Russian cocker spaniel dog. Description, features, care and price of the breed

  • Dogs

The Cocker Spaniel breed originated in England. Its purpose is to serve and help hunters catch prey. This dog has an athletic build and an excellent, sensitive sense of smell.

Let's figure out how much we can buy this wonderful dog for? First, we need to decide what kind of cocker spaniel we are interested in.

Description and features

The work of domestic dog breeders on the hunting breed was successfully completed in the mid-20th century. A gambling dog, obedient to his owner, with excellent skills and flair, he inherited tenacity and unpretentiousness from spaniels of various breeds - English Cocker, Welsh Springer, Sussex and others.

The Russian hunting cocker spaniel, unlike its relatives, has become long-legged and hardy, which has expanded the ability to move across domestic spaces at good speed. A breed standard has been developed twice, most recently in 1966. Connoisseurs highly appreciate the result of the breeding work, although the breed remains unrecognized at the international level.

According to the standard, real Russian spaniels are small in size - height 32-45 cm, weight 15-20 kg. Males are slightly larger, females, respectively, smaller. The build is strong, with well-developed muscles. The body is flexible, slightly elongated, with springy ribs. The stomach is tucked. The tail is straight and must be docked halfway according to the standard.

The limbs are long, making up half the dog's height. The hind legs are set wider than the front legs. Fingers tightly gathered. The size of the head is proportional to the body. The transition to the muzzle is clearly pronounced. Large ears hang below the muzzle and fit neatly to the head. Expressive eyes are brown, with different shades depending on the color.

Spaniels have long, often wavy hair. Straight-haired dogs have no advantage when evaluating the breed. Short hair on the head and paws, long hair covering the back, sides, and belly. The dense undercoat warms and protects from rapid wetting. The wool is very soft to the touch.

The color comes in different combinations:

  • single color – black, golden, dark brown;
  • two-color - white with black specks, red-black, brown-pockmarked;
  • tricolor - black-brown with specks, white with dark spots of different shades in the color of the main markings.

The Russian Cocker Spaniel, black or red, has a particularly shiny coat in the sun. Deviations from the standard are considered to be malocclusion, short tail, and non-compliance with the signs of sexual dimorphism. In communication, the dog is distinguished by its good disposition and endless affection for its owner.

A lively mind, a high level of trainability, and a lenient attitude towards other domestic animals make spaniels true friends. Even a beginner can handle training a pet. Due to their small size, dogs can be kept in an apartment without any problems. Natural activity requires intense communication, daily walks, and active entertainment.

The vices of individuals include aggressive behavior and manifestations of cowardice. The true Russian Cocker Spaniel breed is distinguished by its ability to concentrate on a goal. A characteristic feature of a hunting dog is the absence of a stance. Unlike other breeds, the dog does not freeze while waiting for a command, but quickly rushes into the thickets to drive out the game.

Differences and similarities between the American and English Cocker Spaniel?

If a male English Cocker Spaniel reaches a height of 30-35 cm in adulthood, and a female 25-30 cm, then the same parameters for an American are 2-5 cm smaller. When the weight of the English cable is 6-10 kg, and the bitch is 6-8 kg, then the American is inferior by about 3 kg in weight. Although the life expectancy is the same - 14-16 years.

The Cocker from Great Britain has a strong build and boasts well-developed muscles. The head position is level. The tail and ears are long. The animal's fur is wavy.

The American dog is more playful and energetic, easily making contact with adults and children.

Cocker spaniels, regardless of subspecies, cannot live without the attention of their owner, so they are recommended to be purchased by people who are prepared for the pet’s obsessive behavior. Luckily, these dogs can be trained. Representatives of this breed try to please their owner, so they quickly learn new commands.

If you don't give your puppy enough time, he can grow up independent and disobedient. And since this is a very loyal breed, your four-legged friend cannot be separated from his owner for a long time.


Friendliness and loyalty are the main advantages of a pet. The Russian Cocker Spaniel in the photo looks like a very attractive, kind animal. The dog adapts perfectly to the conditions of an apartment or house.

He treats strangers kindly, but intuitively senses ill-wishers well. The dog selflessly protects the owner and his belongings. In general, anger is not inherent in spaniels, so you should not arouse the dog’s excessive zeal in guarding. Proper upbringing does not include the development of aggression.

He can easily distinguish his own from strangers. If the dog does not offend domestic cats and yard animals, then he will push strangers away. It is not recommended to experience the hunting instinct. Hamsters, parrots, and guinea pigs can awaken a hunter's natural passion.

Some consider spaniels to be annoying, but the dog expresses complete readiness to follow the owner, to be nearby at any moment. The dog is ready to endure discomfort, inconvenience, but be near its owner.

A dog's true calling is revealed during the hunt. Spaniels are ready to search for prey even in difficult conditions. From puppyhood, they begin to learn work skills that bring sincere joy to the pet. The owner should pick up hunting items and the pet will perk up, start whining, and fuss in order to quickly go to his favorite activity.

