Polydex for dogs – vitamins with health benefits

The UK manufacturer Polidex is new to the domestic pet products market, as our customers first became acquainted with the products of this company in 2010. But in European countries, Polidex animal preparations are known and popular. Reviews about Polidex vitamins for dogs (Polidex) on dog breeders forums are different. But do the quality and composition of products from the UK really meet all safety requirements and are useful for our pets?

Varieties and composition

The Polydex vitamin series includes several vitamin and mineral complexes. Based on symptoms and test results, the veterinarian will determine what elements are missing in the dog’s body and select the most effective complex.

Gelabon Plus

Contains collagen hydrolyzate, vitamins A, D, E, calcium, magnesium and other trace elements. Collagen is an important substance due to which blood vessels and cartilage retain their elasticity longer. If there is a deficiency of it, a dog will develop joint problems with age.

Gelabon is prescribed to puppies for the proper development of the musculoskeletal frame, to adult dogs - in case of disruption of mineralization processes due to injuries - to speed up recovery, to older dogs to prevent injuries and maintain bone strength. The drug is useful as a supplement for unbalanced nutrition (for example, natural food), lack of physical activity, and excess weight.

Active action of Gelabon:

  • improves tissue elasticity;
  • accelerates the recovery of joints and tissues after injuries;
  • improves the condition of the skin and coat.


The complex preparation contains vitamins necessary for the body - groups B, A, D, K, as well as ascorbic acid and minerals. Multivitamins are suitable for puppies, adult dogs, and aging animals. They are appointed:

  • to improve the condition of the skin and coat;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • as an immunomodulator;
  • for the recovery of the female after childbirth.


The name itself says that the main component of the feed additive is calcium. It is necessary for the formation and strengthening of bone tissue. The multivitamin complex also includes:

  • vitamins;
  • amino acids;
  • minerals (including iron, iodine, zinc, phosphorus).

The use of Polivit-Calcium strengthens bones, preventing their destruction, improves the condition of the coat, removes toxins, relieves inflammation, and improves immunity. The drug is prescribed to puppies to prevent rickets and other pathologies caused by a lack of nutrients (calcium and others) in the body. It is useful for pregnant females, and is prescribed to animals after fractures and other injuries that lead to destruction of the joints.

Glucogestron Plus

A vitamin supplement is prescribed for pathologies of joints, bones and ligaments, during the period of growth and development of the musculoskeletal system in puppies, and in aging animals. Components of the complex:

  • glucosamine – a substance that strengthens connective tissue;
  • chondroitin – a component that stimulates the production of collagen and keratin;
  • methylsulfanimethane – participates in the synthesis of collagen, strengthens claws, improves the condition of the coat.

Glucogestron Plus is prescribed as part of complex therapy for injuries and chronic pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Protevit plus

A drug that contains protein, linoleic acid, potassium, manganese, vitamins C and K. It is prescribed to weakened animals, as well as to those that need to build muscle mass. It improves endurance and accelerates the body's recovery after increased physical activity.

Immunity Up

Its task is to activate the immune system and increase the overall tone of the body. The complex includes important vitamins (A, B, D, E, PP); minerals and amino acids. It is recommended to take it in the autumn-spring period, when the dog’s body’s defenses decline. Two courses per year are enough to provide your pet’s body with vital components.

Rekovit plus

This is a medicinal supplement containing iron as the main component, as well as vitamins, macro- and microelements. A properly formulated vitamin formula will be useful:

  • for blood diseases;
  • anemia;
  • for recovery after operations, injuries accompanied by loss of large amounts of blood.

Super Vul plus

Vitamins B, C and amino acids nourish skin cells and help improve the condition of the coat. The feed additive is prescribed:

  • for dermatitis;
  • alopecia;
  • long molting.

Assortment of vitamin complexes

Polidex drugs are manufactured by the British pharmaceutical company TEC Pharmacephtic. The original release form is tasteless tablets that do not have a pronounced odor. Plastic jars with an airtight lid come in three sizes: 150, 300 and 500 pellets.

According to the instructions, the chondroprotector must be taken daily during the main meal for 1-3 months, adding vitamins to the food. The dosage depends on the pet’s body weight:

  • miniature or medium breeds – 1 tab./5 kg;
  • large dogs – 1 tablet/10 kg.

Polydex complexes are presented in several formulations for cats and dogs. They are prescribed for prevention or combined with other medications during a course of treatment.

Gelabon Plus

The active ingredients of Gelabon Plus are:

  • hydrolyzed collagen;
  • dimethyl sulfone;
  • vitamins (A, C, D, E);
  • microelements (Ca, Mg, etc.).

The chondroprotector promotes rapid rehabilitation after injuries, increases the elasticity of cartilage tissue, and improves the condition of the skin. Gelabon Plus is prescribed for:

  • reducing the risk of developing dysplasia;
  • proper formation of the musculoskeletal system;
  • better ear setting;
  • speedy recovery from dislocations, bruises or fractures;
  • replenishing the deficiency of micro- and macroelements.


The complex includes:

  • aromatic, heterocyclic, aliphatic alpha amino acid;
  • vitamins (A, B, C, D, K);
  • iodine.

