Maremma-Abruzzese Sheepdog - description and characteristics of the breed

Interesting Facts

The first mention of this breed dates back to the 1st century BC. It is believed that these dogs appeared on the European continent thanks to Asian nomads. The ancestors of the breed are considered to be Tibetan wolfhounds, steppe mastiffs, and mastiff dogs. Since that time, the appearance of the dogs has remained virtually unchanged.

It is believed that there were originally two breeds of white-coated herding dogs.
They lived in different regions of Italy - Maremmo and Abruzzo. As a result of the movement of cattle during the season, the dogs gradually became interbreeding. The result was one breed - the Maremma-Abruzzese Shepherd Dog. The breed received a double name because both regions could not agree on whose territory the dog first appeared. Note! Shepherd dogs' fur is covered with a film of fat, so it does not get dirty and always remains white - the dirt dries out and simply falls off.
The first standards for the variety appeared only in 1924, and for both types of dogs. In 1956, the breeds were combined into one, and the standards were refined and supplemented. The result was one variety. In the same year, the Italian Shepherd received worldwide recognition. The latest standards were signed in September 1992.

Dogs of this breed have a very aristocratic appearance.

Pros and cons of the breed

Owners of such dogs do not deny that they have not only advantages, but also disadvantages. The positive points include the following:

  • calm character and self-confidence, balanced psyche;
  • loyal to the owner, respectful of other family members;
  • easy to train, easy to train;
  • have an impressive appearance;
  • react instantly to a threat;
  • have excellent eyesight and sense of smell;
  • find a common language with other pets.

However, the breed has more than just positive aspects. But these dogs have few disadvantages:

  • they are not suitable for people with unstable mental health;
  • they cannot be kept in an apartment;
  • pets need to be walked daily for a long time;
  • Dogs need free range.

Important! It is better to keep a Marem Shepherd in a house with a large area where it can move around calmly.

Common mistakes in training:

  • Punishment of a dog that approaches the trainer on the command “come to me.” This is a very serious mistake that owners often make if the dog has done something wrong. For example, she can pick up some food from the ground and eat it. The owner calls the pet using a command and punishes it. Don't forget that dogs have a very short memory. The animal will think that it is being punished for approaching its owner, and not for its previous offense. Therefore, if next time you give the command “come to me,” the dog will run away from you, as it will associate this command with punishment. The animal should always be rewarded with affection and treats for every approach, regardless of your mood. Remember that you need to punish only at the moment the offense is committed, but not some time after that!
  • Calling once during the entire walk (before going home) is also a fairly common mistake, which leads to the dog beginning to associate the command “come” with close captivity on a leash. That is why it is worth giving your pet this command several times during a walk, each time rewarding him with a treat for following through and letting him go for another walk. This way the dog will not be afraid that after approaching you, it will be immediately put on a leash and taken home.
  • Attempts to catch up with the dog if it refuses to voluntarily approach the owner. This can only make the situation worse. The animal will perceive your attempts to catch up with it either as fun or as a threat, so it will definitely not voluntarily approach you. In this situation, it would be more correct to attract the pet’s attention by pretending that you are running away or looking for something in the grass. A curious animal will immediately run up to you, however, do not immediately attach a leash to it - treat it with a treat and give the command “walk” (otherwise, you will never be able to interest your pet in this way again). After a few minutes, try repeating the “come to me” command.
  • Attempts to call the dog when it is playing too much or is passionate about something. You should not give the command “come to me” if you know in advance that she will refuse to carry it out. The animal may be very keen on playing with its favorite toy or friend. In this case, find a way to distract the dog and only then call him to you. It is important that your four-legged friend does not show disobedience regarding the execution of this command.

Advantages and disadvantages of maremma: reviews from owners

The owners of such dogs love them very much. Many note the aristocratic appearance and devotion of their pets. Dogs take care of their owners and are ready to protect them day and night. The owners note that the pets get along well with children and are ready to play with them for a long time. However, they warn that each dog has its own character, so they should be trained from a young age. Some note that the animal does not like shouts and orders, it can become very offended and then become mischievous.

The Italian Shepherd is always the center of attention at an exhibition.

Team "teeth"

You must teach your dog to respond calmly and indifferently to the dental examination procedure. This will be necessary not only for displaying the animal at exhibitions, but also for treating possible diseases of its teeth.

To show your dog's bite, give him the "sit" command and turn slightly towards him. Take the dog's face so that your left hand is on the upper jaw and your right palm is under the lower jaw. Lightly squeeze your dog's mouth until the teeth are tightly closed. Using the thumb and index finger of your left hand, lightly lift the animal's upper lip, and with your right thumb, slightly pull down the lower lip. The nose should be open and located between the thumb and index finger of the left hand.

