Border Collie dog breed: character traits, disadvantages for keeping at home, breed diseases and health issues, owner reviews

The Border Collie is recognized as the smartest dog. For her intelligence, good nature and activity, she is loved by dog ​​breeders all over the world. This is a shepherd dog, but can be a watchman, guard, guide or rescue dog. She enjoys serving people and can become a wonderful companion. This is an ideal dog for families with children and lovers of outdoor activities. But before getting such a pet, you need to study the description of the breed, its pros and cons, and maintenance rules.
  • History of the origin of the border collie breed
  • Border Collie: standard
  • Torso
  • Limbs
  • Wool
  • Border Collie colors
  • Border Collie Personality
      Features of education
  • Caring for an adult dog
  • Health
  • How to choose a puppy
      How much does a border collie puppy cost?
  • Photos/videos from Instagram users
  • Breed traits

    Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

    Border Collie
    Activityin the house3.9
    on the street4.7
    Dominationin family2.3
    over dogs2.6
    Defending your territoryfrom people2.3
    from dogs2.8
    Sociabilityin family4.4
    with strangers3.4
    with dogs2.9
    Concentrationin family1.5
    in front of strangers2.5
    with dogs2.6
    Aggressivenessin family1.4
    to strangers2.1
    to the dogs2.6
    to cats2.6
    Family behaviorcalmness4.6
    demand for affection4.1
    excessive barking2.3
    behavioral breakdowns2.4
    Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years3.6
    over 4 years old3.9
    Institutional usewatchman3.7

    This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: Australian Shepherd (Aussie), Sheltie (Shetland Sheepdog), German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever.


    Border collies are the best representatives of herding dogs. They are often called the smartest of all dog species in the world. Collies are excellent working dogs due to their agility and endurance. The animals have always been a favorite choice of farmers and ranchers as they have successfully assisted in herding livestock. If you are ready to raise your animal with love, train it consistently and fairly, and give it plenty of exercise, this is the breed for you.

    General characteristics of the border collie

    This breed, popular all over the world, is rare in Russia. Judging by the photographs, the Border Collie has an unremarkable appearance, but a very intelligent look. Belongs to the herding breeds, one of the most ancient. Therefore, they love to care for and shepherd everyone who is nearby. Border collies are unpretentious, obedient, and devoted to their owner. This is an amazing dog that senses a person’s mood and has an almost human mind. Unquestioningly follows any commands and is easy to learn.

    The breed is recognizable in the photo, although it does not have an outstanding appearance.

    Border Collie

    Border Collie

    Border Collie

    Border Collies love to serve people. They give a charge of positive emotions, are constantly active and cheerful. They will accompany the owner when playing sports and take an active part in his life. But at the same time, the border collie is an easy-going, obedient and friendly dog. She loves children, takes care of and shepherds them, anticipates the owner’s wishes and is not annoying.

    Thanks to her natural love for humanity, the desire to help those in trouble and her sensitive sense of smell, she is an ideal rescuer. And the ability to predict mood makes the breed the best for canistherapy. These cheerful, sensitive dogs help people with depression, neuroses, and children with developmental delays. They are able to carefully guide the blind, support the disabled, and carry out a variety of tasks.

    In describing the characteristics of the Border Collie breed, several main points can be noted:

    • according to the results of research and reviews from owners, the breed is recognized as the smartest;
    • can serve as guides, in the search service, and participate in rescue operations;
    • often act in films;
    • friendly to everyone, gets along with other pets, but tries to herd and take care of them;
    • they are very active, so they do not feel well in an apartment or on a chain;
    • easy to learn, capable of mastering more than a hundred commands, even the most complex ones;
    • ideal for dog sports - agility, frisbee, freestyle;
    • with good care they live up to 15 years;
    • Queen Victoria really liked the breed, there is even a memorial dedicated to her favorite.

