Bernese Mountain Dog - characteristics and description of the breed

  • Dogs
Data from users of the site
Age (months)123456789101112
Weight, kg)24
Height (cm)57

Initially living side by side with people, sharing responsibilities and taking food from people's hands, the Bernese Mountain Dog gradually developed from a shepherd dog into an excellent companion. But at the same time, his formidable appearance was preserved, instilling panic at one glance.

Breed standard

The Bernese Mountain Dog puppy is easy to recognize among others.
The dogs are distinguished by a special three-color coat color - black and fawn with white areas on the neck, muzzle, paws and tip of the tail. Weight and height vary depending on the gender of the pet. Bitches are smaller: height 58-67 cm at the withers. For males, typical sizes are around 64-70 cm. Description of the breed by appearance:

  1. Head. Massive head with a rounded skull. The rounded shape is especially noticeable when looking at the pet from the side. Weakly defined frontal groove and stop (the transition in the animal from the forehead to the muzzle). Large black nose.
  2. Jaws and teeth. An ideal example of the standard is the pincer bite. But a straight scissor cut is also possible. The dog's teeth are large, strong, and located in one line.
  3. Eyes. Straight set, medium size. Almond shaped. The iris is dark brown in color and almost completely obscures the whites of the eyes. The rim of the Berner's eyelids is black.
  4. Ears. Hanging and round at the tips, medium in size. The ears, set high on the head, rise slightly at the back if the pet is alert. In this case, the front part of the auricle remains motionless.
  5. Neck. Muscular, strong, with a protruding scruff. Has medium length.
  6. Body. The body is distinguished by a short loin, slightly narrowed in comparison with the croup and chest. The chest is deep, the body is small. The pet's back line is straight.
  7. Limbs. The dog's front paws are straight and set wide apart. The shoulder blades are elongated and slope back. The muscles of the hind legs are well developed, the hips are elongated. The Berner's hock joints have a pronounced angle. The paws are rounded, gathered into a ball (less knitted on the hind legs than on the front ones).
  8. Tail. The pet has a large saber-shaped tail, tapering towards the end. In a state of rest it is lowered, in an excited state it is able to rise above the level of the back.

The elongated fur of a pet can become a little curly in places. Characterized by a slight shiny sheen to the coat. Berner coat colors other than tri-color are not allowed.

Pets do not live too long - the average life expectancy is 8-10 years. Health problems caused by ill-conceived crossbreeding have reduced the overall number of Berners. Now the Bernese Mountain Dog is almost on the verge of extinction. Therefore, when buying a puppy, you should study its pedigree and get to know the owners.

The temperament of the Bernese Mountain Dog

Today, this breed is gaining momentum, which is more associated with the character of its representatives than with their bright appearance or fashion trends. Any breed standard pays more attention to this aspect, and responsible breeders prefer to breed good-natured dogs rather than aggressive ones.

According to many owners, the dog from Burns is gigantic and very patient. Pets become very attached to their owners, are loyal and understand people very well. Despite the fact that they choose only one of the entire family members to act as the owner, they communicate well with the rest of the members. And their cat’s habit of settling on the owner’s lap is simply touching, especially since this “kitten” weighs half a “centner”.

Bernese Mountain Dog - Photo

Being attached to his family, the dog does not refuse to communicate with other people (a rare quality for large breeds), this is due to their past riding life, when they carried goods to noisy and bustling market squares. Once properly socialized, dogs behave politely with strangers. Without proper training, dogs can be nervous and shy around strangers, but they rarely show aggression.

The Bernese Mountain Dog can be a guard dog, since its thunderous bark and roar are enough for the attacker to change his plans. However, there is no aggression in these manifestations, and with a certain knowledge of canine psychology, robbers can still enter the territory.

But if the mountain dog does not protect the territory, then if the life or health of one of the family members is threatened, the giant’s behavior changes radically. It is almost impossible to stop the rage that falls on the offender

These dogs are great for families with children, even infants. Dogs are protective of children and easily take on some of the parental concerns. They patiently endure all pranks, never take revenge, and their huge size does not interfere with being very neat and soft.

Berns also get along with other pets, even dogs. They even enjoy the company of their relatives. They do not seek to dominate, divide territory, or become aggressive over food. The latter quality is often used by smaller, but somewhat arrogant pets - cats. The dog may be taken aback by their impudence, but more often it retreats away. This tolerance is due to the purpose of the breed and the lack of hunter instincts.

Photos of the Bernese Mountain Dog breed

All this applies to socialized dogs. If the dog was not brought up, or mistakes were made in the educational process, then Bernese Mountain Dog males may display qualities that are unusual for them - aggression towards males.

Naturally, the size of the Bernese Mountain Dog can already pose a danger for small animals, so raising the pet is important. Representatives of this breed are very intelligent and calm about training.

Their desire to please the owner makes this process easy and enjoyable. The main thing is to systematize your classes and act competently. In interaction, it is important that the commands are given by the leader of the family, otherwise the dogs complete the task, but with less enthusiasm

Representatives of this breed are very intelligent and calm about training. Their desire to please the owner makes this process easy and enjoyable. The main thing is to systematize your classes and act wisely.

In interaction, it is important that the commands are given by the leader of the family, otherwise the dogs complete the task, but with less enthusiasm

However, if you compare other breeds, Sennenhunds are still more flexible. They do not tolerate rudeness towards them and always respond to encouragement, be it a treat, a stroke, or just a kind word. A positive attitude will produce better results than drilling.

See how to name a girl or boy mountain dog.

Care and maintenance

The main things that you need to remember so that the Bernese Mountain Dog lives longer and maintains good health is that it is not an apartment-based dog that does not tolerate heat and high humidity. He will feel hot and uncomfortable in the apartment.

Breeds bred for other climatic conditions should not be subjected to adaptation stress. This determines how many years pets live. Perhaps the widespread distribution of Sennenhunds without regard to climate zones is one of the reasons that over the past decades they have ceased to be considered long-livers. It’s worth comparing how long Berners live in the Alps and in a city apartment in the Krasnodar Territory.

