Rat Terrier: history of origin, description of the breed, appearance

The Rat Terrier breed is not recognized by all world clubs. It has not yet been approved by the FCI, only by the American Kennel Clubs. The so-called rat terrier was previously used exclusively for catching rodents; it is this fact that determines its second name. Later, the Ret Terrier breed began to be used as the most loyal and obedient companion dogs.

Classic representative of the breed

History of the origin of the rat terrier

There are many dark spots in the history of the appearance of these terriers. It is known that dogs capable of catching rats were brought by emigrants from Europe. Their first habitat is North America. Later, other varieties appeared, resulting from the mixing of pets with different breeds. The name Red Terrier was attached to this breed with the light hand of Theodore Roosevelt, after one dog saved the entire White House from an infestation of rats. Later the name changed and became Rat Terrier.

The greatest popularity of animals was achieved in the 30s.
American farmers began to use representatives of this breed to protect farmland from rats. Later, ret terriers began to be used by the police as search dogs. On a note! Unfortunately, there was a moment in the history of the development of the breed that almost led to the extinction of this species. But thanks to the efforts of enthusiasts, rat terriers were preserved.


These dogs are very hardy, active, and inquisitive. They are cheerful and playful. Energetic owners often adopt them as companion dogs. The Rat Terrier learns quickly, but is stubborn. Reacts poorly to physical influence. Training must be positive and based on the development of a conditioned reflex.

One of the characteristics of dogs of this breed is their keen sense of smell and hunting instincts, which are very evident during walks.

He is distrustful of strangers. Does not enter into conflicts with other dogs. Friendly. He gets along well with children and can be an excellent guard for them. They have a heightened sense of danger; they bark to warn their owners about it. Sometimes this signal bark of a worried dog reaches the point of frenzy.

Reviews from owners about the Rat Terrier are very positive. Dogs constantly strive to please their owner and be close to him. They are distinguished by great devotion. Submissiveness is not considered a fault of the Rat Terrier.

Interesting Facts

Amazing activity and the ability to clearly and quickly respond to any sound made representatives of the Ret Terrier breed probably the best hunters. They are able to cope not only with small rodents such as squirrels, rats, rabbits, but also go into battle with unequal opponents. The rat terrier will not stop either in front of a wild pig or in front of a bear.

Fact! Even a large representative of the animal world should not expect mercy if he meets a ret terrier.

But still, the main purpose of these dogs is to rid farmland of rats. It is known that one of the representatives of the breed named Reta managed to kill more than 2,500 rats within a few hours.

The American Pied Piper may be bald

Toy Fox Terrier

The breed was brought to the USA in 1936 by crossing the Smooth Fox Terrier, the English Toy Terrier and the Mexican Chihuahua.

The dog is quite miniature, reaching a height of no more than 25 cm, weighing up to 3.5 kg. The breed is distinguished by its elegance, but by the presence of a strong physique, slender legs, a small head and protruding ears, due to which it has an excellent decorative appearance.

The lifespan of a pet is about 16 years.

The American Toy Fox Terrier has several types of colors: red and white, black and white, or white and black with tan markings. The wool is smooth and glossy.

Although the Toy Fox Terrier was bred for decorative purposes, it is very smart, hardy, agile and strong. He can hunt rats and enjoys chasing squirrels in the park.

The breed is very obedient, loves to be praised, and is easy to train. If trained correctly, the animal can keep deaf people company, helping its owner recognize sounds.

Rat Terrier - breed description and standard

According to the standard, the description of the breed is prescribed in the canons of American Kennel Clubs:

  • The head should look like a trimmed wedge.
  • The eyes are small, rather widely spaced. The eye shape is oval.
  • Ears can be erect or folded. Regardless of this fact, the ears are set high; according to the standard, the shape should resemble a triangle. A puppy is immediately born with erect ears; later they fall off - this is the norm.
  • Scissor bite, thin lips.
  • Well-developed muscles with normal, moderate bones contribute to a lean appearance.
  • The body is slightly stretched.
  • The chest is not too wide, reaching to the elbows.
  • The back is without deflection, perfectly straight.
  • The croup has a round shape.

It is allowed to dock the tail in the area of ​​2-3 vertebrae. In its natural form, its length may vary.

Note! Bobtail is not a violation of the breed standard.

The pet's coat is smooth and rather short, and fits very tightly to the torso. Some representatives have a slight waviness on their backs - this is within the standard.

The color of a dog can be very diverse. As a rule, these are brown spots of different shades in combination with white.

Rat Terrier that meets all standards

Pros and cons of the breed

Like representatives of any other breed, Ret Terrier dogs have their positive and negative sides.


  • This is a wonderful breed for a family; the dog can become a true companion and friend.
  • Security qualities at the highest level.
  • The pet does not require special care.


  • Quite a stubborn disposition.
  • It can perceive small animals as prey and will constantly chase them.

The dog is absolutely not suitable for calm, lazy people. Her increased activity and sociability can cause negative emotions.

Dogs prefer to spend time actively

Training and education

A representative of this breed needs to be trained and trained from a very early age. If the puppy does not go through the socialization period correctly, he can become a wayward and very disobedient dog.

Rat Terrier puppies

Note! Dogs that were improperly socialized as children can even bite their owner as adults if they get scared.

Increased activity and reluctance to stand still lead to the dog simply ignoring the owner’s commands.

Miniature Fox Terrier

This breed was bred in Australia in the 19th century in order to hunt rabbits and destroy rats, and is a hunting breed. English fox terriers and small dogs, the breed of which has not been established, were used for crossing.

