Russian hunting spaniel dog. Description, features, types, care and price of the breed

Spaniels are a group of hunting breeds whose main purpose was to find game and retrieve it from the water or dense thickets of the forest.

They are also popular as companions and regular participants in exhibitions and sports competitions.

Currently, spaniels are usually classified according to their purpose - water or land and by size - small, medium, large.

At the same time, most of these dogs belong to medium breeds.

Features and description

The Russian hunting spaniel breed is a real pride of domestic selection and cynology. The world learned about it about 300 years ago. These dogs instantly became famous. Their amazing hunting skills were greatly appreciated. People have noticed that dogs are incredibly resilient, can quickly increase speed, and do not lose their grip. They are also purposeful, smart and very loyal.

Hunters use spaniels mainly for hunting birds: pheasants, ducks, quails, etc. The main feature of these animals is a very good sense of smell. Once they smell the right scent, they know exactly where to go.

They often show ingenuity and are capable of both paired and solo hunting. Typically, these dogs act like this: they determine the location of the birds, sneak up on them unnoticed, and then quickly run out, driving the flock straight towards the owner-hunter.

He, in turn, aims his gun and shoots, killing at least 1 bird. After this, a representative of the breed approaches their joint prey to leave his mark on it. For example, he can touch it with his paw or lick it. Thus the dog declares: “I took part in the acquisition of this.”

In addition to their excellent sense of smell and ingenuity, spaniels are distinguished by their incredible energy. They never seem to get tired at all. They can go hunting with their owner into the forest from an early age, but training will not hurt them. For example, a young dog, a representative of this breed, can, without the owner’s command, find a wounded bird in the forest, take it by the wing and bring it to him.

In addition to birds, this wonderful forest hunter can catch a rabbit, even a large one, a muskrat, a hare and even a (wild) goat. Never shows bloodthirstiness. When hunting, he strives to achieve the owner's praise and favor. Therefore, it is very important to praise your animal regularly, even if it fails.

In Russia, the breed was bred for one reason - the English cocker cannot hunt in the local forests, since its “working” technique here was ineffective. Nevertheless, spaniels have always been highly valued in our country and therefore breeders sought to develop a representative of this breed whose working abilities would be adapted to the local soil.

In addition, the Russian Spaniel is often exploited by police. The dog is trained to catch drug addicts. At customs, she can smell contraband, especially drugs. But, despite their amazing working potential, these dogs are, first and foremost, good friends of humans. They are kind, sweet, and capable of compassion. Such a pet will surely bring happiness to everyone who makes friends with it.

Large spaniels (photo)


It was developed in the 17th century in the Netherlands, where it was used primarily for otter hunting.

The body is square in size, strong and powerful, the head is medium in size, proportionate to the body . The ears are set high, hanging, close to the cheeks.

The coat is not too long, but not short either, thick, with a dense texture, slightly oily to the touch. The head and limbs are straight, but the body is covered with dense, hard curls.

Color black, brown, black and white, brown and white.

Height is 55-59 cm, weight is 25-32 kg.

The Wetterhun is distrustful of strangers, he is bold and courageous, and therefore these dogs make good guards.

In a family environment they are friendly and get along well with children . When hunting, they are brave, fearless, strong and can work in difficult weather conditions.

Irish merman

The Irish Water Spaniel is a strong, somewhat stocky dog, measuring 51-59 cm and weighing 20-31 kg .
The body is covered with curly and short hair, forming a kind of wig on the forehead, creeping over the eyes. The color is reddish-brown with a clearly visible purple tint. The tail is thin and long, covered with very short hair.


Irish Water Spaniels do not shed and are therefore considered a hypoallergenic dog breed.

They are smart, learn new commands well, are active and energetic . As a rule, they make wonderful pets as they love children and willingly play with them.


Clumber spaniels are the heaviest and most massive of all spaniels, their height ranges from 42.5 to 50 cm, and their weight ranges from 25 to 34 kg .
The body is of a stretched format, rather squat, the head is voluminous and massive, the muzzle is square, with slightly saggy jowls. The eyelids also droop a little, which gives the Clumber a characteristic phlegmatic-lazy expression. The ears are hanging, not too long, shaped like grape leaves.

The coat is straight and close-lying . The color is white with small spots and specks of pale fawn, fawn or red. There are also pure white Clumber Spaniels.