For the dog to feel good, it is enough that in a country house in a large yard there is a spacious booth (even the least experienced carpenter can build it with his own hands), where he can live comfortably in severe cold and heavy rains. If the climate is warmer than in the Swiss Alps, you need to provide the dog with the opportunity to climb into a large container of water during the heat or periodically pour and spray the animal. If it becomes too hot for the Bernese Mountain Dog in a country house, the owners should be prepared for the fact that the dog, in search of coolness, will tirelessly dig deep holes in the area, practically killing lawns and the root system of bushes and trees.

Applied care includes combing the fur, cleaning the ears, ensuring parasitic safety - Babesia is especially dangerous, since the dog spends a lot of time outside, and ticks in long, thick hair may not be noticed. Every year you should undergo a veterinary examination and receive the necessary vaccinations. The doctor may notice defects or the onset of a disease that the owner does not see. The veterinarian will also indicate, if necessary, food replacement or diet adjustments.

Living in a kennel in the yard does not eliminate the need for a two-time daily walk. You don't have to run with a Bernese Mountain Dog, but you must walk. For this dog, walking is not only an opportunity to relieve itself outside its territory and meet other animals, but also a kind of confirmation of the status of a person’s friend and companion. The owner believes that he is walking the dog, and the mountain dog firmly believes that he took his owner for a walk and ensures his complete safety. And he can play and fetch a ball and a stick in his yard.

A separate topic is the dog's name. A self-respecting cattery immediately after birth gives a name to the entire litter, and they all necessarily begin with the same letter, and in full it looks polysyllabic and aristocratic. A name that is too long and complicated is necessary for a passport, but in real life the nickname for a girl or boy’s Mountain Dog is determined, as a rule, by an abbreviation of the passport name. If it says Mellicent Wilhelmina von Guttenzeit, you shouldn’t call the puppy Dusya. Millie is optimal. By the way, human names for dogs are not welcome.

What to feed

The Bernese Mountain Dog needs premium and super premium dry food for large long-haired breeds. But these dogs are not averse to periodically enjoying other foods - chewing large bones (muscles), crunching the trachea of ​​cattle, chewing sticks made from pressed tendons. This maintains dental health and removes tartar. They love to chew dried lamb penises and deer antlers (all of this is on sale).

Porridges and soups are undesirable, since the loose breed very quickly gains excess weight, a layer of fat forms, the belly sags, and the dog becomes excessively slow and clumsy. Feeding a puppy should be proportionate to its age. As they grow older, the number of feedings decreases and the portion increases.

Puppies do not know when to stop and will eat as much as is put in their bowl. Most bags of expensive quality food come with a measuring cup and instructions on how much your dog needs at what age. Disciplined feeding allows for proper fermentation and normal functioning of the animal's digestive tract.

The price of a purebred Berner puppy is around 65,000 rubles. and higher. But in order for the dog to grow up healthy, the owner must be willing to spend a much larger amount on food per year.

Origin of the Mountain Dog. A history spanning two millennia

The Bernese Mountain Dog breed dates back more than 2 thousand years. It was not possible to establish exactly from whom the dogs originated. It is most likely that their ancestor was the Tibetan mastiff.

The ancestors of the Berns came to Europe along with the Roman legionnaires. They took root in the area of ​​the Gotthard Pass in the Alps.

The ancient origin of the breed is confirmed by excavations by Herman Kremer. During an expedition near Zurich, he came across a site of the Helvetii - the ancient Swiss.

An archaeologist has found the skulls of dogs similar to the dogs brought by the Romans. Kremer suggested that these were the ancestors of the Sennenhunds.

Subsequently, the animals were formed in isolation: without admixtures of the blood of other dogs.

At the end of the 15th century, the Berns were almost destroyed. In 1489, the burgomaster of Zurich issued an order - the peasants were to kill all large dogs. Allegedly, they spoiled the vineyards of the feudal lords. But the people rebelled and executed the ruler.

Over their long history, Bernese Mountain Dogs have changed their name several times. At first, they, like all large herding dogs, were called hut dogs. Later, the dogs were nicknamed Dürrbachlers, since the pets were most often found in the vicinity of the Dürrbach farm.

Today's name appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. The first word was fixed in the name of the breed from the canton (city) of Bern. This is how the breeders emphasized the difference between the Bernese and other Sennenhunds.

The struggle for recognition of the breed began in 1900. The battle turned out to be long: the dogs were included in the international classification in 1981, and the standard was adopted in 1990.

Until 1907, only conditional boundaries were adhered to in breeding Berns. Breeders from the city of Dürrbach were concerned about the safety of the breed. Just 3 years later, in 1910, they brought over a hundred representatives to the exhibition.

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In the mid-20th century, serious problems arose in the breed. They appeared due to long isolated development and frequent matings. To “refresh” the blood, the owners began crossing Bernese Mountain Dogs with Newfoundlands. This helped strengthen the genotype. It is interesting that after 2 generations, not a trace of the Newfoundlands remained in the appearance of the Sennenhunds.

Thanks to their spectacular appearance, strong physique, and calm, easy-going disposition, Bernese Mountain Dogs soon became popular in Switzerland and neighboring countries.

In 1936, breeders from Great Britain and the USA drew attention to them. At the same time, an American breeder brought representatives of the Bernese Mountain Dog to the state of Louisiana and registered the breed. During World War II, breeding Mountain Dogs in Europe was problematic.

However, the war had no effect on the breeding of the breed in America.

In 1968, the American Bernese Mountain Dog Club was founded for the first time. At first it consisted of 62 members and 43 dogs. Three years later, the number of participants exceeded one hundred.

Nowadays, burns are practically not used for work purposes. They became companions. Dogs get along well in families with children and the elderly.


The official history of the breed begins in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when professional dog handlers became interested in a farm dog from alpine pastures. The first club uniting mountain dog breeders was organized in the town of Dürbach. That's why the dogs were called Dürrbächler. The name “Sennenhund” was assigned to the breed later; translated from German it means shepherd dog. The animals are also called the Bernese Shepherd, after the city of Bern.

The pedigree of the “highlanders,” according to dog handlers, is rooted in Asia. The distant ancestors of shepherd dogs could be Tibetan mastiffs, which, through India, came to the Apennine Peninsula in the period of antiquity. Crossbreeding with local breeds led to the appearance of ancient Roman fighting dogs. Together with Caesar's troops, they entered the Alpine region and took root here. Over the centuries-old history of existence among peasants, dogs have lost their belligerence and become real helpers for people.