The lifespan of a pet is about 14 years.

The pet reaches a height of 40 cm and weighs about 8 kg.

The color of the miniature fox terrier is characterized by white with black and brown splashes, the coat is smooth, even in length, it is quite soft and pleasant to the touch.

The Fox Terrier can be kept in an apartment, but it is necessary to provide him with constant sufficient physical activity.

Miniature Fox Terriers are very friendly, sociable dogs, they are very attached to their owner, but they are demanding of attention. If the animal feels a lack of attention, destructive behavior and excessive barking may occur.

The Miniature Fox Terrier can be kept in a home where there are small children, as the dog is quite kind and playful.

A pet can be jealous of other pets and sometimes show aggression, so leaving it alone with other animals is not recommended.

Dog health

All diseases of the breed are exclusively hereditary. The most common diseases:

  • dislocation of the knee joint;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • deformity of the hip joint;
  • all kinds of ophthalmological diseases.

Advice! To prevent the occurrence of disease, first of all, when purchasing a puppy, you need to familiarize yourself with the veterinary record of its parents.

Dog care

The breed is absolutely unpretentious in care.


Experts advise feeding your pets exclusively with premium food, which is intended for small breeds.

Important! Many Ret Terriers are prone to allergies; this fact must be taken into account and the choice of food must be taken as responsibly as possible.


Six need to be brushed out occasionally with a soft brush. It is recommended to bathe once every 10 days. Ears are cleaned regularly, and nails should be trimmed as they grow.


Walks, regardless of the conditions of detention, should be regular and as active as possible. It is recommended to spend at least 1 hour outside with your dog.

During a walk, the dog must be literally “driven”

Keeping a pet

How to keep a Jagdterrier
You should definitely walk your Jagdterrier for at least an hour and twice a day. If he is kept in an apartment, then it is necessary to guarantee him mobile, active walks with elements of training. Breeders of this breed are hunters, practical sports people who demand an exciting show and skill from the dog.

They are of little interest to the beauty of the dog’s external characteristics, but it is important that the purebred individual is as efficient as possible in his work

Keeping a yagda in a private yard provides the best living conditions for a four-legged pet. In the spacious territory he will always have the opportunity to roam freely. However, the Jagdterrier is a dog without a multi-layered protective coat, and therefore cannot survive the winter comfortably in outdoor conditions. It is necessary to organize a warm hut for its wintering.

Additional Information. To obtain offspring, a girl (bitch) at the age of 1.5 years after the third 21-day heat is brought to an adult (more than 2 years old) male for mating.


Grooming and trimming the breed is prohibited, but this is formal, and many owners damage the fur of their shaggy charges. The peculiarity of the hairs is that neither dirt nor snow sticks to them. Yagda wool does not require frequent washing; it is enough to just brush it once a week. To keep the fur looking shiny, clean and tangle-free, use a special brush made of natural hair or a rubber mitten for weekly brushing.

Features of feeding puppies

Jagdterrier puppies
Age plays an important role; adult dogs can easily do without special dietary supplements. The optimal dish for a hunting dog is considered to be porridge or goulash in meat and bone broth, to which, in addition to cereals, offal and vegetables are added. But the menu for a treat certainly includes:

  • oatmeal porridge (soaked in kefir or milk);
  • greens - nettle, mint, lettuce, celery;
  • milk – natural cow’s;
  • meat – dietary, lean;
  • carrots, cabbage;
  • boiled fish;
  • chicken eggs - yolk (no more than twice every 7 days).

Breeders often ask how many times a day is optimal to feed puppies. Baby animals up to two months are fed up to six times a day, then the diet is reduced to three times, and after 7–8 months two meals a day are enough. Older dogs can be given cartilage to eat. This will not only bring them joy, but also clean the plaque on their teeth.


German Jagd Terriers should be washed as rarely as possible. The use of pet shampoos and tap water have a bad effect on the quality of the coat. When hunting, a dog jumps into a pond after a shot bird; such a bath is enough to make the coat shiny, healthy and clean. The pet's ears are examined weekly. If there are stains, they are removed with a cotton swab moistened with hot water or a special lotion.

Jagdterriers are very intelligent and independent; anger and agility are inherited. Therefore, hunting experience and working diplomas of the puppies’ parents are important attributes that help to exclude a crossbreed.

Purchasing a puppy

You must purchase a dog exclusively from a special kennel. Since the breed is not recognized by the FCI, it is almost impossible to buy a puppy outside the United States.

A healthy puppy should be inquisitive and active

Regardless of the reason why it was decided to get a ret terrier, one thing is clear - the owner of a dog of this breed will never regret having such a smart and, most importantly, devoted companion in his life.

Andalusian ratonero

The breed belongs to the Spanish hunting dogs that appeared in the south of the country - Andalusia. This breed is also called the “tavern rat catcher” because it was created in order to exterminate rodents in various establishments.

The height of the ratonero reaches 43 cm, and the weight is within 10 kg.

The average lifespan of a pet is 14 years.

The main color of the Andalusian Ratonero is considered to be white with black, red and red patches. The ratonero's coat is uniform, dense, and has the same length throughout the body.

The breed is characterized by mobility, energy and friendliness towards people. The dog is quite manageable and disciplined, but at the same time it is restless and restless, so older people should not own this breed.

The breed can be recommended to athletes, hunters and active people.

Ratonero has a gentle character, he is good with children and does not conflict with other animals.

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