English cocker spaniel dog. Description, care and price of the English Cocker Spaniel

There are several types of spaniel breed. Although the most famous and popular are Cocker Spaniels . They are born hunters and loyal friends. Animals are very energetic, it is advisable to walk with them as often as possible. All types of spaniels get along well with every member of the family, but they require proper education and training. The dogs are trusting, friendly, and completely non-aggressive.

Varieties of spaniels with photos, names and descriptions are presented below in the article.

Breed characteristics and character

The English Cocker Spaniel is a very loyal and kind dog. He always finds one favorite owner and quickly gets used to him. But he also plays responsively with other family members.

Friendly welcomes guests into the house. She does not have the habit of growling and barking at passers-by. A very cheerful, sociable, gentle breed. Considering that spaniels have the trait of being overly dependent on their owner, you should teach your pet to be independent.

If one day you have to leave your dog for at least a couple of days, he will become sad and lose his appetite and desire to play. Among the characteristics of the breed, you can notice that knots dominate. They are more stubborn than cables.

But at the same time, the girls are helpful. There are also shy, calm dogs. Each of them, like people, has its own character. Sometimes you can notice that a pet takes on some traits from its owner.

The Cocker Spaniel is a fast learning breed. They understand the owner's commands well. They always try to trick their owner. Training from an early age makes the dog disciplined.

This breed is perfect for keeping indoors. Be child friendly. Gets along well with other pets. It's rare to find a possessive personality trait when it comes to Spaniel toys.

These dogs are suitable for hunting. They are very hardy, it seems that they do not get tired at all. Cockers try and work very hard. The English spaniel is a very sensual dog. Differs in mental and physical characteristics.

Cocker Spaniels have a loyal and friendly character.

Despite its gentle nature, the dog reacts to rough treatment. Can grin and growl. You need to instill good manners in your pet from an early age. Socialization helps the animal to show its best qualities.

Owner reviews

Many owners speak positively about their pets - they are cheerful, friendly and playful. Lonely owners complain that they cannot leave their pet alone for a long time - he is very sad and sad. There are many positive reviews from those who have children - animals become real friends of children and have fun playing with them. Some believe that it is better to keep animals outside the city so that you can walk with them for several hours in nature. But owners living in ordinary apartments are confident that their furry companions feel good in an urban environment.

Breed standard

A dog's appearance can say a lot. Decorative pets do not have strong bones, strong muscles and are often small in size.

Cockers by nature, although small, are well built. The body is almost square in shape, and the head resembles a rectangle. There is a wide nose on the muzzle.

The eyes are large, but do not stand out. They have different shades of brown color. Looking at the spaniel, you can notice a kind, playful look. Large, long, flat ears are located at eye level. The neck is short, the shoulders smoothly blend into the body. The chest is correspondingly small, but expressive.

Despite his small paws, the spaniel runs very fast. That's why they take them hunting with them. The limbs are strong, the muscles are powerful. The amplitude of the knees gives good stability. The dog has a small tail set below the back. It can be docked for hunting purposes.

Cockers come in a variety of colors. Black English Cocker Spaniel, brown or bi-color. Possible spotted color. The coat is thick and wavy. It tends to get tangled because it is quite long. With normal nutrition, the dog gains weight well. An adult cocker should normally weigh up to 14.5 kg.

Origin story

The famous Caesar himself first brought dogs to England, and there everything went as usual - the inhabitants of the country made a great contribution to their development. These animals appeared a long time ago, and at first they helped hunt birds.

At first, there were only field and marsh dogs - they hunted both birds and helped catch game with nets. Then a universal representative appeared - long-haired , he, as you might guess, was distinguished by very long hair. This happened four centuries ago - can you imagine how deep the roots go?

Somewhat later they were divided into large ones - Fields and small ones - Cockers. The ancestor of all is considered to be the black male Obo, who lived in England at the end of the seventeenth century. American cockers descended from his son, Obo the Second. They came to Russia only in the twentieth century.

Care and maintenance

Every pet needs care. Individual characteristics make dogs slightly different in their keeping. It depends on the shaggyness, size and breed of the animal.

The Cocker has long hair, so as not to accumulate matted tufts on his silky coat, it must be combed and cut.

English Cocker Spaniel puppies

Many owners prefer to turn to specialists for help. However, grooming an English Cocker Spaniel may not be very cheap. If you lack funds, you can carry out the procedure yourself.

