Reviews from owners about the Jack Russell Terrier dog breed: history of origin and description of the pet’s character

The Jack Russell Terrier is a hunting dog.

A very active and cheerful animal that will never leave its owner in trouble.

Despite his small size and good-natured appearance, he is not lacking in courage.

Representatives of the breed are restless.

Most of the time they are on the move.

They also have expressive personalities and fiery temperaments.

Let's look at everything in detail.

Origin story

Russell Terriers were bred in Great Britain for burrow hunting (particularly fox hunting), which became most popular among farmers in the early 18th century.

To climb into a hole and pull the animal out of there, the terrier must be small in size, quite nimble and dexterous. At the same time, they need considerable strength and strong jaws to capture the beast.

The English priest John Russell, also called Jack, was fond of fox hunting and carried out breeding work to improve the hunting qualities of terriers..

He carried out numerous crossings of terriers of different breeds and colors, trying to develop the most suitable breed of dog for hunting burrowing animals.

After the Second World War, Jack Russell Terriers spread to other countries..

Thus, in France, terriers were used to track hares, hunt birds and roe deer.

They are also able to track down a deer without spooking it due to their small size. Representatives of this breed will not be afraid of wild boar - hunting any animal makes them happy.

The Jack Russell Terrier breed was officially recognized only on January 1, 2016.

Drug treatment

There are a lot of antihistamines. They are divided into three categories:

  • tablets to reduce the reaction of H1/2 receptors;
  • drugs that bind and remove histamine;
  • agents that inhibit the production of histamine.

Dogs are usually given medications from the first group. The selection of tablets is carried out only by a veterinarian:

  • "Diprazine." Used for allergies that cause itching.
  • "Diazolin". They are discharged when the cause cannot be determined.
  • "Suprastin". Prescribed for allergies of any kind.
  • "Astemizole". Used for food forms, rhinitis, urticaria. These allergy pills should not be given to a pregnant dog.
  • "Ciprodine." Used for itching, serum sickness, urticaria, parasite bites.
  • "Executioner." Represents sugar cubes for the treatment of eczema.
  • Zyrtec. Facilitates the course of allergies.
  • "Loratadine." Often prescribed for flea dermatitis.
  • "Metypred."
  • "Prednisolone."
  • "Zodak".
  • "Cetrin".

Brief description of the breed and character

The vast majority of modern Jack Russell Terriers are white with brown or tan markings. The coat can be either smooth or hard.

The body is strong and flexible, the standard height of an adult is 25-30 cm . The muzzle narrows closer to the nose, the transition from the forehead is clearly pronounced.

Terriers of this breed are more compliant and obedient than representatives of other breeds.

They are distinguished by their independent character , inability to sit in one place for a long time, liveliness and playfulness .

Since the dog has strong hunting instincts, it has difficulty getting along with small pets, be it cats or domestic rabbits.

Due to their mobility, Jack Russells need long and frequent walks..


They can be excellent partners for sports - running is a joy for them.

Such pets are very energetic and love to bark loudly, especially in the absence of proper education and early socialization.

How to choose a puppy?

Sometimes choosing a hairless breed puppy is complicated by the fact that in one litter there are both hairless and furred puppies. This fact should not scare a potential buyer, because each breed has its own nuances. For example, Americans are born with short fur, but within a few months they become completely bald.

When choosing a Mexican, you need to take into account that the best puppy is the one with short legs, a blunt muzzle and folded skin. Over time, the baby will turn into an elegant dog with a graceful posture and a confident look. A purebred puppy of this breed costs approximately 60,000 rubles. At the same time, he has a package of necessary documents, which includes a veterinary passport and pedigree.

A fellow without documents will cost about 25,000 rubles. However, you should not count on him being a purebred; everything will depend on the integrity of the seller . You need to choose a baby from the nursery who is active, moderately curious and sociable.

Lethargy of an individual may indicate poor health or illness.

You should not buy a weak puppy, as it may develop diseases, including hereditary ones. A Peruvian purchased for breeding costs about $2000-2300. The one without papers will cost approximately $1000-$1200. You need to buy a puppy from a nursery with a proven reputation. At the same time, it is important to pay attention to the appearance of the litter: the puppies and mother must be clean and well-groomed, as well as the place where they are kept.

It is necessary to take the baby away from the mother only after he has acquired primary socialization skills and received the necessary vaccinations . Usually a baby is bought when he is about 3 months old. At the time of purchase, you need to carefully examine the baby: he must have the correct bite, but albinism or other defects indicate that the purchase is inadmissible.

These dogs are subject to disqualification and are not allowed to breed or participate in exhibitions.

Advantages and disadvantages

Jack Russell Terriers are only suitable for experienced owners.


