Nicknames for huskies of boys and girls - beautiful names, meanings, tips

Laikas are energetic, brave and hardy dogs designed for hunting or pulling a sled. You can name a puppy in different ways, but it is preferable to choose nicknames for huskies consciously: the name will “stick” to the dog for life, and will largely determine the pet’s behavior. Therefore, before giving a dog any name you like, you should think about whether this nickname really suits the dog. And so that choosing a name is not too difficult, we will tell you in detail how to name a husky and not go wrong!

How professionals choose nicknames for huskies

In shelters, newborn puppies are given names starting with one letter, which depends on the order of the registered litter: the first is “A”, the third is “B”, etc. An indication of the breeder or the name of the nursery is also usually added to the official metrics. For example, a name for a Laika dog might sound like this: Excitement from Polar Star (kennel name). Or a similar option is possible: Veya from Khazimova (the breeder's surname). Moreover, the same nickname is assigned to pets no more often than once every 30 years.

The nickname for a husky from the pedigree is too long, so when buying puppies, owners name the pet in their own way, at home. Of course, everyone has their own preferences, but you need to come up with a nickname responsibly. After all, a bad choice can greatly harm the dog.

Experienced dog breeders recommend that novice dog lovers adhere to the following rules for choosing dog names:

  1. Ease of perception. Animals pick up sounds, not the meaning of words, so it will be much easier for them to remember a short and sonorous term than a beautiful phrase like “Pearl of the North.”
  2. Originality. You can give popular names to your husky, but it is better to reward your pet with a unique nickname. This point is especially important for those who plan to use the working qualities of the animal: for hunting dogs, the nicknames of males and females should be short, sonorous and unique. Otherwise, when a large group of hunters goes out, confusion may arise among both people who own pets with the same nicknames and dogs. For the same reason, you cannot call dogs by human names or words that sound similar to training commands.
  3. Characteristics. It’s great if the name for a husky reflects its features of appearance, character or purpose. As a rule, animals easily get used to such names and strive to fully justify their name.
  4. Adequacy. An important principle that should not be neglected. For dog names, you cannot use obscene language, boorish words and rude expressions. Vulgar humor and youth jokes are also undesirable to use as nicknames for dogs. First of all, the animal must be respected: then the pet will undoubtedly become a faithful and reliable friend of the family.

In addition, it is not recommended to come up with diminutive nicknames for the dog. Especially often, household members change the nicknames of girls’ huskies: for hunting or riding in a harness, such affectionate treatment will backfire. The fact is that from frequent “at-home” name changes, the dog will react worse to its main nickname. Accordingly, the animal will obey the hunter’s commands less effectively, and the game may be lost. Or the dog will carry out the driving maneuver at the wrong time.

These are the recommendations for choosing dog nicknames in theory. And now we propose to study the issue in practice and get acquainted with the most successful options for how to name a husky puppy, a boy or a girl. For convenience, all examples are divided into categories.

Finnish names for female dogs

Finnish names for females based on appearance:

  • Aave: ghost
  • Aurinko: sun
  • Ilma: air
  • Heinä: hay
  • Kaarna: tree bark
  • Kaisla: read
  • Kanerva: heather
  • Castepisara: a drop of dew
  • Kielo: lily of the valley
  • Lumi: snow
  • Maikki: pet name for mai, pearl
  • Raisa: adaptable, relaxed
  • Sanna: often suzanna, sanna means sincere
  • Taimi: seedlings

Finnish names for female dogs with personality.

  • Aalto: ola
  • Airi: messenger, messenger
  • Annikki: pet name for Anna, Grace
  • Ansa: trap
  • Auvo: honor
  • Birita: sublime
  • Edel: noble
  • Find: frost or freeze
  • Kaiku: eco
  • Katya: clean, favorite name for Catherine
  • Cult: gold
  • Lauha: tender
  • Mainikki: praised, excellent
  • Mile: noble, free
  • Sirke: cheerful, cheerful

