How to stop a dog or puppy from chewing wallpaper: simple methods

Dogs are often like a hurricane that destroys everything in its path. They chew shoes, upholstery, chair legs or wallpaper. Access to furniture or shoes can be easily limited, but the same cannot be said about walls. It is a common problem that many dogs exhibit destructive behavior. You need to start fighting costly habits by answering the question - for what reasons does the dog do this?

Dog fight wallpaper

The dog tears the wallpaper: why does it do this?

As soon as a dog appears in the house, its behavior needs constant monitoring. After all, she was taken away from her mother and brothers and sisters, and now she found herself in an unfamiliar environment with people who were strangers. For this reason, you should not leave her alone in the house at first. Let the adjustment period pass as calmly and comfortably as possible for her.

Puppies get to know the world around them in ways that are most accessible to them, and often taste everything. They are interested in all surrounding objects: chairs, armchairs, carpets, wallpaper, etc. This should not be surprising, because dogs are very curious by nature. For this reason, it is worth being patient. Until the dog is six months old, it will attack various things and objects. As soon as the baby teeth change, she will stop behaving this way.

But in order for the pet not to get used to behaving this way forever, it is worth teaching it the correct behavior after the adaptation period has passed. You should also remember that your pet’s habit of tasting everything around him is unsafe for his health. Many items contain chemical compounds and dyes, which can cause the dog to become poisoned or become intoxicated. In order for a dog to stop gnawing on all surrounding objects, you need to establish exactly why he is doing this.

Your pet’s habit of tasting everything around him can lead to serious consequences.


One option is to develop your pet's habit of playing with certain objects. Most stores that specialize in selling pet supplies sell toys that have been specially designed for such situations. By the way, you can buy several of these toys at once, since most dogs, and especially small puppies, love it when they have a certain choice and variety.

In addition, it is considered very useful not only to play, but also to praise the dog for certain actions. Your dog always very clearly senses a positive reaction from the owner to certain actions on his part.

In cases where the dog is left alone at home quite often and for a long time (for example, his owners work all day), you can purchase a special toy for him. Its main feature is the scent that is attractive to dogs. Toys of this type are usually designed to be chewed. This is what will guarantee that the dog will be busy chewing the toy, and he will simply not have the desire to “switch” to damaging wallpaper and other household items, such as baseboards, shoes, clothes, flooring, etc.

Remember that it is advisable to carry out exercises to wean your pet from damaging wallpaper. This is done as follows: when you try to start gnawing on them, offer to play with a toy or an artificial bone. Sooner or later the dog will start to switch to these things.

Helpful advice! In such cases, you need to be sure to praise the dog and even give him a small treat. This will help form a habit and reinforce it.

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You should also not neglect regular walks, preferably at least twice a day. After your pet runs up to you and plays enough on the street, he often no longer has the energy to chew and damage the wallpaper. Well, in those cases when he does such things, wanting to demonstrate his protest, it is necessary to make the dog understand that you are its owner and forbid it to do this. Do not use violence under any circumstances. The best solution may be to consult with an experienced dog handler.

Main reasons

Small and adult dogs damage walls and chew wallpaper for the following reasons:

  1. The dog is bored.
  2. They forgot to buy toys for the puppy.
  3. Baby teeth are replaced.
  4. The dog's body lacks nutrients and vitamins.
  5. The animal got scared and became stressed.
  6. The animal has a lot of energy, but little physical activity.
  7. The dog doesn't agree with something.
  8. The owners did not do enough training for the dog; perhaps it needs to be trained by a trainer.

Often the reason for this behavior is a lack of attention. Dogs are distinguished by their devotion to their owners, for this reason she can be sad from lack of attention. Also, if a dog is well-trained, but remains at home alone for a long time, then it can create a mess in the home. Thus, the animal protests against loneliness, it needs attention.

A dog can spoil things in an apartment due to lack of attention.

Most often, hunting dogs and miniature breeds can damage walls and furniture. If a dog of any breed spoils objects and things at home, this may be the result of rough treatment. She is capable of ruining everything in the house, and hiding some of the broken things in a secluded corner.

