What does a Welsh Springer Spaniel look like: the pet’s character traits and how to properly care for it

Spaniels are the name of a large group of breeds that includes Cocker Spaniels, Field Spaniels, Sussex Dogs, Irish Water Spaniels, Breton Espanolis, German Wachtelhunds and, of course, Welsh Springers, as well as other dogs.

Welsh Springer Spaniels are medium-sized, attractive dogs that are typically white-spotted in color.

They have silky straight fur, elongated ears and expressive dark brown eyes.

With a friendly and playful disposition, the Welsh Springer makes a good companion dog.

However, when choosing such a pet and when keeping it, it is necessary to take into account some aspects related to breed characteristics.

Origin story and what it looks like in the photo

The Welsh Springer Spaniel is one of the oldest gun dog breeds in England . Dogs similar to them with red and white fur are depicted in paintings by artists of the Late Middle Ages.

The famous British doctor and naturalist, John Caius, who lived in the 16th century, wrote in his book “Dogs of England”, dated 1570, that these spaniels are usually white, and, if they have spots, they are exclusively reddish-red. color

Although Welsh Springers were and remain primarily a hunting breed, they also worked as herding dogs..

Initially, Welsh Springers were used for falconry, but later, when firearms appeared, they became gun dogs.

These spaniels were popular not only in Wales, where they were once bred, but throughout Britain. However, by the beginning of the 20th century, their numbers had declined so much that they were considered extinct.

But already in 1902, the breed was registered by the British Kennel Club under the name “Welsh Cocker” . Welsh Springers acquired their typical appearance for modern representatives of the breed in the 1920s and 1930s.

However, despite such qualities as good character, trainability and innate hunting abilities, this breed has never been popular either in its homeland or in the world over the past two centuries.


A distinctive feature of dogs of this breed is that the height matches the dog’s weight and build; the length of the animal must correspond to the height; if this does not happen, then the dog does not meet the breed standard.
The height of Welsh males is 45 -49 cm, females 44 -46 cm, weight 18 - 22 kg and 17 kg, respectively. The springer's head is of medium length, the skull is dome-shaped, with a clear transition from the forehead to the muzzle. Eyes are oval, any shade of brown. The ears lie close to the cheeks, drooping, and do not reach the nose. They are covered with thick hair and are shaped like a grape leaf. The nose is black or brown. The neck is long and slightly convex.

The body is not very long, but very strong and muscular. Limbs with well-developed muscles, straight, paws are round in shape, thick pads and resemble those of a cat, fifth toes are removed. The tail is low set and docked in childhood. The coat is straight and very soft, however, its density allows you to protect the dog from water and plant thorns. The color can only be red and white with spots.

Description of the breed

The Welsh Springer Spaniel is a hardy and agile dog with a strong but harmonious build. The body is somewhat stretched, however, there are also dogs of almost square format.

The head is dome-shaped, with a well-defined transition to an almost square muzzle . The ears are hanging, close to the cheeks, of medium length, narrowed at the top, but widening greatly towards the bottom.

The eyes are quite round, exclusively brown in color, with a friendly, intelligent and attentive expression.

The nose can be pigmented either black or one of the shades of brown . A pink nose is considered, if not a defect, then a serious flaw.

Unlike most factory breeds, Welsh Springer Spaniels are not divided into pure show and working lines, the representatives of which are used exclusively for hunting.

The coat of these dogs is silky, straight and close-lying . Never wavy or, especially, curly. There are small feather-like feathers on the back of the limbs, on the belly and chest.

The low-set tail does not rise above the level of the spine and is usually docked in puppyhood.

Limbs of medium length, straight and parallel . The paws are round, reminiscent of a cat's, with thick but elastic pads.

Choosing a puppy

  • If you are still in the process of choosing a breed that should suit your lifestyle and requirements, read the article Choosing the breed and gender of a puppy.
  • If you have already decided on the breed and now the question is where and how to choose a healthy puppy with a suitable character.

It is very important to have a clear idea of ​​what you want from a springer. Talk to breeders - they can help you choose a puppy that's right for you or direct you to the breeder whose dogs best suit your needs

As described above, the breed is divided into two lines - exhibition and working. Working dogs are more hardy and light, show animals will also have hunter instincts, but long hair, as well as heavier bones, will interfere with their work.

Ask the breeder to provide evidence that the parents have been tested for hip dysplasia and have no problems.

Character traits

The Welsh Springer Spaniel has a friendly disposition . He is a fairly obedient dog, but can sometimes be stubborn.

These dogs are hardy and tireless hunters, who have been considered one of the best gun breeds for several centuries. However, their playfulness, cheerfulness, intelligence and intelligence make them suitable as companions.

Welsh Springers are good-natured and treat all members of their owner's family equally well. However, it is necessary to take into account that they do not tolerate rudeness, and therefore they must be treated politely, respectfully and even delicately.

Some representatives of this breed are exceptionally affectionate to their owners and do not tolerate even a short separation from them..

