Belarusian hound - revival of the national breed

Category: Choosing a dog, News about dogs, Reviews from dog breeders

In 2008, the Belarusian Cynological Association approved the standard of the first national breed - the Belarusian hound . The first tests of the Belarusian hound in an enclosure boar took place on May 22, 2010 in Molodechno.

The second republican tests of the Belarusian hound for enclosure wild boar took place on June 01, 2013 in the enclosures of the Ershovka BOOR - Volozhinsky district, Minsk region.

Royal hunting dog

Along with the Belarusian dog breed, old traditions are also being restored. Full hound hunting is a special ritual and a favorite pastime of the nobility in the 18th century. And the Belarusian hound in those days was a source of pride for the owners. Hunting was also called royal or gunless.

At the very beginning of the forest, horses and greyhounds stand ready. Their task is to encounter potential prey. Meanwhile, the Belarusian hounds go deep into the forest. They must find the beast and drive it out towards those meeting them. The hunters go into the forest with the hounds. The dog is controlled using a special horn. The dog has been reacting unquestioningly to its sounds for hundreds of years.

We went hunting together with Cesara, Dedona and Rumza. By the way, hounds are mostly given nicknames by Belarusians. This trio instantly finds the trail. Hunters assure: once the hound smells the animal, nothing can stop him. Here is six-month-old Rumza hunting for the first time. She is still getting acquainted with the forest. But he is already eager to follow his “colleagues” into battle. Looking at the puppy, you get the feeling that the four-legged man knows his business. This is one of the advantages of the breed, hunters say, the ability to work is in their blood.

“She, while still a child, begins to work at five or six months,” says hunter Viktor Pratsko. – Yes, she is not as hardy as an adult dog. But it already gives the hunter hope.”

Another feature of the hound is close contact with the owner. The dog will not run away from the hunter further than a kilometer, and will catch the animal, no matter what happens. Victor Pratsko remembered this story about his dog.

“There was a case when a dog, through my fault, remained on the property for seven days. Forest felling took place in these lands. Nobody saw the dog. Seven days later I went there again. The dog came out in the second pen. She walked around the first paddock and studied the situation. 100% refund! To the place where she went into the pen. There is no wandering. It only works after the fact. Not idle talk,” he says.

This means that the dog reacts only to the animal and does not mislead the owner. A more versatile dog cannot be found, breeders say: it hunts ungulates, foxes, and hares. And by the tone of his voice, an experienced hunter can understand who the hound has caught. This dog is valued for its persistence and agility. In hunting, caution is also very important. The gonchak easily keeps the beast at a distance. As the breeders say, this is aerobatics.

We asked how the hound differs from other types of hounds. After all, many countries have their own breed. It turned out that the gonchak is suitable specifically for the Belarusian forest. Experts note that a sense of home is in his genes. Over the centuries, the hound has gotten used to local conditions, adapted to the soil and hunted local animals. Therefore, it can cope with the Belarusian wild boar, which is twice as large as the European one.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Shepherds are a large group of dogs whose original purpose is to help humans.
  2. Being “shepherds,” their goal is to serve as a guard for livestock and protect them from attacks by wild animals.
  3. Each breed is named after the area where it appeared.
  4. Among them there are authentic, ancient dogs that have not been subjected to selection for many centuries and millennia.
  5. Most breeds are the result of crossbreeding, depending on the goals of the owners.
  6. There are large, medium-sized and small-sized shepherd dogs. Each has its own purpose.
  7. There are about 60 breeds in total. Most of them are officially registered.
  8. The group is considered popular among dog handlers due to its intellectual characteristics, inclinations, and learning ability.
  9. Instinctively, they are always close to a person, quickly master basic commands, and take part in competitions and exhibitions.
  10. When choosing a puppy, you need to focus on genetics, health, appearance of the dog and the reputation of the breeder.

Hunting dog or domestic dog?

