How to trim a dog's black nails: tips and tricks from experts

Features of dog claws

The dog is able to move quickly on surfaces due to the special structure of the sole, which contains:

  • Pads – protect the paw from damage and help maintain balance. Over the years, they harden due to constant contact with the ground, asphalt, and road.
  • Claws – provide traction while running and are also used for digging. They are appendages of the skin, like wool, and consist of keratin.

In the center of the nail there is a living part (pulp), to which nerves and blood vessels are connected. The former provide sensitivity, the latter nourish the cuticle from which the claw grows.

General information

Of course, very young puppies do not have problems with claws, but from the age of three weeks it is worth keeping an eye on their paws for thin claws that can injure the bitch herself when feeding the puppies, as well as harm the puppy and his littermates in games. .

There are a number of reasons why dogs have their nails trimmed at any age:

  • Violation of the structure of the paw: when the claw grows, it does not allow the paw to lie anatomically correctly on the surface when walking, this leads to daily deformation of the paw, which causes pain to the dog.
  • Risk of ingrown dogs: yes, this problem is most often typical for adult dogs, but the owner of puppies sometimes needs to monitor how the structure of the pet’s claws is formed, since ingrown claws are sometimes a feature of a particular animal. If you are not sure that you can cope with the discovered ingrown claw, contact a specialist.
  • The puppy's delicate and fragile claws can get caught on something and break off. It so happens that kids dig their little beds before bed, play on carpets, and they can simply steal some woven item out of prank, and in the process of playing get caught in the overgrown point of a claw. In such a situation, the baby may simply twitch out of fear that the paw is caught and damage its delicate claw.

Claws that have not yet hardened, but are already sharp, can damage things or scratch you while playing with the puppy. Of course, there is no need to scold the puppy for this, because it is not the baby’s fault that his claws are not treated in a timely manner, because a dog is not a cat, it does not know how to extend its claws and deliberately harm things and people in this way.

All these reasons arise because puppies do not go outside for a long time due to vaccination quarantine, which means they do not have time to grind down their first grown claws.

Do you need to cut your dog's nails?

When pets walk a lot outside, running on hard surfaces, including asphalt and concrete, their nails naturally wear out. Therefore, they rarely need trimming, but they do need sanding. During active walks, chips often form that need to be removed.

You can't do without cutting your nails if your pet:

  • doesn't walk much;
  • Runs mainly on soft surfaces (lawn, ground).

In this case, the nails grow freely, hardly wear out, and grow strongly.

Why trim your dog's nails?

Even if the dog walks outside for a long time, the owner must monitor the condition of the nails and cut them if they are poorly worn down. Nails can snag and break while running or jumping, damaging the living part and causing bleeding. In this case, the dog must be taken to the veterinarian so that he can treat the wound with an agent that prevents infection.

Long claws can:

  • turn a healthy paw into a splayed foot;
  • cause foot deformation;
  • grow into the pads;
  • provoke inflammation, pain;
  • damage tendons;
  • damage joints;
  • scratch the floor, furniture.

Be sure to cut the nail, which is located on the dewclaw, just above the foot. It does not touch the ground, does not lend itself to natural grinding, and therefore is the longest. In some dogs, it is loosely attached to the toe, and if not trimmed, it can break off, causing bleeding.

Frequency of the procedure

Some dogs require nail trimming every two weeks. But this is the exception rather than the rule. On average, the frequency is once every one to three months. You can determine the need for nail trimming visually.

As already noted, claws can wear down during walks. But this is not always the case. The need for nail trimming will be indicated by changes in the dog's gait and difficulty while walking.

Leaving excessively long nails untrimmed is also dangerous because the animal can break the plate by accident, resulting in injury and other negative health consequences.

In addition to nail clippers, you can use the grinding tools mentioned above. They grind down the claw and lengthen the period until the next time it is trimmed. The principle of their operation is the same as that of a nail file.

How can you trim a dog's nails?

To trim your pet's nails, you need to buy dog ​​nail clippers. They are strong, sharp and get the job done with ease. Human tools will not work as the claws are very hard. There are high chances that the scissors will not cut them, but will simply split them.

You can buy tools at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy. You will need:

  • Nail cutter-secateurs - one knife is straight, the other is curved. Pruning shears can be used to remove the edge. The ease of cutting depends on the sharpness and cleanliness of the blade.
  • Guillotine type nail clipper. The tool has a hole at the edge where the edge of the nail is inserted, after which it is cut using a guillotine type. Despite its convenience, the device may not be suitable for large breed animals with strong claws and large paws.
  • Grinding machine - will remove chips, nicks, sharp edges.

