Instructions for sewing beautiful clothes for your dog and taking measurements

Some dog breeds require additional protection and clothing. The point is not only that they need to stay warm when walking in winter or other cold seasons. Sometimes it is important to have protection if they have recently had surgery. This applies mostly to pets with short hair. The most suitable option for dogs of all breeds and sizes is a blanket. It can prevent dirt from getting into wounds, keep you warm in winter and at the same time allow your pet to move freely without restricting its movement. The idea of ​​​​creating this type of clothing initially appeared among horse breeders, but migrated and took root among dogs and cats. This article will describe in detail how to make a blanket for a dog with your own hands, patterns for similar products, how to take measurements from a dog and much more.

How to take measurements from a dog

Sewing clothes for dogs and other animals is similar to the process of sewing for humans. It is also necessary to take measurements, since clothes that are too narrow or wide will hinder movement or, conversely, drag on the ground.

You can make a bandage for a dog yourself

To take measurements of a dog, it must be placed on a horizontal and straight surface so that it stands stable and straight, with all four paws touching it. To do this, the dog is calmed down. You can even feed her in the process. In the process of taking measurements, it is necessary that the centimeter does not lie too closely to the body, but does not sag. This means that when wrapping, the tape should move calmly in different directions.

Sequence of taking measurements

The main measurements for sewing and knitting are:

  • Back length.
  • Neck circumference.
  • Chest circumference.
  • Waist circumference.
  • Distance from front to rear paws.
  • Distance between front paws.
  • The length of the front and rear legs (from the armpits to the surface on which the dog is standing).
  • Distance from the armpits of the front paws to the genitals (only for males).

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DIY clothes for cocker spaniel

Blanket for a large animal

Not all dogs are the same. You can also see those that stand out for their particularly large dimensions; they may differ in the general structure of the body (chest volume, depth of the abdominal cavity, length and vertebral curves). Therefore, blankets for large dogs should be chosen exclusively for individual tailoring. What suits one pet may not suit another.

In addition to the chosen style, the cut also plays an important role. Unlike small pets, large ones have more massive paws and a wide stride, and their muscle mass is significantly greater. They often spend time jumping high and long during activities or games.

To ensure that the freedom of movement of the animal is not limited, it is more rational to opt for elastic fabrics and strong fittings. Also, do not forget that the openings for the paws should be as wide as possible.

How to sew a blanket for a dog with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

When all materials and tools are prepared, you can start sewing. To do this, the pattern details are transferred to the fabric: main and lining. Don't forget to leave a 1 centimeter allowance at the edges.

Important! Each pattern piece is half a piece. That is why, when a person begins to transfer the pattern onto the fabric, it is necessary to fold it in half and apply the part to the fold with the corresponding line.

A jumpsuit or blanket after surgery is very important for maintaining health.

When all the parts are cut, they need to be unfolded. The lining can be made in such a way that it completely copies the base, or it can be done a little differently. Naturally, the top of the dog’s body receives most of the precipitation in winter or autumn, so the back should be lined with membrane or waterproof fabric. After this, the two parts are sewn together, and the unstitched holes are left for turning the product inside out.

It is best to sew the back parts along the neck, and the lower and side parts to the notches that will meet at the neck. The belly is stitched almost completely, turned inside out and stitched. All that remains is to stitch the lining so that it does not stick out, and turn out all the parts that are sewn together to complete the process. For fixation, it is best to use sewn-in elastic bands or Velcro.

Postoperative blanket diagram

Treatment of discopathy in dachshunds

In some cases, only surgery can radically stop the development of discopathy. More often it is carried out in highly specialized clinics in large cities. If the owner does not have the financial means or there are no specialists in the area of ​​residence, then the doctor selects a set of drugs and devices to prolong the life of the animal. It is worth remembering that even a successfully performed operation does not guarantee relapse. And in case of impairment of excretory functions and motility of the pelvic limbs, the chances of complete recovery are close to 90% only in case of intervention on the first day.

During drug treatment, lifestyle modification is an important factor.

Rest is necessary in the first stages of treatment; in the future, the animal is shown quiet walks without loads and walking on stairs. The solution would be a walker for a dachshund with discopathy. They unload the spine.

Drugs for discopathy for dachshunds are selected individually, taking into account the age and characteristics of the disease. The animal is prescribed corticoid hormones, drugs containing increased doses of B vitamins, and anti-inflammatory drugs. The use of a number of them, for example, Rimadyl, should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. One of the side effects of the drug is a high risk of developing ulcerative colitis.

