Polish Podgalian Sheepdog (Polish Mountain Dog)

History of the origin of the Polish Shepherd

The first information about a shepherd dog breed with a pure white coat color is found in sources of the 17th century. It is believed that it appeared in the Podhale region. But it has already been proven that the breed arose even earlier.

The main version of the origin of the shepherd breed is their origin from Tibetan mastiffs. It is believed that during their journey from East Asia to Europe they underwent major changes in appearance.

Despite the fact that dogs have been known for a long time, they were identified as a breed only in the 20th century. In 1938, V. Wieland first described these dogs and called them “mountain shepherds.” This was the first foreigner to assign the concept of “breed” to them.

At the same time, factory breeding of Podgals began to develop. In the 30s, they began to be bred outside their permanent habitat. Shepherd dogs appeared in Warsaw and Lviv.

In 1937, the first Polish Lowland Shepherd dog show was held. From the 1950s until today, a dog emblem has graced the dog breeding club in Poland.

History and character

The faithful companion of the mountaineers of Poland is considered a working dog that ended up in the Tatra mountain region along with the nomads. Eastern nomadic tribes were always accompanied by large dogs that guarded people, livestock and belongings, Tibetan or Asian shepherd dogs. The crossing of dogs with native European dogs - the Chuvach from Slovakia or the Kuvasz from Hungary - led to the appearance in the High Tatras region of a noticeable, hardy dog, distinguished by excellent working qualities.

The first mention of the dog was discovered in 1938. In 1973, the breed was recognized and registered by the FCI as an independent breed. An entire article is devoted to a hitherto little-known breed that thrived in the mountains and amazed people with its courage and small build. Purposeful breeding of the new breed began in the post-war period in the early 50s. Gradually, Polish Podgalian Shepherd dogs acquired characteristic standards, which were subsequently adopted by international canine associations. The Podgalyansky Shepherd Dog has acquired the official status of “Breed”.

The working qualities of the dog allow them to be used for their intended purpose. Shepherds take things seriously. They perform their assigned duties with great pleasure. When guarding flocks, Polish Shepherds work well with their relatives and are in complete control of the situation.

Shepherd dogs work in an interesting way: being the size of an average sheep, with a similar coat color, the dogs are invisible in the flock. Having smelled a wolf, the dogs “merge” with the sheep. When a wolf, having lost his vigilance at the sight of an “unprotected” herd, enters the flock, the Podgalians attack in a group and become the winners of the fight.

Like all herding dogs, the Podgalyan Shepherd Dog is considered a vigilant guard; there is no need to train the dog to protect and guard the owner and property. The protective qualities of the representatives of the breed are instilled from birth. The impressive, intimidating appearance (the dog is large) evokes fear. The Poles do not specifically associate the dog with herding activities, which is reflected in the name of the breed in the Polish manner, “Tatr mountain dog.” It is no coincidence that the Podgalyan Shepherd Dog is additionally used for transporting goods.

The dog is balanced, mainly used as a guard dog, its thick coat does not allow it to freeze even in the cold season. The history of the breed remembers the moment when it was believed that the dog had become extinct, but Polish dog handlers managed to restore the line. The International Canine Association recognized and registered the breed in 1967 after the discovery of 12 parent specimens. Tatra mountain dogs are considered a rare breed, except in Poland, they are found in Canada and the USA, and are used as working dogs.

Representatives of the breed have a calm and balanced temperament, alert with strong nerves. They don't trust strangers. An innate sense of protecting territory and family makes the dog extremely suspicious of strangers and new surroundings.

At a new place of residence, the Polish Podgalian Shepherd Dog will prefer to be the first to inspect the area. When the animal is convinced that everything is in order, it will be able to calmly watch the relocation of the rest of the family members. Animals are obedient beyond measure, expressing a vital need: to obey and obey, despite their independent nature. It can be said that submission and obedience are the main characteristics of the breed.

Today, the Podgalyan Shepherd Dog breed is used primarily in watchdog and guard duty. Dogs are often involved in rescue operations.

Description of the breed with photos

The breed standard was first approved in 1973. At the same time, the International Federation of Cynologists officially recognized the Podgalyan Shepherd Dog.