"Multivitum" helps pets:

  • stabilize metabolism;
  • accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • increase immunity;
  • improve the condition of hair and skin.

Polivit-Ca Plus

The active substance of the mineral supplement is calcium. However, the drug also contains other components:

  • trace elements (I, Fe, Zn, P);
  • amino acids;
  • vitamins.

The main purpose of Polivit-Ca Plus is to replenish calcium, which promotes the formation of bone tissue.

A chondroprotector is prescribed for:

  • accelerating the healing of injuries;
  • removing toxins from the body;
  • relieving inflammatory processes;
  • stimulating growth;
  • strengthening the immune system.

Glucogextron Plus

The active ingredients of Glucohextron Plus are glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate and dimethyl sulfone.

Most often, the drug is prescribed to puppies or older dogs. It is effective for injuries of the musculoskeletal system, chronic diseases, and also reduces the risk of developing bone pathologies. Glucogextron Plus has the following effects on the body:

  • increases the elasticity of cartilage tissue;
  • accelerates its regeneration;
  • improves the condition of the coat;
  • prevents claw brittleness.

Multivitum Plus

Polivit-Ca Plus

Glucogextron Plus

Immunity Up

The main effect of the chondroprotector is aimed at increasing the protective properties of the body. Immunity Up includes:

  • vitamins (A, B, D, E);
  • trace elements (Fe, I, Cu, Mn);
  • amino acids;
  • herbal immunomodulators.

The vitamin complex was developed to strengthen the immune system, increase tone and protect the body from negative factors. Often the drug is prescribed in preparation for vaccination or in the off-season, when there is an acute shortage of vitamins.

Protevit Plus

"Protevit Plus" was developed for active muscle building. Most often it is given to dogs participating in exhibitions or to pets that are too thin. The drug is rich in protein, but it also contains:

  • linoleic acid;
  • protein metabolism activator;
  • vitamins (C, K);
  • trace elements (K, Mg).

When taken regularly, the mineral complex has the following effects:

  • stimulates muscle growth;
  • increases physical endurance;
  • activates the production of enzymes;
  • normalizes the metabolism of proteins and fats.

To help your dog recover faster after physical activity, Protevit Plus should be taken once a day for 3 months.

Recovit Plus

The drug has a blood-restoring effect and is rich in the following beneficial components:

  • iron;
  • vitamins;
  • micro- and macroelements;
  • immunomodulators.

Rekovit Plus is prescribed for blood diseases, red blood cell deficiency, and large blood loss. Thanks to the increased iron content, the drug increases hemoglobin levels, restores the body's protective functions, and promotes rapid rehabilitation after surgery.

Immunity Up

Recovit Plus

Protevit Plus

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Super Wool Plus

The composition of this mineral complex for the coat and skin is very rich in amino acids:

  • aliphatic (valine, methionine, glycine);
  • heterocyclic (histidine);
  • aromatic (tryptophan).

Also, Super Vul Plus contains a large amount of ascorbic acid and B vitamins. Such a wealth of useful microelements allows the drug to:

  • speed up the molting process;
  • stimulate hair growth;
  • improve skin condition;
  • prevent alopecia;
  • strengthen the coat;
  • normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • add brightness to the color.

Super Wool Plus is often given to puppies during the transition from milk fuzz to full wool.

The most purchased brands from the manufacturer, their composition and dosage

According to buyers and veterinarians, the best vitamins for dogs are Polydex:

  1. Super Wool Plus - for wool and skin;
  2. Recovit - enhanced complex of vitamins and minerals;
  3. Gelabon Plus - to restore joint function;
  4. Protevit Plus - for muscle building;
  5. Immunity Up - to improve immunity.

Super Vul Plus for coat and skin

Vitamins are intended for animals with skin damage and hair problems. The complex is suitable for puppies from one month of age. The beneficial substances in the composition normalize metabolic processes in the epidermis, and the hair becomes shiny and hair loss stops.

Product composition: complete group of vitamins B, C, biotin and tryptophan, glycine and histidine.

  • Pros: high-quality and thoughtful composition, absence of sugars and allergens, dyes, convenient packaging in various volumes.
  • Cons: high cost, lack of attractive smell and taste of the tablets.

Dosage of the drug: give the dog 1 pill per 10 kg of its weight, the maximum daily dose should not exceed 6 tablets. To shorten the molting period, the dosage is doubled.

Available in packs of 150, 300 and 500 pcs.

Minimum quantity price 399 RUR.


A natural complex of useful elements for weak and vitamin deficient animals. A double dose promotes rapid recovery of the pet’s body and prevents anemia and rickets in puppies. Suitable not only for weakened animals, but also for pregnant and lactating dogs.

The complex includes vitamins, minerals, manganese, calcium, iron, copper, immunostimulants from plant extracts.

  • Pros: quickly restores immunity in a weakened animal, shortens the recovery period after surgery or a viral or bacterial disease.
  • Cons: the double complex is not recommended for use without the appointment of specialists.

Dosage: 1 pill per 10 kg of animal weight. For puppies, the tablet is divided. It should be given to the dog during meals, crushing the tablet and mixing it with food.

