Hokkaido - Description of the dog breed: Review + Video

  • Hunting
  • Companions
Sizemedium (11-25kg)
Main features
  • Suitable for security
  • High intelligence
  • Living away from home
  • Suitable for hunting
  • Very devoted
  • Excellent health
  • Sheds little
  • No feeling of fear
Included in
  • The most active dogs
  • The most beautiful dog names
  • more

Ainu, also known as Hokkaido, is the oldest Japanese dog breed with a very interesting appearance and unique character. They are distinguished by fearlessness and intelligence, but sometimes they show an obstinate disposition. More than a thousand years ago, domesticated dogs began to hunt and even fish with humans. Now this is a devoted companion dog that many lovers dream of. But not everyone can afford to have an Ainu.

In Japan, Hokkaido dogs are considered specially protected animals. They are prohibited from being exported from the islands. Therefore, for other countries, the Ainu-ken is exotic, and the kennels where these dogs are found can be counted on one hand.

Why Hokkaido dogs have become rare and is it worth getting them? The answers to these and other questions are below.

History of the Hokkaido or Ainu breed

Once upon a time, the Japanese islands were inhabited by an ancient people - the Ainu. These people did not engage in farming, but lived by hunting and fishing, and they had faithful four-legged helpers. Strong and courageous medium-sized dogs could not only kill a harmless deer, but also detain a bear until the owner arrived. Pointy-eared dogs vigilantly guarded villages and even took part in salmon fishing.

There is nothing artificial in this breed of dog, people simply selected the strongest, hardiest, smartest and bravest puppies from each litter. New generations were better than their parents. This is how the Ainu-ken appeared, which means dogs of the Ainu people.

Until the 20th century, this breed was not common even in Japan. The dogs proved to be excellent trackers in the winter of 1902. During military exercises in the Hakkoda Mountains, almost two hundred soldiers died from frostbite. Ainu took part in the search operation. Then their talents were noticed and appreciated.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Ainu Inu breed began to be used not only for hunting, the dogs served in the army and police. But there were very few of them. Therefore, in 1937, the Japanese government decided to take dogs under state protection. As a result, their export to other countries was prohibited, and the purity of the blood began to be monitored with special care. At the same time, the breed was given a new name - Hokkaido. The old “Ainu” turned out to be not politically correct.

Hokkaido dogs took an active part in the Second World War. They mastered the postal service, went on reconnaissance missions, and helped look for enemy soldiers.

During the war years, the small Ainu population declined even further. Japanese cynologists have made a lot of efforts to revive the breed. By 1950, the number of Hokkaido dogs had reached pre-war levels. But still, these dogs are very rare even in their homeland. The Hokkaido Preservation Society operates in Japan. No more than a thousand puppies are registered there every year.

In 1964, the Ainu (or Hokkaido) was recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale, and the breed was classified as a Spitz.

Appearance of the Hokkaido breed

The dogs of this Japanese breed are very similar to their fellow countrymen - the large Akita and the small Shiba. Ainu is somewhere between them in size. The height of males is 48-51 cm, weight no more than 30 kg. Bitches are much smaller.

The Hokkaido are proportionally built and solidly built, their figure fitting into a square format. Dogs have strong bones and developed muscles.

The Ainu head has a wide forehead and a noticeable stop. The straight, wedge-shaped muzzle ends in a black lobe (pink or brown in white dogs). Lips with black pigmentation, jaws strong with a scissor bite. Cheeks are well developed. Dark brown small eyes are widely spaced. The dog looks as if gloomily, with a peculiar cunning squint. The ears are triangular in shape, small, raised and slightly directed forward.

Ainu dogs may have dark (blue-black) spots on their tongue, but this is not an abnormality. As dog experts say, this is how the breed is distantly related to the Chinese dogs – Chow Chow and Shar Pei.

The neck of a Hokkaido dog is muscular, the back is of medium width and straight. The chest is quite wide and deep, the stomach is tucked. The thick tail is set high and carried over the back. It is twisted in the shape of a donut or curved like a sickle. When spread, the tail should reach the hocks. Limbs are straight and strong. Paws with hard and elastic pads and dark nails.

Ainu dogs move quickly, easily and springily. They are very active.

The outer coat is straight and harsh, the undercoat is much softer. The hair on the tail is much longer than on the body. The standard provides for several types of colors for the Ainu breed: black (including with tan), white, sesame (red-fawn hair with black at the end), brindle, red.

