Dogs that don't bark - photos and brief description of the breed

Before you teach your dog not to bark at home, you must understand that it is a way for him to communicate, to convey his emotions, just like a voice is for a person. If a dog lives in a family for quite a long time, the owner determines by the intensity and volume of barking what exactly his pet wants. Therefore, you should not set a goal to completely stop your dog from barking in the house; you need to ensure that this happens only in justified situations.

Why do dogs bark?

Dogs never bark without a reason; you can always find an explanation for this:

  • Fear. Have you noticed that dogs are wildly afraid of sharp and intense sounds: thunder, sirens, screams.
  • Boredom. If a dog sits at home alone all day, it begins to get bored just like a person. But if you have the opportunity to find entertainment for yourself, then the dog has little choice - chew your shoes or bark heartily.
  • Fun. In this case, barking for dogs is a sign of delight and satisfaction. Dogs always bark if their owners start playing with them.
  • Wariness. Extraneous, unfamiliar sounds cause the dog to feel insecure, to which he responds with a loud bark. For example, a dog will definitely respond to a doorbell or knock if the neighbors start repairs.
  • Signal or manipulation. Barking for dogs is a way to attract attention, for example, if the pet wants to eat, drink, or is simply bored and wants to play.
  • Anger. You can observe a similar feeling when 2 dogs meet. In such a situation, barking is a way for dogs to prove their dominance.

All of the above emotions can visit a dog more than once a day, and of course, being in the vicinity of such a loud pet can drive you crazy. This is why it is so important to explain to your dog at a young age when barking is appropriate and when it is better to remain silent.

The reason for silence may be illness or stress.

If the puppy is new to your home and is constantly silent, perhaps he is still frightened by the change of environment and is in a stressful state from being separated from his mother.
Observe him, if he is constantly hiding and moving around with his tail hanging between his hind legs, he is simply afraid or stressed. The reason for the absence of barking can be a disease of the throat, as well as the respiratory tract and vocal cords. When a puppy is sick, he simply physically cannot bark. You can call the veterinarian and consult with him, if necessary, the dog will need to be seen by a doctor. But before that, look at how he eats, how he swallows food - if there are any signs of pain.

What you definitely can't do

Let's start from the opposite, and first of all consider the mistakes that inexperienced dog owners often make:

  • Mutual abuse. Yelling at a dog when it barks at home does not mean calming it down, but rather egging it on even more. Especially when it comes to aggressive breeds, in whose blood it is to prove that you are right. If you decide to get a dog, be patient and learn to remain calm.
  • Training from case to case. You can train your dog not to bark at home only through regular training. If you only occasionally make comments, your pet simply won’t take them seriously or won’t remember them at all.
  • Physical violence. Beating is unacceptable in principle. First of all, this is not humane. Secondly, in this way you will not arouse in the dog a desire to obey, but will only develop fear and hidden aggression.
  • Remarks without explanation. If your pet starts barking, find out why he is doing it in the first place. Maybe he wants to play, or maybe robbers are trying to break into the house. Reproaches can simply discourage any desire to protect you, and you don’t want the dog to turn into a decorative ornament.
  • Don't follow your pet's lead. Dogs have a huge number of qualities that humans have, including cunning. If the dog tries to manipulate you and bark to beg for a piece of meat from the plate, do not give in under any circumstances. In the future he will do this kind of manipulation all the time.

If you can’t walk your dog on time, delegate it to the professionals.
A dog walker is not the neighbor’s child. This is a specialist who knows the dog’s psychology and knows how to anticipate difficult situations.

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If you want to teach your pet to be quiet, first carefully study behavioral tactics and training methods.

Non-barking dog breeds

The non-barking dog of the Besenji breed takes an honorable first place. But among other breeds there are also representatives that exhibit their barking in a rather specific way. These include the following breeds.