Veterinarians have an ambiguous attitude towards painkillers. On the one hand, they improve the quality of life, but on the other, an animal that does not feel pain will move unreasonably sharply. An important factor in favor of not using painkillers is to reduce the negative impact on other organs.

How to sew elbow pads for a dog

These parts serve as protection for the paws of dogs who prefer to constantly lie on hard surfaces. First of all, these are home clothes and you need to take them off before going outside. They prevent the appearance of calluses, and if they already exist, then no infection will get into the wounds.

It is best to order flexible and stretchy accessories made of synthetic material, but you can make them yourself. To do this, you should use children's tights or sweaters that have good elasticity. It all depends on the size of the dog. Calluses are typically found in larger breeds.

Dog elbow pads

When it's needed

A protective barrier is used when there are damaged areas of the dog’s body that cannot be touched. For example, the product may be needed:

  1. In the postoperative period. At such a moment, the animal may be bothered by itching and pain at the site of the sutures, so the animal may lick or scratch them. This is dangerous because you can get infected. A barrier in the form of a dense semicircle prevents the animal from itching.
  2. For limb injuries. With wounds on the paws, the pet may try to remove the bandage, but such a product prevents this.
  3. For dermatitis and other skin diseases. Animals can get sick from a large number of dermatological ailments, including parasitic ones caused by ticks and fleas. The cervical collar prevents the dog from licking the affected areas and spreading the infection to other parts of the body.
  4. If the ears and eyes are affected. Many of them are treated with ointments, and the device prevents the animal from smearing them with its paws.

Pattern of a cap for a dog

First you need to take the necessary measurements: the length from the eyes to the base of the head along the top of the head. To this value add 2.5 centimeters for the bend of the fabric. The second measurement is similar, but measured between the ears. 5 millimeters of allowance are also added on each side. The last measurement is the circumference of the head with the forehead and chin. This parameter is divided by 4 and multiplied by 3. Also, an increase of 2.5 centimeters is added on each side for seams and bends of the material.

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Pattern of a cap for a dog of any size

Important! Next, we begin making the pattern. It is shown in the picture below. It is applied on paper with a millimeter square. The visor and its length are made at will. After the drawing is ready, it is cut out and the pattern is ready.

Measurements for a dog vest

Types of collars

In the classic version, barrier protection is made in the form of a plastic cone with a cut off top. It is attached to the collar with the narrow end or tied with a cord. But for the convenience of dogs of different breeds, several options for shapes and materials of the product have been developed.

  • The Elizabethan collar for dogs is the most popular option. It is made of elastic, colored, but often transparent plastic. This material is easy to wash and does not obstruct your pet’s view. It is attached using several plastic strips to a harness or collar. The width of the circumference is also adjustable thanks to special fasteners. However, the plastic makes a loud noise when it comes into contact with surrounding hard objects, and mobility may be limited. And over time, the plastic model becomes fragile, cracks appear, and it breaks.

  • Another version of the plastic collar is made in the form of a tube that is secured around the pet's neck. A removable cover is placed on top to protect the structure. Thus, movements in the cervical region are limited. It is convenient when restricted areas are on the animal's body.

  • An elastic neck corset made of soft polymer foam also fixes only the mobility of the neck.

  • Soft protection is in particular demand among dog breeders. They do not create loud sounds that frighten pets. Made from hypoallergenic water-repellent fabrics. Due to their lightness and plasticity, such models do not limit mobility. The dog eats freely, drinks water and sleeps in a comfortable position. To add rigidity, some versions have a plastic insert. It does not allow the animal to bend the defense. Soft products have a long service life and are convenient for transportation and storage. However, they are not suitable for a large dog because it can easily wrinkle the collar. They will also not be useful for those with long necks, as they will not cover their heads sufficiently.

  • Inflatable protection is similar to a lifebuoy. It is made of lightweight soft materials, so it is comfortable and easy to use. Such models do not paralyze movements and do not cause inconvenience. Products with a nylon cover have increased durability. But this option is ideal only for short breeds. It is not suitable for those with long limbs.

You can buy a dog collar at a pet supply store or veterinary pharmacy. Their prices vary, so you can choose one that suits your budget.

