German Jagdterrier - photo, breed description, puppies (price and kennels)

Before adopting a dog from the kennel

Any pet with character and emotions. Call a friend who already has an animal if you have not interacted with animals. Relatives may have a negative attitude towards the decision to adopt a dog - convince them and get their consent. Walk the dog yourself, or arrange with relatives. Remember, the dog is usually walked 3 times a day. If you have children, they should be able to get along with animals. Teach them not to hurt your pet. The child should not touch the pet when she is eating or sleeping. You cannot scare or shout at the animal.

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German Hunting Terrier (Jagdterrier)

This is a hunting dog.
The Jagdterrier has various hunting specialties (working in a hole, on the surface and in water), has endurance, good instincts, a desire to work on any living object, and is aggressive towards animals. The Jagdterrier is characterized by a special intensity of gaze, even with a calm or completely relaxed stance. Such intensity of prickly eyes, combined with a seemingly heavy chin and general composure, creates the impression of a tough, distrustful, constantly wary gaze. Possessing agility and lightning-fast reactions, the Jagdterrier is constantly in combat readiness. So, in the exterior of the Jagda everything is modest, unpretentious, but at the same time very thoughtful. Its appearance is practical, functional and subordinated to only one thing - rationality in hunting. In this sense, everything works perfectly in the Jagdterrier. He has a black and tan color, characteristic of all representatives of the breed, hard, coarse, dense coat with a developed undercoat, which perfectly matches the working purpose of the dogs, reliably protecting its owner from cold, dampness, and insect bites. Dirt does not stick to it, snow does not freeze on it, and it does not require additional care or special treatment (trimming).

When deciding for themselves the question of the beauty of Jagdterriers, German breeders emphasized that their motto should always be the words: “The beauty of dogs through their hunting use.” The head of the Jagdterrier is quite long, the jaws are strong, developed, with large teeth, providing a reliable grip. Many Jagdterriers have a death grip and exercise it instantly, approaching a burrowing predator and brutally breaking its resistance. The Jagdterrier has small, dark, deep-set eyes with a tense, incredulous expression. When a dog prepares to attack, freezing before the attack, its eyes take on a serpentine expression - cold, hard and unyielding.

The pride of the “Champion” Club; Repeated Champion of the World, Europe, America, Germany; Champion of Russia in exterior and working qualities; Famous Nakhalenok

The first thing to do

Plan when you will take your dog for vaccinations. Bring toys for him to play with. Prepare a place and train your pet to this place. Necessary things:

  • Dry food,
  • clothes,
  • Shampoo,
  • Oral hygiene product,
  • Brush (comb),
  • Claw clipper.

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Jagdterrier - description of the breed

The German Jagdterrier is small in stature, well-balanced, has strong muscles, and is a hunting dog. They were developed in Germany in the 1930s by crossing Dachshund, Pinscher, German Hound and Fox Terrier. There are two varieties: smooth-haired and wire-haired. The height of an adult dog reaches 40 cm, and the weight is about 11 kg. Below see a detailed description of the Jagdterrier breed.

Character of the Jagdterrier

The Young Terrier dog is a real hunter, ferocious and merciless. He bravely rushes into battle at the slightest danger. Therefore, it is not recommended for inexperienced dog breeders to own this breed. They need a firm hand, early training and socialization. If you cannot provide this for your dog, then it is better to choose a calmer and good-natured breed. If not properly trained from childhood, the dog can become uncontrollable.

Video about the German Jagd Terrier breed

This breed is not one of those who will snore peacefully on the sofa for days on end. They are brave and energetic dogs who need an active lifestyle, runs and obstacles, as well as outdoor games. Sometimes a dog can be stubborn, at such moments you should not give in to him, you must demand that he follow the command to the last. Otherwise, the dog may overcome you and take a dominant position. You need to initially set the limits of what is permitted and not spoil the dog.

The general characteristics of the breed are that the Jagdterrier is vicious and merciless towards strangers, especially if they have caused any harm. It is also not friendly with other animals, and may perceive them as prey. As for the owner, this dog is very loyal and attached at heart. He can simply ignore all other family members. This dog requires strict training and long walks. It is not recommended to keep the dog in an apartment, it will be cramped there. This dog is perfect for a lonely person who has a large house and would like to have a guard and a friend.