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“The Welsh Springer Spaniel is an affectionate and affectionate dog. He is energetic, active, resilient and always happy to run and play outside. These dogs treat strangers without malice, but can bark at a stranger who finds themselves on their territory. The Welsh Springer Spaniel can be highly recommended as a devoted companion. However, it must be taken into account that such pets need quite intense physical and mental stress, without which their character will deteriorate and their health may even deteriorate.”

Recognition by canine organizations:

AKC classification: sporting dogs

UKC classification: gun dogs

Prevalence: wide

The English Springer Spaniel is a medium-sized dog, standing between 45 and 50 cm tall and weighing between 18 and 23 kg. This is a robust dog for its size with a rather small skeleton and large paws.

The English Springer Spaniel has the appearance of a classic “spaniel”: large and expressive eyes, a medium-length muzzle with a pronounced transition from the forehead, long ears with feathers and a docked tail. The lips may be long, which sometimes results in drooling. The dog is the tallest of the spaniels, with paws large enough to move quickly over uneven terrain.

The English Springer Spaniel has a medium-length coat that can be smooth or wavy. There is also hair on the ears, feathering on the back of all four paws and on the chest. The most common colors are dark chestnut and white or black and white, but tri-color or ticking are some of the color options.

Character Traits:

English Springer Spaniels were bred to be quite close hunting companions that enjoy being with people and working. These are energetic and lively dogs; They have a sufficient amount of intelligence and are quite easy to train. Most spaniels have a tendency to search, and the English Springer Spaniel is no exception. This urge can cause the dog to start chewing things if left alone for a long period of time.

English Springer Spaniels need to be socialized and introduced to other dogs and people as early as possible, although many dogs of this breed are easy-going and friendly. Most representatives of this breed cannot tolerate a sedentary lifestyle and living in kennels. Digging out of boredom can be a problem for owners of dogs of this breed.

Maintenance and care:

The English Springer Spaniel has a good appetite, so eating too much can lead to obesity. Exercise is important for this dog, whether it be hunting, jogging or agility training. Being an intelligent dog, he is happy when working with you and responds well to training. English Springer Spaniels are often seen competing in hunting, obedience and agility competitions. These dogs are hardy and often live to be 12+ years old.

English Springer Spaniels can be surprisingly good watchdogs with their loud warning bark. With proper training, these dogs behave well with children. Some English Springer Spaniels can be quite lazy, but most prefer to be active. English Springer Spaniels seem to enjoy being in the water as well as on land, and may be attracted to puddles.

Grooming your English Springer Spaniel involves brushing the feathers and long coats daily to prevent matting. Sometimes you can trim the fur on the paws and ears. For an exhibition haircut, a visit to a professional groomer is required.


The English Springer Spaniel is descended from spaniels that were popular back in England in 1500 as hunting companions. Spaniels were considered dogs that spooked game, sometimes actually causing it to "jump out." Initially, all spaniels were crossed, and differences were made only in adulthood.

In the 1800s, the Duke of Norfolk became interested in spaniels and developed his own line, originally called the Norfolk Spaniel and now the English Springer Spaniel. The English Springer Spaniel has again split into field (hunting) and show subspecies, but many dogs can do both. Today, most English Springer Spaniels are valued family members who occasionally get the chance to hunt.

With a win in the "Best of the Best" category at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, including the first show of the new millennium, the English Springer Spaniel's popularity will continue to grow.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Beautiful and noble appearance.
  • Hardy and energetic.
  • Friendly disposition.
  • Suitable both as a gun dog and as a companion.
  • Can live both in a house and in an apartment.
  • The coat looks beautiful even with minimal care.
  • Treats children well.
  • Gets along well with other pets.
  • A loyal and affectionate pet.


  • They can be too distrustful of strangers.
  • Strong attachment to the owner: some Welsh Springers do not tolerate loneliness very well and miss their owners very much.
  • Need intense physical activity.
  • The Welsh Springer must be treated with respect and delicacy, as these dogs do not tolerate rudeness.
  • They can be stubborn when learning.
  • A very rare, small and expensive breed.

Dutch Kooikerhondje Spaniel

A small breed, reaching 11 kg and 40 cm at the withers. Initially, dogs appeared for water hunting, so their coat has a water-repellent function. Kooikerhondje are indifferent to other animals and children and are not aggressive. They require increased physical activity, hiking in nature and swimming in natural reservoirs. It is difficult to purchase dogs in Russia. Breeders rarely breed this breed, so you will have to go abroad to get it. The only accessible nursery is Ostrov on the Neva (St. Petersburg). The cost of a puppy is quite high, on average 60,000 rubles.

Despite the numerous varieties of the breed, all spaniels are united by a love of movement and hunting habits.

Therefore, it is important to constantly educate and train the animal in order to make it an obedient pet. Representatives of the breed are well suited for active people who are ready for long walks and active games with their pet.

Color variations

For the Welsh Springer Spaniel, the most desirable color is white-red or white-red, in which there are reddish or reddish markings of varying sizes on a white background.