Walking in nature or in the park gives the dog great pleasure. Running along paths, chasing pigeons, swimming in a pond - everything brings joy. Dogs are attracted to all sounds, rustles, and movements.

Dogs are patient and friendly with children. You can safely leave your baby with the dog as a nanny. Joint games and communication bring mutual joy. If the dog feels importunate, it will not show aggression, but will simply leave and hide. When keeping dogs under control, you need to keep their appetite under control.

The desire to find and eat something manifests itself in the most inappropriate places. Eating abandoned waste or random animals in the forest leads to health problems. Proper upbringing and care correct the weaknesses of a pet, to whom the owners are ready to forgive a lot for loyalty and devotion.

Is the Cocker Spaniel a smart breed?

The dogs of this breed occupy one of the leading positions in the list of dogs with the highest intelligence. For the most part, they are obedient and disciplined. Dog trainers advise starting puppy training at the age of 3-5 months. It’s not worth it before, because this process is a serious psychological burden for a fragile organism.

During the first 2-3 months, the character of the animal and its psychological characteristics are formed.

The commands “place” and “come” should be the first ones that the baby masters. The cocker will remember them well thanks to games with the owner. He will try to dominate, but the person’s task is to make it clear who the real leader is in this duet. Failure to comply with these conditions will seriously complicate communication with the dog in the future.

Ideally, if the cocker spaniel has the opportunity to communicate with other dogs, this will allow him to grow up more harmonious and balanced.

Interacting with an adult, well-bred cocker spaniel will bring genuine pleasure!



The group of close relatives includes the main varieties of the English and American Cocker Spaniel. The American Spaniel has perfectly preserved its exterior and is prepared for exhibition activities, but has lost its basic working qualities.

The English Spaniel is a wonderful family dog. Although the breed standards prescribe him a hunting direction, reviving his skills takes a lot of work - special training is required.

The Russian Cocker Spaniel dog honors one owner; hunting inclinations are consistently preserved in all representatives of the breed, even without special training.

Other types of spaniels:

Tibetan spaniel. Small quadrupeds with a shortened muzzle and short legs come from China. The peculiarity of the breed is manifested in the dogs’ intolerance to closed spaces. Excellent guards. Character is lively, playful, intelligent, loyal.

Irish Water Spaniel. An ancient breed, known for its large dogs - up to 60 cm in height. Faithful companions on hunting and other joint activities. Dogs require active exercise and good upbringing.

Education and training

These wonderful dogs take a long time to grow up, maintaining their puppy character for up to 1 or even 1.5 years. It is worth noting that Cocker Spaniel females are more difficult to train than males. They periodically have the desire to demonstrate their dominance to the owner. It is important to learn how to stop this impulse of your pet.

Cocker Spaniels get along well with other pets and dogs.

So, if he shows signs of aggression or refuses to obey, he should be carefully turned onto his back and held in this position for some time. The simplest technology for stopping the dominance of a domestic dog. A representative of the breed should be socialized together with other pets (if any) so that they do not have conflicts in the future.

It is also advisable to control their interaction. Never pet a dog that is growling at another pet because you are telling it, “You are doing the right thing, keep being angry, he deserves it.” If your dog shows domestic or food aggression, scold him.

Do not forget that spaniels are very noisy animals that bark often. You shouldn't let them do this. If your pet is making unnecessary noise, interrupt him with a scream, thus demonstrating your disapproval. Thanks to this, he will quickly get rid of the habit of barking for any reason and without it.

Well, the last point - do not allow your four-legged friend to win at all costs. In any game, he must lose so that faith in the authority of the owner does not shake in his mind.

Care and maintenance

The Russian Spaniel does not require any special conditions. He needs a place to sleep in the apartment, and an insulated hut outside. Tolerates temperature fluctuations well. The main concern is the periodic brushing of the spaniel's long hair and examination of the spaniel's eyes and ears to prevent illness. After walks, the pet should be examined to avoid the appearance of parasites and ticks.

During shedding, daily grooming is important. To facilitate the procedure, the dog is lightly sprayed with a solution of citric acid. Spaniels that do not participate in exhibitions are not cut. Participants are prepared in a special way so that no signs of haircuts are noticeable. Trimming is done in certain areas where the fur takes on an unnatural shade.

Dogs at 8-9 months with rejection of puppy fluff are only combed. After cutting, the coat will not grow smooth - the appearance will be forever spoiled. It is enough to bathe a spaniel once every 3 months.

The correct maintenance of a Russian Cocker Spaniel is to provide physical activity for the pet. The dog needs to run and jump so that muscle activity does not decrease. Joint travel, walks, and games will keep both pet and owner in good shape.