To strengthen the variety, in the 40s. last century, animals were crossed with Newfoundlands. Due to this, the size of the individuals increased, their endurance increased, the pile lengthened and straightened. Currently, the Bernese Shepherd is actively bred in Switzerland, Great Britain, Australia and North America.


Choosing a puppy is just the beginning. It is recommended to take the baby away from the mother between the ages of 2 and 6 months.

At the same time, you should provide him with psychological comfort, affection and attention.

At the age of 2 to 4 months, the dog is fed 4–5 times a day, from 4 to 6 months – 3–4 times.

For the normal development of bones and joints of puppies, animals are given sinewy meat, cartilage and tripe.

Immediately after eating, the mountain dog is quickly taken outside so that he can relieve his natural needs.

Scolding a child (and even more so hitting him for piles and puddles) is useless. He does not understand the relationship between swearing and relieving himself in the wrong place. It is better to try to properly organize his regime and praise him after a successful experience. When the shepherd understands that the toilet is outside, he will learn to wait until he goes out for a walk.

Even in puppyhood, starting from 2 months, the Bernese is taught the basic commands: “Ugh!”, “You can’t!”, “Come to me!” This lays the foundation for the dog’s further training.

If the security function is important, then the owner will have to explain to the shepherd the difference between family members and strangers.

Also, from an early age, the puppy is taught to groom and undergo hygiene procedures.

Accustoming to neatness

It is necessary to bathe a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy infrequently, unless absolutely necessary; in this case, it is better not to wet the head at all, it is important that water does not get into the ears.

After bathing, you need to dry your pet, wrap it in a towel until the fur dries, and avoid drafts.

Puppies need to be taught to be neat and orderly from childhood. They should know, for example, that after going outside they must definitely wipe their paws

Every time after eating, the puppy needs to satisfy its physiological needs, so it is advisable to immediately take it outside.

You need to train your puppy to use the toilet exclusively outside from childhood, rewarding him with tasty delicacies if he listens to you.

There is no point in scolding for disobedience in early childhood, because the animal simply does not understand what you want, while he needs to satisfy his needs.

But discipline is a must, because if you don’t toilet train your puppy as a child, raising an adult dog will be much more difficult.

Playful brothers-puppies of the Bernese Mountain Dog

Characteristics: pros and cons

Detailed characteristics of the breed.


There are many positive descriptions of the character of Sennenhunds. Indeed, few people can dislike this dog, because its main advantage is devotion. Bernese are one of those dogs that, when trained, will be more willing to work not for food, but simply out of love for the owner - and this says a lot. It is worth getting a Bernese Mountain Dog if you want to get a great friend and practically a family member with a wonderful character.

For family and children

The affectionate and careful treatment of these dogs with children is noteworthy. The Bernese Mountain Dog can become a friend to any child.

They never bite, are very patient and can play with the baby all day long and enjoy it. It is worth considering that this is still a very large dog, which can inadvertently harm a child. She won’t bite him, but she can easily pin him down and scare him. In turn, even a little naughty man is capable of offending a good-natured Bernese. Therefore, it is worth observing the interaction between the child and the dog.

Interestingly, Bernese Mountain Dogs are very cat-friendly. There are often cases when these two animals not only get along in the same house, but also become best friends.


The breed also has a drawback: Bernese are not very smart. Despite the fact that they are sometimes compared to the Caucasian Shepherd due to their size and fluffiness, they have neither its aggressiveness nor its intelligence. Even basic commands with a mountain dog will have to be taught long and patiently.

Sometimes a dog can be stubborn, and sometimes it can frankly not understand what they want from it. But, if you overcome these difficulties, the mountain dog will love you with all his big heart.

Security qualities

The dog is not aggressive and is definitely not suitable as a guard. Seeing that her owner is in danger, she will be able to attack, but this will be rather an exception to the rule. In ordinary situations, the Sennenhund is polite and friendly with strangers.

Another disadvantage of the Bernese Mountain Dog is that it takes up quite a lot of space and requires constant physical activity and attention. These dogs are able to run so much that their owners don’t even need to trim their nails: the Bernese grinds them down themselves. At the same time, the dog will not refuse to lie next to everyone when the family is resting, because it is a very sociable animal.

Bernese should not be left alone for a long time: this can seriously affect their psyche. The animal will howl, whine, bark, chew and turn everything upside down.

Important: since this breed is very dependent on its owner, it cannot be severely punished. The Bernese Mountain Dog is a vulnerable dog and must be treated as such.


The breed is not suitable for those who value order in their apartment: Sennenhunds have a luxurious coat that sheds all year round. In spring and autumn, shedding will intensify. You will have to brush your dog regularly (at least once a week).

Grooming for the Bernese Mountain Dog involves:

  • combing;
  • cutting;
  • bathing;
  • dental care;
  • ear cleaning.

At the same time, Bernese usually tolerate water easily, but problems may arise with combing.

Estrus, mating and birth

Also, if you have chosen a female Bernese Mountain Dog, it is possible to breed her. The bitch's first heat occurs at 11-12 months, because this breed matures quite slowly. At the same time, the first heat is not yet a reason to breed an animal; it is better to postpone this until the second heat, 6-7 months after the first.

The Bernese Mountain Dog's pregnancy lasts an average of 56 days and up to 10 puppies are born. After giving birth, the dog must be shown to the veterinarian, even if everything went well.

Character and behavior

The personality of the Bernese Mountain Dog breed is most easily described by the phrase “big and kind giant.” This is a calm, non-aggressive and infinitely kind dog.

Bern treats all family members well, but chooses one master from among them, whom he obeys unquestioningly.

As a puppy, the shepherd will not refuse to fool around; mountain dogs are curious and ready to explore everything new. With age they become more phlegmatic. Some would call them lazy, but even in adulthood they will not refuse to play active games; their energy supply simply decreases over the years.

Keep in mind. The Bernese Mountain Dog is a working dog. For the normal development of the psyche, it is recommended to give it the opportunity to help its owner: carry bags, carry a sled, or simply serve a newspaper. If your shepherd feels worthless, he may become depressed.

