Prognosis and treatment of kidney failure in dogs

The kidneys are the body's most important cleansing system for removing toxins and other harmful substances. That is why any “problem” of this organ greatly affects the dog’s health.

Since pathological processes in the kidneys develop very slowly, the owner of the animal most often notices the presence of problems in his pet quite late. To stop the disease in the early stages and have time to help your dog stay healthy, you need to be attentive to any, even very minor, “bells” signaling that something is wrong with your pet.

We will tell you about the manifestations of such a complex disease as renal failure in dogs, its diagnosis and treatment tactics.

What is this?

Renal failure (RF) is a pathological condition of the body in which the functioning of the kidneys is partially or completely impaired. This inevitably leads to problems with the excretory system, water-salt balance, blood circulation and blood pressure, as well as internal organs.

The risk group includes pets over 5 years of age (in the absence of provoking factors at an earlier age). In this case, you need to be especially careful if your dog belongs to one of the following breeds:

  • shih tzu,
  • samoyed dogs,
  • english cocker spaniels,
  • german shepherds,
  • bull terriers,
  • golden retrievers.

Kidney cells and tissues are not restored, so the diagnosis and treatment of the disease must be approached as carefully as possible, entrusting this task to experienced veterinary specialists.


Pylonephritis is usually a bacterial inflammation of the interstitial tissue of the kidneys, renal pelvis, involving the tubules, glomeruli and vessels of the kidneys. Usually both kidneys are affected.

Most often, pathogens penetrate the kidneys through the ureters, less often through the lymphogenous and hematogenous route. Primary pyelonephritis occurs without previous changes, but secondary pyelonephritis is more common, occurring against the background of stagnation of urine, trauma, endometritis, cystitis, prostatitis, nephrolithiasis, ectopic ureters. Perhaps the resulting pyelonephritis is supported by autoimmune processes.


In 20% of cases, the cause of kidney failure in dogs cannot be determined. This is due to the fact that owners do not know about possible provoking factors, and the disease is detected already in the last stages of development.

Among the most common reasons:

  • Hereditary diseases

Amyloidosis and polycystic disease cause difficulty with kidney function in young dogs. This is caused by the accumulation of abnormal white structures and the formation of many cysts filled with fluid.

  • Infections

Leptospirosis, Carré's disease, viral enteritis or hepatitis are just some of the acute infectious diseases that can trigger the development of kidney failure. This is due to the fact that pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the renal tissue, disrupting the functioning of the kidneys.

  • Functional disorders

Certain diseases can cause kidney damage and pathological changes, provoking the development of renal failure. Among them: glomerulonephritis (glomerular nephritis), pyelonephritis, nephritis, nephrosis, etc.

  • Parasitic infestation

Piroplasmosis and hemobarthenelosis destroy and also block the activity of red blood cells, exerting a toxic effect on the entire body as a whole. As a result of the release of toxins, the kidneys gradually lose functionality, so their work is disrupted.

  • Intoxication of the body

Severe poisoning is a common cause of kidney failure among dogs of various ages and breeds. Most often it occurs when consuming household pesticides, medications, salts of heavy metals, etc.

  • Diseases of the urinary system

The development of liver failure in dogs can be provoked by the most common disease of the urinary system - urolithiasis (UCD), since it is accompanied by compression or complete blockage of the urinary tract.

  • Other reasons

Other factors can lead to kidney failure: benign and malignant tumors, cysts, severe bleeding with a sharp drop in blood pressure, congenital underdevelopment of organs, etc.


In breeds where kidney disease is caused by genetic factors, prevention should begin at the stage of choosing a puppy, namely by checking the presence of tests done on the parents and their clean results.

Unfortunately, these tests do not always guarantee that the dog will not develop the disease. Therefore, only the owner’s attentiveness to the appearance of the very first symptoms can significantly influence the course of treatment. For early and timely detection of kidney dysfunction, it is necessary to undergo medical examination at least once a year.

How does kidney failure manifest in dogs?

Detecting signs of kidney failure in dogs in the early stages is problematic. Typically, the first signs appear when about 65-70% of the kidney tissue is no longer functioning. The remaining part is not able to cope with the secretion and purification of blood, which entails various disturbances in the functioning of the body.

