How to determine the size of clothes for a dog? Correspondence tables

How to measure a dog and determine the right size

To determine your clothing size, take the following measurements:

  1. Back length. Place your dog on a flat surface and make sure he is standing on all 4 paws. Take a tailor's tape and measure the distance as shown in the picture. For convenience, put on the collar and measure the distance between its end and the base of the tail.

    Check the data with the indicators in the table, which will be mentioned below. If the table takes into account indicators 30 and 35, and your result is 31, focus on 35.

  2. Bust determine by stretching the tape under the front paws as shown in the figure.

When choosing clothes, you will have to take both indicators into account. But what to do if one of them is suitable, but the second shows a deviation? Focus on the indicator that is larger. If the discrepancies are too great, consult the seller, he will help you choose the appropriate style.

Read on to learn how to determine the right clothing size using the table.

Where is the withers located?

The withers, or simply the scruff of the neck or “scruff of the neck”, is the area of ​​the back, starting after the neck, 5 vertebrae of the thoracic spinal column between the shoulder blades. It can be detected during an external examination of the animal - it looks like a small tubercle on the back. This area is mobile, covered with elastic skin that can be raised or folded.

The withers are the least sensitive area, so when the bitch drags the babies by the scruff of the neck, they do not feel pain or discomfort. The scruff consists of the spinous processes of the vertebrae, located in line with the tops of the shoulder blades. The withers are usually high, wide, well developed, covered with developed muscles. At least, this is what the scruff of a healthy, physically developed dog looks like. It is thanks to the withers that the forelimbs and neck are set in motion.

The formation of this area lasts more than one year, and the process is completed on average by 2-3 years. It depends on the size and breed of the pet. Since the withers are the highest point in the dog’s body, that’s why it is taken as a basis when measuring the animal’s height. But in dogs with deformities - a sagging back or a curvature of the spine - this parameter may differ significantly from the standard data.

Clothing size charts

The manufacturer of each type of clothing indicates its own parameters. Average indicative data is shown in tables designed for pets of large, medium or small breeds. There is a separate table for dogs with a non-standard body shape.

Table for determining clothing sizes for pugs, as well as pets of large and medium breeds:

DesignationDimensions, mmBreed (approximately!)
Back lengthBust
A0350550Scottish Terrier, West Highland White Terrier
A1300500French bulldogs, pugs
A2350550American and English Cocker Spaniels, Beagles, Fox Terriers, Miniature Schnauzers, Shelties, Medium Spitz, Chinese Crested
B1400700Bull Terriers, Staffordshire, Wheaten, Kerry Blue Terriers, Collies, Shar-Peis
C1550750Labradors, Huskies, Dobermans, Golden Retrievers, Boxers, Akitas
D1700950Rottweilers, Great Danes, Boxers, St. Bernards,
D27501000Dobermans, Cane Corsos, Bullmastiffs, Black Terriers, Great Danes

But how to choose the appropriate sizes of overalls if one of the two parameters - torso length or chest girth - does not match the data in the table? For example, with a length of 300 and a girth of 550 mm, choose size A2 rather than A1, otherwise the clothes will be tight.

Clothing size chart for small dogs:

DesignationDimensions, mmBreed (approximately!)
Back lengthBust
8210270Toy Terrier, Yorkie, Chihuahua, Maltese
10240320Yorkie, Chihuahua, Pomeranian, Maltese
10Chh240340Chihuahua, Papillon, Pomeranian,
12270360Yorkie, Chihuahua, Pomeranian, Papillon,
12Chh270380Chihuahua, Toy Poodle, Papillon, Pomeranian,
14300400Chihuahua, Miniature Poodle, Petit Brabançon, Pomeranian Spitz, Brussels Griffon,
16330440Small Spitz, Brussels Griffon, Miniature Poodle, Miniature Pinzer, Brabançon, Chinese Crested
18360480Spitz, Miniature Schnauzer, Chinese Crested, Fox Terrier
20390520Spitz, Miniature Schnauzer, Chinese Crested Cocker Spaniel, Fox Terrier
22420560Chinese Crested, Cocker Spaniel, Miniature Schnauzer, Basenji, Fox Terrier

Clothing size chart for Welsh Corgis and Dachshunds

DesignationDimensions, mmBreed (approximately!)
Back lengthBust
TM1340400Miniature Dachshund
TC1440530Standard fee
K39390550Welsh Corgi

To choose the right clothes for your pet, you need to determine what it is needed for. In most cases, you choose clothes for your pet to look attractive when paired with it. But do not harm the dog.

