as they are distinguished by their unique appearance and beauty, characteristic of both original breeds.

What did you take from the husky?

Many such crossbreeds inherit the husky's gray-black or gray-white coloring with the breed's characteristic light mask and glasses, as well as lightening of the coat to white on the neck, chest, belly, lower legs and tail .

Husky Husky eyes can be blue or different colors, which makes them especially similar to real huskies. Many people unfamiliar with the characteristics of the two original breeds often confuse mixed breeds with purebred dogs.

Crossbreeds inherit character and temperament traits from husky dogs. Typically, they grow up to be active and playful dogs, good with children and willing to play with them.


Such pets are distinguished by great endurance and tolerate low temperatures well.

However, one must remember that crossbreeds can inherit from huskies such character traits as a tendency to wander and mischief, as well as excessive independence and stubbornness .

What traits did she take from the husky?

From huskies, mestizos inherit excellent hunting abilities, as well as a calmer disposition than a husky, prudence and distrust of strangers, which allows them to be used as guards for a house or apartment.

In general, the features of the exterior, character and behavior of crossbreeds depend on what breed of huskies their parents belong to.

What breed characteristics can huskies of different breeds pass on to their offspring born from a Siberian husky:

  • Russian-European Laika . Most puppies inherit from them a contrasting black with white spots or white and black color, shorter hair than a husky, a wedge-shaped head with a moderately flattened stop, an elongated muzzle narrowed towards the nose and a bushy tail curled into a ring. These dogs have a lively temperament, they are active and hardy, they are also characterized by distrust of strangers and devotion to their owners.
  • East Siberian Laika . Such a puppy from a husky parent inherits thick, dense and rough fur, a fairly powerful bone structure, a wedge-shaped head with a wide skull and a somewhat smoothed transition to the muzzle, and a tail in a ring. Also, mestizos inherit the excellent hunting qualities of these East Siberian Laikas, their ability to work on fur-bearing game or even large animals, and their ability to guard the house. Crossbreeds will have a calm, balanced temperament and people-oriented nature.
  • West Siberian Laika . Mestizos inherit from the husky an elongated triangle-shaped head, a pointed long muzzle, moderately deep-set oval eyes, as well as a well-marked collar on the neck and a bushy tail-ring. Their character is calm, friendly to people and to pets with whom these dogs grow up together. Also, importantly, mestizos can inherit excellent health from their Laika parent: they almost never get sick and are not predisposed to hereditary diseases.
  • Nenets Laika . A husky mix with this breed inherits from the husky a thick, elongated coat that forms pronounced feathering on the cheekbones, neck, shoulder blades, as well as on the tail and hind limbs. These dogs are characterized by a lively, but at the same time balanced temperament, affection, good trainability and interest in work.
  • Yakut Laika . The puppy will inherit a thick coat with well-developed undercoat, forming a well-defined mane on the neck, as well as feathering on the limbs and tail. By the way, a dog can inherit the blue eye color, which is typical for these crossbreeds, not from a husky, but from a Yakut husky, since it is quite common in dogs of this breed and is considered acceptable according to the standard.

The main positive traits that such mixed breeds often inherit from huskies are their calm temperament, obedience and good trainability, as well as a lesser predisposition to escape and mischief than purebred huskies..

In addition, most crossbreeds with huskies make wonderful hunting dogs, confidently working on a wide variety of game and, at the same time, not devoid of guarding abilities.

Spoons in summer

When choosing lures for pike perch, you need to take into account the behavior of this predator at different times of the year. As a rule, the fanged one stays at depth. It loves a hard bottom, occupies slopes and rifts, takes refuge in snags and near hydraulic structures. The exception is the nocturnal behavior of the predator in the summer, but in this specific direction other baits are used.

Taking into account the lifestyle of pike perch, appropriate lures are also chosen. The main requirements for them are as follows:

  • narrow, slanted body;
  • length from 5 to 9 cm;
  • weight sufficient for fishing at decent depths;
  • stable operation in the current;
  • ability to vary wiring.

Catching lures for pike perch should allow a stepped presentation. In this case, the petal of the front-loaded turntable must rotate stably as it falls, and the vibrator crumbles appetizingly, imitating a dying fish, which is easily accessible prey for a predator.

