How to stop a dog or puppy from whining: simple ways

You have fulfilled an old dream and acquired a four-legged friend. However, one thing clouds the happiness: the puppy constantly whines, at night and during the day. The dog can whine for different reasons. Why does the puppy whine and what to do in this case?


Why do dogs or puppies whine?

If you are faced with a dog whining problem, it is actually absolutely not difficult to stop your dog from howling and whining. But to achieve a positive result, you need to find out the reason why your beloved pet is whining.

Important! Barking, howling, whining, and other sounds are special means of communication through which a dog conveys its emotions and mood.

Causes of dog whining:

  • nervousness, impatience;
  • emotional overexcitation;
  • fear, fright, severe stress;
  • joy, delight
  • to attract attention;
  • loneliness;
  • pain, discomfort (heat, cold);
  • feeling of guilt, apology for the wrongdoing;
  • unrealized, overflowing energy;
  • reaction to certain stimuli.

As a rule, the most common whining is from small puppies that have been separated from their littermates and their mother dog. So they call on the mother. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that the first time after your baby arrives in your house, the baby will whine, especially at night or when the dog is left alone in the house.

This behavior is explained by the fact that the small pet has not yet adapted and is not accustomed to the new conditions. Time will pass, the dog will get used to the members of his family, and will not disturb you with such unpleasant sounds.

Important! Surround the puppy with attention and care, devote more time to the dog, and do not leave it alone for a long time.

Often the causes of whining are purely physiological in nature:

  • Dogs are quite inquisitive and impatient animals, so they whine before eating, begging you for a treat or asking for a walk, especially in the morning.
  • The dog whines if he “needs” to go to the toilet, for example, due to an upset stomach. In this way, he informs the owner about his physiological desires.
  • Puppies and young dogs often whine due to acute pain if they experience severe discomfort or are very frightened by something.

Another reason for dog whining is prolonged separation from the owner. Dogs are social animals that consider their family to be a pack . In addition, the dog is very attached and devoted to his owner.

Therefore, if you leave or leave your dog alone at home, in an enclosure, or a cage for a long time, the animal becomes very sad and feels abandoned and lonely. A dog can also whine out of simple boredom if the dog has nothing to do when he is left alone at home.

If your dog often whines at night, it may not be getting enough exercise . This is especially true for young, energetic, active dogs, individuals with an active psyche. This behavior may be caused by lack of attention during the day.

Encouraging behavior

This behavior is normal for dogs and can only be cause for concern if it occurs regularly and for no apparent reason. Squeaking due to excitement is natural and most people are not bothered by the sound. As a rule, the whining stops as soon as the excitement ends. Occasional whining due to stress is to be expected, especially when it is related to environmental factors such as earthquakes, fireworks, thunder or severe storms.

If your dog has reached the point where you feel the whining is causing concern, the first thing you should do is contact your veterinarian to rule out an underlying condition. This is especially true if the whining does not seem to be caused by environmental factors, lack of food or water.

If your dog is squeaking due to a behavioral problem, such as attention seeking or separation anxiety, you may need the help of a trainer to adjust the behavior accordingly. You are an integral part of your dog's communication.

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Learning to respond appropriately to your dog's different communication methods is critical to getting the most out of your relationship with your dog, and vice versa. In most cases, simply ignoring your dog's unnecessary whining for a long time will result in a change in his behavior. Encourage silence and try to adapt to your dog's needs. Just like babies and small children, don't indulge your dog by whining to get your way.

What to do if your dog whines at night

As a rule, adult dogs sleep at night if their day has been eventful and active, the pet is well-fed and healthy. Therefore, most often small puppies make cutting, unpleasant sounds at night, and this is most often explained not only by a sharp change in their usual environment, but also by fear and loneliness.

Important! If the puppy is not yet three months old, the baby howls and whines at night when he is left alone or locked alone in a room, never use physical violence or yell at the small pet. But encouraging such behavior is unacceptable. Act consistently and persistently.

During the first few days, whining is quite normal. He is frightened by new surroundings, smells, sounds. Some dog breeders recommend taking your pet to the bed. But dog experts do not recommend doing this. The puppy will get used to sleeping with you and it will be difficult to accustom an older pet to a place.

To stop your puppy from whining:

  • Organize a comfortable bed or house for the new member of your family.
  • If possible, do not leave the dog alone for a long time, and especially do not lock the puppy in a crate or in another room.
  • Protect your dog from stress and negative emotions. The period of adaptation and socialization should be as calm and favorable as possible.

If the puppy is a little over a month old, at this age it is not advisable to separate him from his mother. But if this happens, place the dog bed near your bed and as soon as the baby whines, calm him down and pet him. Once the puppy calms down, praise him.

