Puppy food "Avva" Fresh Meat Puppy Small Breed Turkey Grain Free

Many users of our resource have recently become increasingly interested in new brands of animal food - they pay attention to them and want to learn more about them in order to compare their features with long-known products. We recently received an application for a description and review of Ava's grain-free food Fresh Meat Puppy Small Breed Turkey Grain Free. This product contains fresh turkey and is intended for small breed puppies. It is not surprising that there is interest in him, because such dogs are very popular now. We have compiled the most detailed description of the composition of the Avva Fresh Meat food and its packaging in order to clarify all the pros and cons of this product and resolve many questions that customers have.

Types and characteristics

ABBA product release form:

  • dry food (everyday, fresh meat based, grain-free);
  • canned food;
  • treats.

There is also a division of food by age: for puppies and adult dogs.

The product quality is inferior to the holistic class, which contains at least 80% natural meat, however, among the premium category feeds, ABBA is considered one of the best brands.

Conclusions about ABBA dog food

Reviews online about ABBA dog food are mostly positive, although some dog owners note that it was not suitable for their pets. Of course, the Dai Paw website would recommend buying something from the super premium class, but if this is not possible, this food is an acceptable option.

ABBA dog food price

  • ABBA premium dry food 800 g - about 290 rubles;
  • Dry dog ​​food ABBA 1.5 kg - from 460 to 500 rubles;
  • Dry food "ABBA" for dogs 3 kg - from 800 to 1240 rubles;
  • Dry dog ​​food ABBA 12 kg - from 2200 to 3900 rubles.

*Prices shown are indicative as of February 2022 and may change significantly over time. The price depends not only on the size of the bag, but also on the option chosen (for example, the grain-free line is much more expensive).


The food is produced in the Netherlands and Germany. In various ratings, the ABBA brand is often included in the Top 10 best premium foods.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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The manufacturer's official website provides recommendations for determining the daily amount of food for dogs of different sizes.

Advantages of ABBA Premium

Dog owners immediately notice the benefits of feeding their pet premium products. Since, thanks to natural ingredients, dogs behave more actively, their hair problems disappear and their health improves.

Benefits of Abba food for puppies and dogs:

  • more than 70% of the feed consists of meat;
  • convenient granule size, suitable for both small and large breeds;
  • general improvement in the condition of the coat and skin;
  • losing extra pounds by burning fat and building muscle mass;
  • strengthening of joints, pressure on paws disappears during pet activity;
  • healthy teeth and bones;
  • wide range of product lines.

Abba premium canned meat for dogs is suitable for all pets over 4 months of age. Moreover, “Premium Adult” dry food is equally easily digested by both small and large dogs.

You should not suddenly switch to a new type of food, even if it belongs to the premium class.


As an example, we take Fresh Meat Adult Small dry food for adult dogs of small breeds. The product contains the following components:

  1. Dehydrated lamb and turkey meat. This means that the granules contain natural dried meat, and not production waste or by-products.
  2. Corn, rice, peas and processed barley kernels, which serve as a rich source of carbohydrates and plant proteins.
  3. Salmon oil.
  4. Fish flour.
  5. Beet pulp contains a large amount of fiber.
  6. Dried chicory, which is a source of prebiotic inulin.
  7. Carob flour.
  8. Dried apples and grapes.
  9. Vitamin supplements – iron, iodine, copper, zinc, manganese.

In grain-free food, the main source of carbohydrates is potatoes, and the share of meat is about 20%.

What does the packaging of Avva Puppy Small Breed food tell you?

Many people call the brand of food this diet belongs to “Abba” - by analogy with the famous Swedish four. And yet, the correct name of the food is written in Russian and sounds like “Avva” - it is possible that the brand was named after the dog from the children’s book about Dr. Aibolit. This dry food is manufactured in Belgium by order of a Russian company. The design of the package is quite convenient, because it contains a lot of useful information.