Other Finnish names for female dogs

  • Aino: only one; character in kalevala
  • äMetroä: life
  • Tähti: star
  • Gender: flower
  • Ilmatar: the spirit of air in Kalevala
  • Inari: lake name, lucky
  • Inka: popular heroine
  • Izebel: jezebel
  • Kesäleto
  • Kavat: spring
  • Kuu: moon
  • Marya: Maria; berry
  • Mielikki: goddess of the forest, honey, which means good luck
  • Mirkku: girl, beloved
  • Salla: name of the mountain
  • Thai: magic
  • Talvi: winter

Hunting dog names

We have already emphasized more than once that the names of working dogs should be simple, sonorous, easy to pronounce and quickly remembered. Now is the time to give clear examples of how this rule is implemented. So, for hunting huskies boys, you can choose nicknames from the following list:

  • Hazard;
  • Chickpeas;
  • Loki;
  • Courage;
  • Dice;
  • Wolf;
  • Thor;
  • Yamal;
  • Arcana;
  • Leader;
  • Saiga;
  • Shihan;
  • Robbery;
  • Eli;
  • Angry;
  • Mongoose.

Female hunters of the Laika breed are also given sonorous and thematic nicknames. As an illustrative example, the following popular options can be noted:

  • Dingo;
  • Uma;
  • Gazelle;
  • Fox;
  • Toga;
  • Faith;
  • Chuika;
  • Dara;
  • Luci;
  • Narta;
  • Yugra;
  • Sleeve;
  • Fly;
  • Wasp;
  • Jay;
  • Barça.

These options are a small part of the nicknames suitable for working dogs. It is difficult to list all the variations within one article, but it is possible to give an idea of ​​what names to come up with for dogs of boys and girls, Laikas. Actually, this article was created for this purpose. We hope the tips were useful and you already know what you will name the acquired pet. Good luck!

Care and maintenance

Despite the fact that the standard size is indicated as medium, the dog will look impressive in an apartment.
The experience of many owners shows that keeping an animal of this size in the city is quite possible, provided that it is walked at least twice a day and receives exercise in addition to this. All Siberian huskies are quite easy to care for:

To maintain a neat appearance, comb your dog's coat with a comb once every couple of weeks, paying attention to the undercoat. During shedding, you need to devote a sufficient amount of time to combing

If the undercoat is not shed in time, you will get a “greenhouse effect” - ideal conditions for the breeding of bacteria, which will lead to skin diseases of the pet; bathe 2 or 3 times a year. Individuals wearing undercoat should not be bathed without special need. It's practically waterproof, so you have to work hard to get it wet or rinse off the shampoo well. After bathing, make sure the coat is completely dry. Use a hair dryer if necessary.

Proper nutrition is very important for the normal growth and development of Siberian huskies. If you prefer natural food for feeding your pet, make sure that he receives all the necessary vitamins and microelements in addition

It is especially important to give vitamin supplements in the spring and autumn.

Although these dogs adapt quite well to apartment life, they prefer to live outside. They are very active and need freedom of movement. The physiology of the body and the content of enzymes that promote digestion of West Siberian huskies are very close to those of wolves. That is why it is recommended to include fresh and boiled meat and fish in your diet.

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Dogs of this breed need to be walked twice a day. The total duration of the walk is at least an hour. Moreover, it is best if it takes place in the form of a game or training.

It is possible to keep a West Siberian Laika in an apartment, but there is a high probability that it will get bored and begin to behave destructively.

Also, for a dog to look well-groomed, it must be brushed regularly. She sheds quite a lot.


Laikas are beautiful, fluffy and quite large. Here are the sizes of all the most common subspecies:

The remaining external characteristics of these four-legged animals are the same. Here's what they say:

If you have a representative of the Laika breed, you will always admire him - he is graceful and proud, brave and strong - a real northern dog with a persistent character, accustomed to overcoming difficulties.

Photo gallery

So, if you're at a crossroads right now, we hope this article will help you decide on a nickname for your new friend. A small photo selection will provide additional inspiration.