    The main characteristics of the breed can be found in the table:

    Country of originScotland
    Working qualitiesShepherd, guard, watchman, guide
    Lifespan13-15 years old
    AggressivenessDoesn't show up, very friendly
    CareSimple, unpretentious, but sheds a lot

    Even the photographs show what a smart and cheerful dog this is.

    Border collie puppy

    Give me your paw...

    Smart eyes of a border collie

    Pros and cons of the border collie

    Despite their ordinary, unremarkable appearance, border collies are very popular. The following advantages of representatives of the breed can be noted:

    • they have high intelligence;
    • get along with other animals;
    • love children;
    • friendly;
    • learn easily and with pleasure;
    • obedient, hardworking, loyal;
    • have unusual colors.

    The Border Collie has few disadvantages. Many breed lovers note that there are none at all. But judging by the reviews, the following disadvantages can be noted:

    • active molting;
    • the desire to shepherd everyone sometimes becomes obsessive;
    • these dogs are stubborn, cunning, independent and touchy, so a special approach to training is required;
    • high activity requires long walks.

    Therefore, this breed is not suitable for calm people, homebodies and those who have no time to walk with their pet. You cannot make a chain dog or a sofa dog out of a border dog.

    You can learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of the Border Collie from the video.

    Interesting Facts

    • Old Hemp is not the only Border Collie who has had a profound influence on the development of the breed. Whiston Cap was born in 1963 and became the most prolific collie in history. It is estimated that every Border Collie in the UK is currently descended from him. And also each individual registered with the International Sheepdog Society represents 13.3% of Wiston Cap.
    • Queen Victoria was a true dog lover. In the early 1860s she became an active Border Collie enthusiast.
    • The famous Scottish Poet Laureate Robert Burns was a proponent of the species. He described the breed as honest and loyal. Burns and his brother had a pet named Luat as children. But he died tragically. Burns's poem "Twa Dogs" is partly an ode to Luath. And the Burns statue in Winthrop Square in Boston depicts Luath standing eternally at his master's side.
    • Animals know how and love to act in films and television shows due to their high intelligence, as well as workaholism. One of the most famous examples is the Maui pet. He played the dog Murray. The dog belonged to the main characters in the sitcom Mad About You, which aired in the 1990s. Maui played Murray for seven seasons, and was twice named the most popular dog on television by TV Guide.
    • Talented border collie Striker currently holds one of the strangest Guinness World Records: "Fastest car window opening." Striker took 11.34 seconds to open a non-electric car window using its paw and nose. He set the record in September 2004 in Quebec, Canada.
    • Dogs can move quickly in a cat-like, inclined position. This is due to the space between the tops of the shoulder blades, which allows them to "glide" low to the ground. This technique helps individuals herd animals with extreme precision.
    • The Chaser is widely known as the smartest dog in the world. She can understand different words and also name her 1000 unique toys.
    • Queen Victoria and Robert Burns are not the only famous people who owned collies. James Dean, Anna Paquin, Bon Jovi, Ethan Hawke, James Franco and Tiger Woods all had this breed.
    • Films and TV series in which this breed has starred: “Snow Dogs”, “Little House on the Prairie”, “Mad About You”, “Baby”, “Year of the Dog”, “Wuthering Heights”, “Babe: The Four-Legged Baby” and many others.
    • The species is also mentioned in fiction. For example, in the book “Year of the Dog. Twelve months, four dogs and me." It was written by journalist and author John Katz. He was the owner of all those dogs that, in fact, are written about in the book.
    • The main work of the species is grazing. However, animals are also good at other tasks. It has to do with their mind. Collies are often used as therapy dogs. Dogs can also warn other people about deteriorating health conditions of the patient, such as seizures.

    History of the origin of the border collie breed

    This breed has been known since the 16th century, but it appeared much earlier. Herding dogs have long been used on farms. They helped herd sheep, so they called them sheepdogs. This breed includes collies - herding dogs that were bred in the north of Great Britain. This is the border region where the territories of Scotland and Wales connect. Therefore, the breed received this name: border collie is translated as “border collie.” It was officially recognized in 1915. And at first they were called English, working or farm collies.