The Bernese is originally a herding dog and gets along well with other animals in the house. He is good with cats or rodents, often playing with them or rather letting them play with him. Some tension may arise if there is another large male dog in the house, but the shepherd quickly gets used to the other pet and subsequently communicates well with him.

This breed of dog does not have security skills, as it does not treat strangers aggressively, but with calm sympathy. Mountain Dogs rarely bark and only as a last resort.

When urgently needed, they perfectly protect their owners, in other cases they act intimidatingly due to their size and menacing appearance.

Breed and children

There are certain dog breeds that are best at babysitting, and the Bernese Mountain Dog is not one of them, but they are great with children.

The calm and phlegmatic nature of this large dog helps it cope with a playful baby. If a child accidentally hurts the dog, he will leave rather than react aggressively and scare the baby.

The Shepherd is inclined to put the safety of children above the instructions of the immediate owner. If she thinks that the order will harm the child, she will not carry out the command.

Important. Until the age of 3–4 years, Mountain Dogs should not be left alone with children of the same age. The dog is too young and energetic: during the game it can accidentally harm the baby. An adult, well-trained shepherd dog can be left to babysit children of any age.

Raising a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy

Bernese Mountain Dog puppies, whose photos evoke affection even among serious owners, are actively learning about life, they are curious, cheerful, and ready to learn new commands and master new qualities.

It is at this age that pets, like Cane Corso puppies, are best trained; at 2-3 months of age, the basic qualities of the dog are formed.

Bernese Mountain Dog puppies, like Stafford puppies, are friendly with other animals and love to spend time together.

It is best if Bernese Mountain Dog puppies live outside in their own booth or enclosure. There are several main rules to follow when raising a Bernese Mountain Dog:

Teach your pet to unconditionally follow the “no” command.

There can be no concession in this, because if you once allow something that was actively prohibited just a few days ago, the dog is unlikely to take your commands and prohibitions seriously in the future.

Do not persuade the animal to eat and do not follow it with a bowl. It is better to have a certain amount of time allotted for food (15-20 minutes), after which the bowl is taken away.

Strictly forbid taking food from the hands of others and never change this rule.

Even if your good friend wants to pamper the dog, you should not give any concessions, because in the future the dog will decide that he can take food from any stranger.

The same rule applies to picking up food and other objects from the ground. This training rule also applies to shorthaired pointer puppies.

Bernese Mountain Dog puppies look at the world through rose-colored glasses. Therefore, they need a strong-willed owner who can raise a real brave dog

One of the common mistakes of owners is allowing them to “playfully” bite family members.

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Puppies do this not out of malice, and usually owners do not attach any importance to this.

But it is important to completely stop any dog’s attempts to bite its own from an early age, and also to clearly explain the difference between “friends” and “strangers” so that the dog can stand up for itself. The same rule applies to raising St. Bernard puppies.

The puppy must know a basic set of commands, for example, “no”, “fu”, “place”.

It is important not to punish your pet during training, but to ensure unquestioning execution of commands. This does not mean that you should always be very strict with your dog and limit it in many ways.

This does not mean that you should always be very strict with your dog and limit it in many ways.

It is important that you be an authority for her, and then your prohibitions will be perceived instantly. The Bernese Mountain Dog will be teething for up to 6 months.

At this time, it is important not to let him drag a leash and other objects with him, so as not to spoil the bite

The Bernese Mountain Dog will be teething for up to 6 months.

At this time, it is important not to let him drag a leash and other objects with him, so as not to spoil the bite

It is also important to choose the right toys for your pet, because if he doesn’t have anything to chew on, he can damage the furniture or wires in the house. Balls, gelatin bones and other special toys for puppies are perfect.

Balls, gelatin bones and other special toys for puppies are great.

Don't forget that a puppy is still a child. In addition to grueling training, you need to devote time to games and pranks

How to choose the right puppy?

When choosing a puppy, it is important to decide on the purpose of purchasing it. If you want to participate in exhibitions and further breeding, it is better to seek advice from a specialist who can assess the baby’s compliance with the standard. It makes sense to study the pedigree, and even better get to know the puppy’s parents personally, their character and successes.

If a shepherd dog is purchased simply as a companion and pet, it is assessed how mentally and physically healthy the puppy is.

It doesn't hurt to decide on the gender in advance. Boys are usually larger and more active, but they may begin to adventure outside if they smell a female.

Girls are calmer and more delicate, smaller in size, but they go into heat twice a year and require vigilance on the part of the owner to avoid unwanted reproduction.

On a note. Training male puppies is usually more difficult than female puppies, who learn commands better and are more flexible.

When meeting, it is better to pay attention to active and playful kids who are friendly towards people. A young puppy that is showing fear or aggression is likely not being properly maintained or healthy.

The activity and contact of a Bernese Mountain Dog at a young age is the first sign of a healthy psyche.

Breed description, standards and appearance

The description of the Bernese Shepherd breed consists not so much of strict instructions on height, weight and body structure, but rather of a general feeling of the harmonious development of the puppy and the stability of his psyche.

Weight and height of a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy by month:

MonthHeight, cmWeight, kg

As with an adult dog, healthy boys weigh on average slightly more than girls.

Characteristics of the Bernese Mountain Dog breed according to the standard:

  1. Height – 58–70 cm.
  2. Weight – 36–50 kg.
  3. Color – black; on the chest, paws and above the eyes there are brown-red areas, and on the chest, going into the throat and forehead, there are white areas.
  4. The head is large, the muzzle is of medium length.
  5. The eyes are small, almond-shaped, brown, and always dry.
  6. The ears are triangular, medium in size, high, hanging.
  7. The nose is large and black.
  8. The teeth are white, large, scissor bite, no drooling.
  9. The chest is deep, with well-developed muscles.
  10. The back is wide and straight.
  11. The tail is hanging, tapers towards the bottom, does not curl and does not lie on the back.
  12. Limbs – widely spaced, straight, muscular
  13. The paws are large, collected in a ball, there are dewclaws that must be removed.
  14. The coat is straight and shiny.

The dog gives the impression of a stable mass, not square, but slightly squat, with well-developed muscles.

