Collie: description of the breed from A to Z, character, training, care, history of the breed, recommendations from dog handlers (111 photos + video of the Collie dog)

History of the origin of the breed

Despite the large amount of information, the exact origin of this breed is not clear.

In the XIV century. The first written mention of this breed appeared in the work of the poet J. Chaucer. Later other works featuring this breed appeared. All of them are characterized by a description of the collie as a dog with long black or black and white hair.

Shepherds took them to help and began to call them border collies. In 1860, Queen Victoria brought a collie to her castle. Since then, they have evolved from a shepherd dog into a companion dog.

In the same year, this breed took part in the exhibition for the first time. 21 years after this, official standards for the breed were developed.

The work of breeders has contributed to the emergence of a wide variety of coat colors.

Interesting Facts

Some interesting facts will help you get to know your long-haired friends better:

  1. During the Great Patriotic War, a shepherd named Dick helped defuse more than 12,000 mines. The most valuable achievement for our country is that Dick discovered a landmine weighing 2.5 tons in the foundation of the Pavlovsk Palace an hour before the explosion.
  2. In the Lassie series, the dog heroine was female. However, her role was played by boys - they are more resilient. In total, 9 different dogs starred in the film.
  3. The world's most famous producer of Scotch whiskey, William Grant&Sons, has released a whiskey called Scottish Collie. The label depicts a Scottish Sheepdog against a background of wooden barrels and high mountains.

Expert opinion
Leonid Rodin

Experienced dog breeder

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The long-haired Scottish Sheepdog is as recognizable an attribute of the region as the famous whiskey brands, the national men's skirt or the bagpipes. However, the breed has fans all over the world. A collie in a luxurious coat of signature red and white colors can compete in the number of star owners with any other, most exotic, breed. Such legendary singers as Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan and Rod Stewart willingly posed with them. Kevin Costner often appeared in public with long-haired Leila. Well, and a whole galaxy of beautiful, rich and famous - from Marilyn Monroe to Natalie Wood. American presidents also did not disdain the collie’s herding past and periodically introduced them into the White House. John Calvin Coolidge, called “the laziest president of the United States,” doted on white collies and kept a couple of them. His baton was picked up by the 36th head of the States, Lyndon Johnson, and then Ronald Reagan. The short-haired variety of the breed has not achieved much popularity. Among celebrities, perhaps only Freddie Mercury preferred the short-haired collie.

Description of the breed

The description of the collie is striking in its magnificence. This is a dog with protruding ears and a beautiful elongated muzzle. All the variety of colors have one thing in common - a “collar”. The dog's tail is lowered, and the coat is unusually thick and warm.

Body weight is 20-34 kg in males and 18-26 kg in females. The height of males at the withers reaches 56-61 cm, and that of females - 51-56 cm.

There are three recognized standard colors for this breed:

  • sable - the whole spectrum of tones;
  • tricolor - with a black back and red stripes on the face and paws;
  • marbled - the coat is blue in color with dark spots along it. In this case, there may be red stripes on the paws and face.

They all have a common feature - a white neck, legs and tail tip.

Life expectancy ranges from 14-16 years.


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The collie dog has a very flexible character. They adore children and are very attached to their owner.

Distinctive features

The first Collies were somewhat larger than modern ones. This is evidenced by the dog standard in the USSR, where the average height is 63-65 cm. Nowadays, shepherd dogs are of average height ( 51-61 cm ), rather squat, well-built, elongated. The sexual type is well defined, females are much smaller. The difference in weight can reach 15 kilograms .

Distinctive features include long thick fur and a fox-like muzzle with cunning shiny eyes. The latest standard was published in 1988, according to which all dogs that do not meet external characteristics are discarded.

  • The head is wedge-shaped, narrow, dry. The skull is wide and flat, as are the cheekbones. The stop is weakly expressed, but easily perceptible.
  • The muzzle is narrow, rather long, parallel to the lines of the skull. Powerful lower jaw . Scissor bite The cheeks are flat. The bridge of the nose is tilted down.
  • The nose is large. Definitely black.
  • The eyes are set narrowly, slightly slanted, almond-shaped. Brown and blue colors are allowed.
  • The ears are small, set high, but not wide. In an active state, they are raised and slightly tilted forward, in a calm state they are laid back.
  • The body is strong and elongated. The topline is straight. The croup is round and sloping. The scruff is smooth and beautiful.
  • The tail is set low, hangs down when calm, and is long, reaching the hock joint.
  • The limbs are parallel and strong. Long shins are characteristic. The feet are oval, with well-knit toes. The movements are trot-like, light, sweeping.
  • The coat is long, straight, thick and hard. Forms feathering on the ears, limbs and tail; mane on chest. There is a soft undercoat.
  • Colors: fawn, mahogany, tri-color, black harlequin.

