Dogo Canario dog. Description, features, care and price of the Dogo Canario

The Dogo Canario, or "Perro de Presso Canario" is a massive, well-fed dog, resembling a pile of muscles with a proud, intelligent look. The breed was bred artificially. In history, dogs are listed as shepherds and fighters.

Outwardly ferocious animals cause fear in people, but their owners call them docile, kind four-legged friends. They even get along with cats. Despite positive reviews, in some countries, the Spanish dog is banned. Before you get a puppy of this scary breed, you need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances.

to the website of the nursery Corso Nonpareil!

Welcome to the website of the Corso Nonpareille kennel (RKF). The kennel is a leader in breeding the national breed of the Canary Islands - the Dogo Canario (other names: Dogo Canario; Dogo Canario; Perro de Presa Canario), which is confirmed by its victory at the 2014 World Championship in the competition of Dogo Canary kennels (FCI). The Corso Nonpareil kennel is multi-breed and, in addition to the Dogo Canario (Dogo Canario), also breeds other breeds: Cane Corso, Russian Toy Terrier. On the pages of the site you can get acquainted with the official standards of the presented breeds, learn about the history of their origin, character, functionality, application in life. All our producers have excellent health, certified by official RKF certificates, excellent exterior characteristics, intelligence and psyche corresponding to the breed characteristics. Working breed dogs, such as Dogo Canaries, have excellent physical fitness, have completed general and special service training courses, and are guaranteed to pass on the qualities of a guard and companion to their offspring. All information about parents and puppies is open and publicly available on the website. In addition, a forum for Dogo Canario lovers is available to you, where you can day after day follow the life of the Dogo Canario kennel, Nonpareil kennel on the forum. You can also find out the roots of our dogs in the largest database of pedigrees of Dogo Canarios. You can also come to the nursery to personally familiarize yourself with the conditions of keeping, caring for and raising dogs. Choosing a puppy is possible either according to your own preferences or after consultation with any specialist you trust - the nursery does not interfere with the arrival and examination of the puppies by your dog handler, instructor, or veterinarian.

Breed standard

to describe the Dogo Canario without its size. The height at the withers for males does not exceed 65 cm, and the weight starts from 50 kg and above. The height of females is from 55 to 61 cm, and the weight starts from 40 kilograms.

The massive and strong head is covered with skin that hangs down. Visually, the skull resembles an oblong cube. The bump on the back of the head is almost invisible, the craniofacial lines are almost parallel to each other. The wide nose has black pigmentation on the lobe, large nostrils provide free breathing.

Dogo Canario loves to run on water

The upper lips are slightly droopy, the inner part has dark pigmentation. The bite is correct, scissor-shaped. But a straight bite is also acceptable. However, it leads to early wear of the enamel on the teeth. Wide teeth have strong bases.

The dog looks at others with oval, wide-set eyes of medium or large size. They are deep-set, and their shade may depend on color. It is brown, but can be either dark chestnut or light hazel. The medium ears are wide set, covered with short thin hair, and hang down.

The strong neck has a cylindrical shape. The skin forms a dewlap. The body is muscular and wide, and the back is straight, with well-developed muscles. The croup is wide and rounded, and the chest is deep, with arched ribs. The groin is selected. The tail is thick at the base, tapers towards the end, and hangs down at rest, curving at the tip.

The limbs are built almost perfectly, have developed muscles, and the pasterns are massive and curved. The hind legs are parallel and straight. The dog makes quick, elastic movements with its paws with sweeping steps.

The short guard hair is hard to the touch and smooth. Brindle colors of all tones are allowed, from dark to light and warm. There may be marks on the limbs and chest, but there should not be too many of them. The Great Dane always has a black mask on its face.

Nutrition for puppy and adult dog

A balanced diet for an animal is one of the main conditions for its proper development and health. Therefore, the diet of an adult dog must necessarily contain proteins, calcium and a complex of essential vitamins.

Adult animals are most often given a dry type of food that meets the necessary conditions. For puppies, feeding with natural food is recommended. It is important to control the required amount of nutrients.