A large photo of a cute Spitz puppy on the package immediately gives an idea of ​​what category of pets the manufacturer intends this food for. The photo is complemented by a prominent Puppy Small inscription and red coding, which allows you to immediately distinguish the food on the shelf. The age group is clearly indicated here: the product is intended for feeding babies aged 2 to 12 months.

A photo of the granules was also placed on the front side of the pack and their sizes were indicated: the diameter of each is approximately 7-8 mm, and the thickness is 4-6 mm.

Beneficial features

The rich component composition of ABBA food provides a number of useful qualities, namely:

  1. Fiber stimulates optimal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and promotes early satiety. It allows you to keep your pet's weight normal.
  2. Omega 3 and 6 improve the overall appearance of the dog, strengthening its joints, coat structure and skin.
  3. L-carnitine speeds up metabolism and prevents obesity.
  4. Choline normalizes liver function.
  5. Chondroitin strengthens bones and joints, which is especially important for large animals.

Additives: necessary and not so necessary

4% animal protein hydrolyzate is used as an aromatic additive in feed. It is not clear what species of animal or bird this flavor enhancer comes from. Additional sources of fatty acids include flaxseed and dried Antarctic krill, which are specifically stated to include EPA and DHA fatty acids, which are beneficial for the development of brain tissue and improving learning abilities in puppies. The exact dosages of these special fatty acids are not indicated on the package, so how effective they are for the body is difficult to say in this case.

What types of fiber did we find in the composition? There is beet pulp, dried apples, dried chicory with the prebiotic inulin, brewer's yeast with the prebiotic MOS, and yucca schidigera, which also has prebiotic properties. Cellulose, a coarse fiber, was also found in the feed. In our opinion, small puppies do not need it in their diet. It’s good that this component occupies only 14th place in the composition list - there is a chance that there is very little of it there. Carob, or carob meal, is also considered a prebiotic, but is high in sugar and we do not consider it desirable in a dog's diet.

Among the additives to the food there is also a complex of glucosamine, chondroitin, as well as MSM, which promotes their absorption. The total dosage of glucosamine and chondroitin, indicated in the guaranteed analysis of the Avva food Fresh Meat Puppy Small Breed Turkey, is 2500 mg/kg - in comparison with many other dog foods, this is a fairly high figure. Although miniature puppies rarely have problems with growth and joint development, chondroprotectors should benefit them.

Separately on the package, the manufacturer noted the presence of mineral additives in the feed in chelate format, designating them as components with high bioavailability. Indeed, iron, copper, zinc and manganese are added to this diet in the form of chelate compounds, but, apparently, these chelates are not enough, and they only partially cover the body’s needs - after all, in addition, more common salts of the same mineral substances are present here.

It is interesting that the packaging indicates both sources of natural antioxidants - Rosemarinus sp., Vitis sp., Curcuma sp., Citrus sp., Syzygium sp., and simply the word “antioxidants”, without any explanation.

Advantages and disadvantages of ABBA

The advantages of Abba brand products include:

  • high percentage of meat;
  • natural composition;
  • a wide selection of “dried” and canned food for breeds of different sizes;
  • the presence of many vitamin and mineral supplements.

The disadvantages include the low prevalence of the line in pet stores. It is not possible to purchase food in every city, so it is often ordered online.

In addition, the nature of the antioxidants is not indicated on the packaging - it is not known what substances they are represented by.

Reviews of the food also often emphasize that it is not suitable for dwarf dog breeds due to the large size of the granules.

ABBA dog food - reviews

Review of ABBA dog food, writes Tatyana. I first saw this food in the Four Paws store, I was attracted by the Dutch production and good composition (in the first place is dehydrated lamb meat), and bought a small package of dried and canned food to try. Unfortunately, for my Yorkie, the food granules turned out to be too large and he could not chew them properly; the Hills food that we usually eat is half the size. That’s why drying didn’t work, but I still use canned food on a regular basis – they go with a bang.

Review of ABBA dog food, writes Natasha. Hi all. My dog ​​is a little allergic, which is why we mostly feed him natural food. One day I went to a pet store and saw a discount on ABBA grain-free dog food, so I looked at it out of curiosity. It turned out that meat comes first in the composition, and there is no chicken in the formula with lamb. The price was about 500 rubles for 1.5 kg and I bought it at my own peril and risk.

