Miniature companion - German dwarf spitz

Historical roots

The ancestors of the German Spitz with recognizable proportions and a fox-like muzzle lived in what is now Sweden. Their remains and images in the form of ornaments on utensils were discovered during excavations of ancient settlements. Archaeologists date it to the 8th-10th century BC. Written references to the Spitz were made in the 15th century; the dog is shown in them as a sociable and friendly dog. The German naturalist Fitzinger in 1867 wrote a description of 48 species of Spitz. In all his work, the dog is described as a friend and helper, protector and companion.

Friends of geniuses and nobles

In Germany, hounds began the selection of miniature Spitz dogs; the weight of the dwarf representatives was only 4 kilograms. “Spitz” is translated from German as “sharp” - the dog’s thin, recognizable muzzle is like the calling card of this breed, with the telling name “sharp”. Smart dogs with playful eyes and attractive bright fur coats began to conquer the boudoirs and palaces of noble people.

Sharp muzzle shape

Queen Victoria of England brought a mini-Spitz to England, which increased the popularity of these funny dogs, surprising in their size. She also became the first breeder of dwarf Spitz dogs in England. Royal pets have taken prizes at exhibitions since 1915, and the English club allowed dogs weighing no more than 3.6 kg into the exhibition. The most common colors at that time were sand, red and hazel.

In the famous work “The Lady with the Dog,” Chekhov described a Spitz dog, and in Charles de Coster’s novel “The Legend of Eulenspiegel” there were also dogs of this ancient breed. Famous owners of the breed were:

  • Empress Catherine;
  • Marie Antoinette;
  • Michelangelo;
  • Martin Luther;
  • Mozart;
  • Emil Sohl;
  • Ludwig Richter.

With the development of transport in the world, the mini Spitz conquered America. Cynologists of this country have made a huge contribution to the development of the breed. "Americans" have a stable color, strong bones and easy movements. The coat of the representatives of the breed has a bright color and the necessary thick undercoat.

Dwarf Spitz dogs in France resemble the dogs of the past, they have long, pointed muzzles and large ears, but the body of individuals of this breed is large, which is bad for dwarfs.

In Russia, up to 50 German Spitz dogs were exhibited at major exhibitions in the 70s of the 20th century. After the fall of the Soviet Union, foreign representatives of the breed began to be brought into the country, which in 30 years completely replaced the old type of dogs.

Photos of old type dogs

Black Pomeranian Spitz: description of the breed

These babies belong to the dwarf Spitz species. The Russian Federation has approved a standard that has been adopted by the international federation FCI. America has its own standard, according to which the height of a Spitz at the withers is 26 cm. The FCI standard allows the height of these dogs to be no more than 22 cm.

The case has a square format - the height is related to the length as 1:1. The constitution is strong and dry, decorative elegance is combined with well-developed muscles.

The head is small, the muzzle is short, tapering, slightly reminiscent of a fox. The ratio of the muzzle to the skull is 2:4.

The black Spitz has a black nose. The lips, which fit tightly to the jaws, are also colored.

The eyes are oblong, set obliquely. The expression of the eyes is lively, which gives these charming babies a perky look.

The ears are triangular in shape, erect, with a sharp top, located quite close to each other.

The neck is strong, of medium length, covered with a thick collar resembling a mane.

The back is strong, short and straight. It ends with a bushy tail, which covers part of the back. The tail is of medium length, covered with thick hair, set quite high and at the base turned upward and forward - it seems to lie on the back, like a lush fan.

The forelimbs are straight. The shoulder blades are long and directed backwards. The shoulders are muscular, fitting tightly to the chest. The forearms are straight and stocky, with hair on the back side.

The paws are well assembled, small, round in shape. Paw pads are black. The only exception is animals with a brown color - they are brown.

The hind limbs are more massive, the legs and thighs are approximately the same in length. They are parallel and straight. Covered with hair up to the hock joint.

Types and features

Today among miniature individuals there are:

  1. Dwarf, miniature, miniature Spitz and Pomeranian - these babies weigh 3 kg, height at the withers 20 cm.
  2. The Small Kleinspitz or Small German Spitz is also a small dog, but its height can already reach 29 cm and its weight is 5-10 kg.

One standard is described for all representatives of the breed, the only difference is in size and color.

