Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai). Description, features, types, care and price of the breed

Alabai is one of the oldest breeds that have been able to survive to our time in its original form. These dogs do not lag behind their predecessors either in character or appearance.

If you are going to buy yourself an Alabai, then know that this dog can become not only a good and loyal friend, but also a reliable family protector.

Description and features

The Alabai dog is powerful, hardy and massive. It belongs to large breeds. She was bred in Asia as a fighter and watchman. For a shepherd, this is an irreplaceable animal. He tends to bear responsibility for people and the animals he protects.

In some countries, representatives of this breed are exploited in dog fighting. In a fight, they show such qualities as courage, fearlessness, amazing endurance and a focus on victory.

Fear of defeat does not frighten strong Central Asian Shepherds, as they are well aware that few canines can defeat them. It’s not for nothing that they are classified as wolfhounds. Yes, such a dog will certainly win in a fight with his forest ancestor, the wolf. He is stronger, fiercer and more resilient.

Strength is the main advantage of the alabai. It manifests itself in everything: in his gait, his gaze, and even his interaction with others. However, the dog is wrongly classified as a fighting breed. Anger and unreasonably arising suspicions are not characteristic of him.

Such a dog always adequately assesses the situation, performing exclusively service work in the house. However, in inexperienced hands, this breed can become aggressive and uncontrollable. She needs to be raised properly. Therefore, we strongly do not recommend getting an Alabai for those who have never previously kept large and strong dogs in the house.

This is one of the best guard dogs. She does not need to intimidate the owner's enemies so that they do not enter his house, since they will probably be scared at the sight of a giant beast. Few people dare to independently cross the area where this dog lives.

He will not allow anyone to do this except his family members. By the way, he becomes very attached to them. The Central Asian Shepherd always strives to protect its owners, so it prefers to be close to them. But she needs personal space.

Advice ! Large dogs living in the house must have an iron enclosure. We recommend building a booth there and putting hay in it. Thanks to this, the animal will not freeze at low temperatures.

Previously, such powerful animals were used as guards. They notified people of a possible threat by loud barking. They are quite rude. For people who are annoyed by loud sounds made by dogs, this breed is definitely not suitable.

She will bark at every person who steps into the area she protects. But, with the right educational strategy, the dog will stop doing this if its owner is nearby.

Breed standard

The weight of the animal is from 45 to 65 kg. Males are heavier than females. The height at the withers of a medium-sized individual is 63-65 cm. The breed standard allows for an exaggeration of this mark. Some male Central Asian Shepherd Dogs grow up to 75 cm in height.

Alabai in the photo is depicted as proud and purposeful. This is completely consistent with his character. His build is very massive. The physique is powerful, dense, but lacks relief. The dog's muscles are quite strong, especially on the hind legs. The lower back is clearly expressed.

The skin of the Central Asian Shepherd is very thick. This allows her to keep warm, especially in winter. By the way, the dog rarely gets cold, because in addition to thick fur, there is a dense undercoat throughout its entire body. The length of its fur should not exceed 9-10 cm.

The muscles on the paws are well developed. The forelimbs are shorter than the hind limbs. The tail is located high on the lower back, rounded, very fluffy. Some owners prefer to dock it. This is advisable, since in a moment of joy, the alabai swings it wildly and can cause pain to others.

The luxuriant fur on the withers makes these dogs beautiful. It looks like a lion's mane. Their head is rectangular and quite large. The jaws are powerful and wide. The Central Asian Shepherd has a very rough look.

This impression is created due to the presence of her brow ridges. The teeth are white, long, very sharp. The dog's eyes are deep-set and most often have a dark tint. According to the breed standard, the Alabai's nose should be large and black.

Characteristics of Central Asian Shepherd puppies

Alabais are distinguished by a massive and heavy head, which is somewhat reminiscent of a bear. They have a smooth transition from the forehead to the muzzle, the lower jaw is overlapped by the upper lip, and the chin is massive due to the lower jaw. Dogs have 42 teeth, the incisors are placed in one line, the nose is large, and with a dark color it is black, and with a white or fawn color it is light.

It is customary for puppies to have their ears cropped, due to which they then begin to droop and acquire a small triangular shape. However, docking is not a mandatory procedure: some puppies undergo it, while others do not.

Alabais have either oval or round eyes, and their color is closely related to the color of the dog. As a result, they may end up with dark brown, hazel, light hazel or dark hazel eyes.

The tail of these dogs is also unusual due to its high set and thickening. Often, puppies at the age of 1 month have their tail docked; otherwise, it takes on the shape of a sickle or “ring.”