The description of the breed contains the main characteristics:

  1. White coat color.
  2. She is of medium length. There is an undercoat that is soft and dense to the touch.
  3. The head is not massive, but strong, with clear outlines. The rounded forehead has a dividing stripe. The transition from the forehead to the nose is smoothed, but has clear contours. The nasal dorsum has smooth, wide contours. The nose is black, the nostrils are large.
  4. The lips are not thick, with pronounced pigmentation. Rounded jaw. The development of the teeth is correct - close to each other, complete set. Dogs have a scissor bite, rarely straight. The presence of another bite is considered a defect.
  5. The drooping, triangular-shaped ears are located at the level of the outer corners of the eyes, sometimes a little higher. They are thick and mobile. The corners are rounded and touch the muzzle when at rest.
  6. The eyes are slanted and positioned proportionally. They have a medium size. The iris of the eyes is brown with a dark tint. Dense eyelids with pronounced pigmentation.
  7. The strong body has a rectangular shape. A well-defined neck with a curve of medium length. A mane is a must. The withers are strong and have a pronounced muff. The fur in this area is long and thick. The dorsal frame is strong and short. The loin is poorly defined. The croup slopes towards the tail and is quite wide. The abdominal area is tightened.
  8. The paws are even and fairly light. The muscles are well developed. The shoulder blades are clearly defined and have the correct angle. The joints are strong. Thick claws have a curved shape. The color is dark. Paw pads are dense.
  9. The low-set thick tail is curled at the end.

Size and weight

The breed is large in size. The height depends on the gender of the dog. Females are 60-65 cm tall, males are 65 to 70 cm tall . The weight of a dog also depends on gender. Every month he increases by several kilograms.

Weight by month from birth to one year is presented in the table.

Age (months)Male weight (g)Bitch weight (g)

Color and coat type

The coat has a straight, harsh or slightly wavy texture with a dense undercoat. The muzzle and outer parts of the limbs are covered with shorter hairs with a dense structure. At the same time, the area of ​​the hips, tail and neck has long hair. Color is pure white. But the standard implies deviations from white towards a beige or peach shade. At the same time, the dog looks unkempt and dirty.

Description of appearance: breed standard

In terms of its physical characteristics, the Polish Shepherd is similar to representatives of other canine families that help humans herd livestock in the highlands. The average height of adult males is 65-70 cm, females - 60-65. The heavy weight category reaches 70 kg.

Shepherd standard:

  • The body structure is compact, the frame is strong, the shape is close to rectangular.
  • The body length of a female is longer than that of a male.
  • The head is round, strong, dry.
  • The forehead is slightly sloping, the muzzle is wide on top, narrow below.
  • The ears are triangular and droop halfway.
  • Expressive dark brown eyes.
  • The center of the nose is large, black.
  • Lips are tight and dry. Scissor bite, less often straight bite.
  • The neck is muscular, the withers are noticeable. Wide back, deep chest. Sloping croup. The stomach is tucked.
  • The forelimbs are muscular and long. Paws are oval-shaped, hard. The pads are hard. The claws are dark in color.
  • The hind limbs are long; in profile they appear pulled back. The shape of the paws is oval, the pads are hard. Dark claws.
  • Tail length is within normal limits. When moving, it hangs or rises no higher than the vertebral axis. The thickness is uniform, the tail is straight or curved at the tip.
  • The coat grows in two layers: the hair is hard and even. There is short, dense hair on the muzzle and the front of the paws.
  • The chest, neck, tail and thighs are covered with long guard hairs, giving extensive feathering.
  • The fur on the back of the forelimbs looks like feathers.
  • The standard is especially strict regarding color. The coat should be brilliantly white.
  • Any kind of scorch marks and stains are a factor that reduces the rating.

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Health and illness

The Polish Shepherd has good immunity. This is due to the fact that the appearance of the breed was natural. The breed appeared in the mountains, in harsh climatic conditions. The owners did not monitor the comfort of their pets, and therefore they are in good health.

But despite this, diseases can also occur in them.

