Bernese Mountain Dog (Bernese Mountain Cattle Dog)

Bernese Mountain Dogs are large, friendly and intelligent dogs. They can be the perfect companion for a person of any age. They belong to the herding breeds that have retained their working qualities. This huge dog has a peaceful, calm character. Its remarkable appearance immediately catches your eye: its features include its characteristic color, thick long coat and a good-natured smile on its face. Before getting a Bernese Mountain Dog, it is recommended to study the description of the breed and the features of its maintenance. It is useful to read reviews from owners, from which you can learn about the pros and cons of these dogs.

  • Origin story
  • Appearance Standards
  • Frame
  • Limbs
  • Coat and color
  • Disqualifying faults
  • Personality of the Bernese Mountain Dog breed
      Training and education of the Bernese Mountain Dog
  • Features of keeping the Bernese Mountain Dog
  • Health
  • How to buy a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy
  • Photos/videos from Instagram users
  • Story

    The literal translation of the name “Bernese Mountain Dog” is “a dog from the Alpine meadows.” Indeed, this breed was known in the Swiss mountains back in the first century AD - it was then that the Romans brought their dogs - huge Molossians - to Helvetia. Some of them were lost and, as a result of crossing with other breeds - Great Danes and the Central European Great Dane - the Mountain Dogs appeared. Swiss peasants quickly appreciated this breed - the dogs were both strong and friendly - and began to breed them to help with housework.

    Bernese Mountain Dogs have taken root on Swiss farms. They helped herd and guard livestock. A large, fluffy and friendly dog ​​did not scare the sheep and at the same time could give a proper rebuff to predators. Sennenhunds were often used as guard dogs; they guarded yards. These animals were also used as heavy haulers: the Sennenhund could easily pull a cart.

    The breed began to be purposefully bred in 1892, when winemaker F. Shertenleib bought several animals and began crossing them with each other. The FCI officially recognized the breed in 1993.

    Currently, Mountain Dogs work in mountain rescue teams, but more often they are kept as companions and pets.

    General characteristics of the Bernese Mountain Dog breed

    Bernese Mountain Dogs are also called Bernese Shepherds or Bernese Cattle Dogs, or Bernese for short. This ancient breed, known since the 1st century AD. e., at first it was called Dürbechler, from the city of Dürbach, where it was especially widespread. The word zennenhund is translated from German as “herding dog.”

    Now the breed is popular not only in its homeland because of the attractive appearance and amazing character of these dogs. They are used in search and rescue services, the police, and can transport cargo. The Bernese Mountain Dog is an excellent companion for families with children, patient, calm and obedient.

    NameBernese Mountain Dog (German: Berner Sennenhund)
    a countrySwitzerland
    group of breeds according to the ICF classificationPinschers and Schnauzers, Molossians, Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs
    applicationshepherd, rescuer, companion
    character traitscheerfulness, sociability, curiosity, vigilance
    life expectancy8-10 years
    heightmale 64-70 cm, female 58-66 cm
    weightmale 39-50 kg, female 36-48 kg
    activitylow, but requires long walking
    attitude towards a personfriendly, loyal, does not tolerate loneliness well
    intelligencevery smart, easy to train
    difficulty of careDifficult coat care, sheds heavily


    Despite their enormous size, Bernese Mountain Dogs are unpretentious. They can live in a city apartment. The main thing is to communicate more with your pet, exercise with it and not put it on a chain. Then he will respond with devotion and obedience. The breed is suitable for families with children and inexperienced dog breeders. These dogs have several more advantages:

    • attractive appearance;
    • good health;
    • high intelligence and good memory;
    • balanced, flexible character;
    • easy to train, try to please the owner;
    • devoted, faithful;
    • good-natured, completely devoid of aggression;
    • live quietly next to other pets;
    • not conflicting, not prone to dominance;
    • not slobbery, clean;
    • They love children, are patient with them, and can be a nanny.


    Representatives of this breed require long walks and a lot of attention. Therefore, lazy people, homebodies or those who are rarely at home should not get a Bernese Mountain Dog. These dogs need the constant presence of the owner, do not tolerate loneliness well, and a change of owner is a tragedy for them. They have a few other disadvantages that may cause problems for some people:

    • Due to its large size, it is difficult to keep a dog in a small apartment - it will hit furniture, wag its tail, and drop objects;
    • thick wool requires regular grooming and can emit a specific odor;
    • these dogs mature slowly;
    • can be stubborn and lazy;
    • have a short life expectancy.