  • They behave friendly towards children, especially if they grow up together.
  • As a representative of a small breed, the Jack Russell is also suitable for keeping in an apartment, since it takes up little space.
  • All representatives of Jack Russell Terriers are quite intelligent and can be successfully trained (although they can be stubborn).
  • Perfect for those who prefer an active lifestyle, frequent jogging and outdoor sports. The dog will always be ready to spend time with you outside, play and frolic. He will follow you when jogging and will even happily run behind you when riding a horse.
  • Energy and cheerfulness. You won't get bored with such a dog at any time of the year. She will definitely find something to do and keep her owner occupied.
  • Cheerful disposition.
  • Affectionate and sociable. Jack Russell Terriers love to be close to their owner no less than to run and frolic.
  • Healthy both physically and mentally.
  • Excellent guard qualities.
  • Caring for your pet is quite simple: you only need to pay special attention to the coat, teeth and ears.


  • Jack definitely needs a lot of physical activity. On average, you need to walk him for about 2.5 hours a day, otherwise the dog starts messing up the house out of boredom. If walks are boring and uninteresting, there is a high probability that in the near future a couple of things in the house will be damaged (the sofa is no exception).
  • Sometimes too active. These pets are very energetic - even at night they may not give rest if the dog has not played enough during the day.
  • Aggressive with cats and other small animals. Jack Russells, due to their hunting nature, are not able to get along with small animals, and this must be taken into account. He can tirelessly chase a cat or cat living with him around the rooms.
  • Doesn't like to be left alone. Being alone without the attention he needs, he can go into all sorts of bad ways, gnawing and scratching furniture and the owner’s favorite slippers.
  • It is necessary to devote a large amount of time to the dog, and you need to be prepared for this.

Types of allergies

What types of allergies are there? There are several ways to classify allergies. Some examples of such classifications include:

  • Allergen – flea allergy, food allergy
  • The route by which the allergen enters the body is an inhalation allergy, skin contact allergy, or food allergy
  • The time it takes for the immune system to respond—immediate-type hypersensitivity, also called anaphylaxis or shock, and delayed-type hypersensitivity
  • Clinical signs - allergic dermatitis or allergic bronchitis
  • Hereditary forms - atopic or seasonal allergies

What is a flea (flea bite) or insect allergy and how is it treated?

An insect sting allergy is an exaggerated inflammatory reaction to an insect sting. Arachnids such as spiders and mites, as well as insects including fleas, flies, flies, horse flies, mosquitoes, ants, bees, hornets and wasps, can cause allergic reactions in sensitive dogs.

Flea saliva is the most common insect allergen in dogs and causes flea allergy dermatitis. Most dogs experience minor local irritation from flea bites. But a dog sensitive to flea bites will experience severe local itching. A dog with flea allergy dermatitis will bite and scratch itself. This can cause her to lose a lot of hair, especially around the base of her tail. Secondary bacterial infection may develop in areas of damaged skin.

Because one flea can be a problem for a dog with flea dermatitis, strict flea control is necessary. This is difficult given the flea life cycle, but with modern monthly preventative measures and home treatment methods, you can provide a flea-free environment for your dog. Your canine dermatologist can give you tips on protecting your dog and other pets from fleas. When strict flea control is not possible or in cases of severe itching, your veterinarian dermatologist may prescribe antihistamines or corticosteroids (steroids) to block the acute allergic reaction and provide immediate relief. If a bacterial infection is present, the doctor will prescribe an appropriate antibiotic.

What is atopy or atopic dermatitis and how is it treated?

The term dog inhalant allergy is often used as a synonym for atopy or atopic dermatitis. The main inhalant (airborne) allergens are tree pollen (cedar, ash, oak, etc.), grass pollen, weed pollen (ragweed), mold, house dust mites. Many of these allergies occur seasonally, such as ragweed, cedar, and grass pollen. However, others, such as mold and house dust mites, are present year-round. When people inhale these allergens, the resulting allergies mainly manifest as upper respiratory symptoms: runny nose, runny nose, and sneezing (hay fever). Although allergy symptoms sometimes include allergic rhinitis or bronchitis, in most dogs, inhalation allergies involve itchy skin (pruritus). Because of these clinical signs, the condition is also called inhalant allergic dermatitis. The dog may rub its face, lick its feet, and scratch its armpits (armpits).

Most dogs with air allergies begin to show signs between one and three years of age. Affected dogs often react to multiple allergens and often experience concurrent flea or food allergies. If offending allergens can be identified using intradermal allergen tests (IDTs) or blood tests, the dog should be protected from exposure as much as possible. Since most of these allergens are found in the environment, repeated attacks are likely. The symptoms of atopy can be controlled, but permanent cure is not usually possible.

Treatment largely depends on the length of the allergy season. This may include one or more of the following three treatments:

Anti-inflammatory therapy

Treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs, such as corticosteroids or antihistamines, quickly blocks the allergic reaction in most cases. In some cases, adding fatty acids to the diet may improve response to steroids and antihistamines. Newly approved drugs such as oral cyclosporine are also very useful in treating atopy and have fewer long-term side effects than corticosteroids.