Breed standard

A dog from the Klein Jäger kennel.

  • Breed standard German Jagdterrier FCI.pdf (in English);
  • Translation of the German Jagdterrier standard.pdf (in Russian).


  • Height at withers: from 33 to 40 cm.
  • Weight: males from 8 to 12 kg, females from 7 to 10 kg;

Coat and colors

  • Coat: Short, smooth or harsh.
  • Colors: black and tan, gray and black with tan, brown and tan.

How much does it cost to train a Jagd Terrier?

Cost of classes on the territory of the dog handler:

Subscription 10 lessons
1,500 ₽ Cost of one individual lesson on the territory of the dog handler.

When purchasing a course of 10 lessons.

Subscription 5 lessons

1,600 ₽ Cost of one individual lesson on the territory of the dog handler.

When purchasing a course of 5 lessons.

1 lesson

1,800 ₽ Cost of one individual lesson on the territory of the dog handler.

When paid for each lesson.

approximate cost

In Russia you can buy a Jagd Terrier puppy for approximately the following amount of money:

  • Pet class (no documents, no pedigree) - about 7,000 rubles .
  • Breed (veterinary documents are available) - from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles .
  • Show class (there are documents, a pedigree is documented, there are titled parents) - from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles .

In nurseries and breeders, animals of this breed are sold at a price of about 25,000 rubles . According to the advertisement, you can buy a puppy for 1,000-10,000 rubles . At the pet market, puppies are sold for 5,000-8,000 rubles .

What does the price depend on?

In Russia, you can buy a Jagd Terrier puppy for different amounts of money. The price is formed under the influence of factors:

  • Availability of pedigree.
  • Parents' title.
  • Breed category.
  • Coat type.
  • Availability of veterinary documentation.
  • Purebred.
  • Age.
  • Place of purchase.
  • Prestige and pricing policy of the seller.

Purebred animals with good pedigree are more expensive than mixed breeds. The presence of all veterinary documents increases the purchase price. The healthier the puppy is, the more expensive it will be.

Features of character and temperament

Because of his explosive temperament, Yag is called “dynamite.” His character must be assessed both in terms of hunting qualities and his social adaptability. He is, first of all, an assistant to the owner on the hunt. Therefore, its hunting qualities, for which the breed was bred, should be considered first.

The best owner for a yag is a hunter. The characteristics of the Jagd Terrier breed can be expressed by several qualities:

  • Fearlessness and tenacity in pursuing the beast;
  • Independence;
  • Absolute devotion to his master;
  • Discipline and precision in completing the assigned task while hunting.

From an early age, jags show their extraordinary character. In describing the Jagdterrier breed, many breeders point to its personal characteristics. Aggression towards other animals is inherent in them at the genetic level and the owner of such a dog should always remember this. Jagd tries to become a leader not only among his own kind, but also among family members, including the owner. And if he is given slack, then it will become simply impossible to cope with a hunting dog that can use its teeth. Therefore, if you want to have an excellent hunter in the person of a Jagdterrier, you must keep in mind that in his upbringing he needs a firm hand and a stronger will than he himself has. A Jagd who recognizes his master and unquestioningly obeys him will become a family favorite, disciplined and adequate.

When introducing animals into the house, you need to know that there should no longer be other animals there. These dogs do not tolerate either cats or birds due to their very jealous attitude towards their own person, as well as due to a very developed hunting instinct.

Keeping a Jagdterrier as a watchdog is also risky. He is adequate in the role of a watchman until someone gets in his way, in his understanding - “game”. It could be a cat or someone else's dog, or even uninvited guests who showed up without an invitation.

This is the complex, quarrelsome character of this small, seemingly unremarkable Jagdterrier dog, the photo of which you see. Therefore, the most important thing for representatives of this breed is proper upbringing, giving them a lot of time and effort - physical and mental. Then they make both wonderful hunters and loyal friends. Maintenance and care

Jagdterriers are unpretentious to living conditions. Important points in caring for these dogs are careful grooming and prevention of helminth infestation. The fact is that Jagdterriers have to deal with wild animals that are infected with helminths and can transmit them to the dog. In addition, a hunting dog must be promptly vaccinated against dangerous infections.