Do this procedure with your dog more often, and the animal will quickly get used to it. First, teach the dog to calmly respond to cupping his muzzle with your palms. To do this, leave your hands on the dog's face for only 3-4 seconds, then treat your pet with a treat. Gradually, the girth time should be increased to 8-10 seconds. Do not cause pain or negative emotions to the puppy during the dental examination, otherwise in the future the animal will simply resist and be afraid of this procedure.

Description and breed standard

Italian Shepherds are often compared to the Pyrenees Mountain Dog. They do have some similarities, but also many differences.

The Maremmo-Abruzzese Shepherd, like any other breed, has a number of standards by which the dog is assessed:

  • The head is large, quite massive, the transition from the nose to the forehead is smooth.
  • The shape of the head resembles a polar bear, the nose is black and smooth.
  • The eyes are almond-shaped, the iris and eyelids are black.
  • Scissor bite, correct.
  • The ears are V-shaped, widely spaced, hanging. Some dogs have their ears cropped (mostly for guard dogs).
  • The back is wide, the withers protrude.
  • The chest is wide.
  • Legs are strong, muscles are developed. The front legs are round, the hind legs are oval.
  • The tail is thick and rises low.

In general, the dog is large, with well-developed muscles. Males are larger and heavier than females.

This is interesting! The dog is distinguished by its agility and comparative lightness, despite its impressive appearance and weight.

Features of the coat

The Italian Wolfhound's coat is always white. In rare cases, it has a yellowish or creamy tint. The hairs are hard and the undercoat is thick, so the dog tolerates low temperatures well. However, thanks to the structure of the hairs, such a shepherd will also survive the heat quite normally.

The hair is covered with a special secretion that repels water. The presence of sebum also performs hygiene functions - dirt does not accumulate on the fur.

Dogs are tall and heavy, but they are light on their feet.

Command “no” (“fu”, “no”)

The “fu” command is given to a dog when, for example, it picks up something from the ground. Here it is very important to let the dog understand that you always have something tastier than on earth. Provoke the dog: scatter treats on the ground, take the puppy on a leash and start moving past the treats, while very carefully controlling the situation - the dog should not have time to grab a piece from the ground. At this moment, your assistant should call the puppy to you, switching it to you. Be sure to reward the dog for passing by the treat. This way you will reinforce in her the skill that you ALWAYS have something more interesting and tasty than on earth. The task must be made more difficult by gradually training in the most attractive situations for the puppy. Execution of this command and the absence of the habit and even the thought that you can take something from the ground into your mouth are directly related to the health of your pet!

Teach your baby not to take food from the hands of strangers. Ask your friends to hand food to the puppy in the palm of their hand. Give the command "fu". Maremmas already do not trust strangers, so it is unlikely that she will take food. Be sure to reward your pet for this.

Breed characteristics and character traits

Italian wolfhounds have an independent character, so they need to be trained from a young age. The characteristics of the Maremmo-Abruzzese Shepherd dog breed are of interest to many people.

Security qualities

These dogs make excellent guards. They will not allow strangers into their territory. Dogs are able to monitor the herd for a long time, keeping predators away. At the same time, the dog constantly monitors the territory, trying not to miss a single corner.

On a note! Being on a leash, when a threat appears, the dog simply jumps towards the intruder’s face, so there is nothing to be afraid of with a Maremma - she will always protect.

Attitude towards children and others

Not all owners say that the dog has a rather capricious character. The pet is wary of strangers. If raised incorrectly, a dog can show aggression, even if a few minutes ago it was absolutely calm.

Dogs can constantly show their leadership qualities if the balance of power in the house is not immediately explained to them. They behave calmly with children, but their friends may be wary and perceive them as a threat. The pet is not very fond of children's noise and pampering.

Note! Despite its willfulness, in case of danger the animal will always defend its family.

Shepherds are excellent guards; they will always protect their owner and family.

Relationship with other pets

Maremma accepts most other dogs quite normally, communicates well with other pets, considers them his property and constantly protects them.

The only thing this dog does not allow is to eat its food. You need to feed it separately from all animals, do not take away the food so that the dog does not rush.

On the street, animals generally behave calmly, but they can fight with rivals for the female. At the same time, the dog’s fur stands on end, almost vertically, and he looks simply huge.

Movement "nearby"

It is very important to teach the dog to move next to the trainer (holding on his left leg) both on a leash and without it. The position of the animal is considered correct if its shoulder is at the level of the owner’s knee. The four-legged friend must be able to make turns on the spot and while moving, stay next to the trainer when changing the pace of walking, and sit independently near his legs when stopping.

