Nicknames for dogs of girls of the Pomeranian breed - beautiful, funny and affectionate names, how to choose

The Pomeranian, or German Spitz, is a decorative breed, which is most often bred in specialized nurseries. It is there that all puppies from the litter are given names starting with the same letter. The animal's passport indicates the full official name, according to the pedigree. It can be difficult to pronounce, so owners have the right to shorten it or call their pet a different name. Before choosing a specific nickname for a little girl or boy of the Spitz breed, it’s worth taking a closer look at the dog. The name should reflect the character, appearance, habits of the orange, be sonorous and beautiful.

Nicknames for Spitz girls

It is very easy to accustom such an intelligent creature as the Spitz to a nickname from a very young age.
It is enough to choose a short and simple name that does not resemble popular dog commands so that the puppy does not get confused. The nickname is repeated during all important activities for the pet - feeding, playing, affection. It is best to always pronounce the name the same way - Nota, not Notka, Noti, Notya. Most of all, owners love beautiful popular nicknames. No less interesting are funny, geographical, gastronomic, names based on the color of the animal, its amusing habits. The nickname may have a certain meaning - here you can look at German and Polish names with meaning (the breed was bred in Pomerania, Germany).

What nicknames are not suitable for Pomeranians?

A name for a dog is no less important than a name for a person. It programs the animal for special behavior, influences the formation of character, habits, disposition and attitude towards others.

Dog handlers do not advise naming a puppy after a deceased or missing pet. Constantly comparing dogs will not allow you to establish close, trusting relationships. It is not recommended to call your Pomeranian by a human name. The dog owner may find himself in an awkward position when passers-by turn around at his call. The exception is not the most common foreign names.

You should avoid nicknames that sound like a command, so that the dog does not confuse it with an order and does not end up in a situation that is incomprehensible to him. The dog's nickname should correspond to its appearance and not cause laughter, misunderstanding, surprise or unnecessary questions among others. The menacing names of Rottweilers or German Shepherds are absolutely not suitable for miniature Spitz dogs. If the nickname is associated with color, it should not conflict with the real color of the Pomeranian.

"Elegant" nicknames

For fluffy Spitz beauties, these euphonious, cute names are also good:

  • Quinn;
  • Fifi;
  • Effie;
  • Flora;
  • Camilla;
  • Chanel;
  • Violet;
  • Stella;
  • Scarlett;
  • Theodora;
  • Juliet;
  • Octavia;
  • Ruby;
  • Zhizhi;
  • Ollie;
  • Zoe;
  • Poppy;
  • Izzy;
  • Amelie;
  • Lola;
  • Petunia;
  • Pearl.

Beautiful nicknames

Cute Spitz dogs just want to choose a euphonious name to match:

  • Kesha;
  • Baby;
  • Sammy;
  • Molly;
  • Maggie;
  • Cleo;
  • Phoebe;
  • Juna;
  • Lady;
  • Misty;
  • Brandy;
  • Roxy;
  • Rosie;
  • Vicki;
  • Duchess;
  • Chloe;
  • Venya;

Little Phoebe:

  • Emma;
  • Bobby;
  • Sandy;
  • Sassy;
  • Holi;
  • Dixie;
  • Zara;
  • Suga;
  • Bella;
  • Lola;
  • A penny;
  • Lily;
  • Madi;
  • Pepa;
  • Sheba;
  • Kati;
  • Gracie;
  • Abby;
  • Charlie;
  • Coco;
  • Annie;
  • Ginger;
  • Mara;
  • Candy;
  • Princess.

Charming Candy:

Unusual nicknames

Spitz dogs are distinguished by their original appearance - this can be emphasized by unusual names:

  • Fries;
  • Athena;
  • Panda;
  • Hera;
  • Reno;
  • Baloo;
  • Mouse;
  • Fergie;
  • Adele;
  • Rihanna;
  • Miles;
  • Gaga;
  • Presley;
  • Beyonce;
  • Pinky;
  • Madonna;
  • Bowie;
  • Ozzy;
  • Piggy;
  • Lottie;
  • Clover;
  • DotA;
  • Jam;
  • Bet;
  • Petra;
  • Penny;
  • Sesel;

The most aristocratic nicknames

Even the most magnificent mini-dog can be incredibly gallant and impressive. Such ladies should choose a name corresponding to people from high society. For example:

  • Abigail;
  • Augusta;
  • Antoinette;
  • Beatrice;
  • Bernadette;
  • Valentine;
  • Vivien;
  • Virginia;
  • Gertrude;
  • Daniela;
  • Genevieve;
  • Josephine;
  • Georgette;
  • Isabel;
  • Katrina;
  • Caroline;
  • Constance;
  • Cornelia;
  • Laetitia;
  • Lisette;
  • Loretta;
  • Madeleine;
  • Marcellette;
  • Ninon;
  • Oriana;
  • Ophelia;
  • Patricia;
  • Roxana;
  • Celestina;
  • Silvia;
  • Tatiana;
  • Undine;
  • Felice;
  • Charlize;
  • Hellas;
  • Elizabeth;
  • Emmanuel;
  • Estelle;
  • Eugenia;
  • Yarina.

Constance and her rich decoration

German nicknames

An excellent option is to give the puppy a unique name of German origin, which has its own history, mystery or specific meaning:

  • Agna is pure in heart and thoughts.
  • Adala - noble blood.
  • Aleite - of noble family.
  • Aloysia is the name of the famous warrior.
  • Amalie, Amalie is a hardworking assistant.
  • Aneli – “grace and benefit.”
  • Atala - noble family.
  • Barbel is unusual, a foreigner.
  • Bindi – “beautiful and dangerous as a snake.”
  • The beat is a blessing.
  • Brigitte is majestic.
  • Bruna - golden, cinnamon, red tint.
  • Verena – “sacred wisdom.”
  • Vibek is warlike.
  • Wilda is capricious, as if wild.
  • Volda - “law and power.”
  • Vreni – “sacred wisdom”.
  • Gabi – “strength as a gift from heaven.”
  • Ganda is war.
  • Gerti - spear blow.
  • Gratia is pretty, pleasant.
  • Greta is a gem.
  • Jisa is debt.
  • Jitta is majestic, noticeable.
  • Josepha is transformative.
  • Zelda – smoky, gray.
  • Zenzi – prosperous, growing.
  • Yvon – “yew tree”.
  • Idan – “new love”.
  • Ilma - helmet.
  • Irma is universal, whole.
  • Carlot, Caroline – human.
  • Katrin is pure in intentions.
  • Kiel – lover or girlfriend.
  • Corina is a girl, a maiden.
  • Kristen is “following God.”
  • Kate is pure.
  • Leni - moonlight, torchlight.
  • Leona is a lioness.
  • Leah, Lilo, Lily, Lota - promise, oath.
  • Laura is a laurel branch.
  • Main - armor, helmet.
  • Maril is dear to my heart.
  • Marte – lady, lady.
  • Meta is a jewel.
  • Minna, Minnie - protection in battle.
  • Mitzi - beloved.

  • Odelia is wealthy, wealthy.
  • Ottila is a rich woman.
  • Raik - “to rule in the world.”
  • Rebecca – cunning (literally “entrapper”).
  • Rosvita, Ruperta - famous, famous.
  • Sabina is a geographical name.
  • Selma is a protector.
  • Senta – appeared, born.
  • Siji is gentle.
  • Suz - lily.
  • Sophie is wise.
  • Tabeya - roe deer, gazelle.
  • Ulriki - “prosperity and power.”
  • Ears are a bear.
  • Feliki - luck, luck.
  • Fredja – madam, lady.
  • Frida – “elven strength”.
  • Frock is a little lady.
  • Franziska is free, free.
  • Fritzi - “rules peacefully.”
  • Hannah is kind.
  • Khedi – war, struggle.
  • Henrike is a housewife.
  • Helene – secret, nocturnal, black.
  • Hilda - battle.
  • Ellie, Elsa. - oath.
  • Alfie is an elf.
  • Erna – “conquering death.”
  • Utah is a child.

Cool nicknames from mythology

Nicknames taken from a mythological context are always beautiful and graceful. Today we will turn to the myths of several nations at once, so that you have the opportunity to choose a nickname to suit your taste.

Interesting fact! Even the smallest members of the family - Pomeranians - feel like big dogs.

Roman - for the brave and proud:

  • Aurora;
  • Agenoria;
  • Arduinna;
  • Venus;
  • Virtus;
  • Diana;
  • Diez;
  • Cardea;
  • Cybele;
  • Concordia;
  • Libertas;
  • Lucina;
  • Mephitis;
  • Morta;
  • Nerio;
  • Postworth;
  • Proserpine;
  • Trivia;
  • Febris;
  • Fortune;
  • Ceres;
  • Eternitas;
  • Yuventa;
  • Justice.

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Ancient Greek - for the thoughtful and intelligent:

  • Aidos;
  • Artemis;
  • Athena;
  • Aphrodite;
  • Bendida;
  • Hecate;
  • Hestia;
  • Demeter;
  • Dorida;
  • Eucleia;
  • Idothea;
  • Iris;
  • Kotis;
  • Leucofea;
  • Metis;
  • Nemesis;
  • Nyukta;
  • Panacea;
  • Persephone;
  • Psyche;
  • Selena;
  • Thalassa;
  • Tingis;
  • Chloride;
  • Eunomia.

Scandinavian - for the brave and unrestrained:

  • Angrboda;
  • Audhumla;
  • Bestla;
  • Verdandi;
  • Gefion;
  • Ghirokkin;
  • Grid;
  • Gullveig;
  • Idunn;
  • Lauveya;
  • Lofn;
  • Modgud;
  • Knott;
  • Ratatoskr;
  • Skadi;
  • Skuld;
  • Snotra;
  • Freya;
  • Heidrun;
  • Yarnsaksa.