Large dogs, excellent companions and natural nannies, excellent protectors of the family, bark so rarely that it may seem that these dogs do not even know how to make a characteristic dog sound. Bullmastiffs tend to sniff and snort, only occasionally vocalizing.

Scottish Greyhound or Deerhound

Born hunters, since ancient times people have been used to hunt deer, they have a very kind heart. Large in size, Deerhounds are loving and sociable dogs that rarely bark, preferring to snore or whine expressively.

Afghan Hound

A beautiful, not devoid of elegance, the dog is distinguished by well-developed social skills and becomes attached not only to the owner, but also to other family members. The Afghan Hound has a rather cocky temperament, but at the same time it will not bark when given the opportunity, and only gives voice as a last resort.

Shar Pei

Self-sufficient and quite vicious Shar-Peis do not bark for no reason. You can only hear a Shar Pei barking as a last resort if the animal is experiencing severe fear or fears for the life of the owner.


Silent dogs of large size, they press with their authority and size, using vocal data extremely rarely. To protect his family, the Rhodesian Ridgeback will take all possible and available means and may even bark if the situation requires it. But this dog cannot be called a windbag.

Akita Inu

The national symbol of Japan, a large dog with power and vigilance. Fluffy dogs are silent, but quite suspicious. They are also called “silent hunters”. In most cases, a well-mannered dog will remain silent, only speaking when it really senses danger.

Food additives

To calm hyperactive pets that even a brisk walk does not help, you can use food supplements based on herbs and melatonin with a calming effect. Supplements are made on the basis of chamomile, valerian and other herbs, with the addition of melatonin, which suppresses the function of the gonads of animals. You can use drugs only after consulting a veterinarian.

Care and maintenance

A dog that doesn't bark is a breed that is easy to care for. The basic principles of correct content are:

  • regular walking;
  • carrying out hygiene procedures;
  • creating a balanced diet;
  • the need for education and constant training;
  • carrying out prevention and treatment of diseases.

It is best to keep Basenjis in a private house or separate apartment. A dog will not be able to live normally in a communal apartment.

The necessary commands must be taught by rewarding pets with tasty pieces. Be sure to consolidate knowledge of your nickname and obedience to the most important commands of the owner.

This should be done gradually, preferably in places where there are few people and animals. It is prohibited to hit or shout at the animal. All commands are given calmly, without raising the tone. If the dog does not follow the command, you can scold him without aggression.

Outdoor training is an essential part of a Basenji's life.


Basenjis simply hate water. Therefore, it is better to bathe them when the need arises. Under natural conditions, animals clean their own fur, protecting their delicate skin from pathogenic bacteria and insects.

The procedure should not be carried out more than three times a month, so as not to cause stress in the pet. For bathing, a special shampoo is purchased, and after the procedure the dog is wrapped in a soft towel. In addition, the coat should be combed every week to remove dead hairs and particles of epidermis.

During molting, the procedure can be performed more often. The dog itself is a true neat freak. She doesn't get into puddles and mud. That's why it's a pleasure to look after her.

They are also heat-loving animals that react poorly to cold and dampness. Therefore, in winter it is recommended to dress them in special overalls or reduce the walking time.

Important! The duration of walks with your pet in good weather should be at least 1.5 hours. This should be done twice a day.

In your own home with a high fence, it is allowed to let the animal out without a leash and constant supervision.

You need to have a separate corner in the house for your dog. There is a comfortable bed there. You definitely need to buy and change toys so that your pet has something to occupy himself with and doesn’t get tired of them.

First, it is recommended to put out a cat litter box for hygienic purposes or lay out disposable diapers. But as soon as the pet gets used to the house, he will go to the toilet as expected.

Diet, products

These dogs need to be fed fresh, lean meat without heat treatment. You can give bones twice a day.

In addition, you can include the following foods in your diet:

  • lean fish without small bones;
  • some offal;
  • boiled buckwheat or rice.