    The video complements the characteristics of this breed:

    Video: Bernese Mountain Dog - All about the dog breed

    Video: Bernese Mountain Dog: features of keeping, character, education, pros and cons of the breed

    Video: Bernese Mountain Dog: a shepherd dog with a good-natured smile

    Description of the breed with photos

    The Bernese Mountain Dog is a large and beautiful dog, somewhat reminiscent of its exterior. Its highlight is its thick, long and curly fur, which you just want to stroke. By the way, Mountain Dogs are friendly and usually do not refuse such affection.


    Most often, Mountain Dogs are tri-colored, with the main color being black. Near the eyes and on the tail there are red, or rather brownish-red, inclusions, and between the eyes, on the chest and tail there are white ones. Sometimes the entire chest, as well as the paws, are white. However, a primary color other than black is considered a disqualifying fault .

    Appearance - standard

    Main points on the breed standard:

    1. This is a strong and agile working dog, stocky rather than elongated, harmonious and balanced. The ratio of body length and height at the withers should be 10:9.
    2. The tail is fluffy, reaching to the hock joint. When calm, it hangs down, and when excited and moving, the dog can lift it slightly above the level of the back.
    3. The head is strong, of medium length; the skull in profile and when viewed from the front should be slightly convex, and the transition to the neck should be pronounced, but not too much. The muzzle is straight. The nose and lips are always black, the bite is full, strong, scissor-shaped. The teeth are white, with incisors located in one line.
    4. Sennenhunds have dark brown, almond-shaped eyes, and their ears are triangular, medium in size, slightly rounded at the end. The neck is strong and muscular, of medium length, with a powerful scruff, leading into a strong and compact body.
    5. The chest should be wide, the back should be straight and strong, and the stomach should not be tucked up.
    6. The forelimbs are straight and parallel to each other, the hind limbs, when viewed from the rear, are straight and parallel to each other, with strong bones and well-developed muscles.

    Dimensions: how much does it weigh

    Height - for males - 63.5-70 cm, for females - 60-63 cm. The weight of an adult dog is on average approximately 40-44 kg, while males can reach 50 kg, and females - 48.

    Height at withers for males - 63.5 - 70 cm, for females - 60 - 63 cm. Weight - 40 - 44 kg.

    Weight and height chart:

    Weight by month

    Puppy weight by month (age):

    • 1 month - weight 2.5 - 4.5 kg, height 20 - 25 cm;
    • 2 month – weight 6 – 10 kg, height 28 – 36 cm;
    • 3 month - weight 11 - 17 kg, height 36 - 44 cm;
    • 4 months – weight 15 – 26 kg, height 42 – 51 cm;
    • 5-6 months - weight 25 - 38 kg, height 50 - 61 cm;
    • 7-8 months - weight 34 - 45 kg, height 55 - 67 cm;
    • 9-12 months - weight from 30 to 50 kg, height - 58 - 70 cm. The animal will no longer grow, but over the next few years it can gain up to 4-13 kg of weight.

    1 month

    2 months

    3 months

    4 months

    Puppy 5 months old in the photo

    Photo 6 months

    Howl and bark

    The bark of Bernese Mountain Dogs is short and sharp. This animal will not bark for no reason, which is why it is valued. But if your pet gives a voice, it’s definitely not without reason, because Bernese are excellent watchdogs.

    The breed is not prone to howling, but it is worth teaching your baby Mountain Dog to somehow entertain himself on his own if you are going to leave him alone in the apartment. Otherwise, the animal may discover howling talents that are uncharacteristic for the breed.

    17 reasons why a dog howls and instructions on how to stop it


    The Bernese Mountain Dog or Bernese Shepherd is a long-maturing breed. She reaches physical maturity by one year, mental maturity by two. It is recommended to knit from 2.5-3 years of age.

    The first heat occurs at 11-12 months. It is repeated every 6-9 months. Dogs are bred in mid-estrus in the male territory. A day later the date is repeated.

    The first pregnancy is difficult. Constant monitoring by a veterinarian and the presence of a doctor are required.

    The number of puppies in a litter is unpredictable. 1-2 or 8-10 puppies are born.

