Maintenance and care of the Rottweiler. How does one treat children and what are the nuances of raising a dog?

Rottweilers are classified as service dogs; they are considered to be potentially dangerous to others due to their uncontrollable aggressive nature. In fact, this is a highly trainable breed that, with the right attitude, will become a protector and loyal friend.

Let's look at how to properly maintain and care for a Rottweiler so that the puppy grows into a disciplined dog.

Types of enclosures

According to the material from which the enclosure is made, it can be:

  • Wooden.
  • Metallic.
  • Combined

According to the degree of openness and insulation, enclosures are divided into:

  • Open.
  • Partially open.
  • Partially insulated.
  • Fully insulated over the entire surface.

These indicators depend on the time of year.


In terms of size, only a large enclosure is suitable for a Rottweiler, out of the existing small and medium ones.


Since the Rottweiler is a fairly large and bulky breed of dog, the size of its enclosure should be at least ten square meters.

The height of the enclosure should also be large . This way the dog will receive as much light as possible in warm weather.

A booth located inside the enclosure will help protect you from the cold.

Is it possible to keep a Rottweiler on a chain?

If you want to have a dog in your yard that will sit on a chain, it is better to get a “Caucasian” or a Moscow watchdog. The “specialization” of Rottweilers is like this

  • watchman;
  • bodyguard;
  • guard;
  • family companion;
  • security guard.

This dog is not suitable as a chain watchdog. Caring for a Rottweiler involves giving your pet the opportunity to realize his potential and physical capabilities. This is a very good-natured family breed, but in case of danger that threatens the owner or his home, he becomes a formidable defender.


Before building a pen, the owner must determine the location for its installation. The Labrador is a friendly dog ​​with an excellent sense of smell and keen eyesight. Therefore, the lattice wall of the enclosure should provide a view of the area. Make sure that there are no sewer wells or kitchen hood outlets near the building.

A step-by-step construction plan will help you not to miss important details.

  1. Place a support made of bricks or concrete masonry to maintain a gap between the floor and the ground. This way you can avoid rotting of the floor boards.
  2. Weld a metal frame from blanks of the required size. The most convenient material for the base of the structure is a steel profile pipe.
  3. Lay the floors at a slight angle to the grating to allow rainwater to drain to the ground. Treat them twice with an antifungal solution.
  4. Build blank walls from stacked wooden panels. Treat them with an antifungal agent. Paint or varnish.
  5. Build a lattice wall using iron rods. Attach it to the main frame by welding. Prime and paint.
  6. Install the wooden door so that it opens inward. Attach a latch lock on the outside.
  7. Lay the roof. For this you can use slate, polycarbonate, roofing felt. The roof should protrude beyond the perimeter of the walls and be equipped with a groove for drainage of precipitation.

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Dog breeders do not recommend decorating the enclosure with hanging flower pots or planting flower beds near the structure. The strong aroma of plants will irritate the dog's delicate sense of smell.

How does he treat children?

A child and a Rottweiler will become good friends, especially if they have been raised together since birth. The dog feels responsible for the baby's safety. But it should be noted that this is not an animal that will tolerate children's pranks for a long time. This does not mean that the Rottweiler has a biased attitude towards the baby. The animal just won’t put up with some joint games.

Rottweilers are not a breed of patient nannies, so it is necessary to explain to the child from an early age that it is forbidden to pull the animal’s tail, touch its nose or eyes. Otherwise he will bite. Adults need to keep the child and dog in sight at all times when spending time together to prevent unpleasant situations.

It is best to get a Rottweiler where the children are already grown up . A 10-year-old child already understands what is permissible to do with an animal and what is absolutely forbidden. The main thing is that he immediately learns that a Rottweiler dog should be respected.

Note! While a Rottweiler can get along with a small member of its family, the dog treats strangers with suspicion. Therefore, in order to avoid misunderstandings, you should only walk your pet on a leash.


If the owner plans to breed Rottweilers, then you should know everything about the puberty of these dogs.


The first heat in Rottweilers occurs at the age of 8-12 months . After which it appears every 6 months. The duration of estrus is about 18-21 days.


Mating of Rottweilers is usually carried out on the territory of the male dog, since he feels more confident in a familiar environment. Dogs should be left alone, this will make them more comfortable. If dogs fail to breed, owners must help the process.

To do this, the owner of the male dog holds his pet by the stomach, and with the other hand directs the loop to the male genital organ. After several matings, the genitals of the bitch and the male are joined, which is called a “lock.” Dogs can remain in this state from several minutes to 1 hour. “Castle” indicates successful fertilization. If it was not there, even after the male ejaculated, the mating can be considered unsuccessful.