Most buyers of dog clothes believe that in this way they protect their pet from dirt, dust, and precipitation. Pay attention to the length of the wool; do not buy a suit with insulation, so as not to develop overheating, which is more dangerous than hypothermia.

Overalls look good on small dogs. There is a problem with large breeds. The length of the back and the width of the chest do not match the tabular data. In such a situation, I recommend purchasing a jacket or sweatshirt. The products do not have pants. Which means there are restrictions on length. The main thing is that the chest circumference is suitable.

If you use the table to choose a clothing size, be guided not by the breed, but by the actual body length and chest circumference.

An alternative size chart uses the following symbols:

  • X (extra) - very;
  • S (short) - small;
  • M (medium) - average;
  • L (large) - large.

The combination XS means very small, XL means very large, XXL means too large. This table does not take into account breed characteristics, but it makes it easier to choose clothes not only according to measurements, but also according to the weight of the pet.

Universal size chart for dogs:

SizeBack length, cmChest circumference, cmLive weight, kg
XXL (2XL)44,552,59
XXXL (3XL)50,55812,5
XXXXL (4XL)5765,520
XXXXXL (5XL)6475,530
XXXXXL (6XL)70,585,540

Brief history of the breed

French bulldogs are considered a relatively young breed, but debate about the origin of these animals is still ongoing.

There are many versions, but three theories are widely used.

  • Many dog ​​breeders are inclined to the theory that the “Frenchies” originated from ancestors from England. The number of “English” began to fall due to participation in battles, and a decree was issued on the preservation of the breed. After 100 years, one resident began to have dogs with ears that looked like tulip leaves. The description of those animals is reminiscent of today's French bulldogs. Perhaps another Londoner brought similar dogs to France, where they eventually gained popularity.
  • French dog breeders insist that the breed was bred in this country. It is believed that the “Frenchies” were created by crossing Spanish and English bulldogs. This is explained by the similarity in the structure of the body, muzzle and ears. As evidence, they cite an image on a 17th-century plate with a similar dog.
  • Participation of both countries. This happened when the British began to move en masse to France due to the revolution at the end of the 19th century. Crossing English bulldogs with other breeds led to the emergence of a new variety.

Interesting fact! At the beginning of the 20th century, an organization of cynologists recognized the French origin of dogs. This made it possible to isolate animals into an independent breed.

The importance of the information provided is to assist in establishing standard weight and height criteria. A brief history of the breed helps with this, as it explains the origin of the pets, body features and appearance.

Shoe size chart

If the attitude towards your pet’s clothing is ambiguous, even more so, questions arise: why are shoes needed? What is this? Glamorous entertainment for eccentric owners? Protecting pampered pets from dirt and cold? Nature has provided dog paws with adaptations to withstand adverse environmental conditions. Only man has changed the environment itself. In winter, city streets are treated with deicing agents - chemically aggressive substances that corrode the skin of dog paws. Shoes will protect your pet from cuts and bruises even in good weather.

The second reason “in favor” is the reluctance to drag dirt into the apartment. Owners have a choice: wash their paws in a basin after every walk, purchase a paw washer, or train their pet to wear shoes.

Just like for humans, boots and socks are provided for dogs. The latter are necessary to protect dog paws from slippery floors and floors, as well as upholstered furniture from paws and sharp claws. In addition, socks are an intermediate stage in getting used to wearing shoes or boots.

How to measure your dog to find the right shoes? You need to measure the size of your limbs. To do this, place your pet’s paw on a clean sheet of paper, outline the perimeter of the limbs, as shown in the figure:

There is another way: measure the paw with a tailor's centimeter by weight. In this case, you need to take into account the length of the claws and add 0.5 cm to the result. But I recommend the option with drawing on paper, as it is more accurate and reliable.

