Fila Brasileiro dog. Description, features, care and price of the breed

Before you get a guard breed, you need to soberly assess your strengths. Some of them are easy to train, others require constant behavior correction. Fila Brasileiro belongs to the latter type. The purpose of this dog is to protect family and property. She will not happily greet strangers, so the owner must ensure complete obedience.

Dog kennel KP DeLir Magrif. Italian Greyhound, Fila Brasileiro, Central Asian Shepherd Dog

Description:Profiling breeds: Italian Greyhound (Small Italian Greyhound), BRAZILIAN FILA, CAO. One of the first nurseries engaged in breeding Italian Italian Greyhounds (25 years). Our dogs can be found in many countries and cities of Russia. Assistance in raising puppies, training, preparing for shows and showing them at shows. You can always contact us for advice and help. The owners of the kennel are professional cynologists with extensive experience in cynology.

Distinctive features

The first standards described Phil as a dog with the face of a Bloodhound and the body of a mastiff. In fact, it still remains that way. These giants really look like hunters with the body of gladiator dogs. They are muscular, strong, intimidating. A distinctive characteristic is abundant skin folds and loose skin on the collar and front part.

Such pets are very heavy and massive: with an average height of 65-75 cm, they can weigh up to 85 kg. Despite this, the animals are quite active.

  • The head is massive, but proportional to the body, pear-shaped.
  • The muzzle is deep, wide, of medium length (equal to the skull), with a strong scissor bite. The lips are fleshy and jagged. The nose line is lowered.
  • The nose is black with wide developed nostrils.
  • The ears are set at eye level, closer to the back of the head. Long, fleshy, hanging down the sides of the head. The ends are rounded.
  • The eyes are set wide and deep, large almond-shaped. Characteristic is sagging of the lower eyelid. The iris may be yellow or brown.
  • The body is rectangular, wide, with an abundant layer of loose skin. The back is straight, the withers and croup are pronounced, the loin is strong. The chest is longer than the abdomen, voluminous, wide. The neck is short, thick with pronounced dewlap.
  • The tail is thick, strong, long (below the hock), set on the line of the croup, and when active it rises above the back.
  • The limbs are straight, parallel, long, strong. The paws are rounded, gathered into a ball, the claws are dark.
  • The coat is short and lies close to the body. The skin is thick and loose, and gathers in folds throughout the body, especially on the neck and muzzle. Colors: any, except white, mouse, marbled and spotted.

Dog kennel "Marquise Phillyhouse". Fila Brasileiro - Brazilian Mastiff Yorkshire Terrier

Description:Fila Brasileiro puppies, different colors, for protection and exhibitions. From parents with a strong nervous system and stable psyche, reliable generations of ancestors living in families. The puppies are well-grown, bony, skinned, with pedigree heads. The parents are excellent types, with excellent anatomy and great movements. Father verified by offspring. The pedigree of the puppies includes Interchampions and champions of different countries. Consultations with an expert dog handler. Pre-registration is underway for puppies from the best representatives of the breed.
Contacts:Moscow 8 495-148-74-55.8-926-561-59-76

History of the breed

The Portuguese conquistadors, who set off to conquer South America at the beginning of the 16th century, soon brought four-legged helpers to the lands of new colonies - large and formidable dogs of various breeds:

  • Old English Mastiffs;
  • ancient fighting bulldogs;
  • tireless and passionate bloodhound hunters.

It is believed that on the basis of these three main breeds, through their arbitrary crossbreeding, the primary stock of the Brazilian mastiff was formed. Although, of course, on the way to the formation of this magnificent breed, any kind of blood could flow into it. The colonialists needed a very special dog - and they “molded” it from what they had.

Boundless spaces - Fila Brasileiro always yearns for them

As a result, a universal working dog was created, very strong, resilient and courageous - it was assigned a large range of non-trivial responsibilities:

  • grazing and protecting herds of livestock from thieves and attacks by predators;
  • hunting jaguars and other large animals;
  • capture and intimidation of fugitive slaves;
  • protection of the owner and his family, their home and property.

The name of the breed Fila Brasileiro is translated from Portuguese as “Brazilian guard” (filar means “to grab and hold tightly”). For about three centuries, the Brazilian watchdog population consisted of a large number of different types of mestizos. But to obtain offspring, only the best individuals that met human requirements were deliberately selected: physically strong and healthy, decisive, formidable, but manageable. Brazilians still, wanting to celebrate someone's special courage, say about him: “Fearless, like a fila.”