It is strictly forbidden to salt food for dogs. You can give a boiled egg several times a week. When cooking porridge, in addition to buckwheat and rice, millet is used. It is prepared in water without spices. The only thing you can do is add a little butter.

You cannot overfeed your pets. To fully balance the diet, it is recommended to feed high quality dry food.

As for the dishes, before putting food out, you should check how clean they are.

Terriers will never eat or drink from unwashed dishes.

Don't provoke barking

If your dog is afraid of a loud bell, change it. If you don't like the sound of the washing machine, turn it on when you go for a walk. The main mistake is to believe that the dog must fully comply with your desires, while he also has his own preferences, fears and needs.

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And among dogs there are silent ones

There are breeds of dogs that are not at all inclined to bark. For example, the African Basenji hunting dog. These dogs are generally unique - not only do they not bark, their paw shape is even different from other dogs - the pads of the two central toes of the Basenji are fused at the base, like those of jackals. In addition to this breed, English shepherds and greyhounds very rarely bark, and you won’t often hear sounds reminiscent of it from Shar-Peis. If you get a puppy of an unknown breed, check to see if he is one of these silent ones.

Silent breeds are not mute. They can express their emotions by growling, squealing, snorting and even howling.

What to do if your dog barks when left alone

A fairly common problem is when the owner goes to work, and the dog annoys the neighbors with loud and incessant barking. To solve this problem, special means have been invented:

  • Anti-lay collars with citronella or lavender. Operating principle: the dog begins to bark, and from special capsules built into the collar, aroma oil begins to evaporate, the smell of which is unpleasant for dogs.
  • Ultrasonic collars. When a dog barks, the collar makes an unpleasant sound that dogs are afraid of.
  • Stun collars. They are triggered when the movements of the dog's larynx become more frequent. They don't hit hard, but it's unpleasant.

You can use any of the listed remedies only after consulting a veterinarian.


Congo Terriers rarely get sick, as they naturally have high immunity. But with improper care, health problems can still arise.

Typical problems

The most common diseases that occur in African silent birds include the following:

  • Fanconi syndrome;
  • eye problems;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • coloboma;
  • dysplasia of the pelvic and hip joints;
  • umbilical hernia.

Some of them can lead to the death of the pet if help is not provided in time.

Important! If the disease is detected at an early stage, it will be easier to treat.

Is it possible to stop a dog from being noisy?

The easiest way to understand how to stop a puppy from barking is that babies quickly absorb new information, so they can be trained more quickly.

It's more difficult with adults. With age, habits become more ingrained, so new skills are not easy to come by. If you have adopted a grown-up pet, be patient. Sooner or later, one of the popular weaning methods will definitely work, but it will take a lot of time and effort.

In addition to age, it is important to consider the breed. Some representatives are characterized by increased “talkativeness” by nature. There is no way to get rid of it, so it is better to become familiar with this feature before purchasing a puppy.

Suspicious actions for an animal

It is often possible to identify a connection between how a dog reacts to a certain category of persons. For example, she barks at a man or a girl with an umbrella walking with a cane, and behaves warily when she sees a baby joyfully running towards her with some toys. All of the above cases are suspicious from the animal’s point of view and are perceived by him as a possible danger. In this case, the owner is recommended to switch the dog’s attention to another object or treat. Every time your pet becomes unreasonably aggressive, you should try to captivate him with something/feed him/pay attention to yourself.

Unstable mental health of a dog

Unfortunately, one of the reasons why a dog shows aggression may be the animal’s undermined mental state. This does not necessarily apply to animals that were previously picked up from the street, although, of course, this does happen. After all, having had the unpleasant experience of living in terrible conditions and communicating with unfriendly people, the dog may well transfer it to his real life. Often, “unbalanced” pets can be found from unscrupulous breeders who, in pursuit of profit, do not always pay due attention to the health and condition of their pets. Based on this, future owners should know that the younger the puppy is, the easier it is to identify and work with those omissions that were made by previous owners.

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