More or less serious exterior defects include any deviations from the breed standard, as well as minor problems with the bite.

The reasons for disqualifying a dog will be:

  • Significant overshot or undershot
  • drooping ears
  • Drooping or shortened tail
  • Too shy or too aggressive.

Common features

All four-legged “Japanese” have many similar features that unite them. Let's take a look at their list.

  1. Most existing Japanese breeds have soft, triangular-shaped ears.
  2. Such dogs most often have smart eyes, located close to each other.
  3. Purebred “Japanese” cats have clean and beautiful fur.
  4. Most purebred pets have a charming muzzle, characterized by a wedge-shaped structure.
  5. Japanese breeds have fluffy tails wrapped in rings (directed towards the back of the animal).
  6. The lion's share of purebred "Japanese" are distinguished by a very cute and attractive appearance. They do not look aggressive and angry, which attracts the admiring glances of many people.
  7. All Japanese dogs are characterized by incredible devotion and loyalty to their owners. That is why residents of the Land of the Rising Sun call their pets samurai dogs.

Ainu-ken character

By nature, Ainus are typical Japanese dogs; as they say, they have their own minds. Hokkaidu is quite reserved in showing emotions. Only a puppy or a young dog will jump like a temperamental terrier, while an adult will retain dignity and noble calm. At the same time, the Ainu are very smart, brave, and most importantly, loyal friends of man.

In Japan, Hokkaido dogs are called dogs with a fighting heart. These dogs have a well-developed hunter's instinct. They have excellent sense of smell and ability to navigate, they show tenacity and courage when pursuing game. At the same time, the Ainu, like many other hunting breeds, can show independence and autonomy. The dog may disobey an order if he is passionate about a more important matter.

Hokkaido dogs recognize the authority of their owner and usually become attached to one person. They treat other family members with coolness, but in a friendly manner and will, if necessary, look after and protect them. The Ainu are friendly towards children and will gladly support the game. And if a child pesters the dog, he will simply leave.

Hokkaido people are suspicious of strangers and do not make contact. These vigilant dogs can guard and protect homes if given freedom of action. But they are not suitable for the role of a watchdog. The freedom-loving Ainu will not put up with such a life and will find a way to sneak away.

Hokkaidos peacefully share their territory with other pets if they grew up with them. Competition for the position of leader may arise with other dogs; dominant qualities are especially pronounced in males. Unfamiliar Ainu cats are mistaken for hunting objects. To eliminate such problems, the owner must ensure early socialization of the pet and patiently raise it.


The Hokkaido is a small dog that has a strong and muscular build, as well as a powerful and proportional bone structure. The maximum height of an adult is 52 cm and weight 35 kg.

The average lifespan of a dog is 15 years, but in comfortable living conditions and with a balanced diet, the pet will be able to please for a much longer period of time.

The body of the animal is slightly elongated with a wide and straight back, as well as a pronounced chest. The abdominal area is flat without sagging fat folds. The high-set powerful tail has the shape of a fluffy ring. Straight limbs have strong muscles and spaced pads. The claw plates are always painted black or dark brown.

On the wide skull there is a flat forehead area and a straight muzzle, which resembles a wedge in shape. The tip of the nose is always painted black. The jaw has a regular bite, sharp teeth and a strong muscular system. The triangular eyeballs are set wide apart and are also colored brown. The small ears are triangular in shape and located almost on the top of the head. In a calm environment, the ears are tilted slightly forward.

A dog's fur consists of two layers:

  • hard and straight guard fibers;
  • dense and soft undercoat.

The longest and thickest fur is located in the tail area.

The Ainu color scheme is represented by a fairly wide shade palette, which consists of the following colors:

  • ginger;
  • pale yellow;
  • red;
  • white;
  • white-cream;
  • white-yellow;
  • grey;
  • black;
  • leopard print;
  • black and white.

Pros and cons of the Hokkaido breed

The loyalty of Japanese dogs is legendary. Akita named Hachiko is known throughout the world. Ainu is also a monogamous dog. He is very sensitive to his owner's mood and is ready to do anything for him.

These dogs have other advantages:

  • They have almost no smell (only when the wool gets wet)
  • Naturally clean, do not like dirt, can lick their paws
  • Vigilant watchmen
  • Brave Defenders
  • Energetic, willing to take part in outdoor games
  • Treat children well
  • Rarely bark, calm down quickly
  • Very smart, but sometimes cunning.