Note! Introducing turkey necks, cartilage, veins, and sugar seeds into the diet will help take care of the Canario’s teeth and remove soft plaque from them. Too much tartar buildup is removed by a veterinarian.

Pros and cons of the breed

The Dog Canario has many advantages, but there are also negative traits. It is important to familiarize yourself with them in advance.

Devotion, complete obedience to the ownerThe breed is only suitable for experienced dog lovers
Easy to learnDogs have an independent character
Positive attitude towards childrenRequires constant training
No outbursts of aggressionIn the absence of education, it poses a danger to others and the owner
Quick response in case of danger
Easy to care for
Ability to live in apartment conditions

Character of the Dogo Canario

In fact, “Canarios” are generalists; they make excellent, vigilant watchmen, fearless defenders and guards, and friendly and understanding companions. Naturally, all this is possible only if you have a set of certain qualities.

The Dogo Canario has an innate increased territoriality; he keeps under control everything that happens in the territory entrusted to him, watching people and animals. This is a dog of one owner - the dog chooses him and is devoted to him. He allows the rest of the family to pet him, cuddle him, and enjoys participating in joint games.

The Great Dane has a lightning-fast reaction - a pet, joyfully communicating with its owner, turns into a ferocious guard in seconds if it notices someone else's intrusion. It is worth considering that no amount of persuasion or tempting offers will have any effect on him. The dog will retreat only if it hears the owner's command.

The dog will take a defensive stance, but will behave calmly, without fuss. Without provoking actions on the part of the intruder, she will not attack, holding him in place with a roar, grin, and aggressive posture.

Some individuals may display the character of their ancestors - harsh fighting dogs, but still representatives of this breed can live quite amicably with their own kind. Early socialization plays an important role in this.

A Dogo Canario will be a great friend for a child, but you should not get such a serious pet as a gift for children. These dogs love the younger members of the family, allow them a lot, and love playing together. But you shouldn’t leave such a large animal and your baby alone. One more nuance - again, socialization is required so that the dog can distinguish innocent pampering, with hubbub and fuss, from truly dangerous situations.

Canarios are not prone to bark frequently and uselessly. The dog can silently observe the intruders, and when the situation requires it, it begins to act. He does not waste time and energy on useless idle nonsense. The Great Dane uses its voice as a warning or scaring maneuver; it barks loudly and hoarsely.

The dog will not take his eyes off the strangers who come, watching carefully. To do this, he will sit at a distance, and it may even seem that the pet is dozing, but this appearance is deceptive, the dog never loses his vigilance.

If a novice dog breeder is choosing a pet, then this breed can be immediately missed. The Great Dane is too intelligent and dominant to be controlled by an insecure newbie. The owner must have a strong character, training skills and knowledge about the characteristics of the breed.

It is important to remember that the irresponsible breeding of these dogs and their criminal use has led to various incidents resulting in the death of people. The owner takes into the house not only a dog, but also a burden of great responsibility


Presa Canario dogs require annual preventative examinations from a veterinarian. In this case, any possible problems will be identified in time and treatment will be prescribed in a timely manner.

In fact, Dogo Canarios have very strong immunity. An additional advantage is their non-predisposition to hereditary diseases.

However, they may have the following problems:

  • - epilepsy - cannot be treated, but it is possible to reduce seizures;
  • - joint dysplasia - treatment is necessary, since without it she will soon not be able to move;
  • - entropion of the eyelid - cannot be treated, surgery is necessary;
  • — scabies is a skin disease caused by mites;
  • - stomach problems - bloating, volvulus, diarrhea.

Dogs must be promptly vaccinated and treated against parasites.

Various questions about the Dogo Argentino breed

In principle, the character of an Argentinean is almost no different from an ambulant. Just a little faster. Very resistant to loads. Very hardy. Likes to walk a lot, especially run. Well, naturally, during the period of growth, the child should not be loaded in order to avoid damage to the ligaments, but in “free flight” the dog can move as much as it likes. There is only one problem with health, this is an allergy, and not all dogs have it.

