Giant Schnauzer - photo, breed description, puppies (price and kennels)

Dog kennel FLERDIMON. Giant Schnauzer, Miniature Schnauzer

Description:I, Marina Grigorenko, am the owner and breeder of a kennel of unique breeds of dogs - Giant Schnauzer and Miniature Schnauzer. Why Risen? I admire these strong athletes, active bearded dogs, affectionate in the family and quick watchdogs, hard, non-shedding coat - an opportunity to keep dogs in the apartment and on the street. Hardy, intelligent, a dog that makes you think! We are located outside the city, which allows our dogs to be in excellent physical shape. Long walks are the key to health. In our nursery you can find yourself a universal companion. Our pets undergo health and mental tests and successfully participate in beauty exhibitions. With us, you will learn lessons in caring for your schnauzer's coat, learn how to raise and understand your puppy. During your vacation, your pet will be happily welcomed into its home. Our friendly team welcomes new lovers of the breed. Regular consultations, provision of literature on the breed, securing you to food supply - all this will help our owners. Our dogs live all over Russia and the Near Abroad. Join us!

Giant Schnauzer - reviews

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06.16.2021 at 23:12


I am the happy owner of a Giant Schnauzer from the Rus Asterschwarz kennel. He is impossibly handsome, our champion Rigsby. But the most important thing is his character. Sometimes you think that this is not a dog, but a person. Cheerful, perky, mischievous... But in a second he turns into a defender. Feels the situation and acts as it should. He is our joy, happiness and love of my entire family.

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I’ll say right away that in my review there will be no touching sushi-pussy and other tenderness - I’ll only tell you about what future owners need to be prepared for.

The breeding of this service breed is now clearly divided into 2 camps - these are exhibition show dogs (from the famous kennels Gloris and Gently Born) and working dogs (those who undergo protective guard service courses with their owners, constantly participate in Russian rings, etc., these are kennels Bakar Kahn, Rus Asterschwartz, Star Dream, etc.). The blood and characters of these dogs are completely different. Therefore, if you are not ready to engage in constant training and competitions throughout the dog’s life, and do not have the strength to strictly raise the dog, it is better to choose a show class. This will at least minimize the negative consequences of your laziness in this matter (let's be honest with each other). Show dogs, by their character and behavior, are now more adapted to sofa-apartment life, although some of them successfully take courses in dog breeding, etc. However, be prepared for the fact that any dog ​​of this breed requires at least a general course of OKD training and a certain rigor in education.

I have observed some Risen dogs whose owners did not undergo OCD at all and did not educate them - and in the end they got a terrible something, pulling on a leash, barking at all the dogs and being completely unobedient. These owners ran after their dogs, trying to catch them on a leash or, for example, driving their dogs away from other people, whom they jumped on, getting their clothes dirty with their paws.

It’s absolutely true that the breed requires long walks and activity from its owners. The more time you devote to your Rizen, the more happy and controllable he will be in everyday life. Otherwise, your pet’s character will QUICKLY deteriorate, he may begin to destroy the apartment, establish dominance over the owners, start fights on the street, etc. - just read the specialized forums on this topic.

If you are ready to spend a LOT of time on training, on long and active walks, on training from puppyhood, clearly explain to the puppy what is possible and what is not allowed, strictly suppress disobedience, read forums and literature on the proper education of dogs, spend a lot of money on keeping a dog (nutrition, trimming, treatment, vaccinations, ammunition, etc.) - then this is your breed. Otherwise, I recommend purchasing more “domestic” and “comfortable” breeds, such as Labrador, etc.

Let me summarize the above:

As the first breed in life, absolutely not.

If you don’t have time for long walks and training, absolutely not.

The Giant Schnauzer requires at least minimal experience in keeping dogs and a great desire to spend time on it.


Hello everyone! Never get this dog if you don’t have the time and money to take care of it, never!

I have been taking care of large guard and service breed dogs and living with them since childhood. I have successfully raised 2 Caucasian Shepherd dogs, an Alabai, a boxer, a pit bull and now I am dreaming of a bull terrier.