Japanese - for the mysterious and attractive:

  • Amaterasu;
  • Ame-onna;
  • Benzaiten;
  • Zashiki-bokko;
  • Jimmenju;
  • Izanami;
  • Inugami;
  • Kagutsuchi;
  • Kaibyo;
  • Keukegen;
  • Name-onna;
  • Nogitsune;
  • Obariyon;
  • Otorosi;
  • Rokurokkubi;
  • Tamamo no Mae;
  • Toyotama-hime;
  • Ubume;
  • Hone-onna;
  • Tsukiyomo;
  • Yamaoroshi;
  • Yanari.

What are you thinking about, Persephone?

Polish nicknames

Since Spitz were bred in Pomerania, you can look at interesting names common in the breed’s homeland – Poland:

  • Agnieszka is immaculate, pure.
  • Alicia is a noble lady.
  • Anka is blessed.
  • Asia – “Sunrise”.
  • Beata is a blessing.
  • Bertha is noticeable, bright.
  • Blanca – white, snow-white, light.
  • Brigida is strong and strong.
  • Vette is a home manager.
  • Viga is a battle between two forces.
  • Viola is a purple flower.
  • Grasya is pleasant and agreeable.
  • Henrika is the home of the rulers.
  • Dita is a war trophy.
  • Eve is the source of life.
  • Zhulita – young, youthful.
  • Zlata – literally “golden”.
  • Zofia is wise in life.
  • Zosia - wisdom.
  • Irena is peaceful.
  • Willow is the name of the yew tree.
  • Kaya – literally “chicken”.
  • Kasia is pure.
  • Kazi – command, call.
  • Krisia is a follower.
  • Lucia is light.
  • Louise is a warrior.
  • Raspberry is the name of the berry.
  • Malvina – literally “smooth”.
  • Martina is a conqueror.
  • Marila is stubborn, tenacious.
  • Mazena is a dreamer.
  • Natasya – born.
  • Olivia - from "olive".
  • Roxana - dawn, sunrise.
  • Ruta is a friend.
  • Sarah is of noble blood.
  • Selina is heavenly.
  • Sylvia is forest.
  • Solomeya is peaceful.
  • Stefania – crown or royal crown.
  • Ursula is a bear.
  • Edita is a success in war.
  • Ela – “oath to God.”
  • Eligia – freedom, choice.
  • Justina - justice.
  • Berry – literally “fruit”.


Most popular names

If the uniqueness and exoticism of a nickname is not so important to you, first of all you should consider popular options. These names are definitely suitable for Spitz dogs - this is evidenced by the prevalence of nicknames among fluffies:

  • Amelia;
  • Arizona;
  • Buffy;
  • Benji;
  • Bibi;
  • Beauty;
  • Violet;
  • Verona;
  • Vesta;
  • Vicki;
  • Gabby;
  • Gracie;
  • Darling;
  • Gigi;
  • Judith;
  • Dolly;
  • Eve;
  • Yeshka;
  • Josie;
  • Julieta;
  • Zoe;
  • And bath;
  • Infinity;
  • Ilona;
  • Yoka;
  • Kayla;
  • Cassandra;
  • Kimura;
  • Bark;
  • Lady;
  • Liberty;
  • Lily;
  • Matilda;
  • Melissa;
  • Molly;
  • Maggie;
  • Nanni;
  • Nika;
  • Nola;
  • Audrey;
  • Omega;
  • Olivia;
  • Paradise;
  • Pippi;
  • Priscilla;
  • Reina;
  • Rihanna;
  • Rosie;
  • Ruby;
  • Savannah;
  • Sky;
  • Scarlett;
  • Stella;
  • Tessie;
  • Twitty;
  • Toffee;
  • Smile;
  • Unica;
  • Phoebe;
  • Fixie;
  • Flora;
  • Heather;
  • Chloe;
  • Tsatsa;
  • Chelsea;
  • Cherry;
  • Chanel;
  • Sheba;
  • Elsa;
  • Etna;
  • Uni;
  • Juliana;
  • Yana.

And dear Tom is getting ready for Halloween:

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Nicknames for Spitz: boys and girls

Spitz are cheerful, playful, friendly animals. With the appearance of a fluffy dog ​​in the house, the question arises not only about proper care and feeding, but also what to name a boy or a girl Spitz. When choosing, they are guided by various parameters. This could be the color of the pet, its characteristic habits, or unusual habits. Many owners simply find a funny or trendy nickname. But in order for the dog to quickly get used to the chosen name, some rules should be followed.

General recommendations for choosing a name for a dog

Having appeared in a new home, the puppy will quickly show its essence. Owners will notice character traits, based on which they can choose a nickname. Here are some simple tips that will help in this difficult matter:

  • It has been proven that dogs' hearing perceives voiced sounds better than dull sounds;
  • Don't choose a long word for your nickname, 2-3 syllables is ideal. Complex nicknames sound beautiful and unusual, but the dog is unlikely to respond to it, and the owner will be able to quickly pronounce it on the street;
  • You should not choose obscene, offensive or funny names. Perhaps at home it is convenient for people to call their dog whatever they like. But you also have to call by nickname in public places where other, strangers are present. What if you end up feeling embarrassed or embarrassing those around you?
  • The dog's name should sound clear. Do not call your pet commands that you will later teach him at training grounds. This will lead to confusion for the dog in the future.

Phonetic features

A dog's hearing perceives a variety of sounds much more acutely, especially when walking on the street, where there is so much noise around. A short, simple nickname will help train your pet to quickly respond and come to the command “Come to me!” while walking. And this is very important, especially if the risk of a dangerous situation increases.

The letters “r”, “zh”, “d”, “yu”, “h” help the nickname sound clear. Dogs respond significantly worse to hissing consonants “s”, “sh”, “sch”, “x”. Experts recommend coming up with a nickname that begins with a consonant sound. Call your pet by name as often as possible, and he will get used to it faster. The main thing is to do it affectionately and naturally. Use the name often during games or practices.

How to name a boy's Spitz

Gender is the first and most obvious selection criterion. Spitz, as representatives of small breeds, try to give courageous, but at the same time cool nicknames. A bright nickname will suit the boy, emphasizing his restless disposition and cheerfulness.

Males are quite narcissistic. These pets know their worth and often bully larger dogs.

The Spitz boy can be called: Aldar, Amadeus, Barin, Kraft, Jaco, Karat, Chris, Lord, Lorsen.

Features of nicknames

Scientists have proven that a dog's nickname affects its character. If you named a Spitz Sonya, the baby will be lazy, and Chichi will be playful and mischievous (like a monkey). There are several rules that should be followed when choosing a nickname for your pet:

  • the nickname should be easy to pronounce;
  • the name must contain ringing sounds (hissing sounds are often difficult to understand);
  • It’s better to look for short nicknames (1-3 syllables);
  • similarities with team names should be avoided so that your favorite does not get confused;
  • the nickname must correspond to the exterior, temperament and size of the Spitz;
  • it is better to abandon human names (those that are common in the country, but can be called foreign).

When choosing a name, you should pay attention to the emotionality and appearance of the orange. For small breeds of dogs, which include the Spitz (from 22 cm at the withers), children's and affectionate nicknames (Dunya, Bublik) are suitable, because they remain playful pets until old age.

If the dog is large, then you can choose a more respectable nickname for him. Many people prefer the names of Slavic and Greek gods for Spitz dogs (Hebe, Ares, Phoebe). But it is recommended to look at the value in advance.

This is interesting: Types of haircuts for Spitz

You cannot call a dog by the nickname of a missing or deceased pet. This carries negative energy and can adversely affect her destiny.

How to name a Spitz girl

Spitz girls are more affectionate, kind, and sensitive. They are often compared to funny little foxes. They try to give them names that match their character. A well-aimed word will help highlight the positive aspects of your pet and add even more charm to her.

Suitable names for Spitz girls: Alpha, Ambra, Barbie, Bertha, Burma, Bianca, Varda, Dora, Giselle, Capa, Knopa. For the Pomeranian Spitz - restless and restless - more energetic nicknames are suitable. For example, Lightning, Comet, Arrow.

What nicknames do famous people give to their Spitz dogs?

Many celebrities cannot resist the charm of Pomeranians. They choose nicknames for their pets according to their taste:

  1. Martin Luther's favorite was the Belferlane Pomeranian.
  2. For her 25th birthday, Kelly Osbourne received a black Pomeranian named Sid as a gift.
  3. Mickey Rourke's Pomeranian is named Oscar.
  4. Philip Kirkorov does not part with white Harry, whom he initially called Popper.
  5. Figure skaters Tatyana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov have a Pomeranian, Dexter.
  6. Paris Hilton named her dog Mr. Amazing.
  7. Nicole Richie has many photos with Foxy Cleopatra.
  8. Jessica Alba is the owner of Lucky.
  9. Sylvester Stallone named his pet Fergie.
  10. Olga Buzova has a Pomeranian, Chelsea.
  11. Maria Sharapova has Dolce.
  12. Ksenia Borodina has Winter.

Top 10 popular nicknames

The nickname becomes an expression of the owner’s individuality, allowing him to show his sense of humor and boast of erudition. However, according to statistics, certain words are more common - this is what many dog ​​breeders call their pets. Below are the top 10 popular animal names.

Spitz boy nameNickname for a Spitz girl

Of course, each owner can have his own opinion. However, it is better to find a rare nickname that friends or acquaintances did not call their pets. This will avoid confusion when other dog walkers call out to their namesake animals on a walk.

All representatives of the breed are active and cheerful, so these pets are often given nicknames with emotional connotations.