The positive qualities of Hokkaido dogs will turn into disadvantages if the dog has not been raised since puppyhood or there is not enough time to train with it.

The disadvantages of the Ainu breed include:

  • Needs long walks
  • Intense physical activity required
  • If bored, will gnaw objects, break
  • Education must be compulsory
  • Shows independence and willfulness.

To the disadvantages of the Ainu (or Hokkaido) breed, one should add the high cost of puppies. These dogs, as already mentioned, are very rare outside Japan. Therefore, not everyone can afford to purchase such a pet.

How your dog feels at different times of the year

In late autumn, winter and early spring, Ainu feel great in their warm wool; in late spring, summer and early autumn they feel hot. To relieve the dog from unpleasant sensations, it is sent to reservoirs, where it happily swims in the water. This can also be considered a form of physical activity.

It is strictly forbidden to transport these dogs in a car at medium and high speed, because any small creature that appears on the horizon will provoke an instant reaction from the Ainu. As a result, an accident may occur.

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Education and training of the Ainu Inu

Ainu puppies look very cute. They look like toy frowning bear cubs. You want to cuddle your pet, pamper it and forgive its pranks. However, you shouldn't give in to this cuteness. Dogs grow up too quickly. If you don’t start training Hokkaido as soon as he appears in the house, in a few months you will end up with an impudent and uncontrollable dog. It will be almost impossible to wean him from bad habits and inappropriate behavior.

One of the first educational moments is getting used to a collar and leash. Freedom-loving Ainu will prefer walks without these accessories. But then the owner can find the pet several kilometers from home. The dog will start “hunting”, for example, for a cat and will run away, despite calls to stop.

It is wrong to say that wayward Hokkaidus are difficult to train. These dogs perfectly understand what is required of them and love to learn. However, they do not always want to obey.

A Hokkaido dog will not be suited to a too harsh aggressive training style. The dog will perceive such a person as an enemy and will run away at the first opportunity. Aina needs to be trained patiently and persistently. You need to reward her for her success not only with affection and treats, but also with play.

Psychological picture

Akita Inu are truly Japanese in character. Discreet, calm, balanced and independent. They choose an owner “on their own” – strong morally and physically. Akita will not submit, she demands respect. This dog can only be a friend, but the most faithful friend. Akita children are treated well, and they will always come to the rescue and protect the owner’s kids. These dogs are usually indifferent to strangers, do not show aggression, but are always on the alert. Representatives of the Akita breed need to be trained from childhood and in a special way, because they have a strong character, and if you hesitate, you will already re-educate them. They need physical activity, but standard training with repeated exercises is boring for them. To properly teach Akita commands, you will need an experienced dog handler. Akita Inu is not for beginners.

Care and maintenance of the Ainu-ken dog

Ainu-ken are unpretentious and hardy dogs. They can easily withstand frost, wind, high temperature and other climatic troubles. In addition, they need a lot of space to relieve their violent energy. Therefore, the best option for keeping a Hokkaido is a large outdoor enclosure or a well-fenced yard of a private house. It is in these conditions that dogs are bred in Japanese kennels.

The relatively compact Ainu dogs can also adapt to an apartment. But they will be a bit cramped, so the owner will have to find time for walks.


It takes at least an hour and a half to walk Hokkaido. Moreover, you will have to not just leisurely walk with the dog, but you need to run and actively play. However, letting her off leash on a city street is dangerous. Therefore, the best solution is to visit a fenced dog park.

It would be great if the owner has the opportunity to take the Aina on a bike ride or ski trip outside the city. The dog will happily run for several kilometers. But even in nature, one must give up the leash with great caution: the Hokkaido, sensing the smell of wild animals, easily gets carried away and stops accepting commands.


Caring for the Ainu breed is not very difficult. Japanese dogs keep themselves clean, just like cats. They should only be bathed if they are heavily soiled.

The Hokkaido's coarse coat does not tangle, so the dog needs to be brushed two to three times a week. But during the molting period it will be necessary more often. To do this, you need to purchase a slicker brush, a metal comb or a fuminator.

About once a week, a preventive examination and treatment of the ears with a solution of hydrogen peroxide should be carried out. Nails need to be trimmed as they grow. If the dog runs around a lot, they wear down on their own.


Proper nutrition for your dog will keep it healthy. It is a mistake to think that the Ainu from Japan needs to be fed exclusively with seafood. Breeders of these dogs often use high-quality dry food. You can find out which ones will be best for this breed of dog at the kennel.

