Australian Shepherd dog. Description, features, care and price of the breed

  • Australian Shepherd

Australian Shepherds are intelligent and active dogs with a herding instinct. Today they are ideal companion dogs with a lot of energy. They are able to work all day next to their owner. They are active and attentive. They have a balanced and friendly character. They behave very reservedly towards strangers, but do not show aggression. Good for sport and an excellent family dog.

  1. Country of Origin : USA
  2. Height at withers : male 51-58 cm, female – 46-54 cm
  3. Weight : male – 25-32 kg, female – 16-25 kg
  4. Lifespan : 12-15 years
  5. Use : Companion Dog, Cattle Dog
  6. Other names : Aussie, Australian Cattle Dog

Purchasing an Australian Shepherd puppy is a responsible and important step that you need to think carefully about before you do it. This is especially true for those people who are going to become truly responsible dog breeders. The question of choice should be approached carefully and without haste, comparing your own habits, daily routine and the nature of the chosen breed. When the future owner has decided on the breed, a new dilemma arises: how to find a bona fide breeder? Here you need to be extremely careful not to become a prematurely disappointed dog owner.

Buying an Australian Shepherd puppy is a very exciting event, because you can say that a new family member will appear. To ensure that the event does not overshadow anything, it is worth taking a responsible approach to choosing a breeder. There are no bad dog breeds; you can simply run into an unscrupulous breeder for whom money comes first. The future owner is at great risk of buying an animal that has a lot of health problems. It is for this reason that you need, first of all, to get to know the breeder well, read reviews about him and the like.

Description and features

Let us immediately note that Australian Shepherd dogs . This allows us to treat them as rare and valuable animals. Their character is flexible, and their appearance is memorable.

It is interesting that the homeland of this unusual dog is not Australia at all, but the United States of America. We should thank for its appearance not Mother Nature, but American breeders. To develop this breed, genes from some shepherds and collies were used.

In America it gained popularity almost immediately. It is still believed that this dog is one of the best herding dogs. Its performance characteristics are excellent. Among the best qualities of the Australian Shepherd: good observation, endurance, the ability to quickly concentrate and make decisions, responsibility, courage, and determination.

In addition, the dog is very energetic and cheerful. Even a small child is easy to get along with. But most of all he loves sheep. The shepherd dog really likes these large fluffy animals. He will never growl at a sheep, and certainly never bite it.

The high level of responsibility inherent in the representative of the breed became the reason for its exploitation as a house nanny. Yes, he can look after the kids while the adults are not at home. Australian Shepherd females are given a greater level of responsibility. They are more affectionate and forgiving than males.

These are very gentle and loyal animals. They happily interact with almost all living things. They are even capable of self-sacrifice. The interesting thing is that these dogs were even used in war. They dragged wounded Americans from the battlefield to a safe zone. But that is not all.

The dog is also regularly used by psychotherapists to relax patients suffering from neuroses and depression. This direction is called “canister therapy”. A person who is struggling with depression just needs to spend one minute to half an hour alone with an Australian Shepherd, and his soul will feel much better - it has been tested in practice.

A dog really helps people improve their psychological well-being, as it gains trust in them and takes on some of their negativity. The Australian Shepherd is also an excellent guide dog.

You can often find representatives of this breed at dog sports competitions, such as Frisbee. Their agility and speed allow them to regularly take prizes.

Australian Shepherd: the mystery of the marbled dog

The appearance of this breed is associated with two extremely interesting facts. Firstly, she is credited with being related to several dogs at once, including various types of collies, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Basque and Pyrenean Shepherds. True, exactly how these breeds were combined with each other has not yet been precisely established. Secondly, this shepherd was called Australian, although there is no convincing evidence that it appeared in Australia.

Photo: @good_girl_aussie

Video: @good_girl_aussie

A dog with a mysterious past, named after a country in which it may not have been born - what could be more mysterious? There are at least two theories about the origin of the Australian Shepherd, also called Aussie. According to the first, the dog finally appeared in Australia, thanks to the efforts of local industrialist Eliza Forlong. She set out to breed the ideal shepherd for her sheep. According to another, the Australian Shepherd is a direct descendant of the dogs bred by Eliza; the first individuals appeared in the USA. One way or another, this breed was formed around the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries, and received the name “Australian” due to the participation in the creation of ancestors from the green continent. It is in America that she gains unprecedented popularity, having established herself not only as an excellent shepherd, but also as an ideal companion. From here the Aussie breed begins to spread throughout the world. Today we will talk about this amazing dog, and her owner Alexandra @good_girl_aussie .

