Acana Heritage Puppy Large Breed Grain Free Puppy Food

The appearance of a puppy in the house brings new joys, but at the same time new worries. Most questions arise around feeding: what exactly, how much and when to give? The easiest and most reliable way to provide your baby with all the necessary nutrients is a ready-made industrial diet. It already contains everything you need in optimal proportions, which minimizes the likelihood of errors in the diet. All that remains is to decide on the dosage of dry food for the puppy. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Why is it important

Dry food differs from natural food not only in appearance and consistency, but also in composition. This is a kind of concentrate that has a high energy value and contains an optimal ratio of vitamins, minerals and other substances beneficial to dogs. Therefore, the issue of dosage of dry food for puppies is of great importance.

Sometimes owners do not control this moment and feed the pet “according to appetite”, believing that this will only benefit the growing body. In fact, this does not always happen: even one-time overfeeding can provoke indigestion in an animal, which is manifested by vomiting, abdominal pain, and bowel dysfunction. If a puppy receives an excessive dosage of dry food systematically, he will become overweight, which is always easier to gain than to lose.

Owners of pugs, dachshunds, bulldogs, Rottweilers, Labradors, St. Bernards, and Bernese Mountain Dogs should be especially careful, since representatives of these breeds are genetically prone to obesity.

Chronic lack of nutrients during periods of rapid growth is no less dangerous. It is at this time that the skeleton, teeth, and coat are formed, and key hunting and working skills are developed. Due to poor nutrition, rickets, splayed paws, visual impairments often develop, and the coat becomes dull and deteriorates. If the puppy is malnourished, it will never be able to fully realize its hereditary potential and grow into a beautiful, healthy dog.

Advantages and disadvantages

Acana dog food is one of the types of ready-made food that is of high quality. Among the main advantages of Akana food it is worth highlighting:

  • a wide range of products, allowing each animal owner to choose the most suitable option (dry, wet food, canned food);
  • hypoallergenic natural composition;
  • high level of product quality;
  • the ingredients present in the composition correspond to the natural needs of pets;
  • the ability to choose a diet for large and small breeds;
  • presence in the composition of different types of meat, namely turkey, chicken, duck fillet, pork, sea and freshwater varieties of fish;
  • the use of low-glycemic carbohydrates in the production process, which help regulate normal blood sugar levels;
  • carrying out all stages of production at one enterprise, which allows you to control the quality of the ingredients used;
  • the use of fresh ingredients in the preparation process, which are supplied daily to production from farms located near the enterprise;
  • no preservatives.

The main disadvantages are the high cost of production and the lack of medicinal food, despite the wide range. If you use a ready-made diet for feeding, intended for older animals or dogs suffering from obesity, the problem will also not be solved. In this case, it may only be possible to support the immunity of your four-legged friend, but it will not be possible to cure the disease or avoid exacerbations.

Akana is a dog food that contains chicken and turkey fillet, lamb meat, and pork. Among the ingredients you can find fresh fish of sea and freshwater varieties, vegetables and fruits. The use of herbal preparations allows you to compensate for the lack of useful elements in the animal’s body. Systematic feeding of the animal with Acana allows you to avoid additional vitamin and mineral supplements into the diet of your four-legged friend.

We determine the dosage of feed according to the table

You can understand how much food your puppy needs during a given period of development by checking the table that every manufacturer must place on the packaging of their food. Please note that the norms of products of different brands may differ significantly due to differences in composition and calorie content. As a rule, less food with good composition is needed compared to economy-class products.

Consider, as an example, Orijen Puppy Dog complete food with chicken, turkey, fresh eggs and whole saltwater fish.

To determine the dosage of dry food for a puppy, just look at the table presented. But inexperienced owners still sometimes have doubts and questions. In order not to get confused, remember that the header of the table shows the adult weight of the animal (expected), and the left column shows the body weight that is current for today. Knowing these two indicators, you can easily find the feeding rate for your pet.


Akana is a Canadian-made product. Ready-made food was developed by experienced veterinary specialists who took into account the body needs of four-legged friends. The business owners built a factory in Morinville. It is in this place that the finished diet is prepared and packaged. At each stage of production, product quality is controlled. Therefore, Acana for dogs is of very high quality.

Akana food is one of the highest quality ready-made diets for dogs.

In the food manufacturing process, cheap ingredients such as cereals and frozen by-products are not used. The composition includes fresh ingredients that are grown in Canada.