Clumbers are calm and friendly companions, they are good with children and are not prone to mischief..

When hunting, they are somewhat slower than other spaniels, but at the same time they are distinguished by good scent, tenacity and perseverance when searching for game, and therefore they make good gun dogs.

Breed standard

Russian hunting spaniel dog standard was approved in 1951, and a few decades later it began to appear with representatives of other hunting breeds. Unfortunately, this led to the birth of “hybrids” - different crosses of dogs. Few of them can be considered purebred.

A high-quality representative of the breed has a lean, muscular build. It should be slightly elongated in shape. The weight of an adult animal is from 11 to 17 kg. The height of females is up to 42 cm, and that of males is up to 45 cm. Sexual dimorphism in representatives of the breed is practically not expressed.

These animals have a wide back (bitches are slightly narrower than males). She is muscular and strong. The groin is tightened. The back is sloping, the body is in the shape of a rectangle. The skin is elastic, there are no folds.

The loin is well expressed. The paws have very strong joints. Their arrangement is straight and symmetrical. Some representatives of the breed are born with dewclaws. Experts recommend removing them at the birth of the animal. Of course, such an operation is performed under general anesthesia.

The dog's tail is long and fluffy. If the spaniel is planned to be used for hunting, then this part of the body is docked by ½ part. For indoor representatives of the breed, this procedure is not mandatory. By the way, the dog holds his tail straight at the level of his back.

His head is large and looks harmonious against the background of his body and short neck. The skin covers it tightly. There are no folds on the head. The animal has a powerful jaw with a full set of white teeth. Scissor bite. Other options according to the standard are not allowed.

The eyes are oval-shaped with dark irises. The Russian hunting spaniel in the photo is always friendly and cheerful. His look is full of kindness. The ears are long and large. They have dense cartilage.

Hanging down. The nose is wide with wide open nostrils. In most cases it is black. May also be brown. The dog's coat is medium in length and moderately smooth. It is longer on the ears and belly than on other parts of the body.

Medium (with titles and photos)

American merman

A dog of proportional build with well-developed muscles and curly hair, giving it a resemblance to a poodle.

Height from 38 to 46 cm, weight - 11.3-20.4 kg.

The head is wide in the skull, with a not too sharp transition to a slightly blunt muzzle of a square format. The eyes are moderately wide apart; it is desirable that their brownish tint matches the color of the coat.

The ears are drooping and long. The tail is of medium length, slightly tapering towards the tip.

The coat is dense, consisting of many curls, which protect the dog from exposure to water, as well as during bad weather . The color is liver, chocolate or brown.

The American Water Spaniel is even-tempered, friendly, affectionate with people, and very intelligent.

He is quite brave and hardy, is not afraid of cold weather or dampness and swims well..

American Cocker

Friendly and affectionate medium-sized dogs (height, on average, is 36-38 cm) with a beautiful and sweet appearance, with long, thick and soft hair.

The body is almost square, the build is regular, proportional and moderately strong . The head is medium in size with a convex forehead and a well-defined transition to a wide, square muzzle.

The ears are thin, long, set in line with the eyes. The tail can be natural length or half docked and carried approximately at the level of the back.

The coat is long and silky, falling from the sides, it forms something like a skirt.

Both single-color, two-color or tri-color colors are acceptable, black and tan and brown and tan dogs are also found.

American cockers are smart, quick-witted and energetic pets, distinguished by good trainability and loyalty to their owner. They are naturally inquisitive, get along well with children and love to play.

English cocker

Popular as a hunting and sporting breed. English Cockers are distinguished by their devotion to their owner and make wonderful companions and pets.

The height of English cockers is 38-41 cm, and their weight is 13-14.5 kg..

They have a moderately strong body of regular build and beautiful outlines and a head proportionate to the body with a slightly elongated square muzzle. The ears are long, set approximately at eye level.

The coat is soft and silky, of medium length. The color can be either single-color (black, red, brown, etc.), or variegated (two-color or three-color) or tan.

They are energetic, active and cheerful, they love to run and play . Their sense of smell and vision are well developed, which, combined with their natural hunting instinct, makes cockers excellent gun dogs.

English Cocker Spaniels are sociable and friendly, they are very sensitive to their owner’s mood and love children very much..