Available in packs of 150, 300 and 500 pills.

Price starts from 438 rub.

Gelabon Plus

Thanks to the double dosage of calcium and natural herbs in the composition, the drug quickly restores cartilage tissue and joints in the dog. Suitable for older and adult dogs.

The complex includes: multivitamins, collagen hydrolyzate.

  • Pros: natural composition, shortens the period of restoration of cartilage tissue after bone damage in an animal, suitable from 1 month.
  • Disadvantages: it is not recommended to give to an animal without the advice of a doctor, since excess calcium can cause urolithiasis. For the same reason, it is not suitable for castrated and sterilized pets.

Dosage for adults and aging animals: 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight, for puppies: 1 tablet per 5 kg of weight. Give by crushing and mixing into food.

Available in plastic jars of 150, 300 and 500 pcs.

Price for the minimum volume of the drug is 418 rubles.

Protevit Plus

A special complex of vitamins and proteins for the rapid formation of muscle tissue. Suitable for fighting, working and sporting breeds. The complex normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and replenishes the lack of minerals in the body. The proteins in the composition are easily digestible by animals and are not addictive.

The composition of the drug includes: vitamins K and C, proteins, magnesium and potassium.

  • Pros: dogs quickly build muscle, does not contain allergens, dyes or flavors.
  • Cons: high price for the product.

It is recommended to give your dog 1 pill per 10 kg of weight once a day. The course lasts 3–4 months.

Produced by the manufacturer in plastic jars of 150, 300 and 500 pcs.

The average price of the minimum quantity is from 527 rubles.

Immunity Up

Polydex vitamins for dogs are used to strengthen the immune system in animals. Suitable for older dogs, puppies, who are often sick. Natural herbs in the composition restore the body’s defense system, shorten the recovery period after viral and bacterial diseases.

The complex contains the following ingredients: vitamins B, C, A, active amino acids, iron, copper, calcium, phenylalanine, iodine.

  • Pros: after the course, the dog’s pancreas function is restored, the body’s resistance to various diseases increases, the composition does not contain allergens or dyes.
  • Disadvantage: high price of the product, lack of taste and smell of the tablet.

Give the animal 1 pill per 10 kg of weight. For weak, lactating and pregnant dogs, the dosage is doubled.

The drug is available in plastic containers of 150, 300 and 500 pcs.

Minimum price from 562 rub.

Pros and cons of Polydex vitamins

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Thanks to its natural composition, the mineral complex has virtually no disadvantages. The disadvantage of chondroprotector is that it is expensive and is not always available on the shelves of Russian pet stores. Very often, in order to order the necessary drug, you have to contact foreign suppliers.

But Polidex has many advantages:

  • absence of synthetic components (fragrances, dyes, flavors);
  • balanced biochemical composition;
  • suitable even for dogs with allergies;
  • complex impact that allows you to solve several problems at once;
  • can be added to any food (natural or dry);
  • no side effects;
  • compatibility of drugs within one line;
  • high quality.

Reviews of vitamins Polydex for amateur dog breeders

Olga: We regularly train with our staff. But before the exhibition, I needed to quickly gain muscle mass. Experts recommended trying Protevit Plus vitamins from Polidex. She gave 4 pills every day. In 4 weeks the dog gained the desired weight and shape. But I don’t recommend getting carried away with the drug.

Elena: The appearance of my dog ​​is important to me. The long and fluffy coat becomes dull during shedding, the dog becomes covered in clumps and looks terrible. I tried Polidex Super Vul Plus vitamins. The shedding stopped and the fur quickly recovered. True, the dog refused to eat vitamins just like that, so I had to crush the tablets into food.

Matvey: After contracting enteritis, my retriever looked like a skeleton. The dog was exhausted by illness and exhausted. At first they gave me vitamin injections, but after the course they recommended taking Immunity Up vitamins. I crushed the tablets into flour and mixed them into the porridge. The dog recovered quickly.

Reviews from veterinarians and dog breeders

“Recently, our pet has developed a problem during the molting period - uneven baldness. After reading reviews about Polydex, we bought Super Vul. Already after the first month of use, the first results were noticeable, and after completing the entire three-month course, the coat was completely leveled, covering unsightly areas.”

Oksana, 35 years old, Moscow

“I work as a veterinarian, and therefore I often face the question: how to protect puppies and young dogs from bone pathologies. I recommend Polivit-Calcium Plus to all my clients. It is suitable for absolutely everyone, even pregnant or lactating animals. It has no contraindications or side effects, and is well absorbed.”

Valery, 42 years old, Samara

“I recently noticed that my shepherd began to fall on his right hind leg. We went to the vet, took an x-ray - everything was fine. Then the doctor advised me to take a course of Glucohextron. The price, of course, is not small, but the result was worth it. Within a couple of months, the lameness decreased, and after another three weeks it disappeared completely.”

Natalya, 27 years old, St. Petersburg

Vitamin complexes "Polidex" have proven themselves quite well among Russian dog breeders. Positive reviews from dog owners prove that the British drug copes well with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and also helps solve related problems.

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