Dogs also chew wallpaper and things due to a lack of calcium, phosphorus and other important substances in the body. This behavior is especially typical for animals at the stage of their development and growth.

The dog's body may lack calcium, phosphorus and other important substances in the body

Prevention is easier than retraining

If you are just getting ready to get a dog, then you have time to prepare for the arrival of a new family member. Buy toys in advance, set up a corner for your pet so that he can immediately focus on his things.

As soon as a pet appears in the house, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a puppy or an adult animal - make an appointment with a veterinarian, get all the tests done, and immediately clarify the picture of its health condition.

When getting a dog, remember that it needs attention. Do not leave her alone for a long time, especially in a completely unfurnished apartment.

Captivated by communication with its owner, the dog constantly feeling care and warmth will not tear off the wallpaper, because he will have no reason to do so.

How to stop a dog from chewing and tearing wallpaper

To wean your pet from doing something, you need to retrain it regularly and persistently. But only after the cause of the bad behavior has been clearly established. You can wean your animal from chewing wallpaper as follows:

  1. True training.
  2. Physical and mental work.
  3. Correct diet.
  4. Purchase of various toys.
  5. Spending time with a dog handler.

Animals often damage objects, thus expressing their emotions. But, if you do not try to wean your dog from doing this at an early age, then as an adult he will get used to spoiling things all the time whenever, for example, he gets scared.

A dog may spoil things due to boredom or long periods of loneliness.

Creating normal living conditions

The habit of gnawing on surrounding objects is formed during puppyhood. If you do not wean your dog from this activity in time, it will be difficult to do so in the future. You can try replacing wallpaper with items designed for teeth: bones, toys, chewy treats. Every time a pet chews something allowed, it should be encouraged in every possible way.

In some cases, the animal tears the wallpaper in the hope of getting at the plaster underneath. This may be a sign that your diet does not contain enough vitamins and minerals. You may need to go to the vet and find the right supplement for your dog. It is also worth seeing a doctor if the habit of spoiling things has formed due to neurosis or stress.

How to stop a dog from chewing wallpaper: useful tips

Punishment often does not give the desired result. Punishment is especially ineffective with puppies, and loud dissatisfaction from the owners and spanking can lead to the opposite result. And the animal will spoil things just out of spite.

Important! Owners should know how to properly raise an animal, and alternate punishment with rewards for good behavior.

If the owners did not notice exactly when the animal ruined the wallpaper, then it is recommended not to punish it. Otherwise, the dog may not understand why it is being punished, especially if it does not yet know the forbidden commands.

If the owner notices that the dog is chewing the wallpaper, then he should immediately approach the pet and say “No.” In this case, it is permissible to lightly spank your pet on the butt with a rolled-up newspaper. If the dog obeys, then you need to praise it, and it is recommended to give it a treat.

Breeders need to cope with the pet's energy, directing it in the right direction. For example, it is recommended to purchase various toys, bones, etc. from a pet store. The main thing is that the pet has objects that it can chew. The pet must remember that it has the right to chew its toys or unnecessary things intended for this purpose, and not interior items, wallpaper, etc. When the puppy takes care of his toys, he needs to be rewarded with his favorite treat. Thanks to this, he will understand that the owner approves of him.

To prevent your animal from getting bored, it is recommended to purchase various toys from the pet store.

If a puppy has a poor diet, then he can spoil things because he does not have enough nutrients in his body. It is necessary to review his diet and add vitamins to the daily menu. If the owner feeds the dog with ready-made food, it is recommended to choose well-known ones. When choosing food, you need to keep in mind the dog's age, activity and characteristics.

Frequent mistakes of owners

Start shaping your dog's habits from childhood. If you felt sorry for your puppy and were afraid to scold your baby for indecent behavior, then you can’t count on an easy-going temperament in an adult animal.

The dog will have a firmly established understanding that chewing wallpaper is not punishable, which means you can continue to enjoy the process.