English springer

The English Springer Spaniel is a well-proportioned, lively, agile and hardy dog.
Height at the withers is about 51 cm, weight is approximately 22.5 kg . The head is moderately wide, the transition to the muzzle is marked, but not sharp. The muzzle is of moderate width, shaped like a rectangle.

The ears are located in line with the eyes, rather wide and long, hanging, close to the cheekbones.

The coat is straight and close, the color is usually black and white or brown and white.

The English Springer Spaniel has a good sense of smell and well-developed hunting instincts.

He works confidently, and, unlike many other spaniels, he not only tracks and then brings back killed game, but also scares away a hidden bird before shooting, jumping in its direction.

Breton epañol

The Breton Espanole looks like a rather stocky, but at the same time harmoniously built dog.
Height is from 46 to 51 cm, and weight is 14-20 kg. The cranial part is slightly longer than the length of the muzzle .

The coat is fine, straight or slightly wavy. The most typical colors are black and white, chestnut and white, red and white.

Breton epagnoles begin to work early, sometimes at 4-5 months.

They have a good sense of smell, innate hunting instincts, and are also smart and well trained . These are sociable, loyal and obedient dogs that get along well with children and are non-aggressive towards strangers, as well as other animals.

Welsh Springer

Welsh Springer Spaniels are famous for their endurance, performance and hunting qualities.
They have thick, silky fur, straight and close to the body; there are small feather-like fringes on the legs, belly and chest. The color is white with reddish markings. The Welsh Springer is distinguished by its energy, devotion to its owners and goodwill towards both people and pets . He is smart and well trained.

However, it must be taken into account that these dogs can sometimes be stubborn and do not always follow the owner’s commands.

The Welsh Springer measures 46-48 cm and weighs 16-20 kg..


Small spaniels originating from Holland. Dimensions are 36-43 cm at the withers, and weight is 9-11 kg .

This breed was bred to be highly specialized: the main job of these dogs was to drive ducks into traps placed on them.

The body format is rectangular, tending to square . The ears are medium length, hanging, close to the head. The tail is long, with feather-like fringes.

The coat is medium in length, straight or slightly wavy, and the color is white and red.


The wool of the Kooikerhondje is water-repellent, so it always remains clean.

By nature they are calm, friendly, affectionate, smart and intelligent . Kooikerhondjes are distinguished by their loyalty to their owners, but are distrustful of strangers.

German Wachtelhund

The German Wachtelhund is a versatile dog, suitable for both taking up the wings of game birds and hunting large ungulates.
The dimensions of Wachtelhunds are 45-54 cm, and their weight is 18-25 kg .

The physique is strong, muscular and slightly squat.

Externally similar to English springers, but larger and more powerful. They have straight or slightly wavy hair of medium length, a muzzle slightly tapering towards the tip of the nose, and long, wide ears set approximately at eye level.

The tail can be left at natural length or docked by about a third . Color: brown, red, red-mottled, brown-mottled. It can also be white-brown or red-white. Any of these colors may have tan.

Wachtelhunds are friendly and calm towards people and other dogs, they are good with children, but can be aggressive towards smaller animals, including cats.

These dogs are not very suitable for the role of companions since they cannot live without work, therefore, in Germany, Wachtelhunds are kept mainly by hunters and huntsmen.

Russian hunting

The Russian spaniel is the only domestic gundog breed in the world, used for hunting game birds, as well as the brown hare and white hare.
Height is 36-44 cm, weight - 15-20 kg . The body is strong and slightly squat, the head is moderately long with well-developed brow ridges. The muzzle is moderately wide; when viewed in profile, its edge looks almost rectangular.

The ears are hanging, long and wide. The eyes are oval and brown. The tail is usually docked at half its length.

The coat is soft, long and thick, straight or slightly wavy . The color can be one color (black, brown or red), two-color or three-color.

Russian spaniels are selflessly devoted to their owners, they are obedient, but at the same time somewhat emotional and very active.


The Sussex Spaniel is a short dog with a rather massive build and elongated body.
Height is 38-41 cm, weight is about 23 kg. Slightly drooping eyelids give these spaniels their characteristic appearance. The head is proportional to the body, the muzzle is square, the ears are long, slightly widening downwards .

A characteristic feature of Sussex Spaniels is their long, silky coat of a reddish-brown hue, with a golden sheen, forming fringes on the ears and the back of the paws.

Sussex Spaniels are friendly and slightly phlegmatic dogs that can be used as gun dogs and also as companions..