Eye and ear care

Contrary to popular belief, eyes and ears do not require daily care. But sometimes you still need to clean your ears (read how).

The external auditory canals normally clean themselves. If you notice discharge, you can remove it with ear lotion . To do this, the solution must be poured into the ear and massaged at the base. The dog should shake its head. Remove any remaining lotion with a tissue.

If there is redness of the skin, an unpleasant odor, or excessive discharge from the ears, then there is no need to treat it with anything; it is better to immediately contact a veterinary dermatologist.

The situation with the eyes is the same; there are special lotions for the eyes , for example, Rosinka . They should be used for excessive tearing that can occur in some dog breeds, such as bulldogs.

If the dog tries to scratch its eyes, there is redness or pus, then it is better to consult a doctor.

How to properly trim a dog's nails

Before you start trimming dog nails at home, you need to identify the living part. There are blood vessels connected to the pulp, so if you accidentally cut it, blood will flow after trimming the dog’s nails. The pet will be in pain and will become afraid of the procedure.

If the dog has light nails, the living part is easy to see - it is a pink stripe that comes from the fingers. With the dark ones the situation is more complicated. To avoid touching living tissue, before trimming your dog’s black nails, take a flashlight and shine it on while you work. Trim your nail a little at a time. As soon as you see a black dot, it means you have reached the living part and you need to stop.

Trimming dog's nails: preparation

Many dogs do not like procedures, so train your pet in advance - often touch his paws, lightly massage. To avoid damaging the animal’s psyche, trim its claws when it is tired or in a relaxed state.

Before you begin the procedure, choose the place where you will cut the claws. It should be comfortable for both you and the dog, and well lit.

Prepare your tools in advance. When trimming dogs' nails at home, you can injure your pet, so place a disinfectant, hemostatic agent, and a cotton swab nearby.

Trimming dog's nails: step-by-step instructions

  1. Ideally, the dog should lie on its side and not twitch. If she is worried, restrain your pet by gently pressing down with your elbow, which you use to hold the paw.
  2. During the procedure, speak to the dog in a soothing tone, do not forget to praise him and give him a treat.
  3. Start trimming your nails from the back paws. Here they are shorter, and dogs tolerate the procedure better because they do not see the manipulations.
  4. Take the nail clipper in your right hand (if you are right-handed).
  5. Place the thumb of your left hand at the base of the claw on the outside, and the index finger on the pad.
  6. Define the pulp. The nail must be cut off, 2-3 mm short of the living part. If the pulp is not visible, try not to cut the nail in the area between the finger and the beginning of the bend.
  7. Sand the claw, remove nicks and sharp edges. If your pet has long hair, move it away from the sander so it doesn't get caught.
  8. Once you've finished with the hind legs, move on to the front legs. When trimming nails, do not forget about the nails on the dewclaws, which are located on the front paws.

What to do if the claws are too long

If you haven’t trimmed your pet’s nails for a long time and they have grown a lot, you need to approach the procedure with caution, since the pulp has also grown. In this case, the nails need to be trimmed once a week, the edges should be removed a little at a time. It may take several months for your nails to be shortened to normal length. Along with their length, the living part will decrease.

Required Tools

To trim your baby's nails correctly, you should buy special tools for trimming them. A nail clipper is similar to garden pruners or pliers, that is, scissors with a pair of sickle-shaped blades. The design of the device is strong and reliable, so removing dense Chihuahua claws is easy, because it is almost impossible to dull the blades.

Most nail clippers allow you to control the cutting distance because they have blade opening limiters. You can purchase guillotine nail clippers that allow you to effectively remove excess nail plates from small dogs. The design of the instruments resembles the operating principle of the medieval execution device of the same name. The unit consists of a drilled axis of a fixed type, a movable part on which a sickle-shaped sharp cutter is installed. It is capable of cutting off a claw passed through a hole if you press hard on the handles, and the blade often becomes dull and breaks.

The grinder is an electric device; it works on the principle of a claw sharpener using an emery attachment. If you need to correct trimmed claws, you can also use files of different grain sizes. In addition to quality grooming equipment for your Chihuahua, you should also prepare treats and toys to distract and reward your pets. Be sure to purchase:

  • pencil to instantly stop bleeding;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Tools for trimming chia's claws should be purchased at specialized veterinary salons, but only high-quality sharpened ones. It is strictly forbidden to use classic scissors for the procedure, as they strongly crush and split the nail plates.