Fila Brasileiro in a chair - the conquistadors would not believe their eyes

Dramatic changes in the fate of the Brazilian mastiff began in 1938, when in Rio de Janeiro enthusiasts gathered a large congress of adherents of this breed, which has long existed in reality, but is still unrecognized. The discussion was about the global recognition of the Fila Brasileiro and strategies for further improvement of the breed, for which the national club Club paulista was created.

But only in 1950 was a breed standard finally formulated, in which the name “Fila Brasileiro” was officially used for the first time, and only eighteen years later the breed received recognition from the International Canine Federation.

Before adopting a dog from the kennel

Any pet with character and emotions. Call a friend who already has an animal if you have not interacted with animals. Relatives may have a negative attitude towards the decision to adopt a dog - convince them and get their consent. Walk the dog yourself, or arrange with relatives. Remember, the dog is usually walked 3 times a day. If you have children, they should be able to get along with animals. Teach them not to hurt your pet. The child should not touch the pet when she is eating or sleeping. You cannot scare or shout at the animal.

Diseases inherent in the breed

Strict selection over several centuries, heavy physical activity in difficult natural conditions - the history of the formation of the breed has contributed to the fact that the modern Fila Brasileiro is a very healthy dog; In most cases, there are no complaints about breed genetics either. Representatives of the breed live, on average, about ten years, and are blessed with strong immunity and resistance to infections. However, they also have their weaknesses in terms of health.

Excess body weight in a dog is an additional burden on the joints


The fashion for an overly heavy, overloaded breed type inevitably entails problems with the joints. Fila Brasileiros can boast of a strong and healthy bone structure, but in recent years, cases of hip dysplasia have been observed in some domestic breeding lines. It is difficult to say for sure what they are caused by: poor heredity or improper cultivation.

When choosing a puppy, look at pictures of the dysplasia of its parents. Discuss with the breeder and veterinarian the correct diet for the baby and when he should be given supplements with glucosamines and chondroitins. If your dog begins to limp, take it to a doctor immediately.


Fila has large drooping ears, which interferes with the free ventilation of the ear canals and often provokes otitis media. With timely treatment, a strong immune system quickly copes with this disease, and it almost never becomes chronic.


Like many smooth-haired dogs, Fila has a predisposition to dermatological problems:

  • allergies;
  • fungal diseases;
  • metabolic disorders.

As a rule, skin diseases in Fila can be treated well if left untreated. Preventative measures are also quite simple: feed your dog properly, walk it more and maintain sufficient humidity in the room where it lives.

The first thing to do

Plan when you will take your dog for vaccinations. Bring toys for him to play with. Prepare a place and train your pet to this place. Necessary things:

  • Dry food,
  • clothes,
  • Shampoo,
  • Oral hygiene product,
  • Brush (comb),
  • Claw clipper.

If you want to add your organization, fill out the form below: Indicate the name of the nursery, its description and provide contact information. We will be glad to add you to our directory.

Features of character and behavior

These dogs are considered the most aggressive among mastiffs. Scientists are still arguing whether the animals were like this originally, or acquired the trait due to long-term work in law enforcement agencies.

In fact, breeders believe that with proper training, these pets make ideal companions, docile and friendly. One way or another, their standard states a clear dislike of strangers.


There is no doubt that the breed is a working breed; most of its advantages relate specifically to working qualities and features of functional compliance:

  1. Good physical shape, endurance, immunity to hot climates, high humidity, insects and southern diseases;
  2. Fearlessness in the face of danger (man, beast);
  3. Inflexibility in fulfilling one's direct responsibilities;
  4. Devotion to family and owner;
  5. Activity.


The main breed disadvantages that are important to pay attention to:

  • Increased aggressiveness (especially without proper upbringing and socialization, Fila does not like strangers, children, other pets; although the dog can be trained to order);
  • Independence, stubbornness, dislike of training;
  • Suspiciousness towards strangers (Phila can only tolerate strangers in the company of her family, she treats new household members poorly);
  • Animals constantly bark, drop drool, drop food, and pass gas;
  • The need for serious physical activity and comprehensive education.

Maintenance and care

A cramped apartment is not the best option for keeping a Brazilian Fila. It is also not recommended to keep such an active dog on a chain. If you own a private house with a garden plot, then the Brasileiro is perfect as a pet. Arrange for him in the yard a spacious walk with a large booth or house, these will be ideal living conditions.