    Life expectancy: how long do they live?

    When getting a mountain dog, it is worth considering that the pet will not live a very long life - about 7-10 years . The fact is that today this breed does not have a very large gene pool, which leads to numerous health problems. Arthritis, joint dysplasia, kidney problems, cataracts are the most common, but not all diseases that threaten the Sennenhund.

    Important : recently the average life expectancy of these dogs has decreased to 6-8 years. This is due to cancer, which often affects Mountain Dogs. To protect your pet, you need to undergo an annual examination by a veterinarian - this will not exclude the dog from the risk zone, but will allow you to nip the disease in the bud.

    Health and illness

    Bernese Mountain Dogs have good heredity. But since nature has given dogs a love of freedom and space, living in an apartment can have a serious impact on their health.

    Typical diseases of the breed:

    • muscle dystrophy;
    • joint dysplasia;
    • dysfunction of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism);
    • intense hair loss;
    • eye diseases (cataracts, retinal atrophy, pannus);
    • umbilical hernia.

    Oncological diseases and hereditary kidney pathologies are less common.

    Note! Overall, the Bernese Mountain Dog is a robust dog breed. But to exclude congenital pathologies, take puppies from trusted nurseries, and at the slightest ailment, take your pet to a veterinarian.


    By dog ​​standards, the Bernese Shepherd does not live long: 8-10 years. With quality care and timely treatment of diseases, life expectancy increases to 13 years, this is the upper limit for this breed. By the way, this factor repels many people. For a person, 8 years is too short a life span, but quite long for a pet to become an integral part of life. For many, the loss of a dog is like the loss of a family member.


    1. If you try to describe the Bernese Mountain Dog in two words, then these words would be good nature and loyalty . The breed is aimed at serving people, and this is manifested in all the actions of the Bernese: he will play with all family members, take care of babies, and be calm with cats and small pets. And when the whole family gathers in one room, they won’t refuse to take a nap next to each other!
    2. When walking, these dogs are quite phlegmatic . At the same time, sometimes the genes of herding dogs awaken in them. Then the Bernese can begin to “shepherd his flock”: take care of his household and especially his children, trying to gather them in one place that, in his opinion, is safe.
    3. Bernese love to swim and play in the snow, but in the summer their activity decreases because the dog with its thick coat is hot.
    4. Unfortunately, extraordinary attachment to the owner can play a cruel joke on the Bernese Mountain Dog: the dog very quickly begins to feel sad when separated from its family . The chances that an adult Bernese will adapt to new owners are very low. But being surrounded by love, this dog will repay you what you deserve with devotion and obedience!

    How to choose a puppy

    Bernese Mountain Dog puppies should be adopted between the ages of 2 and 6 months.
    Males of this breed look more impressive due to their impressive size, but are more difficult to train. Females are more flexible and intelligent, but during the period of heat, an irresistible “craving for travel” awakens in them, which can become a serious problem for the owner. Be sure to evaluate the situation in the nursery by looking into the enclosures where the animals live and carefully studying their standard menu. Getting to know the puppy’s parent, as well as his veterinary record, will also not be superfluous. The greatest demand is for frisky, playful and inquisitive puppies: this behavior signals that the animal is healthy and kept in acceptable conditions. At a young age, Bernese dogs may have a modified coat structure: it may be too straight or, conversely, curly, and also have a grayish undertone. All these features are not considered defects and disappear with age.

    Where is the best place to buy a puppy: the most famous nurseries

    So, you have read the information about the Mountain Dog and decided that you need such a dog! Where should you go for it?

    One of the best nurseries in Russia is considered to be the Moscow nursery “From the Big House” , which cooperates with the Swiss Mountain Dogs breeding center. It was opened back in 1994, and since then the Sennenhund babies from it are sent to new families every year, and later take prizes at exhibitions. A little later, in 2000, a nursery with a similar name opened in Moscow: “From a Noble House.” You can also come there to get a Mountain Dog puppy.

    Another well-known nursery is Alpine Joy , Yaroslavl. It was opened in 2008. A female from this kennel became the first Russian-bred Mountain Dog to win the “Nordic Winner”. This exhibition takes place once every four years in each of the countries that are members of the Nordic Cynological Union: Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland.