Better twice a month. This will make bathing and cleaning easier. The hair on the paws should also be trimmed. They will have a well-groomed, neat appearance. At about half a year, cockers begin to shed. You need to constantly comb this fur so as not to spoil the growth of the new one. General care also includes nail trimming.

An English Cocker Spaniel dog to all procedures from childhood. They don't really like brushing their teeth, combing their hair, or bathing. Therefore, it is better to consult a veterinarian on how to carry out dog hygiene without problems.

Claws are not trimmed very often, only once a month. Special care for ears. They are checked every week. At the same time, they are cleaned and lubricated with a special liquid. It protects against contamination. This breed of dog is susceptible to ear infections.

English Cocker Spaniel on a walk in summer

Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the appearance of odor from the ears, which indicates a disease. Since the ears are long, it is necessary to feed your pet from a narrow bowl so that food does not fall on them. This also applies to a bowl of water.

Of course, after every walk, especially in bad weather, when the paws are very dirty, it is necessary to wash them. If your dog is involved in exhibitions, you need to pay close attention to the cocker's face. Pluck long hairs and comb the tuft.

You should remember about walking. Like any living organism, a dog also needs air. Cockers will always be happy to frolic in the clearing. Visit your veterinarian. The doctor must administer the necessary vaccinations. This is usually at an early age. Since English Cocker Spaniels are prone to infections and skin diseases, preventive examinations are necessary.

Choosing a puppy

Spaniels are often used for police work
. Before purchasing a puppy, there are several factors to consider when choosing:

  • Physical health. The dog must be absolutely healthy and active.
  • Mental condition. You need to choose cheerful and friendly puppies.
  • Compliance with standard. Before purchasing, you need to carefully examine the dog and make sure that it fully complies with the breed standard.


Every owner thinks about their pet’s diet. Draws information from books or the Internet, trying to follow all the rules. Especially with a purebred dog that cannot digest anything, you need to understand nutrition. The diet should be complete, filled with vitamins.

English cocker spaniel gives paw

Proper diet for a spaniel is very important. This breed is prone to overeating and obesity. You should not spoil him with food from the master's table. Sometimes it is simply impossible to resist the pleading look of a cocker. Kind eyes look and beg for a tasty treat. The animal's good appetite leads to distension of the stomach. As with any dog, enormous weight is contraindicated for a cocker.

Drinking in your diet is very important. A bowl of clean water should always be in place. English Cocker Spaniel puppies can drink milk . It is contraindicated for adults. Fermented milk products can be an addition to food. Watch the portion your dog eats. For a puppy, 4 tablespoons per feeding is enough. The dog grows and the amount of food increases.

  • A puppy up to 2 months eats 6 times, but in small portions;
  • From 4 months, doses are reduced by 2 times;
  • From 4 to 6 months, the puppy eats 3-4 times a day;
  • Up to 1 year, the portion is increased, and the doses are divided into 2-3 times;
  • After a year, cockers are fed 1-2 times a day.

When getting a dog, the owner must choose feeding hours that are convenient for himself and the pet. Since everyone's workload is different, the working day can last a long time. The animal should not starve.

The diet must be varied so that the dog receives the necessary beneficial components for its body. The main products are: meat, cottage cheese, fish, vegetables and porridge.

Vegetables should be served stewed. It is better to take meat that is not fatty. For example, chicken, beef, and turkey work well. Sometimes you can add eggs to your food, but not more than one per week. There are also vitamin complexes; they must be given to the dog once every half-hour to maintain healthy coat and teeth.

Price of a dog

In Russia, buying a purebred puppy from good parents is not so difficult. This is usually done through the National Club. The main thing is to choose trusted breeders, about whom there are only positive reviews. When choosing a puppy, focus on its color, shiny coat, and healthy appearance. A healthy cub is cheerful and active, but may be suspicious of strangers. The price for a four-legged friend with a pedigree will start from twenty thousand rubles .

Possible diseases

The English Cocker is not a sickly breed. They are hardy, strong, and live long. Life expectancy is on average 15 years.

The Cocker Spaniel needs to be brushed regularly.

However, like any animal, it still has a tendency to certain diseases. These include: vestibular diseases, infectious, immunological disorders, skin diseases and cancer.

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