The body of the Alabai is powerful, with a wide chest and short neck - this animal’s build makes an impression of its massiveness. Their body is classified as the Molossian type, since the breed is characterized by a tucked belly, medium croup and high muscular withers.

Alabais are not tall, they have moderately long, straight and muscular limbs, as well as very strong and wide bones. The paws are also massive, oval in shape and seem to be gathered “into a lump”. The pads on the paws are thick, elastic, with hard skin; claws are dark in color (sometimes lighter).

The peculiarity of these dogs lies in their skin - it is as mobile as the animal’s muscles allow. It is elastic and thick so much that it forms a kind of “suspension” on the dog’s neck.

Such powerful and strong dogs have corresponding coats. It is straight and very thick, the length can reach 10 centimeters, but there are also short-haired individuals whose coat length is 3-5 centimeters. On the head and paws on the front side the hair is shorter and lies tightly to the skin. There are also featherings that are found behind the ears, on the tail and the backs of the paws. Alabais also have a very dense and warm undercoat, and a mane may appear on the neck.

The color of Alabaev can be absolutely any:

  • white;
  • brown;
  • gray;
  • black;
  • redheads, etc.

Only gray-blue and brown colors are excluded.

Description by age, photo

Next, you can read the characteristics of the puppies at an early age and see the photos of babies and an adult dog.


Newborn alabai weigh 350-550 grams, and look like living barrels with their eyes closed.


Within a month, puppies gain significant weight - it increases almost 10 times. Their weight can vary from 3-5 kg, while at the withers they grow up to 30 centimeters.

2 months

The height at the withers remains almost the same - from 30 to 35 centimeters, but the weight begins to actively increase. By this time, the puppies already weigh 10 kg. This weight gain is explained by the active formation of the bone skeleton in babies.


At the withers, the height already reaches 45 centimeters, and the weight reaches 20 kg.


During this period of time, Alabai puppies enter the stage of their most active growth, when their height at the withers reaches 55 centimeters and weight up to 30 kg. With all this, the body begins to lengthen and become narrower.


At this stage, the growth rate decreases, and the puppy grows by 2-3 centimeters, gaining only 5-7 kg in weight.


Starting from this period, Alabai begin to resemble adult individuals: their build becomes wider and more powerful, their weight can be 50 kg, and their height reaches 70 cm.


At the 10th month, the Alabai acquires significant muscle mass, which radically changes the dog’s appearance. Its height is already 75-80 centimeters, and its weight is 60-70 kg.

1 year

By the age of one year, the dog’s height and weight have stabilized, its height reaches 80 centimeters, and its weight is about 75 kilograms.

Weight and height chart

AgeHeight, cmWeight, kg
1 month24-3023-254,5-5,03,5-4,0
2 months40-4540-4315-2014-16
6 months63-7059-6342-5033-42
1 year69-8065-7270-8060-70

How old do they grow?

Alabais actively gain weight and height up to 12 months, then their body size stabilizes, and in the future the dogs change slightly.

At what age can you keep it outside in winter?

It is important that the puppy does not experience much stress when moving outside, and that this transition turns out to be smooth for him.

Sometimes breeders keep mothers with puppies outside, in which case the babies are comfortable and warm under the protection of their mother. Moreover, over time, the puppies get used to such conditions and subsequently the street or enclosure becomes their home.

If the puppy initially lives in a house or apartment, then the change of housing should happen gently and gradually. To check how your baby tolerates the cold, periodically take him outside and evaluate his condition. If he is trembling, then the time has not yet come to move outside and the puppy is not ready for low temperatures.

A prerequisite for an Alabai to withstand frost is a formed warm undercoat. Therefore, puppies often live at home for up to 5-6 months.


Let us immediately note that the Central Asian Shepherd is not an easy dog. She is willful, proud, prone to leadership and primacy. But, once in the hands of an experienced dog breeder, she becomes obedient and working.

The character of the animal has been developed by breeders over several centuries. The forefathers of the breed sought to breed a dog that would protect people and hate other four-legged animals.

These qualities would allow the dog to become universal. It was used by farmers, animal fight organizers and ordinary people in need of a kind pet. Courage is the main quality of this proud animal.

It is not afraid of absolutely anything, but there is one thing that can agitate the Alabai - a long separation from the owner. The owner is the main person for him. The attitude towards him determines the dog’s behavior in any area. If there is respect for the owner, the dog will be obedient and well-managed, and vice versa.

