How to cook lung for a dog: recipes that your pet will love

Previously, in articles about homemade delicacies, I shared my experience of preparing and using different recipes. Each of them has its pros and cons, which I tried to describe - I hope this will help you choose the most convenient recipe for you.

Most often we train on boiled meat. a convenient dry treat on a walk that doesn’t get your hands dirty, is convenient for training in small pieces and is easy to prepare. And I found such a recipe for myself - this is dried lung. I hope you like the recipe too.

Dried lung recipe for training

We'll need something easy. Only light , other meat is not suitable. Because when dried using the method I will describe below, the light becomes airy and relatively soft, like polystyrene foam - i.e. it can be cut into pieces of the desired size.

  1. Lightly cut into large pieces 5 cm thick (cutting raw meat finely is not convenient, and thick ones will take too long to dry).
  2. place it directly raw, without pre-cooking, .
  3. Set the temperature to 100 degrees and bake for 3 hours . It is this high temperature at the beginning that allows the lung to become airy (if dried at a low temperature, it becomes hard and difficult to cut later).
  4. After 30 minutes , open the oven slightly to remove excess moisture.
  5. After 3 hours, open the oven slightly, set it to 40-60 degrees and dry completely (5-8 hours).

It doesn’t seem to take a lot of time, but it dries on its own, you don’t participate in it, you go about your business.

✔ Conclusions:

The delicacy is easy to make, stores well, does not get your hands dirty, does not stain clothes (can be put in your pocket) - i.e. dried lung is ideal for daily household training.

I think judging by the number of advantages, it’s clear that this recipe is now my favorite. I hope you and your dog enjoy it.

Author of the article: Alexandra Bondarenko https://UmnayaDobaka.rf/

Other recipes for treats for training:

If you liked the recipe, check out these other dog treat recipes:

Recently, many four-legged owners prefer to prepare their own natural homemade treats for dogs. And we are also one of them. More and more often, for one reason or another, store-bought treats began to raise doubts among dog breeders.

But natural homemade treats for dogs, prepared with your own hands, are very useful. They are made from fresh and high-quality meat or offal, and do not contain any harmful preservatives or additives. Moreover, preparing them is not at all difficult.

On our blog there is material where we talk in detail and show many useful recipes for preparing treats and treats for dogs.

Today we will talk about how to prepare dried lung for dogs with your own hands. At first glance, it may seem that preparing dried lung takes a lot of time. In fact, everything is very simple. Yes, it does not cook quickly. But the most difficult thing in the whole process is cutting and placing the offal on a baking sheet. And then you can calmly go and do your own thing. The oven will do everything for you.

There are many recipes for drying beef lung. Some dry the lung for 3 hours, some for 5 hours, some leave it in the oven to dry all night. It all depends on what kind of treat you want to get. If you want to get crispy crackers, then the lungs must be dried for a long time. Well, if you are planning to cook something delicious so that the inside of the product is not too dry, in this case the cooking time must be reduced.

The same can be said about the size of the pieces. If you are making a training treat, then cut the pieces into smaller pieces. Well, if this is a delicacy, then the light one can be cut into larger pieces.

In general, with cooking experience, you yourself will understand how to cut and how much to dry. And perhaps you will determine your own cooking method.

I’ll tell you and show you my version of drying. With this cooking method, you can, as they say, kill two birds with one stone. Everything will depend on what pieces you cut the lung into. You can use two baking sheets at once. Cut one into small pieces and it will be a training treat. And cut the product into larger pieces onto another sheet. And it will be delicious. That is, at the same cooking time and temperature, you will end up with two different treats.


How to properly and how much to cook lungs
The mentioned offal is necessary for dogs to maintain their own lungs, because many pets actively move and often run.

The benefits of beef lung are in many ways similar to pork or lamb, since this product contains a number of useful substances:

  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sulfur;
  • iodine;
  • calcium;
  • B vitamins;
  • sodium.

According to some dog handlers, the main disadvantage of the component in question is that it does not undergo a thorough veterinary examination, which is why pockets of pathological infections may persist inside the meat.

Such food contains a lot of connective tissue, which causes vomiting or diarrhea in the animal, and excessive elasticity of the tissue can lead to the risk of choking.

How to choose?

Looking at the chest of a cow, the lung is considered the largest organ there, weighing 2-3 kg. And the benefits of any product depend primarily on the freshness of the carcass, the age of the animal at the time of cutting and suitable storage conditions for the meat.

Therefore, in order to choose a fresh copy in a store or market, you need to carefully examine the product, according to such parameters as:

  • color (the shade should be light pink, without noticeable blood clots or mucus, and the shell should remain smooth, shiny, without damage or dirt);
  • elasticity (press lightly on the product, if after touching the shape quickly recovers, then the product is fresh, and if a dent remains, this indicates the beginning of fermentation);
  • smell (should be fresh and without mustiness, light and pleasant, but the manifestation of a foreign or putrefactive aroma means a violation of the deadlines or conservation rules).