For hunters, they are able to work in rough terrain and in forest thickets.


Field spaniels are good-natured and sociable dogs whose height is 43-45 cm and their weight ranges from 18 to 25 kg.
The coat is long, silky, straight or slightly wavy, forming feathering on the chest, belly and back of the paws. The color is solid: brown, black or roan, tan is also acceptable .

Field Spaniels are energetic and inquisitive dogs that get along well with other pets and people. They are distinguished by great affection for their owner and subtly sense his mood.

A Field Spaniel must be engaged in some kind of activity: sports or hunting, otherwise destructive traits may appear in its behavior.


One type of breed has been standardized, but in Russia there are crossbreeds. A purebred Russian spaniel can be:

  • Plain. Acceptable colors: black, brown, red.
  • Two-color: black and white, red-brown, white and red, brown and piebald.
  • Tricolor: black, red and white.
  • Tan.

Other color options for such a dog are unacceptable according to the standard. The rarest color is pure brown. These dogs are valued much higher and are sold quite expensively. Breeders find clients for such individuals in almost a matter of days.

Types of purchase

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels come in different colors. You can buy a dog:

  1. Black with bright tan marks.
  2. Ruby color.
  3. Redhead.
  4. Tricolor (combination of black, tan and piebald).
  5. Blenheim (there are chestnut spots against the background of the white-pearl shade of the coat).

Puppies are sold by age:

  • Two months old.
  • 2.5-3 months.
  • Four months old.
  • 5 month old.
  • Six months old.

Depending on the degree of purebredness, you can adopt a dog:

  • Show class (the animal fully meets the standards and can take prizes at exhibitions).
  • Pet class (there are significant deviations in appearance from the accepted standard, the dog is suitable only as a pet).
  • Breeding class (there are minor deviations from the standard, the animal is allowed to be used for breeding).

At point of sale:

  • According to an ad on the Internet or in a newspaper.
  • From a professional breeder.
  • At the pet market.
  • In a specialized nursery.


Such a dog will become not only a useful hunting assistant, but also a reliable and cheerful companion in everyday life. He makes a wonderful companion. The Russian Spaniel is very loyal. He sincerely becomes attached to the owner and remains devoted to him until the end of his life. From all family members, he chooses 1 owner who is involved in his upbringing.

The dog is inclined to obedience; destructive behavior of the spaniel is very rare. By nature he is vulnerable. Needs praise and affection. You should not ignore such a pet if he asks to spend time with him.

The presence of sociable inclinations in the animal makes it an excellent assistant not only for hunting, but also for fishing. No, he is unlikely to fish, but he will gladly keep company with a lover of this craft. If you take him with you to the forest or to a pond, you will certainly make him happy.

It's rare to find a healthy hunting dog who would rather have a peaceful nap during the day. This dog is full of energy and enjoys noisy companies with a lot of “spectators.” But even she is in a bad mood.

Like most representatives of medium-haired and long-haired breeds, the Russian spaniel does not tolerate heat well, which is why it is often sad in the summer. At this time of year, you can sit quietly next to him or even take a nap on the grass.

Without exception, all Russian spaniels adore bodies of water. They like to swim, dive, splash. It is not necessary to teach them to swim. Even if some individual is afraid of the depths, it will play on the shore with great joy, creating splashes. She will be very happy if you keep her company.

Such a pet is an ideal nanny. He truly loves children, especially those who are part of his family. Will never hurt kids. Treats them tenderly and reverently. He will be happy to spend time with children, especially if there are many of them. Nothing can provoke anger in an animal directed at them. It is peaceful in nature.

Also, the Russian spaniel will never conflict with other animals in the house. He will probably be able to get along with a cat, a rodent, a rabbit and even a canary. However, a dog that often hunts may show intolerance to these representatives of the fauna at home. But, even in this case, she will not attack them and cause harm; rather, she will simply distance herself and prefer not to notice.

In any situation, the dog can make his own decision. As a security guard, he is ineffective, but as a friend and comrade, he is very effective. If there is a threat, he will probably protect his loved ones, especially his owner.

However, the service potential of the Russian spaniel should not be overestimated. These are persistent and very affectionate animals that rarely get angry. They are obedient and completely adequate. They rarely show cowardice, as they are brave by nature.