The gestation period for puppies varies between 57-70 days . It all depends on the individual characteristics of the bitch’s body. The first half of pregnancy proceeds unnoticed, then the pet becomes lethargic and irritable. Closer to the birth, she begins to “build a nest”, trying to find the most comfortable place to give birth to puppies.


Childbirth is quite a difficult process for a beginner. If this happens for the first time, it is better to use the services of an experienced dog handler.

The birth of a Rottweiler should take place in a quiet, calm environment. No more than 2 people should be present. By the time of birth, the dog breathes frequently and shallowly, the first attempts appear, and it begins to sulk. When the first puppy appears, you should rupture the placenta, cut off the umbilical cord, leaving about 5 centimeters, shake out the water from the respiratory tract, and wipe it dry. Place the baby close to the mother so that he can latch on, then wait for the next puppy to appear.

Keeping a Rottweiler is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. This is a very smart, disciplined animal. The main thing is to provide the necessary living conditions, proper care and training. Then the family will receive not only a protector in the person of a pet, but also a faithful, devoted friend.

Briefly about the breed

Rottweilers are descended from Roman legionnaire dogs that guard military livestock and are similar in appearance to modern Rottweilers and Neapolitan Mastiffs.

The Rottweiler breed was developed in the German city of Rottweil to help farmers hold cattle fairs.

Modern representatives of the breed have an average, balanced constitution. Males grow up to 61-70 cm, females - up to 56-65 cm, and the average weight of dogs is 42-50 kg.

Rottweilers have a short, coarse coat with a dense, dense undercoat, colored black with symmetrical patches of red tan located on the cheekbones, eyes, throat, paws and crotch.

Read more about what Rottweilers look like here.

How does he get along with cats?

A cat and a Rottweiler dog can become friends if they grew up together - they will not share the territory and will be able to get along peacefully. The animals will have fun together, and if danger arises, the dog will protect the cat, like the rest of the family.

Even if the dog and cat met not long ago, the Rottweiler will not rush at her every time they meet. His position in this case is to calmly observe the movements of the emerging animal, sometimes growling when the cat enters his territory.

Tail docking

Today, many breeders are arguing whether it is necessary to dock a Rottweiler’s tail or whether this is an optional procedure.

Why dock?

Today there is no need to dock the Rottweiler's tail . This operation is performed only to improve the dog’s appearance. There is an opinion that an undocked tail visually lengthens the body of the animal, making the appearance disproportionate. Most breeders are against surgical intervention, believing that it is cruelty to animals.

Interesting! In some countries, Rottweilers with undocked tails are of great value at exhibitions. Although docking up to two vertebrae at the base does not go beyond the standard.

In some cases, tail docking is a genetic necessity. After all, a tail twisted into a ring does not meet the standard.

At what age?

Tail trimming of a Rottweiler is required no later than 6 months . Anesthesia will be required as this is a very painful procedure. After which the pet will require post-operative care.

Next in the photo you can see what a Rottweiler looks like with a tail.

How to educate?

Rottweilers are quick-witted and intelligent dogs, so they are easy to train . But this does not mean that the dog’s development as a person can be left to chance. In order to raise a smart, disciplined dog, it will take a lot of time, effort and patience.

Toilet train

You should start toilet training your puppy almost immediately after he arrives in the house. To do this, you should purchase a tray in which the dog will do “his business.” When a small pet begins to sniff and stomp around in one place, it needs to be taken to the tray. At the same time, you need to praise the baby if he went to the toilet where he should and did not miss. Over time, he will begin to do this on his own.

If the puppy is unable to go to the litter box for a long time, it is necessary to spread disposable diapers everywhere. He will like to go to the toilet on a soft one. Gradually you need to remove the diapers, reducing the area until there is only one tray with a diaper left.

After the baby has learned to use the litter tray, all vaccinations have already been completed, you can start going to the toilet in the fresh air. When going for a walk, you should take a used diaper from the tray with you; the familiar smell will help the puppy find his bearings. After some time, he will understand the purpose of walking, he will endure it, and ask to go outside.

Stop barking

There are several techniques due to which the Rottweiler becomes more flexible and stops barking at the first signal:

  1. Achieve unquestioning execution of commands “to me” or “to my foot”. This way the pet will be distracted by the owner, stopping making noise.
  2. Touch your ears. The animal will react positively to stroking; in moments of anxiety, the dog will calm down.
  3. Use specialized herbal-based nutritional supplements with a calming effect. This method is well suited for owners who do not have the opportunity to train for a long time.
  4. Try to avoid situations that provoke your Rottweiler to bark.

