German Spitz - what it looks like, character description, pros and cons of the breed, training features

The popular breed is classified as decorative. The German Spitz is distinguished by its thick coat and cunning muzzle. He can become not only a security guard, but also a reliable friend for the family. This breed was developed in Europe and is considered the ancestor of other types of Spitz.

German Spitz - description of the breed

There are several types of such pets:

  • Wolfspitz;
  • Mittelspitz;
  • dwarf;
  • small.

The listed types differ in size. The small German Spitz grows up to 29 cm, the dwarf Spitz - up to 22 cm. Other characteristics are similar for all varieties. The dogs have a square body and a large fluffy tail that fits tightly to the back. The Spitz has a medium-sized head, and the muzzle tapers towards the nose. Its lobe is colored brown or black.

The German Spitz breed has a double undercoat. The shortest hair is on the ears and face. Standard colors of the breed: gray, white, brown, tan. The fur color of animals can change during puppyhood, but by the age of three it acquires permanent shades. The German Spitz is also called the Pomeranian. However, in the USA, Canada and England these breeds are considered different.

What does a German Spitz look like?

The breed must meet a number of standards. This does not depend on what kind of dog you are considering - red, black or white German Spitz. Main external characteristics:

  • head – wedge-shaped;
  • nose - round, dark in color;
  • bite – pincer-shaped with 42 teeth;
  • eyes – almond-shaped, medium size;
  • neck – moderately long, has a bend at the nape;
  • ears – closely spaced triangular;
  • tail - in the form of a single ring;
  • legs are muscular, straight.

German Spitz - character traits

Dogs are highly trainable and can get along well with both adults and children, but if left untrained, the pet can become uncontrollable. The Small and German Dwarf Spitz especially love attention, so they always try to be near their owners. Dogs choose one person to whom they are infinitely loyal. He must train the animal.

The positive traits of the breed include patience. Pets tolerate long trips in transport well and can wait for the owner on the side during a walk. Spitz dogs are good with small children, who do not always handle their pets carefully. They get along without problems with other animals in the house because they have a friendly disposition. If necessary, German Spitz dogs come to the defense of the owner and his property, showing all their protective qualities.

The breed also has negative character traits. The main one is the difficulty of staying alone for a long time. Animals bark and whine loudly when they are bored, which can annoy neighbors. It is better to wean your pet from this habit from an early age. If an animal feels permissive, then it begins to establish its own rules in the house and try to dominate the person.

Who is the dog suitable for?

Modern representatives of the breed are excellent companion dogs and guard dogs .

These energetic animals cannot stand loneliness and boredom , so they require a lot of attention and active walks. If you don't like long walks or sports activities, like to spend more time at home and don't like loud noises, this dog is definitely not for you.

If you love active sports, are willing to devote a lot of time to walks and training, and do not flinch from loud sounds, the Spitz will become your best friend and companion.

Some species are characterized by increased nervous excitability . When frightened, they may bark loudly or get into a fight.

Interesting fact: Spitz dogs are often used abroad in animal-assisted therapy. American psychotherapists, when working with withdrawn patients, often resort to their help.

For small children, such a dog will become a best friend with “nanny” functions. However, any contact with small family members must be controlled by the owner, since a child, through negligence, can cause pain and frighten the animal.

They also get along well with cats , dogs and other animals.

Spitz are very loyal to their owner, so a change of owner or environment can threaten the animal with a nervous breakdown.

How old do German Spitz dogs grow?

The development of representatives of this breed does not take much time, so by 5-6 months. the animal grows to its final size. As for the lifespan of a pet, the larger the dog, the longer it is, so the question of how long German Spitz live cannot be answered unambiguously.

German Spitz - pros and cons

The peaceful nature and pretty appearance make the breed a favorite among numerous breeders. They are attracted by the fact that dogs willingly get along with different pets, even cats. Small and medium-sized German Spitz are able to live for a long time in an apartment in cramped conditions. Other advantages of the breed include:

  • the possibility of accustoming to a diaper, which is especially important if the owner does not have enough time to walk the pet daily;
  • no habit of chewing shoes or furniture;
  • possibility of universal movement with the owner: Spitz dogs are placed in backpacks and bags;
  • unpretentiousness in care and nutrition.

The breed also has disadvantages that you need to familiarize yourself with before getting a dog. During a walk, a German Spitz can become distracted and run away from its owner. During the shedding period, your pet's fur requires regular brushing. Otherwise, the pet's fur will accumulate on clothes and interior items. Another significant disadvantage of German Spitz dogs is their high cost. How much a German Spitz costs depends on its color and pedigree. The average price for puppies ranges from $400 to $500.

Choosing a puppy

First you need to decide which subspecies you want. Be sure to make inquiries about breeders and kennels that raise similar dogs in your area. Good origin is the key to a pet’s health. If possible, enlist the help of an experienced dog breeder or Pomeranian owner.