Caring for a Cocker Spaniel

The owner of such a handsome cocker spaniel needs to make efforts to ensure that the pet retains this title:

  • The Cocker Spaniel's coat is prone to tangling, so it is the owner's responsibility to brush it regularly.
  • Frequent bathing of an animal is the key to its health and beauty; dogs love to splash in the water, and a person should love washing his pet
  • you need to develop the habit of constantly looking under the ears of your smaller friend, since wax can accumulate excessively in this organ and even cause an infection
  • It is enough to trim the coat before the onset of the warm season or on the eve of the exhibition, but the fur on the paw pads needs to be trimmed from time to time
  • dogs of this breed shed, but this seasonal phenomenon does not always cause discomfort to humans

The owner of the pet must be ready to devote at least a couple of hours to his games, walks and active pastime.


The Russian Spaniel requires a high-calorie diet rich in minerals and vitamins. An active dog must replenish its energy reserves and be in good physical shape. Taking into account the pet’s tendency to overeat, portions should be limited, not pampered, and fed twice a day. Keep drinking water available at all times.

The basis of the diet is meat food. It is important to feed working dogs minced meat, offal, and boiled meat waste. Otherwise, when hunting, spaniels will tear their prey. It is recommended to add boneless sea fish, cereals, vegetables in the form of porridges, dairy products, and rye bread to the menu.

Sweets, sausages, smoked products, and baked goods are prohibited. Legumes cause increased gas formation. Feeding with dry food is allowed if it is of high quality and balanced in composition. Dog breeders recommend giving your dog a fasting day once a week, reducing the amount of food by a quarter.

Reproduction and lifespan

Russian Cocker Spaniel puppies for breeding at 9 months, but dog breeders recommend not to rush until the pets are 2 years old. Early matings lead to difficult births and weak offspring. The optimal age of spaniels for breeding is limited to 10 years. The greatest fertility is observed in the period of 4-7 years.

Dog owners need to control the frequency of mating so that females give birth no more than once a year. Otherwise, the body is depleted and the puppies are born weak. The lifespan of dogs is 13-15 years, which depends entirely on the quality of care, nutrition, and maintenance of the pets. The longest-living record holders were 19-20 years old.

Reviews about the breed

Perhaps reviews from owners can best help you in choosing a pet.


We bought a puppy when I was in kindergarten. And he passed away quite recently, when I graduated from university, found a job, and gave birth to a child. This is the one who has been with me my entire adult life. Spaniels are very smart. If you took him, then keep in mind that he needs to be developed - just like a child - talk to him, explain his actions, and not stupidly punish and encourage. These are very active and jumping dogs, they are not shy about expressing their emotions - when he is happy, it is very contagious, everyone around him is also in a good mood. Spaniels, by the way, are the most frequently tail-wagging dogs in the world, so their tails are docked so that they do not scare away game in the grass and reeds. But the lack of a tail does not stop them from wagging their entire backside at once))). One of the distinguishing features of the breed is its stomach pit. Eats everything and in any combination; if the spaniel is not overweight, it means that the owners are too strict and are not interested in his opinion. But no matter how you feed them at home, they still run to the trash heaps on the streets))) Ours came home after that and licked his mother’s feet for a long time - at first we didn’t know what was wrong, and then we found out - he was wiping his tongue! It makes a lot of sounds besides barking - grunts, slurps, snores, sniffles, farts (ours loved this very much - at night under the bed it created a deadly cloud that covered you as soon as you slid to the edge of the bed. Therefore, since childhood I have been able to sleep in the middle and not move in dream); We taught ours to say “mama”. He knows when it comes to him, he responds not only to his name, but also to nicknames. He has his own opinion and knows how to take offense. In general, spaniels are good hunters, but ours specifically was afraid of water, ducks and hares, but he caught mice well. For dogs of this size, spaniels have a very low, bass voice, which is pleasant. The problem is the ears; They need to be cleaned regularly, but ours didn’t work at all. Moreover, long and thin wool easily rolls into icicles; it needs to be combed. He didn’t like children and cubs, but he tolerated them. And in his old age he became very suspicious. He opened all the closed doors, thinking that they were hiding something from him, checked what was put in the closet, looked into the plates - compared with what was given to him. This dog perfectly senses your attitude towards it and is afraid of loneliness; a spaniel needs to be loved, otherwise he will be unhappy - in general, he is a full-fledged and full-fledged member of the family.

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Our new family member appeared 5 years ago. I come back from a business trip - no one is home - I open the door - a little eared miracle runs out at me! The curtains are on the floor, the carpets have been removed, there are puddles all around, everything is upside down! At first I was shocked! Friends advised me to tie a leash to the door when everyone leaves the house! Over time, they got used to everything. Now we have a faithful and loving friend! Very smart and obedient. Spaniels are very playful and will be a good friend to your children. Accordingly, not for small ones, otherwise in the game “small ones” may simply be dropped or accidentally scratched. They are not fussy about food, they eat everything and always! Even pickles! I advise everyone who wants to get an “average” dog - you won’t regret it!


Very good breed. Very energetic, friendly and good with children. We were given this dog as a gift when we were very young. As a puppy, he apparently missed his mother very much (Every night he gave us concerts, whining madly. But then he grew up and all this ended. Very quickly he was taught to go to the litter box. He never took a shit in the house. It’s easy to teach different commands. We only taught to give a paw

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