When fishing from the shore, especially on large rivers, an important parameter of the spoon will be its range. Many models, thanks to their streamlined shapes, meet this requirement. Although there are exceptions. There are special modifications aimed at close and medium distances, as well as fishing in relatively calm places.

When fishing in strong places, the likelihood of a hook greatly increases. Therefore, using hardware in this situation is too wasteful. Some spinners get out of this situation by installing tees with wire protection on their spinners. This approach allows you to reduce the number of snags, but does not eliminate them.

Character of the breed

Hasko-huskies are distinguished by a balanced temperament, intelligence and good trainability. They can be very loyal to their owners. Unlike huskies who are too independent and headstrong, husky mixes are obedient and willingly follow commands.

They love children and get along well with other pets if they grow up together . However, mestizos are distinguished by their distrust of strangers.

The character of mixed breeds very much depends on how the genes are formed, and therefore it is not always possible to predict the characteristics of the temperament and behavior of such dogs.

How to distinguish a purebred husky puppy from a mixed breed?

Up to three months it is difficult to distinguish a purebred puppy from a husky cross. Before buying, you need to look at the entire litter and choose the most active one, who strives for freedom and shows interest in the environment. It is necessary to pay attention to the external signs of purebred:

  • the ears are dense, erect, with sharp tips;
  • the tail does not rise above the back;
  • the skeleton is strong, does not look too light, nor rough and massive;
  • scissor bite.

A purebred puppy is purchased from a specialized nursery, where they will provide metrics, pedigree and a brand. If you have any doubts about your choice, you should seek help from experienced dog handlers.

What it looks like in the photo and dimensions

  1. The size of such mestizos will be approximately 50-65 cm, and their weight will be about 18-23 kg.
  2. The bones are square or slightly elongated, quite strong and with well-developed muscles.
  3. The head is wedge-shaped or in the shape of an isosceles triangle, with a moderately wide skull and a slightly smoothed transition to a pointed, but not too narrow muzzle.
  4. The ears are erect, triangular, and usually of medium size.
  5. The eyes are almond-shaped or oval, their color can be brown or blue, or different.
  6. The nose is usually black, but mestizos also have “snow” pigmentation, in which there are light veins on the nose.
  7. The neck is muscular and strong, the withers are well defined, the back is straight, the croup is slightly sloping. The chest is developed, moderately wide and deep, but not massive. The belly is tucked in, with a defined curve.
  8. The forelegs are straight and parallel, the hindquarters are strong and moderately muscled. The tail is of medium length, well feathered. Usually carried on the back in the form of a complete or incomplete ring, it can also hang to the side or be sickle-shaped.

The coat of Hasko Laikas is very thick and dense, with a well-developed undercoat and rough hair..

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“A crossbreed between a husky and a husky, if it inherits the best qualities of both breeds, will be suitable not only as a sled dog or an ordinary pet. Considering that all real huskies are excellent hunters, he will have well-developed hunting instincts, and, unlike a husky, who hunts game only for himself, these dogs will track the animal specifically for the owner. Mixed huskies and huskies will do a good job of guarding a house or apartment, since they treat strangers, albeit without strong aggression, but with distrust. At home, such a pet will be friendly, obedient and gets along well with children. Husky Laikas also have one more positive quality: they rarely get sick and, as a rule, are not susceptible to hereditary diseases.”

Is the risk worth it?

When you buy a medium-sized dog with an unregistered breed and no standards, there is always a risk. The idea of ​​crossing these species is not bad, but requires further development and research. If you are lucky, you will get a unique dog with a wonderful character, adapted both for friendship with children and for guarding the home. But if you are unlucky, then you have no guarantees.

To read: Korat breed: the character of cats with ancient Eastern origins

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Unique appearance: among mixed breeds it is impossible to find two dogs with the same appearance.
  • These dogs are more versatile: the instincts inherited from huskies make them suitable for hunting a variety of game and for guarding homes.
  • Calm and balanced temperament.
  • Less often than purebred huskies, they tend to damage things, run away and wander.
  • Obedience, good learning ability and interest in work.
  • Kindness towards people.
  • Endurance and ability to adapt to a wide variety of living conditions.
  • Unpretentiousness in maintenance and feeding.
  • Inexpensive compared to purebred dogs.


  • It is not always easy to predict the character and behavioral characteristics of such a mestizo.
  • Not suitable for exhibitions and breeding.
  • They need a lot of physical activity.
  • They can show aggression towards other people's pets and wild animals.