Show puppies are often taken from the breeder later than regular puppies: when they have undergone their first juvenile moult, their teeth have changed and compliance with breed standards is more obvious. But even the best pedigree and high prospects in infancy do not guarantee your pet a lifetime championship.

Decide why exactly you are getting a dog. Only for the soul, or also for participation in breeding and exhibitions. This determines the price of the puppy, since for exhibitions the most expensive show class is required, for breeding - a show or breeding class, and a pet class dog can also become an untitled family friend.

The type of future you dream of for your dog also determines its preferred gender. The table shows the comparative characteristics of puppies of both sexes.

Table - Comparison of “boys” and “girls” Spitz

Participation in exhibitions and breedingMore suitable for exhibitions, as they are slightly larger and have a more impressive appearance.They look less impressive, it is better to take them for subsequent breeding
Learning abilitiesLess trainableEasier to learn
Attitude towards the ownerThey may try to dominate the owner and in the houseThey become more attached to their owner
Character traits- They may have an obstinate and cocky character; - can run after a bitch in heat while walking More flexible
CleanlinessCan mark territory in the apartmentMore clean

When participating in breeding work, responsibility for the successful course of pregnancy and childbirth lies with the owner of the bitch. The first mating is recommended for the third estrus, that is, at 2-2.5 years.

When choosing a puppy, pay attention to the general condition of the litter and the mother. Dogs should not be dirty or skinny. The wool is soft and shiny. Eyes and ears - no traces of discharge. By one and a half to two months the ears should be erect. Observe the behavior of the puppy you like - he should be active, curious and not timid or shy. Movement should be easy, without stiffness or lameness.





Which is better - Pomeranian or German Spitz?

The answer to this question depends on the purpose for which the breeder purchases the pet. The German Spitz has a calmer character and is better able to demonstrate protective properties. For this reason, they are suitable for people with limited mobility and the elderly. The animal is also recommended for those breeders who can devote time to training the animal.

The German mini Spitz is more reminiscent of the Pomeranian in terms of its character. They are very active and prefer to lead an active lifestyle. For this reason, the Pomeranian is more suitable for young families or breeders who have children or pets. They easily find a common language with other living beings. It is impossible to clearly choose which breed is better; it increasingly depends on personal preferences.

Brief history of origin

The distant ancestors of the Spitz are considered to be the northern sled dogs that came to Central Europe in the 7th-11th centuries with the Vikings. The dogs had warm fur and good guard qualities. Then the work on breeding Wolfspitz began. Outwardly, these dogs look like wolves; they are large and agile. Their main task was to protect the house.

Small representatives of the breed were popularly considered worthless dwarfs. But that was until the local aristocracy liked them. In the 17th century, small German Spitz dogs came to Great Britain, where they were used to breed Pomeranian Spitz dogs.

Nowadays, in the international canine standard, Pomeranians are considered a subspecies of German Spitz, but in America they are identified as a separate breed.

The first German Spitz fanciers' society was founded in 1899. In 1906, breed standards were approved. Now purebred representatives of the breed can most often be found in Germany and its neighboring countries.

Interesting Facts

  1. German mini Spitz dogs are often used in rescue operations. The small size of dogs allows them to get into places where their larger relatives cannot get through.
  2. The Spitz was Isaac Newton's favorite pet. One day, the pet accidentally dropped a candle on the scientist’s notes, which caused the destruction of important data. However, Newton did not scold the pet, because he loved him very much.
  3. In the Netherlands, Spitz dogs were used to guard barges and boats. This is not strange, because the dog loves and knows how to swim well.
  4. German Small Spitz dogs are suitable for those who do not like the characteristic dog smell. Representatives of this breed do not smell like dogs.

German Spitz - care and maintenance

There is nothing difficult about keeping the breed. Dogs' fur does not require regular grooming because it is capable of self-cleaning. It is necessary to comb the animal during periods of shedding. If after a walk the dog’s coat becomes wet and dirty, then you should not bathe the Spitz. You need to let the wool dry and then remove dirt from it with a brush. The German Miniature Spitz should walk in overalls during the cold season.

There are other nuances of caring for the breed. They include:

  • organization of diet;
  • fur trimming;
  • shortening of claws;
  • walking

What to feed your German Spitz?

Pets do not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, but they have a tendency to be overweight. Because of this, Spitz dogs are fed only natural food or professional dry mixtures: Gemon, Dog Show, Hills. Mixing both types of food is prohibited, as this increases the load on the pet’s liver and stomach. Most of the German Spitz's menu should consist of lean meat or poultry. In small quantities, they can be given offal and boiled fish, previously cleaned of bones.

List of what you should not feed your German Spitz:

  • chicken bones;
  • spicy, fried and fatty meat;
  • confectionery;
  • pickles.

Puppies up to 2-3 months. fed 5-6 times a day. As you grow older, the frequency of meals is reduced and the portion consumed is increased. By the first year of life, the pet is transferred to an adult diet - twice a day. At the same time, the required amount of food should be clearly measured so that the German domestic Spitz does not overeat. A small dog easily eats more than it should because it does not feel full.