The most common pathologies include:

  • hip dysplasia, which occurs in large dogs;
  • problems with the digestive system.

It may appear as a result of the introduction of a new brand of food or due to improper feeding.


The breed is long-lived. They live on average 10-14 years , but can delight their owners for 16-17 years.


In Russia, the Podgalyan Shepherd Dog is not as popular as in Canada or the USA. There she is used for police work. The demand for puppies is high.

You should buy a baby when he is 2-2.5 months old. The Polish dog has a strong psyche, but a little checking will not hurt.

A puppy can be adopted at the age of no earlier than 2-2.5 months, so that strong immunity can be formed.

The simplest thing is to throw a bunch of keys next to the puppies and observe the reaction. If the baby jumps to the side in fear, this is not a guard. Mentally weak. Stands still and looks at the object without trying to run away - a good dog will grow up. With a loud bark he rushes to the keys, the dog can grow overly aggressive.

Who is better to choose? Bitches are more people-oriented. Their guard qualities are weaker. Males are larger and more aggressive, and will guard conscientiously.

Character and intelligence

The main advantage of the Polish Shepherd is its temperament. At first glance, they behave phlegmatically: they have inhibited reactions, outwardly they look as if they are constantly in a sleepy state. This is actually a misconception. An adult shepherd is always ready to defend. External drowsiness is a way to conserve energy.

The Polish Shepherd charms its owners with its ability to make decisions independently. They acquired this character trait in ancient times. Then the dogs protected the nomadic tribes from attacks by predators and had to instantly react to the appearance of the enemy.

The character of dogs contains sanguine traits with typical processes of excitation and inhibition, which are equally developed in them.

Dogs are distinguished by their ability to work, attentiveness and mobility. Bred to protect humans and their homes, they have amazing intelligence and fearlessness.

At the same time, the shepherd dog behaves affectionately with its owner and family members. But she gives her heart to only one person, most often this is a person involved in training. The dog obeys his commands unquestioningly. But first you need to earn the respect of your pet, and this is not easy to do. The person must be a leader, must establish contact with the shepherd and not use physical force. Being a descendant of mastiffs, Polish Shepherds do not tolerate physical violence. They can even fight back the owner. However, it is impossible to predict the moment of attack. The dog always does this unexpectedly.

Despite the fact that in childhood puppies are touching and more like white teddy bears, they should be socialized from this time on. Otherwise, as an adult, he can turn into a huge killing machine. Lack of training, independence in decision-making, and wayward character will lead to disastrous consequences.

Attitude towards children and others

Are friends afraid to come visit because a Polish shepherd dog has appeared in the house? Explain to them that the dog will not cause harm without a command, provided that the guests do not pose a danger to the owner. Seeing that he is calmly communicating with strangers, the pet, in his half-asleep manner, will calmly watch the strangers. And nothing threatens guests more dangerously than a gaze. But this is only in the presence of the owner. You shouldn't be left alone with a stranger's dog. A dog can be provoked by a sudden rise from a chair, a wave of the hand, or loud laughter. The pet may take this as a danger signal and attack.

Many breed owners consider their pets to be good nannies for their children. They draw such conclusions based on observations when dogs patiently endure everything that kids do to them. At first glance, this is so, children can pat them by the withers, grab them by the tail, and the dog reacts to this calmly. But do not forget about the character and purpose of these pets. They are called upon to protect themselves from danger, including themselves. Therefore, one day they may take a child’s prank as a signal to attack. Therefore, owners should be extremely careful and not leave children alone with the dog.

The shepherd is also tolerant of pets. But it will be better if the puppy appears in the family later than other animals. He will easily get along with an existing cat. They treat other dog breeds with indifference. This is a trait acquired from ancient times. Dogs have always lived in packs with other breeds and served one master together.


The description of the Polish Lowland Shepherd breed is as follows:

  • The animal is large, but lightweight. With a height of 45-55 centimeters, males weigh about 22 kilograms. Bitches reach 46 centimeters, and their weight varies from 12 to 18 kilograms. It would seem that the dog looks like a dystrophic person. But that's not true.
  • The head is large, the forehead is wide.
  • Eyes are dark in color. Wide set.
  • Very pronounced nose and jaw.
  • The body is long but squat.
  • Limbs are short and straight.
  • The tail is missing.
  • The coat is dense and long. The animal has a thick undercoat.
  • The color is varied. Acceptable colors are brown, black, beige, black and white, gray and white and pure gray.