Spaniels are one of the most loyal breeds to their owners. A dog of this breed becomes very attached to the person they choose as their owner. If any other animal appears in the house, the spaniel's jealousy can cause some problems. The same applies to other family members, including children. The spaniel will be jealous of the owner and towards them.

Maintenance and care

Living with a Russian spaniel in an apartment is a good option. He will definitely not cause anyone any trouble, as he is inclined to obedience. But, if you got such a pet while living in a country house, get ready to be faced with the problem of a dug-up garden.

All hunting dogs tend to dig holes. At this moment, their natural instincts awaken, so scolding them for undermining is useless. The animal tolerates cold well, but heat - not so much. To help him tolerate high temperatures, add cold water to his bowl throughout the day.

You can also place your dog in a kennel. It is desirable that it be spacious and not cramped. But there is no point in keeping him there 24/7. This dog is very active and energetic, so life within the 4 walls of an enclosure will definitely seem boring to him. In addition, he is almost completely devoid of aggression, therefore, there is no need for his isolation.

Remember, you will have to walk such a dog often and for a long time. Without this, she will become very bored and whine. Don't let your pet lose interest in life. If possible, go out into nature with him, go to the stadium, swim in the river, etc. If you decide to get a Russian spaniel and at the same time lead a sedentary lifestyle, you should know that you are dooming him to suffering.

Regarding walks. When walking your dog in a crowded place, hold the leash as tightly as possible. She can suddenly rush forward when she smells a large bird or rodent. The hunter's instincts never fall asleep in it. Therefore, it is extremely important to teach this animal to obey you from childhood.

Now let's talk about care. There will be no specific grooming measures for a representative of this breed. He is clean, washes himself regularly, like a cat, and also loves to swim in the water. He also loves to take baths. But, you should use cleansing shampoo to care for such a dog no more than 1-2 times a year.

Additional care tips:

  1. Rinse the animal's eyes to remove acidification from them.
  2. Brush his teeth to remove food plaque.
  3. Sharpen your claws.
  4. Clean your ears from wax.
  5. Remove thorny plants from his fur (important in the summer).

Also, do not forget to take anti-parasitic measures. For example, you should buy a flea collar for your Russian Spaniel. Anti-worm medications are given 1 or 2 times a year, not only for therapeutic purposes, but also for preventive purposes.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Beautiful appearance.
  • Very smart and quick-witted.
  • They are loyal to their owners and love to please them.
  • Friendly attitude towards people.
  • They get along well with children.
  • Not aggressive towards other pets.
  • Playfulness and energy.
  • Small convenient size.


  • Quite labor-intensive and expensive grooming and the need for haircuts.
  • Needs long walks.
  • Quite gluttonous and prone to obesity.
  • Excessive trust in strangers.
  • Hunting instincts can cause a pet to escape if a mini cocker rushes to chase a bird or, for example, a neighbor's cat.


An energetic and active dog should consume a large amount of carbohydrates, at least 3000 calories per day. Puppies are fed small portions, but often, and adults - medium portions and less often.

You can purchase ready-made commercial diets for them - dry fortified food. It is not recommended to save on it. High-quality dry food is very useful for purebred dogs, it saturates them and enriches them with useful substances.

A Russian Hunting Spaniel puppy should eat raw chicken every day for up to 1 year of age. It is also permissible to eat offal (liver, hearts, lungs, offal). They should make up at least 50% of his daily menu. List of additional products:

  • Cottage cheese.
  • Eggs.
  • Potato and fruit puree.
  • Milk.
  • Boiled cereals.
  • Bone cartilage.
  • Steamed vegetables.
  • Fruits and berries.

The diet of a purebred hunting dog must be balanced. Only in this case will she become efficient and healthy. In order not to provoke gastritis or pancreatitis in your four-legged pet, under no circumstances include sweets in his menu, especially chocolate, fatty foods, too salty or smoked foods.

Character traits

Mini pug (dwarf): description of the American breed

The Miniature Cocker Spaniel has a cheerful and kind disposition. He is characterized by irrepressible energy and playfulness. Even after a long walk, the dog will be active and mobile.

The animal really needs the attention of the owner, and is often able to detect changes in his mood. He is ready to play at any time, showing good memory and learning ability. His hunting instincts often manifest themselves.

Lifespan and reproduction

Russian hunting spaniels have proven themselves to be excellent bird catchers and valuable police assistants. With good care and regular exercise, they live from 14 to 16 years. A dog's lifespan is shortened if it is poorly cared for, fed with low-quality food, or not given attention.

