Details about Gamavit vitamins for dogs. We use the medicine correctly!

Gamavit for dogs is a controversial drug. Some pet owners consider it an excellent immunomodulator and present it as a panacea for all diseases. Others consider the medicine to be an expensive, advertised dud.

In the article I explained: what the product is, whether it is worth giving it to a dog, how to use the drug correctly and when according to the instructions, what analogues there are. If you are in doubt whether you need to take the medicine, go to the end of the material. There you will find an honest and objective opinion about Gamavit and similar medications.

Composition and release form

Gamavit for dogs contains the following ingredients:

  • sodium salt (sodium nucleinate) is the main active compound that is produced from yeast;
  • extract from the placenta (emulsified acid hydrolyzate);
  • vitamins A, B, C, E, H and others;
  • amino acids;
  • fatty acid;
  • microelements;
  • proteins.

The drug is a translucent, odorless red liquid; Sold in glass bottles of 5, 10 and 100 ml. Each bottle is hermetically sealed with a rubber stopper covered with a foil cap.


The product contains active biological components, thanks to which metabolic reactions in the body are restored, the blood formula is regenerated, and the effectiveness of its serum increases, which protects the body from bacteria. The active components of the drug also have an immunomodulatory and biotonic effect and are considered stimulants and adaptogens at the biogenic level.

At the same time, perinatal mortality decreases, puppies become more viable. After a course of taking the drug, the muscles of a mature animal become maximally efficient, resistant to increased loads and stress. The active components are metabolic substrates that affect the growth of the pet.

How Gamavit works

Gamavit for dogs

Sodium salt stimulates the regeneration of cells and tissues, activates the immune system, increases the content of leukocytes in the blood, and reduces the manifestation of allergies to toxins. Placental extract accelerates metabolism in damaged cells, promoting their restoration, rapid tissue healing and strengthening of defenses. Gamavit for dogs has the following effects on the body:

  • ensures normalization and improvement of metabolic processes in each cell;
  • increases the resistance of tissues and organs to stress factors;
  • strengthens local and general immunity;
  • increases the pet’s performance, gives strength and energy;
  • eliminates the negative consequences of toxic conditions due to helminthiasis, poisoning, and infectious diseases;
  • restores damaged mucous membranes;
  • improves the functioning of striated and smooth muscles;
  • tones the body.

Prophylactic administration of the drug reduces the likelihood of death of newborn puppies and weakened animals, increases physical endurance during intense training of dogs, and negates the effects of stress.

Indications for use

Among the numerous indications for the use of Gamavit in dogs, the following can be identified:

  • piroplasmosis;
  • toxicosis;
  • injuries of various origins, including postoperative;
  • dehydration;
  • difficult pregnancy;
  • poisoning;
  • weight deficiency;
  • lack of vitamins, anemic conditions;
  • plague;
  • skin lesions.

Gamavit is also indicated to increase the likelihood of conception during mating, as well as in the postpartum period during difficult births. Among other things, the drug is prescribed to animals during the period of changing food, during intensive drug therapy, to reduce stress during travel or relocation.

Dosages of Gamavit for dogs

The dosage and duration of use of the drug Gamavit depends on the purpose of administration, body weight and condition of the dog. According to the instructions, the product is used as follows:

  • for ixodid tick bites (pyroplasmosis) – 0.5 ml/kg, twice a day for 7 days;
  • weakness, anemic conditions – 0.1 ml/kg twice a week for 30 days;
  • after childbirth - 0.05 ml/kg 10 days before, during and after childbirth (according to indications);
  • to strengthen the body, in case of vitamin deficiency - 1 ml/kg, frequency and duration of administration is determined by a veterinarian;
  • stress – 0.1 ml/kg, administered once;
  • helminthiases – 0.3 ml/kg every other day, the duration is determined by a veterinarian, in addition, simultaneous cleansing of the body with laxatives is required;
  • poisoning - 0.5 ml/kg several times a day, duration is determined by the doctor.

The drug is administered intravenously, intramuscularly or subcutaneously with an insulin syringe. Most often, the injection is given into a muscle (shoulder or buttock), but in difficult cases, intravenous drip administration is indicated.