If a Shepherd has blue eyes, a forked nose, a ring-shaped tail, or a weak build, it does not meet the breed standard and is not allowed to compete in shows. Disadvantages also include curly hair, entropion of the eyelid, and a cowardly or angry character.


There are no varieties of the Bernese Mountain Dog breed; rather, it is one of the subspecies.

Mountain Dogs are:

  • Bernese - distinguished by wavy long hair;
  • Great Swiss (gross) - the largest (up to 72 cm in height and weighing up to 64 kg);
  • Appenzeller - medium size, with short hair and a curled tail;
  • entlebucher - the shortest (grow up to 50 cm).

All species have similar colors and differ in bone strength.

Color and coat type

According to the standard, Bernese Mountain Dogs have a tri-color color. The main color is black, covering the top of the head, ears, back and limbs.

Red fur with a brown tint is characteristic of the chest and legs. Red areas in the form of spots above each eye are required; areas of the same shade near the mouth are possible.

There is a white insert on the chest and part of the muzzle near the mouth. It is very welcome if the mountain dog has “socks” on its paws and the tip of its tail is white.

The Bern's coat is long, with a dense undercoat and perfectly protects the shepherd from winds and moisture. They are not short-haired. Because their ancestors lived in the Alps, Bernese Mountain Dogs tolerate low temperatures well.

According to the breed standard, the Bernese is assumed to have a smooth coat, but slight wavy hair is allowed.

Interesting Facts

  • In the Middle Ages, Sennenhunds were used to transport heavy objects. In those days, it was often possible to see these beautiful, powerful animals harnessed to a cart carrying milk or vegetables to the market in the nearest city. By the way, in small towns and villages of modern Swiss cantons and still large Sennenhunds are used in this capacity.
  • During World War II, Mountain Dogs, along with German Shepherds, Doberman Pinschers, Boxers, Great Danes, Collies and other working dogs, fought on the Western Front as signal dogs, orderlies, miners, and also helped transport cargo.
  • Sennenhunds are essentially Saint Bernards; they differ from the latter only in color and some features in the structure of the skeleton.
  • According to the International Canine Poll, Mountain Dogs are among the three most beautiful dog breeds in the world.
  • Bernese Mountain Dogs simply love to give children rides if they are harnessed in a small cart.
  • There is a beautiful legend about how the Pyrenean Mountain Dogs came to be. One winter, a little girl got lost in the mountains, she got scared and froze. But the gods, responding to her prayers, turned the snowdrifts surrounding the child into large and fluffy white dogs. They warmed her with their warmth and helped her get home. Local residents, in gratitude, kept these dogs with them, and they began to graze their flocks and protect their houses from thieves and wild animals.
  • All Mountain Dogs belong to the Molosser group, which are considered universal dogs suitable for a wide variety of work. They can equally well be guards, fighters, bodyguards, shepherds, rescuers and just companions.
  • Mountain Dogs love water and are very good swimmers, which makes them similar to Newfoundlands.
  • Large Mountain Dogs are healthier than other giant breeds and live longer.
  • If a mountain dog living in a village is left unattended on the street, then there is a high probability that the dog, following its herding instincts, can drive a whole litter of different animals into the owner’s yard.

Swiss and Pyrenean Mountain Dogs are breeds bred for work, which nowadays, having almost lost their original purpose, have become simply good guards, rescuers, as well as companions and guides. These friendly, affectionate animals will fit well into a large family, becoming loyal and devoted friends for adults and attentive and gentle nannies for children. And, although most Sennenhunds are not intended for urban keeping, the Appenzeller or Entlebucher, if given the necessary physical activity, will get along well in an apartment.

Feeding a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy

In the first days after purchasing a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy, you should stick to the same diet and give the same foods as the previous owners.

This will help you avoid eating disorders.

The baby will not be able to eat the daily amount of food that the dog should receive in 1-2 times, otherwise the pet will receive a huge load on the stomach, bones, and ligaments.

Therefore, the smaller it is, the more often it is worth feeding it:

  • 1-2 months – 5-6 times
  • 2-4 months – 4-5 times
  • 4-6 months – 3-4 times
  • 7-12 months – 2-3 times
  • from 1.5 years and older - 2 times a day

The water in the puppies' bowl should always be fresh. Change it several times a day

The puppy's diet, like that of the cubs of other large breeds such as the Tosa Inu, Cane Corso, Ca de Bou and the Neapolitan Mastiff, should be dominated by meat; for a 10-kilogram dog of this breed, 300-400 grams of meat per day are needed, with a weight of 20 kg – 800-900 grams of meat.

You can also include cottage cheese, fermented milk products, and eggs in your diet (no more than 3 times a week).

These products are mandatory for a baby up to 2-3 months of age, but you should not give them up when the dog grows up.

When your dog gets older, you can add premium dry food to his diet.

Chicken stomachs, necks, and paws will be useful for the puppy.

It is worthwhile to diversify your diet with cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal) and vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini, tomatoes, carrots).

After eating, you need to let the puppy rest; for 1-1.5 hours you should not disturb him, take him for a walk, or force him to follow commands.

At an early age, it is better to overfeed the baby than to underfeed it, since the lack of nutrients and vitamins after 12 months of age will be difficult to correct.

A balanced diet is the key to the development of an active, strong and healthy pet.

After eating, you need to let the puppy rest; for 1-1.5 hours you should not disturb him, take him for a walk, or force him to follow commands.

Increased activity after eating may well lead to the so-called gastric volvulus.

Snowy Bernese Mountain Dog puppies

Vaccinations for puppies

It is very important to vaccinate Bernese Mountain Dog puppies.

The first vaccination must be carried out at 1.5-2 months; it forms immunity against diseases such as hepatitis, plague, leptospirosis, parvovirus enteritis, etc.

At 6 months, a so-called comprehensive vaccination is given, including a rabies vaccination.

Another vaccination is given when the puppy reaches 12 months of age, after which the Bernese Mountain Dog is vaccinated every year.

It is also important to treat your pet for ticks and fleas. You can buy a special anti-tick collar .