The breeder who breeds them must correctly select the female and male for mating. The first one becomes sexually mature earlier. A female spaniel's estrus begins at the age of 8-10 months. It is recommended to breed adult dogs, each of which is over 2 years old.

Representatives of the breed are caring and responsible parents who will entrust their offspring only to the owner. After the puppies are born, you should only pick them up if absolutely necessary.

If the dog smells strongly of a stranger, the mother dog will refuse him and will not feed him. By the way, puppies should drink her milk for at least 1 month. But, as practice shows, the healthiest dogs feed on their mother’s milk for up to 2 months. This product is the basis of their future immunity.

Origin story and what it looks like in the photo

Spaniels, whose homeland is Spain, were brought to Britain back in the 12th century AD.

Already by the 14th century, the breed was divided into water and land spaniels. With the former they hunted water game, and with the latter they hunted land game, and it was from a small variety of land spaniels that cockers originated. They hunted with them mainly small birds, mainly woodcocks.

In 1620, cockers were brought to the New World, and from that time a new stage in the development of this breed began. However, at this time it was not yet possible to talk about their American variety as a separate breed.

Even in the second half of the 19th century, when English cockers were already officially recognized and took part in exhibitions, American-bred dogs continued to be crossed with them, although by that time they were already somewhat different from the original breed in their appearance.

The ancestor of the American cocker is considered to be a dog named Obo the Second, born in the USA in August 1882 and distinguished by its very small size for dogs of that time: his height was only 25 cm at the withers.

Despite the fact that Obo the Second was very different from modern cockers in physique and had a very stretched body, he was considered very good in conformation for his time and became an outstanding sire.

At the beginning of the 20th century, standards were developed on both sides of the Atlantic and even then it became clear that the American variety of cockers was very different from the English one.

In 1935, the final division took place: English-type dogs were recognized as standard cockers, and American ones were excluded from breeding.

However, in 1946, the AKC recognized the American variety as a separate breed, after which international recognition of these dogs took place..


The breeder you work with to purchase a dog must have an impeccable reputation. You must be sure that you are purchasing a healthy and high-quality dog.

Important ! If you are planning to purchase such a dog for hunting, be sure to ask the breeder about their parents. They must be resilient and strong.

A representative of the breed in Russia is inexpensive. The price of a Russian hunting spaniel with documentation, including pedigree, is 15-20 thousand rubles. If you decide to save money, you can buy a dog cheaper, but without a pedigree, for 8-12 thousand rubles.

What does the price depend on?

A person who wants to purchase a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy is faced with the fact that the price of the dog differs at different points of sale. When setting prices, breeders take into account a number of factors:

  • How many months is the puppy?
  • Does he have a pedigree?
  • What is your state of health?
  • What is the color of the animal.
  • Have all vaccinations been completed?
  • Do you have a veterinary card and passport?
  • Did the puppy’s parents take prizes at shows?
  • What is the purchasing method?
  • In what region is the sale taking place?

Education and training

Remember the main thing - a hunting dog will be more successful if it is trained by 1 person, and not several. Let her learn from an early age who her owner is so that she can learn to obey him.

Representatives of this breed do not have a tendency to dominate. They are obedient, loyal and therefore always try to please the people they like. It is advisable that the spaniel be trained by a professional hunter.

The animal should be trained to hunt game, provoke its aggression towards it, and teach it to react normally to a shot. By the way, a dog that is afraid of a gun will never become a useful hunting assistant.

There are no special techniques in raising a Russian spaniel. He is completely adequate and obedient. But sometimes he may not carry out the command if he is in a bad mood.

It is important to immediately teach the animal to come when called. Give him a nickname and repeat it every day in his presence. Then, moving away, lure him with a treat and call the dog’s name loudly. He will instantly come running to you.

Don't ignore his pampering. A good working dog should not lose his temper, even when being pampered. If you notice that she barks too loudly, runs quickly in circles or chases her tail, then “turn off” her fuse, in other words, calm her down.

You should not allow the animal to bark at passers-by if they do not pose a danger, grab food from the table, enter the house without permission and climb on upholstered furniture. If you ignore your pet's bad behavior, it will become the norm for him.

Pay special attention to leash training. Hunting breeds of dogs often break out during a walk, especially if some kind of animal appears on their horizon. This must not be allowed! Keep your dog close to you as you continue moving. Say during this: “Nearby.” Give him a treat for walking well near you.