How to find out the expected weight of an adult dog

Some popular breeds are listed right in the header of the table: for example, the Yorkshire terrier is included in the “miniature and small” weight category (up to five kilograms), and the golden retriever belongs to the medium and large breeds (up to thirty kilograms). You can check information on other breeds with your breeder or on thematic websites on the Internet.

If your puppy is not purebred, take the weight of his parents as a reference point; most likely, the baby will be about the same as an adult. It is more difficult when the pet is taken from the street, and not from friends, and you do not have any data or assumptions about its origin. In this case, seeking advice from a veterinarian will help: an experienced specialist will be able to determine from the teeth, paws, and bones how the puppy will grow up, and select the dosage of dry food.

Feed composition

Premium food must be safe, balanced; Akana products meet all requirements and are suitable for allergy sufferers, pregnant and lactating females, and dogs with various chronic diseases. The average amount of proteins is 32%, carbohydrates – no more than 30%, fats about 20%, fiber – 3.5–5%. Energy value – 360–450 kcal/100 g.

Composition analysis using the example of a product for small breed dogs

Chicken mealMeat concentrate contains more proteins than fresh meat.
Shredded oatsContains various microelements, a source of fiber - this substance supports the normal functioning of the digestive system and prevents obesity in pets.
Boneless chicken meatDietary source of animal protein.
PotatoAfter processing, it is easily absorbed in the body of animals.
PeasContains carbohydrates, fiber, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.
FishReplenishes the deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
EggsProtein dietary product.
Chicken fatA necessary component of the diet, well absorbed.
Alfalfa extractContains plant-based protein, but some experts are skeptical about adding this ingredient to dog food.
Ground chicory rootContains inulin, fiber, improves the functioning of the digestive tract.
Small amount of selenium yeastImproves the condition and appearance of the coat, reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors.

Akana products contain many extracts of medicinal plants and berries - chamomile inflorescences, milk thistle, mint and lemon balm leaves, brown algae, rose hips, blueberries, they have a general strengthening and tonic effect, remove toxins and waste. No dyes, flavors, or preservatives were found in dog food; by-products are contained only in products for older pets.

Akana's product line includes treats for pets - lamb with apples, duck with pears, lean pork with butternut squash, based on several varieties of fish. The fragrant pieces contain only 3 kcal; their owners use them as a reward during training.

How to weigh a pet

You can weigh a large puppy on special scales, which are available in every veterinary clinic. In the case of a small puppy, ordinary floor scales will be sufficient: to do this, you need to take the pet in your arms and weigh yourself with it, then repeat the measurement without it and subtract the second from the first indicator. It is advisable to update weight data at least once a month, and if the pet is prone to obesity or, conversely, does not gain weight well on dry food, then weekly.

Instructions for use

In order for your pet to be cheerful, well-fed and healthy, it is necessary not only to choose good and correct food, but also to observe the dosage of feeding the animal. The portion of food should be calculated taking into account the pet’s age and weight, lifestyle, and tendency to obesity.

Dogs over one year old are considered adults and need to be fed morning and evening.

Feeding chart for adult dogs (g/day)

Weight, kg)Inactive lifestyleActive lifestyle – at least 1 hour of exercise per day

For pregnant dogs, the daily intake should be increased by 20–30%; first consult a veterinarian.

Feeding rate for puppies

Puppies need to be fed more often than adult dogs, up to 2 months - 5-6 times, 2-3 months - 4-5, 3-6 months - 3-4 times, babies over six months need to be fed three times a day.

Feed rate (g/day)

Weight, kg)2–3 months4–6 months7–9 months10–12 months

Examples of diet for puppies of different breeds

Let's take a cocker spaniel puppy as an example. It belongs to small and medium breeds (up to 10 kg). With a current weight of 5 kg, the feeding rate for a cocker will be 130 grams. This is a daily dosage, not a one-time dosage, so it still needs to be divided into 3-5 parts. The younger the puppy, the more often he needs to “refuel”.

A small Labrador of the same weight category (5 kg) needs more food - 160 grams, because it is a large breed (up to 30 kg).

Daily feeding rate

Dog Chow: food for dogs and puppies of large and small breeds

Akana is a ready-made food for four-legged friends, which is of high quality and contains a large number of useful vitamins and microelements. However, even such a diet must be given in portions recommended by the manufacturer. This will make it possible to avoid health problems and excess weight in the dog.