    Border collies are also shepherds. In Scotland and Wales, where they have been raising livestock since time immemorial, these dogs helped people. For hundreds of years they were subjected to natural selection, the most obedient, hardy and intelligent remained. In a hilly area with many reservoirs and gorges, only such dogs could safely guide the herd, avoiding all obstacles.

    It is believed that the breed was created by crossing short-haired yard dogs with collies. According to another version, these are descendants of Viking dogs that lagged behind the troops and were tamed by farmers. Border collie dogs received recognition only at the end of the 19th century, when Queen Victoria noticed them. After this, many representatives of the nobility began to have them. And the official name and standard were developed at the beginning of the 20th century. Then height, weight and other external data were determined. For the first time, a description of this dog was compiled by dog ​​breeder D. Reid. He is now considered the founder of the breed.

    It is interesting to watch a video about the working qualities of this dog:


    Allowed for mating:

    • males over two years old;
    • bitches after the start of the third heat.

    Border collie dogs that are too young will not be able to bear full-fledged offspring.

    Mating is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach. The “partners” are first introduced, otherwise the bitch will not let the male in.

    Border Collies are free-bred, but young animals are better bred by hand. It is advisable to invite an experienced breeder who will supervise the process. The next day, re-pairing is scheduled to increase the likelihood of conception.

    Bitches most often whelp on day 63, but the duration of pregnancy ranges from 56 to 72 days.

    If a dog cannot give birth for a long time, you need to contact a specialist. a delay indicates the presence of pathologies. healthy animals produce 6-8 puppies in one litter.

    Border Collie: standard

    If you judge the breed from the photo, border collies are unremarkable. Many even mistake them for ordinary yard dogs. After all, she has a simple appearance, no outstanding physical characteristics or unusual color. The first breed standard was adopted in 1915. But for more than half a century it was still changing. The final opinion on how these dogs should look was established in the 60s of the 20th century. And the breed was registered in the international FCI classification only in 1977. Belongs to the group of shepherds, the shepherd section.

    Border Collies are proportionally built and medium in size. These are graceful, but strong and muscular dogs. The height of the Border Collie varies depending on gender. The size of females is 47-52 cm, males are larger - they reach a height at the withers of 50-53 cm. The weight of adult border collies is no more than 15-22 kg.

    The photo shows what the appearance of this dog should be.

    Appearance of a Border Collie

    Appearance of a border collie


    The skull is proportionally folded, wide, slightly smoothed in the occipital part. The muzzle is shaped like a fox, tapering towards the nose. The stop is well defined, located exactly in the middle of the head. Scissor bite, strong jaws. The ears are medium-sized, triangular, widely spaced. The standard allows both standing and semi-standing with hanging tips.

    The Border Collie's eyes are oval, large, and set wide apart. They are usually brown in color. But light-colored Border Collies are blue. A characteristic feature of this breed is its intelligent, calm, attentive gaze. Lips are dry, no jowls. The nose is medium-sized, usually black. Chocolate Border Collies can be brown.


    The Border Collie has a harmonious, elongated body type. The chest is wide, the ribs are rounded, protruding slightly. The neck is muscular, elongated, with a slight bend. The line of the back decreases towards the lower back, the croup is elongated and sloping. The tail is fluffy, saber-shaped, the tip is raised up. When at rest it hangs down to the racing joints. An emotionally excited dog often picks it up, but never throws it over its back.


    The limbs are strong, muscular, set parallel. The special position of the shoulder blades allows you to move in a bent position. Representatives of the breed run easily, confidently, and almost never raise their paws. But they are capable of developing high speeds and easily overcome high obstacles. The paws are oval, the toes are strong, the claws are short and strong.


    The coat is soft, dense, heavy, with a thick undercoat. It is characterized by water-repellent properties and keeps the dog warm. Even in short-haired individuals it is elongated on the inner surface of the paws, tail, and neck. There are two types of Border Collie dogs based on length.