Features of education

You can train a Rottweiler either independently or seek help from a dog handler.

At home

Raising a Rottweiler at home is not an easy task . To do this, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Learn one command at a time. There is no need to rush around trying to teach several commands at once. This will confuse the pet, as a result of which it will not learn a single command.
  2. Try to conduct training at the same time and in the same place. The dog must get used to the activities.
  3. Teach the basics of defense and attack.

Dog handler

Training, first of all, involves interacting with your pet, gaining trust and respect, and only then learning commands. Dog handlers conduct training classes together with the owner, explaining to both how to behave, what is permissible and what is strictly prohibited.

Price range

The price of an enclosure usually depends on the material from which it is made, as well as the complexity of the design.

The most expensive combined enclosures . But if you are going to buy or build it from expensive wood or metal, then the price will be appropriate.

For example, when purchasing an oak enclosure with metal rods, you will pay 95 thousand rubles for it. Length, width and height are respectively 4x3x2.5 meters.

For an enclosure, consisting mainly of a lattice, with a metal roof, you will have to pay 52 thousand rubles. Its dimensions will be 3x2x2 m. This is the lowest price for an outdoor enclosure.


Enclosures less than 50 thousand rubles are most often made of low-quality materials; they are short-lived and quickly become unusable.

Also, their components can be toxic to dogs.

Purchasing a cheap design risks the fact that even the dog itself can break, for example, the exit grate and escape outside . The roof of such enclosures leaks, they are not insulated, and in winter the dog will feel uncomfortable in this structure.

In the worst case scenario, the enclosure could collapse directly on top of the animal.

The average price for a “house” for an animal is 60 thousand rubles . This is the best money to purchase, if not the highest quality materials, then at least those that can last your pet 6-7 years.

Additionally, you can only spend money on insulating the floors and walls.

If you buy an enclosure for more than 95 thousand, you risk being deceived . Good and high-quality materials can be bought for less.

General characteristics of muzzles

The mesh of the metal muzzle is made of nickel-plated wire. Some meshes may have a leather lining to protect the Rottweiler's short coat from abrasion. These muzzles are durable and do not require special care. The mesh does not make breathing difficult, but eliminates the possibility of bites.

However, the mesh cannot be used in winter - the Rottweiler's lips and tongue may stick to the metal. And in wet weather, the metal can become rusty. Due to leather inserts, diaper rash often appears on the dog's skin. During training, you run the risk of injury from being hit by a metal muzzle.

Closed leather muzzles can completely protect passers-by from Rottweiler bites. They are tightly fixed on the dog's face, leaving only the nose free. To prevent the Rottweiler's skin from suffering, the muzzle has holes for air ventilation. This muzzle is convenient in cold and rainy seasons. But in hot weather it is better to avoid it - the animal will not be able to breathe in it, sticking out its tongue.

Leather “baskets” are used in any weather. In it, the Rottweiler will breathe and drink some water with his tongue hanging out. He will also be able to pick up garbage from the ground. So the “basket” is only put on trained dogs who obey their owner unquestioningly. A few more disadvantages: leather “baskets” need to be constantly cleaned and lubricated with special oil. Over time, they become unusable.

Plastic muzzles are an excellent replacement for “baskets”. They are also used in any weather. At the same time, muzzles prevent dog bites and are easy to care for. But even here there are some drawbacks. Plastic can rub your dog's skin or crack at the wrong time.

For walks in public places, a bridle muzzle is suitable. It will securely fix the Rottweiler's mouth right in the middle, preventing its powerful jaws from opening. Wear-resistant and low-maintenance bridles are suitable for any time of year.

Types of booths

There are booths:

  • With a gable roof.
  • Single-pitched roof.
  • With vestibule.
  • With a canopy.
  • With a door.
  • Two-story.
  • Double rooms for two dogs.


To make the optimal kennel, you need to take several measurements from the dog: from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail - this is the depth, the height at the withers plus 5 cm is the height of the room, the chest width plus 5 cm is the width of the opening into the kennel.

For a Rottweiler on average these will be the following indicators:

  • Height – 80 cm.
  • Depth – 110 cm.
  • Booth width – 75 cm.
  • The dimensions of the hole are 50 by 35 cm.

What does a dog need?