Feeding rate Acana Adult Small Breed Dog

Acana Adult Small Breed is intended for feeding adult dogs of small breeds.

The prepared food contains medicinal herbs, eggs, and seaweed. In addition, the manufacturer uses berries, fruits, peas, potatoes, oats, chicken and flounder fillets in the food production process.

Thanks to such a diet, the pet’s body is saturated with vitamins, minerals and Omega-3 acid. A balanced diet allows you not to buy additional vitamin complexes.

Akana food for small breed dogs allows you to feed your pet a balanced diet and support immunity.

Pawl massRecommended daily portion of dog food, g
2 kg40
5 kg90
7 kg120
10 kg160

Feeding rate for Acana Grass-Fed Lamb Dog

Acana Grass-Fed Lamb Dog is a balanced ready-made food for dogs whose digestive system is quite sensitive. In the process of preparing the Gress-Fed Lamb diet, only high-quality fresh products are used. The food is made on the basis of:

  • raw lamb meat;
  • dried lamb fillet;
  • green peas;
  • red lentils;
  • raw lamb liver;
  • lamb fat;
  • apples;
  • garbanzo beans;
  • green lentils;
  • yellow peas;
  • raw lamb tripe;
  • dried lamb cartilage;
  • seaweed;
  • butternut squash;
  • dried kelp;
  • salt and cranberries;
  • blueberries and chicory root;
  • zinc chelate and vitamin D3;
  • copper chelate;
  • burdock root and milk thistle.
Dog weight, kgRecommended daily portion, g
2 kg40 g
5 kg90 g
10 kg180 g
20 kg300 g
30 kg480 g
50 kg570 g

Acana Grass-Fed Lamb Dog is a ready-made diet that is suitable for animals suffering from problems with the digestive system

Feeding rate for Acana Puppy&Junior Dog

The Acana Puppy&Junior Dog diet is intended for feeding medium breed puppies. Acana for puppies is made from free-range chicken and turkey fillets. In addition, the ingredients include:

  • whole eggs;
  • freshly caught Pacific flounder;
  • berries;
  • fruits.

Systematic feeding of the dog with Akana food for puppies (Puppy & Junior Dog) allows you to replenish the deficiency of vitamins in the animal’s body and improve digestion. Veterinarians often recommend this food as the main diet for puppies.

Pet weight, kgRecommended daily portion, g
2 kg80 g
5 kg150 g
10 kg210 g
20 kg300 g

Feeding rate for Acana Senior Dog

Acana Senior Dog is a ready-made food that is rich in animal proteins that are easy to digest. Only fresh ingredients are used in the manufacturing process, namely:

  • chicken loin (Cobb breed);
  • turkey;
  • whole eggs;
  • herbal collection;
  • Pacific flounder.

A balanced diet makes it possible to boost immunity and improve the condition of the skin and coat of your four-legged friend. In addition, this variety of Akana is ideal for feeding dogs with sensitive digestion.

Note! Among the ingredients of this line of food you cannot find even a small amount of grains and high-glycemic carbohydrates, which can provoke the development of food allergic reactions and diabetes.

Animal weight, kgRecommended daily portion, g
2-10 kg90 g
10-20 kg180 g
20-30 kg300 g
30-40 kg400 g
40-50 kg510 g
50-60 kg600 g

Acana Senior Dog - diet rich in animal proteins

Feeding rate Acana Singles Treats

Acana Singles Treats are ready-made dog food, the main ingredients of which contain:

  • flounder;
  • chicken meat;
  • whole eggs (freshly picked);
  • low glycemic fruits;
  • herbs;
  • vegetables.

In the food production process, preservatives and potatoes with rice, which are sources of fast carbohydrates, are not used. This makes it possible to avoid dog health problems and prevent the development of obesity and diabetes.