Now I take dogs for foster care, I have never encountered such horror and such a nightmare as what the owners turned into.

When the owner entered my apartment, this black something was dangling with him in all directions.

Something wild, timid, curious, stupid, overexcited. With the wrong leash and food included.

At the first command, the dog stupidly ran away from me; on closer inspection, it turned out to be very old and quite gray, with bad ears.

The dog sincerely did not know even one of the simplest commands, such as sit or place, and did not understand gestures at all. The owner complained that the dog was stealing food, digging trash and being mischievous.

When I took her, I was already dreaming about how we would go to the skating rink together, go shopping, to the playground, meet friends, and just take a thoughtful walk together in the park.

I did not require full socialization, like riding the subway, carrying bags, helping to stand up, etc. How I trained my dogs. For me, a dog is a companion, an assistant, a family member and a companion.

But when I took Risen out onto the street, everything became clear inside and out.

A black uncontrollable creature, vaguely with the habits of a dog, rushed around me, away from me, in all directions from me. The command nearby was received with incomprehension, I tried to keep the leash shorter, the dog got scared and did not understand why and what they wanted from it. The dog was swimming in the snow, jumping in all directions, tangling its leash, being afraid of everything, barking at dogs and people. This was the first walk from which I was shocked, I caught puzzled looks from dog walkers and even dogs….

When I came home, I realized that I needed to start training, immediately and no matter that she was old. The beginning was not very good, because the dog did not understand what was going to happen, but she quickly learned the basic commands, to my surprise. She also adapted to the rules very quickly; there was no more cleaning or even going to the kitchen. She also learned a new command: when a person carries food, she backs up and immediately gives way in the corridor without touching the food. This is a very smart dog.

She is changing, but why should she change at that age - the animal is under extreme stress, often she doesn’t understand why and what she is doing, she cried at night, I consoled her, it’s hard for an animal to undergo training and education at that age!! Everything is stressful for her and I feel sorry for the animal. But she is loose, spoiled, thrown out by the owner's indifference, locked in an apartment there within 4 walls, no one has ever worked with her, she was treated like a toy, she has never been to a specialized area, although she learned fetch in seconds, no one trained and not trained, but her character needs it, because this is not an apartment dog, this is an ideal service dog.

After such cases, people simply hated for their callousness and caring attitude


I want to talk about my experience with Giant Schnauzer dogs. I myself have kept (and keep) midgets and miniatures). But having communicated a lot with Giant Schnauzers, I sincerely consider them the best dogs!

Of the entire group of schnauzers, they are the calmest and most reasonable. Even the most spoiled Risen behaves quite adequately during a haircut. And how pleasant it is to communicate with trained Giant Schnauzers!

I started my work as a groomer with schnauzers, so I saw quite a lot of Rizens. Basically, Risen's haircut (trimming) goes like this - he sleeps peacefully on his side while you pinch off one side. Then you pat him on the shoulder - “Get up, other side!” The dog wakes up, lies down on the other side and calmly falls asleep))

Untrained dogs are rare - after all, the breed is large and owners generally feel responsible for keeping such a dog and undergo at least minimal training. But one copy did come across my path. Completely spoiled - the owners allowed him everything, they “loved” him very much. On a walk, I met him in the forest, and walked around him with my small dogs in a large, large arc - the owner could not hold him, and he rushed barking at everyone - very unpleasant.

But for a haircut he was quite adequate. He endured and obeyed commands. Everything would have been absolutely perfect if my doorbell had not rung while I was getting my hair cut. I left the dog and went to open it. I resolved the issues and returned. And Risen decided that the haircut was already over and he had endured enough. He took a defensive position in the corner of the room and barked at me from there (his teeth were huge!). Approaching a dog in the corner would be the height of stupidity)). But everything ended well. I just strictly commanded “come to me!” and he came up (a strict aunt, commands - it’s better to obey)). And he calmly finished his hair.