Basics of making the right choice

Choosing a nickname for your pet can be compared to the process of choosing a name for a newborn baby. The name of an animal, especially a dog, should best match the character and breed of the pet. One more nuance should also be taken into account. The name of the dog, to one degree or another, determines the future character of the animal, its temperament and behavior. Therefore, you should study its origin as much as possible and observe representatives of four-legged animals with this name, and only then call your pet this (or not that). Nicknames of huskies and their uniqueness

It has long been customary to call dogs by one or another nickname depending on their breed. Therefore, now we’ll briefly talk about the nicknames of huskies, which are fundamentally different from all the others with their northeastern charm and non-standard sound. By their nature, huskies have a very high level of endurance, they instantly react to changes in the environment, are perfectly oriented in any, even unfamiliar, terrain and can easily tolerate cold weather. Representatives of this northern breed have a well-developed sense of smell, which has long given them the right to be called hunting dogs - the best among the best. There are also various nicknames for huskies, which have their own classifications and characteristics.

Characteristics of northern breeds

When buying a husky puppy, you should remember that such an animal will quickly wither away in an apartment. Since dogs of this breed need active movement and constant training, the nicknames of huskies should sound as clear as possible and at the same time short. As mentioned earlier, a dog’s nickname can affect both its character and its vital activity, therefore, by naming your pet Crystal, be sure that you will grow up to be a very moral and arrogant dog. At the same time, his behavior will be calm and balanced. The nicknames of hunting dogs-laikas themselves have a somewhat cold vibration in their sound, and when they are mentioned out loud, the mind seems to be transported to the taiga, covered with snow and ice. They are typical only for representatives of this breed, because you must admit that the nickname “Suga” for a Labrador sounds somewhat ridiculous. Nord, Nuti, Polar, Sakari, Snesh, Fume and many other nicknames of huskies reflect their northern nature, in which lies strength and beauty.

When choosing a name, you should pay great attention to the gender of the animal. Veterinary psychologists do not recommend giving their pets unisex names, because in this case the boy’s character will become pliable, and the girl will be excessively aggressive. Therefore, the nicknames for female dogs, Laikas, are characterized by softness, brevity and a certain restraint. Among them, such as Shtia, Shuga, Veya, Chena are very popular.

The most common nicknames for huskies

Finally, it is worth noting that often the nicknames of these pets have a geographical attachment. So, a dog of a hunting breed can be called Altai, Yukon, Aldan, Sever, Sayan. Such names have a pronounced Russian flavor, and therefore are very convenient for our compatriots. After all, during a hunt, it is important for the owner to clearly shout out the nickname of his four-legged assistant so that he can carry out any command as quickly as possible.

- brave, smart, courageous. He is distinguished by high intelligence and physical strength. This is a hunting breed with a ability to quickly find landmarks on the ground. Her reaction to changes in the situation is simply lightning fast. The dog does not tolerate confined spaces, has its own excellent characteristics and is suitable for energetic owners who enjoy running, skiing, and hiking. When choosing a name, you should take these qualities into account. Let's see how to name a husky correctly.

Despite the hunting breed, the nickname should, first of all, be beautiful, consonant, and easy to remember. Among the beautiful and common names for husky boys, it is worth noting: Patrick, Mickey, Nathan, Rourke, Timosha, Lester, Swansea, Phoenix, Kevin, Oscar, Cosmo, Larry, Roman, Juan, Louis, Adam, Lucas, Tomi, Casper, Neil, Vector, Watson, Adam, Morris, Gregor, Jim, Lyoko, Archie, Roy, Simon, Lucas, Tito, Volchek, Beefy, Tomi, Gene, Ramon, Danny, Zeus, Hector, Bruce, Nathan, Trouser, Charlie, Trevor, Chris, Mars, Juan.

If you want to emphasize the hunting breed of husky, you can give the following names: Basalt, Musket, Whirlwind, Sable, Vulcan, Octopus, Falcon, Detective, Almaz, Viking, Typhoon, Baron, Saiga, Peregrine Falcon, Thunder, Mongoose, Prime, Falcon, Bazai.

Previously, people attributed the most common names to this breed: Bystry, Melkiy, Strelka, Belka, thereby trying to emphasize their character traits. If your pet is restless from a young age, then you can give it a nickname: Saiga, Ermak, Buckshot. Pirate.

Laiki will not lie all day at the feet of its owner. They are characterized by mobility, speed, agility, so good nicknames for boys would be: Irwin, Yasny, Taras, Uzbek, Fakir, Indigo, Buyan, Bromide, Jedi, Jacquard, Zenit, Sailor, Trek, Indigo, Sprite, Shimon, Erwin, Khazar , Idris, Avangard, Taran, Zenit, Darius.