If the animal’s attention is focused on something other than you during this period, click your fingers loudly near its muzzle and let it look into your eyes. Repeat the command nearby.

If one of the dogs attacks your pet while walking, ignore it. It is unlikely that any of them will attack while you are nearby. By nature, Russian spaniels are not cowardly, and even vice versa. Be sure to play catch with them. The purpose of this training is to teach you to concentrate attention on an object. This is a very important skill for a hunting dog.

Are there mini cocker spaniels?

There is no breed called a mini cocker spaniel . Usually, when it comes to the smallest cockers, we mean dogs of the American Cocker Spaniel breed.

All advertisements for the sale of mini cocker spaniels are either fraudulent, when breeders try to sell ordinary English or American cockers under the guise of a rare breed, or the puppies offered suffer from a genetic disease called dwarfism.

It is also likely that puppies sold as Miniature Cocker Spaniels were simply deliberately underfed by the breeder so that they could be sold for more than standard-sized puppies .

Possible diseases and methods of treating them

Dogs that are distinguished by endurance and mobility often have good health. But even they get sick. Unfortunately, the Russian Hunting Spaniel has several genetic pathologies (those that are passed on from generation to generation).

These are food allergies and ear inflammation. In each of these cases, treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian. Prevention of allergies and ear inflammation - timely and high-quality care.


  1. Feed your animal correctly, do not allow it to eat sweet, smoked, fatty or peppery foods.
  2. Eliminate cheap food from his menu forever.
  3. Clean your ears every week. Sulfur should not accumulate in them.
  4. When bathing, be careful not to let water get into your dog's ears.

The Russian Hunting Spaniel is a wonderful, talented hunter and a loyal companion with whom it is a pleasure to spend time. But, responsibility for its health lies solely with the owner.

Price range

The price for a dog of this breed ranges from 25 to 35 thousand rubles. At the same time, puppies belonging to the pet class will cost 15-20 thousand rubles, and the price for show class puppies starts from 70 thousand rubles*

The Dwarf Cocker Spaniel is a miniature version of the hunting Cocker Spaniel breed. The animal has an energetic and playful character and gets along well with children and other animals. The appearance of the mini spaniel and the description of the breed speak of its decorative qualities, which are largely due to its long silky hair, hanging ears and large, kind eyes.

*Prices are as of December 2022.


In comparison with fellow large breeds, spaniel hygiene does not present any particular difficulties. The only exception, perhaps, may be more careful care for the condition of drooping ears, with which some pets practically “sweep” the floor. In principle, the care regimen will be approximately the same as for other dogs. It is also necessary to bathe the dog and trim its nails in a timely manner.

Washing the animal too often is not recommended, despite the breeder’s desire to keep a perfectly clean dog at home. Some people think that you can do this once every one or two weeks, which supposedly does not harm the structure of the coat and skin, if you use special animal products for bathing. Opponents of this theory believe that frequent bathing causes dandruff in dogs. However, frequent bathing leads to the loss of the natural protective layer, which disrupts the functioning of the glands.

The spaniel's coat is dense and long, it tends to get tangled and tangled, and therefore, without frequent combing, the pet's appearance seems sloppy

It is especially important to monitor the condition of the coat during the molting period. To prevent it from lying around the house, in addition to a comb and a slicker brush, the owner buys a special brush with a trimmer attachment, called a furminator.

Using this device, you can rid your pet of dead fur so that it does not interfere with the growth of new hair.

The animal's haircut is performed in a specialized animal care salon. If desired and financially feasible, the breeder can include various procedures in grooming, from bathing to trimming claws. Such grooming procedures are not cheap, which is why sooner or later the breeder masters most of them on his own.

When combing the fur, you need to pay attention to the fur on the paws. Dogs shed twice a year, but the coat can be brushed as often as possible.

Along with combing, you can immediately trim the claws, for which you purchase a special device - a nail clipper. However, claws should be trimmed no more than once a month, remembering to clean and lubricate them with a special product.

Spaniels' ears should be checked daily if the dog is walked outside every day. Control examinations should be carried out a couple of times a week, not forgetting to clean and lubricate the inside of the ears. Any appearance of a characteristic odor from the ears will indicate an urgent visit to the veterinarian, since these are the first signs of ear diseases.

