Chinese Crested Dog: photo, care and maintenance, description of the breed, temperament, nutrition, price of puppies, reviews, appearance

The Chinese Crested Powder Dog (Powder Puff) is a flirtatious and loving pet with stunning charm, an easy-going character and luxurious coat. This is a miniature, kind and fluffy dog ​​that will bring bright positivity to your home. And the difficulties of caring for his fur are compensated by his boundless devotion, love of active games and inexhaustible friendliness.

History of origin

The history of the origin of such dogs is full of many myths, but it is known for sure that the Chinese Crested dog breed is very ancient.

Evidence of it was found in the notes of antiquity: there is evidence that pets lived in the richest houses even before our era.

Then the dogs were brought to the European continent by Chinese merchants. There are 2 types of such dogs - hairless and downy.

Direct descendants are definitely unknown. Scientists believe that it arose after crossing the Mexican Hairless Dog and the Chihuahua.

It is generally accepted that the hairless crest is due to a genetic mutation. It is also possible that dogs originated from African countries.

China is considered to be the birthplace of the breed, on whose territory they did not think about its preservation, which led to its almost complete extermination.

By the middle of the 20th century. Chinese Cresteds were found by an American breeder, from whom the dogs were brought to England to restore the breed.

In Russia, dogs became known only at the end of the 20th century. They immediately became popular due to the dog's unusual appearance.


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Features of care

Contrary to popular belief, this dog does not require any intervention in caring for its skin. Moisturizing lotions, sunscreens or any other products supposedly to preserve the most delicate skin, which are extremely necessary for these animals with open skin - all these are inventions of distributors of dog cosmetics who are trying by all means to sell their product. On the contrary, the dog’s skin will be healthier if nothing is applied to it at all. Bathing dogs of this breed is, of course, necessary, but not more often than other animals - once every 1-2 weeks.

Many of the hairless types actually have a lot of hair on their body. Therefore, allergy sufferers should not choose a Chinese Crested dog puppy, hoping for a complete absence of hair during shedding. There will be a little less hair than with regular dogs, but still enough to cause an allergic reaction.

Those who decide to get this breed will still have to learn to pass some tests while caring for the dog:

  • It is recommended to shave the downy breed from time to time to keep the skin healthy, but this is not at all necessary.
  • Some owners believe that growing fur will help keep the dog warm, but it is an additional risk factor for skin diseases.
  • In order not to freeze the dog in the cold season, he will have to be provided with warm clothes.
  • A large number of dogs are prone to the condition, which is the canine equivalent of acne, which is very difficult to treat.

The naked crested is incredibly tolerant of heat. She can roast in the sun for several hours without experiencing any inconvenience. Moreover, it does not require water at all, as many owners of this breed mistakenly believe. Since dogs do not sweat at all, there is simply nowhere for fluids to leave the body, and heat transfer is easily organized into the external environment, since heat is not retained by the coat.

On the other hand, the Chinese Crested dog has absolutely no tolerance to cold. Some owners try to harden their pets by subjecting them to various tortures, such as dousing and others. It is worth saying that this technique is not only cruel, but also absolutely does not work. The cold will kill this African woman much faster than the heat.

If necessary, these dogs should also be treated with great care. Particular attention should be paid to vaccination, administration of cortisone drugs and anesthetics.

Rabies vaccination often causes negative changes in the general condition of the animal. Some dogs may show complex reactions to medications, including topical flea preventatives. A sequential approach to drug therapy for Chinese Cresteds is a safer method, however, it is recommended that each drug be tested individually on each dog before administration.

In custody…

As a general conclusion, I would like to emphasize some of the most important features inherent in Chinese Crested dogs:

Dogs get along well in small city apartments. Animals born naked often have damaged or missing teeth. This is not a sign of a “bad kennel”, but simply comes “with” the characteristics of the breed. A dog should not be left alone in a public place

Because the animal is very small, large dogs may view it as prey. Although the animals are good with children, the age and personality of the child should be taken into account before getting one of these dogs. Firstly, the animal’s skeleton is very fragile, and secondly, the dog is a biter. These animals are very stubborn. Chinese Cresteds will bark and generally act like miniature guard dogs.

Therefore, if you want peace of mind, then it is better to look for another breed. Training is necessary for dogs of this breed. Otherwise, the dog will either become too timid and be afraid of every click, or begin to bite everyone. Despite their relatively small amount of hair, these dogs require as much care as any other breed.