The owner of the puppy should pay special attention to the consistency of his prohibitions. If yesterday you scolded your pet for damaging a wall, and today, being in a particularly good mood, you decided to “spare” it, know that this method of education will not give the desired results. Be persistent and patient.

I recommend: A miracle and kind people saved a frightened dog

The third common mistake is punishing the dog after the fact. This method will not lead to results. The pet will not understand why the owner treated him so rudely. It is extremely important to punish your dog as soon as you catch him tearing at a wall.

Watch useful video instructions:

How to stop a dog or puppy from chewing wallpaper: simple methods

If a dog spoils interior items or tears wallpaper when it is alone in the apartment, then you need to understand what caused this behavior. Perhaps the owner does not devote enough time to his pet. In this case, you need to play with him more often.

When the owner leaves for a long time, it is recommended to leave the pet in a separate room, if possible. To do this, you need to use the following methods:

  1. The dog should have its own toys and bones in the room. Thanks to this, the animal will be busy and will not get bored.
  2. The dog must get used to being alone sometimes gradually. You can’t immediately leave him alone for a long time.
  3. Upon returning, the owner should work with the animal and give it a treat for good behavior.
  4. Before leaving, the owner should take the pet for a walk and feed it well. The walk should be quite active and long. In this case, a tired and well-fed animal will not have time to damage the interior.

Video - How to stop a dog from chewing?

What's happening

Of course, in some cases there is a way out - to make a small home enclosure or cage for your dog. However, you won’t be able to keep your pet there all the time. In any case, he will spend a significant part of his time walking around the rooms of the apartment. So, in any case, you will have to find a way to stop your dog from tearing wallpaper. Moreover, this applies not only to adults. But often also small puppies.

By the way, in addition to wallpaper, it is not so rare that other things that are abundant inside any apartment can become the object of a dog’s attention:

Be that as it may, the problem with the dog gnawing, tearing or tearing certain furnishings and interior items needs to be solved.

Additional Tips

Unexpected actions give a good effect. When the dog approaches the wallpaper or other things, you need to whistle or make another loud sound. In this way, you can scare away the animal and it will have the necessary reflex.

You can drop a little essential oil or lemon juice on things, because dogs don’t like such smells. But it is necessary to take into account that chemicals cannot be used, because they can cause poisoning. It is also recommended to protect the animal from stressful situations; the psychological environment should be comfortable.

Cage as a method of dealing with unwanted behavior

If all else fails, you need to visit a dog handler. Thanks to regular training, the dog will become the owner of the correct manners and skills.

You need to raise your pet from the first months of life. The puppy should not do anything that he is not allowed to do when he grows up. If you allow his pranks initially, they can develop into big losses in the future. And retraining an adult dog is much more difficult than teaching it to do it right from the very beginning.

The essence of the problem

We all sincerely enjoy our pets. However, in addition to joyful moments, they often cause us a lot of trouble. What to do if a dog chews wallpaper? How to wean her from tearing and tearing the covering of the walls and protect them from dog “pranks”? It turns out that both a small puppy and an adult dog often want not only to sniff various objects in the interior, but also, as they say, to taste them. That is why it is so important to wean your pet off this “hobby” as quickly as possible, which, over time, threatens to turn into a habit.

Attention! In addition to damaging the wallpaper, some dogs also chew wires, linoleum, and sometimes even furniture. Not only is this damaging, but it can also be unsafe for your pet, especially if it gets into the habit of chewing on wires.

Finding out who's in charge in the house

The fact is that the animal can feel like the master of the house, so it will confidently ignore your calls for order in order to show that it is not permissible for you to command in this situation. These actions are inherent in the genotype of animals. Considering the situation at the level of a pack of dogs, it can be noted that the main individual is allowed to behave as he wishes, despite protests from the rest of the pack.

Little naughty dog

As you probably already guessed, you will have to convince the dog, show him who is really in charge in the house and in this situation. The punishment should be very strict, but not cruel. At the same time, it is important to repeat the punishment in cases of repeated damage to the wallpaper; in this situation, it is important to control yourself and not succumb to anger and violent emotions.