Nicknames for German Spitz girls

Pomeranian girls look very cute, are affectionate and gentle in nature, love communication, behave playfully, and love to be the center of attention. Nicknames that please the ear and sound beautiful are suitable for them. Nicknames are selected based on the character and color characteristics. If a girl is active and energetic, she is called Strelka, Comet, Lightning, Spark, Cosmi. Beautiful names of geographical places or rare plants are suitable as nicknames. Scandinavian female names, like no other, reflect the character and temperament of Pomeranian girls - Irma, Sena, Varda, Malsi, Iddi, Sibylla and many others.

When choosing a nickname, they are guided by the size of the bitch and the type of haircut. If it is a bear type, it is called a cute childhood nickname because the dog resembles a stuffed toy. For a fox-looking orange with delicate graceful features, a proud and aristocratic name is more suitable.


The desire of any owner of a Pomeranian girl is to give her the most beautiful name. The elegance and well-groomed nature of the representatives of the breed will be emphasized by the same unusual and original nickname. It’s worth “trying on” different options: Ada, Astra, Annie, Isa, Alexa, Bianca, Beauty, Bonya, Bitsy, Daisy, Veta, Dora, Dasha, Daphne, Emma, ​​Eve, Gemma, Irma, Emery, Irka, Freya, Cassie , Franka, Gina, Gisma, Gemma, Ivanna, Krista, Jazzy, Lana, Karma, Blackberry, Chevy, Lucy, Lana, Mara, Marta, Mika, Melody, Mally, Molly, Mendi, Geneva, Chloe, Cindy, Fun, Isabelle , Cleopatra, Nori, Maya, Nana, Nessie, Nika, Oppie, Peppa, Tina, Pixie, Rufa, Rika, Sola, Tessa, Twinkie, Tori, Yasmi, Elmi, Lauren, Melissandra, Nicoletta, Ophelia, Penelope.

The name must be repeated the same way, avoiding diminutive forms, so that the Pomeranian gets used to it as quickly as possible. This is done during feeding, walking and communicating with the animal.


Often a nickname for a girl is chosen from the most popular ones. The TOP best nicknames from the point of view of dog breeders include:

  1. Barbie - in honor of the doll, whose popularity is no less than that of the Pomeranian Spitz.
  2. Snezhka – suitable for a miniature Italian white Spitz Volpino.
  3. Baby – ideal for a small representative of the Pomeranian breed.

In addition to them, the most common nicknames include: Aria, Angela, Chicky, Lady, Daisy, Bella, Bertha, Buffy, Crazy, Buso, Hana, Jeanie, Chini, Kiwi, Lucy, Lana, Kitty, Lovly, Martha, Nancy, Pixie, Puppy, Tusya, Sherry, Yuki, Tosi, Yankee.


The owners want to name the Pomeranian Spitz so that its nickname is different from others and stands out from the general background. There are a lot of interesting and unusual nicknames - some are funny, original and cool. They can emphasize the pet’s characteristics – character, habits, behavior, appearance and color. There is nothing wrong if the name of the Pomeranian pleases and makes others smile, the dog feels their mood, grows up kind, cheerful and playful. But you need not to overdo it with originality, so as not to feel awkward when calling out to the dog, and those around you do not have mixed feelings. The girl can be called Asti, Agasha, Bun, Glaze, Bark, Horace, Gamma, Dez, Cheesecake, Zhuzhu, Zhulya, Yuli, Gulena, Toffee, Umka, Bullet, Totti, Margot, Kunya, Lippi, Rocket, Lyalya, Sonya, Sparta , Fury, Euro, Mamaika, Sprat, Squeaky.


When choosing an affectionate name for a Pomeranian girl, the emphasis falls on her character. But before giving this or that nickname, it is worth finding out what its meaning is. A cheerful, mischievous and energetic puppy should not be called Sonya, and a lazy one who loves to sleep is not well suited to the nickname Chichi. A calm baby should be named Spocky, and a restless baby should be named Yula.

It harmonizes perfectly with the appearance of the Pomeranian Pushinka, Missy or Millie. No less affectionate names Angelica, Basya, Bianka, Julie, Camilla, Nika, Milota, Poppy, Bun, Busya, Nyashka, Ruby, Octavia, Maisie, Lola, Amelia, Sarah, Zelda, Dora, Nyusha, Minnie, Mixi, Cutie, Fifi, Flora, Theodora, Chanel, Effie, Queenie, Astrid, Elsa, Nymph, Blonde, Irma, Giselle, Monica, Bianca, Larry, Harvey.


If you use a foreign word as a nickname, this adds mystery and aristocracy to the Pomeranian. It is necessary to remember the meaning of a dog's name, regardless of what language it is borrowed from - English, French, Japanese or Chinese. To avoid an incident, it is worth translating the chosen nickname into Russian and only after that make a decision. There are quite a few suitable options for nicknames:

  1. Daisy is a daisy flower.
  2. Akito - autumn.
  3. Whitey is snow-white.
  4. Tocho is a puma.
  5. Teika is magical.
  6. Arato - updated.
  7. Kemi is mysterious.
  8. Podly - brave.
  9. Aiko is my favorite.
  10. Haruki is radiant.
  11. Haru - spring.
  12. Leila - night.
  13. Masuru – victory.
  14. Asa - dawn, morning.
  15. Aimi is a beautiful love.
  16. Yuki - snow.
  17. Tsukiko is a moon child.
  18. Kasumi - fog.
  19. Hoshiko is a star child.
  20. Hana is a flower.
  21. Kiku is a chrysanthemum.
  22. June is obedient.
  23. Amayo - rainy night.
  24. Noisy is quiet.
  25. The wine is delicate.
  26. Gati – graceful.
  27. Rio is a river.
  28. Anto - dear.
  29. Iki – pleasant freshness.
  30. The dike is majestic.
  31. Un – lucky.
  32. Knowley - arrow.
  33. Banshe is white.
  34. Enka is foggy.
  35. Poti is small.
  36. Nura is an honor.
  37. Sai is a gift.
  38. Rico is smart.


Recently, beautiful and sonorous nicknames in Russian for Pomeranian girls have become extremely popular. It is worth avoiding human names or giving them, but modifying them, shortening them or creating a new word form.

The most popular nicknames are: Alice, Harp, Asya, Aurora, Alaska, Bogdana, Bagheera, Businka, Bella, Storm, Basya, Blizzard, Vasilisa, Volya, Velimira, Volna, Cherry, Vsemila, Gyurza, Gerda, Groza, Goluba, Gretta , Gorislava, Dyusha, Dara, Haze, Darina, Dragomira, Ezhka, Zhulya, Zhdana, Zhulka, Zarya, Zlata, Winter, Zimka, Spark, Lada, Lyalya, Paw, Lucy, Leda, Moon, Liska, Lola, Ice, Mara , Mushka, Marta, Mlada, Masya, Mimosa, May, Mila, Blizzard, Nora, Simka, Solka, Stella, Tom, Tusya, Troika, Umka, Fenya, Helda, Chapa, Chunya, Shusha, Yugra, Yushka, Yanka, Yasna .

Short, nice sounding

Sonorous and short nicknames are the best option to quickly accustom your pet to them. Such nicknames consist of one or two syllables - Zita, Mani, Cody, Zara, Coco, Kiki, Mina, Zoni.

Suitable names are those that came from the homeland of the Pomeranian Spitz, from Germany: Adele, Greta, Frida, Amin, Anga, Zelda.

No less sonorous are the nicknames that are most often used to call Volpine Spitz dogs, whose homeland is Italy. The most popular are Bianca, Milu, Lulu, Tommy, Mira, Sophie, Pippa.

Among the Spanish names, the most popular are Salsa, Bonita, Rosarita. From Ireland came Erin, Shanon, Casey, Kerry, from Japan - Yoko, Hoshi, Sushi, Geisha.

Nicknames reflecting the character of a Spitz

Many dog ​​breeders believe that a name can change the character of a Pomeranian. For this purpose, a timid person is given a formidable nickname, in the hope that the baby will grow up confident and brave with it. The aggressive person is called affectionately in order to soften his temper.

But much more often, a nickname only emphasizes the characteristics of an animal:

  1. The nimble girl is called Noise, Storm.
  2. Active – Lipka.
  3. Trusting and inquisitive - Adele.
  4. Balanced and smart - Lyme.
  5. Strong and active – Alpha.
  6. Wayward - Greta.
  7. Emotional – Irma.
  8. With the character of a leader - Nika, Lucky, Alma.
  9. Funny - Kiki, Tinky.

To emphasize the beauty and grace of the representatives of the breed, they are called by the names of goddesses: Bona, Vesta, Hebe, Devi, Dike, Iris, Kora, Isis, Lada, Lara, Muse, Nika, Eris.

Nicknames by color

When choosing a nickname for a Pomeranian girl, color can play a decisive role. Pomeranians have quite a lot of color options:

  • whites are called Shuga (snow), Vyuga, Gretta (pearls), Bel, Belka;
  • brown - Cola, Caramel, Bruda;
  • creamy-gold – El, Zhara, Kremi, Ledoux, Zlata;
  • black - Doggy, Blacky, Dory, Vaksa, Vengi, Sheni, Shema;
  • red ones - Cassie, Liska, Gold;
  • gray and blue - Haze, Pebbles, Ash, Shadow, Dusty.


the sonorous nickname emphasizes the noble origin and thoroughbredness of the animal. Often, favorites are named after mythological heroes, ancient kings, poets, thinkers: Perun, Confucius, Hera, Selene, etc.

There are a huge number of other options. Most of them came from foreign languages ​​- they are more original and unhackneyed.

Beautiful names for Spitz:

  • The boys' favorites are called Artes, Bing, Watson, Darling, Jordan, Lucian, Monty, Oliver, Rubin.
  • The girl can be given the nickname Adeline, Belle, Giselle, Audrey, Pandora, Martha, Mia, Linda.