Vest for a dog - pattern

For the vest you will also need to take several measurements:

  • Chest circumference at its widest point.
  • Neck circumference at the base.
  • Length of the back from the base of the tail to the withers. Measured only in a quiet stance.

The last value is needed to determine the side of the square of the drawing. The length of the back is divided by 10. This will be the size of the square for the pattern. After measurements, it is necessary to accurately transfer all the details onto the grid.

The vest replaces pants and a T-shirt

For production you will need:

  • Lining stitch. Usually this is fabric on padding polyester.
  • Membrane material that “breathes” and has water-repellent properties.
  • Zipper or special Velcro. It is best to use the first option.

You can take the pattern on the Internet or build it yourself if you have the appropriate experience. After this, all the details of the drawing are transferred to the fabric. Do not forget about allowances of 1 centimeter.

Important! If the drawing from the Internet says “fold line,” then the part must be applied to a piece of fabric folded in half. In this case, the conditional line should lie at the very place of the fold.

You need to sew the vest along the side marks

The lower part should be cut with a fold, and the back should consist of two parts. The lining is cut so that it completely copies the details of the membrane fabric. After cutting, the lining and base parts are sewn on the sides from the inside out. The lining and membrane are connected with the front parts and stitched along the bottom of the vest and along the sections for the sleeves.

All this is turned right side out and darned with a finishing stitch along the bottom of the product and the edges. The shoulder sections are swept away, and the resulting design is applied to the dog. Now is the time to determine whether the vest is suitable and change it.

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Important! It is worth making sure that the vest fits well on the dog, is not too tight for him, and that the armholes do not put pressure on the armpits. Otherwise, they may chafe and make your dog uncomfortable. If everything is fine, then the vest is sewn on a sewing machine.

The vest protects from cold and rain

Diagnosis of discopathy in dachshunds

Diagnosis of discopathy begins with neurological tests. They are available to any doctor and do not require equipment. The specialist checks the speed of reaction to pain, uniformity when moving up and down the stairs, and freedom of swing of the limbs when running. Assessment of sensitivity and conductivity allows us to exclude diseases of the abdominal organs and reproductive system.

An X-ray of the spine will not always show the presence of discopathy. It does not allow assessing the shape and size of the disc. Due to its low cost and availability, this method often complements visual assessment, and serious research is not carried out.

The best examination option would be an MRI. The image will clearly show the affected areas, the size of the protrusions, the thickness of the disc and other points, allowing you to accurately diagnose and determine the degree of discopathy. The study is carried out under the influence of sedatives and does not pose a danger to animals with a healthy heart.

In large cities, clinics use myelography. X-ray contrast agent in the spinal cord allows you to see the disorder in the intervertebral discs.

In the advanced stage, characteristic symptoms make it possible not to conduct laboratory and instrumental studies. If there is a loss of bowel function and loss of mobility of the hind limbs, the specialist evaluates the elapsed time and the possibility of performing an operation. 12 hours or more that have passed since the onset of the condition, lack of skills in performing neurological interventions are indications for euthanasia of the animal.

How to sew a muzzle for a dog with your own hands

For sewing you will need:

  • Centimeter.
  • Materials for the pattern: paper, ruler, marker or pencil.
  • Materials for the product: thick canvas (tarpaulin), fasteners and straps.

The measurements are:

  • The circumference of the muzzle is above the nose.
  • The circumference of the muzzle near the bridge of the nose.
  • The length of the muzzle from the bridge of the nose to the nose.
  • Length from the middle of the nose to the straps.
  • Head circumference from the muzzle.

Full muzzle for a dog
The pattern is quite simple to construct, and after cutting it out, you can immediately try on the future muzzle on the dog. It is important to make sure that the straps of the product pass clearly along the muzzle and do not touch the ears.

Next, the paper details are transferred to the fabric. For convenience, you can fold the fabric in half, like the pattern itself. This will minimize the transfer process, since the product is symmetrical. As a result, you get two parts for a muzzle and a strap, to which you can sew a strap. This is necessary to compact the fabric and increase reliability.

Measurements for the muzzle pattern

Bandage to protect stitches and scars

Abdominal surgery is a rather difficult procedure, not only due to extensive anesthesia, but also in terms of postoperative rehabilitation. Dogs instinctively lick their wounds, which has a double effect. The animal's saliva contains an antiseptic and millions of pathogenic bacteria; in addition, the dog can lick the seam so intensely that it becomes deformed or completely separates. Particularly enterprising pets chew through surgical threads, which can result in the suture opening. The “safest” and at the same time, the most common damage to the scar is partial divergence due to the dog bending over for the purpose of licking.