Photo: @good_girl_aussie

Photo: @good_girl_aussie

- Alexandra, hello! So, let's meet your companion.

- Hello! Let me introduce you to an Australian Shepherd named Kate. This breed is also called Aussie. Kate is now three full years old.

- Nice to meet you, Kate! Alexandra, why did you choose the Australian Shepherd?

— My husband and I chose a pet for ourselves, a dog. At that time, I was not yet very familiar with this breed. Therefore, in a certain sense, I decided to take an adventure. Before I first met Kate, the Australian Shepherd remained a mystery to me.

Photo: @good_girl_aussie

Photo: @good_girl_aussie

— Where and how did you meet Kate?

— Initially, we were looking for a border collie puppy. We looked at various nurseries and offers on the Internet. And then, quite by accident, we came across an image of an Aussie. The photo of a dog with six merle colors impressed us incredibly. The Australian Shepherd looked very impressive! After such a “presentation” we could no longer think about another breed and finally made our choice. We found a suitable breeder, and again we were very lucky: Kate turned out to be a “top quality” Aussie, a purebred and completely healthy girl.

Photo: @good_girl_aussie

Video: @good_girl_aussie

— How quickly did she settle into your family and how did she show herself?

“I won’t hide it—it was a bit difficult for us with the little puppy.” Moreover, we knew little about the characteristic features of Aussies at that time. Kate turned out to be a very loud and active dog who constantly ended up in the wrong place! However, with age, her character completely changed. Now Kate doesn’t cause us any inconvenience at all; she perfectly adapts to the life and mood of her owners. Depending on the circumstances, she can either lie on her favorite lounger all day or play outside for hours. Long hikes, car trips - Kate loves and supports all of this. Every walk with an Australian Shepherd is a whole show. They are very artistic dogs and will always do something funny! And this persistent, creepy smile, which an unprepared person cautiously mistakes for a grin! )) In general, it’s always fun with such a dog.

Photo: @good_girl_aussie

Photo: @good_girl_aussie

“I think that marble color alone is a good way to attract attention.” Speaking of wool, how does Aussie care? Are there any special features or difficulties?

— I wouldn’t say that keeping an Aussie involves any supernatural difficulties. At least Kate doesn't deliver them to us. The only point is, perhaps, thorough combing of the fur during shedding. Otherwise there will be fur everywhere! For high-quality combing, we use a combination of an ordinary comb and a silicone brush.

Photo: @good_girl_aussie

Photo: @good_girl_aussie

- Well, where can we get rid of the wool? You have to pay for beauty! )) Let's talk about Kate's diet. Do you prefer natural food or industrial food?

— Ideally, I would like to feed my Aussie natural food, but at the moment we do not have such an opportunity. Therefore, we give preference to Guabi Natural dry industrial food. Kate receives food twice a day: morning and evening. In addition, I take some food on walks to reward my pet during training.

Photo: @good_girl_aussie

Photo: @good_girl_aussie

— If the dog feels well, then its diet is completely balanced. You mentioned that Kate is very artistic. Can you remember any of her antics?

— The very first thing that comes to mind is our first meeting. My husband and I mistakenly assumed that moving to a new family would be a shock for the puppy; he would withdraw and withdraw into himself. But it was not there! On the first day, Kate literally tore our house apart! She splashed all the water from the bowl, trying to “dig a hole,” barked loudly, and bit everything that came in her way. From what he saw, our cat climbed as high as possible and flatly refused to go down to the floor. We got it too - without sorting out the prey, the little Aussie bit our arms, legs, hair... I had dreamed of a dog all my life, but at that moment, a sinful thing, I thought - maybe it’s not too late to bring the baby back?! Fortunately, this did not happen, and Kate's character began to change every day. She recognized us as her new family.

Photo: @good_girl_aussie

Video: @good_girl_aussie

- I can imagine. A violent pet is a serious challenge for any owner.