    Also worthy of attention:

    • "Kingdom of Mountain Dogs", Moscow;
    • "Valespes", Chelyabinsk;
    • "Carlyn Bright from Tsarskoe Selo", St. Petersburg.

    Price of a puppy: how much does it cost in rubles?

    They say that you can still buy happiness if you buy a dog. In the case of a mountain dog, happiness will not come cheap: from $250 to $1,150. The price depends primarily on the thoroughbred and pedigree of the parents. The puppy is premium and will cost accordingly.

    On the other hand, there is always the opportunity to find an inexpensive puppy that is not suitable for exhibitions, but ideal for the role of a pet. The price of a puppy without a pedigree can even be about 10,000 rubles if there is a defect.

    How to choose a puppy: important tips for a future dog owner. Everyone needs to know this!

    Tips for choosing a puppy

    The first step is to determine the purpose of the acquisition. If you and your family need a huge, reliable companion, you can choose a beautiful, healthy breed-class puppy. If you plan to conquer the rings of all-Russian and international exhibitions and participate in breeding, you need to approach your choice more carefully and take a closer look at show-class kids.

    Regardless of your plans, your little Bernie should be healthy, active, and curious. Stiffness, fear or unmotivated aggression are signs of breed behavioral defects; such Bernese Mountain Dog puppies should be culled.

    Ask the breeder to show the bitch, evaluate the visual condition of the dog. The dog may be a little thin while nursing puppies, but interest and activity should remain.

    Babies should not show signs of an umbilical or inguinal hernia; they should have healthy, clean eyes, a scissor bite and 6x6 teeth. Male dogs should not show signs of cryptorchidism.

    Most potential owners are concerned about the question of how to choose a purebred pet. You should purchase a dog from a breeding kennel with a full package of documents - a puppy card and a veterinary passport with vaccination marks. By purchasing a dog from a professional breeder, you receive a guarantee that the dog meets breed standards and is allowed for exhibitions and breeding.

    Before buying a baby, you need to consult a breeder who will tell you in detail what points you should pay attention to. You can ask him to make a selection from photographs on the Internet of the most successful dogs according to their constitution. This way you will be visually oriented.

    Owner reviews: negative and positive


    We bought a Bernese Mountain Dog for our family almost spontaneously - we wanted a dog, but we didn’t really choose the breed, our boy just fell into our soul at first sight. And they didn’t regret it! From the first days, he immediately understood where his bowl was, where the place was, what was possible and what was not. He treated the children carefully and with care, which especially impressed me as parents! In general, when this clumsy furry ball grew into a large dog, he was already everyone’s favorite in the family, and remains so today.


    I read a lot about this breed, and finally my husband and I decided to get a puppy. In general, we are happy with our Raymond, but we still made one big mistake: this is not a breed for an apartment. And we took her specifically to the apartment, with the expectation that we would then move to a private house, but not as a security guard. As a result, this teddy bear grew up (they grow instantly, so I advise everyone to take pictures of the puppy more often so that the memory remains), and we ourselves felt cramped in the apartment! There is fur everywhere, plus he doesn’t really like to be brushed, so this is a real epic. Well, it’s clear that the dog is uncomfortable - he needs to run, but here he wanders from corner to corner. Oh yes, and he got used to sleeping in a bed as a puppy, but now he has huge problems with it! Otherwise, the breed is excellent, affectionate, calm, but not for a one-room dog.


    My handsome guy's name is Baron. The breed is remarkable for its devotion - mine is nearby all the time, we do everything together. At the same time, he manages not to get in the way. We walk a lot and calmly, the command “Nearby” was learned to five. I trained myself, without dog handlers, there were no problems. The only thing is that the Bernese Mountain Dog cannot be taught to attack and bite.

    Baron has been with me for 8 years. My health is no longer very good, but the veterinarian promises that we will live a while longer. But attention should be paid to the health of Bernese from childhood.


    For a long time, Bernese Mountain Dogs were used as shepherds and draft animals. Today they are exclusively companion dogs. And all they are forced to drag are shopping bags and children on sleds.

    Some owners train Mountain Dogs to be protective and guard dogs. But using dogs for protection is blasphemy. They are naturally good-natured and find it difficult to handle official disciplines. In addition, the development of aggression breaks the innate gentle nature of animals.