Names of famous characters

The imagination of dog owners knows no bounds. Pomeranians are given names that belong to famous musicians, poets, politicians, heroes of mythology, literature, cinema and TV series:

  1. Blitzen is the name of Santa Claus's reindeer.
  2. Luther - in honor of Martin Luther King.
  3. Sasquatch is the southern “Bigfoot”.
  4. Romeo, Othello, Hamlet are the main characters of William Shakespeare's tragedies.
  5. Mozart is a great Austrian composer.
  6. Napoleon is the French emperor.
  7. Cupid is the god of love.
  8. Zeus is the god of thunder and lightning.
  9. Geb is the god of the earth.
  10. Ymir is a mythological creature.
  11. Milo is an athlete.
  12. Lin is a Greek singer.
  13. Nal is an Indian king.
  14. Cujo is the dog in the horror film of the same name.
  15. Zipper, Snoopy, Gadget, Goofy, Scobby, Minnie, Casper, Krosh, Luntik, Chip, Dale are cartoon characters.


The breed is well suited for funny names that match their cute appearance and friendly nature. Each favorite has comic features that can be played out in an interesting way. The choice of names is limited only by the owner’s imagination.

  • name for a Spitz boy : Ataman, Artist, Aragon, Angel, iPhone, General, Euro, Drive, Julien, Limit, Klondike, Tomahawk, Scotch, Gunpowder, Scout, Rolex, Bonus, Pepsi, Shustrik, Mamai, Cheburek;
  • for girls : Umka, Diva, Melon, Sleeve, Fox, Idea, Mouse, Yula, Zhulya, Ophelia, Olive, Tow, Snail, Plush, Doll, Rika, Rumba, Sparta, Makfa, Fifa, Halva, Snitch.

You can name the puppy after a movie or cartoon character - Scooby, Pin, Luntik, Krosh, Goofy, etc. This option will especially appeal to younger family members.

Variety of names depending on breed

The most popular among dog lovers are miniature Pomeranians, but besides them, there are also quite large representatives. The breed of your pet already gives a hint in the form of various associations with the country of origin and appearance.


The weight of these fluffy balls is only 1.9-3.5 kg. The sizes of males are practically no different from females, so the nicknames for Pomeranian boys can be exactly the same as for girls.


In Russia, “Pomeranians” have long been called miniature Spitz (from the German zwerg - “dwarf”, “dwarf”).

Despite their modest size, all “Pomeranians” are brave and not timid four-legged animals who know how to stand up for themselves. All these qualities are easily reflected in their nickname.


Representatives of this breed are larger than “Pomeranians”, but are still classified as small. Their weight is 5-9.1 kg. The main feature of the “Japanese” is their very thick, snow-white fur. In order to beat her, it is enough to compare the dog with snow or fluff.

Another good option is borrowing from Japanese. This can be a real name - or any word you like translated into Japanese.

Large varieties

Medium and large varieties include those whose weight exceeds 10 kg: Norrbotten Spitz, Keeshond, Finnish Spitz, American Eskimo dog. The same recommendations apply here:

  1. Study the characteristics of the breed. Based on appearance and character, you can come up with a lot of interesting options.
  2. Don't be afraid of borrowing. Look through dictionaries or look for inspiration in films and TV series.
  3. Focus on the highlight. All animals are unique, so take your time with your choice and take a closer look at your new pet. He may surprise you with his talkativeness or his penchant for funny tricks.

If you have several animals of different sexes, then take the difference between boys and girls as a basis. Both external and behavioral differences are suitable for this.

With meaning

Nicknames with meaning give dogs a special aristocracy. Each owner independently decides what meaning to put into a nickname for his pet. Words are borrowed from different languages ​​- German, Japanese, English.

You can start from the temperament of the Spitz puppy. For example, Pomeranians have a more courageous character - they often behave like formidable shepherd dogs. A name that emphasizes this feature, for example Zeus or Mars, is perfect for them. It looks both funny and impressive.

Popular nicknames with meaning:

  • Adela – noble;
  • Aiko – beloved;
  • Asa – morning;
  • Bolder is a prince;
  • Bonita – kind;
  • Varin – protector;
  • Gloria - glory;
  • Lucrezia – rich;
  • Rebecca is charming;
  • Sumi – clear;
  • Tero – warrior;
  • Forrest - living in the forest;
  • Hard – self-confident;
  • Yucca - snowy.

Just don’t call your pet with the first word you come across. First you need to know its meaning. Otherwise, the dog runs the risk of getting an inappropriate nickname.

Other selection criteria

In addition to the recommendations listed above, you can use the association game, and also turn to your favorite work or idol. Don't forget to invite other family members to participate. With their help, it will be easier to decide on the final options.

By association

Ask your family and friends to write a list of words associated with your pet. It is imperative to involve children in this game, as their imagination is sometimes amazing.

In the name of your favorite hero or idol

If you do not want to focus on appearance or character, then turn to cinema, books or your idol. In addition to human characters and the stars themselves, you can choose dogs mentioned in films and stories, as well as pets of famous actors.

Popular nicknames

The most popular ones are those that often appear on TV and in other media. Look for films with Pomeranians or try to be inspired by the experiences of star owners.

The only disadvantage of this method is the lack of originality. This is what most owners do, which explains the huge number of Rexes and Mukhtars among shepherd dogs.

Cool and funny

If your pet loves to bark and clown around, name him Gryzlik, Racket or Macho. This decision will definitely make passers-by smile. But try not to go too far. A nickname that is too vulgar will have the opposite effect.

Nickname based on the dog's color

The easiest way to choose a nickname is based on the color of the animal. In accordance with the color of the representatives

The breeds are given the following names:

  • a red dog can be called Ryzhik, Yantar;
  • black - Coal, Night, Noir, Black, Mavrik;
  • brown - Bruno, Mocha;
  • white - White, Snow, Snowball.

It is better to christen a white girl Blanca, Snowball, a red one - Foxy, Goldie, a brown one - Shokko, Choco, a black one - Ash, Nochka.

Cool nicknames

Funny nicknames will never lose their popularity. They are especially good for active, cheerful and slightly ridiculous dogs. If your puppy is one of these, feel free to try on the following options:

  • Adventure;
  • String bag;
  • Aika;
  • Akunamatata;
  • Lady;
  • Buoy;
  • Buba;
  • Wasabi;
  • Witch;
  • Bagpipes;
  • Vupsen;
  • Pebbles;
  • Giga;
  • Mustard;
  • Gulya;
  • Dichka;
  • Dusya;
  • Nonsense;
  • Echidna;
  • Yomoyo;
  • Yoshka;
  • Jelly;
  • Zhikharka;
  • Ground beetle;
  • Squiggle;
  • Lighter;
  • Zimbabwe;
  • Toffee;
  • Karakul;
  • Kika;
  • Nipper;
  • Velcro;
  • Ski;
  • Cradle;
  • Mike;
  • Trifle;
  • Mu Mu;
  • Noshpa;
  • Nurse;
  • Nyashka;
  • Glutton;
  • Oika;
  • Pepa;
  • One and a half;
  • Fun;
  • Bullet;
  • Flyer;
  • Bell;
  • Herring;
  • Barn owl;
  • Jump;
  • Gopher;
  • Taranka;
  • Trunya;
  • thousand;
  • Yes;
  • Killer;
  • Snail;
  • FIFA;
  • Flash drive;
  • Meatball;
  • Giggle;
  • Khrumka;
  • Tchotchke;
  • Gypsy;
  • Chacha;
  • Chips;
  • Churchkhela;
  • Chuchundra;
  • Shashnya;
  • Awl;
  • Noisemaker;
  • Joke;
  • Yula;
  • Sneaky.

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The cutest Meatball

Other options

Many owners choose a nickname for a Spitz puppy based on their own hobbies:

  • Travel fans name their favorites after geographical features and memorable places. For example, Arizona, Amazon, Mexico City;
  • flower growers can name the dog girl Camellia, Orchid, Magnolia;
  • connoisseurs of classical literature - Othello, Romeo, Hamlet;
  • astronomy lovers - Sirius, Venus, Jupiter;
  • car owners - Honda, Rover, Mercedes;

There can be any number of criteria. The main thing is that the chosen option pleases the dog and its owner.

The puppy's birth date sometimes helps in the search. It’s worth checking out the Internet to find out who else was born on this day. Perhaps at this time some important event occurred that would lead to an interesting thought.

Russian dog names

  • Julia - for an active and playful dog with a cheerful character.
  • Fluff is a great choice given the appearance of the Pomeranian with its fluffy and beautiful coat.
  • Mila is calm, affectionate, sweet, loves care and concern.
  • Snezhka - for a light-colored girl.
  • Bronze - for a dark red, richly shaded dog.
  • Zlata - for bright, golden pets.
  • Zola is the name given to a gray-colored Spitz.
  • Night - will suit a dark-colored dog.
  • Tuchka is another variant of the dark-colored Spitz.
  • Matryoshka is a funny dog ​​name for a cute and cheerful Pomeranian.
  • The button will suit everyone’s favorite, cheerful, friendly.
  • Simka - will emphasize the size of the pet and her love of movement.
  • Butterscotch is another option for red-colored dogs.
  • Weasel is affectionate, sweet, a favorite of children and adults.

You need to choose a nickname for your Spitz after you get to know the puppy and evaluate its character. Then you can settle on a suitable nickname to begin training.