    • The Smooth Border Collie has a rough, short coat. But her undercoat is still thick, even double. Possible feathers on the back of the paws, fluffy tail.
    • Long-haired representatives of the breed have longer hair. The collar on the neck, feathering on the paws and the fox tail are well defined. The coat itself is of moderate length, short on the muzzle.

    Border Collie colors

    Both smooth-haired and long-haired representatives of the breed can have different colors. About 20 varieties are recognized as standard. All Border Collies are always white. But it should occupy no more than 50% of the body surface. White spots should be on the paws, tail, chest, and often a stripe runs along the forehead. Sometimes there are small specks in these areas. The combination of three colors is interesting: the traditional black and white are joined by tan markings on the head and paws.

    The photographs show that representatives of the breed can have different colors.

    Bored Collie of different colors

    Border collies of different colors

    The most common color is black and white. Other popular options are:

    • marble;
    • chocolate;
    • black;
    • ginger;
    • beige;
    • brindle;
    • sable;
    • grey.

    It is allowed that there is no white color, but other shades must be distributed evenly over the body. The beautiful and rare color lilac or isabella is a combination of brown and blue. Monochromatic coloring is not found in this breed.

    Marbled border collies look especially beautiful and unusual in photographs. They often have heterochromia, where one eye is blue and the other is brown.

    Marbled border collies with heterochromia


    Your Border Collie puppy needs to regularly gain muscle mass and strengthen its immune system. To do this, at first, or rather up to six months, it is recommended to feed him with dairy and meat products. Suitable:

    • Chicken fillet.
    • Turkey meat.
    • Rabbit meat.
    • Mutton.
    • Beef.
    • Lean pork.

    The meat is given to the dog raw. But, it can also be boiled. As for dairy products, the dog’s daily menu must include the following products: cottage cheese, cheese, milk, butter, homemade yogurt.

    It is not necessary to give her everything from this list at once; you can “split” the list by day, for example, give milk on Mondays, and cottage cheese on Tuesdays. Or the second option is to alternate foods by day at equal intervals, for example, give homemade yogurt every 3 days, and then cheese for 2 days.

    In addition, a growing Scottish Shepherd should eat steamed vegetables, fresh fruits, mashed potatoes and apples, boiled cereals, low-fat soups and broths. At 7-8 months, she can be gradually transferred to a ready-made diet - dry food.

    An adult member of the breed eating food can be treated to fruits and vegetables, as well as some table food, such as meat cartilage, boneless fish, bread or borscht.

    Border Collie Personality

    Borders can run all day long and happily follow the owner’s commands. Good instincts and fearlessness make them vigilant watchmen. They can be trusted to guard the house, but this collie will not become an evil chain dog. Borders get along well with other pets, even cats or rodents. They become a leader for them, will shepherd and protect.

    The character of the dog is friendly, affectionate, and very loyal. She loves to watch her owner and accompany him everywhere, as she is very inquisitive. But she will never impose herself, and is not prone to violent manifestations of emotions.

    He treats all strangers with caution, but not aggressively. There is no cowardice, nervousness or anger in his character at all. She loves children, will be their devoted friend, vigilant guard and nanny. It will never offend even a small child, and will become a schoolchild’s companion and companion in any outdoor games.

    Features of education

    This dog learns quickly and easily. Likes to follow commands, but is able to act independently and make decisions. High intelligence allows her to manipulate her owner, so it is important to gain authority. If the puppy is not trained, his activity and mental abilities will make him uncontrollable. But even an adult dog can be taught rules of behavior. Only for this the patience and love of the owner are important.

    Borders are easy to train, they enjoy training and follow commands with pleasure. They especially love to exercise and run. But if the pet gets bored, he will stop obeying. Therefore, the puppy needs to be interested, it is better to train it through play. During training, physical punishment or an aggressive tone should not be used. The dog understands words perfectly and requires a calm, friendly attitude.