    The herding instincts still live in these dogs. If a group of people disperses during a walk, they will try to collect it. This quality can be used for babysitting.

    Characteristics: pros and cons

    Detailed characteristics of the breed.


    There are many positive descriptions of the character of Sennenhunds. Indeed, few people can dislike this dog, because its main advantage is devotion . Bernese are one of those dogs that, when trained, will be more willing to work not for food, but simply out of love for the owner - and this says a lot. It is worth getting a Bernese Mountain Dog if you want to get a great friend and practically a family member with a wonderful character.

    For family and children

    The affectionate and careful treatment of these dogs with children is noteworthy. The Bernese Mountain Dog can become a friend to any child. They never bite, are very patient and can play with the baby all day long, enjoying it . It is worth considering that this is still a very large dog, which can inadvertently harm a child. She won’t bite him, but she can easily pin him down and scare him. In turn, even a little naughty man is capable of offending a good-natured Bernese. Therefore, it is worth observing the interaction between the child and the dog.

    Interestingly, Bernese Mountain Dogs are very cat-friendly . There are often cases when these two animals not only get along in the same house, but also become best friends.


    The breed also has a drawback: Bernese are not very smart . Despite the fact that they are sometimes compared to the Caucasian Shepherd due to their size and fluffiness, they have neither its aggressiveness nor its intelligence. Even basic commands with a mountain dog will have to be taught long and patiently.

    Sometimes a dog can be stubborn, and sometimes it can frankly not understand what they want from it. But, if you overcome these difficulties, the mountain dog will love you with all his big heart.

    Security qualities

    The dog is not aggressive and is definitely not suitable as a guard. Seeing that her owner is in danger, she will be able to attack, but this will be rather an exception to the rule. In ordinary situations, the Sennenhund is polite and friendly with strangers.

    Another disadvantage of the Bernese Mountain Dog is that it takes up quite a lot of space and requires constant physical activity, as well as attention . These dogs are able to run so much that their owners don’t even need to trim their nails: the Bernese grinds them down themselves. At the same time, the dog will not refuse to lie next to everyone when the family is resting, because it is a very sociable animal.

    Bernese should not be left alone for a long time: this can seriously affect their psyche. The animal will howl, whine, bark, chew and turn everything upside down.

    Important : since this breed is very dependent on its owner, it cannot be strictly punished. The Bernese Mountain Dog is a vulnerable dog and must be treated as such.


    The breed is not suitable for those who value order in their apartment: Sennenhunds have a luxurious coat that sheds all year round. In spring and autumn, shedding will intensify. You will have to brush your dog regularly (at least once a week).

    Grooming for the Bernese Mountain Dog involves:

    • combing;
    • cutting;
    • bathing;
    • dental care;
    • ear cleaning.

    At the same time, Bernese usually tolerate water easily, but problems may arise with combing.

    Estrus, mating and birth

    Also, if you have chosen a female Bernese Mountain Dog, it is possible to breed her. The bitch's first heat occurs at 11-12 months, because this breed matures quite slowly. At the same time, the first heat is not yet a reason to breed an animal; it is better to postpone this until the second heat, 6-7 months after the first.

    The Bernese Mountain Dog's pregnancy lasts an average of 56 days and up to 10 puppies are born. After giving birth, the dog must be shown to the veterinarian, even if everything went well.

    Personality of the Bernese Mountain Dog breed

    Bernese Mountain Dogs are large, outwardly formidable, but good-natured and affectionate dogs. They are sociable, sociable, and peaceful. They are wary of strangers at first and are ready to protect the owner and his family members. But if the owner is calm, the dog will also be friendly and try to get to know each other.

    These dogs are not prone to display nervousness, aggression or cowardice. Even with unfamiliar dogs on the street, they never come into conflict. But they have a developed instinct to protect their territory and family members. Although the dog scares away intruders rather with its impressive appearance.

    The Bernese Mountain Dog needs to be close to a person at all times. He usually chooses one owner, becomes strongly attached to him, and remains faithful to him. But he treats all family members equally kindly and listens to them. This is a herding dog, it likes to have all its loved ones together and gets nervous when someone is missing.

    The Bernese Mountain Dog gladly accompanies its owner, participates in all his affairs and obeys unquestioningly. He is ready to carry out any instructions, just to receive praise and affection. She enjoys carrying purchases from the store and pushing her children around in a cart.