It is important to take into account that the dog is registered with the FCI as a herding dog.


The Podgalyan Shepherd Dog should be taught discipline from early childhood. If the puppy manages to become spoiled, it will be quite difficult to re-educate him.

When training a male dog, you should be more strict than when training a bitch.

The following rules must be adhered to:

  1. Be patient and be consistent.
  2. Start with simple exercises, gradually moving on to more complex ones.
  3. You should not use inhibitory commands.
  4. You cannot exert physical force on the dog.

Remember! A dog is a reflection of its owner. The pet is not stupid and cannot do anything. The owner could not explain and teach this.

Puppy training should be regular. You need to work with it every day, starting with a few minutes of exercise with mandatory rest. Several repetitions per day. With age, the load increases.

How to raise and train

A person who wants to raise this dog must learn to restrain his negative emotions and not offend his pupil. It is important to establish and maintain an even, friendly relationship with him from the very beginning.

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Rudeness and irritability are categorically unacceptable when communicating with an animal. At the same time, the dog must feel the indisputability of the owner’s will; firmness and strength of character combined with friendliness. Manifestations of weakness and rudeness are equally unacceptable.

Training begins at two months of age. At the first stage, the puppy must be accustomed to life outside the enclosure, yard, or home. He needs to be walked three to four times a day, even if he enjoys freedom within the area. The route needs to be varied; introduce the dog to new territories, other animals, people. It is necessary to accustom him to sharp sounds, unusual noises, and smells.

Classes should be conducted systematically and be interesting. Learning is built in development from simple to complex; You should not overtire the puppy; it is advisable to alternate the lesson phase with rest, giving him the opportunity to run or lie in the grass.

The duration of the lesson at the first stage is no more than 60 minutes.

Proper upbringing will provide your pet with a comfortable transition into adulthood, eliminating fearfulness and aggressiveness.

Pros and cons of the breed

The breed has both positive and negative characteristics.

The advantages include:

  • the dog is a working breed;
  • has strong immunity;
  • devoted to the owner;
  • the wool is thick. The wool combed during molting is used to make yarn.


  • molt. To avoid problems, you should comb it regularly;
  • joint dysplasia due to improper care.

A wayward and unpredictable character can also be attributed to the disadvantages of the breed.

It is important

Representatives of the breed are not suitable for living in an apartment. These dogs, due to their nature, will cause irreparable damage to others. What is meant? Let’s say a neighbor came in, but they didn’t have time to lock up the dog. Or she came out of her hiding place. The Polish Shepherd will assess the situation something like this: I have an enemy in front of me. And attacks without warning. The neighbor won't find it too little, believe me.

Or took the dog for a walk. And, as luck would have it, a lady with a Chihuahua comes out of the next door. A small dog without a leash bursts into a piercing bark and rushes towards you. The lowland shepherd will immediately leave a wet spot from it. And the owner will have to pay for moral damages and buy a new Chihuahua dog (if, of course, the woman goes to court and the authorities order her to do this).

Maintenance, care and nutrition

A Polish shepherd dog should not be kept in a small apartment. She herself is very tall, and therefore the limited space will be perceived by the dog as being in a booth. The enclosed space puts pressure on the pet. This will lead to aggression on his part.

Walking with a shepherd dog in city parks and courtyards can be dangerous. A dog can mistake a hand wave or children's playfulness for danger and independently decide to attack.

It is better to purchase the Podgalyansky breed for a country house with the ability to build a large enclosure. The dog is quite energetic, and therefore it needs space to be able to move freely.

Many people believe that white coat color requires frequent bathing of the pet. But that's not true. The process should be regular, but not frequent. But combing should be at least 4-5 times a week. If your pet begins to shed, you should do this every day.

Your pet's ears, eyes and mouth require daily care. You can use fresh apples to brush your teeth. The daily presence of fruit in a dog’s diet will relieve it of dental plaque.