A proper diet is of great importance in the life of a Jagd Terrier. From it, food should be excluded from the master's table once and for all. Neither a puppy nor an adult dog should be given smoked, fatty or sweet food. They need a varied diet, with a complete set of all nutrients, vitamins and microelements. High-quality dry dog ​​food is suitable for this purpose.

Until the age of 4 months, the puppy must be fed at least four times a day. The diet should include fresh meat, boiled fish, chicken eggs, dairy products and vegetables.

Upon reaching 9 months of age, you can switch to three meals a day. This age period is very important for the formation of a healthy adult animal. Therefore, a young dog needs fresh meat and additional minerals. Portions during this period must be increased, since active growth requires a lot of building material. Only by the age of one can a young Jagdterrier be switched to two meals a day. It is important to remember that adequate, high-quality nutrition for a student is the key to his good health and endurance as a future hunter.

The most important component of proper maintenance of berries is their active lifestyle. They vitally need long, several hours a day walks with energetic games and running. Without fulfilling this condition, it is impossible to keep berries, since they develop behavioral problems with a lack of activity.

Coaching and training

In characterizing Jagdterriers, one cannot do without the issues of training and coaching. They begin at three months of age, when the puppy masters basic commands. More complex training related to hunting begins at 10 months. It is better to conduct classes by a canine specialist due to the complex nature of the pupil. Therefore, one should approach his upbringing with full responsibility and not give him any concessions, trying to muffle negative character traits and encourage his virtues.

Training of Jagdterriers in Moscow. Required commands:

Team "Come to me"

- if your dog knows how to carry out this command, then you can be sure that it will never get lost or run far in pursuit of another dog, cat or pigeon, but will return to you as soon as necessary.

Command "Stand"

— You will need it to protect your Jagdterrier from passing cars or an aggressive dog coming towards you.

Team "Fu"

- needed to wean the dog from picking up from the ground. In this case, your Jagdterrier may no longer be afraid of food poisoning.

Team "Nearby"

— you need to ensure that the dog does not pull on the leash and that walking together brings pleasure not only to your pet, but also to you.

Command "Sit"

- will come in handy when you need to leave him to wait for you, or simply while you are busy with something else.

Team "Quiet"

- useful if your pet likes to bark at noise outside the door or at passing people and dogs.

Team "Place"

— you need your pet not to distract you when doing chores around the house or greeting guests.

Our instructors will offer you a large number of interesting and, most importantly, useful commands during the first lesson when drawing up a training program for your dog.

Health and life expectancy

A description of the Jagdterrier breed and the character of the dogs would not be complete without mentioning their state of health. A feature of the breed is excellent health and strong immunity. Jagd practically does not get sick if he has received proper care from an early age. Of course, no hunting dog is immune from injuries that may occur while hunting. Jags can be injured by wild animals, sprains and bruises. The only hereditary disease that is noted in some representatives of this breed is dermatorexis. This is a skin pathology characterized by weakness of the skin to tear. Such animals are discarded and not allowed to crossbreed.

In general, the breed is distinguished by good health and longevity. On average, jags live 13-15 years.

Types of purchase

Depending on the age category, you can purchase a Jagd Terrier puppy:

  • Two months old.
  • Three months old.
  • 4 month old.
  • Five months old.
  • Six months old.

The older the animal, the cheaper it will cost. It is not recommended to take puppies that are too small: all the characteristics of the breed appear only by 5 months of age.

Depending on the type of coat, you can adopt a Jagdterrier:

  1. Smooth-haired (the coat is short, dense and single-layered, shiny, evenly covering the entire body).
  2. Wire-haired (coat of fur is dense, hard, elongated. The guard hair forms a beard, there are small fringes).

Depending on the class, you can adopt a puppy:

  • Show (for the purpose of participating in exhibitions).
  • Pet (if you need a pet as a friend, pet).
  • Breeding (the animal is planned to be bred).