    This dog is very sensitive, understands the intonation of the voice. He must feel needed, otherwise he may become depressed. Young dogs are more active. They are inquisitive, playful, and can fool around and play pranks. An adult dog is calm and phlegmatic, loves to lie on the sofa. The main thing is that the owner is nearby.

    The Bernese Mountain Dog is very patient with children and calmly tolerates any mischief. Treats kids leniently and never bites. Happy to support different games. He is aware of his superior size, so he behaves carefully when interacting with children. Only at a young age, due to inexperience, can one accidentally push the baby. An adult dog will protect and protect the child, take care of his safety.

    These dogs can be described as follows:

    • inquisitive;
    • good-natured;
    • devotees;
    • sociable;
    • cheerful;
    • reasonable;
    • calm;
    • devotees;
    • vigilant;
    • stubborn.

    Photos illustrate the behavioral features of these dogs:

    Training and education of the Bernese Mountain Dog

    The Bernese Mountain Dog needs to be trained from the first days the puppy arrives in the house. This is an intelligent dog, but lazy and stubborn. Therefore, training must be consistent and regular. You immediately need to teach not to jump on people, not to grab their legs, not to bark for no reason, not to climb into the bed. Since this dog is friendly, it is also necessary to wean him from taking food from the hands of strangers.

    The puppy needs to be accustomed to its place, name, and collar. The first commands that he should understand already at 4-5 months:

    • to me;
    • sit;
    • it is forbidden;
    • near;
    • stand;
    • ugh;
    • lie.

    Training should be short and varied. Puppies get tired quickly and get distracted. It is necessary to interest them, so it is recommended to build classes in the form of a game. They should bring joy to the dog, then he will be happy to learn new commands. It is important to remember that you cannot scold, much less beat, a Bern. They are very sensitive, so the main place in education should be not punishment, but encouragement.

    It is necessary to take into account the temperamental characteristics of this dog. She is smart, quick-witted, but does not react with lightning speed to commands, like some other shepherd dogs. This is due to the natural slowness and laziness of the breed. In addition, they are reasonable and will not mindlessly follow all orders.

    Another feature of Bern breeding is that they mature slowly. Until 2-2.5 years old, you need to pay a lot of attention to the dog, exercise it daily, and socialize it. More serious training can be started under the guidance of a dog handler after the age of 2 years. These dogs can be taught to carry loads and be a guide. Despite its developed protective instincts, you should not train this dog for protection. She has no aggression, she cannot bite a person

    Conditions and care

    In an apartment or house

    The dog is not suitable for apartment living. Firstly, she will suffer from being confined to a small space, secondly, she will cover all the free space with wool and, finally, she will always be hot in a small apartment.

    It is preferable to keep the Sennenhund in a private home, where he can freely walk around the house and grounds. You can also make him a ventilated enclosure and a booth. But keep in mind: the Sennenhund will not spend the night in them; he will prefer to be closer to his beloved family.

    Comfort and beauty for cheap: do-it-yourself dog house - dimensions, etc. Comfortable dog enclosures: do it yourself without waste or mistakes


    Despite the fact that the Bernese Mountain Dog requires a lot of physical activity, walking with him will not be burdensome. The fact is that the breed is quite lazy and would prefer a leisurely long walk along the alleys of the park to fun games or jogging.

    At the same time, you need to walk with the dog for at least 3 hours a day, distributing this over two or three walks.

    And with a puppy - 5-6 times a day for 30 minutes if he lives in an apartment and 2 times a day on a leash if he lives in a country house and has the opportunity to run the rest of the time.

    What to feed

    What to feed your Bernese Mountain Dog? First of all, you need to take into account that this is a rather large dog, and it eats food accordingly. Another important nuance - the Bernese, like other large breeds, cannot be fed from the floor - the bowl must be on a counter . This way you can avoid a number of health problems.

    Feeding dry food is convenient and practical. The good thing about it is that it contains everything a dog needs; often it doesn’t even require additional vitamins. The Bernese Mountain Dog is suitable for food that says “for large breed dogs.”

    “Hey, master, why is the plate empty...”

    You should choose a manufacturer depending on your financial capabilities and the desired result; premium varieties are preferable. Experienced breeders recommend Royal Canine Gaint series. The dosage of food is indicated on the package; it is important to note that this is the daily requirement, which is divided by the number of feedings.