Choosing a puppy

The choice depends on the goal you are pursuing. If you need a friend, then pay attention to the puppy's health and behavior.

And if you plan to participate in exhibitions, you should pay attention not only to health, but also to compliance with standards and pedigree.

A healthy two month old puppy should have:

  • straight back;
  • strong and even paws;
  • Long neck;
  • rounded muzzle;
  • ears hanging forward;
  • scissor bite;
  • good uniform coat.

The puppy must be plump and active, kept in good conditions and free of parasites.


Nature has blessed the Scottish Shepherd with good health; this dog has virtually no congenital diseases. On average, collies live 12-15 years with proper care and feeding. Also, the owner must show the pet to a veterinarian for preventive purposes, promptly vaccinate and treat with drugs against skin parasites.

Despite their strong body, Scottish Shepherds are predisposed to certain diseases:

  • Epilepsy - accompanied by seizures, convulsions, and involuntary urination.
  • Dermatitis – accompanied by itching and inflammation of the skin.
  • Vitiligo is a disorder of melanin production.
  • Entropion is the turn of the century. Requires surgery.
  • Collie eye syndrome is a hereditary disease characterized by abnormalities in the development of a dog's eyes.
  • Ectopic ureters is a congenital, often hereditary, disease in which the flow of urine into the bladder is impaired.
  • Pemphigus foliaceus is an autoimmune skin disease.
  • Distichiasis (extra eyelashes) is a developmental anomaly in which an additional row of eyelashes appears behind normally growing ones.
  • Deafness is most often congenital.
  • Dysplasia is deformation of the joints.
  • Elbow dislocation.
  • Aspergillosis is a fungal infectious pathology.
  • Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia is a disease of the immune system when it destroys its own red blood cells.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders - diarrhea, volvulus, bloating.

The owner of a collie should be aware that such dogs are extremely sensitive to medications. Therefore, self-medication is not recommended; before giving your pet any medicine, be sure to consult a veterinarian.


For care, it is recommended to use two combs: a standard brush and a fine-tooth comb. Together they will help keep the coat in excellent condition.

Be sure to lift the fur to comb it from the very roots. You should pay most attention to the areas behind the ears, chest, pants and tail. Just 15-20 minutes a day is enough and your collie will always look amazing.


At the genetic level, the collie's character retains herding instincts. Therefore, when walking, these dogs “herd” everyone. They get very nervous when one of the family members goes far away. Collies are especially good at looking after children, which is why they are considered the best nannies. This pet will never offend a child, will tolerate his tricks, and will allow him to pull his ears and fur. But for this it is necessary that the dog begins to communicate with the child from an early age.

Collies have a calm, balanced temperament. She easily finds a common language with any person and other animals. She has no extremes in her character. This is a sociable, sociable pet, ready to accompany its owner everywhere, but will never be intrusive or annoying. The dog is active, playful, but will never cause chaos in the apartment.

The following character traits can be noted in dogs of this breed:

  • good nature;
  • peacefulness;
  • responsibility;
  • loyalty;
  • sociability;
  • curiosity;
  • patience;
  • obedience;
  • performance.

Education and training

Collies are very easy to train. They are among the most intelligent and intelligent dogs. But for this, education must begin in the first days of the puppy’s appearance in the house. The owner must be patient, calm and consistent. The Scottish Shepherd does not tolerate an authoritarian style of communication; you need to behave kindly and calmly with it.

These pets are not prone to dominance, so they are suitable even for inexperienced dog owners. They try to please the owner. Therefore, during the training process, praise and affection are enough; treats can be used for encouragement. It is unacceptable to shout, let alone hit these dogs; they are very sensitive and touchy. Collies cannot even tolerate conversations between people in a raised voice.