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Nicknames in Alphabet from A to Z

Starting with the letter A

Aurika, Ali, Abel, Asla, Aquatinta, Ariel, Alka, Aigul, Accra, Ariel, Aiza, Athena, Agni, Alegra, Almera, Adenia, Akhta, Azoturia, Alexa, Anatol, Arkura, Aglaya, Agiriya, Asura, Azimina, Aglossia, Alameda, Harp, Ameta, Alva, Aragva, Agameta, Alba, Isidora, Arizona, Anella, Aigi, Abbis, Aika, Aina, Ambition, Amelda, Agra, Alsha, Avial, Anya, Amberli, Aneli, Aretha, Angelica, Agony, Aimi, Ayla, Arsella, Iowa, Alaris, Aira, Anza, Arsinaya, Abaca, Asti, Airen, Aliya, Ailanta, Abattisa, Ardella, Arild, Alice, Watercolor, Amanda, Artemis, Asya, Aelika, Amalthea, Aya, Ivory, Alta, Alcora, Alita, Arabella, Agave, Amalia, Ariza, Aralia, Amna, Abigail, Augustine, Alicia, Arlanda, Adipsia, Arda, Anisa, Annette, Anga, Alaska, Alisha, Avos, Quince, Arana, Alora, Alteza, Atava, Astena, Agona, Alda, Alkona, Alaida, Antelia, Arleta, Agremiya, Alusha, Akara, Avda, Anda, Arabica, Aska, Amness, Andora, Arika, Anatalia, Ameranda, Alika, Aza, Anabel, Astarte, Askania, Allia, Asulla, Arisha, Adelina, Atanga, Ambrose, Alma, Anetta, Amega, Arzo, Alberi, Aris, Amazon, Icey, Abracadabra, Anaconda, Arbella, Adontia, Antonia, Agalorea, Abizanda, Arioso, Akai, Amantha, Alza.

Starting with the letter B

Brino, Turquoise, Biya, Buna, Becky, Bridget, Beija, Barney, Bagryanka, Britannica, Brama, Becto, Blanche, Binky, Blanca, Belanta, Belonna, Becky, Barbara, Bibi, Bacardi, Bassey, Bonky, Businka, Bertha, Barda, Binga, Brina, Barynya, Bettis, Biji, Baruffa, Binra, Bozhesana, Barletta, Boggy, Bilona, ​​Baroness, Batrice, Brigantine, Barna, Roll, Buma, Run, Briza, Blinda, Bulli, Beli, Storm, Bumba, Young lady, Bonita, Babel, Boyara, Blaze, Betty, Banga, Besta, Buffi, Beatrice, Basque, Branca, Britta, Botti, Bagheera, Biyanka, Bella, Beka, Bless, Bonnie, Benita, Bayra, Bucha, Blaze, Buxa, Bimsy, Belami, Brenda, Bakara, Beni, Birga, Brada, Bunzi, Buta, Bretta, Beatrice, Bora, Bounty, Bertrude, Betsy, Basya, Baby, Beverly, Bena, Brigita, Brigen, Blondie, Baksa, Busi, Bohemia, Bastina, Butterfly, Breita, Barca, Blasi, Bussa, Baya, Bianca, Bagi, Bern, Beauty, Bilda, Beila, Barry, Blonka, Binifika, Biache, Burundi, Beta, Basilica, Blackie, Barra, Baka, Biggie, Beta, Bavaria, Bettina, Baby, Blanca, Barbie, Blanda, Bekta, Bana, Bessie, Bomona, Britain, Bina, Bitsy, Blestka, Barbur, Bada, Bremley, Bira, Bria, Burma, Bona, Barco, Barca, Betsy, Byrnessa, Belgium, Beigi, Benka, Biotti, Bonna, Bizarta, Baracada, Britney, Snow White, Backby, Briss, Buffy, Briga, Bracia, Barbital, Birnella, Belinda, Boa, Barcelona, ​​Babbie, Squirrel, Beatrice, Betty.

Starting with the letter B

Vilka, Valdivia, Vagatori, Vantre, Westfalia, Veika, Vessi, Vicki, Vilona, ​​Vaxa, Valencia, Spring, Viola, Vaida, Velona, ​​Vallory, Vesta, Vendee, Wanda, Vixey, Virgo, Vaiana, Volta, Valda, Villa, Blizzard, Violetta, Vilma, Veyvira, Veronica, Valesta, Virz, Vivienne, Vasilisa, Veysi, Vaira, Valneri, Vallar, Vial, Varda, Viella, Sage, Valenta, Vaika, Viol, Victoria, Vanza, Vali, Wave, Whoopi, Waterline, Vivi, Vira, Victory, Vetti, Vaga, Vega, Vilda, Vtora, Valeria, Vaselinda, Varsha, Wally, Vienna, Witch, Oars, Velina, Veldzhi, Vatigri, Virdzhi, Varna, Vajeri, Valeska, Varvara, Veya, Veta, Velari, Verondika, Vizi, Vivian.

Starting with the letter G

Garli, Geta, Garcia, Duchess, Gobi, Thunderstorm, Gayana, Geillis, Great, Harmony, Goldie, Grozi, Gadget, Hera, Gayde, Gyulchatai, Gloria, Hekla, Grammy, Harpy, Grace, Geza, Guko, Gusena, Gulka, Gyulsara, Guatemala, Huka, Wrath, Gerlinda, Garda, Gella, Gabo, Gyulli, Greta, Grisa, Gazelle, Grina, Hetera, Grinda, Golan, Grona, Gokt, Galaxy, Gamma, Grayfa, Gerda, Gulsher, Genovera, Gedda, Hermione, Galaxy, Dream, Gotlinda, Gokla, Gabriella, Golda, Gerdaldina, Gaina, Gerl, Greata, Grana, Grace, Henrietta, Geisi, Gemenea, Genevra, Gaidi, Gertrauda, ​​Galatea, Gabi, Gordelia, Gulya, Countess, Geisha, Reeder, Gabby, Gertie, Gladys, Grow, Gressy, Gayda, Galia, Galconda.

Starting with the letter D

Dimal, Jodi, Dorothy, Jilla, Janice, Daisy, Derika, Giana, Dayma, Tiara, Gertie, Jamilya, Delfa, Degira, Dibby, Donna, Gingri, Jalma, Dota, Doina, Juna, Dhaki, Georgia, Jelana, Jonia, Desdemona, Dimetra, Gypsy, Dumona, Dempsey, Jobatta, Jolly, Darkley, Genestra, Julie, Deborah, Giselle, Digi, Dale, Darta, Valley, Diana, Dana, Dementia, Duxa, Jigsy, Gia, Daly, Dalma, Gemma, Doris, Jess, Juliet, Dzein, Jitta, Denise, Dayra, Dobie, Daffy, Dorlen, Demeter, Darklin, Darida, Dobri, Delina, Dikuma, Delya, Jalmo, Duli, Daiga, Dinki, Jay, Dynasty, Dona, Diza, Gela, Danko, Daisy, Jennifer, Devita, Drusa, Dalila, Diana, Danga, Joanna, Jella, Dolly, Gioconda, Julia, Dabney, Diara, Diaz, Dolores, Dara, Judith, Demmi, Jewella, Desdemonna, Dupie, Joya, Jaga, Dasha, Dina, Dazlin, Ditta, Jessie, Jelika, Dass, Judah, Daza, Diva, Jasmine, Dzheggy, Dilly, Dalna, Dolila, Julba, Dahomey, Delhi, Jumi, Josephine, Darlene, Donga, Jocelyn, Dinga, Jesinger, Deya, Desiree, Jessica, Debbie, Divo, Desi, Deinis, Dottie, Desirae, Denise, Dolari, Dellila, Dakota, Haze, Julia, Dixa, Jifi, Jackie, Danuta, Jerry, Julianna, Dorrie, Devi, Jibbie, Dera, Juliet, Dessie, Thumbelina, Dosya, Josie, Dora, Geraldine, Share, Dune, Delta, Darga, Daisy, Diona, Dinara, Gilly, Dominic, Jefflin, Della, Joga, Dixie, Desmi, Delila, Delaney, Dira, Diana, Jessamine, Dinny, Dippy.

Starting with the letter E

Eshka, Yesta, Elma, Enaya, Yellow, Erta, Elima, Elesta, Esther, Elga, Elensis, Erra, Erofey, Yesenia, Enia, Eudoxia, Egina, Emma, ​​Emfira, Elonka, Essikono, Spruce, Egoza, Estherra, Evanna, Evanfia, Ertona, Egra, If, Esika, Egina, Effie, Ezlin, Egera, Yenga, Eruza, Eletta, Evgena, Elka, Evalia, Eizi, Evgenia, Elva, Erika, Ekikono, Eva, Eta, Elina, Erato, Elika, Erma, Ena, Evelina, Europe, Elmina, Enka, Ensa, Evalina, Evaleta, Ervelta, Evita, Ebri, Ezhenka, Evania.

Starting with the letter Z

Jeannette, Giselle, Gerry, Zhegira, Jasmine, Zhadi, Zhura, Jeanette, Zheksa, Jeti, Juliette, Zhasta, Georgeta, Zherika, Zhelana, Zhuiga, Zhesi, Zhudi, Zhesika, Givenchy, Josephine, Zheta, Zheida, Gervaise, Jally, Zhammy, Jenny, Zhulba, Genevieve, Zhustel, Zhuchka, Zhemyu, Joclin, Geneva, Zhanni, Jolly, Zherena, Jacqueline, Gironda, Pearl, Stings, Zhuzha, Zheya, Joly, Zhaleika, Zhdara, Zhilka, Zhera, Zhuzhu, Zhulya, Zhaizha, Jessie, Zhaksha, Zella, Zhanna, Zheri, Zhucha.

Starting with the letter Z

Zerinda, Zura, Zuka, Zapevka, Zelda, Zarina, Zvana, Zanet, Zabrina, Zesta, Badass, Zolotinka, Zetta, Zodi, Zabela, Zunda, Zinta, Zina, Fun, Zerona, Zateyka, Zlata, Zenna, Zagira, Zaura, Zurna, Bunny, Zabina, Zirsa, Zola, Zimushka, Idea, Zoti, Zere, Zeya, Zirka, Zosya, Winter, Zaria, Zilta, Zigansha, Zuza, Zeggy, Zika, Zereta, Zetta, Zenta, Zanga, Zalifa, Zarri, Zilli, Star, Zolmo, Zarella, Zaytuna, Zolda, Zippy, Zinga, Zulma, Zora, Zitta, Zenga, Zarema, Zandra, Zara, Zerbina, Zoranta, Zeini, Zana, Zenica, Zuta, Zolli.