Many people write that Giant Schnauzers are not a dog for beginners. But I don’t think so. These are very intelligent dogs. Beginner dog breeder, this does not mean not knowing. and if a person imagines that any dog ​​needs to be given time and attention, then the Giant Schnauzer will be a wonderful dog for the whole family. Risens are the best of the schnauzers, intelligent dogs. And like all schnauzers, they are able to understand simple words and learn very quickly.

With such a dog it’s like being behind a stone wall! Reliable protection and most sincere communication! The look is simply human!

Now this breed has become very rare. Many former owners of Risen dogs have got miniature or miniature dogs - the rhythm of modern life does not leave people time to train such a large dog. But enthusiasts still remain and it is very pleasant to meet the smartest breed on earth. And even exhibition breeding has not spoiled the breed much - Rizens are still smart and trainable. It’s just that there’s more fur, but otherwise everything is the same.


A wonderful strong noble breed that will be the best companion for you and your family. Very smart and affectionate, this dog will protect you in times of danger and will be there in moments of sadness and joy.

One of the most stately and beautiful dog breeds that can be bought in Russia. These dogs (schnauzers) can compete in intelligence, perhaps, only with shepherd dogs and some other breeds, but they are more sickly. In this review I will write about our Gretchen (female), the tail is not docked, the ears are not set, with a pedigree, the youngest of the litter. It is worth saying that this is not the first schnauzer in our family; before her, we had a wonderful male schnauzer, who, due to his smaller size, was more active, sociable and looked more like a person than a dog. But so that you understand my attitude, for me the Miniature Schnauzer is a childhood friend, so I consider him an ideal. So, let's move on to the pros and cons of the Giant Schnauzer breed.


  1. Inspiring respect and perhaps fear, appearance
  2. A protective dog, an excellent guard, can give his life for his owner, protecting him; after training, he is distrustful (not aggressive) towards strangers
  3. Very smart, easily and quickly trained even at home.
  4. Very sociable, playful, affectionate, understanding dog
  5. Strong, can carry a sled with children, ride them on her back
  6. They are hyperactive, so you won’t get bored with them, they love long walks, they can be trained to accompany a cyclist
  7. Gets along with other smaller pets (but preferably neutered)
  8. Of all the diseases in 10 years, there were only wen and ticks
  9. Used by dog ​​handlers to search for explosive substances, drugs, search for missing people, rescue people from rubble, and are used in convoys.
  10. Has a so-called heroic character. Even without training, it can save the life of a person/animal in need. (He often jumps into the water after his mother when she swims far and gently pulls her hand to the shore =)).
  11. Even without training, they neutralize people who are aggressive towards their owners (they don’t rush, but rather knock them to the ground so that the person gives up)

Now let's talk about the possible disadvantages:

  1. All problems with disobedience and aggression are solved by training, at least the initial one, so that the dog is disciplined; without training, the dog demonstrates the absolute properties of a protector, not allowing it to approach the owner at arm's length. But again, training will take a month, and the dog will be with you all its life.
  2. It may not be suitable for weak and lazy owners, however, like the Miniature Schnauzer. Requires constant physical activity, cannot sit still, loves to run, swim, constantly do something, loves the attention and affection of the owner.
  3. The ears are a weak point; there may be ear mites if the dog swims often. It is necessary to install ears, but this is not done for the new exterior. You'll have to watch your ears or hang up with exhibitions. With erect ears, the dog visually looks less friendly.
  4. The tail must be docked, it hits the legs like a bamboo rod, bumps may appear under the tail at 5+ years of life, the tail does not even visually suit this dog.
  5. I do not recommend keeping weaker dogs next to this one, only if they are of the same breed. Girls, even after castration, are very jealous; ours eats cats all the time (eats from their bowls).
  6. Regarding trimming or cutting (for terrier crosses) - this is a standard procedure 2 times a year, there is nothing wrong with it, you can do it yourself, it takes an hour and a half.

I recommend this dog will take root even in a small Khrushchev-era apartment building!