The dog won’t let you cut its nails: what to do?

If your pet resists the procedure, teach it to it. When he sleeps, touch your fingers and massage so that the dog gets used to touching. There are other tricks:

  • Treats and praise are the main answer to the question of how to trim a dog’s nails if it’s not given. When the dog receives his favorite cookies during the procedure, the process will go faster.
  • The dog may not like the position in which he is placed to trim his nails. Try trimming the claws by sitting them on your lap or on the sofa.
  • How to trim a dog's nails if he bites? Do not scold or hit the dog, be patient and train gradually. During the procedure, you can wear a muzzle, but do not forget to give a treat.
  • Before trimming your dog’s nails with a nail clipper, let him smell the tools, then praise him and reward him with a treat.
  • Touch the clippers to each paw, but do not cut. Praise again.
  • Before trimming your dog's nails with a nail clipper, hold the scissors to your paw and click them to make a sound. If the puppy gets used to them, the procedure will not be scary.
  • After cutting the edge of the nail, immediately praise it and give it a treat.

A dog is an intelligent animal; the owner’s interests come first for it. To please him, she will agree to many manipulations. If you do everything correctly, get your dog accustomed to the procedure quickly.

If, despite all the tricks, the pet is not successful, take your pet to the groomer. He will show and tell you how to trim a dog’s nails if it is breaking out.

Trimming process step by step

  1. prepare the nail clipper, disinfect it with alcohol or cologne;
  2. provide a calm environment in the room so that the dog does not feel anxious;
  3. sit comfortably on the sofa, floor, mattress, or chair, legs slightly apart;
  4. place the Chihuahua on its back, head to knees;
  5. fix the dog in this position by moving its legs;
  6. take the paw with one hand and lightly press on the pad so that the toes move apart and the claws extend as far as possible;
  7. with the other hand, cut off the claw to a distance safe for the pulp;
  8. repeat the steps with each toe on the paw;
  9. if necessary, take a break, treat the “sufferer” with a treat, and praise;
  10. after the break, continue trimming the remaining paws;
  11. at the end, treat him with a treat and praise him;
  12. repeat every 2 weeks.

How often to trim your dog's nails

How often your dog's nails need to be trimmed depends on how quickly they grow. Groomers advise not to wait for them to grow to a radical length and to cut them off a little every week. If you are not a fan of frequent procedures, you can trim your claws once a month.

When you don't keep track of dates, but want to know how often to trim your dog's nails, look at their condition. The edges should not reach the floor. If your dog walks on the parquet floor and there is a clicking sound when moving, it’s time to cut his nails. They scratch the floor.

Grooming salons


  • Monica . Pet salon and boutique. Trimming, ear cleaning, anal gland cleaning and other services. Haircut from 450 rubles.
  • Poofy groom . Network of grooming salons. You can order a range of services for 1600 rubles. There are SPA treatments, coloring, teeth cleaning.

Saint Petersburg:

  • Pet salon Mimi . A range of services: haircut, washing, drying, care for claws, eyes, ears from 1300 rubles. There is a flexible system of discounts and promotions.
  • Fox grooming salon chain . Conduct training. Sale of grooming equipment, veterinary pharmacy. Hygienic haircut from 1000 rubles, for model ones the price is higher. The staff of the pet salon have experience in preparing animals for exhibitions and competitions.


While trimming the dog's nails, the dog began to bleed

Cutting your nails can easily result in a cut, so buy a hemostatic agent (Statin powder, Show Tech, Capramin) in advance. Apply it to the wound and press for a moment with a cotton swab.

If there is no hemostatic agent, use powder, flour, corn starch. When the bleeding stops, treat with an alcohol-containing preparation - iodine or brilliant green to avoid inflammation. A gauze bandage will not stick, so buy a cloth-based bandage. Before bandaging the paw, apply a medicated bandage to it.

Precautionary measures

If injury occurs when shortening the claws, the following steps should be taken:

  • Stop the bleeding by sprinkling talcum powder on the wound and pressing it against the affected surface until the bleeding stops completely, even if it takes several minutes. If there is no special product, starch, flour, or a bar of soap will do.
  • After this, do not let your pet step on its paw for at least 15-20 minutes. You can keep him in place by offering treats and talking gently, comforting and caressing him. The main thing is to maintain the trust of your friend.
  • If the bleeding does not stop within half an hour, you should contact a veterinary clinic.
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