Gradually move the lounger further away from the bed and react less to whining. Pay more attention to your pet so that he gets used to his new home faster and can more easily endure separation from his mother. In order for the puppy to better cope with separation from his mother dog, ask the breeders for toys, a cloth, or things that have retained familiar smells . Place them near the bed or in the house where your small pet sleeps, and he will behave more confidently and calmly. You can also use a heating pad or a bottle filled with warm water. Wrap it in soft cloth and place it near the puppy.

If the puppy, having adapted to new conditions, continues to howl and whine at night, leave the light or night lamp on. Approach the dog and calm it down in a gentle tone. If the whining does not stop, perhaps the puppy does not want to sleep and is bored. Place toys and tooth sharpeners near the baby. After playing enough, the dog will get tired and sleep peacefully.

Gradually accustom your dog to the command “Place”, “Fu”, “No” or any other prohibition commands. Give the command in a strict tone, and as soon as the dog has shown obedience, reward it with a gentle intonation or a treat. To prevent the puppy from getting bored when you are not at home, leave him various toys. Otherwise, the dog will not only howl, but will also begin to damage furniture and wallpaper.

Whining is one of the ways of communication

When answering the question why a puppy whines, you need to understand that dogs are very sociable animals. They communicate by barking, leaving marks on the territory, wagging their tail and even just looking into the eyes. These phenomena can tell a lot. So whining is one of the forms of communication, and also quite common. By whining, the puppy notifies others of its presence, attracts its mother, and protects itself from other dogs, since whining has a calming effect on them.

These sounds do not always mean that the baby is in pain, since in most cases, animals endure illnesses silently with a certain degree of tolerance, or moaning weakly.

Also, dogs of one breed or another may differ in temperament. Some dogs are silent, while others are very “talkative”; the latter more often use various speech techniques, including whining.

If a puppy whines, then this can indicate completely different feelings - joy, boredom, melancholy, fear, panic, demand for something. It is worth taking a closer look at the condition of your small pet and, based on the accompanying behavior and condition, taking action. Moreover, pitiful whining does not always require immediate intervention...

When does a puppy need real help, and when is it just a whim that should be ignored?

The puppy promises when he sits in another room

If the puppy has become accustomed to you and its new habitat, but continues to disturb you or makes heart-rending sounds when locked in another room, you need to be strict in your upbringing. If you constantly indulge in such behavior, pity or calm the dog, whining will become a habit, and the dog will howl for any reason.

You can ignore whining if this is how your pet attracts attention. Over time, the dog will understand that such behavior only displeases the owners. If the whining really bothers you, open the door. In a stern tone, send the dog to its place, give the command “Fu.” Repeat similar actions until the dog calms down. If all else fails, the dog continues to howl as soon as you close the door, increase the punishment, find a method that will achieve results.

Other solutions and considerations

Often, owners suspect that their dogs are in chronic pain when they squeak constantly, but this is not the case. Dogs with chronic pain do not make squeaking or high-pitched sounds when their pain becomes constant. Instead, they will show silent physical signs that they are experiencing chronic pain. If your dog's whining has become incessant, it may be a sign of a mental health or behavioral problem that you need to correct.

Dogs that have severe separation anxiety may cry or squeak for a long time, even when you return to the room. Likewise, older dogs who chronically squeak in their crates may be showing signs of improper crate training. In these cases, the best option may be to seek behavioral training instead of trying to resolve the behavior on your own.

The dog whines in the absence of its owners

There is nothing worse when a dog howls or whines under the doors, throws tantrums when he is left alone at home. The problem needs to be solved gradually.

To begin with, you can teach him to lock the dog in one of the rooms. Close the door and don't pay attention if he scratches the door or whines. After a while, open the door, scold your pet and give the forbidden command in a stern tone. You can lightly lift your pet by the scruff of the neck and slap him on the rump with a newspaper.

Once the dog calms down, praise him. Don't constantly run to your dog when he starts to tantrum and don't teach him to reward him with treats. The dog will quickly understand that whining is an effective means of attracting attention and getting treats. Repeat the exercise several times a day, increasing the time amplitude until you achieve results. If the dog starts whining as soon as you leave the house, come back and scold the dog. Give the command “Get in place!” and take him to the litter.

Advice! Do not let your dog out of the house or enclosure for a walk if the dog begins to howl. Don't open the door if he scratches or whines. Don't follow the animal's lead.

Do the same when leaving home. So that the dog doesn't get bored:

  • Leave a bone, toys, teeth sharpeners.
  • Before leaving, organize a long active walk and engage in training.
  • Feed before leaving. A tired and well-fed dog will sleep and rest when you leave home.
  • When leaving the dog alone, give the command “Place”. As soon as your pet goes to his bed, reward him.

Bottle feeding a newborn puppy

Although ideally the puppy (or puppies) should receive their mother's warmth and mother's milk as this food is essential for the development of their immune system, sometimes this cannot be achieved due to rejection or disability.