Place the dog parallel to your left leg. Hold the leash with your right hand, and only lightly support it with your left. Command “near” and begin moving at a moderately fast pace. Further, when changing direction, speed of movement or during a stop, always give the puppy the “near” command. At first the dog will be 2-3 steps ahead of you, and this is normal. When the animal pulls forward, repeat the command again and make a sharp jerk with the leash, thereby returning your furry friend to your leg.

It is important to remember that you must first give the command and only then jerk the leash. After these actions, the animal will walk several steps next to you, holding on to your left leg. Praise your pet for this, but do not give him a treat on the go. Don't despair if after a few lessons your pet still doesn't learn this command. The only correct solution in this situation is to simply systematically repeat the command “near” and jerk the leash whenever the animal gets ahead of you.

After the jerk, release the leash so that it hangs freely. Let the puppy understand that he will feel good near your left leg, and for disobedience he will feel an unpleasant tug. After walking in a straight line, make several turns left and right. Before turning, command the dog “near.” If she lags behind, pulls ahead, or makes an unclear turn, then make a sharp jerk with the leash. Walk like this for a few minutes, then command “here,” sit the dog down, praise it and give it a treat. Then start all over again.

In the following lessons, teach your pet to make turns in a circle over the left shoulder, while periodically changing the speed of movement.

If the dog's training process is set up correctly, then after just a few lessons you will have to do much less jerking with the leash. If the animal has already learned to clearly follow the “near” command, then you can let the leash fall to the ground. Don't let your dog out of your sight. If she wants to get ahead of you or move to the side, step on the leash with your foot, command “near” and make a sharp jerk. If the pet still walks well with the leash off, then start training the dog without a leash.

In order to teach your puppy to turn, give him the command “near”, turn around yourself and with a jerk of the leash, turn your four-legged friend behind you. When the baby is at your foot, sit him parallel to your foot and carefully monitor the correct position of the animal. Often dogs take the wrong position, sitting at an angle and facing the owner. You must always correct your pet, otherwise the incorrect position will become permanent.

Training and education

The Abruzzese Shepherd Dog is a wayward animal, so the training process must begin at a young age. Pets can be trained quite well, but it is important to be firm and persistent, and in some cases even toughness may be required. The animal may be stubborn and deliberately not follow commands.

Maremma is suitable only for experienced dog breeders; beginners cannot cope with it. You can ask the instructor for help, but it is important to remember that the dog very quickly gets used to one leader, so changing him can lead to disastrous results.

Raising a puppy

When purchasing a puppy, you should understand that the baby needs to be socialized as quickly as possible. After all, a small dog will turn into a big dog. If he is ill-mannered, then his maintenance will turn into a huge problem.

The training methods applicable to the German Shepherd will not be suitable in this case. Maremma is a guard who has independence and the ability to make decisions without the owner in his blood.

From the first days, the dog must understand who is the boss in the house. At first it is better to carry out training in a playful way, and after six months you can begin more serious studies.

Important! The breed is quite sensitive to pressure and is capable of expressing dissatisfaction with any inconvenience.

Thanks to their fur, dogs do not freeze in cold weather, but also do not overheat in hot weather.

Command "stand"

This command is given in this way: the trainer swings his right arm, slightly bent at the elbow, palm up, from the hip forward to waist level, then lowers the hand down to the thigh of the right leg.

The command must be practiced from a sitting or lying position of the dog. The trainer must stand facing the dog, take a treat in his right hand, say the command “stand” and bring the treat to the animal’s nose. The hand needs to be smoothly moved up and towards you. When your dog gets up, reward him with a treat.

You can practice this command on a leash. To do this, you need to sit or lay the dog down, take a step forward and pull the pet forward or up by the leash. If the command is given to a dog that is in a lying position, then at the same time as giving the command, push the animal under the stomach to force it to rise.

To learn how to control a puppy from a distance, it is better to choose a quiet and deserted place where the dog will not be distracted by noises or passers-by. Give your four-legged baby a little walk. Put a long leash on the puppy, and when the baby pulls it, command “stand” and pull the leash towards you. Be demanding of your animal and make him stop for at least a couple of seconds. Reward your dog with something tasty for obedience and following your command. Remember that if all actions during training are accompanied by rewards (both food and affection), the dog will quickly learn the command.

Be sure to teach your dog the “stay” command. This must be done so that you can control the animal from a distance when its movements are not limited by a leash. A dog that is not trained in this command during a walk can run after a cat or another dog and, while crossing the road, get hit by a car or cause an accident. Therefore, before you let your pet off the leash, you must know for sure that the animal will clearly follow the “stand” command.