Depending on the place where the purchase is made:

  • From a professional breeder.
  • According to an advertisement from ordinary dog ​​owners.
  • At the pet market.
  • In the nursery.

Training a Jagdterrier puppy, when to start

Training a Jagd Terrier puppy must begin from the first days

the presence of a dog in your home. There is an opinion that puppies should be trained no earlier than 6 months, but this opinion is erroneous, although quite widespread. From infancy, you need to instill in your dog the rules of behavior in your home, what is allowed and what is prohibited.

Often new puppy owners worry that training from the first days will be excessively stressful for the dog. This is only possible if outdated, strict methods are used, but with the right approach, training from the first days will, on the contrary, be very useful, since it allows you to immediately establish contact with the puppy and build a trusting relationship.

You can also start practicing basic obedience commands in a light playful way, while focusing on rewards for execution, because the puppy’s psyche is still quite plastic and excessive severity and exactingness can lead to the puppy being intimidated and cowardly. Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to try to interest the puppy by offering him a toy or treat, and sometimes just praise.

Jagdterrier dog kennels

Below are the kennels where you can choose and buy a dog or puppy of the Jagdterrier breed.
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Vandebor / Vandebor, kennel of English toy terriers, miniature pinschers and Prague rat dogs | Moscow Breeding work, exhibition activities, veterinary services. Kennel of English Toy Terriers and Miniature Pinschers 'Vandebor'. Please call This kennel is multi-breed. The kennel has a website. The physical address is indicated. Puppies for sale: 1Read more >>>
Vandebor / Vandebor, kennel of English toy terriers, miniature pinschers | Moscow Puppies of a miniature pinscher (miniature pinscher) of a red color and an English toy terrier of a black and tan color. Breeding work, exhibition activities, veterinary services, sale of puppies, selection of pairs, males for mating. Prague rat males for mating. This kennel is multi-breed. The kennel has a website. Puppies for sale: 1 Kennel dogs: 2Read more >>>
Don Hunter | Rostov-on-Don Hunting This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
TirlimBamBam | Moscow Breeding This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
Khazar club of domestic dog breeds | Astrakhan Kennel Club This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
Kennel Kronversky | St. Petersburg /Saint Petersburg Breeding work, branding, foster care. Greyhounds - Russian canines, Central Asian tazy (tazy), Kyrgyz greyhound taigan, We provide dogs for photo sessions. Handling, training, behavior correction of a zoopsychologist. This nursery is multi-breed. The nursery has a websiteRead more >>>
RayaInt | Cairo Sales abroad This nursery is multi-breedRead more >>>
Royal Puppy | Moscow Breeding and sale of elite puppies This nursery is multi-breedRead more >>>
Russian Wind | Saint Petersburg This nursery is multi-breedRead more >>>

Care and maintenance

Caring for a dog of this breed is not difficult, but the wire-haired Jagd Terrier requires more grooming than the smooth-haired Jagd Terrier. The dog needs to be brushed once a week. Eyes, teeth, ears and nails need to be examined and cleaned. If the dog does not grind its nails down on its own, then it needs to be trimmed. To clean your teeth, you can give them special bones or clean them yourself using a special meat-flavored toothpaste.

The eyes are one of the weak points of these dogs; they need to be washed with a damp disc twice a week using a special liquid that can be bought at a pharmacy or simply with boiled water. You can bathe as needed, for example after a river or if your dog is very dirty. As for maintenance, a private home and a powerful owner are all that is needed for a dog to grow up adequate and well-mannered.


The diet of this breed is no different from that of most other dogs, so we recommend reading general articles on this topic:

  • How and what to feed a puppy (+ feeding schedule by age);
  • What to feed an adult dog at home (natural products).

Super premium food is a good choice for the Jagd Terrier.

You can read the difference between good super-premium food and cheap economy food in the article about classes of dog food.

Hunting with a Jagdterrier

As a rule, this breed of dog is of interest to those who like to hunt burrowing animals (fox, badger, beaver), so we found a video of hunting with a Jagdeterer and shared it. Let's look:

Find out: how to teach a puppy commands (video lessons)

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