We have already seen that the hound is a terror for forest animals and a ferocious hunter. How does he feel at home? Let's go visit one of the breeders.

Vyacheslav Masalsky meets you at the door. Nearby is a faithful friend, the dog Lord. Vyacheslav noticed that the gonchak allowed strangers in, but only because the owner allowed it. Otherwise we wouldn’t even get to the threshold. We go into the house with the dog. And it turns out that the formidable hunter is very friendly! This affectionate and gentle animal is friends with the cat Chernukha.

Vyacheslav assures: “At home, like all dogs. He behaves wonderfully. Doesn't rush at people. The dog is cultured and disciplined.”

The dog sits on the carpet. And Masalsky’s son happily scratches the Lord’s ear. Ears, by the way, are the pride of the Lord. And a sign of purebredness.

“They used to say that Belarusian hounds had earrings like these on their ears. You can come over. I’ll show you,” Masalsky invited.

The dog received many awards for his “earrings”. Specialty hound exhibitions began to be held quite recently.

Varieties of colors

Most people believe that a purebred German Shepherd puppy can only have gray or tan-black coat color. And this is the most common misconception, because purebred Germans have a variety of colors and a combination of different shades.

To be fair, it is worth noting that some colors are considered a deviation from the standards. And dogs with a solid red or blue color, although they look very extravagant, are not allowed for breeding or participation in exhibitions.

Common colors of German Shepherds:

  • Cheprachny . The combination of black and red is the classic and most common color of the German breed. A black spot in the shape of the letter V is clearly visible on the upper part of the animal’s body, affecting the line of the back, sides and top of the tail. The paws, chest, belly and neck of shepherd dogs are painted in a light tone: red, yellow-golden or light chocolate.

  • Zonar . A rare type of color, which is also called wolf or agouti. Characterized by various shades of gray, with alternating light and dark areas.

  • Black . Shepherd dogs with a solid black coat with a glossy sheen are extremely beautiful and are very rare.

Custom color options:

  • Black and Tan . A variety of German Shepherds belonging to the black-colored dog category. The peculiarity of the black and tan color is that the dark color extends to the entire body of the animal, with the exception of the inside of the paws, chest, eyebrows and cheekbones, which are painted in a red tint.

  • White . Shepherds have a snow-white coat, without a single spot of color. These are not albinos, as many people think, since the dogs have black eyes, nose and paw pads.

  • Ginger . An unusually rare color variant of the German breed, represented by a rich reddish-red color.

  • Golden yellow . Shepherd dogs with non-standard light yellow fur, shimmering with a golden sheen, look no less original.

  • Blue . The dogs have a very interesting smoky gray color with a blue tint. Interestingly, the original fur color of such shepherd dogs was black or dark gray, and the bluish tint effect is created as a result of the palening of the main shade.

Breed standard. What is he like?

The breed standard was approved in 2008. That is, those characteristics that distinguish the Belarusian hound from other types of hounds.

“They have a fairly wide, massive and very muscular body. At the same time, the feet are dry. And in relation to the body they look lightweight. The forehead may be black. But the muzzle behind the eyes is without any marks. Only red,” explained the chairman of the board of the Pedigree Hunting Dog Breeding Club of Belarus, Irina Erokhina.

Eyes must be black or dark brown. At the withers - about 65 centimeters. The coat is smooth, straight, and hard. The dog is calm at home, but on the hunt it is brave and persistent. The style of work in the field is reckless and viscous. Experts restore the dog’s exterior using ancient documents. For the first time, the Belarusian hound was mentioned in the Statute of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. That is, from the 16th century.

“In all three statutes of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania there are paragraphs that are dedicated to the hound. The cost, how much you have to pay if the hound is stolen,” says Irina Erokhina.

In those days, a Belarusian dog was three times more expensive than a horse. And the four-legged animal was valued primarily not for its external characteristics, but for its abilities as a hunter. Hunting for Belarusians is part of history. Therefore, breeders consider it a matter of honor to revive the breed.