A couple of tips from canine experts:

To summarize, we can say that before punishing an animal for damaging wallpaper, it is worth carefully studying its behavior and understanding the root causes. After that, correcting her behavior will not require excessive efforts from you. Remember that by taking an animal home, you also took responsibility for its fate, so treat this situation calmly, with a little humor.

Note that if you know that your animal is prone to damage to wallpaper, you can immediately choose a vandal-proof wall covering option.


Other weaning methods

You can stop your puppy from chewing on walls using the effect of surprise. As soon as the puppy approaches the wallpaper and shows interest in other objects, clap your hands and spray the dog with water from a spray bottle. Sharp sounds will scare away your pet and help develop the necessary reflex.

You can lubricate the walls with pepper, lemon juice, mustard, essential oils, the smell of which dogs do not like, or sprays that are sold in pet stores. But do not overdo it and never use household chemicals, as chemicals will cause poisoning.

If an adult dog spoils things, you can use special devices, such as electric collars, ultrasound collars. Before using them, consult a veterinarian or dog handler.

If the dog is emotional and has a flexible psyche, sedatives and sedatives, which should be prescribed by a veterinarian, will help. Protect your dog from stress, create the most favorable conditions, a comfortable psychological environment.

If no methods help, the dog’s behavior cannot be corrected, contact a dog handler for help. Systematic classes will help instill correct behavioral skills and manners.

Do not put off raising your dog until later, do not allow the puppy to do things that he will not be allowed to do as an adult. Even if you have a representative of a miniature, decorative breed. Little pranks will grow into a destructive force. In addition, weaning adult dogs from improper manners will require more effort, time and patience.


Regular physical training

Knowing which dogs chew furniture and why they do it, as well as the natural energy of these pets, you should provide them with an opportunity to burn off their energy every day. To do this you need to walk with them. Daily physical training is the basis for the proper physical and psychological development of a pet, and if it lacks physical activity, it begins to direct its enormous energy to the destruction of household furniture.

You can physically stress your dog in various ways:

  • long walks with your pet;
  • active games with the dog in the fresh air;
  • dog playing with other pets.

If the owner does not have the constant opportunity to spend sufficient time with his pet, then veterinarians recommend occupying his attention with various toys that will develop not only the physical qualities of the pet, but also his mental abilities.

Identifying leadership qualities

The dog feels like part of the pack it lives in, so it chooses its leader. If the owner does not show due attention and does not set hierarchical boundaries in a timely manner, the dog will consider himself the leader. The animal will not respond to all attempts by the owner to rein in the dog.

It is necessary to carry out careful work to identify who is really in charge in the house. A person has the right to punish his pet, quite strictly, but in no case cruelly. Dog trainers and professional breeders recommend controlling yourself without giving in to emotions and anger.

In addition, the trainers highlighted several important tips for novice dog breeders:

  • You should not give a small puppy old things, rags and shoes to eat. The animal cannot draw a parallel between the new and the old.
  • You need to scold your pet at the moment when an offense is committed. Otherwise, the dog will not be able to understand why it is being punished.
  • It is important to praise your four-legged friend for good behavior and obedience. Dogs are excellent at sensing positive emotions from their owner.

Common mistakes in dealing with an animal that chews things

In attempts to retrain a puppy, dog breeders make a number of common and serious mistakes that hinder the achievement of results:

  • you should not scold or reprimand the animal for a previously committed offense, since after half an hour the dog will not correlate the result of its actions with the negative reaction of the owner;
  • your pet’s toys should be different from objects that are prohibited from chewing, so you should not give old slippers, boots and pillows to be torn to pieces;
  • you should not punish your pet excessively, excessive stress can lead to the opposite reaction, and the dog will see both the object and perhaps even the owner as a threat and an enemy;
  • move a piece of furniture from place to place, the pet will still find it and finish what it started;
  • as punishment, deprive the dog of play or a walk, since boredom will only provoke the animal to destructive behavior within the home.