Signs of kidney failure in dogs:

  • I (latent)

The longest period of development of renal failure. The animal's activity, mobility and appetite are normal. There are no abnormalities or symptoms of the disease. The disease can be diagnosed only by taking tests, since the level of creatinine in the blood will be no more than 125 mmol/l.

  • II (compensatory)

The main signs are constant thirst and frequent urination. By the end of the compensatory stage, about 50% of the structural and functional units of the kidney (nephrons) die. The level of creatinine in the blood ranges from 125 to 180 mmol/l.

  • III (decompensation)

Other signs are added to problems with urination: loss of appetite, sudden weight loss, constant weakness and lethargy, problems with the gastrointestinal tract. By the end of this stage, no more than 20% of nephrons are functioning. The level of creatinine in the blood is from 180 to 440 mmol/l.

  • IV (terminal)

The most difficult period of illness, associated with severe intoxication of the whole body, electrolyte imbalance, and poor health. No more than 15% of nephrons continue to “work”, while the level of creatinine in the blood exceeds 440 mmol/l.

Nephrotic syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome develops with severe glomerulopathy, leading to significant loss of protein in the urine, and, as a result, is accompanied by hypoalbuminemia and the development of edema, ascites and renal failure.

Nephrotic syndrome often develops against the background of renal amyloidosis.

Due to the increased permeability of the membranes of the renal glomeruli, blood proteins are largely lost in the urine; the development of hypoalbuminemia causes a decrease in the oncotic pressure of the blood. Fluid migrates from the bloodstream - edema and accumulation of free fluid in the serous cavities develop (ascites and, less commonly, hydrothorax). The blood supply to the kidneys deteriorates, salt and water retention occurs, and blood pressure rises.

Forms of renal failure: acute and chronic

The nature of the manifestation of symptoms of renal failure in your pet depends directly on the form of the disease - acute or chronic. All signs differ in the brightness of the current and the speed of occurrence.

Chronic renal failure (CRF) usually occurs in adult dogs. It develops slowly but constantly. Before characteristic symptoms appear, the kidneys may lose 3/4 of their functions. The main symptom is extreme thirst, among other symptoms:

  • ammonia odor from the mouth,
  • dehydration,
  • dry mucous membranes,
  • dullness of fur,
  • viscous saliva,
  • decrease in body temperature to 37 °C,
  • severe swelling,
  • bradycardia,
  • lack of appetite.

Note! The more nephrons are lost, the more severe the symptoms of kidney failure in dogs develop and manifest.

Acute renal failure (ARF) is characterized by the rapid onset of symptoms. It is clearly visible and complex, so the owner immediately notices that the dog’s condition has worsened. Among the main signs:

  • a sharp deterioration in general condition,
  • muscle weakness,
  • urinary disturbance
  • elevated heart rate,
  • swelling,
  • blanching/redness of mucous membranes,
  • formation of ulcers in the mouth,
  • complete refusal to eat.

Does your dog have a similar symptom pattern? Make an appointment with your veterinarian immediately. The sooner you seek professional veterinary help, the sooner your beloved pet will regain its appetite, mobility and good mood!

Symptoms of the last stage of alcoholism

The first negative sign indicating that drunkenness has gone beyond all acceptable limits is very rapid intoxication. Severe ethanol poisoning leads to the fact that the liver and kidneys do not have time to remove the toxic breakdown products of alcohol. Therefore, even after drinking beer, a person quickly gets drunk.

The craving for alcohol turns out to be so strong that in its absence the patient is ready to drink any technical liquids containing ethanol. He completely forgets about the importance of health and does everything possible to experience the usual feeling of euphoria as soon as possible.

Other symptoms of the last stage of alcoholism include:

  • Frequently recurring convulsions, epileptic seizures. Characteristic of alcoholic encephalopathy. That is why the described stage of alcoholism is sometimes called encephalopathic.
  • Nausea and vomiting in the morning after drinking. Indicate alcohol intolerance, severe alcohol intoxication.
  • Almost incessant binges. Repeat several times a month. Can last from one week to two months.
  • Antisocial behavior. The patient ceases to be interested in work. Refuses to communicate with friends and relatives. Almost always behaves aggressively. All his thoughts come down to finding a new dose of alcohol.
  • Loss of body weight due to an unbalanced diet. When an alcohol addict goes on a binge, he eats very little. A small piece of bread can be served as a snack with a bottle of vodka. It is clear that such behavior does not go unnoticed for health. Soon the addict develops vitamin deficiency and dehydration. He quickly loses weight and takes on a sickly appearance.