Starting with the letter I

Irika, Irvi, Isidora, Game, Indira, Inora, Iza, Iolissa, Irna, Iraida, Iana, Iris, Isis, Josta, Incas, Itsi, Temptation, Irel, Itika, Ippa, Ithaca, Itiva, Ivetta, Irvita, Ilda, Ibika, Irli, Isolda, Inza, Igemia, Eventa, Illada, Zest, Inga, Intrigue, Idia, Ivona, Ima, Igora, Ipsi, Ilga, Irta, Ireta, Inka, Ivori, Irena, Ivega, Ilida, Itris, Irida, Irlotta, Ida, Irma, Isabel, Ivushka, Indra, Iva, Ivarin, Illusion, Itona, Ilona, ​​Isis, Iolanta, Irgina, Ista, Ilva, Inessa, Ilto, Idzhi, Iskra, Ishka.

Starting with the letter K

Kathleen, Cassidy, Kayvana, Karina, Cletis, Clarabelle, Katrie, Koya, Kayla, Kayla, Kraida, Cook, Kashtanka, Karen, Ctesia, Capsey, Xena, Constant, Kobe, Carla, Keret, Koney, Kedra, Kolda, Questa, Kara, Country, Kila, Kenny, Callista, Kada, Canora, Korra, Kasia, Chiara, Quincy, Comtessa, Caro, Princess, Xanfa, Ketric, Cassie, Concept, Coquette, Baby, Katzi, Carda, Crown, Kupava, Kiki, Carrie, Button, Kinel, Queenie, Caramel, Kandy, Ksinka, Kalina, Carey, Kobi, Claw, Curtley, Connie, Courtney, Carmen, Koda, Crombie, Knopa, Curti, Xylphida, Kat, Cola, Klika, Katinka, Ket, Kalmi, Kama, Costa, Corrie, Blob, Kitara, Corsica, Xabina, Confeti, Krieta, Killian, Quora, Kirby, Caressa, Kreia, Cossack, Katsy, Knobby, Kira, Koley, Kiara, Kartel, Credi, Kita, Ketty, Cloya, Kermi, Corey, Kia, Kenarka, Kimi, Claudie, Cleopatra, Cana, Kuna, Cozy, Knes, Clarin, Katrin, Beauty, Comet, Catalonia, Kelly, Kessel, Xantha, Cornelia, Chris, Clyda, Corsa, Kera, Kurli, Kapa, ​​Ksenia, Kurama, Kema, Kalma, Corki, Kerry, Kosei, Keti, Kiiza, Cassidy, Cora, Kezia, Kerby, Kadriya, Constance, Crazy, Kaulina, Crafty, Ksyusha, Colin, Cammy, Camellia, Keshli, Xanthi, Carly, Kacha, Kelala, Kashechka, Ketris, Cody, Carolina, Katarina, Kenya, Kenita, Koglana, Kodra, Kingki, Keri, Drop, Xel, Caroline, Keta, Quina, Kleya, Cuba, Kreza, Coco, Curry, Kaira, Katie, Kittona, Krasa, Candy, Cordelia, Doll, Constance, Crazy, Quimby, Cruella, Kledi, Kashmira, Krabina, Quadra, Creole.

Starting with the letter L

Lizaveta, Lesta, Lorena, Lyana, Lisia, Lucaya, Larnika, Luciana, Lari, Lizzie, Limva, Liberia, Lavender, Larsa, Lusha, Lanny, Laffey, Lira, Lustina, Line, Lina, Larni, Lamia, Lirata, Lulu, Liki, Lucy, Loini, Lisa, Lapa, Livanda, Lavely, Lota, Londa, Avalanche, Lana, Ludwiga, Lika, Laika, Lolita, Linzi, Lami, Lumbra, Lutta, Lonli, Swallow, Laina, Lucky, Lavori, Luchaya, Lyubava, Love, Lixi, Laichi, Lebedushka, Sweetheart, Lazbi, Lorta, Laida, Lyutta, Lyutidzha, Lawrence, Litji, Lossi, Loretta, Lona, Lega, Leventina, Lipsi, Landa, Lisbeth, Lirano, Libya, Lanara, Loiga, Leticia, Lasta, Legend, Lani, Lada, Lita, Chanterelle, Lally, Laska, Leila, Lady, Legra, Lotta, Leichka, Lova, Limos, Lorna, Linda, Latona, Lyusha, Lugana, Laura, Lava, Lyalka, Luciana, Lawrence, Lari, Lavra, Lepra, Ice, Larma, Lumada, Lydia, Lala, Lijana, Lumara, Laura, Loida, Luti, Luca, Longa, Lucky, Lola, Labash, Lima, Lange, Linsi, Laitionna, Lassie, Leda, Lasko.

Starting with the letter M

Misty, Mask, Mekena, Merple, Mildred, Marie, Maryam, Mimi, Myra, Maisie, Magpi, Madera, Menta, Miranza, Maura, MeishaM, Mysticism, Blizzard, Murza, Marnie, Minnie, Matilda, Magic, Mopsy, Midi, Meggie, Muscovy, Medina, Mini, Melody, Molly, Mila, Magna, Mietta, Marena, Margaret, Meila, Manana, Magico, Mystery, Moka, Mam, Coin, Mossi, Michelle, Melessa, Marno, Milari, Milky, Marula, Minty, Munti, Mirilyn, Milady, Motley, Manuchella, Malvina, McLean, Medea, Moya, Miki, Marilyn, Mika, Melrose, Marysya, Marcela, Maryana, Meti, Meika, Margot, Magri, Melissa, Mary, Michaella, Meple, Marquise, Milva, Marchel, Malva, Massandra, Monta, Milli, Mulya, Mike, Mahika, itsi, Mucha, Melvas, Mushka, Madea, Mitzi, Maga, Maka, Metaxa, Morselina, Meili, Maris, Maya, Mozhi, Melody, Marchi, Messi, Marcina, Malla, Mira, Mizanthe, Snowstorm, Mitar, Lightning, Mibelli, Maxi, Baby, Minerva, Melbury, Moxie, Mige, Miranda, Morgana, Mercedes, Mella, Moida, Me, Minissa, Matti, Mina, Modesta, Malta, Maina, Megan, Misa, Marilyn, Milta, Mariolo, Muse, Maggie, Mirta, Cutie, Missy, Manesta, Moreka, Dream, Mohana, Maya, Mariona, Monica, Majoko, Marta, Martinka, Madeleine, Milena, Melanie, Madam.

Starting with the letter N

Narga, Nairi, Nun, Noldi, Neda, Newmiri, Nevida, Negri, Noel, Naomi, Nagel, Nell, Naira, Notka, Neima, Nyusi, Nera, Nersi, Nyukta, Nelma, Nyarma, Niva, Nolly, Nessie, Nemesis, Norby, Nuxi, Nymph, Nala, Nebula, Niagara, Little One, Nafisa, Nereida, Nathaniel, Nerly, Nara, Nicolas, Navara, Narina, Nuncha, Naisi, Nedis, Neji, Nerika, Nieli, Nancy, Nevada, Nasta, Nemi, Niveta, Nancy, Nita, Nola, Neya, Nauri, Nike, Novella, Niger, Nebraska, Nabbi, Nanni, Nyusha, Naida, Nellie, Nikri, Nefertiti, Nikka, Nora, Norta, Nigra, Naiomi, Nazca, Nitra, Nego, Nizam, Natli, Nochka, Nemida, Zero, Nancy, Nadira, Napoli, Neva, Nemesis, Nemda, Nonnet, Knights.

Starting with the letter O

Olesha, Omalia, Oya, Olito, Odesi, Oda, Orange, Otash, Onika, Osaka, Olsi, Obsesi, Oida, Oleri, Osoba, Oregon, Olyana, Oito, Ottawa, Olla, Ora, Ornella, Olinda, Ormella, Osti, Okhta, Odetta, Olivia, Obbi, Only, Olympiad, Oleksa, Origona, Osta, Opivia, Orsa, Oriana, Oira, Olvia, Oyta, Oubi, Omma, Olympia, Ophelia, Olivetti, Orsi, Olli, Oji, Onega, Oranda, Orenkush, Olimp, Oka, Autumn, Oksa, Orna, Ocher, Ozola, Orta, Offa, Orchid.

Starting with the letter P

Prairie, Patty, Picoletta, Panda, Pusy, Peggy, Piggy, Pampushka, Palfo, Panta, Peikana, Pride, Porlyushka, Pipette, Pilar, Puva, Penny, Parcella, Blizzard, Puma, Peggy, Peri, Pag, Pinke, Parmoti, Bun, Pinga, Percy, Perry, Pani, Pinta, Paula, Pitta, Pika, Panya, Pepsi, Panna, Pallas, Diva, Pepper, Playa, Panther, Polla, Peacock, Speck, Paloma, Poldi, Petsy, Perla, Pyrrha, Parma, Pommy, Patricia, Passia, Prima, Peppina, Polly, Pormo, Pamella, Pompeia, Pella, Proida, Bud, Peach, Floodplain, Palm, Platinum, Fir, Pochocontas.

Starting with the letter R

Riana, Radana, Rolda, Rachel, Roxana, Radegunda, Rumba, Ruddy, Raya, Rama, Rumeila, Reda, Rainbow, Ruzana, Rusta, Ruta, Rally, Rada, Rasta, Rixa, Rochelle, Rose, Ruzha, Roxy, Rona, Raji, Reggie, Rema, Ralph, Rana, Romi, Rwanda, Rema, Regina, Roina, Rea, Rosa, Roima, Rachel, Rabi, Riolo, Revenge, Reda, Runa, Rach, Ricky, Raida, Rosie, Radmira, Rosinka, Reina, Rais, Raisha, Ranta, Rhyme, Reggie, Razina, Lynx, Ruffy, Ragneda, Ressi, Rigona, Remina, Roberta, Rifi, Joy, Rachana, Rachel, Rafaela, Rocket, Renatolla, Radiana, Rida, Rhonda, Ritka, Rummy.