Bernese Mountain Dogs are naturally socialized and easily learn simply through interaction with their owner. If you set specific security and watchdog tasks for your dog, it will be more effective to turn to professionals. If not, then training is possible on your own. Raising a puppy begins from the first day in the house. At two or three months the service qualities of his ancestors are already awakening, and he is ready to learn. You need to exercise regularly, but avoid excessive stress. You should alternate training with games so that the lessons do not become a burden for the dog. Minimum required commands:

“To me” is to be taught from the first days, along with memorizing the nickname; “Fu” - a requirement from the pet to immediately stop any action; “You can’t” is a variation of the “Fu” command, preempting an undesirable action; “Nearby” is important for walking in public places; “Sit” is used as a transition between other commands.

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The Sennenhund is a large dog with fairly powerful jaws.

Therefore, it is important to teach your pet not to use its teeth in games with the owner and not to try to knock him down.

Maintenance and nutrition

The Bernese Mountain Dog is a large breed, and an aviary in a private home would be optimal for it.
Don’t forget that the breed’s homeland is the snowy Alps, so long hair with a thick undercoat will reliably protect your pet from the cold. In addition, these dogs need low-intensity but long walks in the fresh air, for which their own territory would be an ideal option. Please note that if the enclosure does not have paved areas and the dog walks only on soft soil, it will have to be trimmed once every two to three weeks claws

Keeping a pet in an apartment is also possible if it is not too small and there is no fear of excessive shedding. Before you bring your puppy home, provide him with a place to rest and eat. Take care to remove wires and other objects from the floor that he can chew. And also be prepared that until the puppy learns to go to the toilet outside, cleaning up puddles and piles will become a constant activity. It may be worth removing carpets in areas accessible to your pet during this period. But a slippery floor can be dangerous for a baby’s still fragile paws.

The table shows the pros and cons of keeping a dog in a private house and apartment.

Table - Features of keeping a Bernese Mountain Dog in an apartment and enclosure

Apartment— Cleanliness of the pet; — coincidence of modes with the owner; — maximum time with the owner and family — Frequent and long walks are necessary; - excessive shedding; - not enough space for an adult pet
Aviary— Unlimited time spent in the fresh air; — living conditions close to natural; — a comfortable molting period for the owner; - implementation of the protective instinct — More frequent washing is necessary (the dog gets dirty faster); — lack of attention from the owner (can affect the psyche and health of the pet)


The Bernese Mountain Dog is a smooth-coated breed with long guard hairs and a thick undercoat. Bernese don't get haircuts, at most they trim the hair between the toes.

Grooming procedures for them include regular brushing, which is important not only for maintaining the dog’s beautiful appearance, but also for its health.

At least once a week, the pet is combed with a comb with long, sparse teeth. During the molting period, the procedure will have to be repeated once every one or two days. In addition to the comb, you will need a special brush that allows you to comb the undercoat, otherwise there is a risk of developing skin diseases. It is worth noting that caring for the coat of “girls” during this period is more difficult, since they shed more heavily.

If the dog is not preparing for the exhibition, then there is no need to skip bathing. It is enough to wash the dog once every two to three months, and the rest of the time limit yourself to washing the paws after a walk and wiping the fur if it is raining and slushy outside. In the autumn-winter period, you should avoid swimming altogether, since the thick undercoat is very difficult to wash and dry, which can lead to the appearance of fungus.

Dogs should not be bathed with human cosmetics. And not every shampoo in the pet store is suitable for your pet. Therefore, after bathing, carefully monitor the condition of the coat: whether it has become dull, whether dandruff has appeared, whether there are any strangely protruding tufts, etc. The dog cannot complain about inappropriate products, so cosmetics will have to be selected by trial and possibly error.

Grooming experts recommend using not only shampoo, but also special conditioner and coat balm when washing Bernese Mountain Dogs.


Like most large breeds, Bernese Mountain Dogs are prone to obesity, which can negatively affect the joints, gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. The diet can be based on commercial feed or natural food, but it must be balanced and appropriate for the age and physical activity of the dog. Remember, puppies eat little but often. With age, portions increase and feeding frequency decreases.

If you choose industrial feed, carefully monitor the animal in the first days. Even the best food may contain ingredients that are not suitable for a dog, which will cause constipation or diarrhea, itching and other unpleasant symptoms. Experts recommend using premium food and not purchasing products from too cheap and little-known brands, as their composition can be harmful to your pet’s health.

If you choose natural food, you can include in your diet:

  • lean meat;
  • offal;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • dairy products;
  • porridge (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, wheat);
  • vegetables (raw potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, beets, carrots).

If your dog eats natural foods, consult your veterinarian about vitamin supplements.

Basics of education and training

Raising a Bernese Mountain Dog is easy. The dog is smart, attentive, and tries to please his owner. But since animals remain puppies until they are 2 years old, problems are possible during this period.

Bernas begin obedience training at 5–6 months. Before he is a year old, he should learn basic commands. Only at 1.5 years, when the psyche is finally formed, do they undergo a general training course.

The Sennenhund easily remembers commands. But it is worth considering that this is not a service dog. She tends to make her own decisions. Therefore, you should not expect instant returns and lightning-fast execution of orders.

If desired, the Sennenhund can be taught the basics of protective training or guard duty.

The best method of training a Bernese Mountain Dog is regular rewards, persistence and lack of monotony. Ideally, he will perceive training as a game.

Bernese Mountain Dogs were bred in the Alps to herd livestock. Today dogs are excellent companions. They easily get along with family members and other pets. Unfortunately, due to frequent illnesses, dogs rarely live past 10 years.

Diseases and treatment

Although the Bernese Mountain Dog does not live long, it is a fairly hardy, strong breed that cannot be called particularly sickly. Among hereditary pathologies, they, like many large breeds, are characterized by joint dysplasia and muscle tissue dystrophy. Dysplasia is diagnosed after the puppy’s skeleton has formed and is subject to treatment; dystrophy of muscle groups can appear at an earlier age and is practically incurable.

Mountain Dog owners should pay special attention to the dog’s eyes, as the breed is prone to a number of ophthalmological diseases:

  • cataract - clouding of the lens of the eye, leading to partial loss of vision and blindness;
  • progressive retinal atrophy is a genetic pathology that manifests itself with age and leads to complete blindness;
  • retinal detachment and dystrophy - a group of diseases associated with disruption of connections between the layers of the retina;
  • pannus - clouding of the cornea as a result of an inflammatory process.