Whom to choose

Huskies have become very popular among city residents. People rave about their bright blue eyes and soft, colorful coat, coupled with their kind, affectionate nature. Laikas have always been in demand, but many owners unknowingly kept such active dogs in their apartments, which often caused severe inconvenience to pets and owners.

Before purchasing a puppy from these two breeds, you should carefully study its character and create the necessary conditions for the animal’s life. The future owner needs to take into account not only the desire to have a pet, but also the ability to care for and raise it.

Life expectancy and health

The life expectancy of a mestizo depends on the conditions of its detention and can be 15-17, and sometimes more, years.
As a rule, Hasko-huskies are distinguished by excellent health .

They are not predisposed to joint dysplasia, and other hereditary diseases characteristic of other breeds are not typical for them.

However, this does not mean that the dog cannot get sick at all: mixed breeds are no less susceptible to infectious diseases than purebred dogs.

Therefore, it is necessary to vaccinate such a pet on time and promptly treat it against parasites, especially if the dog goes hunting.

comparison table

Both dogs are smart, talented and hardworking. To better understand the differences, let’s compare the main characteristics of dogs of the two breeds.

Table of breed differences:

AppearanceThe height at the withers is equal to the length of the bodyRectangular body - height less than body length
The tail is curled into a ring, wrapped over the backThe tail is similar to a wolf, in the shape of a sickle
Paws are thinnerPowerful limbs for fast running
ColorCustom color zonesMuzzle with a clear contrasting pattern (circle of the eyes).
Working qualitiesHunters, guards, transport light loadsThey walk in sleds, are hardy, and are able to travel long distances in the cold.
Conditions of detentionOn the streetOn the street, in the apartment
CompanionsA clear and inviolable authority of the owner is required, who is distinguished among allPeace-loving and respectful, but highlight the owner

Huskies can live up to 17 years, while huskies have a shorter lifespan - 12-14 years.

For lovers of refined breeds, it is better not to choose huskies and huskies as pets. These animals are close to nature; they will not only constantly pull their owners outside, but will also force them to run with them, as they are energetic and life-loving. They were bred to help people and live in difficult northern conditions. You should take this into account if you take such a dog into your home.

Features of maintenance and care

You can keep husky and husky mixes both in a private house and in an apartment.

Daily care for them is not difficult: it is enough to comb such a pet with a brush 1-2 times a week, and bathe it with soap 2-3 times a year, if the dog is very dirty.

The pet's eyes, ears and teeth should be examined every day and, if necessary, cleaned with a cotton pad or soft gauze swab coated with special cleaning agents..

It is recommended to use special chewing treats or toys to clean your teeth.

Nails, if they do not naturally shorten, should be trimmed with a nail clipper as soon as they grow so long that their edges begin to curl inward.

Origin story

Chowski is a so-called designer breed, that is, a hybrid of two purebred purebred dogs. In this case, Siberian Husky and Chow Chow.

  • Chow chows originated in China more than 2,000 years ago. These are strong and very independent dogs that are difficult to train. Loyal to family members, good guards and defenders. Without appropriate upbringing they can be aggressive and uncontrollable.
  • Siberian huskies trace their origins to sled dog huskies bred in Eastern Siberia. The breed subsequently developed in Alaska and was registered by the American Kennel Club in the 1930s. By nature, Huskies are independent, very energetic and friendly.

Chauski is a mestizo, that is, a mongrel dog.

Such crossings are a relatively new practice. It is unknown who first decided to cross Husky with Chow. Today these hybrids are registered by several American registries under the name Chowski.

Feeding a crossbreed

It is best to feed the husky and husky mix with natural food, and the basis of the diet should be meat, cereals and vegetables.
It is advisable to give meat raw, cereals in the form of rice or buckwheat porridge, and vegetables raw or boiled. It is useful to add fermented milk products to food, as well as vitamin and mineral supplements . Once a week, meat can be replaced with boiled sea fish, but you need to take into account that you will need one and a half times more of it than meat.

Also, the owner can, if desired, feed the pet with ready-made, high-quality complete food. It is very important that it matches the age, size and physical activity of the animal.


It is not recommended to give Hasko-likes cheap budget-class food: if you decide to feed your pet with ready-made food, then its variety should be at least premium.