— Kate also loves to eat. Our guests often cannot believe that a dog can so quickly and swiftly eat, say, a third of the herring laid out in a salad bowl under a fur coat. But we saw it with our own eyes. In general, we try not to leave anything edible unattended.

- Prudently. ))

— On the other hand, Kate is a constant and the most active participant in any family holiday. We have a large family and on holidays, according to tradition, each member performs some creative act. The Aussie also gets its moment of fame. For this New Year, she played the role of Santa the predictor, pulling out of the bag the leaves we had prepared in advance with predictions for the coming year. Kate perfectly knows each family member by name, so she brought a prediction in her teeth to the very person whose name we mentioned!

Photo: @good_girl_aussie

Video: @good_girl_aussie

- Amazing! It's really very interesting and creates a festive atmosphere. I already realized that Kate is a local star in your family. Do you have any pets besides her?

- Yes. In addition to the Aussie, we also have a border collie, Raven - we finally got her, as planned. She and Kate are good friends, they play together all the time and stand up for each other. And also, as I already mentioned, we have a cat. He never developed much of a friendship with dogs—he is clearly afraid of them. And from that very day he prefers to move more and more along the top. ))

Photo: @good_girl_aussie

Photo: @good_girl_aussie

— Alexandra, thank you for this interesting and incredibly positive story about the Australian Shepherd, the appearance of which was a real event in the life of your family. Now, according to tradition, you can directly address our readers.

— Aussies are an incredible breed. These are dogs that change life, making it happier, more fun and more colorful. I can’t imagine how I lived without Kate! And I am very grateful to the Universe that I once accidentally came across an article about this wonderful breed. If you are also interested in her, just chat with these dogs in person. After this, I believe your choice will be obvious.

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Posted by Life with Shepherds (@good_girl_aussie)

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Alexey Egorov

Author, employee of “My good one”. Having an attachment to things with history, he constantly strives to learn new things and discover something unusual, something that has not yet been tried. Loves the vastness of the oceans, mountains, fields and the feeling of unity with nature.

Breed standard

The Australian Shepherd breed is medium in weight and height. Its current appearance is the result of many years of selection by professionals. Males weigh more than females, about 30-33 kg. The second ones – up to 26 kg. The height at the withers of an adult representative of the breed is 57-60 cm. Bitches are slightly lower, maximum – 55 cm.

The body of such a dog is straight and slender. The legs are placed parallel to each other, symmetrically. They are very strong, equipped with slightly lean muscles. The pads are harsh, the claws are sharp and black.

The stomach is toned, but not lean. The withers are well expressed. Due to the long fur on the lower back, the tailbone is not visible. Important: according to the standard, the tail of such an animal must be docked; it must be short and hanging.

The dog's head is small, its muzzle is shortened. The frontal line is practically not expressed. The Australian Shepherd is always shown to be smart in photos . Yes, she has good intelligence, but her intelligent look is a consequence of selection.

The animal has large almond-shaped eyes with a small slit, and the color of the iris is very bright. Most often it is bright blue or light blue, but it can also be greenish or even turquoise. But the color of the nose lobe depends on the shade of the animal’s fur; it can be brown or reddish.

Now about the dog's fur. It is medium in length and quite hard. Most often the coat is straight, but the standard also allows for waviness. On the face, in the area of ​​the ears and hips, the fur of the Australian Shepherd is short. There is undercoat. In individuals living closer to the North, it is dense and thick. This is due to the need for insulation.

The most popular color option is three-color: black, red and white. The back and back of the dog are dark, the front is white, and the paws and cheeks are red. It is rare to see a high-breed shepherd dog with red fur.