Starting with the letter C

Strunka, Saffy, Seyla, Scully, Destiny, Sabadell, Setta, Sopi, Severina, Svega, Selga, Serenade, Sangel, Saji, Saida, Sumatra, Sacramento, Santana, Sarena, Stasi, Stefania, Sattie, Slinky, Sonnet, Stripley, Setty, Suzanna, Solly, Semolina, Samantha, Spacey, Stacey, Spoty, Snafi, Spanky, Sally, Sofia, Starkey, Skippy, Simone, Slimpy, Sorayda, Cecile, Sabrina, Silva, Sarmonti, Stickley, Singa, Salvina, Sandy, Saba, Serena, Santana, Sarzhi, Sun, Sweet tooth, Silby, Sakura, Santa, Slavyanka, Cindy, Sarna, Sendy, Sausage, Suzy, Sarah, Snezhana, Smarty, Salina, Starla, Spirit, Suleika, Lilac, Sophie, Saykha, Sandra, Soldo, Sari, Arrow, Stoney, Solomeya, Signora, Sandi, Sarel, Sentap, Saga, Sarma, Sayany, Soti, Sibello, Saneira, Solomia, Arrow, Tale, Sarbona, Sarda, Sierra, Sina, Sonya, Sanda, Sparta, Sessy, Sevilla, Sana, Selena, Sniffy, Siren, Svir, Sunny, Seramida, Smudge, Snida, Salvadora, Sorbonne, Snow, Stella, Surena.

Starting with the letter T

Topless, Tagira, Tuscany, Tula, Trianta, Tegri, Teera, Teza, Toira, Teiki, Trill, Tabiti, Tryphena, Tina, Tora, Tiffi, Tima, Taira, Tema, Tinga, Tomila, Tequila, Tabu, Taya, Timona, Tara, Tavra, Tedda, Teich, Taman, Tracy, Taiva, Tarnetta, Tosya, Tasya, Tango, Tella, Tamika, Tanais, Tolda, Teyla, Toldi, Tais, Tiki, Topsy, Taori, Tera, Trace, Tabby, Tita, Tansi, Togira, Trika, Tiny, Tessa, Tana, Tanita, Termeri, Tegza, Triad, Tonda, Tessa, Tissa, Thais, Taiga, Thelma, Taylor, Thames, Mystery, Tili, Teresa, Trisha, Tezi, Tootsi, Terry, Terry, Taitis, Tosna, Tertsiya, Taiza, Tatra, Trilba, Tardi, Troy, Tuna, Trinity, Tuti, Tukni, Toulouse, Tuma, Tavi, Trilli, Tabietta, Toshiba, Tisa, Tamarina, Tlada, Tyri, Taffy, Tammy.

Starting with the letter U

Uda, Ulmara, Umnitsa, Usa, Umnesa, Ursula, Una, Unita, Ulrita, Uza, Winda, Unika, Utari, Ulma, Uralia, Umi, Wilsi, Unga, Upsy, Ulzana, Uva, Ulana, Ulrika, Urta, Urfina, Walanta, Urga, Ursel, Ureula, Umora, Luck, Unia, Ulla, Uma, Umbrella, Ulfi, Ussi, Urma, Urvi, Unissa, Urania, Unchana, Unda, Urza, Uganda, Ursa, Delight, Ulyana, Ulbara, Ursalina, Ula, Udalaya, Huarda.

Starting with the letter F

Feri, Ferra, Florence, Felis, Fabula, Ferike, Floris, Frida, Fumiko, Francesca, Feirike, Feta, Freida, Flad, Fisky, Fatty, Fitzy, Fiddeli, Fay, Fawn, Felicita, Fairy, Fedora, Falika, Fatima, Felon, Fang, Felicia, Francis, Farbi, Fina, Frau, Farri, Franta, Furia, Fonola, Fresco, Farza, Fabira, Fruga, Phase, Ferrite, Fiamma, Fida, Freya, Forri, Firm, Maid of Honor, Fanya, Fortuna, Freda, Feodosia, Fundy, Felso, Fuzzy, Fiona, Fianna, Fiesta, Farina, Fabby, Fantasy, Feirin, Feyruza, Foxy, Frankie, Fancy, Frezi, Fanta, Fugli, Felita, Feofaniya, Frina, Finta, Fela, Folly, Frieza, Finki, Fendi, Fantasia, Flera, Future, Formosa, Fletcher, Fribee, Fontana, Feni, Fikri, Filinta, Fally, Faina, Fani, Faiti, Frozi, Fita, Feya, Femica, Fujia, Flena, Felica, Fenya, Fable, Fangi, Fellis, Fairy, Fecilia, Fifi, Feloni, Phebi, Flinta, Fikke, Finita, Freesia, Felona, ​​Festi, Fronda, Fiat, Feride, Felicity, Fleya, Fiella, Philadelphia, Fanny, Feda, Franka, Flute, Frixie, Fonda, Flora.

Starting with the letter X

Hayley, Khalisa, Haidara, Hobby, Holly, Happy, Chlolly, Hella, Helena, Hanni, Hani, Hanika, Horza, Halta, Hitti, Hayley, Happy, Helda, Happy, Haya, Haza, Harita, Haneta, Havilah, Khlada, Chlonika, Hayta, Horta, Harry, Hemilia, Khiva, Persimmon, Hooligan, Hemma, Helada, Holda, Chlora, Havanna, Kheyanina, Khaba, Helzi, Chloe, Honka, Helma, Hepsi, Chlorella, Hannah, Harletta, Chrysanthemum, Hillary, Khaina, Khibina, Hilda, Horni.

Starting with the letter C

Tsunami, Tsina, Tsilda, Tsorna, Citro, Tsenzi, Tsinta, Tselika, Tsimo, Tsiana, Tsintia, Tsigeira, Tsertsiya, Tsesarevna, Tsiniya, Tsilma, Cecilia, Cinna, Tsilla, Centa, Tsera, Tseisia, Cerra, Tsanta, Flower, Tsiruza, Tsilli, Tsestin, Tsittau, Tsatsa, Tsita, Tsea, Tsaritsa, Tselli, Tsvetna, Tsona, Tsaski, Tsonni, Tsauke, Tsortsiya, Ceria, Tsepelina, Tsesso, Tsesa, Tsunto.

Starting with the letter H

Chazeta, Chessi, Changa, Chinga, Chilesta, Choira, Chakra, Chida, Chesma, Chilli, Chanka, Cherkiza, Chika, Chinzana, Chiolo, Chalma, China, Chekki, Chudeta, Chapa, Chanita, ita, Chunya, Charina, Chakki, Charena, Choppy, Chilita, Chardia, Chinara, Charlie, Chansi, Chappie, Chessa, Chacha, Cesara, Chase, Chara, Chana, Chaga, Chaiza, Charita, Chiba, Czech, Chaira, Chaya, Cherha, Chichiosan, Chauna, Cherry, Childa, Chervona, Chenzana, Chinita, Chara, Chocolina, Charda, Chanuri, Chelita, Chemmi, Cholina, Chelsea, Chucha, Chaika, Cheni, Chevy, Charma, Ceruti.

Starting with the letter Sh

Charlotte, Chanel, Shesta, Sheina, Shponochka, Shona, Shakhboza, Charlotte, Sherry, Sherda, Sheri, Shelest, Sharada, Shelly, Sherla, Shirley, Sheilup, Shummi, Shumka, Shammi, Minx, Shagana, Shorda, Sheckley, Shiva, Whisper, Sheena, Shella, Chantal, Shaina, Shahmani, Showbaby, Shakira, Shannel, Sharmos, Shtolya, Shinta, Shani, Shurasta, Schelda, Shusta, Chocolate, Shora, Shabuti, Shelsie, Shorokh, Sharon, Shavra, Shera, Shadow, Shagane, Shokhina, Shaini, Shusha, Shahinya, Shipka, Shelma.

Starting with the letter Ш

Puppies, Puppy, Pike, Shchisha, Sliver, Shcheni, Scheshka.

Starting with the letter E

Emma, ​​Electra, Estrelia, Evita, Ensi, Esmeralda, Eba, Emilia, Era, Ega, Exa, Etna, Ernani, Eurydice, Erlen, Eji, Esmir, Elfa, Abby, Ezita, Eleko, Eva, Eira, Elite, Eureka, Elosa, Elosi, Esta, Estalia, Aimee, Amy, Ezzy, Elzo, Evi, Ezra, Ellie, Elzagar, Elsia, Erena, Elbranda, Eisha, Enka, Enima, Aegis, Euboea, Evalda, April, Effa, Etoile, Ashley, Egri, Eskimo, Eliona, Eli, Earley, Eurydiko, Eliza, Erica, Ena, Enala, Elina, Ekdal, Elind, Ellargos, Epoch, Angel, Ebraska, Eteri, Esther, Erna, Hellas, Emily, Eski, Esger, Elba, Eijeren, Elsa, Eldebery, Emmanuel, Elado, Evshel, Annie, Ekki, Euraida, Eolis, Ethel, Elda, Elleanor.

Starting with the letter U

Yusta, Yurgana, Yugoslavna, Yuma, Yuzhana, Yura, Yuvetta, Yula, Yuzila, Yurate, Yunga, Yuniko, Yucca, Yulchara, Utah, Yunessa, Yurstina, Yunyusita, Yurglana, Yuna, Yuksi, Yuvita, Yurze, Yukaya, Yudol, Yufta, Yuliana, Yutitsia, Yurma, Yuda, Yudita, Yuzo, Yumara, Judit, Yully, Yussinga, Justice, Yurena, Judith, Yuzefa, Juno, Yulita, Yurga, Yusi, Yuka, Yuvelia, Yudzhel, Yulota, Yunika, Yulona, Yuska, Yunota, Yuzaro, Yutana, Yuki.