Finally, it is worth noting that in order to choose a healthy Chinese Crested dog puppy, you should not buy it at the market, in a pet store or in unverified kennels. This breed has too many possible hereditary diseases, so a set of documents confirming the absence of these diseases must be supplied with the puppy. Good luck with your choice!

Contents of the Chinese Crested

A dog should be adopted by owners who are able to devote a lot of time to it.

The Chinese Crested needs a balanced diet to stay beautiful and healthy.


Newborn dogs need to be fed about 6 times a day, subsequently the number of meals is reduced to 2.

Chinese Cresteds are not demanding, but it is important to remember that they have a tendency to gain excess body weight.

Your daily diet should include:

  • lean meat;
  • fish; vegetables and fruits;
  • chicken or quail eggs;
  • porridge;
  • cottage cheese;
  • sunflower or olive oil.

It is forbidden to feed the Chinese Crested cat fried food, sweets, smoked meats, or baked goods. When feeding ready-made store-bought food, you should purchase premium and super-premium products.

It is better to give older dogs canned dog food to reduce the likelihood of tooth damage.


The dog needs constant hygienic care, despite the lack of fur.

The Chinese Crested is not adapted to life outdoors; it needs clothing to protect it from dampness, frost and sunlight. At home, it is important for your dog to choose a comfortable sleeping place without drafts.

General care rules:

  • regular combing of the coat with a soft-bristled brush and wiping bare skin with a napkin;
  • washing with specialized shampoo once every 2 weeks;
  • periodic treatment of the skin with herbal cream;
  • washing limbs after walking;
  • Grooming your Chinese Crested Dog as needed.

The dog should be bathed. Such dogs are afraid of very hot and cold water. After washing, the wool should be blotted with a towel and dried with a hairdryer. Only those dogs that do not participate in exhibitions can be groomed.

How to trim a Chinese Crested dog? It is best to trust a professional groomer who will turn your dog into a real handsome dog in a matter of hours.

Self-cutting is also possible if you only need to trim overgrown and protruding hairs.

Ears and eyes should be regularly wiped with cotton pads soaked in an antiseptic solution. Nails should be trimmed monthly (or more often if necessary).

A lot of attention is paid to the teeth - brushing with a special paste, showing the pet to the veterinarian.


Chinese Cresteds do not require regular outdoor visits as they are easily litter trained.

But it is better to walk your dog several times a day. This way the animals will actively socialize and get used to new people and places.

Outdoor physical activity prevents obesity. The dog gets tired and behaves more calmly at home.


Owners of the Chinese Crested Puff are attracted by its cheerful character and positive attitude. A playful pet will brighten up the everyday life of adults and children; you can always have fun with it. Keeping them at home is easy - representatives of the breed are obedient, quick to learn, and not stubborn.

In an unfamiliar place, with strangers, the puffball always behaves cautiously, fearing excessive attention towards itself. Therefore, the first days in the owner’s house pass calmly. As the new territory is explored, the dog’s mischievous nature becomes more and more apparent. By nature, representatives of the breed are recognized as companions, therefore they are suitable for people of different ages, large and small families.

A distinctive character trait is a well-developed maternal instinct. Puffball always becomes attached to the owner's children, never gives them offense, and, if necessary, is ready to protect them, even showing aggression. For a child, such a pet will be a great friend, whose mischievous nature will make spending time with him fun.


Dogs of the Chinese Crested breed have a good memory, are smart and love to please their owners, so they can even carry out complex commands without any problems: they walk on their hind legs, climb on inclined surfaces.

Such dogs are attentive and inquisitive, and quickly remember their nickname. It only takes them a few repetitions to learn a new command.

It is better not to let the Chinese Crested off the leash. If an animal gets scared and runs away, it will be extremely difficult to catch it. It will run away from people, hide in corners, and not respond to calls because it is unable to defend itself.

Description of the breed

The breed standard assumes the following external data:

  • long, beautiful coat, pleasant to the touch;
  • the head is rounded, elongated;
  • strong jaw, presence of a full set of teeth;
  • pointed muzzle;
  • elongated neck;
  • the nose is black, brown, different depending on the color of the dog;
  • The chest is wide, deep set;
  • elongated body with a bend;
  • the tail is set high, long, tapering.