If the opportunity to be with the mother has been eliminated, or after some time the puppy has been unable to join her and eat, it is time to replace the formula, also known as formula.

We can find puppy milk at pet stores and veterinary clinics, but we recommend that you visit your veterinarian to explain how much milk your puppy drinks depending on his age and health.

What to do if an adult dog whines: advice from dog handlers

If an adult dog whines for no reason or for other reasons, act persistently and decisively. An adult dog must be trained in forbidden commands and know its place, regardless of whether the pet is kept at home or in an enclosure. As soon as the dog starts howling or whining, use a stern tone. Alternate reprimand with encouragement. Use the same methods you would for a puppy.

Important! If an adult dog whines, such behavior is associated with errors in raising the puppy, improper adaptation and socialization of the animal.

If you adopted an adult dog from a shelter and it is not well-mannered, contact a dog trainer and take a training course. Consolidate the acquired skills after classes on walks and at home. Train the dog to the place, enclosure, cage. When locking the dog in the enclosure, give the command “Place”, praise, and pet the pet.

  • Never scold a dog if it is resting and in its place, in an enclosure, cage, house or on a bed. The place of rest and sleep is the pet’s personal territory and the dog should feel calm and confident there. If your dog whines while in his place, ignore this behavior.
  • When you let your pet out, occasionally reward good behavior with a treat. Achieve persistently, but gradually, to complete the assigned tasks. Do not burden your pet with tasks that are too much for him.
  • Teach basic commands gradually. There are no dogs that cannot be trained. There is a wrong approach to education and training. You can teach a new command when the dog has mastered the previous ones. Consider your pet’s temperament, character, and degree of emotionality. But remember that weaning an adult pet from harmful behavior is much more difficult and takes longer, so instill the right skills from an early age, but only after the adaptation period has ended.

  • Spoiled, misbehaving pets can be affected by punishment and complete indifference. Dogs are sensitive to the mood of their owner; if they are ignored or punished for wrongdoing, the dog will try to behave well so as not to upset you.
  • Don't indulge in bad habits . Once you succumb to your dog’s provocations, your pet will quickly understand that you can be manipulated. If the dog whines before eating or begging for a treat, calm the dog down and give the food after a while. Do not pet or treat your pet, no matter how much you would like to do so. Pity is not the best approach in the educational process.

Remember , a dog never whines without a reason. Therefore, before scolding or punishing her, understand the root cause of such behavior.

Proper upbringing, consistent adjustment of behavioral manners, systematic training and exercises will give positive results over time. Be patient and persistent if your dog does something wrong. Dogs learn quickly if you treat them with attention, patience and kindness.

The most silent breeds

If owners do not want to face the problem of night barking or whining, then they should pay attention to silent dog breeds. These include:

  • Bullmastiff is a physically strong and powerful dog, which is distinguished by its unobtrusiveness and silence;
  • Shar Pei is a charming plush pet with an independent character; this breed barks and whines extremely rarely;
  • Basenji - due to its anatomical features, this breed does not make barking sounds; the maximum it is capable of is a quiet grunt.

Also quiet breeds include the St. Bernard and the Greyhound. But due to their large size, they are not very convenient for keeping in an apartment.

If the dog whines because it is cold and uncomfortable to sleep on the floor, then you need to equip it with a sleeping place

When a dog whines for no reason

Dog handlers agree that a dog cannot whine without a reason. This is always an expression of well-being, one’s own emotions or a way of communication. If you notice that your pet has begun to whine without any provoking factors, you should check his health (examine the oral cavity, change the temperature, take him to an appointment).

It is especially dangerous if the dog, at the same time as whining, is breathing heavily, shaking his head with his tongue hanging out, or pacing around in the apartment. If these symptoms occur, you should take your pet to the vet as soon as possible.

If the puppy is sick

If a newborn pet is sick, this is determined by the following criteria:

  1. The baby's skin is cold to the touch.
  2. The dog is inactive.
  3. The puppy's appetite decreases, the dog sucks poorly and little.
  4. If you take a puppy in your arms, the healthy one begins to twirl, the sick one hangs down exhausted.
  5. Place the tip of your finger in the dog’s mouth and watch the reaction: a healthy puppy begins to suck greedily, the sick one tries to push the finger out of the mouth.

If an animal is infected with an intestinal pathogen, diarrhea may begin, loss of appetite and a significant increase in body temperature.

There is a situation when a puppy is extremely exhausted for an unknown reason, usually characterized by increased mobility and excessive activity. Starts to crawl and scream loudly. Having reached the mother's side and warmed up, the pet quickly calms down and falls asleep.

If you open your puppy's jaws and look into his mouth, it looks dry. The tongue of a sick animal becomes bright pink. Try gathering your pet's skin into a small fold between your fingers, then release. If the animal is exhausted, the fold does not straighten out.

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