The Central Asian Shepherd will not allow anyone to offend the people who live with it. Even in the absence of respect, she will fiercely defend them if the situation demands it. We are talking about physical injuries.

Yes, the Alabai breed can attack a person if it feels threatened by him. Trying to protect her household, she will stop at nothing. Therefore, such a dog can be called an excellent protector.

He loves and protects his family, but is fierce towards strangers. In the absence of competent upbringing from an early age, the dog will become a serious threat to others. In some countries of the world it is considered a cold weapon.

On the command “Fas”, the dog will attack a person and can kill him. He is often driven by a bloodthirsty instinct. However, this does not make him a killing machine. Do not forget that domestic dogs are controlled creatures.

Representatives of service dog breeds become especially attached to one person, in whom they see a leader. In the absence of one, the breadwinner becomes their owner, that is, the person who fills their bowl with food.

Alabai will never treat him with respect, since he perceives him as a being who caters to his primary needs. In this case, the dog treats the owner as a consumer. What should its owner be like?

A person who is going to have such a pet must be strong in all respects. Under no circumstances should you show him weakness, otherwise the beast will consider that he is more important, since he is not afraid of anything.

Dog handlers insist that the owner of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog should be a man. Practice shows that a formidable dog is more loyal to the stronger sex. However, with the right approach, even a physically weak woman can win his trust.

This is one of those breeds that does not like excessive noise and commotion. Its representatives like peace. Alabais are home guardians of silence, only they can break it. If one of the household members starts a quarrel with another, the dog will probably move away from the epicenter of events and go in search of a quieter place.

He likes walks. A well-mannered large dog on a leash can also be manageable. Being on the street, he strives to fully comprehend the world around him. A problem will arise if he meets cats on his way. Central Asian Shepherds hate them. However, a well-mannered pet will not chase an animal because it knows that this will upset its owner.

Which puppy should you prefer?

To be confident in the quality of the purchased puppy, you need to look at older dogs that have already acquired teeth and whose testicles have dropped. By paying attention to such a pet, you can assess its suitability for exhibition to the maximum. The price for these grown-up individuals is significantly lower.

Purchasing a puppy through advertisements in the newspaper or on the Internet will allow you to save a lot of money. For example, on the Avito service it is possible to choose a baby based on numerous photographs. The disadvantage of such a purchase is that you will not observe the behavior and disposition of the puppy.

For beginners, we recommend choosing a girl, as she is easier to train and has a gentle disposition. With an Alabai male, you need experience and a tough approach from the owner’s character. These dogs are proud and willful, very freedom-loving, but it’s not so easy with them.

Attention! Don’t forget to ask the seller for documents and be sure to carefully examine the puppy’s appearance. When choosing a pet, preference should be given to the most active one.

It doesn’t matter at all who you take for yourself - a girl or a boy. The main thing is to love and respect your four-legged friend, and he will definitely respond to you with sincerity and devotion.


One type of this breed has been standardized. But, it can be divided depending on the color of the coat. Alabais are born pure black, white, spotted, gray, black and white, light red and beige-red. The most valuable representative of the breed is black with white markings on the neck, chest and back. It costs significantly more.

Care and maintenance

Some careless owners put Central Asian Shepherds on a chain. What will they become in this case? Aggressive, uncontrollable, suspicious and uncontrollable. A resentment that a chained animal does not realize will have a destructive effect on its character.

Remember, a domestic dog, even a watchdog, can live in a booth, but only of its own free will! You can’t lock him in an enclosure, especially a cramped one. He must have room to move. An Alabai raised in love will not become a threat to others, so you should not hide him from the outside world behind seven locks.

Give your pet freedom. Of course, we are not talking about the fact that he should walk down the street without a leash and muzzle. Speaking of walks. You will have to go for a walk with this animal often, from 3 times a day. He needs exercise, new experiences and communication with other living beings.

The Central Asian Shepherd does not require special care. We periodically recommend:

  • Wash her face.
  • Remove plaque from teeth with a brush.
  • Wash paws from dirt, remove small pebbles between the pads of the feet.
  • Comb the coat, especially in summer.
  • File off claws.

These are standard grooming measures that every experienced dog breeder knows.

For discipline purposes, we recommend feeding the Alabai during a certain period of the day, for example, from 7 to 8 am. He must get used to stability in the house, so he must live knowing his schedule.

Keeping such a huge pet in an apartment is quite problematic. He needs a lot of space to feel comfortable. But the main thing for a dog is the attention of his loved ones. He needs a lot of communication and affection, although in appearance he seems distant.