We acquired this breed in 2008, before her there was a boxer. There were no breeders in our city, we went to Nizhny Novgorod. They took it as a puppy, a brand, a passport... then the price was 8 thousand rubles. She was a wonderful puppy. A very smart breed, 100% trainable, but so cunning! Apparently we didn’t educate her properly, she made faces at exhibitions, and in general nothing came of it. We went through training with dog handlers, she knows all the commands how to do it. But. We will never buy this breed again. We suffered a lot (apparently not for us). He comes out of the house and barks at the whole entrance, goes out into the street and wakes up the whole house. He sleeps only on soft ones, a little cold starts to hurt, he pees. A tick bites - it lies near death with IVs, a burdock on the fur - hysterics, sometimes chews blankets or underwear. Sometimes you just can’t take the leash away from her, we’ll put it in her mouth and that’s it. As I grew older (at age 7), tumors began to appear throughout my body. A couple even had to be cut out. Then they spread all over the body, went to the veterinarian, and they told me to cut out the uterus (cysts on the ovaries and something like that.) They cut out the entire chest and everything inside. We barely got out. Now I write constantly. She wears diapers at home, but they still don’t help. In general, it is a very difficult breed, capricious and gets sick A LOT. But we love her very much, so we allow her to behave as she wants) The breed is not for us, I repeat. She needs stricter owners, closer to professionals.


I have always been fascinated by service dogs bred in Germany, and my dream was to have a Doberman dog, but in life I accidentally met a breeder of the Giant Schnauzer breed, who introduced me to this breed, and I became the happy owner of a puppy of this breed. This is my first dog in my life, and I made mistakes in raising and training. I especially suffered with ear cropping! The breed is both a guard and a very good companion, VERY CLIMBING CHARACTER, prone to wandering, a lot of work is “trimming” grooming. He lived for 9 years and 3 months, and “went into the valley of the dog” from ascites (dropsy). My next dog will definitely be a Giant Schnauzer, who won my heart with her intelligence and protective qualities as a service dog.


We have long dreamed of having a dog. We live in an apartment, so long-haired breeds were immediately rejected. But it was impossible to pass by the Giant Schnauzer puppy. This goatee is like a goat's, these eyes look into the soul. In general, we decided and have never regretted it. Our Max has grown into a loyal friend and quite a good nanny. There were no problems living in the apartment, although it requires long walks and training with a dog handler. The breed is suitable for wealthy people.


Hello, dear readers, today I want to share with you my story about a very cute purebred dog. We will talk about the Giant Schnauzer dog breed.

My best friend has a dog of this breed, I remember him as a puppy. She gave him an interesting nickname, “Tsar.” She bought a puppy about two years ago. It cost her 38,000 rubles, all vaccinations were done, and she has a brand. The Tsar grew up quickly; already at six months he was unrecognizable; he quickly grew taller. In general, dogs of this breed are very strong, easy to train, and not aggressive (even if a small child plays with them, he will behave calmly). And now a little history... The breed was bred in Germany, they were the main assistants to farmers, grazed livestock and guarded the house. This breed is also good because it doesn’t smell like a dog at all, I don’t know what kind of magic it is... Grooming is standard, you just need to comb the hair. Once a month, a friend trims the hair near her ears, eyes and nose. She is very happy with her pet and has never once complained about him. If you dream of buying a dog, then this breed is ideal for you; it will make great friends with children and will guard your home. Thank you for your attention.


https://kutyata.rf/Reviews-of-the-breed/Giant Schnauzer

Positive traits

Easy to train, no smell, suitable for small dogs and children. Excellent health, companion. Protects the owner no matter what. The endurance is excellent. Able to hear and understand. Devoted with high intelligence and lots of positivity.


I didn’t find it in my dog. If something is chewed, then this is only a gap in the upbringing of the owner herself.


https://kutyata.rf/Reviews-of-the-breed/Giant Schnauzer

Positive traits

Devotion, strength, ability to protect, people-oriented with proper upbringing, your own opinion.