    A challenge can arise with the strong herding instincts of these dogs. Already at the age of six months, they begin to graze everyone around, driving them into a heap, often grabbing their legs with their teeth. This desire must be stopped immediately. The peculiarity of upbringing is also that the border dog requires the firmness and authority of the owner. Only then will he not strive to dominate and will be obedient.

    Education and training

    The breed is inquisitive, trains well, carries out commands with lightning speed, without thinking. At the same time, she quickly gets bored with monotonous training and begins to shirk and look for a new activity.

    The dog may feign fatigue, begin to yawn and limp. You should not succumb to provocations - the animal will notice this and will constantly be cunning.

    The owner is required to organize the process in such a way as to unlock the pet’s potential: conduct training in a place where there will be no distractions; encourage with words and treats; conduct training in a playful way.

    Caring for an adult dog

    Border Collie dogs are unpretentious and easily adapt to any conditions. They are not picky about food and can withstand bad weather well. It is best to get them for a country house, just place them in a large enclosure, and not on a chain. You can also keep a border collie in an apartment, but if you don't walk it, it will get bored.

    At home, your pet should have its own place with bedding. It should be located away from drafts and radiators. It is advisable that the border dog can watch the owner from a place, since this dog does not like loneliness. Be sure to buy toys for your puppy, otherwise he may start chewing things out of boredom.

    You need to walk your dog at least 2-3 hours a day. Without sufficient physical activity, he will lose his working qualities. It is better to go for walks in the dog park so that the pet can overcome obstacles. These dogs love to run after sticks and balls. In summer it is recommended to go to the river.

    Caring for borders is easy. But they lose a lot of hair during molting. Therefore, it is recommended to brush your pet daily. But you still need to prepare for the fact that during the molting period there will be fur all over the apartment, even from short-haired varieties.

    The rest of the time, it is enough to brush your pet 3 times a week. It is not recommended to use a slicker, as it damages the undercoat. Smooth collies can be brushed less frequently, using a special brush. It is important to ensure that tangles do not form. You should bathe your collie no more than once every 1-2 months. Wash your paws every time after a walk.

    The rest of the care is brushing your teeth and wiping your eyes. Pay special attention to your ears. They are surrounded by fur and dirt can accumulate there. They need to be wiped with veterinary lotion. If it is necessary to trim the claws, this should be done regularly only on the fifth toe.


    The dog's diet should be chosen taking into account its hyperactivity. You can feed the border dog with dry food or natural food, the main thing is to choose the correct serving size. The pet must receive the necessary vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids. When feeding natural food, the dog is given additional multivitamins.

    The diet should contain;

    • meat, offal, poultry, sea fish;
    • cereals as a source of carbohydrates, preferably buckwheat or rice porridge;
    • vegetable fiber - spinach, apples, zucchini, cabbage;
    • vegetable oil;
    • once a week – egg, fermented milk products.

    Many owners choose dry food, in which case it must contain at least 50% protein. Preference should be given to those designed for active dogs. They should contain Omega 3 fatty acids, fiber, vitamins, preferably chondroitin to support joints. The composition should not contain soy, corn and wheat, as these dogs are prone to allergies.


    Border coli are very hardy and strong animals. They are in good health. But some individuals have congenital or acquired diseases:

    • hip dysplasia;
    • osteochondrosis;
    • epilepsy;
    • atrophy or detachment of the retina;
    • allergies, usually to medications;
    • cardiovascular pathologies.

    Blue-eyed puppies are often born blind. When purchasing, you need to check your eyesight - the baby must react to movement and light. This pathology can appear by 2 months, so it is recommended to buy a puppy older than 10 weeks. Acquired pathologies usually appear due to improper care. Obesity and heart disease are especially common. To start treatment on time, you need to regularly visit the veterinarian.

    The video will tell you more about how to care for representatives of the breed:


    Representatives of the breed are strong and hardy dogs. How long a border collie lives depends on heredity and living conditions. With proper care, the life expectancy of animals is 15 years.