    Feeding a small puppy - it is better to soak dry food in warm water, but an adult dog can be given dry food twice a day. Important: the dog should always have access to fresh water.

    About feeding a puppy - norms and dosages: how to feed

    Bernese can also be kept on natural feeding . In this case, the basis of the diet will be:

    • porridge cooked in water with vegetables,
    • and raw fish, meat or offal.
    • Additionally, you will need to give your dog vegetables, fruits and vitamins.
    • A food supplement with calcium, phosphorus and other microelements, for example, “Kostochka” is required.
    • You can give Brevers vitamins for skin and coat.

    How to comb and wash?

    The Bernese Mountain Dog will also need regular brushing. It is important not to let the hair get tangled and matted very quickly. Three times a week you need to comb the Bernese , and if tangles do form, you can use a special spray that makes combing easier, and, in the worst case, a tangle cutter.

    Tip : Brushing your Bernese won't be so difficult if you take a comb with you on a walk and do the process in a playful way.

    You need to bathe your Mountain Dog once every 1-2 months. This dog never minds swimming and will not make things difficult for the owner.

    Training and education

    To train a Swiss Cattle Dog, teams will have to work hard. Representatives of the breed, as a rule, listen to the owner; their distinctive feature is obedience. At the same time, compared to other breeds, learning occurs slowly. It is important to be consistent, calm and affectionate - then over time the Bernese will learn everything.

    There are a few things to consider:

    • Bernese Mountain Dogs are often shy and even timid. It is important to work through this moment in time and socialize the animal so that this does not result in constant problems during walks;
    • at the same time, socialization should not be too early; training must be carried out first;
    • it is practically useless to teach a mountain dog to attack people;
    • The dog categorically does not tolerate not only physical impact, but also simply overly harsh punishments. The stern tone and dissatisfaction of the owner is more than enough for a sensitive Bernese.

    Advice : to make life with a dog comfortable, you must teach it to walk on the command “Nearby”, and not allow it to sleep in the bed or beg.

    Also, since the Bernese Mountain Dog is a rather large dog, it is important to accustom it to a leash and muzzle, without which you will not be welcome guests in transport or at the veterinarian.

    Raising a puppy

    Breed traits

    Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

    Bernese Mountain Dog (Bernese Mountain Cattle Dog)
    Activityin the house1.9
    on the street2.6
    Dominationin family1.9
    over dogs1.8
    Defending your territoryfrom people2.1
    from dogs2
    Sociabilityin family4.8
    with strangers3.8
    with dogs3.5
    Concentrationin family1
    in front of strangers2.1
    with dogs1.9
    Aggressivenessin family1
    to strangers1.5
    to the dogs1.8
    to cats1.5
    Family behaviorcalmness4.1
    demand for affection4.8
    excessive barking1.6
    behavioral breakdowns2
    Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years3.9
    over 4 years old4.5
    Institutional usewatchman3.9

    This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Australian Shepherd, Newfoundland, Labrador Retriever.

    The photo shows what Bernese Mountain Dogs look like:

    Nicknames for boys and girls

    Small mountain dogs are adorable, but it is worth remembering that a clumsy bear cub will soon grow into a large and noble dog. So you should take care of a suitable nickname in advance. For example:

    • names for males - Bayard, Baron, Gross, Portos, Nord, Frant, Junker, Altai, August, Velvet, Valdai, Danube, Hidalgo, Karat, Lord;
    • for bitches - Abba, Berta, Blackie, Melody, Kelly, Frau, Holly, Vesta, Beta, Deila, Zhemchuzhina, Ilga, Lotta, Maisie, Naita.

    What to name a puppy

    Is there a shorthaired and a dwarf mini?

    The Bernese Mountain Dog is one of the representatives of the large Mountain Dog family. He is the only one in the whole family that has long, thick fur. But its closest relatives and species of this breed - the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, the Entlebucher Mountain Dog, the Appenzeller Mountain Dog and the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog - are short-haired and smooth-haired: look at the photo comparison

    Grosser / Bernese / Appelzellner / Entlebucher

    There is also a mini Mountain Dog: the Entlebucher Mountain Dog. Its weight ranges from 22 to 30 kilos, its height is about 50 cm. It is an affectionate and friendly dog, perfect for keeping in an apartment.