Patterns for dogs from Svetlana Kovaleva

Patterns and drawings of clothing for dogs from Svetlana Kovaleva are especially popular on the Internet. The woman lives in Pokrovsk in Ukraine and makes some of the best custom clothing patterns for dogs of all types. Below are several works of the business master.

Overalls for small breed dogs

Above, it was described in detail how to make knitted clothes for dogs of small and large breeds with your own hands, and patterns of similar products are presented. Sewing such clothes is simple and does not take much time, and it will be very useful for your pet in cold weather or when sick.

What do we need

As I already wrote, the choice of materials depends on the purpose of the blanket. But today we are not looking at a warm winter blanket for a dog, but a light raincoat for cloudy weather.

So, to make a raincoat blanket we will need the following materials:

  • Water-repellent, lightweight, breathable membrane fabric.
  • Lining fabric.
  • Velcro, buttons or strap for fastening (your choice).

Today we will sew a lightweight blanket. But if you want to sew a more closed, more insulated winter blanket for your pet, on our blog there are TWO more master classes on sewing a blanket for a dog with your own hands. These are two completely different models. These are as shown in the photo below.

If you like these particular styles, follow the link: Comfortable blanket for dogs. In the article you will find patterns for both blankets and detailed video master classes on how to make them.

Raincoat for dogs

Insulated winter blanket

Nutrition during the recovery period

You can feed your dog no earlier than 10 hours after sterilization. Before feeding, fluids must be provided. After surgery, dogs often experience constipation, which is accompanied by pain. This must be regulated with nutrition until digestion is restored.

Food should be given in a pureed, semi-liquid state in small portions, but often. The food should be well balanced and include dairy products. If the dog refuses to eat and only drinks water, there is no need to force it to eat. You should start to worry if your pet refuses to eat food for more than three days.

When is a veterinarian needed?

In general, animals tolerate sterilization without complications. But there are times when the help of a veterinarian is necessary. Such cases include:

  • lack of urination for more than a day;
  • absence of stool for more than 2 days or the presence of blood in the stool;
  • pale or bluish skin;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • convulsions, fainting;
  • difficulty breathing with an open mouth, wheezing;
  • increase or decrease in temperature.

The reason for contacting a veterinarian is also suppuration of the wound, bleeding from it, vomiting, prolonged apathy, and lethargy.

Many postoperative complications can be avoided by strictly following the rules of care, a detailed list of which can be obtained from a veterinary clinic. If any deviations in the animal’s behavior are observed, it is necessary to immediately show it to a doctor and undergo a course of treatment.

Features of skin and coat care

Due to the removal of the uterus and gonads, a hormonal imbalance occurs in the body, which in turn leads to disruption of the natural change of hair and undercoat. Shedding of hair in bitches usually occurs after the cessation of estrus.

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In the absence of estrus as a result of surgical intervention, the body stops sending signals about a change in coat, the fur begins to grow randomly and profusely, which leads to a change in the appearance of the pet. In this case, the dog needs additional care for its coat.

Note! Skin and coat care depends on the dog's breed and coat type.

Short-haired dogs, such as Dobermans, dachshunds, Dalmatians, pugs, and hounds, are not subject to any special changes in their coat. In long-haired breeds with undercoat, such as Akita Inu, Husky, Spitz, Corgi, Shepherd, a side effect of sterilization can be an abundant growth of undercoat, which requires frequent combing or plucking.

In dogs such as the Poodle, Yorkshire Terrier, Bichon Frize, and Maltese, the outer coat and undercoat differ little from each other; they do not undergo significant changes during sterilization.

Most often, the coat of dogs with a mixture of long and short hair undergoes changes. These include spaniels, retrievers, setters, greyhounds, Pekingese, Japanese chin and others. Their fur becomes softer, so it mats quickly and difficult to comb tangles form. As a result, the dog's appearance suffers. In this case, the wool requires additional care.


The hard, wiry coat of Shih Tzus, Giant Schnauzers, Afghan Hounds, and some types of terriers also suffers. As a result of sterilization of the animal, it loses its natural rigidity, becomes softer, and requires cutting with scissors instead of the usual trimming, which can only increase the growth of fluffy and soft fur.

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