Australian Shepherd kennels

Kennel Secret AusbernOANKOO/FaunaBalakhna
Kennel MinailRFLSBryansk
Nursery Vologda LacesRFLSVologda
Nursery White WhaleRFSSVyatskiye Polyany
Nursery Belovezhskaya PushchaOANKOO/FaunaZelenograd
Nursery Hip-HopRFLSKaluga
Kennel ToraDoraOANKOO/RKKMoscow
Kennel ALAJARFLSMoscow
Nursery Beautyful LifeOANKOO/RKKMoscow
Kennel Golden AvisOANKOO/RKKMoscow
Kennel Imperial DiamondsOANKOO/FaunaMoscow
Kennel Less's FantasyRFSSMoscow
Nursery NafaniOANKOO/FaunaMoscow
Kennel Gentle Miracle From Big HouseOANKOO/FaunaMoscow
Kennel Old BanditosRFLSMoscow
Nursery Olle Lucky StarRFLSMoscow
Kennel Rus ForevaOANKOO/FaunaMoscow
Kennel Seventy SevenOANKOO/RKKMoscow
Nursery from Koroleva's houseRFLSMoscow
Nursery from the FAR NORTHOANKOO/EliteMurmansk
Nursery GOLD OF YUGRARFSSNovorossiysk
Kennel MARAKHUTARFSSNovosinkovo
Kennel Elite CroesusOANKOO/ElitePodolsk
Kennel BLACK STRANGERRFLSSaint Petersburg
Kennel GOLDWINDRFSSSaint Petersburg
Nursery Svetlye IstokiRFSSUfa
Kennel Status ImperialOANKOO/EliteYaroslavl

Source -

For more information, see the official website of the RKF.


They are very gentle, energetic and hardworking dogs that you can rely on. They love their owners very much, are happy to play with small children, and are vigilant to ensure that nothing happens to them.

The Australian Shepherd is a unique pet nanny. He will obediently look after the baby, take care of him, and calm him down if he is upset about something. He will never offend or betray him. Children also love such dogs, as they feel the care coming from them.

If the baby falls or hits himself, the animal will immediately come up to lick the bruised area. At the moment, he is driven by the protective instinct. As is known, dog saliva contains special substances that have a wound-healing and antiseptic effect on the skin.

Energy is another of the main characteristics of such a dog. It's hard to find an Australian Shepherd that hangs around the house doing nothing, especially during the day. Usually, she is always busy with something: running, chasing birds or cats, jumping, digging holes, etc. She does not like to spend time alone.

The best way to spend time for such an animal is to play with people or their own kind. This dog is a unique breed. What makes it unique? First of all, it is the ability and desire to bear responsibility. Not every herding breed is endowed with this quality.

The Australian Shepherd is a very friendly and friendly dog. She never shows aggression towards members of her household, and, in fact, towards other people too. Completely ineffective as a bodyguard. Devoid of natural intolerance.

He does not lose vigilance, but uses it only when it is necessary to show responsibility, for example, to look after a child. Remember, the roar coming from this dog is always of a warning rather than an aggressive nature.

This is an affectionate and caring breed that always strives to be closer to people, literally. Its representatives sit for a long time next to the owner, ask for stroking, offer games, and follow him around.

Human attention is extremely important to them. They will try to win the affection of their loved one. Tend to be obedient. Destructive behavior is very rare for them. Such a dog is capable of “dirty tricks,” but only if he is very offended by his beloved owner.

One way or another, the Australian Shepherd is a good pet option for a large family. She is obedient, smart and very loyal. It chooses its owner only once in its life. Gets depressed if he expresses disapproval. Very vulnerable and sensitive.

Maintenance and care

This dog is not suitable for those who like to lie on the couch after a hard day at work. He is active, agile and very curious. Constantly on the move. He can act out if he gets bored. The best way to prevent destructive behavior in an Australian Shepherd's home is to spend quality time together.

The owner of such a pet must physically exhaust him, every day. This must be done to fully release the energy accumulated during the day from the animal. When he is tired, he is unlikely to want to rush around the house and damage the furniture.

By the way, living with an Australian Shepherd in an apartment will not be easy. Territorial restrictions are not pleasant for an active animal. The dog needs to stay outside for a long time, so the best option for keeping it is at home, not in an apartment. Do not forget that this is, first of all, a shepherd dog. He needs to constantly communicate, if not with sheep, then with other dogs, cats and even rodents.

The best option for such a pet is to live on a farm, country house or village. In such an area there is usually a lot of livestock, which he will happily look after. There is also a lot of greenery, sunshine, wind and nature. All this is vital for him to have a comfortable and fulfilling existence.

Important: we categorically do not recommend putting this dog on a chain, as this will make it very unhappy. During the shedding period, it needs to be brushed frequently with a massage brush. This is done to remove old dead hairs and replace them with new ones. Also, when caring for your dog, you should follow these tips:

  1. Tear fluid in the eyes is removed with running water.
  2. Dirt accumulated between the toes is removed with a wet sponge or rag.
  3. The ears are cleaned with a wet cotton wool or sponge.
  4. The claws are ground down with a file or trimmed with pliers.
  5. The coat is washed with shampoo for long-haired purebred dogs.