Of course, Fila can also live in an apartment. It is important to walk him twice a day every day. Each walk should last at least an hour. It is recommended to walk in the morning and evening. In this way, the dog will quickly learn to relieve his natural needs outside at a certain time.

Some owners, fearing that their Fila will freeze outside at night, take the pet indoors. As a result, everyone in the household, including the dog, feels discomfort. The fact is that the Brasileiro likes to be active at night, like other watchdogs. Locked in the house, he will behave loudly, spoil household things and ask to go outside.

There is no need to worry that the dog is cold; representatives of the breed are able to withstand temperature changes, their coat protects them from heat and cold.

We support the health and beauty of the Brazilian Fila's exterior with the following procedures:

  • It is enough to comb the brazileiro with a brush 1-2 times a week, removing dead hairs. Representatives of the breed do not shed profusely, so no special changes in care during the shedding period are required, except perhaps add another combing.
  • Frequent bathing is not recommended, as water procedures can disrupt the protective layer that the dog's skin produces. This layer protects the fila not only from temperature changes, but also from insect bites. So arrange a scheduled bathing twice a year. If the dog is very dirty, it is also necessary to bathe the pet. The rest of the time, it is enough to wipe the coat with a damp towel and wash the paws after walking.
  • We brush Fil's teeth twice a week to prevent dental diseases and remove unpleasant odor from the mouth.
  • The ears are the weak point of the Brazilian Fila. Often these dogs develop inflammation and infectious diseases. In most cases, the cause is anatomical features.
  • We wipe our eyes as needed, removing accumulations of morning discharge. We regularly examine whether the color of the mucous membrane has changed or whether the structure of the eyelid has changed. If we notice such problems or detect excessive discharge, we contact a veterinarian.
  • We trim the claws as they grow.

The basis of the Brazilian Fil diet is meat. This dog needs a large amount of animal protein. The rest of the diet consists of porridge, vegetables, and fruits.

It is recommended to cook porridge in water. Before serving, dilute with meat broth.

If you use a natural feeding method, purchase vitamin and mineral supplements for your pet. It is important to divide the daily intake into several small portions (2-3) and give them at strictly defined hours.

Products such as cabbage, smoked meats, marinades, legumes and sweets are prohibited. It is useful to add eggs, fish oil, seafood, and cottage cheese to your diet.

Training and education

Fila Brasileiro needs professional training! The puppy should attend obedience and training classes from an early age. These lessons must be repeated throughout the animal's life. In the case of Fila, you cannot relax for a minute. Only a tough, disciplined owner who is capable of maintaining leadership will suit her.

All training is carried out together with the owner, because he is the main authority for his ward. Education should be based on discipline and rigor. Physical impact is strictly prohibited! This could cost the aggressor his life.

With proper training, Fila will become a devoted friend and will put the interests of the family above his own needs.

Pros and cons of the breed

The Brasileiro breed is not for everyone. His owner must have an understanding of the characteristics of these formidable dogs. The main pros and cons of this type are outlined below.


1. Exotic appearance. 2. Friendliness towards family members. 3. Endless devotion. 4. Excellent guard and security qualities.

Key points in training

Dogs of the Phil Brazilero breed cannot be classified as classic representatives of mastiffs. It is worth considering that the amount of activity affects the rate of development of Phil's intelligence and their future mental abilities.

Brazilian Mastiffs require rigor and perseverance, but not rudeness or cruelty. They live by the boomerang rule: the dog will respond to anger with aggression.

Just like children, Fila Brazilero needs love, understanding and nurturing. Training should begin from childhood, then the result will not be long in coming (it is important not to forget about treats and praise, they are necessary for full interaction with the dog).

One important point must not be missed - from the very beginning, set the rules: who is the boss in the house, who sleeps on the dog mat and who on the sofa, is it worth obeying the household, no to stubbornness, and all obedience will be appreciated with affection and treats.

Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

Diseases and life expectancy

"Brazilians" are considered a healthy breed, but they are also prone to some diseases. These include:

  • dysplasia of the hip and elbow joints;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • flatulence;
  • bloating;
  • increased salivation;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • eye diseases.

Fila matures quite late: at the age of three years. This affects physical and psychological development. Average life expectancy: 9-11 years.

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