    Read more about this: Become a Breed Expert: All About Mountain Dogs


    Balanced movements in all manners of movement. The typical gait is a slow trot, in which the dog moves smoothly, the paws do not leave the ground high, and the topline is straight. In a slow trot, the paws should not cross and there should be no free space between them.

    When developing high speed, the Bernese Mountain Dog maintains maneuverability, freedom of movement is characteristic at any pace. At increased speed, the legs tend to converge towards the center line. At a fast trot, the legs move forward in a straight line. The step of the forelimbs is free and long, the push of the hind legs is strong.

    Any deviation from the provisions of the Bernese Mountain Dog breed standard should be considered a fault. The severity of the assessment of the deficiency (defect) must be proportionate to the severity of the deficiency (defect), its impact on the welfare and health of the dog.


    List of similar dog breeds to Zennov:

    1. By color: all types of Mountain Dogs: Appenzeller, Greater Swiss and Entlebucher, Collie and Sheltie Collie there are dogs with a tricolor color. Papillons (Papillons) have tricolor and tricolor hound colors (although there is more white in the color). The Border Collie has a black tricolor, a brown tricolor, a blue tricolor, a red tricolor, and a sable tricolor.
    2. Purpose: Great Pyrenees mountain dog , collie.
    3. By character: Newfoundler, St. Bernard.

    Disqualifying faults

    • Cowardice, aggressive and nervous behavior
    • Obvious physical or behavioral abnormalities
    • Blue eyes (one or both) – more common in dogs with a large area of ​​white on the head.
    • Entropy (eyelids turned inward), ectropia (eyelids turned outward)
    • Kink in the tail, tail in a ring
    • Split nose
    • Underbite, overbite or misalignment
    • Double-layered, short coat. A coat color other than tricolor. The main coat color is not black.

    Similar articles:

    • Mating of the Bernese Mountain Dog
    • Coat type and color of the Bernese Mountain Dog
    • Personality of the Bernese Mountain Dog
    • History of the origin of the Bernese Mountain Dog

    Interesting Facts

    1. Are you thinking about getting a Bernese Mountain Dog? Then you will love the belief that these dogs, along with calico cats, are considered very lucky and bring happiness to the home.
    2. In Switzerland, the Mountain Dog was called the "four-eyed" dog because it has bright, round markings on its brow ridges. This gives the Bernese a special charm!
    3. The white marking on the Bernese Mountain Dog's chest sometimes resembles an inverted Swiss cross. This is also considered a distinctive feature of the breed.
    4. The breed could have disappeared long before it was recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale. The fact is that in the 15th century. The burgomaster of the city of Zurich issued a decree according to which large peasant dogs were to be destroyed - they supposedly spoiled the vineyards of the nobility. However, the peasants did not agree to give up their favorites: an uprising broke out, as a result of which the burgomaster was overthrown and himself executed. The dogs remained unharmed and continued to repay their owners with sincere love and devotion.
    5. The Bernese Mountain Dog is exactly the breed that remains a puppy for several years. All this time, the animal, although it looks like an adult dog, continues to develop psychologically. During this period the Bernese is very vulnerable. Ber Mountain Dogs also know how to be afraid of seemingly inexplicable things - the dark, certain toys or people. Indeed, just like children!


    The Bernese Mountain Dog or Bernese Shepherd will make friends with anyone whom the owner brings into the house: a significant other, a child, a kitten, a hamster or a parrot. The dog perceives everyone as friends.

    Bern gets along well with other pets. Friendship with cats is possible if a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy grows up and lives with kittens from the first months.

    Bernese Mountain Dogs love children. They will never offend them, unless they accidentally push them or crush them with their fifty kilograms. But they won’t become nannies. The pets will play with the kids, but they will quickly get tired and leave the kids to another place.

    At the same time, the Bernese Cattle Dog fiercely protects the child. His safety is the most important thing. More important than the master's orders. If the pet thinks that following a command will harm the baby, it will refuse to obey.

    Photos and pictures

    Using these photos of groomed dogs, we will answer your question whether it is possible to groom Mountain Dogs:

    Handsome man with a fashionable haircut

    Photo of a large Bernese with a person:

    Photos of charming mestizos with a shepherd:

    Labrador + Zennen

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