These are traditional care activities that should be carried out regularly by the owner of such a pet. He is also advised to always monitor his health. Clear signs that your dog is sick:

  • Poor appetite.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Presence of pus in stool or urine.
  • Discharge of large amounts of fluid from the eyes.
  • Vomiting or diarrhea.

Such pathological symptoms indicate improper care of the animal. In this case, there is a high probability of improper feeding.

Caring for an Australian Shepherd

Since the breed is not short-haired, the Australian Shepherd's coat requires constant care. Regular brushing will prevent the appearance of tangles, and the dog will look more beautiful. You should bathe your pet as needed, usually once every two to three months. If you keep an Australian Shepherd in an apartment, you should walk it at least 2-3 hours a day, preferably with active training.

Feeding the Australian Shepherd

For an adult dog, the list of available products is quite wide, but read the link for what you can feed your puppy. In that article, we described in detail what foods should be given to the baby at what age, and also created a puppy feeding schedule depending on age. There is also a list of prohibited products, so be sure to read the article.

Dry food for Australian Shepherd

If you are planning to feed your dog prepared food, then you should definitely know what classes of dog food there are and how they differ from each other. For example, everything that is advertised on TV is usually low-quality economy class, and holistic dog food is the best among ready-made foods. Here are some good brands:

  • Akana dog food - reviews and overview of the composition, as well as prices;
  • Eukanuba dog food composition, price and customer reviews;
  • Orijen dog food - customer reviews, prices, composition overview.

Australian Shepherd training

As we have already mentioned above, this dog of this breed is very trainable. How to teach a puppy commands, read the link; in addition to a description of the process of training basic commands, there are also detailed video instructions with practical examples. But besides the usual “sit” and “give me a paw”, the Australian Shepherd can be taught a wide variety of tricks. See for yourself in the video below:

Of course, to teach a dog so many tricks you will have to be patient and work hard, but the result is worth it. By doing this on a walk in the park, your Australian Shepherd will immediately attract the admiring glances of others, and what’s more, you yourself will always be delighted with your pet.


In order for a domestic purebred dog to always remain healthy and strong, it requires a balanced diet. You cannot give her 1 natural product and hope that it will be enough. If you decide to feed your Australian Shepherd puppy human food, then create the following menu for him:

Daily meal numberProducts
1Vegetable soup, cottage cheese
2Raw rabbit/chicken
3Mashed potatoes, steamed vegetables
4Cottage cheese, meat

As for the last product, milk, it is necessary to enrich the dog’s body with useful microelements, especially calcium. It also contains: iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium, etc. Vegetables you can give your dog: cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, broccoli, onions, greens. From fruits and berries: bananas, strawberries, apples, cherries, peaches, grapes and plums.

You can also include walnuts, avocado, coconut, organ meats, bone cartilage, pig ears and tails in your pet’s menu. Eating the last products on the list will help the animal prevent the formation of tartar in the mouth.

Never give him fatty, smoked, fried, sweet or too salty foods. Spices retain fluid in the body of any mammal and provoke increased appetite, so their consumption should be reduced as much as possible. An adult Australian Shepherd can be fed canned/dry food. It is useful in the same way as natural food consisting of cereals and meat.

Australian Shepherd - photos of dogs and puppies

The Dai Paw website has compiled a gallery of photographs of Australian shepherds, puppies and adult dogs. The first six photos show the pupils of the Darsvet nursery, and the next four photos show the pupils of the Marrandi nursery. To enlarge a photo, left-click on it, and to move to the next photo, click the right arrow.

Australian Shepherd dog photo.

Photo of an Australian Shepherd dog.

Australian Shepherd puppies photo.

Photo of an Australian Shepherd.

Adult Australian Shepherd photo.

Australian Shepherd puppy photo.

Photo of an Australian Shepherd.

Australian Shepherd puppy.

The dog breed is Australian Shepherd.

Male Australian Shepherd puppy.