German Spitz Grooming

This procedure is performed once a week, but before this, the wool is combed out using a comb with long metal teeth or a slicker brush. To prevent your German Spitz dog from experiencing discomfort, you need to moisten its coat with water or conditioner. To groom a dog you will need the following equipment:

  • brush;
  • straight scissors with long and short ends;
  • thinning scissors.

Each area of ​​the body is trimmed in a certain way.

  1. The highest point is located on the ears and is pinched between the thumb and index finger. All protruding hairs are cut off.
  2. The neck area is cut in a circle, the area from the chin to the chest is cut lengthwise.
  3. Only the protruding part of the fur is cut from the paws. Blunt scissors are used to cut between the fingers.
  4. At the end of the procedure, the fur is processed with thinning scissors.

How often should you wash your German Spitz?

Dogs should be bathed no more than once a month. Otherwise, the protective grease will be washed away and the coat will look dull. Black German Spitz, like other representatives of the breed, are washed with shampoos for long-haired dogs: “Artero”, “Doctor Zoo”, “FitoElite”. After the procedure, the animal’s fur coat should be lightly blotted with a towel. You cannot rub it, because it will lose its structure. To dry the Spitz, use a hairdryer and a comb.

Muzzle for German Spitz

Finding the right accessory for your pet is not easy. They need to be purchased if the German Spitz is large. For small individuals of the breed in question, a muzzle is not used. The exception is when a mini Spitz throws itself at the feet of others or picks up trash from the floor. In this case, an accessory is ordered for him in individual sizes. Muzzles for Spitz dogs are made from genuine leather or nylon materials.

German Spitz training

Thanks to their keen mind, representatives of the breed in question can easily carry out all the commands of the owner. The breeder must wean the dog from barking loudly for no reason and begging for food. Without training, your German Spitz puppy will become capricious and uncontrollable. Another important point in raising a pet is training it to use the tray. Before buying a puppy, you need to ask the seller what he is accustomed to: newspaper, diaper or outdoors. At first, you need to organize the same toilet for the animal.

Training begins at 5 months of age. First, Spitz dogs are taught to respond to a name. Another important command that a dog must know is place. To do this, after feeding, the puppy is taken to the mat and this word is said. Next, the Spitz is taught other necessary commands: to me, next to me. They are needed to keep your pet safe. The last command that the dog must be taught is fu.

What to buy for a puppy

Even before purchasing a four-legged friend, you should take care of his future place of residence.

  • Bed. You need to buy it or make it from an old blanket. The puppy’s place should not be in a walkway, draft or under a radiator.
  • Dishes for food and water. For large subspecies, it is better to take bowls on a special stand.
  • Tray and filler. Be prepared that initially the puppy is not trained to do its business on the street. Moreover, he cannot even go there until all the required vaccinations are completed. If you are adopting a small subspecies of Spitz and intend to train him to use a litter tray, then these accessories must also be purchased in advance.
  • Carrying. It should be acquired for Middle Spitz, Kleinspitz and Miniature Spitz.
  • Leash, collar or harness. You can pre-attach a sign to the collar with your pet’s name and your contact information.

For the first time, it is worth removing the carpets for safety. Please note that the floor should not be slippery.

Diseases of the German Spitz

With proper care, the average life expectancy of pets is 14-15 years. They are distinguished by good health, but there are a number of diseases to which German Spitz puppies are susceptible:

  • dental pathologies – malocclusion, stone formation on the enamel;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system - fractures, bruises and subluxations;
  • dysfunction of the digestive system - dysbiosis, obesity;
  • eye diseases - lacrimation.

Why do my German Spitz's eyes water?

In healthy dogs, minor tearing is allowed. The red German Spitz has a genetic predisposition to the problem. You should consult a doctor if copious amounts of pus are discharged from your eyes. Main causes of the problem:

  • ingress of dust and dirt onto mucous membranes;
  • allergic reactions;
  • serious infectious diseases in the body;
  • improperly growing hair around the eyes;
  • injury to mucous membranes;
  • unbalanced diet.


Among these dogs there are long-livers - there are cases when a Spitz lived for more than 20 years, but this occurs only in smaller subspecies.

Their usual life expectancy is comparable to the average for dogs: 12-15 years under proper conditions of detention.

Mating a German Spitz - rules

The optimal age for mating is 12-36 months. It is important that before mating the dogs are treated for parasites and have exhibition achievements corresponding to the breed of dog - German Spitz. Basic mating rules that breeders should know:

  • the first meeting is supplemented by the second and third with an interval of 24 hours;
  • mating is organized on neutral territory or in the house where the male lives;
  • dogs occur only during the period of estrus in females, which occurs 2 times a year and lasts on average 21-28 days.


Thanks to the large number of varieties, Spitz dogs are suitable for the following uses:

  • territory protection,
  • hunting,
  • harness work,
  • model business.

Given the particular popularity of small dogs, the first three items on the list are currently rare.

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