If you are crossing the road with a dog, lead your friend by the collar or on a short leash. Remember that any, even the most intelligent and trained dog, may want to cross the road on its own and, as a result, get hit by a car.

When approaching the road, call your dog and hold it firmly on the leash. You need to stand for a while in front of the road, giving the animal the command to “stand” and pulling on the leash. After several such trainings, the dog will remember all the actions and will independently approach you near the road and stick to your left leg.

Caring for the Maremmo-Abruzzese Shepherd Dog

The Maremma does not require special care, but there are some rules that should be followed to ensure that the dog is always in good shape.

What to feed your pet

The Abruzzese Shepherd is a working breed, so they need to choose the right diet. You can give your animals good premium food. If desired, you can feed the dog natural food. The diet includes lean meat, vegetables, cereals, and dairy products. It is important to ensure that your pet has enough of all nutrients, so it is recommended to give additional vitamin complexes.

Important! During the puppy's growth period, it is worth paying attention to chondroprotectors to avoid problems with joints and cartilage in the future.

Features of hair care

The Maremma has a thick coat, so you should brush the dog at least once every 4-5 days. During molting, the procedure should be repeated every day. The dog is rarely bathed; once every six months is enough.

Ears and eyes should be checked and cleaned regularly, and nails trimmed if necessary. To keep their teeth clean, shepherd dogs are given brain bones and special treats. It is imperative to vaccinate and treat against parasites.

Walking and physical activity

If a shepherd is kept in an apartment, it will need at least three hours of walking. If your pet lives on the street, then it is best to play different games with him more often, develop his intelligence and physical abilities. At the age of up to 4 months, the dog should walk approximately 2 km, at six months – approximately 6 km.

Command "come to me"

To give a command, raise your hand to the side at shoulder level, and then lower it to your hip (without clapping). Remember that this technique is the most important in dog training! The animal must always obey its owner and approach him from a standing or free position as soon as he hears the command “come to me.”

Start teaching this command not only during training and walking. As soon as the puppy arrives at your home, say “come” to him when you want to feed him or cuddle him. When the baby comes to you, give him food and stroke him affectionately. When going out for a walk, do not forget to take with you a treat that can attract the animal’s attention. Periodically give the command “come to me”, and when the puppy runs up to you, treat him with something tasty.

To practice the skill, put your dog on a long leash and give the command “walk.” Let the animal walk the full length of the leash. Then give the command “come to me” and begin with sharp jerks of the leash to force the puppy to come closer to you. The dog will quickly understand what the owner wants from it and will happily approach it.

Hearing the command “come to me,” the dog should run up to the owner and sit near his left leg. There are two main ways to teach an animal to do this.

  • If your pet is on a leash, then simply lead him around you with the leash, transferring the leash behind your back from your right hand to your left. When the dog approaches your left leg, sit it down, pet it and reward it with a treat. At the same time, it is important to praise the puppy, saying “okay, come to me.”
  • If the puppy was walking and off a leash at the moment the command was given, then lead the dog around you, enticing him with a treat.

You should not call a puppy who is too excited with the command “come to me”. Try to attract your baby's attention with a treat or pretend that you are running away. Most likely, he will run after you.

How to choose and buy a puppy

The Maremma Abruzzese Sheepdog is very popular. But it is best to purchase a puppy from an official nursery or from breeders. They must provide all necessary documents for the animal.

You should definitely look at the puppy before buying

Average cost of a puppy of this breed

On average, the cost of a baby shepherd varies from 30 to 80 thousand rubles.

How to choose the right puppy

When choosing a puppy, you should pay attention to its activity and leadership qualities. The baby should be active and show no signs of illness. If participation in exhibitions is not implied, then you can take a cheaper puppy.

The Maremma Abruzzese Shepherd is an excellent guard dog with herding qualities. The dog is loyal, but requires proper training. It is important to provide your pet with regular walks, develop the right diet and carry out regular treatments for diseases and parasites on time.

Command "lie down"

To give a command, you need to raise your right hand forward, palm down, to shoulder level and quickly lower it down.

Plant the maremma, stand facing it, say the word “lie down”. It is better to take the treat in your right hand, bring it to the dog’s nose, smoothly lowering it down to the paws. When your dog tries to reach for the treat, move your hand closer to you. This will make the animal lie down, after which reward your tailed friend with a tasty treat.

When the first basics of the command have been mastered, the dog must be taught to maintain a lying position for 1-2 minutes. To do this, the trainer must put the dog down, repeat the “lie down” command again and move 1-2 steps forward from the animal. If the animal tries to get up, the command “down” must be given again.

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