Important: Gamavit should only be taken under the supervision of a veterinarian. If necessary, the dosage regimen is adjusted.

Owner reviews

Olga Gennadievna: “I actively used Gamavit about 3 years ago. But then she stopped: we brought kennel cough from the exhibition, all 5 dogs fell ill. I immediately rushed to inject the solution, but only on the 3rd. And she gave the other two cough syrup. Everyone recovered approximately the same, with a difference of 1-2 days. Why she administered the medicine is not clear, there are no differences.”

Mango: “I love Gamavit. I have observed more than once how, after deworming, animals from the state of “a flaccid rag” returned to life literally in an hour – all you had to do was inject the solution. The same applies to older dogs: after a course of the drug, they can more easily tolerate heat and long walks.”

Gamavit for puppies

Weakened puppies (newborns or after illness) are allowed to take Gamavit not only in the form of injections, but also by adding it to their drink (water or milk). In this case, the dosage of the drug is, on average, 0.1 ml/kg. Feeding is carried out in agreement with the veterinarian, who sets the frequency and duration of the course of treatment. Adding medication to the drink allows you to quickly increase the puppy’s body’s defenses, accelerates development and growth, increases the chances of survival, and reduces the risk of infectious diseases and complications. This method is not suitable for adult dogs.


Immunity is the most important system of the animal body. Its task is to block foreign antigens by producing antibodies. If the immune system fails, the body's cells are attacked by viruses and bacteria, toxins and parasites. The slightest infection can cause serious complications, so immunomodulators are prescribed to normalize the functioning of the immune system.

It is important to understand that their uncontrolled use will bring harm, not benefit, therefore immunomodulatory drugs are used only as prescribed by a veterinarian as an addition to the main therapy. Their tasks:

  1. Stimulate the body's own defenses;
  2. Increase cell activity.

Gamavit is used for both preventive and therapeutic purposes. For the purpose of prevention, the drug is prescribed:

  • to prevent negative reactions of the dog’s body to stress factors, overload (before exhibitions, long trips, change of owner, mating, etc.);
  • increasing the survival rate of puppies, in order to prevent malnutrition and early mortality;
  • maintaining weakened and exhausted animals;
  • reducing the risk of complications after severe infectious diseases, surgery, vaccination;
  • improving the condition of the coat.

For medicinal purposes the drug is used:

  • for recovery after injury, illness;
  • accelerating the recovery of females after childbirth;
  • for food and drug poisoning;
  • treatment of helminthic infestations;
  • to improve the fertility of females;
  • maintaining the condition of toxicosis in pregnant animals.

Indications for the use of immunomodulators are:

  • frequent colds, which can lead to dangerous complications;
  • plague;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • staphylococcal and streptococcal infections;
  • purulent skin lesions;
  • period after chemotherapy;
  • protozoal infections.

Immunomodulators have a cumulative effect. Veterinarians do not recommend getting carried away with them, since most of the drugs with this effect have been produced for no more than 10-15 years, and there is not much practice in their use. It is believed that immunomodulators affect the DNA structure, so they cannot be used for self-medication or violate the dosage.

They will help stimulate the body’s defenses in combination with medications:

  • balanced diet;
  • walks;
  • taking vitamin complexes;
  • proper care.

Contraindications and side effects

Gamavit has almost no contraindications. It is not recommended for use if a dog is diagnosed with cancer, since the abundance of active biological components and vitamins can provoke tumor growth. The use of the medicine is also contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the ingredients.

According to studies, there are no side effects from taking Gamavit. However, judging by the reviews of the owners, in some cases the dog has negative reactions to the administration of the drug:

  • breathing problems;
  • slow pulse;
  • depressed state, lethargy.

There may be slight redness or inflammation at the injection site, which goes away on its own.


Gamavit, like any other medications, is stored closed in the original packaging, in dark, dry, cool places, protected from UV radiation. According to the instructions, the permissible storage temperature is 5-22 degrees. Freezing and heating are not allowed.

