Basic rules for bathing a Spitz: step-by-step instructions

German Spitz differ from other breeds in having a luxurious coat, which requires special care to maintain a beautiful appearance. It needs to be washed periodically and combed regularly. However, many Pomeranian owners worry that they will not be able to cope with the procedure at home and will only ruin their pet’s fur. Therefore, before you bathe your Spitz at home yourself, you need to learn how to do it correctly.

Pomeranian Spitz first time in the bath

The first bath in life is an exciting event not only for the Pomeranian, but also for the owner. Further in the article, how to prepare for this process and how to wash your four-legged friend.

Preparing for a swim

Before bathing your Pomeranian, you need to comb its coat to remove dead hairs and formed tangles. Hygiene items for this will require:

  • slicker brush and comb;
  • a small plastic container in which you can mix shampoo with water;
  • dog shampoo;
  • air conditioner;
  • sponge;
  • a pair of towels;
  • hair dryer;
  • non-slip rubber bath mat.

The first preparatory step to washing your baby is to dilute the shampoo in water. The solution must be thoroughly mixed in a container and shaken until abundant foam forms.

How to properly wash a dog: step-by-step instructions

The Pomeranian's fur grows perpendicular to the skin. This is due to the fact that it consists of undercoat and hard guard hair. Therefore, you need to wash oranges in compliance with a number of rules.

Step-by-step instructions on how to wash your dog at home:

  1. You need to place your pet on a non-slip mat in the bath. This will allow the dog to stand straight and not slide, and will also protect it from accidental injury. Instead of a rubber mat, an ordinary cloth diaper will do.
  2. It is important that water does not get into your pet's ears. Therefore, it is better to insert cotton swabs into the orange's ears.
  3. The water temperature needs to be adjusted. The optimal value is 38 degrees. You need to thoroughly wet the dog's fur from the shower. It is necessary to water the animal with water from the middle of the body, slowly rising to the head. It is unacceptable to direct the shower stream at the face, because this will scare the baby.
  4. When bathing, not only the coat, but also the eyes of the Pomeranian Spitz are washed. You need to wash it with warm water and soak the dry crusts that form around the eyes.
  5. Once the coat is thoroughly moistened, you need to distribute the diluted shampoo over all areas of the dog's body (except for the face and eyes). It should be applied in the direction from the withers to the tail. Then soap the belly and paws, and finally the neck and head.
  6. Thoroughly rinse the soap solution off your pet.

When to start bathing your puppy

Puppies, like small children, are in a hurry to climb anywhere, and curiosity is to blame. Everywhere it is advised not to bathe puppies under three months old. What to do if your baby gets dirty? But some dogs manage to get dirty without leaving the house.

At what age can you bathe your pet?

The first bath in your life depends on a number of circumstances. The age of the puppy when it became a member of the new family is important. Particularly noteworthy is where and how he lived before:

  • Street puppy. Such a dog should be washed before being allowed into a house or apartment. Age does not play a role in this case. These are important measures to prevent parasitic diseases. No one wants fleas in their home, especially if you already have another animal;
  • Some kind of “washing” will have to be done by those people who picked up very small puppies left without a mother. It is enough to wipe them with a damp cloth or rag, and then be sure to walk with a dry piece of soft cloth;
  • A dog purchased from a breeder. Typically, such puppies are purchased no earlier than three months of age, when the necessary vaccinations are fully received. After arriving in a new home, you should allow the baby to adapt. After this, you can buy if necessary. But, it is better to get by by washing the paws and lower abdomen after walks.

It is possible to live without water procedures. But you shouldn’t avoid them - common sense should apply everywhere. After all, a dirty, soiled dog living in an apartment is also not the best option.

For the first time

It is ideal to take the first bath after the end of the post-vaccination quarantine. Puppies rarely emit an unpleasant odor. The dog begins to emit a special aroma after puberty. But frequent bathing can also trigger the appearance of “doggy odor.” Excessive hygiene leads to disruption of the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The production of sebum begins to become stronger, causing the smell of the fur to increase even in a clean dog.

Bathing newborn puppies is not recommended. Mom does these things until a certain age. But what if she is gone? Wet wipes, which have already been discussed above, will help. If the soiling is so severe that bathing cannot be avoided, then be sure to dry your puppy thoroughly. Otherwise, there is a risk of hypothermia or the baby getting blown out.

1.5 and 2 months

Until the age of three months, their mother is responsible for the hygiene of the puppies. If the need does arise, then the solution to the problem depends on the degree of contamination. Sometimes you can get by with wiping, and sometimes you cannot avoid full-fledged bath procedures.

Drying and combing after washing

Since Pomeranians have a spectacular coat, they require additional procedures after washing. Namely, proper drying and thorough combing.

When the shampoo is washed off your four-legged friend, you need to comb it with a comb and apply conditioner (usually a spray) to its fur. Now you can proceed to blow-drying using a slicker or comb. It is performed according to the following rules:

  • the hair dryer is held against the growth of the hair;
  • the air temperature from the hair dryer should not be too hot;
  • no need to bring the hair dryer too close to the animal;
  • make sure that the air flow does not “carry away” the pet from its place. You need to choose the optimal power.

After drying, the dog must be combed. First, you need to take a comb with fine teeth and comb the fur coat in height and against growth. Then you will need a wide-toothed comb. You need to comb the fur thoroughly. Finally, using a massage brush, the fur coat is given volume.

How to wash a puppy

A special lubricant is washed off from dog fur only when using detergents. Therefore, choosing a shampoo is a responsible task.