Laikas are adapted to harsh living conditions and are not afraid of severe frosts. These are indispensable helpers for people living in the north. They will tirelessly watch over the livestock and become loyal friends to their owner. The best nicknames that can reflect these qualities of huskies: Titan, Storm, Condor, Winter, Everest, Hurricane, Khalid, Ararat, Rakhat, Crater, Aidar, Chesko, Yalek, Sarmat, Felix, Tungus, Nabat, Labrie, Castor, Winter, Yesail , Thunder, Eaton, Piston.

If you want to emphasize the hunting qualities of huskies, you can name them: Amulet, Shaman, Frost, Frisky, Dare. Tribal huskies can be given a nickname from a movie or borrowed from a book: Niki, Juha, Floyd, Balto, Bakk.

This breed, as residents of hard-to-reach areas, is often called: Amur, Sever, Ural, Baikal, Verny, Hayk, Buran, Gray, Dyren. Even the relief, as an option, can become a name: Fault, Loach. Laikas living in the Black Sea region can proudly bear the nickname: Altai, Vilyuy, Taiga.

Nature in winter in the North is fabulous, silent. Laikas, like dogs with the vocation of sled hounds, can have names: Frost, Snowball, Kind, Pirate, Smart. Words with two voiced consonants are clearly distinguishable: Karat, Cupid, This is important in the harsh conditions of winter, so that the nickname comes out easily and clearly from the lips even when the owner’s jaws are practically frozen by frost.

The nickname should be positive and kind. Calling a dog an offensive name is disrespectful. It is unlikely that she will be able to become a true friend. To put a meaning into a nickname means to name:

The best nicknames are consonant and short.

Features of choosing a name

Laikas are friendly, obedient, brave and amazingly intelligent dogs. They are very hardy, distinguished by enormous physical strength and lightning-fast reaction, as well as the ability to quickly find a landmark on the ground.

Representatives of the breed love freedom and active pastime, they are perfect for energetic owners. When choosing a name for a pet, it is advisable to take into account these character traits and behavior.

Laikas are, first of all, hunting assistants, so it is recommended to name the dog with an easy-sounding, but not very common name.

It is advisable that it consist of 1–2 syllables and does not sound similar to commands. Such a nickname for a husky will allow the dog, who has entered into the excitement of the hunt, to catch a familiar intonation and return to the owner.

There are several varieties of huskies, so when choosing a name for your pet, it’s a good idea to rely on the characteristics of the breed.

So, for example, for the West Siberian Laika it is better to choose a name that emphasizes its strength and power. These dogs, which bear a close resemblance to wolves, are strong and resilient hunters used to hunt large game.

The Karelian-Finnish husky, more reminiscent of a fox, can be named in accordance with its amazing external characteristics.

Meeting a new favorite

As soon as you have a Laika puppy in your home, don’t hesitate to give him a nickname. First, take a closer look at his behavior and determine his distinctive character traits. Then, based on your observations, come up with a name for it. Thus, the puppy will receive a nickname that suits him.

If you purchased a puppy from a kennel, it already has a nickname. Often, this nickname is awkward to pronounce, long, and sometimes even inappropriate. But this does not mean that you cannot name your pet differently.

When choosing a nickname, you need to understand that it is not entirely ethical to call the dog by a human name, because this may offend someone you know with the name you call your pet. It is also not customary to name a dog by the same name as your previous pet.

It is important not to forget that the dog must easily perceive his nickname and quickly respond to it.


Such pets are freedom-loving, but attached to their owner, they show neither arrogance nor humility - they are equal to humans, they are loyal friends and wonderful companions.
They cannot stand injustice and can be seriously offended if you punish or yell at you in vain.

The dogs are clean and not picky, smart and disciplined.

They love to hunt and wander around for a long time. Curious and sociable, when walking without a leash they can run far, meet other dogs and chase cats.

These are amazing watchmen and reliable guards. They are not very well trained, but they understand everything. It is important to accustom them to certain responsibilities and educate them from childhood.

Relationships should be friendly and open. Laechkas have excellent vision, hearing and smell, which is why they are amazing hunters. They quickly sniff out game and bring it to the owner.

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