Willfulness, obstinacy, cunning.

Andrey --

https://kutyata.rf/Reviews-of-the-breed/Giant Schnauzer

Positive traits

She is smart, easy to train and responds well to commands, no matter how excited she is, very sociable, very active. Doesn't smell like dog. In games he is cunning, for example, he likes to search, he has already found it, but pretends that he is still looking, looking at the owners. He loves different games very much. A good defender, although sometimes she herself is afraid of whom she is protecting from. Loves water. Balanced dog.


On a walk, the “nearby” command is torture for her; she tries to go a little forward in order to quickly break into “cut” circles (maybe this is my shortcoming in training). Walking calmly is not for her. In fact, sometimes I’m afraid of being driven to death while walking. Very active when walking. She chases cats, dogs and anyone who shows that she is afraid of her, and not maliciously, just catch up and sniff or bark if they resist, does not react to those whom she cannot reach and to those who do not run away (for example, the hedgehog is not interesting). You have to tinker with the fur, but this is not a disadvantage, but a feature of the breed. There is no selfless devotion, for example, like in spaniels. The dog has a hard time in hot weather.

Sergeeva Natalya

6 months ago we bought a Giant Schnauzer (my husband wanted an Alabai, but mine took it). Our whole family fell madly in love with our Arnusha. She sleeps with us, eats, walks, goes to Kislovodsk and to the sea, she is a full member of our family. He gets along well with children who are 6 years old (sometimes he steals candy from them that was accidentally forgotten somewhere). We are crazy about her. Parents, if your child asks to buy him a dog, buy a Giant Schnauzer, the child will have fun and will never be offended.


I wanted this breed for a very long time. My mother instilled a love for Risen movies from childhood!!! And now I have my manyunya))) My little love) Her playful games, biting, it’s all so fun and cool) But this is nothing compared to when she shows love and affection! When I feel bad, she always licks me and feels sorry for me! And when we go for a walk with our nephew, who is just learning to walk, she barely carries him around and lets him pat her as soon as he wants, and if he falls, she picks him up and licks him, and he laughs! In general, Risen is a blast


When I saw Risen for the first time, I realized that this was love for life. Now my Chara finally lives at home. The qualities that make me happy are absolute devotion, an inquisitive mind, courage, no senseless aggression, no causeless barking (to be honest, I have never heard her bark at all), dignity and frantic energy (in a good way), she is well trained and quite obedient; This is an excellent companion in any business, it is not afraid of stress and long walks, it will keep you company and cheer you up, because this breed has a very cheerful disposition.

The downside for me is the intolerance of loneliness (they are very sad alone in the apartment), and also, they grow up slowly, so when playing with children you need to be on your guard: absolutely without meaning to, a massive Risen can harm a child, although they are quite tolerant of children. In addition, a large dog is an even greater responsibility not only to his family, but also to those around him, so that Risen grows up calm and self-possessed (as he should be), it is necessary to devote a lot of time to his upbringing. To everyone who wants to have a little baby at home - don’t hesitate, a properly raised dog will bring you a lot of happiness!


I adopted my first dog in 1988. A strong, powerful dog, with good muscle mass, but not overloaded. With a good nervous system. Served in the border troops “Customs inspection of ships, cargo and cars.” Despite its brutality, it was an exhibition dog and was used for breeding. But then there was a fashion for a lighter type (:

Dog kennel Grand Impero. Giant Schnauzer


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Description:The GLORIS kennel has been breeding Giant Schnauzers and Miniature Schnauzers for more than a quarter of a century. You can meet dogs from the GLORIS kennel in the pedigrees of the best dogs in many countries of the world. A huge number of champions from different countries, 11 Junior and Adult World Champions, 20 Junior and Adult European Champions illustrate the successful work! For many years, much attention has been paid to the characters of dogs - we make sure that the livestock does not lose the working qualities inherent in the breed! Quality guarantee is the motto of GLORIS !
Contacts:8 916 6887907

Giant Schnauzer kennels

You can buy a Rizenschnauzer puppy from nurseries that specialize in this breed. The average price of a puppy is about 30 thousand rubles. It is better not to buy “hands-on” at poultry markets (at least if there are no documents), so as not to get a mixed breed instead of a purebred dog.