Reproduction and lifespan

The shepherd dog is endowed with excellent working potential. He is responsible, agile and resilient. The breeder of the breed must ensure that the puppies in the litter inherit the entire set of these qualities. That is why the responsibility for the correct selection of candidates for mating falls on him. So, an Australian Shepherd suitable for breeding should be:

  • Sexually mature.
  • Not very old, less than 7 years old.
  • Hardy.
  • Slender, not overfed.
  • Psychologically adequate.
  • Fully comply with the breed standard.

Starting from the 3rd day of the shepherd bitch's heat, she can be taken to the territory where mating is planned. It is not advisable for a female to meet a male on her territory, since she will feel too confident being at home, so she may simply not let him near her. Her puppies are born approximately 70 days after breeding. They are noisy, active and quickly become independent.


Unfortunately, in Russia there are few representatives of this wonderful herding breed, or rather no more than 90-100. Most private traders sell ordinary tricolor mongrels under the guise of Australian Shepherds. Often this is even a poorly disguised deception.

The main sign by which you can identify a high-breed shepherd dog from a mongrel or mixed breed is that the color of its nose matches the main tone of the coat. For example, in animals whose body color is dominant brown, the nose will be the same.

The average price of an Australian Shepherd in the Russian Federation is 35-40 thousand rubles. If the puppy’s parents are dogs with diplomas or titles, then its cost can reach up to 50 thousand rubles.

How to avoid getting scammed

When buying, they often deceive - they slip in beautiful photographs, replace puppies, falsify documents. A common scheme is with a deposit, when the seller requires it to be transferred to the card. The dog may not be vaccinated, check the vaccination records. Carefully examine the dog and check the documents, do not give the money in advance, even partially.

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Education and training

A pampering and energetic dog should be socialized and trained from the first hours of its stay in its new home. He must understand who his master is. There is a rule: a dog will be more successful if it is raised by 1 person. No physical or psychological violence against such a pet should come from its owner. He needs a gentle and respectful attitude.

The first thing we advise the owner of an Australian Shepherd is to show him his own place. Allowing an animal to sleep next to you is not worth it. It likes to rummage in the ground, run around, collecting dust, therefore, it is not hygienic. Give him a separate sleeping area. Call it "Place". Let this be the first command your shepherd dog learns during the first stage of socialization in your home.

Just take her to this territory, then pat her on the head and say: “Place.” This word must be pronounced softly so that the animal associates its bed with a pleasant one and is not afraid to go to it.

Already in the first months of life, he can be taught classic commands, for example, “give me your paw!” To do this, force him to take the desired position and treat him with a treat, softly saying the name of the task. The Australian Shepherd is a very smart dog; it quickly understands what is required of it and acts, trying to bring a smile to the face of its beloved owner.

It is also important to teach the animal to relieve itself in the right place, preferably on the street. It shouldn't shit anywhere! Firstly, it is unhygienic, and secondly, such behavior on the part of the dog indicates his disrespect for his household.

Every time your dog defecates in the right place, praise him loudly. It would even be useful to show delight. This way she will quickly establish a cause-and-effect relationship between the need to relieve herself and the approval of her owners.

To keep your pet happy, do not forget to play ball, tug-of-war or tag with him. But, it is important to never let him win. Some dog handlers are mistaken in believing that a purebred dog needs victory for successful socialization.

In fact, the euphoria that comes after winning a victory gives the dog a false sense of himself as a dominant individual. You cannot raise a dog in such a way that he feels like he is the head of the house, because this way he will become disobedient and spoiled.

Possible diseases and methods of treating them

Overall, this beautiful and efficient shepherd dog is strong and healthy. A thick undercoat protects it from frost, strong joints and bones protect it from dislocations and broken legs. Unfortunately, the Australian Shepherd has a vulnerable part of its body – its eyes.

Young representatives of this breed are often diagnosed with cataracts. It is easy for the owner to understand that his pet is developing such a disease. Just look at his pupils. If they are cloudy and gray, the dog is probably sick. In this case, he needs to be taken to the veterinarian immediately. Delaying cataract treatment can result in complete blindness.

Less commonly, Australian Shepherds are diagnosed with epilepsy, and even less often with hip dysplasia. Each of these 3 diseases can only be treated in a hospital setting. To prevent dog diseases, it is recommended to regularly vaccinate it, take it to the doctor for examination, and feed it plenty of vegetables, fruits and berries.

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