Exhibition preferences

For owners, going to the first exhibition is a holiday, because receiving a description of their dog from a famous expert and hearing praise from the breed’s breeders is a great success. The expert in the ring will ask you to place the dog on a special table, where he will evaluate the following parameters:

To participate in the exhibition, you must comply with many conditions

  1. The physique should correspond to a 1:1 proportion. The length of the back is equal to the height of the dog at the withers.
  2. The head should be oblong, the muzzle should be narrow. A flat muzzle and a domed skull are not allowed.
  3. The dog has a bite. An undershot is not allowed (the lower jaw protrudes and hides the upper jaw).
  4. The height of the dog (from table to withers), depending on the type, is 18 cm - 29 cm.
  5. Pet color. Spots are not allowed on dogs of the same color. On spotted animals, the spots are located symmetrically.

The expert will then ask all participants to start moving their dogs around the ring. When evaluating animals at a trot, the judge will ask them to lag behind or overtake their partners in the ring, placing them in prize places. During the entire time the dogs are at the show, the judge evaluates the character and behavior of the dogs in the ring. Cowardice, loud barking, and aggression are considered disqualifying vices. The owners receive the final decision on who the winner is and a description of their pet after all the rings have ended, at the awards ceremony.

Features of raising a German Spitz puppy

There is a good and succinct answer to the question of how to train a German Spitz puppy. Raising and training a dog must be systematic. From the first days of the appearance of a four-legged pet in the house, you must constantly communicate with the animal, at the same time accustoming it to an adequate response to basic commands.

There should not be any particular difficulties during the training process, since the Spitz dog is an intelligent and intelligent dog. In its nature, the desire to please the owner is inherent, therefore, if treated correctly, the dog will try to fulfill the assigned tasks. A calm, edifying tone and praise for completed commands, along with an encouraging treat, will quickly do the trick. If you let the dog’s development take its course, the Spitz will quickly navigate the situation and behave as he pleases.

The first thing you should accustom your puppy to is a normal and natural reaction to his name. Along with mentioning the animal's name, teach the puppy the first two basic commands: “place” and “fu”. In the first case, training will help accustom the dog to its resting place; in the second case, the training process is aimed at developing a conditioned reflex in the dog to prohibit contact with unfamiliar objects and things. Training a German Spitz puppy, including learning the first commands, begins at the age of five months. By this time, the puppy will be strong enough and get comfortable in the house, having figured out for himself who occupies what position in the house.

Those owners who have shown diligence and patience in the process of raising an animal are entitled to a reward. And it won’t keep you waiting. The fruits of constant training and hard training will be the worthy behavior of the dog, which will become a true friend, helper and companion for the owner and other inhabitants of the house.


Energetic and life-loving dogs with a huge supply of energy can play on walks and at home; calmness and regularity are alien to their nimble character. Little wool balls are ready to support their owner on any journey, because it is not difficult for them to adapt to different conditions.

Dogs are quite active and can accompany their owner in any activity.

The German Spitz is suitable for active people who love sports and activity in their lives. These miniature dogs have a ringing bark that will be heard when danger approaches for the owner. Brave and cocky, they are able to start a fight with other animals, regardless of their small stature. A friend and guard with a sweet appearance will always support active games with the owner. The Spitz is suitable for people who attach great importance to appearance, but are also willing to spend time and effort caring for their pet.

What should a chocolate orange puppy look like?

It is difficult to understand the final color of the Pomeranian from the appearance of the puppy. You can determine the shade that the dog will receive when it becomes an adult by the color of the fur on the back of the ears. The method does not provide a 100% guarantee, but the probability of obtaining the desired color is high. Brown Pomeranian dogs should have chocolate-colored lips and nose instead of black. Such offspring are often obtained from crossing black and brown parents.


In the eyes of a puppy who has just arrived there, the apartment looks like an unfamiliar, alien world! Every careless movement can be dangerous for the puppy. To protect your pet from the dangers that await him and possible herbs, you should follow the recommendations. Purchasing a dog enclosure will be an excellent solution if the puppy is left alone in the apartment. This is his cozy corner, where there is everything necessary for waiting for the owners. The main thing is that the baby is safe and his games and pranks will not lead to damage to property, because boredom can make the baby chew wires or bite off a corner of the wallpaper.

To prevent the puppy from getting hurt, his play area needs to be fenced off

A comfortable bed and a tray with filling should be in the enclosure.

A bowl of water and a portion of food should be available to the dog. While waiting, you can put a bone from the veins. It is better not to leave toys and balls in the enclosure; the dog can bite off a piece of rubber and swallow it, and this is a foreign object in the stomach, which is very dangerous for the baby.