What you will need

List of required accessories:

  • Treats to calm the dog;
  • Cosmetical tools;
  • Ladle;
  • Clean towels;
  • Combs.

Choosing a Shampoo

Special cosmetics for dogs are very different from human products. The production of dog shampoos is aimed at use specifically for fur and wool, and not for hair.

A quality product is expensive, but it lasts for a long time. Doctor Vic, 8in1, Hartz are the most popular lines. Consider the pet's age, hair type and length,

Review of shampoos for different coats of oranges

The most popular, according to owners, shampoos for oranges:

  1. "ProVitamin Anti Tangle". It is suitable for dogs with sensitive skin. The product contains vitamins.
  2. "Fluffy Cloud" Suitable for pets with a long and fluffy coat. Fights any degree of pollution, does not disturb the acid balance of the skin, and makes combing easy.
  3. "Extra Body Texturizing Shampoo". A professional product that makes the coat structured and silky without stinging the eyes.

Important Tips

There should be no drafts in the room in which the Spitz bathes, even if the procedure is carried out in the summer.

For baths, you should use only specialized shampoos designed for Spitz or long-haired breeds.

During the molting of females, especially pronounced before estrus or after childbirth, the dog is not bathed. The animal actively changes its fur, and water treatments help to shed dead hair into the mats. The active period of molting in Spitz also begins in the spring.

Bathing your pet is often not recommended as it can cause skin and coat problems.

it is necessary to accustom the Spitz to water procedures in a comfortable environment. The water doesn't have to be hot or cold. If the puppy is bathed under a watering can, the water stream should not be strong. Excessive pressure may frighten your puppy and discourage him from bathing in the future.

At first, it is advisable to bathe with your Spitz. One holds the animal, calms it down, and the other washes it.

After completing all the procedures, it is important to praise the dog and treat it with a treat.

If you teach your puppy to water correctly from an early age, your pet will enjoy the “bath” and look forward to the “bath.”

Proper and infrequent bathing of the Spitz will allow the fluffy one to appear impeccable.


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The right diet

The Spitz is not a large pet and does not require five meals a day. It is enough to feed an adult pet twice a day, portions should be 80-120 grams. Babies receive less food (up to 50 grams), but 3-5 times a day.

Proper care involves measured feeding. A complex of useful substances has already been introduced into dry food. You can purchase a super premium or holistic product.

But if it is decided to feed the Pomeranian Spitz with natural products, then we must not forget about the additional introduction of fortified complementary foods. Care should be taken to ensure the normal content of proteins and carbohydrates per serving.

Inspecting the eyes

The Spitz's eyes run, resulting in the formation of tear tracks, spoiling the appearance of the beautiful dogs. To care for dogs' eyes, use warm boiled water or lotion.

Every day, the Spitz's eyes are wiped with a cotton swab dipped in water.

The procedure is necessary because dust and dirt get into the dog’s eyes during walks, which can cause inflammation of the eyes.

If the dog's eyes look healthy and are not running, wiping with water is enough. Do not overuse lotions.

Spitz dogs also have the annoying hairs around their eyes trimmed. To do this, use safety scissors with blunt ends to avoid accidents and injuries.

After a walk or sleep, discharge from the eyes may increase: there is no need to panic, this is normal.

However, if unhealthy discharge appears, an urgent visit to the veterinarian is required.


Any breed needs timely vaccination; this is one of the main points of care.

Even small dogs are vaccinated according to age, regardless of the regularity of walking. A dog can catch the virus at home by licking shoes or the carpet in the hallway.

  • at 2.5 months they are vaccinated against plague, hepatitis, enteritis;
  • after 2 weeks, leptospirosis and parainfluenza are added;
  • at 7 months – rabies.

All vaccinations are repeated every other year and annually.

Important! Before vaccination, oranges are cleared of fleas and helminths (2 weeks before). On the day of the procedure, the dog must be completely healthy, with normal body temperature.

Trimming claws

Some people are convinced that trimming a Spitz's nails is unnecessary or even an unnecessary luxury. Unfortunately, this opinion is wrong. Neglecting this action can lead to disastrous consequences: twisting of fingers, claws growing into paw pads.

Interesting article: Bear-type Pomeranian Spitz (photo): description of the mini-type breed, characteristics of the dwarf bear cub

Nail trimming process:

  1. First you need to stock up on the necessary items and means:
  • iodine or hydrogen peroxide (to stop the bleeding if a vessel is suddenly damaged);
  • nail clipper (can be bought at any pet store);
  • file;
  • cotton pads;
  • treats to reward your Pomeranian for good behavior.
  1. Now you can begin the procedure itself:
  • carefully, expose the claw (examine where the vessel is located);
  • cut it at an angle of 45 degrees, leaving 3 mm from the pulp itself;
  • file the burrs;
  • trim off excess hair around the claws.

Pregnant dog

Pregnancy is a very tender period for the expectant Spitz mother. It is important to strive to protect her from any stress, and therefore, after the fourth week of pregnancy, it is recommended not to bathe the Spitz bitch at all. However, if your pet gets very dirty during a walk and washing cannot be avoided, do it as quickly and carefully as possible.

The general bathing scheme remains the same, only the owner’s attention to precautions increases. Under no circumstances should you take your pet outside on the day of bathing. It is also better not to let the expectant mother on the cold floor.

A separate point worth highlighting is breast care for a pregnant female Spitz. It is very important to keep it perfectly clean (an infection can enter the body through the mammary glands), and therefore it is recommended to wash it at least 3-4 times a week with laundry soap, followed by treating the nipples with Vaseline.

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