The basis of a natural diet should be meat (beef, lamb, rabbit) and its by-products. You need to give them daily raw, after freezing them. Sometimes it is worth replacing meat food or adding sea fish, poultry, cottage cheese, eggs (ideally quail) to it. These products should be included in the Hokkaido menu 1-2 times a week, replacing meat feed with them.

Dairy products are good for puppies, but not always suitable for adult dogs. They can cause digestive upset or allergies. In this case, you need to try hypoallergenic goat milk.

Approximately 15-20% of the diet is vegetables, they can be fed raw or lightly boiled. For variety, treat your pet to seasonal fruits and berries, but in small quantities.

It is important to optimally select the serving size for the Ainu. The dog should neither overeat nor starve. It's easy to check if your pet is getting enough food. If the ribs are not visible, but can be easily felt, the nutrition is correct.

What to feed

After acquisition, the difficulty arises as to what to feed the Ainu puppies. The puppy's diet does not imply strict rules. Feed your dog in such a way that the dog maintains a stable weight. An adult dog reaches at least twenty kg. The Ainu body has a hard time with weight fluctuations, try to avoid this. Along with good nutrition, the dog must exercise daily. The Ainu is blessed with amazing muscles that develop throughout life.

The diet includes dry food and liquid food. A dog’s intestines can easily digest even large bones, but you shouldn’t test the strength of your pet’s stomach. Let bones be present in the animal's diet, but not in the daily diet. The dog is not picky about food. Feeding should be done at the set time. The bowl is removed between feedings. This regime disciplines the animal.

How to choose a Hokkaido puppy

You already know that Ainu dogs are extremely rarely exported outside the Japanese islands. Therefore, finding a puppy in Russia for later breeding is very difficult and will be expensive.

If you need a companion dog or just a pet, it will be easier. You can purchase a puppy without documents from amateur dog breeders. Your pet will not be able to take part in exhibitions, but it will have the appearance and character of an Ainu.

Just never agree to have a dog delivered or pay for the purchase in advance. Rare breeds are often offered by scammers. Be sure to go pick up the kitten yourself to see its parents. Otherwise, under the guise of Hokkaido, they can sell you any breed or even a mixture of them. Then, from a cute “bear”, not a medium-sized dog can grow, but some kind of giant.

Haircut of the Japanese Chin: a necessity or a tribute to fashion

Despite the fact that these dogs are endowed with a magnificent, long and silky coat, it does not require complex care.

The natural appearance of the animal is very much appreciated, especially at exhibitions, so attention is paid to it, so there is no need to trim the Japanese Chin, unless we are talking about removing excess hairs in some overgrown areas

But many owners are sure that machine cutting of the Japanese Chin’s coat is necessary in the hot season, so that the pet can more easily endure the heat and stuffiness, and it is easier for the people themselves to care for it, without wasting time on long combing.

The short haircut of the Japanese Chin is advertised and popularized through pet salons and Internet companies, convincing that frequent trimming can improve the quality of the coat and make it healthier, and in addition, it is fashionable and stylish.

But if you ask a dog specialist whether a Chin needs a haircut, the answer you will hear is something like what is written below.

The Chin may only need to trim the hair between the paw pads, under the tail, and sometimes in the genital area, as in these places the long hair can quickly become dirty and tangled. It may be necessary to cut off long hairs on the paws at pad level. Apart from clipping the areas listed above, animals of this breed do not need any other trimming at all.

How much do Ainu puppies cost?

The price of Ainu puppies depends on the characteristics of its parents and where you are going to buy the pet. But in any case, be prepared that this dog cannot be cheap. If you are offered a low price, it is 99% a scam.

From breeders, a Hokkaido puppy that is suitable for breeding and participation in exhibitions costs an average of 240 thousand rubles. If a dog is purchased for the hobby and does not plan to be exhibited, that is, it has some deviations from the standard or other problems, the price will be several times lower. You can buy such an Ainu puppy for 40-50 thousand rubles.


If you take an Ainu for hunting or guarding activities, then you should not count on mating: for this there are special individuals with a pure pedigree. On average, 3-5 puppies are born in Hokkaido . After their birth, it is necessary to immediately vaccinate them and register them with canine organizations.

Mating in females begins from the moment they turn 1.5 years old, while males can be present from the age of 1 year.

You should not try to mix Hokkaido blood with any other breeds. Nothing good will come of this, because the Ainu has its own individual genotype, which is unlikely to be compatible with any other.

Photos of the Ainu of our visitors

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