Blindly following fashion, owners often give their pets completely inappropriate nicknames:

  • human - firstly, it contradicts ethical considerations. Secondly, such actions are prohibited by the Christian Church. Behind each name there is a certain saint, and calling a dog as a person means offending the heavenly patron. However, no one bothers to shorten the word beyond recognition. For example, turn “Alexander” into “Alexa”;
  • too long - in nurseries, puppies are given names consisting of 3-4 words. They are indicated in official documents, but they are not suitable for everyday use. It is difficult for dogs to remember a long word, so owners prefer to give their pets another, pet nickname;
  • ridiculous or funny - the chosen name will accompany the Spitz all his life. He will have to be called out repeatedly on the street and in public places. If the nickname causes embarrassment to both the owner and those around him, it’s worth looking for another option;
  • names of dead animals - another dog will never replace an old friend. It’s better to start over from scratch and name your pet a new name. Some dog breeders believe that in this case the animal risks repeating the fate of the previous pet, especially if it died tragically.

The nickname should not be in tune with the teams. Otherwise, the Spitz will constantly get confused. For example, Gulya sounds like “walk”, and Sit sounds like “sit”.

It’s better not to rush into making a choice - teaching a dog to respond to a new nickname if you suddenly don’t like the old one will be very, very difficult.

Specifics of the nicknames of puppies from nurseries

Often, professional breed nurseries are engaged in breeding Pomeranian Spitz. The breeder registers the mating and litter with the kennel club. In our country there is RKF - Russian Cynological Organization. The head office is located in Moscow. All nurseries and breeders are required to work in accordance with the official breeding regulations. Based on the rules prescribed in these regulations, all nicknames of puppies of the same litter must begin with the same letter.

The order of the letters is controlled by the head of the canine organization responsible for breeding work. The dog's name should not exceed forty characters including the kennel prefix.

Most often, breeders name puppies with beautiful, but long names. They are difficult to pronounce and difficult for the dog to perceive. Therefore, the new owner has every right to call the puppy whatever he wants, but this name will be exclusively for home use.

The name written in the dog’s pedigree is used for registration at exhibitions and for registration of further matings and litters.

Funny and cool names

Sometimes owners call their pets by different funny names. Such names for a dog are quite acceptable if they do not sound offensive or rude.

Funny dog ​​names become a reflection of the character and sense of humor of their owners.

For a boy’s dog, you can choose one of the following nicknames:

  • Absinthe;
  • Bucks, Loaf, Bacon, Benya, Bonus, Bosun, Bublik, Butuz;
  • Venya, Whiskey;
  • Garfield, Gosha, Gryzlik;
  • Dema, Joker;
  • Zheka, Zhorik, Zhuzhik, Zhurik;
  • Zephyr, Zuko, Zyuzya;
  • Raisin;
  • Casper, Kwiki, Cupcake, Kefir, Coconut, Shortbread, Coffee, Krepysh, Cube;
  • Ray, Buttercup;
  • Major, Maybach, Muffin, Mikhey, Motya;
  • Nachos;
  • Peach, Potap, Pumbaa, Ottoman, Fawn;
  • Rubik;
  • Sema, Senya, Simba, Styopa, Syapa;
  • Tema, Tofik, Tosha, Truffle;
  • Date, Funtik, Fufik;
  • Candied fruit;
  • Chapai, Chip;
  • Schwartz, Schweppes, Shrek, Shukher;
  • Eclair;
  • Yurik.

The following nicknames are perfect for a girl's dog:

  • Asti;
  • Basta, Bonya, Brunya, Buba;
  • Gadget, Glasha, Grunya;
  • Dosya, Dunya;
  • Eura, Elka;
  • Zizi, Zyama;
  • Caviar;
  • Kiwi, Kiki, Sprat, Klepa, Klunya, Kola, Kuba;
  • Lelya, Lilu, Lusha, Lucy;
  • Mazda, Mimi, Mulya, Mint;
  • Nori;
  • Osya;
  • Palma, Panda, Peppy, Pepsi, Piggy, Plush, Ponca, Pusha;
  • Lynx;
  • Tasya, Tinky, Tootsie;
  • Ulya;
  • Fanta, Fenya, Fima, Frosya, Frutti;
  • Halva;
  • Chappie, Chacha;
  • Shanya, Sheba, Shunka;
  • UPI;
  • Java.

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"Lush" and "delicious" nicknames

When a pet looks like a sweet pie, it is very difficult to ignore gastronomic nicknames for it. For the girl, we selected the sweetest, and at the same time airy, like her fur, nicknames.

  • Meringue;
  • Blancmange;
  • Bun;
  • Wafer;
  • Marshmallow;
  • Canele;
  • Cupcake;
  • Creme brulee;
  • Marshmallow;
  • Meringue;
  • Mochi;
  • Mousse;
  • Dumpling;
  • Panna cotta;
  • Pancake;
  • Paste;
  • Pie;
  • Gingerbread;
  • Donut;
  • Baking;
  • Tiramisu;
  • Charlotte;
  • Applepay.

We recommend: funny nicknames for Japanese Spitz and Chins.

Blooming names

Of course, your dog will always be the most beautiful dog for you. A nickname inspired by the world of flora, namely flowering plants, can reflect her delicate beauty:

  • Abelia;
  • Acacia;
  • Anemone;
  • Aster;
  • Begonia;
  • Brassia;
  • Browallia;
  • Brunner;
  • Vallota;
  • Verbena;
  • Carnation;
  • Geranium;
  • Gloxinia;
  • Hydrangea;
  • Dicentra;
  • Ixora;
  • Morning glory;
  • Kalanchoe;
  • Calendula;
  • Clarkia;
  • Cleome;
  • Clivia;
  • Crossandra;
  • Cosmea;
  • Kufeya;
  • Lavender;
  • Lavatera;
  • Lantana;
  • Lily;
  • Lobelia;
  • Daisy;
  • Medinilla;
  • Mimosa;
  • Muscari;
  • Nasturtium;
  • Nerine;
  • Passionflower;
  • Pelargonium;
  • Petunia;
  • Primrose;
  • Rose;
  • Chamomile;
  • Rudbeckia;
  • Ruellia;
  • Salvia;
  • Saintpaulia;
  • Tydea;
  • Torenia;
  • Violet;
  • Fuchsia;
  • Hathiora;
  • Hosta;
  • Chrysanthemum;
  • Zinnia;
  • Evening primrose;
  • Echinocea;
  • Jacobinia.

Primrose is someone’s favorite flower.
Perhaps among the “fluffy” nicknames there are not yet some suitable nicknames. Surely a couple of interesting options have already popped into your head. Write your ideas in the comments to this article, and together we will add to this list!

For boys

Spitz boys tend to have a slightly cocky character

They love to be the center of attention and always do everything possible to attract everyone's attention.

You can easily choose a beautiful name for a Spitz boy, taking into account his color and external features. For a dark-colored cable, nicknames such as Coal, Blackie, Smokey, Chernysh or Brownie are perfect. If your pet's coat is light, then you can easily choose a nickname such as White, Peach, Apricot, Chalk, North or Snowball. If your pet's eyes shine like real precious stones, then you can name him Diamond, Ruby or Topaz. It sounds very unusual.

Interesting and original are the nicknames that the owners choose, taking into account their personal gastronomic preferences. By the way, you can name your pet not only in honor of your favorite dish or drink, but also in honor of the product that the dog likes most. So, here are some interesting options for “edible” names: Marshmallow, Ginger, Pepper, Iris, Honey, Jam or Sugar.

It is quite possible to call the boy a Spitz, given his disposition and demeanor. For example, for active puppies, options such as Vintik, Veter, Vyuzhik or Zador are perfect. Or you can choose a beautiful name in honor of your favorite actor, performer or athlete, for example: Chaplin, Elvis, Ronnie, Johnny or Jean. These names are great for small breed dogs.

German names that have a special meaning are great for a Spitz boy. For example, this is Bolder, which can be translated as “prince.” An ideal name for a single pet that constantly requires increased attention.

For a real defender, such German nicknames as Warin, which translates as “defender”, Kuno – “brave” or Lutz – “famous warrior”, are perfect.

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If you want to choose an unusual and sonorous name for your pet, then pay attention to Japanese names, which are great for small breed dogs. If the puppy was born in the fall, then he can be named Aki, which translates as “born in the fall”

Kadan and Keiko are ideal options for a Pomeranian boy, which in translation sound like “friend” and “lover”. For a bright baby, the name Nikko, which means “sunny,” is suitable.

The connection between character and name

A friendly character is one of the characteristics of Spitz dogs, which influences the choice of nickname.
It is necessary to take a responsible approach to choosing a nickname for your pet. The behavior and character of the dog will largely depend on the chosen nickname. People who, even before the first meeting with the puppy, decided what to name it, should not rush to make a final decision. First, you need to get to know the dog in more detail and only after determining its character give it a nickname.

Additional Information! Due to their active lifestyle, you should not choose too calm nicknames for such lively animals as Spitz dogs.

You can determine a dog’s character by the following traits:

  • Activity. Most Spitz dogs are highly active. They do not sit in one place, they love to constantly play and run.
  • Guard qualities. In Spitz dogs they are quite well developed. Despite its small size, such a dog will do everything to protect its owner from approaching danger. Therefore, nicknames that are often given to watchdogs are suitable for Spitz dogs.
  • Leadership skills. Spitz love to dominate and therefore they can dominate other pets. If you don't train them in time, they will become less obedient and stop obeying their owner.
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