But for the Scottish Shepherd, timely socialization is important so that the dog does not grow into a timid and nervous animal. The puppy needs to be accustomed to the sounds of the street, cars, and strangers. Up to six months, a collie is able to learn all the basic commands:

  • to me;
  • place;
  • it is forbidden;
  • ugh;
  • sit;
  • stand;
  • near;
  • lie;
  • take a walk.

From six months you can start learning more complex commands and tricks. Collies are well trained in agility, freestyle, and Frisbee. They easily pass all the standards for basic training courses. But this dog should not be trained as a ZKS, it lacks aggressiveness, and it will not be able to become a bodyguard or security guard.

Interesting pictures complement the description of the collie’s character:


There are two food options: store-bought food or homemade food.

For people who have little free time, it is easier to give food, but it should be taken into account that it will be extremely difficult to switch the dog to regular food if necessary.

If you choose to prepare food yourself, it is worth remembering that table scraps are not suitable for these purposes. The menu should be balanced and contain all the necessary nutrients.

Beneficial for collies are:

  • boiled beef;
  • boiled fish without bones;
  • cheese;
  • liver;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products;
  • vegetables;
  • grain crops.

But the following foods should be avoided in your pet’s diet:

  • raw meat;
  • raw fish;
  • tubular bones;
  • salo;
  • pearl barley;
  • peas;
  • sweet;
  • flour products;
  • too fatty food.

Using these recommendations, you can create a healthy menu for your four-legged friend.

Education and training

Border Collie puppies have excellent intelligence and are highly trainable. They may try to be cunning, pretending that they do not understand what is required of her. It is recommended to persistently change this behavior by rewarding for correct actions.

As early as two months, you can begin learning basic commands, gradually moving on to more complex ones. Experienced dog trainers advise studying one command for a week.

But do not forget that all dogs are individual and this figure may change.

Breeders reviews

Alena: Collies are one of the smartest breeds. The dog can easily learn the most difficult tricks. The breed requires special care for its coat and only high-quality food, otherwise the dog will develop skin problems.

Igor: The breed is a herding breed, but after the ZKS it perfectly protects the owner and his property from strangers. It bites no worse than a German shepherd, and thanks to its light exterior, it quickly moves across a fairly large area.

Natalya: The collies of the old exterior were larger, the modern breed has become smaller. But outwardly it is difficult to confuse the breed with another, with luxurious fur, a collar and a fluffy tail. And the narrow and long muzzle makes the dog look like a cunning fox.


Collie loves to run in the fresh air. Being locked up for a long time has a negative impact on the dog's behavior. She begins to rush around the house, destroying everything in her path.

Collie loves to play fetch, so it will be great if you can find a place for him to play.

If you are into running, cycling or roller skating, be sure to take your dog with you - she will be very happy about it.

Biography of Kolya Sergi

Nikolay Serga, positioned simply as Kolya, is a Ukrainian singer and songwriter who gained the greatest fame after performing in 2011 at the New Wave competition in Jurmala, where he represented Ukraine together with Masha Sobko, ex-host of the popular travel project “Eagle and Tails” . At the End of the World" on the entertainment channel "Friday!" A bright and promising musician, at the Ukrainian “Star Factory 3” he managed to interest Konstantin Meladze himself with the exclusivity of his personality - the famous artist noted Nikolai’s special talent and the natural inclinations of a good composer, which are worth developing. Today Serga is a singer and leader of the group The Kolya.


Puppies without a pedigree can be purchased for 6,000-10,000 rubles. The price of a collie from a kennel is usually 15,000 rubles or more.

But sometimes you can find a purebred puppy for a fairly reasonable price, for example, if a child has an allergy and the owners are forced to sell the dog.

When buying a collie, you should remember that she will need a lot of your attention, love and care. Beautiful photos of collies are simply captivating. Collie will become your amazing and extremely loyal friend.


You can buy a puppy with a pedigree in one of the nurseries.

In Russia:

  • "Lavita" -
  • "ShaggyPack" -
  • "Niksend" Moscow -

In Ukraine:

  • “Top Less” -

Collie is one of the kindest and most sociable shepherd dogs that will become a loyal friend and brighten up your life. A dog with an attractive appearance, luxurious coat and easy-going character is suitable for any beginner.

Collie photo
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