There are also coated or almost tan colored dogs with relatively small white markings.


White and speckled color is also considered acceptable.

The standard does not regulate the size or shape and symmetry of the spots; the only requirement is that the color should have only two colors: reddish-red and white.

Interesting Facts

The English Springer Spaniel is an ancient breed with a lot of interesting things to tell about:

  1. Having spotted game while hunting, dogs gracefully jump out of their hiding places, scaring away the birds and lifting them onto their wings. Because of this feature, the breed got its name. Springer means "jumper" in English.
  2. An English springer spaniel named Buster became a hero of the Iraq War. The dog led soldiers to an Iraqi rebel armory, for which he received the highest award for animals.
  3. Famous owners of English Springer Spaniels include Princess Grace, George W. Bush and Oprah Winfrey. A representative of this breed, named Millie, became the first dog in the White House during Bush's tenure.

Attitude towards children and does he get along with other pets?

Welsh Springer Spaniels are known to be friendly with children, especially if raised in the same home. They are quite tolerant of kids who may annoy them and play wonderfully with older children.

With proper training and socialization, Welsh Springers get along well with other pets, even cats..

Key points in training

Springer spaniels perform any exercise, the dog is easy to train . Good results appear after long training.

If there are no immediate results, you should not give up training; training should be carried out for a long time.

Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

The Springer Spaniel is a hunting dog, so training requires fresh air and a large area. After completing the command, the pet must be rewarded - give him a treat.

How to properly care

The Welsh Springer's coat needs to be brushed 1-2 times a week. It is not recommended to bathe your dog more than once a month. When washing your pet, you need to use special hypoallergenic shampoos for dogs.

Ears and eyes should be examined every day and, if dirty, cleaned using products purchased at a veterinary pharmacy and intended for cleaning them..

The claws are trimmed with a nail clipper, and the frequency of this procedure is once every 3-4 weeks. However, if the Welsh Springer walks quite a lot on a hard surface, for example, on asphalt, then its claws can grind down to the required length.

You can use special toys or treats to clean your teeth. In the same case, if the dog cannot remove plaque in this way, the owner should clean it off with a toothbrush and toothpaste for dogs.

In a private house, if possible, it is advisable to arrange a small pool for your pet, where he can swim in the heat.

How long do they live and what diseases are they susceptible to?

The life expectancy of these dogs is 12-15 years.

In general, Welsh Springers are considered a healthy breed; however, they may be predisposed to certain diseases.:

  • Retinal atrophy.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Turn of the century.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the ears.
  • Dysplasia.
  • Fucosidosis.
  • Skin diseases.

Dogs of this breed are very susceptible to obesity, which they develop due to a sedentary lifestyle..

Nutritional features - what is best to feed?

The ideal feeding option for a Welsh Springer Spaniel would be ready-made food from premium class and higher, and the chosen brand of food should correspond to the age, size, activity and physical condition of the pet.

If a spaniel has health problems that require a special diet, it is recommended to feed it with dietary food that takes into account all the pet’s needs and restrictions, for example, caloric content is reduced or foods that most often cause allergies are excluded.


When feeding natural food, the basis of the Welsh Springer's diet should be lean meat, to which boiled or raw vegetables, as well as fermented milk products, are added.

Regardless of what type of feeding is chosen, the pet should eat good quality food that is balanced in composition.

Also, given the tendency of dogs of this breed to become obese, you should not overfeed your spaniel or supplement it between feedings.

How to choose: a boy or a girl?

Considering the rarity of this breed for Russia and the CIS countries, you can currently only find a decent Welsh Springer puppy abroad. It is not necessary to go for your future pet to the historical homeland of these dogs - to England, since there are good kennels in most other European countries, for example, such as Latvia or Finland.

The domestic population of Welsh Springers is extremely small, and therefore it will probably take longer to wait for a puppy from Russian producers than to buy it from a foreign nursery.


You should absolutely not buy a puppy without documents, since under the guise of a Welsh Springer you can buy a mixed breed, for example, a Russian hunting or English cocker spaniel.

A good Welsh Springer Spaniel puppy looks energetic, healthy and well-groomed. He is cheerful and active, has clear eyes, nose and ears, skin without signs of inflammation or scratching and a shiny coat.

When making a choice, it is necessary to take into account the gender of the future pet..

Bitches are usually more friendly, affectionate and calm. They are very affectionate and get along well with children.

Males, on the other hand, are more active, they are more prone to stubbornness and can have a negative attitude towards other people's dogs.

In addition, male dogs may be more prone to escape and, if they smell the scent of a female dog in heat, they may run after her without hesitation..

Dog training

Training and education begin at a young age; these dogs love to develop. It is worth spending more time on active walks.

In most cases, training takes place very quickly, and dogs easily perceive new information. The pet should be rewarded for completing the task correctly. You shouldn’t get upset and swear at the animal if something doesn’t work out. With patience, the animal can not only be taught commands, but also develop some hunting skills. If you can’t do it yourself, it is recommended to contact a specialist.

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