In order for a Rottweiler to develop normally, it is necessary to provide it with the necessary conditions.


For an outdoor Rottweiler it is necessary to build an enclosure . It should be cozy for the dog. It is very important to choose the right place. A good option would be a dry area, preferably on a hill. Thanks to this, in rainy weather, water will not accumulate inside the dog’s “dwelling”.

Note! It is better if from the chosen place the dog can see the yard and the entrance gate.

When building an enclosure, the direction of the wind should be taken into account. On the side where it blows more, you need to put a closed wall. Some should be located in the sun, some in the shade. Rottweilers require a lot of space - 10 square meters will be enough. The floor of the enclosure must be made of concrete. This way the dog will not be able to dig his way to freedom.

A Rottweiler living outside spends most of his time in an enclosure, so he should build a booth inside it, where the dog can rest and gain strength. The structure must be spacious so that the animal can freely enter, turn around, lie down and stretch out. But you shouldn’t make the booth too spacious - the dog may freeze while sleeping .

If the Rottweiler will live in a kennel in winter, then the structure must be equipped with double walls with a layer of insulation between them without gaps. In cold weather, the booth should be covered with a rug or tarpaulin.


A harness is only required for walking the dog in crowded places . As for keeping a Rottweiler in the yard of a private house, the dog should under no circumstances be chained. This will negatively affect the psyche and further development of the animal.


The Rottweiler is exactly the kind of animal that needs to wear a muzzle while walking. This will help protect your pet from eating dirty objects from the ground and subsequent poisoning.

Advice! A muzzle will help avoid conflict situations with passers-by, since many are afraid of large dogs.


Like any dog, the Rottweiler needs to purchase a collar . In this case, the accessory must be metal or leather and be durable. Such powerful dogs can quickly ruin fragile items.

How to care for a Rottweiler puppy - health and nutrition features

Many large dogs, including Rottweilers, are at risk of developing osteochondrosis and arthrosis. In addition, with age, problems with the hip and elbow joint may appear. An adult dog can weigh about 50 kilograms. In just 12 months of its life, the puppy increases its body weight, increasing it 80 times.

In order for your baby’s musculoskeletal system to develop correctly, it is necessary to supply his body with useful elements׃

  • glucosamine;
  • fatty acids EPA and DHA;
  • chondroitin.

This breed is predisposed to diseases such as

  • diabetes;
  • cataract;
  • obesity;
  • cardiological pathologies.

Proper nutrition can help relieve some health problems. Specialized food for puppies of this breed “Rottweiler Junior” will help the pet develop properly and receive all the necessary vitamins, fats, acids and minerals. When a dog turns 1.5 years old, it can be switched to dry food intended for an adult dog. For example, on Rottweiler Adult.

Why is this food useful?

  • helps to avoid problems with joint diseases;
  • keeps your pet in shape - prevents obesity;
  • Constantly gnawing on croquettes increases the strength of teeth and gum health, and prevents the formation of tartar.

Rottweilers need large meals. In the first two months, the puppy should receive food several times a day. Then food intake is reduced to 3-4 times. An adult dog is transferred to two feedings a day.

If your pet eats dry food, you must adhere to the dosages indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. While Rottweilers cannot be overfed, feeding them once a day is not acceptable.

Historical reference

The Rottweiler descends from ancient mastiff-like herding dogs. Experts say that breeding began in the 6th century. BC e. in Babylon, from where the breed penetrated into Ancient Egypt, and then became a favorite of the Roman legionnaires, who dressed the Rotti in armor and released it onto the battlefield, terrifying the enemy. Legionnaires brought the dog to Europe, namely to Southern Germany, in the first half of the 2nd millennium BC. e.

The breed received its official calling in 1901 from the First German Union of Police Dogs. In 1914, immigrants from Rottweil entered Russian territory.

Rottweil butchers trusted the guarding qualities of their Rottweilers so much that they hung bags containing the day's earnings around their necks and sent them home. Thanks to the bloodthirsty reputation of the breed, no one dared to approach the brave dogs.

Defects and deficiencies considered disqualifying

Dogs that exhibit the following defects are not allowed to participate in exhibitions:

  • discrepancy between the appearance of the animal’s sex (females as males and vice versa);
  • excessive aggression, excitability or wariness;
  • signs of cowardice;
  • different colors of the irises, yellow eyes, eversion or inversion of the eyelids;
  • absence of most of the teeth, defective bite;
  • long or wavy guard hair;
  • presence of white spots.

Excessive aggression or excitability is a fault of the breed.

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