Mixed with wolf

Those who like to hunt assume that a cross between a wolf and a husky has sharper vision, sense of smell and hearing.

Let's try to figure out if this is really so.

Let's look at the features of husky and wolf crossbreeds, depending on generations:

  • First generation wolf-husky hybrid - in behavior and appearance it is not much different from a real wolf.

    Such individuals are fearful, are awake mainly at night, sleep more during the day, practically cannot bark and do not adapt well to life near humans.

    We can confidently say that a mixture of husky and wolf is practically unsuitable for hunting.

    However, if you teach a wolf-husky to hunt from early childhood and constantly go into the forest (practically live there), then the mestizo shows excellent performance.

  • Second generation wolf-husky hybrid – differ in great diversity in external characteristics. Although wolfish habits predominate in behavior.

    Among such mestizos there are some individuals who perform satisfactorily during hunting.

  • Third generation wolf-husky hybrid – in appearance and behavior they are similar to ordinary huskies.

    The character of individuals largely depends on their upbringing, training and place of residence. The half-breed Laika is a third-generation wolf that is more manageable and trainable.

    In terms of the development of the husky, the wolf is slightly behind ordinary huskies, but is superior to its counterparts from the first and second generations.

  • Wolf-Laika hybrid of the fourth and fifth generation – has a good sense of smell, acute hearing and vision.

    Such dogs can be called huskies with an infusion of wolf blood. With proper training, the fourth generation wolf-husky mix has a good tendency to hunt large wild animals, squirrels and martens.

Interesting Facts

Professor S.A. Back in 1929, Gruner spoke in his writings about the crossbreeding of wolf blood into sled-like huskies by some peoples of Siberia and residents of Kamchatka.

The resulting hybrid of a husky and a wolf was highly valued for its higher levels of endurance, the ability to go without food for a long time, and its extraordinary agility.

To know exactly what a husky-shepherd hybrid will look like and what character it will be endowed with, it is advisable to select a puppy that is at least 6 months old.

A big risk is associated with the purchase of two-month-old kittens. At this age, it is impossible to predict what an adult dog will look like.

The Laika is not intended for city living, but a cross between a Laika and a Shepherd can adapt to life in an apartment without any problems.

Since the usual bustle, inherent in megacities, is an acceptable habitat for shepherd dogs.

When crossing a husky and a husky, the result is an almost ideal dog, combining the qualities of a good watchman and a loyal friend. By the way, the excessive activity of the husky can be slightly dampened by the husky genes.

A mixed-breed dog is always a bit of a mystery; it is difficult to predict how such a pet will behave.

In any case, you should purchase mixed huskies only from experienced professional breeders. This will allow you to warn yourself against buying a failed experiment or a “pig in a poke.”

Breeding mixed-breed huskies through absorption crossing will improve some qualities of purebreds.

Breeding good hybrids is a matter for professionals, involving long-term responsible work.


Crossing with Labrador is implied. Reminds me of a cross between a husky and a wolf. The temperament is complex, similar to the aggressive wolves that live in the wild. They are independent and irritable.

If you decide to get such a dog, remember that during walks it should not be allowed to run ahead of its owner. It is important to ensure proper upbringing, otherwise it will not be possible or will be extremely difficult to achieve obedience in an adult dog. The slightest manifestations of aggression or irritability must be suppressed.

This type of dog is ideal for training as guide dogs.

With proper training, they become excellent helpers for people with poor eyesight. Plus, these dogs are easily trained to search for bombs and drugs.

Photo gallery

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that when deciding whether to get a hybrid Laika, you need to weigh the pros and cons, taking into account all their positive and negative differences from their purebred counterparts.

Hybrid with German Shepherd

When a shepherd dog and a husky are brought together, both quite successful offspring and completely unpredictable individuals can appear.

A dog can outwardly resemble either one of its parents or have mixed features inherent in both breeds.

For example: the dog will have a curled tail, but long ears; or with the color of a husky, but the appearance of a shepherd, or vice versa.

There are many options, and it is impossible to predict the result of crossing. A dog that is not similar to any of the breeds due to the strange interweaving of common characteristics can also learn.

When you purchase a puppy born from the marriage of a husky and a shepherd, you will find a faithful friend for life.

The loyalty and protective qualities of a shepherd dog, complemented by the friendliness, calmness and playfulness of a husky, will give you a wonderful pet.

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