    In rare cases, dogs of this breed suffer from the following diseases:

    • congenital deafness;
    • epilepsy;
    • malignant hyperthermia;
    • retinal atrophy;
    • osteochondrosis;
    • hip dysplasia.

    For preventive purposes, you should visit the veterinarian twice a year. A specialist will be able to identify the disease at a very early stage and take appropriate measures.


    Concern for the primary vaccination of puppies falls on the shoulders of the breeder. At approximately 2 months of age, dogs are vaccinated against the most common diseases:

    • carnivore plague;
    • infectious hepatitis;
    • parvovirus enteritis;
    • coronavirus;
    • parainfluenza;
    • leptospirosis;
    • trichophytosis.

    After 2-3 weeks, the vaccine is reintroduced. At 6 months they give a rabies injection. Adult border collies are revaccinated annually and treated for parasites every 3 months.

    How to choose a puppy

    In order for a dog to have all the positive qualities of border dogs, you need to choose the right puppy. It is better to buy it from a nursery or from reputable breeders. This will ensure the purchase of a healthy purebred pet. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the living conditions of the dogs and the health of the mother. The puppy must be:

    • active, cheerful;
    • inquisitive, not timid;
    • well-fed, but the stomach is not bloated;
    • clean, with shiny coat, even teeth.

    When purchasing, it is recommended to get the breeder’s phone number so that you can consult with him if necessary. The puppy must have all the required vaccinations by this age.

    It is advisable to study photos of puppies to understand what they should look like.

    Border collie puppy

    Border Collie puppies

    How much does a border collie puppy cost?

    The price of a purebred border collie is no less than 30,000 rubles. Those that cost less may turn out to be mestizos. In Moscow you can buy a breed or show class puppy for participation in exhibitions. The cost of such a dog will be 40-60 thousand rubles or even more.

    The following video will help you understand whether you should get such a dog:

    The Border Collie is not a dog for everyone. This intelligent animal is difficult for an inexperienced dog breeder to handle. It is better to have such a pet for active, athletic people who have the opportunity to walk it for a long time, time and patience for exercise. Before you buy a puppy, you need to think carefully about whether you have enough time and energy to raise it. After all, border collies are very affectionate and have a hard time with a change of owner.


    Many owners can't figure out what to name their Border Collie? Below are the most popular pet names.

    For boy

    Nicknames for boys:

    • Hemp.
    • They beat.
    • Jet.
    • Millennium.
    • Clyde.
    • Tyne.
    • Rocky.
    • Chester.
    • Winston.
    • Jimmy.
    • Jack.
    • Ben.
    • Luke.
    • Cody.
    • Bean.
    • Pete.
    • Royan.
    • False.
    • Jesse.
    • Whale.
    • Dylan.
    • Evan.
    • Weiss.
    • Schleich.
    • Luke.
    • Moody.

    For girl

    Nicknames for girls:

    • Jen.
    • Meg.
    • Bessie.
    • Ruby.
    • Nellie.
    • Annie.
    • Haze.
    • Barra.
    • Dera.
    • Jilly.
    • Jena.
    • Queen.
    • Redhead.
    • Molly.
    • Bark.
    • Mia.
    • Fairy.
    • Lussy.
    • Sky.
    • Merry.
    • Faith.
    • Martha.
    • Omega.


    Collies were originally bred to serve as herding dogs. Today they continue to serve as laborers on many farms around the world. The working qualities of the breed are of the highest level.

    Thanks to its intelligence and speed, one dog can manage an entire herd or flock without difficulty or fatigue. The official standard for the border dog is drawn up in a loyal manner so as not to influence its intended purpose.

    High intelligence and thirst for movement made the animal an ideal breed for agility, freestyle, Frisbee, and other types of canine sports. Farm dogs are constantly present in the top three champions at competitions. They can be irreplaceable companions for active and active people.

    Without work, the borderer begins to get bored and play around. Such an animal cannot sit in one place or doze for hours in the sun. The collie will begin to herd the neighbor's chickens, family members, and will “put things in order” at his own discretion, but will certainly come up with something to do for himself.

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