If your dog's eyes become red, watery, or have purulent discharge, you should contact your veterinarian.

Representatives of this breed also often suffer from:

  • oncology;
  • hypothyroidism (dysfunction of the thyroid gland);
  • malignant histiocytic diseases (dysfunction of the skin);
  • epilepsy.

Not all hereditary diseases are diagnosed at an early age. To purchase a healthy animal, contact only nurseries with a proven reputation

Pay attention to the puppy's pedigree, the health of its parents and puppies from other litters.


The first vaccination is often carried out by the breeder when the puppy reaches two months of age. The owner receives information about this vaccination along with the pet's pedigree and other documents.

The second vaccination is carried out three weeks later, and only 10-12 days after it the new family member is ready for walks on the street. The next vaccinations are carried out every six months and a year, and then every 12 months according to the schedule developed by the veterinarian.

Dogs are vaccinated against the most common and dangerous infectious diseases:

  • parvovirus enteritis;
  • coronavirus enteritis;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • plague;
  • rabies.

Before each vaccination, the dog is treated for worms. You cannot vaccinate a sick animal.

What care is required

Berns are equipped with a developed undercoat, which protects them from both low and high temperatures. Breeders strongly recommend trying to protect the dog from scorching sun rays and overload during this period, but they are also naturally resilient. Dogs love to sleep on snow crust and rarely spend time in the kennel.

Bernese Mountain Dog puppies in the photo

An excellent place to keep them is an aviary. Moreover, insulation of the booth is only necessary if the animal is sitting on a chain. In this case, walks should be more frequent and longer. Once every day for at least two hours.

A dog will feel fine on a leash if the chain allows it to move within an area of ​​at least 10 square meters.

The apartment mountain dog requires walking twice a day. As for puppies, it all depends on age. All walks must be accompanied by active jogging and games.


The character of this animal has won the heart of more than one person. People fell in love with it not because of its memorable appearance, but because of its loyalty and friendliness. The Mountain Dog, by its nature, is not at all evil. If a puppy from a litter growls or avoids a person, it is immediately discarded.

A shepherd dog that is angry and intolerant of people is a pathology. Among the representatives of this breed one can hardly find those who are hostile to humans. She was brought out solely for help, and not for defense or, especially, attack.

This furry giant loves his family. He prefers to sit and lie next to them without causing any discomfort. The Sennenhund is moderately active, a little lazy and always calm. Its “antonym” in the world of dogs is the bull terrier.

These breeds are very different. Even if you keep two such dogs in your house, you can be sure that the rat-catcher will not infect the good-natured and calm mountain dog with his mobility and hyper-emotionality.

Don't be confused! This breed is not characterized by laziness and inactivity. Its representatives, just like other four-legged animals, love active recreation and long walks, however, they are not characterized by causeless expression of emotions.

Even if the Sennenhund seems cold and distant to you, rest assured that his heart is filled with love for every living creature that lives with him in the house. The owner is chosen only once. Usually, it becomes a serious person who occupies a leading position in the family.

The domestic dog perceives any group of people as his pack. In it, he also defines the social roles of each individual. Since Mountain Dogs are characterized by pride, they will not always agree to occupy the last niche in the group.

That is why we do not advise novice dog breeders to buy such a dog. Earning his respect and trust is not easy. But, if such living creatures fall in love with you, rest assured that they will never betray you.

Despite the loyalty that a dog maintains to one person, it is also good-natured towards other family members. She expresses her love for them by her presence. The dog will follow around the house every person who agrees to pet him.

He is also friendly towards strangers. If you are expecting guests, you should not be afraid that the animal will become aggressive towards them. This is rather a disadvantage of the breed. As a watchman, its representative is ineffective.

Yes, he will probably bark at strangers. But that's all. Mountain dog breeders know that these dogs are not suitable for guard duty. The attacker may be frightened, perhaps, by the impressive size and loud barking of the dog. An animal, under no circumstances, will attack a person.

The breed is perfect for large families. In relation to children, its representatives are tolerant and gentle. They become especially attached to newborn children. Touching videos are circulating on the Internet in which beautiful, fluffy mountain dogs hug and lick small children.

These are smart animals that understand that with their strong teeth they can cause pain to a person. However, sometimes, when entering the game, they can feign aggression and grab with their teeth. But there is definitely no malicious intent in this.

The Mountain Dog is one of the few dogs that gets along well with other pets, including cats. Due to the lack of natural aggression, these animals love to spend time with dogs, birds, rodents and other representatives of the fauna.

They will not compete with them for the owner’s love, nor will they divide the territory. However, there are known cases of Mountain Dogs being separated from harmful cats that are not interested in playing together.


To be healthy, she needs to exercise a lot and stick to a proper diet. The main element of a shepherd's diet is protein. The finished mixture should contain 40%-50% protein obtained from beef, chicken, offal, and in higher quality turkey and veal products.

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Portions are selected individually, depending on her activity. If the dog is walked moderately and lives in an apartment, it is fed according to the instructions on the package. To accurately determine the amount of food, use a kitchen scale. For an animal that moves a lot and actively, the diet is increased to 120% of the norm. For older pets, the volume of food is reduced to 70% of the norm or transferred to low-protein food.

In high-quality mixtures, vitamins and microelements are obtained from natural sources, vegetables, seeds, and extracts. If the food is of high quality and the mountain dog gets everything it needs, this is noticeable in the condition of its coat.