  • Giant Schnauzer kennel in Moscow - “ArmalD”
  • Nursery in Kyiv - “Otis Boanergos”
  • Nursery in Brest (Belarus) - “Firesilver”
  • All Giant Schnauzer kennels (in cities of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus).

Ronteri Dog Kennel. Giant Schnauzer Miniature Schnauzer, Miniature Schnauzer Yorkshire Terrier

Description:We have always had dogs. For us, this is not a hobby, it is a way of life. In 1998, the first Giant Schnauzer appeared in our house, an adult female named Greta, picked up on the street. Then we realized that the Giant Schnauzer is our breed!!! Since 2001, we have had Giant Schnauzers from the Rus Asterschwarz kennel. The dogs of this kennel are successfully exhibited and used in breeding both in Russia and far beyond its borders. In the USA, Canada, Iceland, Finland, Poland, Lithuania. Our Rizens are also used for breeding in this nursery. We don't want to break away from our roots! In 2004, we brought 2 miniature schnauzers from the Rezlark kennel, Czech Republic: Dolores and Elder Berry. Then the decision was made to create our own nursery “RONTERI”. We hope that our miniatures will be no less successful than our rizens.

Giant Schnauzer - photo

Giant Schnauzer dog photo.

Giant Schnauzer breed photo.

Photo of a Giant Schnauzer with a man.

Black Giant Schnauzer photo.

Giant Schnauzer puppies photo.

Photo of a Giant Schnauzer puppy.

We hope you have seen what a Giant Schnauzer looks like. All the photos in the gallery above are from the “Banda Chernykh” nursery, located in the city of Veliky Novgorod (Russia).

Before adopting a dog from the kennel

Any pet with character and emotions. Call a friend who already has an animal if you have not interacted with animals. Relatives may have a negative attitude towards the decision to adopt a dog - convince them and get their consent. Walk the dog yourself, or arrange with relatives. Remember, the dog is usually walked 3 times a day. If you have children, they should be able to get along with animals. Teach them not to hurt your pet. The child should not touch the pet when she is eating or sleeping. You cannot scare or shout at the animal.

Care and maintenance

There is nothing difficult in caring for and maintaining a dog, the only difference is the Giant Schnauzer's fur on the face; it must be regularly combed and wiped with a napkin after eating. You can brush the entire dog once every two to three weeks. These doggies do not have a dog smell, so they should only be washed when necessary.

It is recommended to trim your dog twice a year (remove long hair near the ears and especially the eyes, otherwise it may cause discomfort to your pet). Examination of paws, ears and eyes is necessary, but not as often as, for example, decorative breeds.


The diet of this breed does not require special foods, so what to feed your Giant Schnauzer can be found in general articles on this topic:

  • How and what to feed a puppy (+ feeding schedule);
  • What to feed your dog (+ example of the ratio of foods in the diet).
  • >Dog food classes - comparison and rating.


A large dog must be educated and part of education is training. It is much easier to walk with a dog trained in commands (especially without a leash) and more. Watch the video below with a well-trained Giant Schnauzer and you will definitely want your dog to be so smart and obedient.

  • Video lessons: how to teach a puppy commands (basic - sit, come to me, etc.);
  • How to teach a puppy the “voice” command (recommendations, video examples).

The first thing to do

Plan when you will take your dog for vaccinations. Bring toys for him to play with. Prepare a place and train your pet to this place. Necessary things:

  • Dry food,
  • clothes,
  • Shampoo,
  • Oral hygiene product,
  • Brush (comb),
  • Claw clipper.

If you want to add your organization, fill out the form below: Indicate the name of the nursery, its description and provide contact information. We will be glad to add you to our directory.

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