From the date of manufacture (issue date), the shelf life is two years. In this case, after opening the bottles, Gamavit must be used immediately, since the active properties of the drug are lost.

Gamavit should not be used by animals if the appearance of the product changes, the appearance of flakes, foreign impurities, or sediment at the bottom of the bottle. It is prohibited to use the product after the expiration date.

Recommendations for using Gamavit

To increase the effectiveness of treatment, it is recommended to pay attention to the following points.

  • Under no circumstances should you inject the medicine if the liquid has changed color or a sediment has appeared in it. Do not use the drug if it has been frozen or been exposed to direct sunlight for a long time. The same applies to violating the seal of the bottle.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the next administration of the medicine is done on time, otherwise its effect may be weakened. Also, during the treatment process, the recommended intervals between procedures should be observed.
  • Gamavit can be combined with other drugs, for example, antibacterial, antiparasitic, antiviral agents, vitamin complexes. In this case, the dosage of the medicine and the duration of its administration are determined only by a veterinarian.
  • The injection site must be treated with alcohol. Only new sterile syringes are used for injection. Before drawing the solution into the syringe, you need to shake it.
  • After the procedure, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap, even if the manipulation was carried out with gloves. If the product gets on the skin or mucous membranes, rinse them thoroughly with running water.

Although Gamavit for dogs can be purchased without a prescription, its use requires prior consultation with a veterinarian to assess the pet’s condition and draw up the correct treatment regimen. Self-administration of the medicine can lead to complications.

Answers to frequently asked questions

How to give Gamavit to your pet correctly: from a syringe or add to water?

The instructions allow both options. But it is better to pour it into the throat from a pipette or syringe: this way the solution will definitely get inside in the right dosage.

Is the medication effective for preventing post-vaccination complications?

If we are talking about post-vaccination allergies, then Gamavit will not help. But before vaccinations, the solution is recommended to be used to boost immunity and help the body cope with the introduced viruses.

As prescribed by the veterinarian, Gamavit was administered subcutaneously. On the 6th day, the dog developed a fist-sized lump at the injection site. What is it and what should I do?

This is a staphylococcal abscess. Developed due to insufficient sterility. Medicine is a nutrient medium, and any “dirty trick” in it multiplies with a bang. Therefore, carefully monitor the antiseptic: even wipe the rubber cap of the bottle before taking the solution.

The abscess is treated at a veterinary clinic. Take your dog to the doctor: he will make a puncture, pump out the pus, wash it with antiseptics, and prescribe anti-inflammatory ointments. As a last resort, he will use glucocorticosteroids.

Gamavit: cost and analogues

The price of Gamavit for dogs depends on the packaging:

  • 5 ml – about 70 rubles;
  • 10 ml – about 120 rubles;
  • 100 ml – about 900 rubles.

Some other drugs for treating animals have similar immunomodulatory properties. Analogues of Gamavit are: Maksidin, Ronco Leikin, Gamavit forte, Aminovital, Vitam, Placentol. They strengthen the immune system, have regenerative and protective properties, and help increase stress resistance.

On the Internet you can find different reviews about the drug for dogs Gamavit. Some experts believe that it is of little help in treating serious diseases. However, most veterinarians, as well as owners and breeders, note a significant improvement in the well-being of animals after undergoing a course of treatment, especially when used correctly.

When is the drug used?

Thanks to the correctly selected composition, the product has found its wide application in the treatment of:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • purulent inflammation of the uterus;
  • anemia and vitamin deficiency;
  • toxicosis while waiting for replenishment;
  • poisoning

The vitamin complex Gamavit for dogs is used for restorative purposes after treatment of severe chronic diseases (for example, inflammation of the prostate gland) and in the postoperative period. If injections are administered every day, the dog's condition will improve significantly. Vitamins are often prescribed in a course during the preparation of an animal for an exhibition in order to improve the coat and general condition of the body.

The drug is used to treat dogs at any stage of expecting offspring, and it is also recommended for puppies that have just been born. The complex of vitamins helps optimize their weight, prevents the development of rickets, improves appetite, and works to strengthen the immune system.

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