In fact, these dogs are loving and always crave affection. Owners' touch makes them happy. In the absence of tactile contact with household members, they become unhappy.

A guard dog left to its own devices is dangerous. Her socialization cannot be left to chance. The owner of the Central Asian Shepherd must regularly communicate with it, monitoring the process of its development.


This may sound expected, but Alabai will have to be fed with a lot of food. They are large and massive, therefore, to maintain good functioning, they need to receive carbohydrates, minerals, beneficial extracts, proteins and other nutrients every day.

At the age of 2 to 8 months, the growth process of such a dog occurs. At this stage it is important to lay the foundation of his immune system. Proper feeding of the Alabai puppy determines whether it will get sick in the future.

So, the main product that he must eat daily until his final formation is meat. Usually, this product is given to shepherd dogs raw, but we advise you to first pour boiling water over it and then cool it. It's better to boil the meat. This will minimize the risk of parasites entering the animal’s body.

In addition, give your puppy dairy products, stewed vegetables and cereals every day. He needs all this. The following indicators indicate that your pet is eating properly:

  • Shiny smooth coat.
  • Activity, mobility.
  • Satisfied look.
  • Robust appearance.

Some people, who do not know about the rules of feeding Alabais, lead them to exhaustion. Many people simply cannot afford such a pet. It requires a large amount of food, at least 800 grams per day, keep that in mind.

An adult Central Asian Shepherd can be fed boiled cereals with added meat or dry food. The second option is much simpler, because standing at the stove for several hours every day to prepare the daily amount of food for the dog is tiring and problematic.

How to choose a healthy Turkmen Alabai puppy?

When choosing a dog, you need to find out about the number of puppies in the litter. The argument for purchasing an animal must be the presence of no more than 5 brothers and sisters. This criterion reduces the risk of getting a dog prone to rickets and other serious diseases. It would be a good idea to ask the breeder about the age of the baby’s mother. The optimal age for the birth of puppies for a female is 2-8 years.

Regarding the puppy itself, it is important to take a closer look at 2 nuances: the health and mobility of the animal (which are interrelated). The baby must have good apatite, be active and playful. His fur should shine.

Everyone has an image in their head of what a healthy dog ​​should look like. You should select a pet with the correct set of limbs, ears and tail. The bite of the teeth should be scissor-shaped - you need to take the time to check the correct closure of the jaw.

Much is done out of pity, but this is a bad driver for buying an Alabai, so it is not worth purchasing a puppy with visually obvious abnormalities (umbilical hernia, crooked paws, too little weight).

Reproduction and lifespan

Breeders of large breeds often experiment with puppy colors. For example, they breed dark males with light females. In the case of Central Asian Shepherds, this is acceptable, since the standard allows for a large number of color options for puppies.

The main requirement for candidates for mating is health. Dogs should not have parasites, otherwise they will definitely be passed on to future puppies. The male and female must be strong, healthy and fit. The optimal age for their reproduction is 2 years.

Before accepting the owner of an Alabai bitch into his territory, the owner of a male dog should give him milk. According to experts, this will increase the chances of conception.

It is possible to accurately determine a dog’s pregnancy only a month after mating. Her tummy will become noticeably rounder. At the stage of bearing offspring, care should be taken to organize a protein diet for her. You need to include cottage cheese, cheese and milk in your dog’s menu. Alabai faithfully serve the owner from 10 to 14 years.


There are several kennels in Moscow where Central Asian Shepherds are bred. There they monitor their health, weight, nutrition, etc. We recommend making a purchase at such an institution.

The price of an Alabai from a breeding Moscow nursery for 2022 is 35-40 thousand rubles. Private dog breeders sell puppies of this breed much cheaper, from 5 to 20 thousand rubles.

Before you take the animal home, evaluate its appearance. He must be strong, curious and cheerful. A 2-month-old Central Asian Shepherd puppy must remain stable. If he falls while walking or running, he probably doesn't have enough calcium in his body. You shouldn't buy such a dog.

The path to perfection

In order for the Alabai to be able to accomplish everything planned by man, endurance, courage and strength must already be programmed into the genetics of the animal. In addition, we cannot talk about pet aggression towards humans, since animals were often left with children.

The culling of frail, cowardly and aggressive puppies was carried out very carefully. In each new generation, the Alabai acquired stronger features, became fearless, combat-ready, and prudent in their own endurance. Having come such a long way since the time of taming the mastiff, the Alabai turned out to be an ideal dog for living with a person, becoming his reliable companion and protector. This breed combines the best features of herding dogs, Tibetan black wolves and fighting dogs.