After a long wait, when the owner returns home, it is necessary to play with the dog and take it for a walk. You need to take a leash and collar, toys and treats with you. In damp, rainy weather, you can put a Bolognese overall on your puppy - it will protect the puppy’s coat from contamination, and you won’t have to wash the baby, but just wipe his paws with a damp towel.

Playing with a puppy, communication and care will be an excellent incentive for a companion dog to grow up. Loud barking and prolonged howling occurs in unbalanced, neglected dogs.

Diet features

The dog's miniature size does not allow it to swallow large pieces of food. Meat and vegetables must be cut into pieces. Chicken, lamb or beef should make up 70% of the diet, vegetables and cereals - 30%. Buns, sweets, and cakes should not be fed to Spitz dogs.

During the period of active growth of the Spitz from 4-8 months, it is necessary to add vitamins to the diet for puppies of small breeds. During the period of active molting in a dog, brushing and adding sea fish to the diet will help the body cope with the change in coat.

During the molting period, add sea fish to your pet's diet.

A fur coat is an indicator of a healthy pet and proper feeding; a lack of vitamins A, E, F will affect the coat - it will become dull and mat.


An active and playful dog with sparkling eyes and fluffy fur requires the owner’s time not only for games, but also for care:

  1. You need to brush your dog twice a week.
  2. Wash with shampoo – once every three months.
  3. Wipe your eyes and inspect your ears – once every three days.
  4. In spring and early summer - treat your dog for ticks.

Advantages of the breed

A sociable and loving pet will become a joy and motivator for active people. The micro-size of the dog will allow families to take the pet on all trips and travels. The sonorous barking of a dog will notify the owner of the approach of a stranger.

The dog's miniature size allows you to take it with you on trips

The Spitz will become a friend and companion for young people, and will also teach them to take care and show responsibility. Excellent natural immunity will allow the dog to live 15 years, full of joy and devotion to the owner.

The attractive appearance of the Spitz will make passers-by smile and the owner be proud of his baby.


A Spitz is not suitable for families with small children - a dog that demands attention with its ringing bark can scare the child. In active games, a child can harm a mini dog. If a Spitz experiences pain, it may become aggressive towards children.

Very busy people will not be able to devote time to walking and caring for their dog. Howling and barking will not please the neighbors of a lonely Spitz. And a nervous dog can begin to spoil the things of a busy owner, which will cause an attack of indignation and conflict.

Spitz can't stand being alone for long periods of time

The cocky character of the dwarf Spitz does not allow him to run without a leash. Boys will provoke other dogs into fighting. Girls snap at strange dogs when they want to get to know each other.

The high cost of a dog and the large amount of time spent on care and training are also a deterrent to buying a puppy.


Despite the fact that the topic of our article is the black Pomeranian, we will briefly discuss what other colors these animals have.

White color means that the animal's fur is completely white, without any shades of other colors. All deviations are considered defective.

A black Spitz should have a varnished black coat, with no markings of any other color. Any inclusions are a disqualifying factor for experts. Black Spitz puppies may have a brownish undercoat at birth. If there were ancestors of a different color in the family of a black dog, then there is a high probability that a puppy born black will change color after molting.

A brown Spitz should have a coat that is evenly colored dark brown. The darker it is, the better.

The Black and Tan Spitz has distinct markings. They can be of different colors. For example, red markings on the front of the chest, throat, and paws allow you to tell that this is a black and red Spitz. The intensity of the markings can vary from cream to reddish-red. Black and Tan Spitz may also have fawn markings.

How to raise a friend?

Training a small Spitz is a pleasure. Mini dogs have a sharp mind and passion when following commands. Difficulties may arise with encouragement. The small size of the dog does not allow it to eat a lot of treats. The dog becomes full and refuses to follow commands. It is important to learn how to play and reward your pet with fun games. With motivational training, seven repetitions are enough for a dog to learn one command. 15-minute lessons a day will be enough to learn the basics of obedience.

Consistency and complexity of actions, as well as the dog’s high interest in the game will also help with training. In case of negative reactions, for example, loud barking, it is enough to show the toy to distract the pet from the desire to bark.

Review from the owner of a dwarf Spitz:

How a shepherd protects me and the apartment from passers-by or other family members. Even if she is sleeping or engrossed in a game, she will always accompany her mistress where she is going and will definitely wait. Now he is slowly getting used to the sweater. He constantly hides food throughout the apartment, otherwise they won’t give it anymore). In general, I have never seen such a lively, sweet, smiling and intelligent dog, and I definitely recommend it to everyone.


Photo of a spitz with a leaf-shaped toy

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