How to make dried lung for dogs with your own hands

We take fresh beef (or lamb) lung and cut it into the pieces we need. I cut it into slices about 1-1.5 cm thick.

First line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Grease the paper with vegetable oil and lay out the cut pieces.

I know that some people place the lungs on a wire rack or directly on a baking sheet/or on a baking sheet covered with foil. But in this case, at the end of the drying process, you will need to make some efforts to “scrape” the dried delicacy from the foil or baking sheet, and then to clean the dishes from burnt marks.

While you are cutting the lung into pieces, preheat the oven. We set the convection mode (forced ventilation) and set the temperature to approximately 100-120 degrees.

If your oven does not have a convection mode, then simply preheat the oven to 100-120 degrees.

Place the baking sheet in the oven. We will dry at a temperature of 100-120 degrees for one hour.

I don’t know about you, but my controller vigilantly monitors all ongoing processes.

After an hour, reduce the temperature to 50-60 degrees.

At this temperature, we continue to dry the lungs in the oven for about 3 more hours.

In the end, your dried dog lung should be quite crispy on the outside and a little soft on the inside.

This delicacy can be stored at room temperature for about 7 days. If you don’t eat the delicious food within seven days, you can put it in the refrigerator. I put the lung in a jar and store it with the lid slightly open. I sometimes put paper at the bottom of the jar so that it absorbs any remaining moisture (especially if you store it in the refrigerator).

Although from my own experience I can note that we did not prolong the pleasure for more than a week and ate all the delicacies.

Today Dzhekusik and I told you how to make dried lung for dogs with your own hands. Be sure to try our recipe and share your impressions. This is very interesting to us.

Do you have your own recipe for making this dog treat? Share your recipes in the comments.

Cooking methods

There are many recipes invented by dog ​​owners. Some involve different heat treatment options, and there are recipes for cooking light with vegetables. A few simple recipes will definitely come in handy to pamper your beloved pet.

Porridge with light meat and vegetables

This tasty and nutritious dish will appeal to many dogs. It is better to cook it in small quantities, since boiled lung is not recommended to be stored for more than 3 days.


  • 300 gr. beef trimmings;
  • 200 gr. beef lung;
  • ½ cup buckwheat or rice;
  • 1 small bell pepper;
  • ½ zucchini or zucchini;
  • greens (dill, parsley).

Sea kale is very useful for dogs

Preparation step by step:

  1. Cut the trimmings into cubes and boil for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Lightly cut into strips and remove arteries.
  3. Peel, wash and cut the vegetables into small cubes.
  4. Place meat, lungs, cereals and vegetables into boiling water.
  5. Cook the porridge for 20 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally.
  6. Add greens, stir and remove from heat.

This recipe involves using more than just the vegetables listed. You can prepare it using those that your pet likes best. If your dog doesn't eat greens, sea kale can be an alternative. It is available for sale at any pet store.

Dried lung treat

It takes a little effort but a lot of time to prepare a tasty treat that is convenient to use during training. The drying process takes about 4-5 hours.

Important! The lung should first be frozen a little to make it easier to cut. Cut the offal into small strips

Next, place on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Baking is carried out at a temperature of 180 degrees. The oven door is kept open for the first 2 hours, and open for the next 2-3 hours. You can dry offal in the microwave if you have the appropriate mode.

Cut the offal into small strips. Next, place on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Baking is carried out at a temperature of 180 degrees. The oven door is kept open for the first 2 hours, and open for the next 2-3 hours. You can dry the offal in the microwave if you have the appropriate mode.

Assorted boiled offal

This dish can be given to your dog separately or mixed with porridge immediately before meals.


  • 300 gr. beef liver;
  • 200 gr. beef lung;
  • 300 gr. beef trim or tenderloin.

The range of by-products can be varied

Preparation step by step:

  1. Rinse all ingredients under running water and cut into cubes.
  2. Boil water and add chopped meat and offal.
  3. Boil for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Drain the water.

This meat mixture will be an excellent addition to your diet. To make it more healthy, you can add vegetables that your pet prefers. The set of offal can be supplemented with trachea or scar.

Attention! Under no circumstances should kidneys be included in this assortment.

Video: How to cook lung for dogs in the oven

In this video I will tell you how to dry lungs for dogs in the oven. It's not at all difficult to prepare something light. But in the end, you will get the most healthy treats that your little one will definitely be delighted with.

Every four-legged owner wants to please his friend with something tasty. In addition, the treat is very useful for training your dog. After all, training is based mainly on positive reinforcement, and what could be more positive than “yummy”

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