Many dog ​​colors are allowed: pure white, with different shades (pink, blue, other colors), black, chocolate, bronze, and others. A tri-color color is also acceptable. The mini puff differs from hairless dogs only in its fur; other features of its appearance are identical.

Tendency to diseases

Chinese Cresteds have good health. However, sometimes there is a tendency to the following pathologies:

  • allergies;
  • dental diseases;
  • acne;
  • destruction of the hip joint;
  • dislocated knees;
  • chronic drying of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • urinary tract diseases;
  • sunburn.

Dogs live on average 12-13 years, but there are individuals known that lived up to 16 years. Life expectancy is influenced by the quality of maintenance, walks, and stressful situations.


Some crested dogs develop allergies to fur. In addition, representatives of the breed may suffer from various musculoskeletal disorders.

These include hip dysplasia, luxating patella and Perthes disease (destruction of the head of the femur).

Powder Crested puppies often suffer various injuries. They cannot correctly calculate the trajectory of the jump and can break their paws. The owner should spend some time helping his pet jump off a chair or bed. Slippery floors can also pose some danger to your puppy. It is better to cover parquet or linoleum with carpets.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Puberty in female dogs occurs on average at the age of 1 year. It is better to breed dogs when they reach 20-24 months. After 8 years, breeding a Chinese Crested is not recommended.

Pregnancy lasts 2 months. Until 3-4 weeks, no deviations in the behavior and appearance of the pregnant bitch are observed. Sometimes loss of appetite and foamy vomiting are possible. Puppies begin to move about 2 weeks before birth.

Childbirth is often complicated by weakness of labor. Young dogs are not aware of their condition and can fall and injure their offspring, causing their premature birth.

The first birth is best done with the help of a veterinarian. Most often, 3-5 puppies are born.


As with any breed, owners have conflicting opinions about the Chinese Crested. This is due to a lack of knowledge about the rules of care and education of this animal. Some people think it's a toy. However, most dog trainers are convinced that raising “small” dogs is much more difficult than raising large ones.

Vitaly, Stavropol: “We bought Mia about a year ago. My wife saw a Chinese Crested on TV and decided to become the owner of just such a dog. I studied a lot of information about the breed, learned how wayward these dogs are and tried to dissuade my beloved. But she was adamant, and this happiness appeared in our home. We started training our pet from puppyhood. And now there are no problems. This is the most good-natured and sweetest creature. I fell in love with Mia and she reciprocated all the members of our family without exception. She even managed to become friends with the cat Boris. Although this did not happen right away. At first they divided “spheres of influence.” But the firm leadership of the owner, that is, me, quickly resolved the conflict.”

Kristina, Penza: “My parents gave me Joe on March 8th. A small, independent, friendly and sensitive four-legged friend. The bald Chinese Crested instantly detects evil people and bursts into barking. Loyal and devoted Joe is exclusively attached to me. He will never go into the arms of strangers.”

Anna, Volgograd: “I adore my Chinese corydalis so much that I eat it off the same plate. This big smart girl gives a lot of positive emotions. And how funny it is that she climbs onto the table to beg for something tasty. I can't stand ridicule about small dogs. They are not stupid at all, quite the contrary. For example, my pet never wants to walk in bad weather. And he’s only mischievous when he’s offended by me. This is my joy."

Where to buy hairless and fluffy puppies?

It is better to choose a pet not from a photo of a Chinese crested dog on the Internet, but to look at it yourself in a kennel or from professional breeders.

In such establishments, dogs are in suitable conditions, they are cared for and vaccinated on time.

When purchasing, you need to make sure of the dog’s health and the purity of the breed by seeing its parents and reading the documentation.

The price of a Chinese Crested dog depends on the heredity, appearance of the puppy and other criteria. In nurseries, the cost of downy dogs can be up to 30 thousand rubles. The price for a bald dog reaches 55 thousand rubles.


Since the Chinese Crested Powder breed has been bred for centuries exclusively as a cult breed, it is not difficult to determine its modern use.

Dogs are born to be family pets. They will be excellent companions for children and those who enjoy spending time with animals.

The Chinese Fluffy can play with children for days on end. Moreover, he shows great patience with children, he will never bite or scare them.

Photo of Chinese Crested Dog

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