Based on the measurement results, purchase shoes according to the table indicators:

Boot sizesSock sizesPaw length, cmPaw width, cm

The table shows average indicators. Product information may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, so to find out the shoe size for your pet, I recommend consulting with the seller.

Height and weight of an adult male French Bulldog

According to the standard, the height and weight of an adult male French Bulldog should be:

  • Height at withers: 30–38 cm.
  • Weight: 10–15 kg.

Males look more courageous and stockier than females. Typically, adult males have widely spaced paws and a voluminous chest. The head of males is larger than that of females.

If you deviate from the standard, the height and weight of a male dog can vary greatly. Bulldogs are often obese, and their weight can reach 20 kg or more. Exceeding the upper limits is often found in male dogs, usually the factor is associated with genetics.

Collar size chart

To select the correct collar size, measure the circumference of your neck with a tailor's tape, placing two fingers under it. Since there are additional holes on the collar tape, add 5-7 cm to the result. It is important that the accessory is not too short and does not restrict breathing.

The size chart for dog collars uses the same designations as socks.

DesignationsCollar length, cm

I hope that the article was useful to you. I will answer questions in the comments.

Why does the owner need to know the height of the dog at the withers?

When assessing the size of an animal, three main parameters are taken into account:

  • height at withers;
  • oblique body length;
  • metacarpal girth.

In addition, you need to know where the dog’s withers are and be able to measure his height in order to:

  • accurately determine the required jump height during sporting events;
  • be able to compare the pet’s parameters with the standard requirements for the breed’s exterior;
  • promptly detect deviations in the development of a growing individual;
  • knowing the size of the dog, choose accessories of the appropriate size, clothes, carrier, bed, etc.;
  • carry out medical manipulations - subcutaneous injections are placed in the withers, a vaccine is administered, insecticidal preparations are applied.

Since the subcutaneous fatty tissue of the nape is literally penetrated by blood vessels, this allows the active substances of the drugs to be perfectly absorbed. And thanks to low sensitivity, the procedures are painless and with minimal discomfort.

A large number of vessels increases the effectiveness of remedies against external and internal parasites. In addition, the dog is not able to lick the area where the medication is applied.

Types of outfits

Clothing for purebred small dogs comes in several types of products. Such wardrobe elements will help keep your pet warm in winter, while he will remain beautiful and stylish. The most common types of outfits include:

  • blanket;
  • kits;
  • overalls.

A blanket is a small product that is put on the dog over the head. It will be an excellent alternative to various blouses that cannot be worn on a pet due to its excessive activity. The blanket does not hinder the dog’s movement, because it is located on the neck, covers part of the body and does not affect the paws. Depending on the gender of the dog, stores offer a variety of colors: blue, light blue, pink, yellow, green. You can also find original prints on the fabric, which will make your dog stylish on a walk.

Clothing sets for small dogs consist of several wardrobe elements: pants, as well as a sweater or jacket. The latest piece of dog fashion is usually made of waterproof fabric similar to a thick raincoat. It would be good if the bottom of the jacket was equipped with a warm lining for the cold season. Sweaters replace jackets; they are purchased for the off-season - for walks in spring and autumn. Pants are the favorite clothing of small dogs. They go great with a jacket or sweater, the only problem is putting the pants on your pet. Most dogs categorically refuse to wear this wardrobe item.

Jumpsuits are considered the most common types of outfits for modern miniature dogs. They are easy to put on, do not restrict your pet’s movements, and are made of protective fabric. In overalls, a terrier or Yorkie will be comfortable in winter, spring and summer. The pet will not get dirty and will come back from a walk clean and tidy. Overalls are equipped with zippers or buttons that fasten on the stomach or back.

How old do they grow and how long do they live?

The length of time a dog grows depends on its breed and body structure. Large ones stop growing at 9 months, small ones a little earlier.

When a Beagle cub doubles its weight, which occurs at six months of age, long bone growth virtually stops..

This means that the individual has almost reached its height in length and will gain weight, growing in width.

In girls, growth stops with the first heat. Males continue to grow a little longer, but growth does not stop at puberty.

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