Just like an ambulant, an Argentinean can show dominance towards his own kind, but this is not difficult to correct. In the family circle he is very affectionate, sometimes even too much. Loves children very much. I am ready to endure all their pranks. But at the same time it has good guarding qualities (especially males). Protects with virtually no noise. That is, he can simply silently detain the bully. Bitches are physically distinctly different from males. Also, bitches are much easier to train. Well, in training they are almost no different from the ambulant.

Feeding the Dogo Canario

The opinions of many breeders and veterinarians differ on whether it is better to give the dog natural food or feed it with industrial diets. However, as for the Dogo Canario, the majority here tends to have a mixed diet.

The owner is recommended to select high-quality dry food containing a large amount of meat - a source of animal proteins, and the necessary microelements. Additionally, the dog is given the following products:

  • cottage cheese;
  • fermented milk products;
  • fresh meat in the form of planed meat;
  • raw tripe, udder, book.

It is especially important to give such food to pregnant females or breeding males preparing for mating. Experts believe that you should not give your dog additional cereals and other plant-based foods, as they are more in need of products containing animal proteins.

As a treat, you can use pieces of dried meat or offal, cheese, vegetables or fruits

Experts believe that you should not give your dog additional cereals and other plant foods, since they need products containing animal proteins more. As a treat, you can use pieces of dried meat or offal, cheese, vegetables or fruits.


The Dogo Canario is a large breed. Therefore, portions are calculated in liters. A small saucepan will serve as a bowl. Food can be cooked directly in it if we are talking about a natural type of feeding.

Cooled porridge or broth cooked on bones must first be cooled and offered to the dog. Dogo Canario puppies receive food 6 times a day. Gradually, month after month, the number of servings is reduced and the size of the bowl increases. By 9 months, a dog can easily survive on two meals a day.

The animal's diet is dominated by protein foods: beef, as well as chicken and turkey. Offal and sea fish are possible. It is allowed to give a large beef bone from time to time, but you should not get carried away with them.

This is empty food that can clog your pet's stomach. An exception is the period of replacement of milk teeth with permanent ones. In this case, the bones will serve as teethers. However, you can also purchase special products.

They are sold at any pet store. the Dogo Canary dog's menu may contain cereals, sometimes eggs, as well as fermented milk - low-fat cottage cheese, whey or percentage. Vegetables and fruits are fiber necessary for good peristalsis. You can find out whether your dog needs additional minerals and vitamins at the veterinary clinic by first passing tests.

The doctor will tell you exactly what additives and in what quantities. As for dry food, there are usually no questions. If the dog was taken from a kennel, most likely he is already consuming factory products. The only thing is that it is important to ensure that it is of premium quality.

Up to 6 months, puppies soak food in water, and when baby teeth are replaced by permanent teeth, there is no need for this procedure. Usually no additional vitamins are required, since the product already contains balanced substances.

Temperament and character

The Dogo Canario is a working dog, but the standard does not require specific tests to check qualities and mental testing.

Positive traits:

  • Self-confidence;
  • Equilibrium;
  • Endurance;
  • Ability to stand up for yourself and the owner;
  • Independent decision making;
  • High level of intelligence;
  • Unpretentiousness.

The following may seem negative:

  • Distrust of strangers;
  • Dominance;
  • Stubbornness.

Choosing a nickname

Suitable nicknames for female Dogo Canarios would be:

  • Barcelona;
  • Hera;
  • Cuba;
  • Navarre;
  • Sangria;
  • Santa;
  • Hannah.

Suitable for Doga boys:

  • Alex;
  • Ajax;
  • Grandee;
  • Perun;
  • Tyson;
  • Thoreau.

Daily walks are important for animals

Training and education

You need to be persistent in raising your four-legged friend, without being cruel. The owner must be an adult, strong-willed person, and have experience in keeping fighting breeds. Young people cannot cope with raising a dog. Errors in the formation of the animal's character will lead to its uncontrollability, the dog will become dangerous to others. The pet needs regular training. Commands must be given in a confident, calm tone. If you show excessive gentleness, the Canarian will begin to perceive family members and the owner as service personnel, and will feel like a king.