Shampoo therapy

Frequent bathing with hypoallergenic shampoo can soothe itchy, inflamed skin. Bathing also washes away allergens in and on the fur that may be absorbed through the skin. Some medicated shampoos also contain anti-inflammatory ingredients that may benefit your dog.

Hyposensitizing or desensitizing therapy

If specific offending antigens are identified during allergy testing, the dog may be prescribed allergy shots. In this treatment, very small amounts of antigen are administered weekly. The purpose of repeated dosing is to reprogram or desensitize the immune system. Success rates depend on this treatment. Approximately 50% of treated dogs experience significant improvement in their clinical signs, while approximately 25% of dogs experience a decrease in the amount or frequency of corticosteroid use.

What is food allergy and how to treat it?

Dogs can develop food allergies or food hypersensitivities to almost any protein or carbohydrate component in food. It most often develops in response to proteins in food. The most common food allergies in dogs are: dairy, beef, wheat gluten, chicken, chicken eggs, lamb and soy. Food allergies can develop at almost any age, but are most common in dogs over one year of age. Food allergies can cause any of the previously discussed clinical signs, including itching, digestive problems, and respiratory problems. A dog can have several types of allergies at the same time, such as food allergies and atopy, which makes accurately diagnosing the causes of itching in a dog quite difficult.

Food allergies usually do not respond well to corticosteroids or other treatments. Treatment requires identifying the offending component(s) of the diet and eliminating them. The most accurate way to test for food allergies is to do a diet challenge using a hypoallergenic diet. This diet is also known as an elimination diet. Since it takes at least eight weeks for all other foods to be eliminated from the body, the dog must be on a special diet exclusively for eight to twelve weeks. If the response to this testing is positive and your dog's clinical signs improve, your veterinarian dermatologist will advise you on how to proceed.

It should be emphasized that if the elimination diet is not followed exactly as prescribed by the veterinarian dermatologist or nutritionist, it will not constitute a valid test. All foods other than those prescribed, as well as treats and flavored vitamins should be discontinued for the duration of the diet. There may also be problems with certain types of chewable tablets or medications. Your veterinarian dermatologist will discuss the specific diet and any restrictions recommended for your dog.

What is contact allergy?

Contact allergies are the least common type of allergies in dogs. This occurs as a result of direct contact with allergens such as pyrethrins found in flea collars, pesticides used on the lawn, grasses, materials such as wool or synthetic materials used in carpets or bedding, etc. Contact allergies can develop at almost any age.

If your dog is allergic to any of these substances, skin irritation and itching will occur in the areas of contact, usually the feet and belly. Removing the allergen (as soon as it can be identified) often solves the problem.

Are they suitable for living in an apartment?

Jack Russell Terriers are small dog breeds and are therefore very compact. They are suitable for keeping both in private houses with a garden and in apartments.


If the dog lives in an apartment, it is necessary to take into account the increased activity of the pet.

If there is a park or playground for dogs near the house, this will definitely be a big plus, since you will have to walk the dog at least twice a day.

Useful tips

Unfortunately, even if you choose a special breed, an asthmatic is not immune from attacks. Allergies may develop over time. But if you follow simple rules, it can be avoided:

  • bathe your pet regularly;
  • comb and trim the fur;
  • do not allow the animal into the places where you sleep;
  • Do wet cleaning at home more often and ventilate the room.

Love animals and be healthy, but before getting a cat or dog, be sure to consult with your pulmonologist and allergist.

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Are dogs allergenic?

Jack Russell Terriers are an almost non-allergenic dog breed.

As you know, it is not dog hair that causes allergies in humans, but dying skin flakes..

With proper coat care and plucking of old fur (trimming), skin flakes will also be removed, which will make the dog even less allergenic.

Wire-haired terriers are much better suited for people with dog allergies than smooth-haired terriers..

Allergy factors

Contrary to popular belief, the body’s pathological reaction occurs not only to the dog’s coat. The most common allergens are secretions from the glands (saliva, sweat, sebum), animal urine and feces, and falling particles of dry epithelium. In addition, the pet brings pollen, dirt, small parasites, and fungal spores from the street.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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These substances accumulate on the fur, then upon contact they enter the skin and mucous membranes of a person. Some of them are airborne. The body most often perceives Can f 1, contained in particles of canine epithelium, as a hostile antigen.

An allergic reaction does not always appear immediately after contact with a dog. It can be cumulative, when symptoms become visible after prolonged exposure to foreign substances and persist for some time after the cause has been eliminated.

Hypersensitivity to a pet can be judged by the following symptoms:

  • redness, inflammation of the eyelids or sclera;
  • swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • dry mouth, cough, frequent sneezing;
  • copious discharge of fluid from the eyes and nose;
  • difficulty breathing in and out of air;
  • the appearance of red itchy spots, swelling, rashes on the skin.

The principle of allergies is not yet fully understood. A person has different sensitivity to dogs of the same breed, a negative reaction, for example, only to uncastrated individuals or males.

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