The main character traits of Alabai puppies:

  1. Openness and sincerity.
  2. Independence. Even as puppies they are able to survive in the forest alone.
  3. Loyalty. No matter how much a stranger manages to feed an Alabai, the animal will never betray its owner, even if he is not ideal. By the way, this fact also applies to puppies.
  4. Fearfulness and mistrust can be transmitted to a puppy from its mother.

Alabai ranks 8th among the largest dogs. By the way, the weight of the record holder of this breed is 125 kilograms, and if he stands by his hind limbs, he will reach 2 m in height. When the puppy was 2 months old, the pet’s body weight was already at 20 kg. The owner of his four-legged friend then realized: the dog would grow up to be unusual. This Central Asian Shepherd actually became world famous, its photographs spread all over the World Wide Web, and the dog became the owner of numerous awards and certificates for its size. At the same time, the Alabai Bulldozer, despite his impressive parameters, loves children, happily giving them rides on his back.

Education and training

Despite their innate aggressiveness towards strangers, Alabais can be manageable. But in order for your pet to be obedient and controlled, we recommend basing your relationship with him on a hierarchy. What does it mean? The dog must know that he occupies the last place in the family, and the owner takes the first place. Only if there is respect will he obey the person.

Basic rules for interacting with the Central Asian Shepherd:

  1. Always punish your dog if he shows anger towards anyone. She must understand that aggression is not the norm.
  2. Never pet her if she is angry. This way you encourage negative emotion directed at you or another person.
  3. You should not give her food from your plate.
  4. Don't let your dog snatch any objects from your hands. Remember, he must lose any game. If the animal wins, it will probably consider itself more important than the person and will cease to treat him with respect.
  5. When communicating with unfamiliar people, remove the alabai from yourself. He can only come over after you finish the conversation.

For an inexperienced owner, having such a huge pet in the house can cause difficulties. But remember the main thing - you can’t be afraid of him. A person only needs to show weakness once and the animal will forever lose respect for him.

The independence and pride of the Central Asian Shepherd must be fought. If you see that she is trying to dominate, stop it. Scold the obstinate Alabai for his waywardness, but just don’t beat him! He will never forgive physical damage, like any other smart dog.

It is easier to raise a puppy of this breed correctly than to subsequently correct your own gaps in its socialization. We advise you to spend time with him every day, communicate with him, teach him commands, go for walks, etc.

Such a dog must know: place, lie down, sit, give me a paw, fetch, ugh, you can’t, come to me, voice. All these commands are better absorbed and practiced at a young age, that is, up to 1-1.5 years.

One of the basic commands that it is recommended to teach such a dog is nearby. Practiced in an open space, with a leash and collar. Hold the dog close to you, saying the word “near.” After walking a few meters, stop.

She must sit down. If this does not happen, pull the leash and say this word. When the dog takes a sitting position, treat him with something tasty to encourage him. Continue the lesson.

Training an Alabai puppy

The puppy should master the commands “lie down” and “sit” well before the age of 7 months. The leading command that must be practiced throughout the year should be a ban - “no”. In addition, the puppy needs to be taught the command “near”, “stand”, “come to me”. The “place” order must be executed in front of a juicy piece of meat. If the pet does not give in to temptation, succumbing to the authority of the owner, then this dog has been reached.

From the first months of life, it is necessary to teach the Alabai to calmly tolerate any manipulations by the owner with the jaw and food. A key role at the exhibition will be played by the ability to fearlessly put your hand into the animal’s mouth and show the teeth of your four-legged friend.

A failure in upbringing is indicated by the dog’s behavior. An alarm bell is protecting a bowl of food from the owner. This indicates a complete lack of trust on the part of the pet. Moreover, the blame lies only with the person.

Possible diseases and methods of treating them

The Central Asian Shepherd is one of the strongest breeds. She is muscular and resilient, beautiful and graceful. But even such a dog is prone to illness. The main problem of the Alabais is parasites. It’s hard not to “catch” them, especially if your pet spends a lot of time outside.

Even if there are no fleas on his body, still give him medicine for these pests. It should be prescribed by a veterinarian who previously examined the dog. He will also calculate the dosage of the drug.

To prevent an animal from becoming infected with a dangerous disease, such as plague, it must be vaccinated in the first months of its life. The veterinarian informs the breeder about the vaccination plan.

If you want your pet to never get sick and always feel great, don’t skimp on his food! In addition to high-quality dry food, give him vitamins, fruits, berries and vegetables.

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