Animal weight, kgRecommended daily portion, g
1-4 kg80
5-10 kg180
10-20 kg300
20-30 kg400
30-40 kg510
40-55 kg600

Acana Singles Treats are distinguished by the presence of flounder and low-glycemic fruits

Feeding rate Acana Regionals For Dogs

Acana Regionals dog food is a high-quality, grain-free, hypoallergenic diet. Granules of the finished diet contain a large amount of useful vitamins and microelements. In the process of preparing food, the manufacturer uses ingredients such as:

  • flounder;
  • sardine;
  • hake;
  • herbal collection;
  • sea ​​bass;
  • salmon;
  • Pacific herring.
Dog weight, kgRecommended daily portion, g
up to 10 kg90-200 g
10-20 kg200-295 g
21-40 kg295-450 g
41-55450-600 g

Feeding rate Acana Heritage

In the manufacturing process, the manufacturer uses selected turkey and chicken meat, fresh eggs and wild-caught fish. The ingredients used in production are not frozen or processed.

Note! In the production process of Akana products, cereals and high-glycemic carbohydrates are not used, which can cause the development of diabetes and allergic reactions.

Animal weight, kgRecommended daily portion, g
2-5 kg80-150 g
10-20 kg150-300 g
20-30 kg300-340 g
30-40 kg340-360 g

Acana Heritage - high quality products

Feeding rate Acana Classics

Akana Classic is an expensive balanced diet that allows you to compensate for the deficiency of useful elements in the body of your four-legged friend of a small or medium breed. The finished diet contains the following components:

  • meat fillet (beef, pork);
  • heart, liver and kidneys of lambs;
  • lamb cartilage;
  • liver, heart and kidneys of bulls;
  • ground oats;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • a small part of milk thistle, kelp, burdock root and parsnip.
Weight of a four-legged friendRecommended daily serving
1-5 kg45-75 g
5-10 kg75-115 g
10-20 kg115-225 g
20-35 kg225-390 g

Acana Classics will fill the deficiency of useful elements in the body of our smaller brothers

What to do if your pet doesn't eat enough

When a puppy eats up the offered food in seconds and looks pitifully, waiting for more, the owner either follows his lead, or holds back, but feels guilty. In fact, moderation in feeding your puppy is part of puppy care and plays a huge role in preventing obesity and related diseases.

In cases where the puppy regularly asks for supplements, first of all you should pay attention to his behavior and build: if he is active and looks well-fed, you should not increase the dosage of dry food.

Price and where to buy

Akana food can be purchased in regular or online stores that specialize in selling pet products. The price depends on the weight of the package; universal products are slightly cheaper than medicinal or specialized ones.

Grain-free food costs 1.7–7.5 thousand rubles, depending on the size of the package, for adult pets with poultry meat – 1.4–3.6 thousand rubles, with lamb meat – 1.8–4 thousand, 2 thousand rubles.

Dogs do not need to change food frequently; it is enough to change the diet every 3-4 months; it is better to choose a product from the same series, or purchase a worthy replacement. Good analogues of Akana are Orijen, CarniLove, Now Fresh.

Akana pet food is considered one of the best products on the world market - there is nothing superfluous in the composition, only natural ingredients, vitamins and minerals. A balanced formula helps not only your pet to get enough quickly, but also to avoid the development of serious diseases.

When does your puppy need more food?

It should be understood that the dosage indicated in the table is not a dogma, but a recommendation that does not take into account all the individual characteristics and living conditions of a particular animal.

The puppy needs increased nutrition:

  • in the autumn-winter period when kept outdoors or in an unheated room;
  • during active training and long walks;
  • when there is a clear underweight: the baby grows poorly in comparison with peers of the same breed, looks skinny, and his ribs are visible.

In all these cases, the dosage of dry puppy food can be increased by 10–20%. If your pet is not gaining well and is on an enhanced diet, we recommend that you consult a veterinarian to rule out health problems.

Advantages and disadvantages

Akana food has many positive reviews, but since all pets are different, there are dogs for whom this product is not suitable.

Main advantages:

  • has increased nutritional value because it contains a lot of protein, so it is consumed sparingly;
  • types of food differ in the size of the granules, depending on the weight of the dog;
  • wide choice, variety of tastes;
  • eliminates unpleasant odor from the mouth:
  • dense packaging protects the food from external factors and retains odor well;
  • Helps reduce fat and increase muscle mass in pets;
  • with regular use, dogs become energetic and active, and the condition of their coat noticeably improves;
  • the food does not cause urolithiasis, unlike many cheap animal products;
  • There is no need to purchase additional vitamin complexes; the food contains all the necessary substances - zinc, calcium, potassium, vitamins.

Disadvantages - high cost, large packages are difficult to find in pet stores, you have to order online, sometimes animals develop allergic reactions.

Some experts say that high protein foods can cause liver problems.

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