History of the breed

It is assumed that since ancient times, rural residents of the Alps, including the towns of Dürbach and Bugdorf near Bern, kept certain shepherd dogs, shepherd dogs, which protected herds of cows and sheep from wolves, and also acted as cattle beaters and could transport small loads in sleds.
When the Roman legions came to Swiss soil, they brought their fighting and baiting dogs - Molossians, who, of course, poured their blood into the local village dogs. But not only Molossians left their mark. Judging by the tricolor color of the Sennenhunds, pinschers and schnauzers played a significant role in the formation of the new breed. The infusion of new blood divided the offspring of Alpine herding dogs into 4 branches, which began to be bred as separate breeds around the 19th century: the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, the Entlebucher, the Appenzeller and the Bernese Mountain Dog, the names of which are associated with the area of ​​their origin. The current name of our breed did not appear immediately; at first it was called Durbakhler, after the place where it originated. At the beginning of the 20th century, a cynological society of Dürbachler lovers was created in Switzerland, which was engaged in the preservation, distribution and improvement of the breed. Gradually, the club came to a decision to change the name of the breed; now it is derived from the German words “Senne” - meadow and “hund” - dog. To show the importance of the breed, the designation of the actual capital of Switzerland was added to the name. In the 1930s, breeders exported the first Bernese Shepherds from Europe to the United States and other countries, and this saved the breed from extinction during the war years. Shaggy dogs appeared in Russia in the 1980s.

Today, Bernese Mountain Dogs are rightfully loved all over the world. In addition to being involved in many aspects of our lives, they are also excellent actors. In our country they are known for the series “Happy Together”, the film “Hello, Fools!”, and the comedy “Sacred Cause”.

Brief history of origin

The history of the Bernese Mountain Dog breed dates back over 2 thousand years ago during the heyday of the Roman Empire. The army often used fighting dogs (Molossians) in their campaigns. Once, after the invasion of the Alps, the descendants of the Molossians remained on the territory of modern Switzerland and were appreciated by the peasants.

The dogs proved to be excellent shepherds and were also capable of carrying heavy loads. Since the Bernese Mountain Dog is too good-natured, its larger and short-haired “brother”, the Grosse Mountain Dog, was often used for protection.

For quite a long time, the Bernese Shepherd was considered a working mongrel. Interest in it as a separate breed arose only at the end of the 19th century, along with the founding of a breeders' club. Dürchbachler is the first name that the breed received, as it was bred by Alpine peasants in the Dürbach region.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the breed was officially recognized under its current name.

Characteristics, abilities, skills

He is owner-oriented and moderately distrustful, but friendly to strangers. Other animals arouse his interest and sympathy. The character of the Bernese Mountain Dog easily accepts education and training techniques. Herding dogs tend to make decisions on their own, rather than wait for a command. This does not characterize them as not smart enough or difficult to train, but speaks about the conditions for the formation of the breed: mountains, meadows, a person is far away, a predator or robber is close, there is no time for a meeting. Bernese Mountain Dog: Breed characteristics include natural intelligence and kindness. This good-natured dog is truly friendly with his owner, which can be seen in every movement. A dog that is lenient and generous, but aware of its power, will reward a powerful, but not cruel, person with obedience. Main advantages:

  • easy to train;
  • excellent watchman;
  • friendly to pets and familiar people;
  • Perfect for the role of a family pet.


The Bernese Mountain Dog was specially bred in Switzerland for farming as a herding dog for cattle and sheep. In addition, the strong and muscular physique allows the dog to be an excellent watchman in private homes, because the menacing growl and barking of this large beast can scare away any uninvited guest. This dog is quite peaceful, kind, patient and caring towards small children and other inhabitants of the house. He gets along easily with cats and other dogs, without showing any aggression or anger towards them.

Dogs of this breed captivate people not only with their external appearance, but also with their distinctive qualities, such as intelligence, affection, kindness, obedience, endurance and energy, which is why they are very popular both among residents of private homes and among people with large families. . These are quite social animals that are particularly sociable.

Animals easily get along with both adults and children. Excessive loneliness, limitation and boredom have a negative impact on the psychological health of the animal. Therefore, the dog should not be kept on a short chain or in a cramped kennel; it is important to give it as much freedom as possible in actions and communication.

Feeding dry food

For the Bernese Mountain Dog, you should select food with a protein content of approximately 18-26%, and a moderate fat content - up to 16%. Food that is too fatty can cause obesity in inactive dogs; in some cases, fatty foods cause diarrhea.

It is important to study the composition, because

Some ingredients, chemical preservatives, and additives may cause an allergic reaction, including itching, watery eyes, and digestive problems.

It should not contain soy, wheat, or corn, especially if your pet has a tendency to allergies.

The presence of sources of fat, for example, chicken and fish, is welcome. The fatty acids these foods are rich in help maintain healthy joints, skin and coat.

Among ready-made food, you should pay attention to dry food for giant breeds of the brands Innova, Canine, Orijen, Evo, Canidae, Eagle Pack, as well as grain-free food. In such feeds, sweet potato is usually used as an alternative source of carbohydrates.

And here are the total costs for the first month

  • Diapers 8300 RUR - you shouldn’t skimp on them, and if you have a large breed puppy, take the largest diapers 60 by 90 cm.
  • Various toys RUR 3,000 - buy only monolithic toys that have nothing to bite off or tear off, otherwise the puppy will most likely swallow it.
  • Vitamins for ligaments and joints 1400 RUR
  • Dry food 11kg 6990 RUR
  • Vein bone 100R are those white or brown chewing bones of different sizes that can be found in any pet store, so don't buy them, they will cause stomach upset in your puppy.
  • Deer antler 1000 rubles - chew instead of bones, according to the descriptions, deer antlers have only advantages: they are durable (I confirm), they are safe (I confirm), their powder is good for the stomach, they are a preventive measure for tartar (but not a cure!).
  • Natural food is difficult to calculate (cottage cheese, milk, beef), let’s say 150 rubles per day, i.e. 4500 rubles per month.

Total 26,790 rubles in the first month , and we haven’t even started going for walks, visiting the veterinarian and working out with a trainer.

Mars really likes such soft toys, but you can’t leave them unattended, otherwise the toy will be immediately swallowed piece by piece.

Cozy apartment or country house?

“Berns” love their owners so much that they are ready to live with them in a variety of conditions, but the best option, oddly enough, for these dogs is a cozy, spacious apartment rather than a huge territory. A country house is also suitable, but don’t expect your pet to run around the property all day long - with the inherent laziness of Mountain Dogs, he will spend time in a cozy house or area, close to his family.

Important! You cannot keep a pet of this breed on a chain, he will quickly become bored and may have unpleasant consequences for the future: a soft back, incorrect paw placement, a spoiled character.

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