When it comes to caring for the coat of show dogs, there are some nuances here. For example, in addition to constantly combing the crest, such a pet will have to remove long hairs on the face. So that such manipulations are not stressful for the dog, it must be accustomed to them from a young age. Vaccinations for spaniels need to be done in a timely manner, not forgetting the need for regular preventive examinations.

You need to take care of your dog's eyes and teeth. To do this, you need to visit a specialist; in addition, you should not allow your teeth to become covered with a yellow coating. Without proper care, they will wear out faster than expected, which will affect the pet’s appetite and health. He must be provided with his own things: a bed, dishes, toys, and clothes. The dog needs things for walks in the cold season, and they should be comfortable and warm.

It is better to select clothes while taking the dog with you, since such things are not changed, and too tight items can cause discomfort to the animal. The sizes of overalls are purchased based on the length of the back, chest and neck circumference. Shoes are taken taking into account the volume of the wrist, the height of the metacarpus, the width of the paw and its length.

Next, watch a video with tips on how to properly care for cocker spaniels.

Purpose of the breed and training

American Cocker Spaniels have firmly taken their place as pets and companions, but have not lost their hunting instincts. We said above that cockers are a gun breed, the purpose of which is to bring shot game, in particular poultry. The animal easily learns both to bring prey and to raise birds from hiding, but long hair will prevent the cocker spaniel from making its way through grass, bushes or swamps. Therefore, show dogs do not participate in hunting; if a pet is purchased in order to walk under the gun, the owner must provide a comfortable length of fur for it.

American Cocker Spaniel on the hunt

To train an animal to be useful in hunting, it is worth taking special training courses with it. Training cockers includes several stages that are practiced until complete mastery: standing, reaching, intimidating and bringing in game. The dog will also be taught to work with a clicker or whistle, introduced to different types of game, and taught that the bird should be handed over to the owner, and not feasted on alone. But, before you go for training, you need to go through a basic training course with your puppy.

As the name implies, this course includes basic skills for every dog: the ability to walk next to the owner’s leg, come when called, learning the commands “Sit!”, “Lie down!”, “Stand!” and others. Basic training is very important for American Spaniels, because they are restless by nature, and their hunting instincts awaken at the most inopportune moments. A responsible owner who wants to achieve mutual understanding with the dog and learn how to manage it competently will definitely take group or individual classes with a dog handler.

Any active activity will be a joy for a cocker spaniel

If the owner of an American Cocker Spaniel does not intend to take the animal hunting, you can choose other sports where the dog can burn off energy and enjoy movement and working together with the owner.

Thus, American cockers perform well in agility. This is a sport involving the interaction between dog and owner. The pet’s task is to accurately and in the shortest period of time go through a course with obstacles, such as a “snake”, barriers of various configurations, tunnels, logs (booms), swings and the like. At the same time, the dog is in “free flight”; it should not be wearing a collar, much less a leash.

Cockers perform well in frisbee - competitions for catching a flying saucer. Another sport in which a cocker spaniel can warm up and even get tired is coursing. Coursing is fun for dogs with hunting skills. A mechanism is installed in a certain area that moves an artificial hare along a selected trajectory. In this case, the “prey” may unexpectedly change direction, freeze or accelerate. Coursing is good because the animal not only realizes its hunting potential, but also learns to make decisions, not get lost in unexpected situations, and in general gets physical exercise.

American Spaniels are active and energetic dogs.

You can also do tracking work with representatives of the breed - the hunter's instinct greatly helps cockers in this. An excellent sense of smell allows American Cocker Spaniels to be very useful. Dogs of this breed work to search for missing people and help police officers search for drugs. What is especially convenient for operatives is that spaniels are small in size and have a calm, friendly character. This allows dogs to work in crowded places: airports, train stations, without scaring others. Also, with spaniels they check public transport that crosses borders - trains and buses, and their compact size allows the animal to easily work in narrow passages and cramped spaces.

American Cocker Spaniels are worked with by rescue workers and volunteers focused on searching for people. The spaniel works well in both wooded or field areas, as well as rubble (stone and snow). Small size and weight also play an important role in the search abilities of spaniels. Firstly, the animal can maneuver between trees, overcome various obstacles and go through many places without the risk of falling through. Secondly, the handler can carry a small dog for some time in order to deliver it to the right place, avoiding a dangerous area.

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