How to train a Dogo Spaniard:

  • teach commands one at a time, showing patience;
  • You should not exercise your dog immediately after its meal, it will be lazy;
  • you cannot hit, scream, or kick your pet, these actions give rise to aggression;
  • Work with the Canary every day for 1.5-2 hours.

If a person does not have the time or sufficient experience to train a dog, it is better to entrust it to dog handlers.

Education should be carried out using the “carrot and stick” method from puppyhood. When the pet follows commands, listens to the owner, reward him with treats. If an animal behaves badly, do not hit, but say in a calm tone - “You can’t”, “Stop”, “Drop”, “Place”. The monotonous repetition of orders is perceived much better than the regular shouts of the owner.

Care and maintenance

The Dogo Canario in the photo looks strong and proportionally built. It does not require painstaking processing. It has no undercoat and short guard hairs. However, it is still necessary to comb the fur, since the dog sheds intensely.

And small lint can remain wherever the pet prefers to lie or rest. Several times a week, you should run a special brush over the skin, providing not only combing, but also massage. And during the molting period, you will additionally need a damp mitten. With its help, excess hair is removed.

Bathing procedures should not be carried out unless absolutely necessary. The properties of the wool are such that the four-legged friend almost does not get dirty. However, during slushy periods, you can wipe your paws and belly after a walk with a damp cloth.

Despite its height and weight, the Dogo Canario can be kept both in a city apartment and in a country house. But in all cases, you will need to provide your pet with high physical activity. You need to monitor the load, but you should not overdo it with exercises, as this can affect your health: a heavy dog ​​is prone to joint problems.

Due to the short hair, the dog may feel cold outside in winter. Therefore, during this period, walks should be reduced. But in the summer it is advisable to spend as much time as possible outdoors.

The room where the Great Dane lives should have a comfortable temperature. The dog's area should be isolated from drafts by placing a soft coconut fiber mat or small mattress there.

History of the origin of the Dogo Argentino

This is the only original type, bred in 1928, recorded in the general classification of dog breeds by the Federation of Cynologists only 36 years later. Since then, the Argentine Mastiff has become a symbol of the country. The goal of the breeders was to create a hunter who could, without getting tired, pursue even the fastest prey for a long time, mercilessly attack it after a long chase, and not experience aggression towards people.

As a result of crossing several dog breeds, the Dogo Argentino received increased height compared to other fighting breeds, unsurpassed endurance, exclusively white color, unprecedented power, an unmistakable sense of smell and speed. The dog can easily withstand grueling training and brutal life-and-death battles, and is a true athlete with the fighting qualities of Cordovans.

Ancestors of the White Great Dane

To obtain the dogo argentino, 10 different breeds of dogs were used, including: Dogue de Cordoba, Dogue de Bordeaux, Irish Wolfhound, Great Dane, Bulldog, English Pointer, Pyrenees Mountain, Spanish Mastiff, Boxer. After the 1970s, these dogs were exported outside the country and became popular in Italy and France, and all thanks to the excellent fighting qualities and athletic physique of the Argentine dog.


A large dog, with a muscular and strong body. Males at the withers reach 58-66 cm, weight from 45 to 65 kg. Bitches are from 56 to 64 cm at the withers, weigh from 39 to 55 kg.

The head is massive, wide, square, brachycephalic type. The correct head shape is part of the breed standard and a distinctive feature of its best representatives.

Traditionally, ears are cropped in order to reduce the number of vulnerable spots in dogs and to give it a more severe expression.

In this case, the ears stand straight, but in many countries it is prohibited to crop the ears. In this case, the shape of the ears is hanging, in the form of a rose.

The upper lip hangs down, when viewed from the front, the shape of the upper and lower lip forms an inverted V. The inside of the lip is dark in color.

Attitude towards children and pets

Aggression towards other dogs . There are often individuals that are very aggressive towards other dogs. It is not recommended to have same-sex dogs or other dogs (especially small breeds). If this happens, then it is necessary to keep them separately; together they can only be under your control.

This breed of dog is not a nanny. The child can be with the dog and play only under your supervision. The dog is not the first to attack, but having a strong character, it will not tolerate pranks on the part of the child.

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