Ears are cleaned using regular cotton swabs.

Eyes should be wiped with a cotton swab previously soaked in warm water.

Your dog's diet should include:

  1. Lean types of meat.
  2. Rice and buckwheat.
  3. Boiled vegetables: cabbage, zucchini, carrots. You can add some beets and potatoes.
  4. From dairy products you can give kefir and cottage cheese with minimal fat content
  5. Unleavened apples.
  6. Quail or chicken eggs, only boiled.
  7. Occasionally, you can treat your pet with sugared beef bones.

You can replace the products with dry food. For the Polish Shepherd, only premium or canvas varieties are suitable.

Caring for the Podgalyan Shepherd Dog

Proper care of the Polish Podgalian Shepherd requires the owner's free time and attention. Beginning dog breeders mistakenly believe that an adult dog is supposed to be accustomed to the procedures.

Polish Podgalian Shepherd puppies, accustomed to hygiene procedures from an early age, get used to the daily routine. As adults, trained dogs behave calmly while combing and cleaning their ears.

Train your pet to wash or dry its paws after a walk. As the dog grows older, it will not allow itself to enter the room with dirty paws; it will remain patiently waiting in the hallway, periodically reminding itself.

How to care for the Polish Podgalian Shepherd and its snow-white coat is a question that constantly interests novice breeders. It is enough to comb the soft fur of the animal thoroughly at least once a week. During the molting period, the frequency of scratching is increased, carefully combing out dead hairs.

Keeping an animal in an apartment is possible, but not advisable. The ideal place for a shepherd is a country house and a spacious enclosure. If your pet lives in a city apartment, try to arrange so that the dog does not get bored. Provide long walks and runs. Whenever possible, try to take them outdoors to a forest or park.

The Polish Podgalian Shepherd Dog breed is a working dog. Don't stop your dog from trying to help you. Irrepressible energy does not allow the animal to sit still. The owner has the right to try to direct the performance in the right direction, for example, by offering to actively play with the children.

Representatives of the breed treat children affectionately and with some condescension. They carefully look after them and allow the children small liberties. The Shepherd is extremely devoted to the family. Other people forever remain strangers to dogs, whom the dog always closely monitors.

How to choose a puppy

To purchase a natural breed Polish Shepherd puppy, when choosing, you should pay attention to the following signs:

  1. The coat should be white with minimal curl.
  2. Scissor or level bite.
  3. The tail is without the creases and roundings characteristic of a husky.
  4. Correctly shaped joints without any seals.

Buy a puppy from official nurseries. They register their pets with international dog breeding clubs. There is no risk of purchasing an unnatural breed here.

It is extremely difficult to purchase a puppy without prior reservation, since they are rarely found on the open market. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the cost of the puppy. It varies from several hundred to a thousand dollars.

The Polish Podgalian Sheepdog is a spectacular breed with good working qualities. But you should firmly know and adhere to the rule that this is not a toy, but a pet with a wayward character. She just needs to be surrounded with love and affection, and also be trained and treated carefully.


There are several versions of the origin of the Tatra dog (the second name for the Podgalyan Shepherd Dog).

The first tells that its roots go back to antiquity. The Polish Shepherd is considered the oldest breed. Looking at the power and appearance of the representatives of the breed, breeders long ago came to the conclusion: in the family of Tatra Shepherd Dogs there were Tibetan mastiffs. The ancestors of the Polish dog found themselves in Europe in the 4th-6th centuries BC. They came along with the Huns and Avars.

The second legend tells about cruel nomadic tribes. They moved from Tibet to the Tatras, destroying everyone in their path. The nomads were accompanied by huge and very ferocious dogs. In appearance, the animals resembled bears, and their cruelty was indescribable. Dogs guarded nomadic tribes. Soon the nomads settled in the Tatras, and their pets remained next to them. People needed to survive, and the active development of sheep farming began. The climate in the Tatra Mountains was not particularly comfortable. The dogs were required to have maximum adaptability to mountainous terrain, herding and guarding skills.

Polish Podgalian Sheepdogs helped herd and guard flocks of sheep

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