In the third stage, the drinker drinks alcohol frequently. He does this in order to avoid painful withdrawal symptoms. Even at night he can wake up to take a few sips of alcohol.

Effective treatment

Treatment of acute and chronic renal failure in dogs is carried out in several directions. Regardless of the stage of the disease, infusion therapy (droppers) with medications that support the general functioning of your pet’s body is prescribed.

Note! Medicines and their dosage can only be prescribed by a veterinarian after an accurate diagnosis.

Drugs used:

  • Infusion solutions (100-400 ml). They restore the balance of salts, alkalis and acids. They have a detoxifying, anti-shock and alkalizing effect. They are administered intravenously, but subcutaneous administration is allowed in puppies;
  • Diuretics . Depending on the specific drug, the rate of fluid removal from the body is regulated by increasing/decreasing the Na concentration. They are used intramuscularly, intravenously or by drip;
  • Antiemetic drugs . They soothe the gastrointestinal tract, relieving nausea and preventing vomiting. Quickly relieve vomiting symptoms. Used in solution or tablet format;
  • Phosphorus binders . They are used to improve the condition of the stomach of dogs and have a sorbing effect. Some drugs have a pronounced detoxifying effect;
  • Drugs to normalize cardiac activity . They are used if the functioning of the cardiovascular system has been impaired as a result of renal failure. The drugs stimulate the central nervous system, have an antiarrhythmic effect and tone up the heart.

Do not try to prescribe treatment for your pet at home. Only in a veterinary clinic will it be possible to restore the functioning of the kidneys and prevent the further development of acute or chronic renal failure!


Hydronephrosis is the irreversible expansion of the renal pelvis and death of the renal parenchyma due to atrophy due to compression. It develops when the ureter is blocked and the kidney continues to produce urine. It can be congenital (ureteral atresia, ectopia of the ureteral orifice, kidney displacement, etc.) and acquired (blockage of the ureter with stones or neoplasms, compression of the ureter by surrounding tissues (tumors, abscess), iatrogenic damage, neoplasms of the bladder, atony of the bladder, blockage or compression of the urethra).

Unilateral hydronephrosis often remains asymptomatic for a long time.

Nuances of nutrition in renal failure

Proper nutrition for a dog with kidney failure prevents the condition from worsening and the progression of the disease. It is recommended to exclude vegetable oils from the diet, while animal fats are not contraindicated. Vegetables should not be given raw: they must first be boiled and then crushed into puree.

It is necessary to exclude all foods rich in phosphorus:

  • fish,
  • bones,
  • eggs,
  • oatmeal,
  • millet,
  • barley,
  • pumpkin,
  • green beans, etc.

Kidney failure in a dog is a serious disease that remains virtually asymptomatic for a long time. To prevent dangerous consequences, it is recommended to periodically check with a veterinarian and conduct an ultrasound of the internal organs.

Timely treatment of renal failure will save your pet's life and provide reliable support for the functioning of the kidneys!

Disturbances in the activity of the nervous system at the third stage of alcohol addiction

When trying to “get over it,” the alcoholic learns about withdrawal symptoms. Then he is dominated by muscle, joint and headaches, dizziness, and a high level of anxiety. As a result, the person becomes aggressive and irritable. Faces panic attacks, auditory and visual hallucinations, and memory loss.

The desire to get drunk at some point becomes so strong that the drinker may steal something or commit an illegal act just to get money.

Degradation of drinkers

Treatment of the last stage of alcoholism is cured slowly and requires enormous effort on the part of the drinker. By this point, the patient becomes hot-tempered and behaves inappropriately. His memory is deteriorating.

As brain cells die, dementia develops. Such a person no longer lives, but rather parasitizes at the expense of his relatives. It is important to motivate him to recover. If an addict has a complete lack of desire to be treated, even the best narcologist in the world will not be able to help him.

Do not allow alcoholism to progress. If you realize that you cannot stop or one of your loved ones suffers from daily drinking, be sure to get qualified drug treatment help. By doing so, you will give yourself or your loved one a chance to become completely healthy. But even at the third stage of the disease, do not give up on the patient - everything can still be corrected.

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