“These are elements of our culture. Traditions. Behind this are songs, costumes, and hunting traditions. Naturally, there is a question of our national identity. Only against the background of history, culture, and traditions can the self-awareness and self-identification of the Belarusian nation be formed. As an independent, ancient, reliable nation,” summed up the chairman of the board of the Pedigree Hunting Dog Club of Belarus.

Features of Shepherds

The group of “shepherd dogs” is divided into three subspecies: small, medium, large. The latter is more typical for Asian countries, where breeds have not been subjected to selective selection. Dogs are considered endemic representatives of the ancient Canidae. It is believed that the most characteristic features of Shepherd Dogs are the following characteristics:

  1. Superbly developed intelligence, comparable to human abilities.
  2. They are distinguished by determination, natural anger and at the same time are able to control their actions.
  3. They have fearlessness and are not afraid to go into battle.
  4. They know how to protect themselves and others.
  5. They prefer to be close to a person.
  6. They quickly learn commands and tricks.
  7. They have excellent knowledge of the terrain.
  8. They have increased physical endurance.

Due to their natural adaptability, shepherd dogs tolerate any weather conditions well. All representatives have an elongated nose for a better sense of smell, and sensitive hearing, which helps to hear better. A developed sternum and a toned torso make representatives of shepherd dogs maneuverable. The pushing characteristics of the paws and muscles help to jump high and run over mountainous terrain.

Hunting is not a theater for killing an animal from a tower

Vladimir Lazarenko and his dog Ruchai are hunting enthusiasts.

“As soon as I start getting dressed for hunting in the house, Ruchai in the yard already feels it and starts barking,” smiles Vladimir Lazarenko.

He is concerned that people have forgotten the culture of hunting, and seeks to revive this tradition. Moreover, this is also one of the tasks of the “Our Ganchak” club.

“It offends me when during a hunt they say: the dog barked. He barks in the booth, and during the hunt the dog gives a voice. Or hunters gather to hunt and greet each other: “Hello!” At home in the bathhouse you will greet me like this. And when hunting you have to say: “Praise the forest!” He killed the beast, we must give him respect. Put a blade of grass in your mouth and say: “Forgive me, Lord!” Or a wish: “No fluff or feather.” You go to your mistress, I’ll tell you this. And in the forest you need to wish: “Not a fluff, not a hair!” I was born a hunter. I can’t do otherwise,” says Vladimir Lazarenko.

Our interlocutor doesn’t even remember the first time he went hunting.

“Even my wife tells me that I was born in a doghouse. I have been hunting for as long as I can remember. In the seventh grade they started giving me a gun. The men, returning from hunting, went out to drink, and they gave me their guns and loot. And so I walk through the village like this - I wanted everyone to see that I was carrying a bunny - and I myself would go behind the threshing floor and shoot. Oh, the hunters swore at me because I shot all their cartridges!” - recalls Vladimir Lazarenko.


Plumber from Molodechno Vladimir Lazarenko boasts an unusual hobby. He is a dog handler, loves to hunt, and also holds the position of chairman of the republican commission on the Belarusian hound breed. This is the name of the only dog ​​breed in the world bred in our country.

Mikola Gusovsky first remembered the Belarusian hound in his famous poem “Song of the Bison.” Adam Mickiewicz did not deprive her of attention when he wrote “Pan Tadeusz”.

An interesting fact from VETLIVA: in “Pan Tadeusz” many pages are devoted to Belarusian traditions, life and, in particular, Belarusian cuisine. Read our article about gastrotours in Belarus and find out where you can still eat like a prince.

Vladimir has been engaged in breeding since 2004. The Belarusian hound is already included in the list of hunting breeds. And to emphasize the origin of the dogs, they are given beautiful nicknames in the Belarusian language: Zmagar, Prypyats, Gonar.

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