The dog destroys the apartment in the absence of the owner

If your dog tears up wallpaper, rips off floor and wall coverings, and does this when he is alone at home, analyze what provokes this behavior. Maybe you don't spend enough time with your dog? Then try to communicate more with your pet, involve him in joint active games.

When leaving home for a long time, you can lock your dog in a separate room or a special cage, which must be taught to it from early childhood.

Treatment of wallpaper with various compositions

If the above methods do not help, you can take extreme measures - treat the wallpaper with pepper, hot mustard, or a special product from a pet store. When a dog starts doing the old thing, it will have to stop. Over time, the pet will understand that the wallpaper is tasteless and there is no need to chew it. The advantage of this method is that punishment follows immediately after the offense committed.

Many animals develop the habit of chewing wallpaper over many years, so they won’t be able to get rid of it quickly. You should be patient and prepare for painstaking work.

Sources: wallpaper-gryzt-drat-rvat.html

If a prankster is caught at the scene of a “crime”

If a dog is chewing furniture, and you catch it at the scene of the “crime” at the very moment when it is chewing not a toy, but furniture, then it is at this moment, and not later, that it should be scolded.

Sternly say: “Ugh!” and pat your pet by the scruff of the neck, imitating the behavior of a mother dog. This is how she lets the naughty pet know that he did something wrong.

As soon as the puppy stops the unwanted action, praise him and distract him with a toy. I repeat once again that you need to punish an animal exactly at the moment when you catch it at the scene of the “crime”.

If you returned home from work and the sofa has already been chewed, then in this case you need to understand and forgive the four-legged one! It is no longer possible to scold and punish him. Otherwise, the tail will associate the punishment not with the chewed thing, but with the appearance of the owner.

As a result of this, the animal will only be afraid of the owner. And the task of every four-legged owner is to make sure that your pet is not afraid, but trusts you and sees you not as a threat, but as the leader of the pack, who can protect and caress him at any moment.

Thus, if a dog chews furniture, then only the owner of the four-legged dog must determine the reason for this behavior and take the necessary measures. From the very beginning, you must show the puppy what is good and what is bad.

Think in advance whether you can devote enough time and attention to your furry so that he does not feel lonely and abandoned. And if you are planning to adopt a Jack Russell Terrier puppy, then this is especially important, because these restless dogs require a lot of attention and communication. Read about the character of the Jack Russell Terrier. If you are in doubt, think a hundred times whether you should get a dog at all.

Good luck to you! And take care of your pets!


So, as we see, if a dog chews wallpaper, in each case this may be a consequence of certain reasons that need to be identified in order to protect your interior. As a rule, to solve this problem there are methods that are quite effective and allow you to find a solution to the problem.

Dogs learn about the world by tasting it, so furniture, linoleum, wallpaper and wires in the house may be damaged. That is why it is important to start raising your pet in time and wean it from the bad habit of gnawing on everything.

If a dog begins to damage furniture in the house or chew wallpaper, you should not simply punish him for such pampering, as this will not bring the desired results; most likely, such behavior will become a real “hobby” for the animal. Of course, in the presence of the owner, the dog will behave well, but when it is left at home alone, it will begin to do its favorite thing - spoil the interior of the apartment. It will be much better if the owner tries to understand the motives for this behavior of the animal and persistently engage in its re-education.

A systematic approach to behavior correction

The approach must be systematic. It is very important that the education process be systematic. There are three things a dog owner needs to consider:

  • the duration of periods when the dog is left alone;
  • weaning off unwanted behavior;
  • training in desired behavior.

You cannot deal with only one aspect, as this will not give any result and will reduce all efforts to nothing.

The learning process, especially if we are talking about an adult dog, cannot be quick. An animal cannot change its behavior in an instant. Therefore, you need to gradually help your pet get used to the unpleasant feeling of loneliness, forming an alternative desirable behavior in his mind, controlling how much time the animal can withstand alone without experiencing stress.

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