I opened the bag and there was a specific smell like other foods. She called the dog and gave him a portion to try, and he ate it. I expected it to itch later, but that didn’t happen. As a result, he has been eating this food for more than a month, and there have been no negative manifestations so far. So I think ABBA is decent food.

Review of Abba dog food, writes Alina. Previously, they ate Pro Plan, then a new product appeared in the Four Paws store - ABBA food. I asked around and it turned out it was produced in the Netherlands by order of the same store. The composition turned out to be no worse than Pro Plan, and the price was lower. The dog didn’t even replace it - he ate very willingly. For half a year, the appearance has not deteriorated, the coat is shiny, the dog is active. Now I can say with confidence that the food is worthy of attention.

Advantages and disadvantages

The benefits of the food include:

  • the main source of protein is meat and fish ingredients;
  • good content of vitamins and minerals;
  • wide range, there is grain-free food, canned food.


  • antioxidants used are not specified;
  • contains corn (typical for premium);
  • Sold only in one chain of pet stores.

Why Abba food is better than others

Advance (Spain)

The premium diet from Spain contains a large amount of corn, gluten, maize and other inexpensive ingredients. In Abba food, the source of carbohydrates is provided by higher quality rice (14%) or potatoes (for grain-free formulations).

Nutram (Canada, USA)

Nutram dry food often uses chicken meat or flour consisting of bones, sinews and skin. Additional ingredients - salt and chicken seasoning (without detailed indication of composition). Abba food does not use spices or allergenic meats.

Positive reviews


I have been looking for food for my pug for a long time. He is allergic to many foods. ABBA was recommended to me at a pet store. The dog liked it and eats it with pleasure. Since then we only buy it. Never caused an allergic reaction. Only with this food the dog goes to the toilet like clockwork. Due to an allergy to chicken, you have to look for food with other flavors. Avva has both fish and lamb, with potatoes and rice. In general, this is our favorite food, I am very pleased and so is the dog. The only thing is that in the food with lamb and rice, the granules themselves are large.

The photograph is not a direct representation of the reviews presented in the review.


We were given this food for testing, for small breed dogs, with lamb. Our dog weighs 10 kg. I liked the fact that it needs to be poured less than cheap food, since Ava is more filling. The dog ate it well and had no problems with the toilet. When they tried another one, she sometimes felt nauseous, and sometimes she had problems with the toilet.

The photograph is not a direct representation of the reviews presented in the review.

Negative reviews


We decided to change the food for our Border due to an allergy (discharge from the eyes). They recommended ABBA food, which the dog does not eat even when hungry. Mixed with old food. The old one chooses and eats, but Ava does not eat. The food itself is dry, we tried diluting it with water, but he also refuses to eat.

The photograph is not a direct representation of the reviews presented in the review.

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We'd love to hear from veterinarians and customers about ABBA dog food. When we receive product reviews, we will definitely post them in this section.

Dietary recommendations

If your pet is just switching to the Ava group food, you need to gradually allow the animal to get used to the new diet. Over the course of a week, gradually increase the content of products in the menu.

Each package of Avva product indicates the required dosage of food for a day. To calculate the mass of a product per meal, you simply need to divide the total amount of product given per day by the number of meals.

We recommend reading: Monge (Monge) super premium dry and wet food for dogs and cats

The dog's bowl must be kept clean, if possible, cleared of food debris at least twice a day. Next to the container for solid food, there must be a container with clean, but not cold, drinking water.

Additional Information! "Ava" contains all the necessary beneficial nutrients for dogs, so there is no need to mix additives with the food.

Abba food for dogs cannot be called budget food for your beloved pets. However, this is a time-tested brand that is recognized by many dog ​​owners as the best product. The products contain only natural and hypoallergenic products, with a minimum of additives. Among the products you can choose food for all breeds of dogs, of any size and age.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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